The Prayer that God Desires (Matthew 6:5-15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Prayer that God Desires (Matthew 6:5-15)

It is not my glory but God’s glory. It’s not the things I desire for my glory, but what God desires for His authority and glory to be revealed. 

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.  May the mighty grace of God be upon all the individuals and families worshipping in the church, in the home, and especially out of state. 

Honestly speaking, everyone prays. Even the people who don’t have a religion have their desires in their hearts and they are begging for something, so even if they don’t have a religion they are worshipping some God-like figure. There is a religion called pantheism. They will worship anything, begging to mountains and to the water. The reason they are begging is because they acknowledge they have limitations. 

If I had the power and ability to do whatever I wanted, I wouldn’t need to pray; however, all people are praying. Even if there might not be a specific God they are aware of, they are still desiring for something to be accomplished. There are also religions with a specific god and prayer. There are times when they teach religious chants. They keep telling people that if you keep praying for things, you will receive answers. Religions remain until now because people do receive answers this way.

Where do those answers come from? It’s not something I created, it comes from somewhere. They are acknowledging the fact that humans have limitations and there is some God-like entity that is working. On the other hand, how do the members of the church, the children of God, pray? If you are never taught how to pray, you will naturally pray like this: “I am lacking and I need something, so I pray to God.” As you keep living, you’ll realize these are unnecessary prayers. Should you keep living an unnecessary life?  There is nothing that is useless, but I mean that you are wasting your life, energy, and time on things you didn’t need to pray for. 

As evidence, there are many people who’ve gone to church and believed for a long time but still don’t have answers, or there are some people who think things are obvious or rightful, and they think that’s an answer, so that’s why people are so conflicted. It’s not that they pray, they do but they don’t get answers, so they give up on prayer. There are some people who say you don’t have to pray. But today, Jesus is teaching us how to pray. It’s something else entirely to say you don’t need to pray.

1. What we must know before we pray

Before we pray, there is something we must know first.

  1) Christ

Through Jesus Christ, you must know who you are. 

    (1) Child of God (Jn. 1:12)

By Jesus Christ, I am a child of God who has been liberated from all curses, disasters, sin, Hell, and Satan. If you don’t acknowledge or know this, you’ll pray the same prayers as those with other or no religions. If you are a child of God, that means you have a father–God. You need to know who you are properly.  

If there is a father and a child, then everything is finished, because the father has this child because he wants to take care of them. If you pray without knowing this relationship, you will spend your life praying for unnecessary things. It’s not bad but you will not be able to overcome the world. We have the blessing of ruling and conquering the world, but instead you’ll always be dragged along, enslaved. 

Christians really don’t make sense. That’s why people feel the Christian religion is lacking, so that’s why they fall into transcendental meditation where at least they receive healing. The real problem is when they go deeper into transcendental meditation, they’ll receive more spiritual problems, but at first they do receive satisfaction healing. A person will receive healing even if they have a quiet time because everyone is living such busy lives.  Even if you just sit with your eyes closed, you will receive healing. But every minute you’re awake, your brain’s CPU is always running, so even if you sit still for a minute, you will still receive healing.

    (2) It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

Before today’s passage, the disciples ask Jesus Christ how to pray because they’ve been praying in the Jewish fashion all their lives but Jesus prays in a different way. But now, Jesus Christ Who is our Lord Who finished all problems on the cross in John 19:30 is teaching us how to pray.  Before you pray, who are you? You have to know who you are to pray properly. 

    (3) Christ within me is the master (Gal. 2:20)

I am a child of God, the one who has finished all my problems of my past, present, and future and all my sin is now living within me as my Master. This is very important. If you don’t know who you are you’ll have incorrect, unnecessary, and useless prayers. There is something we should be praying for. You need to know what the truly necessary prayers are in order to find the things God has placed in front of you.

  2) Before God

    (1) Before people – Received their reward in full (Mt. 6:5)

Today in Matthew 6:5, Jesus says when you pray, don’t pray to be seen by others. These Jewish people were very strict about obeying the law and they had to pray at given times during the day, so when the time came, they would pray regardless of people seeing them, even if they were in the middle of the street. 

The characteristic of these people is that they want to show to other people that they obey the law letter-by-letter. These people have already received their answer. What answer have they received?  They did this to show other people, so their answer is other people acknowledging their piety: “wow, this person is so devout, they’re praying in the middle of the street, in the middle of the day.” If you do something before people and they acknowledge you, that’s the end of your answers.

