The Path of the 70 Nations – Those Who Will Leave Behind (Acts 17:1, 18:4, 19:8)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Path of the 70 Nations – Those Who Will Leave Behind (Acts 17:1, 18:4, 19:8)

Speaker: Pastor Kwang Su Ryu

Interpreter:  Missionary Esther Chang

Many people themselves think this way, many people think I have not raised very many great works in my missions field.  Perhaps many people as well as the church sponsoring those missionaries might think the same way.  For two reasons, I do not think that way at all, because already I have seen your children as well as the disciples under you, and they can be importantly used by God.  Now, your ministry is just the beginning.

Those Who Remained (End)

Those who remained are those who have ended it with the gospel and know the end. No matter what the situation, those who have ended it with the gospel will not be shaken.  Now, with the life that you have left, you’re raising these kinds of people as the 70 disciples. 


These people are the ones who are mainly traveling the path of the pilgrim and the path of the conqueror.  

Those Who Remain (Power)

Absolutely, those people become those who remain.  Those who remain will gain the great power that God grants.  Already, there are these kinds of people around you.  In every region I went, without exception, I saw that there were these kinds of people.  Now, you must stake your life to raise these kinds of disciples.  The reason is because there are many renowned people out there, those who are greatly learned and there are great politicians as well.  But we can’t entrust these kinds of people to those people.  There are many more people who are more powerful than I, and we will be in trouble if these people are entrusted to them.

Those Who Will Remain (Culture)

Those who will remain are the ones who will change the culture; God will change the culture of evil to good, and God will change you. That’s what it means to be those who will remain.  

Those Who Will Leave Behind

The last lecture is, those who will leave behind.

The Path of the 70 Nations – Those Who Will Leave Behind 

Just travel the path of those who will leave behind to raise and save the 70 nations.  Let me just introduce one thing to you.

(Acts 17:1, 18:4, 19:8)

Why did Paul go into the Synagogue?  When he met the important couple, Priscilla and Aquila, he routinely went to the Synagogue with them.  Prior to going to Rome, in Tyrannus Hall, he went to the Synagogue. What does that mean?  


With the blessing of those who remained, those who remain, those who will remain, and those who will leave behind to save the 237 nations, the key is the posterity. This is what Paul left, and this is what’s left for you. I know it sounds a little bit extreme, but we don’t need smart people because smart people do something else.  Those who have a lot, those who have great backgrounds, we don’t need them, because of that background, they will do something else. 

If you’re facing a hardship, God intentionally did that so that you can do this.  If you haven’t received any answers until now, that’s something to be truly grateful for because God wants you to do this. If answers come but you haven’t done this, then it’s a little dangerous, isn’t it? You have to understand well.  That’s why rather than Pharisees, God called fishermen. It doesn’t mean God only used fisherman; God used Paul who was so smart, in a greater way.  The issue is that it has to be the person who understands these words, then just know one thing.

Introduction – The Time, The Place, and The Work of God 

Because you already have everything, all you have to do is align yourself with this. It is the time, it is the place, and the work. It is the time, the place, and the work of God. Just remain here.  Because you’re someone who fits with this, God has called you.  Don’t be comforted by my words; that’s a misconception. “I’ve got great power,” that’s a misconception, because our power is of no help to God.  

We keep having our misconceptions. That may help us to earn a living, but that won’t help for world evangelization.   Eating, anyone can do that, even dogs eat, isn’t that so? That’s not our goal in life. Pigs eat more than us, that’s not our goal.  So, don’t fall into any misconceptions as you go back.  God is still preparing you, He hasn’t even started yet. He’s going to start now.  But if you fall into your misconceptions, it really will be to your loss. 

Moses hadn’t even started yet, but he said, “I can’t do it.” God hadn’t even begun yet, but he said, “I can’t do it, I’m too old, I have no power, I can’t do this, simply put, I don’t have anyone behind me, I can’t do this by myself. I have nowhere to go, and that’s why I’m living off my in-laws.” That’s what he was saying.  God was so exasperated, “I will be with you.”  “But still, if I tell the Israelites, ‘Let’s go,’ they’re not going to listen to me.”  “Tell them that the LORD sent you.” He gave so many excuses but finally understood in the end. 

1. Genesis 37:11

Joseph said something that sounded so ridiculous, almost like a dream.  “The moon, the sun, and the stars bowed down to me,” that’s crazy talk. His brothers misunderstood those words, “Does that mean we’re going to bow down to you?” Joseph knew these words were about the evangelization of the 237 nations, and Jacob kept the matter in mind, it ends with that, because the time, the place, and the work will absolutely arise. If it doesn’t, then wait for it. Have fun waiting along the way.  There’s nothing to worry about.  Don’t be impatient, that’s a disease, don’t worry. Look carefully at the Bible.  How can you match this time?

2. Exodus 2:1-10

It’s with this one thing, Exodus 2.  The Israelites were facing death, their descendants were getting slaughtered, Moses was going to die as well.  But Moses’ mother makes a great decision. Honestly speaking, it wasn’t an impossible decision; it was a rightful decision as a mother, she decides to send her child adrift down the river. I don’t think she did that to abandon her child, because if you read it afterwards, she was matching the timing when the princess would come to bathe in the river, so she enabled her son to be adopted as the son of the princess.  At that time, she was nursing him as she raised him.  At this time, Jochebed, Moses’ mother, gave him all the covenants.  With that, the greatest event on earth happened, isn’t that so? It’s this, so you’re just beginning.

So, in God’s eyes, Moses was “those who remained,” and his mother was “those who remained,” and they became those who remain, those who will remain, and those who will leave behind. There may be the tense for the timing here, but they all mean the same thing. Look carefully at the Bible.

