The Purpose of Our Obedience is a Pure and Victorious Life (Philippians 4:6-8)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Purpose of Our Obedience is a Pure and Victorious Life (Philippians 4:6-8)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The purpose of our obedience is our pure and victorious life, according to the Bible.  How can we be victorious over the world in our lives?  How can we live lives unlike the people of the devil? How can I live my life irrelevant to the disasters in my family line? By obeying God’s Word.  The opposite of obedience is disobedience, and disobedience is sin.  The source of disobedience is Satan.  

Even right now, Satan is working in many different ways so we are disobedient.  How are you going to heal the spiritual problems and the family problems of the many people in your field?  The source of those realities is a result of being disobedient to God’s Word, and that must change, in order for spiritual healing to take place.

If spiritual healing doesn’t take place, no other healing will work. However, Satan uses some tools to prevent this from taking place.

Satan – Tools

Satan’s goal is for us to disobey God’s Word, and Satan has these tools.  What tools? 

Religion – Idols

He makes something very similar and makes us worship idols by making gods or images to which we bow down. It doesn’t matter if the person goes to church or not.  Without a doubt, if someone is living a religious life, that’s Satan’s channel.  What is a religious life? A religious life has a goal of “me,” the goal isn’t God’s word, but the goal is myself. I became the standard, and that all began from my greed.  We worship idols to satisfy our greed.


The second tool he uses is lust, Satan begins to work through sexual immorality.  

Crime – Drugs, Gambling

For example, things like drugs and gambling are channels of idolatry.  Though there are many different ways Satan works, if you look in general ways, he works through these three ways in society even if you go to church.  If you don’t spiritually follow God’s Word of the gospel, then you have no choice but to follow after religion, and as you’re worshiping idols, you’ll become sexually immoral. Whenever you look at nations that worship idols, you will see there is a correlation with sexual immorality, and every idolatrous nation will have a sexually immoral society.  The idol is spiritual, but sexual immorality is a result of going astray. Satan uses illegal things to make people commit crimes. 

World – Money

What does the world do with these things? It makes money. The world will do anything for money, they sell idols. In America, they sell New Age things.  America is very high class so they don’t do things like shamanism in Korea.  In America, they do things spiritually in a very sophisticated way, they would have books and literature out, and physics and the universe and astrology.  But, the world uses all these tools to make money.  The world doesn’t know these things are bad and they do whatever it takes to make money.

Corinth was a town famous for selling idols.  Age by age, region by region, it’s always like that.  When the idols are broken down and the culture is broken, the people who are selling idols will be in an uproar.  RIght now, there are criminal organiations for gambling and drug and sex trafficking.

Church – Unbeliever

These tools also exist in the church through unbelief in the church.  There’s no reason to go out into the world to see this, but there are unbelievers who go to church, and what do you think unbelievers do if not worship idols?  Even in the church, they do sexually immoral acts, and inside the church, they’re stealing money through others through lies, and it’s not that they’re just stealing, but they borrow money without paying anything back.  As we live our lives we might fall into that situation, but there are some people who have this habitual tendency to steal.

It’s all about money, but even pastors do that.  The pastor’s wife does that, and even elders do that. Many pastors are not saved, the fascinating thing about America is that there are pastors who were never ordained.  There are a lot of people who just went into seminary just to maintain their citizenship status, and  just happened to become a pastor, but it’s not only the pastor, there are also many non-believers among the congregation members.  So there’s no reason to go outside the church, because there’s no better place there these tools than the church, they’re all here in the church.  

There are people who can never stay still if they think they can make money.  They do Multi-Level Marketing schemes, the church is so good for that. They have resources inside and outside.  So, for us, it’s even better to have connections because we have external Bible study meetings, too.  If you don’t receive the gospel correctly, you’ll never give an offering but you’ll invest a lot of money in multi-level marketing schemes.  I think even among us, there are people who have been swindled of money by a multi-level marketing scheme. I don’t know who this may be, but this is not the correct way of thinking.  

