The Reason for a Double Portion of Spirit (2 Kings 2:9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Reason for a Double Portion of Spirit (2 Kings 2:9)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Ask for a double portion of the Holy Spirit, “Fill me with the Spirit of God,” that’s how you remnants can save your families. 

I will fight against the idols because the Word says to not worship idols, instead I will only worship God.  There are people like this, even in today’s age, there are people who follow the words of many, and there are people who make the decision to follow after God’s Word, and age by age, there are people whom God has prepared like this.  This was a very dangerous crisis for Elijah, and even though it was a dangerous thought, he decided upon God’s Word.

Later on, when Elijah is about to go up into heaven, Elisha asks for a double portion of Spirit.  If you want to save America, you do not need your studies. If you just want to survive in the world, your studies are very important.  But if you look at this age and you want to follow God’s Word to save this age, you need the Holy Spirit.

You can’t save your family, so you ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  You can’t persuade your parents, you cannot change the spiritual flow passed down in your family line.  We need the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Joseph needed the filling of the Holy Spirit to save Egypt.  If Joseph just wanted to survive in Egypt, he wouldn’t need the Holy Spirit, and if you want to survive, all you have to do is succeed.  But in order to save Egypt and the world, you need to be filled with God’s Spirit. These words went into Elisha and Joseph’s thoughts, then not only are they saved, but the world and the people related to them are saved as well.

What happens if the Word of God doesn’t go into you?  The world cannot be saved by doctors, politicians, and teachers.  Who can save?  The one who holds onto and thinks about the covenant.  Then, not only will you save your family, but you will save your school, there are so many students and teachers.  This means God will work, then even if you don’t stress out about your studies, your studies will follow God’s Word.

I’m not telling you to stop studying and to wait for God to work, but I’m saying that, when the Holy Spirit of God works upon you, your thoughts will get better and the people you meet will also be different.  You’re going to keep meeting people who will fill the places you’re lacking, why? Because you have a message that you have to save the school. 

As soon as you open your eyes, take the Word of God you received on Sunday, write it down and keep it in a quiet place.  As you meditate quietly and breathe deeply, your brain will receive strength. Your brain can only receive strength if it has enough oxygen.  For example, if you guys stay up all night to study, and you want to wake up in the morning to study again, you can’t because your brain lacks oxygen. 

So, when you wake up in the morning, write down the Word of God, just like you’d do homework at school.  What Word are we talking about? Write down the entire scripture from the Bible verses given to you during the pulpit message.  Not just the pastor’s words, because you’ll forget those over time, but the Holy Spirit will remind you of the words of the Bible, so that’s why the Word is so important.  Your thoughts of God’s Word will give you life and peace, that’s why your fears about your studies will go away.  Your fears about your future will go away as well, and while you’re doing this, God will reveal your talent as well.

Are you curious?  My daughter asked me, “How come you talked about Joyce’s talent and not mine?” She starts poking me, “Teach me my talent.”  I never taught Joyce that.  God reveals it to people who follow God’s Word on a daily basis. God must reveal this to you when you go to college. Why do some people know it and some do not?  God reveals it to those who remain with the thoughts of the Spirit.

Why does God give them these talents?  God gives you your talent to save your field, including your school and family.  If you don’t catch onto this, you’ll wander here and there and it’s always confusing.  So, if possible, choose something very specific, don’t just choose something vague.  For example, “I like classical music,” that might be too hard and you won’t be able to make a living and get a job.  Yes, do classical music but do something else as well.  You go full-fledged into classical music and something else as well, something very specific, a nurse, a teacher, something specific.  Lawyer, that’s very specific, right? If it’s aligned with you, you will be led, why?  God reveals it to you in this way.  

But the methods of the world have gone so far into your brain, you’re trying to understand the things of God from the perspective of the world and you’ll be confused. God doesn’t act differently from here and there, but everything is contained within the Word God gives you, everything is contained within the flow of God’s Word.  Even now, I see a lot of young adults who don’t know what they should do, even if they’re married and have kids, they’re still conflicted.

Ask for a double portion of the Holy Spirit, “Fill me with the Spirit of God,” that’s how you remnants can save your families.  Yes, you go to your school to study, but there are also those who save their schools, and you need the filling of the Holy Spirit, and you will save the field you go into, you will save America and the world. 