It’s the same in our church and workplace life. If you are working in the church and workplace just to receive acknowledgement from people, then that will be the end to your answers. They prayed this way, “I wanted people to acknowledge me, so once they acknowledge me, that’s it.” But Jesus is telling us not to do that. 

    (2) Father, who is unseen (Mt. 6:6)

Instead, he says to pray to your father who is unseen. The fact that He is unseen means we cannot see Him, so pray before the God who is invisible, because this Father is watching us and sees us. He will reward us and answer us. Who are we praying to? Our Father. Because of Jesus Christ, God has become my Father and I am his child. So do not pray to be seen by others, even in the church. Don’t live your church life to receive acknowledgment from people. Make it so that your left hand doesn’t know what your right hand is doing, why? Because God is watching and He will answer you. 

God is saying to not do things to get acknowledgment from others. It’s obvious you should help others, but if you boast about what you do in the news, you’ve already received your answers.  So, the members of the church, even if they do something good, they don’t talk about it. It won’t come out on the news, but there are some pastors who really want to expose what they are doing and they have already received their reward. 

    (3) Father who sees will reward you (Mt. 6:6)

We do it in hiding because God is the one who rewards us. 

  3) Not the prayer of the pagans

    (1) Don’t keep on babbling like pagans (Mt. 6:7)

And in Matthew 6:7, it says do not keep babbling the same words like the pagans. 

    (2) They think they will be heard because of their many words (Mt 6:7)

Because they think that they will only receive answers if they say many words. They say, “God you know, God you have to do this for me,” but God already knows. “God, do this for me,” and they say the same things, over and over again, but they don’t pray for what God really wants. There are so many people like that because they never really learned what prayer is. 

    (3) Father knows what you need before you ask Him (Matthew 6:8)

There is another kind of prayer that does receive answers, but because they never learned this, they pray for the unnecessary things that won’t receive answers, just like in other religions. Matthew 6:8 says our Father already knows what we need before we ask him. But because we don’t believe that, we say, “God, You know, right?” I deliver this Word for people who pray like this: God is omnipotent and omniscient. Do not ask God, “Do you know this?” because God already knows all. God especially knows me and everything within me because I’m God’s child. You have to pray properly. You pray like the pagans, saying “Give me this or that”, but He already knows what we need. If He has made me His child and He is my Father, isn’t it rightful and obvious that He will take care of me?

It’s not like we’re adopted. If someone is adopted, then they always need to worry about what their parents are thinking. But a child is not like this. They just tell their parents, “Give me this,” and the parent took care of it, but the child says, “I need more,” but you are His child.  The moment a parent gives birth to a child, they will take care of that child until they are independent and ready to face the world. It’s the same with our spiritual Father, He takes care of it because He is God. But because you don’t know properly who He is, you think, “Will He really take care of me? I don’t think He really can do this much,” but He is omnipotent. Before you pray, you must know this: God is our Father and He knows everything that you need. 

2. The prayer that God desires 

Then how does Jesus tell us how to pray and what does he tell us to pray about? 

  1) Who is God?

    (1) In heaven – Rule from the throne of heaven (Mt. 6:9)

In Matthew 6:9, he says, “Our Father in Heaven.” This is the content that we need to pray about.

    (2) Our Father (Mt. 6:9)

To Whom do we pray?  Not my Father but “Our Father” in Heaven. If you say “my Father,” you’ll always fight with other people saying you’re correct, but it is “Our Father.” If there are multiple siblings in a family, they might fight over their parents, so Jesus says “Our Father” so they don’t fight.  Then, from the beginning, Jesus is teaching us how to pray keeping in mind the community of the Church.

The fact that He is in Heaven means He is controlling all the creation while seated at the throne of Heaven, and that is our Father. The One Whom I’m praying to is Our Father Who is controlling all of creation while seated at the throne of Heaven. 

    (3) Hallowed be your name (Matthew 6:9)

“Hallowed be your name” means that His name is separate, different from any name on earth, unlike any name of any other god.  He is set apart, and holy, not like any other name. He is the one who has existed before eternity, He continuously exists until after eternity.  He was never created by anyone but is the Creator. Everything is determined by Him. He is the one who determines our entire life, our sitting and standing, our successes and failures. You must know who He is and pray to Him. Jesus is telling you not to pray for whatever you want without acknowledging who He is. 