The right way of thinking is, I will work and labor and receive compensation in return, and I will use that to sustain my life and give offering. That’s the normal way of thinking, but instead people with idols will want to make big money, quickly.  That’s how Satan works so much within the church among unbelievers who have unbelief. It’s because they don’t believe, they’re unbelievers, and because they lack abilities, they steal from others by lying.  Among the members of the church, men and women always gather together.  If the devil of sexual immorality begins to work in the church, a lot of crazy things happen.

1. Idol Worship – Destruction

Why is it that idol worship is the cause of destruction? We must know this. We don’t worship idols because we’re aware of it; if we don’t worship idols because we’re aware of it, if we are aware of it we wouldn’t do it, or if you have spiritual problems, even if you’re aware, you still do it.

1) Genesis 3:1-5

Satan completely used the serpent, and the serpent was crafty.  But the serpent wasn’t a dim-witted creature, he was crafty.  Satan knew that and used the tongue of the serpent to attack Adam.  Satan goes in and asks, “Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden?” But someone really dim-witted would get sucked into this.  

Why would Satan ask such a useless question?  They should have answered, “We are able to eat from any tree from the Garden of Eden except for the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” but Satan was deceiving them to see if they would answer in a vague or uncertain way, that’s how people harm others as well.  The devil already knew the answer, the devil already knew that God let them eat from any tree except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

So Satan asked, “Did God really say to not eat from any tree from the garden” to see if they knew this well, and if they shake regarding the answer to this question, Satan would burrow in.  Therefore, if you do not have the accurate covenant regarding God’s Word, you can always be deceived by Satan.  People who don’t have God’s accurate Word would be swept up by it.  Satan makes you doubt, but it’s already finished. As soon as we doubt God’s Word, Satan has already burrowed in.


Even now, it’s the same. Eating the fruit itself is not the issue, but the main point is that you would become like God.  Satan knows us and our weaknesses so well, he also knows our human desires.  He gives us some kind of condition, “If you can accomplish this, you can be like God.”  Then, we begin to doubt God.  We begin to suspect God, “Did God really tell me not to eat this fruit so that He can be the only One like God?” There are people like this, people use words similar to God’s Word to make people fall into unbelief and to cause division.  There are people who don’t testify the words of God but use the words of people to do the work of the devil.  

As a result of this, their spiritual eyes were closed and their physical eyes were opened.  Before this point, they were not ashamed of being naked, but because their physical eyes opened, they were ashamed and their spiritual eyes completely darkened.  When this kind of person faces a problem, the problem may appear very big but the spiritual things will be invisible to them, and they have no choice but to be continuously deceived by the devil.

2) Revelation 12:9

The ancient serpent, called the devil, leads the whole world astray.  Satan, who worked in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3 never died and works even today. How does he work? What does it mean he leads the whole world astray? It means that people are led astray from God’s word, therefore, if we don’t have God’s accurate Word, we will be led astray.  

You will only win if you hold onto the covenant God gave you on Sunday very accurately throughout the week.  The Perfect Tabernacle, Jesus Christ.  There’s no need to make blood sacrifices and to slaughter lambs because He is seated at the throne of heaven and is with me.  What does it mean that He is within me?  It’s not talking like some kind of position, that’s not what it means that he is inside of us, it means that He is with us, guiding us, working upon us, in other words, communing with us 24 hours.  

Whether we face a problem or crisis, God is with me, guiding us through it. These are the words of God’s covenant.  It’s perfect.  There’s nothing lacking.  But Satan separates you from this covenant through problems, through the words of people.  

3) Exodus 20:1-4 – For Myself

“You shall not make for yourselves,” so it’s about “yourselves” in the first part, “You shall not make for yourselves an image of anything in the heavens above or the earth beneath or the waters below.”  Non-believers have no choice but to serve some kind of idol because they don’t have God, and it’s all for themselves.  Even for believers, what’s the characteristic of someone who worships idols?  They don’t believe that the Triune God Who saved me is already for me.  

