The Prayer that Overcomes the World (Acts 1:14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Prayer that Overcomes the World (Acts 1:14)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

May you and I gather together in prayer according to the Word of Acts 1:14.  When you pray, you must pray the prayer that receives answers.  Are there prayers that receive answers and prayers that do not receive answers?  If you pray unnecessary prayers, you may know with time, but it will take a long time.  However, if you pray, holding onto the things God has promised, then God will do what He promised.

All we have to do is pray, but why is it so hard to pray?  We can express prayer in many different ways, but we must pray the prayer God answers, then when we pray, God gives us His reaction.  Honestly speaking, the Early Church has no preparations.  First, they were determined to be heretics, and in their situation, they were colonized by Rome.  In reality, there was no power they could enforce, but the one thing they could do was pray. That was how they received answers to do Rome evangelization. 

We say we have no strength; those words may be correct, but if there is a prayer topic God desires to answer for us, we must relay those answers.  This nation of America right now is a very powerful nation, just as Rome was in the Biblical times.  It is a nation that is currently in the stream of the New Age organization that tells people, “You are god,” so the culture itself makes everyone their own gods.  This is the stream that is flowing through America.

The Nephilim, in other words, the Freemason organization, receives spiritual power to influence America, spiritually and physically.  It’s exactly the same as Gen. 6 where the Nephilim completely controlled the age, pushing them into a physical direction. Right now, America’s finances are being controlled by the Jewish organization, and in the time of Genesis 11, this group conquered that region as well. 

In this stream, America is being seized by the transcendental meditation movement.  Simply put, it becomes a tool to receive demon possession.  There are also other religions such as Islam or Mormonism.  Whenever the Muslims pray five times a day, or when the Mormons pray or other religious followers pray, evil spirits work.

It says that in the midst of this, the Early Church gathered and prayed. When you pray, you overcome. It doesn’t matter how dark the age may be; when God works, the entire age will change. America is in the same exact age today and if you pray, it is bound to change, then what must we pray?  With what God desires, with what God has planned.  When you pray, holding onto this, then God’s plan without a doubt will be fulfilled, why is that?

Jesus Christ finished all the problems on the cross and resurrected.  Now, I no longer need myself.  So, whether I am strong or weak, I don’t matter at all.  It doesn’t matter to me whether things are easy for me or difficult; that “me” is dead.  Now, Christ is the Master of the new “me.” Some people say, “I like Jesus Christ but I don’t want Him to be my Master,” then what happens? Even if you have blessings, they will all be stolen away by the devil.

If you know and believe in Jesus Christ, rightfully, He becomes my Master. That is when I receive the answers of the Kingdom of God, that is how the Kingdom of Satan is broken down.  If you believe in Jesus Christ but you remain your own master, then Satan’s kingdom is not broken down and you will always be running the errands of demons.  So, if you have received Jesus Christ, you must die and Christ must be your Master. That is enjoying the Kingdom of God, and you must make that confession. If you do not make that confession, the demons will seize you in the same way they did in your past and drag you around.

That becomes your mission. The entire world is conquered by the Kingdom of Satan. We live in the kingdom of the world, it is where we eat and live; however, it is being controlled by the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Satan.  Will you go into the Kingdom of God or be relentlessly dragged around by the Kingdom of Satan? It doesn’t matter what you want to do; you have no say in the matter.  If you say, “I like Christ but do not want Him to be my Master,” that is the work of Satan.

Go into the Kingdom of God and that is now your background and power; if you object or refuse that, that’s being seized by Satan. Pray for the demons to be broken; make this confession and this becomes your mission, to change the Kingdom of Satan in the world into the Kingdom of God. They concentrated on this for 40 days.

Is it so difficult to concentrate on the Kingdom of God for 40 days?  They did it 40 days back in the Biblical times; otherwise, you become the Master of your own life. You must have a time of concentration in order for me to die and Christ to become my King and Master. This is the truth already; we must change our state to match that, then from that point on, God will work with the working of the Holy Spirit.

That’s why you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and that’s why, even though they had nothing, they received power to do world evangelization.  “You will be My witnesses until the ends of the earth,” meaning you will save the age, save the church, save the field, save the future generations. Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you will you receive the answer of 25 hours.