  2) Content that God desires

    (1) Your kingdom come – Jesus’s reign (Mt. 6:10, Mt. 28:18)

The content is praying for His Kingdom to come. Know God the Father and pray for God’s Kingdom to come.  His Kingdom is where Jesus Christ is reigning. President Biden is reigning over all 50 states and territories with the law; that is what you call the land of America. So, the Kingdom of God talks about all the boundaries where Jesus controls with His sphere of influence.  

First and foremost pray for the Kingdom of God to be established within you so that God is controlling and reigning over you.  So, the first thing to pray for is for God to control my own life instead of me living my own life. 

    (2) Kingdom of the world – Kingdom of Satan (Jn. 12:31, Eph. 2:2)

Inside of this physical land, the earth, there are two spiritual kingdoms: the kingdom of Satan and the kingdom of God. John. 12:31 says there is a prince of this world who is controlling the world. We pray to bring down that kingdom. We pray to cast out that kingdom of Satan and establish the kingdom of God. This is the very first prayer topic. That is why in Mt. 6:33 Jesus says, “first seek His Kingdom.” Stop praying for useless things, “Give me this or that,” but pray to establish God’s kingdom. 

    (3) Demons flee because of the working of the Holy Spirit (Mt. 12:28)

Mt. 12:28 says that “If I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” When the Kingdom of God is established, without a doubt, the Holy Spirit is working, and without a doubt, the Kingdom of Satan collapses as the demons are driven out.  But the demons and Satan are invisible. So how is Satan controlling this world? There is a key word that he reigns with: me. He makes us live centered on ourselves. He is controlling us so that we cannot escape from “me.” 

In Gen. 3:5, Satan says if you eat of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, you will become like God and you can live your own life. You become like God and determine what’s good and evil.  We cannot determine what is good and evil, but we try to judge everything, “This is good; that is bad.”  All we just need to do is to follow God’s word. But this is how Satan controls the world; Satan makes it so that we cannot escape our own thoughts, so that we cannot escape from thinking about my own benefit and profit. That is why all the conflicts, competition and wars start from “me” and “my profit.” When do wars begin?  You fight a war when your profit may be stolen away.  When do people fight with others? We fight when we are not aligned and they are threatening my benefit. That is the method with which Satan reigns. 

He makes it so that we only chase after our own success.  Ultimately, Satan seizes us firmly so we cannot escape from this “me.” “Pastor, of course we have to succeed, why are you telling us not to succeed?” That person is seized by this concept called success. This person will react very strongly, saying they’ll leave the church if you don’t tell me what you want to hear. That person is seized.  I’m not saying you shouldn’t succeed, but don’t follow it, being centered on it, but life a life centered on God’s Kingdom; why do you seek the reign of Satan’s Kingdom?  If you do that, then 100/100 times, you will be deceived by Satan and that’s where mental and spiritual problems begin. 

If you are seized by money, you will never have freedom. Money is simply a tool that should follow you to establish God’s Kingdom, but instead you worship money like a god.  All your physical needs require money, and everything you work for is turned into money, but if you don’t know what is primary and what is secondary, you’ll be dragged around by money. 

  3) Content that God desires

Therefore pray to establish God’s kingdom in all 237 nations. Without a doubt, God wants you to pray for that. He gives you answers if you pray for what He desires, and you will receive answers according to God’s time schedule. There are people who live their entire lives never praying the correct prayer God desires. Instead, they say, “Give me this, and give me that,” then they go to heaven after living a failed life.  It’s okay if you’re a new believer to pray like that, but if you keep praying for that after a lot of time has passed, you’ll be enslaved by the world. 

A baby can cry and ask their mother for things, and even if they cannot speak, they may cry so that their mother will feed them, but if they become a college student, is it appropriate for them to ask for this or that? By that point, they should know, “If I do what my parents desire, I will receive support from them.”  If a person is mature, they will pray for God’s kingdom. That is how he will be liberated from Satan and this thing called “me.” 

    (1) Your will be done in heaven (Mt 6:10)

And next, pray for God’s will to be done as it is in Heaven. God’s will is already fulfilled in Heaven. So pray that it can be done on Earth as it is in heaven.  We do not pray for our plans and wishes to be fulfilled, but for the plan of God. 