Then, they have no choice but to do something for themselves, and that’s an idol.  It doesn’t matter whether this image is visible or invisible; the central core is that I’m living for myself. Ask anybody, they’ll say, “Of course I’m important, and my family is important; church comes afterward. Why is the church important? My family is more important.  Why is the church important? I’m more important.”  That’s a passage, and the motto that the world is so used to hearing is, “Do it for yourself, do it for people.” and that’s what the world is saying.

That’s why in Malachi, after 400 years, the temple was physically there but it might as well have disappeared, because they would only bring the broken and diseased animals as offerings, saving the best for themselves. They didn’t offer an offering for themselves and it said they stole the tithe. The reason was they thought the tithe would benefit themselves, not God.  They are miscalculating, they think it’s to their benefit, but they don’t recognize this is a masterpiece of the devil.

Third, Fourth Generation.

Your idolatry of money is all idols; we have to relay this accurately to the next generation, because God said He would pay back the price of sin to the third and fourth generation. God will punish for sins, and now it comes to curses and disasters. It may come to us in the form of poverty, but the family line is different.  There are some family lines where everyone has cancer, or there are certain family lines where, generation by generation, they are poor. Certain family lines have people commit crimes, or certain family lines have mental problems, why is that? Because of idolatry.  

We must know this, we must know what idols are and what the source of idols are, and what results from idolatry.  There are many people who come to church but they still worship idols.  Many people are working for things that they like or want, things that are good for them.  It’s not about what God wants to tell me, but it’s about what I want to hear, about what I like, what gives me grace, it’s all idols, that person doesn’t like something if they don’t like it, and if they like it, they like it. 

The center of everything is not the cvn, but it’s themselves, and that’s an idol, that’s Satan’s channel, and this tricks down to the children.  So, the problem of the parents are directly relayed to the children. If they knew this, they could break it, but they could not. You have to know this in order to heal the field, it’s not enough to go to church.  If you just go to church, you’re just going into a building, but if you’re insiders not filled with God, you seek something else,  it’s all idols, and the devil is going back and forth.  

It turns out this idol goes all the way down your family line, and as family lines gather together, they form a society, and that’s the spiritual state of the region and field, the spiritual state of the family lines gather together to make the spiritual state of the region. You must know this to heal, for you to know what an idol is so you can relay this; otherwise, we live the walk of faith so much but it’s all idol worship. That’s what the Israelites did.  

Then, what is the guarantee that people who go to church today claim that people won’t worship idols?  They’re so many of them, that’s why they’re constantly oppressed and they’re not satisfied, we will only be satisfied by ..the triune God, and so Satan will continue to attack us until we come to that answer.  If the parents don’t know this, it keeps going down to the children, “why is this happening even if I got to church so diligently?” You’re actually diligently worshiping idols, you’re holding onto a Bible and going into church on Sunday to worship idols, but if you don’t understand this, the world may seem so strange to you.  But if you understand what idols mean, this doesn’t seem too severe, you understand it. 

4) 1 Corinthians 10:20

The fourth reason idol worship causes destruction. The sacrifice of pagers are offered to demons, the sacrifices that are given by people who don’t believe in Jesus Christ are participating with demons, so they are committing the works of spiritual sexual immorality.; it doesn’t matter if a person is aware or not, but either way, when we worship, the Spirit works, but whenever the non beavers give their sacrifices, evil spirits work, there are a lot of people who go into ancestral worship houses and come back demon possessed. Because they plant these in incense and they call demons, so they go to these mediums and try to talk to a friend or a deceased family member, and many of them come back, demon-possessed.  

Then, first and foremost, look at the idols you see in this region. Let’s just look at the big idols we can see here in this region. There’s Catholicism, Buddhism, and Scientology. I researched this region of koretown a lot for evangelism, there’s a lot of small Buddhist like religions scattered around. And as I was doing research, I found out that there are thousands of small mission home gathering much like ours, where a small number of people gather in houses to do transcendental meditation, and their own form of worship. I confirmed this personally, I went o a Japanese temple and confirmed it personally. There are hundreds of meetings that are not at these temples, but at their homes. 