If this doesn’t take place, you cannot even save yourself. You will always get stuck by Satan’s deception. Earlier we talked about mental healing.  The demons have been cast out and now Christ is inside of us, but if we are not filled by God’s Word, we will be deceived in our minds by Satan’s lies, and we suffer from mental suffering. Some people suffer visibly, others suffer invisibly but you must never be deceived. If someone does not have Christ, there’s no way they are okay; they are just deceiving you and they themselves are just deceiving themselves.  They are being seized by their father, the devil, who was a liar from the beginning, John 8:44. 

Those people are always deceived.

You need to see them through God’s Word, they are lying, they are packaging themselves. If you meet a girl or boy like that, it’s going to be big trouble.  When you unwrap their packaging, you realize they’re full of Gen. 3. You think they’re okay because they go to church for a long time, but upon opening up their packaging, they’re filled with evil spirits and the work of the devil. Even still, if you can handle that, you’re okay, but if you’re swept into that as well, it will be hell.

Therefore, only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, only when God gives you this answer will you find and save the 70 regions and 70 disciples.  If you don’t believe in this, it will always remain irrelevant to you.  It is absolutely God’s will to be a witness of Jesus until the ends of the earth. Whatever region I live in, I must stand as a witness to save that region. Will they be saved if you work diligently? No, only those who work diligently will work diligently but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. The things from heaven must come down upon you to save; that’s how we save the church.

You must receive guidance to do Temple Construction as well; it is not something we can do by ourselves.  People who worship demons receive money from somewhere and make idolatrous temples, region by region.  So, there’s only two options. Either God is powerless or Christians don’t have faith.  For the people where it does take place,  they believe in God’s promise.  Because this is God’s absolute plan, people who hold onto that covenant and pray will receive answers and save.

When the church is saved, the entire region is saved.  It will be the temple that changes the idolatrous culture of the region, it will be the platform that gives the answer to anyone who comes. We must prepare for that. I said this on Thursday as well, it’s not even the law, we have Confucianism, but such people think they are correct; that is the work of demons. Even the demons themselves think they are correct. 

People who are stuck in Gen. 3 think they are truly the master of their own lives; they think they are truly correct, they think whatever they are doing is to their own benefit but that is their misconception. Whatever is beneficial to God is a benefit to me. If we’re seized by Satan’s lie, then whatever is beneficial to me, I will be my own master, but that’s a lie. We succeed for our own benefit but that is a lie, and we’re seized so we cannot save the region. 

In the meantime, the Three Organizations control everything with the power they gain from Satan; they gather every day to pray.  Because of that, the evil spirits transcend time and space to conquer and seize entire regions. What must believers who have the covenant do?  We must gather every day, if the Bible says every day, that is the standard.  Every day in the temple courts, every day in the field. Everyone else may say something else, but the Bible says every day. Just because you don’t have “every day” doesn’t mean the Bible changes.

Every day, whether in the temple courts or the field, this is the mystery to do world evangelization. What did they do when they gathered? They worshiped with the Word of God, and fellowshipped, holding onto the Word, and prayed together, taking that directly into the field. That’s how they had field churches, and even there, they did the same thing, the Word, prayer, and evangelism.  If you say your environment is difficult, it’s evidence you don’t have God’s word. It may be correct that your environment is difficult, but you are the one who is struggling.  “I am dead and the Lord’s Word is the Master, so it’s evidence I’m lacking God’s word.

The members of the Early Church had it hard, but they changed everything into saving; we have that answer as well.  Every day in the temple courts and every day in the fields, the Word, prayer, and evangelism is the same whether you’re in the field or in the church. It doesn’t matter if your environment is difficult or not, it’s not about whether something is difficult or easy for me, but it is the power of prayer. It is not about me, but God’s plan for evangelization, whether you’re at home or in the field, and God gives promises according to the Word.

Do not be deceived. Everything is given to us, but we’re always deceived by ourselves.   There’s no exception, everyone says life is hard, but why? It’s up to them, that’s why we must hold onto God’s word. It’s only difficult because we let go of God’s Word and hold onto ourselves instead. “People are hard,” yes, but receive the answer of the power of prayer in the church. Stand as the witness who saves people with this evidence.  Because people are not able to do this, counseling may be correct but it’s all wrong. It’s the same for the remnants, they say, “It’s so hard,” but what’s hard? They say this and that is hard, yes, but the Word of God is the standard.  The answers to prayer, it is saving this region.  Without changing like that, it doesn’t matter where you are, it will always be difficult. It doesn’t matter what job you get, it will be hard because it’s hard for you.  We think it will be good if we have good things or succeed, but it’s actually “me,” that’s difficult.

