The Picture of World Evangelization

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Picture of World Evangelization

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo


Eternal (Word) Always Witness

World evangelization

Jesus = Christ – Covenant

Circumstances arise with no reason. It’s not something you encounter because you didn’t do something, but you lost hold of the covenant.  You have come out of this, but you lose hold of the covenant so your state reverts back to this. 

Satan Curse Hell

All people without Christ are within this state.  Christ is the covenant

Christ, filling of the Holy Spirit, world evangelization – Field, Happy

You must be happy in this. If you’re only happy when good things arise, are you unhappy when bad things arise? This person will try to make good things happen because they want to feel happiness.  Always be happy within this to be liberated from drug addiction and evil habits.  You fall into your evil habits because you think that’s good for you, but if you continue to be within this state, you will be happy.  These three problems are continuously solved.  As soon as you fall into it, you can hold onto Christ once again.

Spiritual state, church, field, future remnants

God gives you the answer to save lives. Save the church and field, that is why success will be given to you. I hope you will receive answers in your business to save the 70 fields, 70 regions, and 70 disciples.  If you just work diligently, you’ll live a minimally comfortable life where you can barely feed yourself. Receive the answer to save the entire world.  With your skill, the 70 tribes, 70 regions, and 70 nations must come to you and be saved.  Those answers are the answers where you must draw an image or picture.  Save the future remnants. The younger remnants must save the future.

All things are contained in this. Receive the answers to save the church. Receive the answers of saving the field.  You are connected to the future, so receive the answers of saving the future.  To do that, you need to draw a picture of that.  Don’t hold onto useless things, worrying about useless things. You’ll hurt your IQ and rot your brain.  Connect your thoughts to prayer.  Then, that is when God will reign over you.  When you think with your own thoughts, it’s like you don’t have the answer. Because you don’t have the answer, you have to think.  “Pastor, shall I live without thinking?” Of course you must think about what state the other person is in, but don’t think useless thoughts. Think of thoughts of saving, that is prayer. That’s when you start to come to life.

If you already begin trying to compete with others, your spirit will die and you will be overcome by darkness without you knowing it. How will you help and save the other person? God will give you the power to do that.  God has a plan to save the entire world; you can’t do it so God will give you that power.  With this, you must draw a picture and enjoy this.  This is CVDIP.


Soccer players have their own CVDIP.  Ask Messi.  He has his own vision, he dreams his own dream, he practices with his own strength and makes a masterpiece of the world.  He concentrated on this from an early age, but I have that covenant from God, the vision given by God, and within this, a dream where this is fulfilled.  Even in the process of fulfilling this, God gives the image and power.  That’s the masterpiece, the CVDIP.

The eternal covenant of Jesus Christ.  World evangelization.  It’s not just world evangelization but you must see the field.  It’s not just a billboard that says, “world evangelization,” but you see why you need Jesus Christ.  Examine your family, that is your field. If you are looking at another field besides that, that is a lie. That’s not saving the field. You haven’t seen your family correctly.  You can see other people’s families but you cannot see correctly.  Satan knows this.  From your family, your vision and image come.  Even for the soccer players, they dream of being a soccer player from their family in the midst of hardships. The family is the answer, that’s where the dream comes from.  No other place.

For world evangelization, what kind of talent did God give me? What is the dream God has given? If this is correct, God will give you His Word and His answer to prayers.  In order to fulfill this work, you go through this process.  When you receive the answers and it is fulfilled, that is the masterpiece.  All things are connected to the CVDIP.  All things, then it becomes very simple. 


Happiness, Strength, Peace

You don’t receive peace with good thoughts; you just have good thoughts, but you need to receive the Word from God.  Then that is when the power follows after, because this must be fulfilled. God will give you the power.  That power of the throne will come upon you, and this strength goes into your field.  You continue to dream this and draw a picture of this.  Where does this come from? God’s covenant, and that’s where it is fulfilled.

David doesn’t become a king because he imagined wanting to become a king from an early age; God gave Him the Word through Samuel that he would become a king.  But many people do not dream this dream.  They receive the Word and wonder, “How could God do that with something like me?” God doesn’t focus on your skill but He says He will do it. You believe so you have the posture.  Even as he ran away from Saul, he was okay because he knew he would become king. 

Remnants, world evangelization will be fulfilled so the problems in the church don’t matter. “I will receive the answer.” Certain people use problems as opportunities. God, Who raised that church, will touch that church.  Temple Construction must take place, so don’t worry about it, but think, “I will do it,” then you will surely receive the answer.  Where does the answer come from? I don’t know, but the one who gives it knows. Hold onto the covenant and the answer comes.

Whether you’re at church or at home, God has allowed you to see it and God answers that problem, that is the summit.  A majority of people try to say the correct things, and that is something anyone can do. This earth is not being destroyed because no one says correct things; we need people who are able to make those problems into opportunities and answers.  People can blame others, ‘This is my fault,” but a minority of people hold onto the answers of God.  You are this type of person, you’re not drawing a useless dream of world evangelization, but within the problems and everyday circumstances of the field, give them the answer. If you just have a theoretical image, you run away from problems instead. 

From a young age, remnants must think, “I will save the church.” Many are like that.  “I must receive God’s answer to save the church.” You need to have this posture from an early age and you will receive the answers right now, not in the future.  That is the blessing given to the remnants and church leaders. 