    (2) Your will be done on earth (Our life)

It is a prayer that receives answers. What is God’s will? If you pray then you will discover it. If you pray and you still don’t know, that’s because your will is too strong. It’s because you’re still stubbornly holding onto your own will. There are some people who don’t pray for God’s will at all because that means they’ll have to let go of their own will. If you pray to see God’s will truly, God will reveal it to you.  If you face a problem, I hope you will look for God’s will.  If you face a crisis, God is telling you to seek His will. If you’re living in America, I hope you’ll find God’s will. We are not living according to our will; our will and God’s will are different. So we pray for God’s will to be established on earth in our lives. This prayer to pray for God’s will is very important, then, and the Bible tells us what God’s will is. 

  (3) God’s will – Believe and receive eternal life (Jn. 6:40)

First, in Jn. 6:33-35, it says the will of Father God is to send His Son to Earth so all who believe in Him will have eternal life. That’s already planned out in heaven, so that’s why God sent Jesus Christ to the earth.  He died on the cross and resurrected, and God’s will is so that all who believe in Jesus Christ can receive eternal life. If you always have this as your standard, you’ll always have God’s will as your standard. God’s will is to spiritually save people, then in your everyday life, it’s a good way for you to determine what is God’s will. “What should I do about this enemy of mine? What is God’s will?” To save them. My will is to kill them. That is why your prayers don’t receive answers. Save them. 

1 Thess. 5:12 says this is what God’s will is. Verse 12 says to acknowledge and repay those who labor for you. It is regarding people as precious, and to be united with one another. He is pleading with us not to fight. But we fight with words and incite each other. Instead, be united with people and acknowledge others. We support those who are weak and uphold those who are disheartened, in other words, we raise up the weak. 

What is the will of God? “They’re so lazy, and that person is always offended because of their scars; should we should kick them out of the church?” There are a lot of people who believe according to their personality. There are many members of the church who look at weak people and judge them, “Why are they in the church?” That’s their own will. But the will of God is to lift them up and save them. This is the will of God.  

No matter who comes to the church, you must love them and raise them up and save them. Do not repay wrongdoing with wrongdoing, but always strive to do what is good. This means to save everybody. Next is the command for ourselves. “Rejoice always and pray continuously and give thanks in all circumstances,” and this is how we save ourselves.

Instead you’re asking God “Should I move here or there? Should I get this job or that job?” Are you asking a fortune teller?  That is not how God works, He isn’t a fortuneteller. What is God’s will?  You just need to go to the place that is closer to where you can save yourself and others spiritually. But if you don’t know that, you treat God as a shaman or fortuneteller. You ask God, “Should I do this or that, or sit here or there?” That’s not it.  “In church, should I sit in this seat or that seat?” Sit in the seat that is spiritually beneficial to you; just do it. How can my spirit be revived? How can I save the souls of others? That is what it means to follow God’s will. That is how you’ll be able to discern many things. 

3. Prayer for us

  1) Our daily bread (Mt. 6:11)

Next he tells us to pray for our daily bread. What is our daily bread? It’s not the food we eat, that’s the prayer that pagans pray. Do you think he is telling you to pray for our daily bread because God doesn’t know how to feed you? 

    (1) God’s bread – Gives life (Jn. 6:33)

In Jn. 6:33 it says Jesus is the bread of life, Jesus’ words are the bread of life, and you need to receive Jesus’ word. 

    (2) Jesus’s word – Bread of life (Jn. 6:35)

 “Give me the Word to live by this day.”  Do you think Jesus is telling you to pray for food because He won’t give it to you? He knows it all, so don’t pray like the pagans.  Even a potted plant won’t pray because it is already being taken care of. But people who are children of God need to pray, “Give me the Word for today.” Then you will receive God’s Word for today. God will take the message you receive on Sundays every day for your life. Without a doubt, God works through the Word in your field. God is invisible, but if you ask God, “God, give me your Word here,” God will without a doubt work in your field.  You don’t have to worry about what Word to relay to others, just don’t relay your own thoughts.  “God, give me the Word you want me to relay. Give me the Word for today.”