As long as Christ is not our Master, we focus on things on me, “It was hard for me,” or “It was easy for me.” Is life easy now? Then things will be hard in the future. You think things are hard? It will be easy.  You are struggling.  Because you’re always set on the standard of yourself, things being easy or hard, whether it’s working or not, it’s Gen. 3.  If the members of the Early Church were like this, how could they save anybody?  For those people, it’s even better.  They actually believed in the resurrected Lord as their covenant.  The resurrected Christ means it doesn’t matter who I am; He is my Master. As long as you hold onto that covenant, God gives you answers. 

If you receive answers, nothing matters.  You only say, “It’s like this or that” when you lack answers. We want to do Temple Construction but we lack strength, so should we not do it? “I need to change myself, we need to go into prayer in faith in God’s covenant.”  But if you’re always saying, “It’s so hard for me, I can’t do this, I have no money,” it will be hard and you cannot save your family or yourself. The pattern for all your words is the same, “I can’t do anything, it’s so hard,” but what do you mean, “What should I do”? You teach this to your family as well.

But God is with you. “It may be difficult for me, but God is with me,” that is the confession we must make to overcome.  But we’re not able to make that confession so we’re darkened.  It’s already hard because we’re immigrants here, but it becomes even harder, so hold onto the covenant.  Christ finished everything on the cross and the Triune God is with me, so it doesn’t matter. The LORD is my Shepherd; I lack nothing.  He did not believe in himself; he believed in the LORD Who was his Shepherd.

Did David have a hard time? No, because he actually believed in this.  “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” it’s okay, “For You are with me.”  Things are not difficult for you because you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but you lack faith in God’s covenant. “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows,” and “I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” Back then, they had the Temple but now, God is with us.  The reason David was the king of all kings was because of his faith.

Who is a good believer?  The one who has this faith is a good believer. Who is a bad believer? If you stand on the side of the devil, you are a bad believer. If you stand on the side of faith in God, you are a good believer and good in God’s eyes. If you are outside of the Word, that’s bad in God’s eyes. We should not please the devil.  With God’s answers, He has given us the covenant to change our family, the church, the region, the 50 states of America and the 237 nations of the world.

Let us hold onto the covenant and build up our bartizans of prayer. Just pray.  If you just sit here with a blank mind, “I’m so old,” then your entire family will die.  The remnants might say “I’m so young,” but the Holy Spirit is the same.   Ever since you’re young, you should pray for the temple to save the church. How will they come? Kids will come according to the time schedule.  The kids will do this as well. In 1 Sam, God gave the covenant of the Ark of the Covenant to David through Samuel.  He received the covenant of the Temple that will house the Ark of the Covenant while he was still a shepherd.

When students are still studying, they hold onto the covenant and with time, they receive answers.  The answers don’t come when they’re a shepherd because they need to be a shepherd.  However, the covenant they hold onto at that moment, when time passes, will turn into the answer of the Temple, and in order to build the Temple, you must become the king. The remnants will receive blessings to the extent that they can build the Temple. Unbelievers remain in unbelief and go into their curses.

The members of the Early Church, Ananias and Sapphira, had unbelief and that’s how they died.  The people who believed in the covenant were blessed for multiple generations, so the people who do not believe will go their way; the people who do believe will go their way. This begins with the 120 members of the Early Church.  In reality, we talk about 120 people receiving answers, it seems small but it’s great.

It’s different than 120 people today.  120 people who have absolute faith in the absolute covenant gathered together knowing God’s absolute plan is God’s tremendous army. They fear nothing, knowing God will work within the covenant.  They already knew in advance before they went out that this tremendous nation of America is seized by Satan and will ultimately lead to downfall.  They also knew the Jewish organization would meet its downfall as it’s seized by Satan.

The person who knows this today, this is not just words of the Bible but it happens today in this age. The one who holds onto this covenant and pray. For remnants, they will receive answers like David as time passes.  For the members of the Early Church, God answers according  to the time schedule, and they will leave this earth after giving the covenant to the next generation.

If you go back and forth to church, then it’s the same as going back and forth to the Temple. The more you go back and forth to a religious organization, the more it is to your loss. Hold onto the accurate covenant firmly, not a vague, haphazard, or loose covenant, but the accurate covenant. If you have this, then even if you shake, looking at yourself, you will turn back.

You and I are incredibly blessed believers with a church like this.  May you and I be the blessed people who hold onto the covenant and have victory in prayer today as well.

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