Without the Word, you cannot pray.  If you pray without the Word, you draw a picture for yourself and you receive no answers.  This region will come to life, the 50 states will come to life, the entire world and 237 nations will come to life. Pray about this and dream this dream.  You need to dream about the things that will be fulfilled. It’s pitiful to dream of the things that won’t be fulfilled.   In the church, saving the 237 nations and Temple Construction will be fulfilled.  Those doing transcendental meditation as the Three Organizations use this power from Satan and spread the Kingdom of Satan. 

You need to know who the enemy is. In the superpower nation of America, that is the influence that is spreading.  You need to have this knowledge to see the field, then that is when prayer will take place. Be able to hold onto the word of being able to see the field, otherwise, you will not have the message to see the field. See it with God’s Word, and that is when healing will automatically take place.  It’s not a happiness that comes from drugs, but it is a healing that naturally takes place.

You don’t need to try to make fun for yourself, but you experience a joy that comes from this that will be fulfilled by God.  Do this well because it will be relayed to your children.  It’s not just your own body; your spiritual state will be relayed to your child.  When you were in your mother’s womb, your mother’s spiritual state was relayed to you.  If a mother is constantly depressed and sad while pregnant, the child will end up the same way. If the mother is constantly anxious, the child will end up being anxious. It’s a spiritual thing.

That’s why when a child is born, they automatically are anxious, and it is without cause.  But for us, we have this kind of training for several years before our child was born, and she ended up like that.  We listened to many messages for years on pregnancy, but because of our family’s spiritual state, the masterpiece ended up differently.  There are many different things about her, but one thing in particular is that she overcomes her anger or frustration after 30 minutes.  But for us, it continues for the rest of our lives.  It’s not something I did on my own; my father was like that. That was our spiritual state. 

When God’s grace came upon me, I changed.  You hold onto it without you knowing for the rest of your life, and that is what the evil spirits use for the rest of their lives.  But for my child, she just forgets it.  Of course, for big things later on, she’ll bring it up saying, “Oh, but in the past,” but as you grow up, don’t try to make a masterpiece, but do it while they’re in the womb; otherwise you’ll end up with a masterpiece of a mixture of the parents.

When you are spiritually coming to life, your child’s spiritual state will come to life.  “You are the remnant to do world evangelization.”  You need to relay the message to them.  Holding onto your tummy, does he pray, “May this baby do world evangelization”? The baby can understand, not the language, but the spiritual state coming from the father.  The fetus doesn’t recognize the sounds or words, but they have this state of being able to recognize whether the other person likes them.  The fetus doesn’t know any language, but for me, most dogs like me.  People don’t like me but dogs like me because I really like dogs, and whenever I see a dog, I have a joy fill up in my heart.  Humans are spiritual beings, so they can connect with each other spiritually.  For my wife and me, we thought we shouldn’t fight, and we were careful around each other, so we fought only twice, but after the baby was born, we fought a lot.

What am I saying? All the spiritual things are relayed. Don’t try to imagine good things, but draw a picture of what will happen.  The CSUN student Jason came today and he’s studying film.  Ever since he was young, he was part of a lot of movies and directed movies.  He’s trying to get a driver’s license so I told him to continue in worship and training.   Go for things that will be fulfilled, not just work diligently.  Especially for him, he’s an international student in a foreign land so he must do this all the more.  He’s Sharon’s friend, but he took a bus for two hours today.  I told him, “When you are within the Word and prayer, that is when God will guide you,” and this is given to all people.  You must constantly think and ream about this. Because you dream about the things that will happen, all these things are just conditions.

Always dream a picture of this while you pray, and that is “design.” You don’t design without the content; have the content and pray about it.  Evangelism is going out into the field and designing and building up the building, because from this design, the building is built. As you do this, the building will automatically be built. 

You’re going to the retreat, how did I utilize retreats in the past? I used it as a time of concentration. I didn’t really talk to others, and this is something I did as a pastor.  I remained alone in the hotel, holding onto the Word in prayer. If you’re a team leader, pray about your team members and that is also concentration and prayer.  You need to pray in advance for the Word that will be given, you need to have this state of being able to concentrate in worship.  Even for praise, you are standing as a praise team in order to help the children and members concentrate on worship, and that is why this praise must not be too ecstatic, and you must not have praises that are too depressing.  You must lead them with a praise that helps them concentrate on the Word, because that is when you are able to develop this state so they’re able to concentrate on worship. That is how you serve as the praise team.

That is why the team leaders and the people around must pray for them.  We have the Winter Retreat for several years, and we had Early Morning prayer, but the people who are to lead that don’t come.  I was upset—they tried to develop a program and just help it, but they should actually be praying and holding onto the Word as God moves the retreat.  As you work with others to run this event, there are different things you see, but you must pray. That’s the vessel.

There’s no other time to interact with churches like this, so build up your vessel. Pray for the whole conference, and you develop this posture and state before in advance. It’s not just my church, but we go together.  You need to have this vessel to overcome that.  The prophecy is eternal and will be fulfilled, not to God, but to us.  We constantly have our “today” and the Word is given today and is constantly moving.  For us, it’s the future and we say it’s a prophecy.  The Word you constantly receive in conferences will be fulfilled.  May you enjoy these blessings.


God, we thank You.  Through the rest of the month and the next year, may we design and are able to enjoy the prayer of 3, 9, 3 in our field, saving the church fields and the next generation. 

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