If you go to our western, you’ll see that region by region, in very important places, there are Japanese temples set up. And from my perspective these people are setting up their homes in each of these regions to have spiritual communion. If you go to LACC, there’s a large image of Buddha and they are still doing that work there.  It’s not a temple, that’s a place where they claim to be non-religious but they go to have transcendental meditation and healing and enlightenment.  But if you don’t know the spiritual world, you can’t understand what they are saying, it’s just another religion.  

If you don’t understand spiritual things, you won’t understand the big deal about them gathering in groups of 3 or 5 people. “I do not want you to be a participant of demons” Paul is saying to the members of the church of Corinth that you’re participating with the demons. And the things that Gentiles are doing right now are participating with demons. And I do not want you to go there and participate with demons as well.  If you don’t understand the spiritual background, this is what the region of Corinth was like.  

You need to have spiritual eyes to see the region spiritually then what would you do? You can’t do it with your strength, that’s why we need the blessing of the throne of heaven, the triune God to be with you. I’ll tell you again, if you don’t know this it’s all useless, everything is just theory; it doesn’t matter how many messages you listen to; it’s all theory.  I’m talking about the spiritual things right now but you don’t know the spiritual things, then when we say the words, “Transcending time and space,” it’s just words to you, it doesn’t have anything to do with your life. The light of 237 has nothing  to do with you. But the One Who knows this becomes an answer, there’s no other way to win other than that. We can only have victory, if we shine the light by transcending time and space, because this is spiritual. But the chores don’t know this. What happens then?

We talked about this in the Early Morning, but it’s the same as us riding a bike, and the devil is flying around on a rocket ship.  Whether it was 1000 years ago or today, God is giving us the spiritual mystery to transcend time and space. If there’s a church officer who knows this in the region, it just takes one person.  But if someone only does only what they want, only what they need? We were told to worship in spirit and in truth, why are we worshiping me? I’m dead on the cross, why do I keep crawling back up? Isn’t that right? I should be dead, we need to sprinkle the blood. 

But the lamb comes back to life, that’s not worship. T doesn’t matter how many churches there are, it’s not a proper worship, and because the proper worship is not taking place, it’s constantly repeating. If there’s someone in this region who knows the region properly and spiritually, they can conquer it. You conquer this region spiritually first, and that’s when this life movement takes place.  If you don’t know that, then it doesn’t matter how much you read and memorize the Bible, it’s all useless. 

People are spiritual beings. The devil is spiritual and he attacks the human spirit.  It’s the same for the Jewish people, they have large buildings on Wilshire. There are a lot of things contained in that. It contains money, and safety they’re building for future emergencies. We don’t need things like that, Only Christ. But these people are afraid.  And that’s why they gather their money together to try and survive by themselves. And they have a big building on Wilshire for that purpose. For Jewish people, their idol is money.  For Jewish people, their money is God.  Why are they building the building? It’s because they know the end times, they know it’ll be difficult and dangerous, and they want to gather together and survive, so they go all the way down to the basement. 

But it doesn’t matter how secure you build that building; if God shakes it up, there’s nothing you can do. There are churches like that, but you guys are also in this region. Asking for blessings in itself is a strange thing. Of course those blessings should rightfully follow. But your eyes are not open, so you always have to be afraid of what people think. The kids are so worried about whether they’re studying well or not, it’s because they don’t have spiritual eyes. Even if there’s one remnant who may not be good at studying but have their spiritual eyes opened, how do you think the school will change?  

I talked about this, but I give my daughter rides to school.  She has six classes and in between those classes, she prays about 3 times in the passing periods. If she prays 3 times that’s 0 points. At first, she didn’t pray at all. And if she prays 4 times she has a reward, and I asked today, “How did you pray?” she says after her class ended, “I prayed for the filling of the Holy Spirit.” And she prayed for the working and filling of the Holy Spirit to be upon every member in the school and the school itself. That’s one of the team ministries, while I was driving her. 