    (3) Will never be spiritually hungry or thirsty (Jn 6:35)

Then He says you will never be thirsty or hungry. It is talking about a spiritual hunger. What happens if you’re hungry? You’ll look for things? What happens to a baby who isn’t fed by his mother? They will cry. What happens if you give them water? It’s so thirsty so they will try to eat anything. If you don’t receive the Word of Jesus Christ, you’ll be so spiritually hungry and thirsty that you’ll fall into alcohol and drugs thinking they will quench your thirst.  Because you’re spiritually thirsty because you haven’t received the Word of God, you’ll fall into addictions of alcohol, drugs, gaming, etc. thinking it will make you less empty. It is the Word of Life that saves you and saves others through you. 

  2) Forgive

    (1) As we also have forgiven our debtors (Mt. 6:12)

Next, forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors. “I thought Jesus Christ already finished all my sins from my past, present, and future?” Of course He has finished it all; that’s how we go to heaven.  

    (2) Forgive us our debts (Mt. 6:12)

Even if you have one sin, you can’t go to heaven, so why does He tell us to ask for forgiveness? Because even though Jesus has finished all our sins, we keep sinning. That doesn’t determine whether we go to heaven or not, that is secure, but it does determine whether we live on earth receiving God’s blessings or not. 

If a person has scars, they can’t forgive others. My older brother is foolish because he has scars against our father. Our father kept disciplining him so he would live a better life, but he was so resentful, and even when he passed away, my brother didn’t shed a single tear. That scar doesn’t go away and it’s very foolish. There is no parent who tries to purposely scar their kids. It doesn’t matter how powerless the parent is; this is an expression of love, but if you’re stuck in scars, you will give scars to others, so now my older brother is relaying his scars to his children. 

He didn’t receive the gospel but I told him one thing. He’s five years older than me.  I asked him, “Would you like it if your children treated you like you treated our father? Do you want your kids to treat you how you treated your father?” He was shocked because he knew how badly he treated our father. And from that moment, he stopped because he doesn’t want to be treated that way. He doesn’t believe in Jesus, but he did stop what he was doing. It fixed him.  It was an emergency treatment.

    (3) Don’t forgive others their sins – Our sin is not forgiven (Mt 6:15)

Why do you have to forgive people? Because they are doing this to you because they’ve received scars. Our own parents lost their parents when they were young and their grief was transmitted as a scar. But I have thanksgiving because now that I’ve received the gospel, I’m thankful that I grew up under these parents. It means I’m able to understand them and forgive them. I understand that they had no choice but to act that way because they were seized by Satan sin, and their scars inside of them. So you’re able to understand and forgive them, don’t you think that’s right?

There are some people who you look at going down the street, and they think you’re looking down on them so they shoot and kill you. It’s possible to look at people, but the person thinks, “This person looks down on me,” and it’s because they’ve been looked down upon before and they’re seized by their scars. This person has no choice but to shoot others. There are many cases like this.  

Homeless people are full of scars. Some have homes but they don’t go inside. You can give them a good job but they’ll reject it. They are seized.  You know about forgiveness, right?  You should have no enemies with people, and that’s a healthy faith. Our only enemy is the devil, not people. If you are able to understand and forgive every person, then Jesus will forgive you. You can only be freed from your scars when you forgive these people. 

If you look from this person’s perspective, then you can understand everything. But the reason it’s a scar to you is because you’re bound by yourself, you’re looking at everything from your own perspective.  Instead of trying to understand why this person has no choice but to act this way, you’re so fixated on yourself, so you have no choice but to receive scars. You need to acknowledge and understand the state they’re in to give you this scar, so that you can forgive them.  But if you’re holding onto it so strongly, you’ll be the prey of Satan. 

There are things inflicted upon you without you wanting it, and it’s not your fault. If you received some affliction from your parents, it’s their fault not yours. If you don’t have parents, that isn’t your fault, it’s theirs. But you’re intermingling this into your life and living according to your scars. So our walk of faith restores many things. Our relationships with our enemies are resolved and forgiven.

  3) Devil’s scheme

    (1) And lead us not into temptation (Mt. 6:13)

He says to pray to lead us not into temptation. We will surely face temptations.  

