The Path of the 70 Tribes and Those Who Will Remain (Acts 2:9-11)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Path of the 70 Tribes and Those Who Will Remain (Acts 2:9-11)

Speaker: Pastor Kwang Su Ryu

Interpreter:  Missionary Esther Chang

This is the stream of the Bible.

Those Who Remained – Those Who Remain – Those Who Will Remain – Those Who Will Leave Behind

The Bible says that you who have the gospel are those who remained.  These people become those who remain and also find others who remain. Then, they stand as those who will remain in the future and also look for others just like that.  Because they must save the world, God will raise them as those who will leave behind. This is the stream of the Bible. You need to begin anew.  

The Path of the 70 Tribes and Those Who Will Remain (Acts 2:9-11)

Today’s second lecture is going to be about the 70 Tribes and those who will remain, the path of those who will remain.  Acts 2:9-11 will be the start.  Why is it the 70 workers?  We’re talking about one person’s influence.  You, one person, have this kind of influence.  God will make it that way.  Those who don’t realize this will close their businesses as well.  There are some people who can’t even run one restaurant, but there’s someone here in Korea who has over 100 chains. That’s the difference, that’s why this is so important.  

Introduction – Reason

Putting aside all the complicated things, let’s know the reason.  God will work upon those who know this reason.  Those who don’t understand these words, it’s not that they simply don’t understand these words, but they’re being influenced by these evil things, that’s the problem. Those who don’t understand this are actually giving negative influence, so in one sense, you can think of this as one talent given to one individual.

I always tell people who do Tae Kwon Do, don’t always think about how to earn money. You don’t have much money, so open up 70 gyms in 70 regions, how? Just seize those 70 regions and then you’ll find them, but we haven’t seen anyone like this.  Don’t just speak about America evangelization, but in the 5000 universities of America, just find one of these kinds of disciples.  That’s what I mean by circuit evangelism, that’s what we call camp, that’s what we call the evangelism voyage, but when things take place in one place, they only get stuck there and waste all their time.  They’re always going around together then they start fighting with each other. This is very important.

Then, what reason do these people know?  Let’s not think about nations first, but think about tribes first.  So in this order, you’ll meet these people first.  You don’t go to Ethiopia first, you meet the Ethiopian disciple first. Look at this order, you can’t immediately go to 70 nations, but those people are there. This is what you must plant.  What have you done until now?  I’m sure there are many important things, but carefully look at the stream of the Bible.

It’s essential for our missionaries to see this.  If you really want to help the missionary, don’t do anything else, but help them to find these sure disciples.  But we always try to do so much, look at those outstanding missionaries and evangelism, they’ve done great works of evangelism, but in all those years of ministry, they’ve only left behind two disciples, but those two people are those who influenced people through them. But if you raise 70 people like that, then it’s over. Jesus raised 70 people like that, so you need to understand.

Then, everything will look new. If not, you’ll look at people who are wrong and you’ll get upset over that. You look at people who are wicked, and you’ll fall into a trial and get angry over that. You’ll always be that way, but the moment you see this, everything becomes the Way.  Let me reveal the reason first.  

Ultimately, it’s a cultural battle. What was the first? Those who have ended it with the gospel are those who remain. What about those who remain? They’ve got to have power.  That was the very important point of yesterday’s lecture.  Then to say you know the reason means that you know the culture.

God Who Changes the Evil Culture with Good

God wants to use you here.  I gave this text to an elder, “Open up your eyes, the rain project our Professor Hanh is doing is not your average missions strategy. Open your eyes to see that.” It’s not about what you do, your eyes have to be open first. The way I see it, this is not your average strategy.  Actually take a look at this.  Right now, you’re all carrying around your own water bottles, but the world is filled with nations where people can’t even drink clean water. Because we’re well off, we never even give it another thought.  We went to a remote area in Africa, and we asked them, “What do you want us to bring?” They said they wanted water bottles.  Because you must understand.