Do you think God doesn’t answer prayers that remnant pray? If you pray of course he answers. And the working of the Holy Spirit only works upon Jesus Christ, there’s no condition. Then she’s a remnant missionary. Because how can she save her school with her strength, it is by the filling of the Holy Spirit. I keep on telling her this so that she can understand this prayer, so whenever she does it I give her a reward. But if her attitude is bad, I get rid of all of the points she made. And as we drive home I make her do deep breathing 10 times, and whenever she does that she gets 1 prize. But there’s not a lot of times she got a lot of prizes, because usually it’s always reset because she treats me with a bad attitude. So as we go back and forth I’m teaching her prayer. You’re a child of God. You may go to school to study, but you’re actually a remnant to save the school, a child of God. 

What do you do if you don’t teach them this? If you don’t teach the kids this, they’ll go back and forth and study and waver uselessly.  Then why would I have to drive her back and forth? I might as well get her an Uber.  But why is it that she and I must share this precious time together? It’s the meaningful time to raise up the remnant. I cannot evangelize that school, but I’m doing it through her. Why else would I do this? I do this because I know the realistic work of the Holy Spirit and evil spirits. 

With this meaning, the remnants go to their schools, then what will happen? Without a doubt, when the Holy Spirit works the darkness is bound to break, and what happens next is the salvation of souls.  But when this happens is in God’s hands.  Satan blocks this from taking place. He makes you put the purpose of your studies elsewhere. He makes you worship idols, so you do it for yourself, and the parents imprint this more as they drive back and forth.

That’s why this commuting time is the chance to reveal the spiritual problems of the family line. Idol worship. We’re not just saying idol worship. If you see with spiritual eyes, you’ll see from that point why God is allowing you to live in that region, and go to the field.  You don’t know, you try to live diligently, can your diligence compete with transcending time and space at the speed of light? 

2. Sexual Immorality

Why is sexual immorality a cause for destruction?

1) Heb 13:4

God says He will absolutely judge every sin.  Marriage should be honored by all and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge every adulterer and all the sexually immoral,” and this was given to the Hebrews, it means they cross the line to become God; the devil makes you cross the line. We have traffic lights and we have to follow the traffic lights, but what happens when one person disregards the traffic lights?  The order of society is broken, and that’s what the devil does.  

2) 1 Corinthians 6:18

Sexual immorality is a sin that takes place in God’s Temple, and we are God’s temple; therefore, when you commit sexual immorality, it’s a sin against your own body.  God gave us sex and that’s how we can enjoy procreation, but one we escape beyond God’s creation, we take out God’s principle of creation, and that’s Satan’s channel. Regarding homosexuality, God already revealed homosexuality in Romans 1. Legally, there’s nothing wrong with homosexuality, but this is a problem in God’s law. It doesn’t matter if anything is right or wrong; it’s about how Satan works.

If you don’t understand the spiritual words of the Bible, you’ll twist the words this way and that way, because people are all different.  “This pastor said this but that pastor said that?” that’s what happens if you don’t know spiritual things and you don’t know the devil. Satan will break down the order God created, isn’t that right?  God created man and women, but the devil makes it, man to man and woman to woman.  Or, he will make you get into extramarital relationships to seek other men and women; the devil makes people go outside of God’s order.  If you don’t know this, you’ll have the gospel but you’re going to destroy God’s order.  If you cause disorder, then you do not know the channel Satan works through, then you don’t have healing.

Almost everyone in your field is a target of healing, almost everyone is worshiping idols, and everybody has a channel from Satan that gives them no choice but to have mental problems.  They can’t understand if you just say it’s the devil.  the only way to break that channel is to continuously give them the words of the gospel.

3) Proverbs 6:26

Samson was taken in by sexual immorality.  Moreso than the problem of a female, it was the problem of Samson’s lust, and he tells the woman his secret, so he falls because of his lust.  In hindsight, it’s all God’s Word.

4) Proverbs 6:32

A man who commits adultery lacks judgment. Whoever does so destroys himself.  When I was an unbeliever, I didn’t want to get married because I was a professional young adult and I got to know Seoul, and while I was there, I observed some older female saleswomen.  Even back then, these saleswomen would sell products and get a receipt, and that would be the exchange.  Then, you could only sell something if you knew the person’s income and standard of living.