    (2) Flesh, pride, honor, worldly glory (Mt. 4:1-10)

The Devil tempts us with three things. He tempted Jesus Christ with the same things: food/money, pride/honor, glory/success of the world. Jesus overcame the temptations of the Devil with the Word of God. It’s right that you have to make money and eat food, but He cast out Satan with the Word of God.  The second temptation of Satan goes against your pride and honor.  Without a doubt, he will touch your pride, and one day you’ll stop coming to church, “The pastor and elder touched my pride.  I’m not going anymore.” This person will fail, not because they curse the church but because they’re enslaved by Satan, seized by their pride, and cannot escape. 

If you get a job in the world, there will be many times when your pride is hurt. You have to overcome that because Satan tempts you. The third temptation is that Satan will give you all the success and glory in the world to take away your worship and says he will give you success instead. You must be aware of this and pray about it. 

    (3) But deliver us from the evil one (Mt 6:13)

“Deliver us from evil” because we’re already in the midst of evil. Ask for deliverance. Anything that isn’t from the Word of God is evil.  It doesn’t matter how good your intentions are, if they aren’t doing it with the Word of God, it is evil. You have been liberated from that, so ask God to liberate you.  We have fallen into addiction, but before that, we were already in evil.  Before we become obsessed, we’re already seized by evil. Pray to be delivered from this. 

  4) Eternal God: Kingdom, Power, and Glory within God (Mt 6:13)

Pray that the kingdom, the power, and the glory will be God’s forever. God’s Kingdom is eternal.  The One Who has all power in heaven and on earth is eternal, and all glory belongs to Him.  It is not my glory but God’s glory. It’s not the things I desire for my glory, but what God desires for His authority and glory to be revealed. 

This is the prayer God taught us, but the Devil changes this prayer into useless prayers that God already knows. You’re praying diligently but it’s all for unnecessary things. You’re not praying for the things that you need to be praying about, but you need to pray to be liberated from scars. You need to first pray for the kingdom of God to be established in America, in your life, field, and jobs. That’s what prayer means, it is for His Kingdom and His Will, that is prayer. 


Pray for today’s word. Forgiveness. If someone is your enemy, that is not the will of God. God will deal with that person, but I must forgive myself.  You cannot be continuously seized by someone else. You have to acknowledge your weakness.  You keep on living like you’re someone great so you can’t forgive yourself. You have to acknowledge the fact that you make mistakes and people may curse you. But you don’t and instead ask, “Why would you do that to me?” You’ll never be able to escape.  Jesus tells us to pray like this, but we pray, “God, give me this, give me that,” but that’s all unnecessary.

Forgiveness. Everybody should be okay to you, you should have no enemies. Is it okay for you to live your life avoiding people, going along the path where nobody goes? You think you’ve received so many scars in your life. You should go out with the light in boldness.  If you have scars, you’ll relay them exactly to your children. You should be okay with everyone; even your enemies should be okay. Why? 

1. God’s child to the Father God

“I am a child of God; I am a remnant and a missionary to save this world.” May you begin this prayer that receives answers. You have to pray the prayer that has no choice but to receive answers. 

2. For the kingdom and will of God to be fulfilled in my life

Is the temple construction God’s Will? It might be, it might not be, right?  If you are building the temple to boast about yourself, that isn’t God’s will. Just because it’s Temple Construction doesn’t mean it’s always God’s will.  Is missions and evangelism God’s will? If you have a motive for yourself to do missions and evangelism, then it isn’t God’s will. If it is the temple construction for God’s glory and worship where many people gather, then that’s God’s will, and that is what we should pray for. This is a prayer that receives answers.  

3. Word that saves me, forgives me, does not let me fall into temptation, and come out of evil

Is it right to proclaim the gospel to all nations? Yes, it’s recorded in the Bible, so that is what we pray for. We need to pray to make disciples of all the people in our companies and schools to make disciples of all nations, so the will that is established on Heaven is established on Earth. If you make enemies in your company, that’s not God’s will.  You need to save your business, you shouldn’t be a failure. 

4. Glory to the eternal God…

Everyone should be revived because of you. Even a physical company is revived because of me, why? Because God has power. It is not for myself but for the Kingdom of God. 


May you begin this blessed prayer and begin to receive answers. Let us pray holding onto the word we received today and pray the prayer that receives answers.  I hope you and I will be victorious throughout the week.  Let us pray together holding onto the Word of God we have received today and pray the prayer that receives answers.  Do not pray the prayer that just flounders about, but pray the prayer that receives answers. 


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