1. Powerful Nations

We must save the powerful nations. Do you want to listen to what the last thing Joseph said was?  How do you think Joseph felt when he was sold into slavery by his brothers?  He was working so hard but was sent to prison.  I’m sure the more he thought about it, the more indignant he became, and he was angry at his brothers, but God changed this Joseph through good and raised him as the governor, isn’t that so?  Through that, 70 members of his family came down to Egypt.  Joseph really was something, isn’t that so?  He was outstanding, he was renowned throughout the entire world.

Of course, because Joseph was the governor, I’m sure his family was all benefiting from that.  Then, his father Jacob dies in Egypt.  When Jacob died, we saw Joseph, looking back on his entire life, laments his father’s death.  Now, it’s about Joseph’s brothers.  Joseph’s brothers fell into a very deep worry, that Joseph allowed them to live because of their father.   “But now that our father is dead, look at how much Joseph is lamenting and weeping, he’s not going to leave us alone.”  Joseph is their younger brother, but of course, he is the governor, so that’s why they come before him, bow down to him, and with very eloquent words, they ask for forgiveness.  “Please forgive us,” and what Joseph says at that time, “Brothers, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good,” and more importantly, “I will directly raise all your descendants.”  

(Genesis 50:20-24)

It’s tremendous. You have to understand these words.

1) Slave

God sent them as slaves.  They lost because of this culture, so he took this evil culture and changed it with good.  You have to raise disciples who know this. It’s not the exact number, 70, and perhaps 70 signifies the perfect number. It’s not going to work with 69? No, that’s not it.  I spoke about the Septuagint before.  The actual number of people who worked in the Septuagint were 72, but in order to talk about the perfect number, they called it the Septuagint.

2) War

Wars continued to arise.  It has to be someone who understands in this way for them to overcome.  In a time when they passed through 14 leaders, and still, Philistia still attacked them.  But at that time, one individual who saw this arose. All it takes is one person, who was that?  Samuel.  The problem doesn’t lie with Philistia, all the people gathered to Mizpah. “Discard all your idols and come before the LORD. Turn from all your evil deeds, all your idols, and turn to the LORD.”  This is what the Bible says. “While Samuel lived, wars ceased.”  This one person gave tremendous influence, that’s what happens if you realize, and this is the stream of the Bible.

We have many theologians throughout Korea, how do you view this?  Looking at all these words, we call that the remnant, those who remain. These four time schedules are all included in the word, “Remnant.”  

3) Captive

God permitted captivity. The powerful nations with their evil culture always do these kinds of things. They took Israel captive, and at that time, even though Isaiah gave the message ahead of time, nobody understood it, but the one who did understand that message was Daniel.  At that time, Daniel 1:8-9, Daniel resolved in his heart, and truly, works took place because of one person, Daniel, so don’t lose hold of this.

4) Colony

One individual who earnestly understood this came forward while they were colonized. It was Paul.  God was compelled to use Paul.  This is what we’re talking about.  Understand that, and your eyes to view the disciples are very important because within that lies all of these, you are seeing those who will remain.  The reason why we treat everyone well is because among those people lie these kinds of people.  When we say, “Accept everyone,” it doesn’t mean to accept everyone because you are fools, but accept everyone because from among them are these people.  Even among people you consider bad, there are people like this, and what’s more important, through the people who do bad things, God will raise those kinds of people.

Because of Potiphar’s wife, Joseph became governor, because of a terrible person!  There’s a saying in Korea, “There’s one person who actually pushed Yoon Sun Young to become president,” it was the woman, and think about it, Potiphar’s wife made Joseph governor.  

We need to know this. Who are you? Those who will remain, and the missionaries who will raise those people.  It doesn’t matter if the numbers are small, because honestly, it all ends with just one person, isn’t that so?  But if you don’t have this thinking at all, God will prevent those people from meeting you, isn’t that so?  

You’re not thinking about this at all; why would God attach good people to you?  Rather, God will block those good people from reaching you.  God will do that, through His works, He will block that.  “That person is always using humanism, so I will just attach other people who use humanism to them, and only then will they become a pair.” There are some who are only thinking about their own benefits and costs, then God is going to attach other people like that to them. Wouldn’t you do the same?