Fetuses can get smarter by listening to Mozart, but there’s something greater, the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Is there evidence?   There is, when Jesus Christ was in Mary’s womb and John the Baptist was in his mother’s womb, the babies recognized each other and jumped.  So yes, Beethoven might have important music, but the filling of the Holy Spirit is more important.  The babies are aware of what goes on outside of the womb. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ recognized each other from their mothers’ wombs.  Everything is within this spirit.

They saw the problem of Aram.  Your thoughts are important, what thoughts?  The Word of God must be in your thoughts, then what’s going to happen?  Then you’re going to meditate on God’s Word, how?  Don’t think about it with such difficulty. Simply, you want the Word of God, so you write it down and read it in a quiet place.  Then, if you want even more strength from that, do slow and deep breaths, inhale and exhale, then your brain will get stronger, especially for remnants who think they have mental problems.  If it gets to the point where you have to get medication from a mental hospital, do this every single day, then one day, you will get to the point where you don’t have to rely on medication.

Why am I not healed? Because as long as I open my eyes, I’m thinking physical thoughts.  “What do I have to study today?  What do I have to work on today?” Remnants start from a point where they have mental problems and keep going, so of course they’re not healed.  Even if you don’t have a mental problem now, if you keep living that way, you’ll get some eventually.

Some people will save America and others will be enslaved in America.  Have this inside a quiet time.  One remnant will do this and save America.  Yes, everyone is necessary, but most people can’t save the families and schools, but those people are necessary as well.  But the one who is even more necessary is the one who can save the world.

“I went without God’s Word.  I guess I looked down on someone too much to see how they could benefit me.” You’re dying without realizing you’re dying. All these things are digging into my thoughts, brain, and spirit.  Do you understand what I mean? Is it hard? Just try it.  If you don’t ever try to do it but you still calculate in your mind, “How do I do this, what’s the answer?” The Kingdom of God doesn’t need people who calculate.  Our weapon is obedience to Jesus’ words.  That’s what’s important.  Make your thoughts obedient to Christ’s Word. Do you understand? 

If you didn’t have your friends, you’d have to study alone, it’s not right. You’re able to study with your friends because they’re there, but it would be boring to study alone. Because you have so many friends in your class, your teacher came and taught you. Without your peers, there would be no teacher. Your parents want to take care of you; if they didn’t nag, they would be dead and there would be nothing to set that kid straight.  You guys don’t grow up perfectly from the beginning, but you receive knowledge to grow.  You should be thankful for your parents. Do you understand what I mean?

Be thankful for your school.  Don’t think about how much your school bothers you, but realize how much knowledge you are getting from your schools.  So you should be thankful.  “I don’t want to go to school today,” don’t complain like that, but it’s an opportunity to gain knowledge.  If you didn’t have any friends, you wouldn’t want to go, but you have to find thanksgiving.  When you come to church, enjoy thanksgiving.  “They can’t even speak English and communicate,” but I hope you will find a reason to be thankful.  If you cannot find thanksgiving, it means you’ve lost hold of thanksgiving, then you can’t even find what’s been given to you.  Then that person is going to try to find something thankful for in the extraordinary things.

I hope you will be thankful for your pastor, and it’s not just the pastor, but it’s everyone in the church.  Does my style not fit you? Why do I have to fit your style? You should be thankful for the fact that you have someone to deliver God’s Word and to pray for you. If I were an unbeliever, I wouldn’t hang out with you. If I weren’t a pastor, I would have no interest in you.  I don’t know why my life is like this, but God has called me as a pastor and gives me strength for this. Why do I have to pray for you multiple times per day?  I do it because God called me and this is my God-given mission, so I hope you’re thankful.

Be thankful for your parents, if they didn’t give birth to you, you wouldn’t exist.  “I’ve been abused ever since I was young,” it’s possible your parents may be like that, but that parent was also abused, and that’s the stream of their family line.  You should be thankful that through your parents, you’re given an opportunity to block the curse of your family line, and that’s why God gives you His Word so you have the strength to break those curses. I hope you will discover thanksgiving in everything.