So the women said to me, especially the wife of a journalist, “Almost 100% of their wives will be cheated on,” and I asked, “Why is that?” “Because whenever they sell products, they are gone,” and these people know all the family’s personal details, and because they have such a longstanding relationship, if the person doesn’t have money, they will cover for them. They go into the field everyday so they receive accurate information.

All of them were falling into lust, and the more elite the family, the more the wife would cheat on their husbands, and this was what I saw in my 20s, so do you think I would have wanted to get married or not?  Sure, there are good things about marriage but I only saw the bad things, and now I look at my friends and it’s no joke; it’s rightful, and this is how things have become. Sexual immorality. It’s different than it was in the past.  Now, people are just openly immoral.

5) 1 Thessalonians 4:3

They are living their lives apart from God’s will, therefore, avoid sexual immorality. 

3. Problems

Murder, rape, sexual immorality, and drugs. In America, we have a lot of drug cartels that bring drugs from South America. This is not solvable.  They have more power than the governments, so no matter what it takes, they will always bring drugs in.  For awhile, we had tense drug wars with Columbia, and there was one president who really came out. The Columbian president teamed up with America against the drug cartels, so they began to persecute the criminals responsible for drugs and they ran to Mexico.  There are so many people getting shot in Mexico.  

When I first came to America, I met a female student from Columbia.  I heard so much about the drug wars and things going on, she got mad and started laughing at me, and that’s how severe the drug situation was.  Now, all those people are all spread throughout America.  We can’t catch them, no matter how much we send police.  As long as Satan is alive and there’s money to be made, we can’t solve it.  How can we solve this?

4. Solution

The mind is the headquarters of the entire body, so we must control our minds.

1) Philippians 4:6-8

The Word of God must guard our thoughts and heart.  We can’t do this with our own strength or resolving in our hearts. God must hold onto us with the Word, and this is the only answer.  To what extent can we be healed? We can only have true healing in heaven, but if we’re able to pray, that’s healing.  If a person is able to pray and receive God’s answer no matter what problem or crisis we face, they can survive no matter where they are, even if they’re alone.

How can we rule? We control this because we have already been moved from the law of sin and death into the law of the spirit of life.  We have to make it so that they understand their spiritual state.  The Holy Spirit is within you, inside you. Nobody else can bring healing. Because these problems came from idolatry, you have to restore your spiritual relationship for this to happen.  The Holy Spirit must lead you and guide you; otherwise, you can’t be healed.

You have to block the channels of Satan and idolatry and be firm in only the Triune God. Nothing else will work, diligence or any other method will work. There’s a channel, an idol within me.  You must be filled with only the Triune God; only then will this person receive healing. It may take some time, but most people give up, but the devil knows that.  Satan knows around when this person will stop coming. That devil knows, “This person will give up if I just touch this part, this person will stop meeting around this time,” but go until the very end, until when? Until it takes place.  The devil knows, that’s when the devil will surrender, and the devil will flee. That’s the most basic and important part of healing ministry.  But if you’re reluctant to do it, don’t do it because the person will just get worse.  If it’s hard for you to do it on your own, then have a team so you can have continuation.  

What are the things we must put into practice?  Always remember the Lord is with you by the Holy Spirit, the filling of the Holy Spirit, and always converse with the Lord. If not, you’ll be seized by Satan’s channel. Follow the power of the Lord by the guidance of His word.  Let us conclude the Word.  This is the reason why obedience to God’s word is the way to have a victorious life.  You shouldn’t go with any excuses or reasons, but you hold onto God and just go.

Don’t have any other thoughts.  Whatever you’re thinking isn’t even from 150 IQ, it’s not great.  What are you thinking so deeply about?  You can’t even overcome COVID.  The way to be victorious in life is to hold onto and to follow the Word of the One controlling the entire universe.


God, we thank You. Raise us to be the ones to heal and to receive healing first.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


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