If you’re the president of a company, to whom would you entrust the most important work of the company?  It’s rightful.  “Oh, that person kind of looks like a swindler, maybe I’ll entrust all this to them,” there’s no president of a company who is going to do that.  “That person is someone who can really move this company,” then you’re going to entrust it to them.  Of course, parents all love their kids, but it’s not always like that.  There are those who are going to carry on the family line and those who are going to ruin the family line.

2. Israel

The evil culture of Israel, take a look at Israel.

1) Chosen People

We are a holy nation. In one way, that ideology, after beating them half to death, “Everyone else is a pagan and we are a holy nation.”  

2) One and Only God

Yahweh is the One True God of Israel.

3) Messiah

The Messiah is the One Who is going to destroy all the other nations and only choose us.  That’s what they were thinking, it truly was a terrible culture, and that’s why God had to beat them half to death.  But because this ideology was so strong, what happened? First of all, they were successful, why? Because this is very strong. God poured down finances and skills upon them, but among them were those who will remain with the gospel.  First of all, God has to bless Israel and find the people inside of them, have you caught onto what I’m saying? 

But Israel became very arrogant, thinking, “We’re really something and we’re really well off,” and yes, they are well off, they’ve already taken most of the Nobel Prizes. Honestly, they seize the American economy and they’re doing well.  Edison and Rockefeller all have ties to that. Henry Kissinger, people who moved America enjoy those profits.  All the people moving finances are tied to the Jewish people.  Even outstanding actors, people like Charleston Heston are Jewish.  Eva Montag is Jewish as well.  

God poured down these blessings but don’t fall into misconceptions.  Israel is still lost in that misconception.  From among them, you’re looking for those who are people with the gospel.  Only then can you change the culture of darkness into good, do you understand?  So, you must have this.

3. Those Who Will Remain

So, to those who will remain, knowing this, what does God do?  God spoke about the blessing other people couldn’t even believe in, and they could not even imagine. Largely, it’s three things.  

1) Trinity

Unseen to our eyes, the Triune God will always be with you.  It’s beyond our imagination.

2) Throne

I will be with you with the power of the throne.  More amazingly, it’s something you don’t believe in at all.

3) Herald, Angel, Heavenly Host

God will send His heralds from heaven and give you His message. God will send His heavenly angels to help you.  God will grant His heavenly host so you can triumph in the spiritual battle. This is the promise in the Bible, so look at the important places in the Bible.   After Jesus gave His final message, someone looked at His 70 disciples and said, “Men of Galilee, the Jesus you saw will return,” who said those words? Who said those words? An angel, isn’t that so?  

In the most important time, he was facing his greatest crisis, he had this greatest event of standing trial ahead of him, and he faced a storm.  What happened at that time, in the midst of a storm?  What Paul said, “Last night,” he said this to the 276 people who were facing the crisis, “Do not worry, do not be afraid.  Last night, an angel of the Lord stood by my side, and what did he say? ‘Paul, do not fear. You must stand before Caesar,’ so believe in God.”  They survived, and news of that was transmitted all the way to Caesar.  So, Caesar heard news of that even before Paul stood trial before him, then what do you think would happen?


1. Start

The start of those who will remain to save the 70 tribes.

2. Journey

The journey of those who will remain to save the 70 tribes. You need to know this.

3. Goal

I’m trying to keep this brief because I do believe that you understand me.

1. Start

1) Acts 2:1-4, Wind, Fire

God gave the composite, greatest answer of all the other answers put together.  That was Mark’s Upper Room. The day of Pentecost had come.  And here, God poured down power like wind and fire so they could save these people. It wasn’t actually wind and fire, if the winds blew like that, they would die.  It was power like wind and fire. No one can block fire, but it was power like fire.  Then what happened? Look carefully at these words.

2) Acts 2:9-11 (15 Nations)

15 nations gathered here, in this brief conference they had, 15 nations gathered.  Here, there were great nations like Rome and Arabia.  There were some names we heard for the very first time. 70 Tribes.  Truly hold to this covenant.  Then immediately?