“I’m afraid of my future, thank you.  I don’t like that person, thank you.”  Can anything overcome thanksgiving? If you realistically uncover it, nothing can beat it, and it’s something God must give you grace to receive.  You can’t have thanksgiving no matter how much you research on your own, because people only think about themselves and physical things, but they gave birth to you and raised you, and you don’t like that?  You should be thankful.

“My parents have so many spiritual problems and make my life miserable ever since I was young,” do you think they had a choice? They themselves were afflicted, then from now on, I have to block the curses in my family line.  I’m thankful because it turns out that it’s not just my family but every family is like that, but it’s simply that everyone hides it and doesn’t reveal it.  But God has given you, through your parents, the opportunity to see your parents and to save the world, then how thankful must we be?  But if you complain and grumble because of it, that’s why your life is difficult.

During the time of the greatest crisis, Elisha decided to follow Elisha who gave him the Word of God.  That’s why He asked for a double portion of the Holy Spirit. You don’t need that double portion to study, and even if you tried to ask for it, He wouldn’t give it to you; you can just study with your brain, but if you want to save the school, of course you need the double portion of spirit.  If you don’t save your family now, you’ll have to do the exact same thing that your parents did to you.

“I will save this family,” that’s why I need a double portion of the Holy Spirit.  My daughter has a video of a fight that broke out at her school, and it’s so thrilling for the kids so they record it.  Then these kids will circulate the video, and most people do that, but what do you think someone like Elisha would have done?  As he looked at that, he would realize, “I have to save the school.”  So, there are people who look at that and turn it into a blessing to save, and others will laugh and spread it to others, but Elisha made the decision, “I have to save this school.”

That was his thought, he looked at the school and saw the students fighting with one another, it’s the same when you go into college.  In college, they don’t have fistfights, but they spread rumors to make people seem better than others, and when you graduate, it’s the same thing.  “I have to save this,” and I want you to be remnants like Elisha to think like this. Sure, as you’re recording the video, “I have to save my school.”

How do you save your school? It’s impossible unless God’s work takes place.  That thought through this incident will save people’s lives.  You’re told to save your school and you think, “How will I save my school?” But when the Holy Spirit works, God will move.  Abraham Lincoln saw the enslaved African Americans and wondered why, but most kids didn’t think that, but because Abraham Lincoln listened to the Word of God ever since he was young, the Holy Spirit moved.  Ever since Abraham Lincoln was young, he thought, “I have to rectify this situation,” that thought is aligned with God’s Spirit and the Word.

Anyone who is within Jesus Christ, it doesn’t matter if you’re Jew, Greek, or Gentile, he took that Word and later on, his walk of faith got weaker as he fell into depression.  But as you look at the things taking place around you and in America, no one knows what will happen in the future, or what kind of person you’ll grow up to be.

The church adults talk about Temple Construction, and I don’t know if there’s any remnants who think like this, “How come the church doesn’t have any money? The unbelievers do things greater than this,” and some remnants may have this word go deep into their hearts, “I will be led by God to do this work,” that was Rockefeller.  He had that thought, and God allowed Rockefeller to hear these words through his mom. 

What’s important is, are your thoughts aligned with God’s Word or not?  It’s okay if you’re young, but the Word of God coming into you correctly will change your lives.  He even built schools, so why do you think God allowed these words to be relayed from the mom to the son?  Because the son could carry this out.

I hope you will make the decisions towards saving.  Tomorrow morning, just a little bit, write down and read the Word of God, even the young adults aren’t able to do this. They’re struggling, and if you go out into the world, it’s hard, and when they get back home, they’re not able to pray but they’re on the internet and it’s a repetitive cycle and they can’t realize it’s killing them.  This is imprinted in their brains and spirit, so they’re full of scars, resentment, and complaints.  Then they get married like this.  It’s a never-ending repetitive cycle until you solve this. 

“It must be solved through me,” and I believe God will give you that strength. Let’s say for example, if there’s a problem in the world, the church or the family, may you be the one to have the answer to solve that problem.


God, we thank You.  Allow us to know the reason to receive the double portion of the Holy Spirit, and allow us to be the remnants to save the families, schools, and field. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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