3) Acts 2:41, Acts 4:1-5

Because they must receive answers first and do this work, Acts 2:41, 3000 disciples, and Acts 4:1-5, 5000 disciples, and to those who realize this, God will absolutely grant that answer. I had assurance, so when I first planted my church, I said, “Let us buy the largest plot of land.” There were many small buildings, but said I wasn’t even going to look at that, why? Because I had assurance that God would attach 3000 disciples to me, because we know this journey.  

Missionaries, you need to actually confirm how important you truly are, why?  There are many outstanding politicians out there, but they are involved in politics, they can’t do this, that’s why you are important. There are great scholars out there, but they’re just scholars, they don’t know this.  But because you know this, how precious are you?  I’m not saying you’re outstanding because you’re doing something great, no, but in God’s eyes, you are precious and doing this important work.

It isn’t anything else, the people in this world are trying to earn money, they look at the problems of the world and work so hard to fix them, and they try to earn money off of that. People who do research, they keep doing research and invest their entire lives into that, and that’s why it’s hard.  I have a friend who’s also a pastor, and nothing is working out for him, not his church, nothing.  It’s been a long time since we met, so we shared a meal together, and it took about an hour and a half.  Even though I didn’t ask for an hour and a half, there was something he continued to boast about.  Even though I didn’t ask, you could tell he was very happy to talk about this, and he kept talking about this.  

All he was talking about were political things, “You know about this Synod? You know so-and-so? I know this person and this person said this about you,” and he said all sorts of things.  What I could sense at this time is, as he was speaking about all those things and all his ties, he was so happy.  I thought, “Maybe he finds some kind of comfort in that as well,” think about it, it’s almost as if people who love fishing have caught the biggest fish of their life and keep boasting about it. It’s like that.  People can become that way, and they might think this is happiness, having lost hold of all the real things.  Let’s take a look at the journey.

2. Journey

1) Acts 1:14

Those who knew this, gathered, and that’s Acts 1:14.  Even if others don’t know, because they themselves know this, they travel this sure journey. Honestly if you gather here, it means you stake your life to go there, then would you have personally gone there? It’s a place that would have really been to your loss, but to say you’re going there in faith or you’re going there to grin and bear it, that’s foolish, it wasn’t that. They knew those four things [in the title].  

God will absolutely change this evil culture to good, and more importantly, if you look at Genesis 50:20-24, all the people did bad things to Joseph, but he said he would provide for them and even their children.  If you look at the Bible, look at David’s greatest enemy, it was King Saul.  After war broke out, Saul was ultimately killed, and when that war broke out, King Saul had a grandson, that was the son of King Saul’s deceased son, Jonathan. He was a young child, so when war broke out, they took that infant, and dropped him as they were running away, so his legs became lame. His name was Mephibosheth.  Do you know what David did for him?  Unless it was a special event, it said David always shared at meal at the same table with Mephibosheth. 

God doesn’t just merely change the evil culture to good, God changes us, and that’s the key.  God changed Joseph first, isn’t that so?  God changed David first, God will change you first.  God will change the many believers who truly understand missions and the missionary.  It’s those people who gathered in Acts 1:14.  There are about 10 points here on this journey.

2) Acts 2:9-11

Among them, they had this kind of meeting, the very first answer that comes, Acts 2:9-11.  And then?

3) Acts 6:7

Through these people, a great crowd of priests came to the Lord.

4) Acts 7:1-60

Then, Stephen just said one thing and died for that. Stephen just spoke once and died, but he left behind the most of these kinds of people. Ultimately he influenced them.  Honestly speaking, Paul received the most influence from Stephen.  The Antioch Church that would save the world was built after this, from those who were scattered due to the persecution from Stephen.

5) Acts 8:4-8

When you look at this chapter, you might just think about Samaria, but don’t think about it that way.  Those who will remain to save Samaria, this is whom God attaches.  God will attach these people to the missionaries.

6) Acts 8:26-40

Take a look at Acts 8:26-40. God attached the powerful Ethiopian eunuch to Phillip.  Those who will remain.  Now, all these answers connect together to form the journey.

7) Acts 9:10

Ananias.  It wasn’t Ananias who found Paul, but God found Ananias, and God attached Paul to Ananias.  Those who know this blessing.  That’s it.  Missionaries, stop worrying and begin anew.  All the things you’ve done until now is the preparation; now is the real start.  It’s all that journey.  Then? 

8) Acts 10:1-45

God prepared someone they never even imagined, Cornelius. Do you know who these people are? Those who will remain, God connects it all in this way.  Cornelius’ rank was just a centurion, but he was a centurion of the Italian cohort.  That means he was a centurion who was commissioned by the Roman emperor. Let’s see how this continues on.

9) Acts 11:19

Finally to Antioch.  We see this stream.

10)  Acts 12:1-25

God granted the greatest answer.  Don’t just think they received a simple answer, it is those who will remain and exert this influence throughout the entire world to change evil to good. It is this simple.  What is the goal?

3. Goal

It’s on the paper you’ve received

1) Church Disaster

Those who will block the church disaster.  

2) World Disaster 

Not just any disaster, but the world disaster. Science cannot block disaster.

3) Future Disaster

Those who will block future disasters. This is the goal. We must begin by blocking church disaster.  Let me just give you one thing, the Antioch Church.

1) Church Disaster (Antioch)

The Antioch Church who knew what it meant to be those who will remain and to raise others like that.  Because we don’t have much time, let me keep it brief.

2) World Disaster (Paul’s Team)

Among those who will block the world disasters, we see God greatly used Paul and his team because they could block the world’s disasters.  

3) Future Disaster (Acts 1:8)

That’s why in Acts 1:8, God promised to give power.  It’s not going to work with anything else, but “Only” or “but when you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit,” so the key is for them to go to the ends of the earth.  This is the key.  I’m sure you’re holding vaguely to the covenant, we’ve got one lecture left, and the important conclusion that comes from here.


1. 7 Remnants

The seven remnants who understood these words, they understood, and those who understand these words are different.  Those who have this, have the sure answer, so that’s why even though hardships come, like Joseph faced, they are able to overcome.  It is God’s method to take all the suffering you’ve faced, all the influence from the evil culture and to change all of that for good. That was given to the 7 Remnants.  What’s more important?

2. Leaders

The leaders who raised these seven remnants, this is all it takes.  

3. Parents

The parents who raised those seven remnants.  

[ Romans 16:20, 25-27 ]

More important, we see the people who knew what missions, evangelism, and church, they gathered in Romans 16 and they completely made Satan surrender.  More importantly, what was hidden from long ages, that’s what God will give.  Because we have our many missionaries here, look at these many individuals and begin with the most urgent thing.

3. Goal – Disaster

Blocking disasters. Church officers, please pray, and really, just wait and see.  When our Seoul National University professor began to talk about the rainwater project, I realized there was something important here.  This time, he’s attempting a new project of how to prevent forest fires.  Both those things are very important because they block disasters.  One time, as we met together over a meal, I asked him, “How did you come to do this important work?” The professor answered, “Nobody else is doing it, that’s why I’m doing it.”  I asked, “Why don’t people do this?” 

He said something very important, “Because you can’t make money off of this.”  If you could make money off of it, all these swindlers would attach themselves to it, trying to make money.  Think about it, you have to build these great dams to make any money, but if you just collect rainwater and turn it into drinkable water, you’re not going to make any money off of that, but that’s what the people in those regions need. So I answered this way, “The gospel is like that, you can’t make money off of the gospel,” so that’s why people don’t want to get involved in it, but this is for real. It goes beyond money, this is for real.  

Everything is so wonderful about him, but one bad thing is that he doesn’t believe in Jesus.  He has great character, he’s got everything, but he doesn’t believe in Jesus.  Maybe he does? I believe that he could even win the Nobel Prize, so missionaries, utilize that.  In those remote areas where people are dying for lack of clean water, and spiritually, those who are dying because they haven’t heard the gospel, find those who will remain whom you can send to them, and the last lecture is those who will leave behind and we’ll speak about the key to those who will leave behind.  Let us pray.


We give thanks to God.   We give thanks to God Who has allowed us to know the most important thing to You.  May you grant grace upon grace and Your power to our missionaries who are doing this important work.  Daily grant them the blessing of seeing this path every day.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

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