3. Exodus 3:1-10

Exodus 2 was how Moses was born, but Exodus 3, he completely failed. He had caused an accident inside the palace and then he ran away, but Jethro made this Moses his son-in-law.  It ends with that, he did something tremendous. This is your ministry.  Starting now, always think about this.  All it takes is one person, all of you have at least one person, and that one person will raise 70 disciples.  Starting now, don’t even be hasty.  Don’t use humanism; if you use humanism, that’s not a real disciple.

I briefly spoke about Professor Hanh. When I first met him, I didn’t try to attach myself with him, why? Because I’m sure there are many people, many con artists who just pass through, but I knew he was not that kind of person, so that’s how you make disciples, and when you get connected that way, that’s a real meeting.  So, this isn’t something about changing or trying to teach somebody this. You’re familiar with these Bible verses.

4. 1 Samuel 1:9-11

One woman began proper prayer, she was always having incorrect prayer, but she began to pray correctly. “Why don’t You give me any sons?” God did not answer that prayer.  “Why are you blessing Peninnah but you’re not blessing me?  How should that make me feel?” God never answered that prayer.  One day, she realized and asked for a Nazirite.  I believe God granted her the greatest answer of that age.  

It was Samuel.  Not one word Samuel said fell to the ground, it was to that extent, that as long as Samuel lived, wars ceased.  As long as Samuel lived, those who served Samuel served the Lord. Your correct prayers, one person, raises these kinds of works.  Let us say there were no missionaries, then what would happen?  The entire world would get lost in darkness.  Who would tell anyone this gospel?  Just remain inside of this.

5. 1 Samuel 16:1-13, 17:1-47 (Jesse)

It was the time when David was anointed, and also the scene when David overcame Goliath, and here, I saw Jesse’s role. Truly, it is the time, the place, and the work.  This is tremendous, and this is what Jesse saw. Just see this. What time is this right now, what situation is this? What is God’s plan? That’s what Jethro saw, and that’s why he made him his son-in-law, something he shouldn’t have done when looking through someone else’s eyes. Always think about this, wherever you go. Even when you prepare the message.  

Even when you prepare the message, from the very beginning to the end, ask yourself this, “Why should I give this sermon?” Ask this to God, “What is it that God wants?” Then you’ll see what you need to take out and what you need to put in, it’s this.  Many people have misconceptions, thinking, “If you bear a lot of fruit, you’re doing something great,” rather than doing this, then that’s wrong. Even if you just raise one person and go before God, you need to do this.  Take a look at this.  You’re familiar with these verses, it truly is amazing.

6. 1 Kings 18:1-15

He was an official under the king, but he went against the king’s orders to kill all of the prophets and hid 100 of them.  This Obadiah saw that, isn’t that so?  He saw the most important stream of evangelism and missions in the Bible, He saw the most important point of answers, then that’s it.  Now, you’re returning to this position starting today.  

7.  Daniel 1:8-9

I’m sure there are a lot in the Bible as well. As I said earlier, Daniel knew this. The three young men knew this, “We’re here right now, in what time schedule are we?” They knew, that’s why they resolved, and from that point on, they could see everything.  Even though they’re facing death, they said, “It’s okay, even if we are thrown into the furnace and die. Even though I’m going to be thrown into the den of lions and executed, they did the same thing and prayed.  Esther said, “If I perish, I perish.”  That’s what they said. 

8. Acts 1:14

In the same way, the people who came down from the Mount of Olives.  The time, the place, and the work God desires.  Those who are not too smart may think, “What are these people?” The Pharisees might consider them to be fools, and that’s why they fully persecuted them. If the people they persecuted had a background, they might be fearful of them, but they had no background so that’s why the Pharisees beat down on them. I’m sorry to say, but those people were inside of God’s timing, isn’t that so?  That’s why they were traveling that time schedule.  

Disciple, Region, Tribe, Nation

What comes from our first point are the 70 disciples, it follows, the 70 regions, that’s what happens.  Then the 70 tribes are the closest to us, those whom we meet first. You need to change the incorrect culture into blessings, and the 70 nations.  Of course, there’s 237 nations, but one person can reach 70 nations.  Look at the stream of the Bible.  

9. Acts 11:19

The ones who understood this best were the individuals of Acts 11:19, and the individual who truly understood this came forward.

10. Paul

That was Paul, and this is where they went.  Should we not do anything?  Starting now, do three things.  Start now.  How are you going to travel the path of those who will leave behind, these 70 disciples? There is this path, first of all?

Main – Path of Those Who Will Leave Behind

1. Setting (Edit, Plan, Design)

Starting now, completely set this. What do we mean by setting?  Take everything in God’s Word and starting now, what you do is you plan.  What do you have to do before plan?  Edit and design, that’s how you set this.  You set your life and find the posterity to save the 70 nations.  Starting now, do this.  

1) 70 Nations (Mount Calvary, Mount of Olives, Mark’s Upper Room)

Starting now, as you do this, the most important content is Calvary, Mount of Olives, and Mark’s Upper Room.  The second setting?  

2)  70 Fields (Acts 13, 16, 19)

You’re setting the disciples for the 70 nations and also setting that field. As you do that, the answers lie within Acts 13, 16, and 19. What do we see in the first half of the chapters in Acts 13, 16, and 19? They receive answers before they go, this is what happens, and then what? The works of healing take place.  If you look very carefully at the first part of Acts 13 and 19, and the middle of Acts 16, you find all the things you need to hold onto.  Just do that, don’t just go rushing out into camp; do this first, that’s your role, and if you do that, those works will take place. 

I did this first regarding my 70 fields.  The thrill you get when you’re so excited, that’s what happened for me.  Even now, I’m always thinking about this.  Right now, my field is to transmit this to you, but I really want to go into this, because what I sense is that you make it very difficult to go into the field. When you do it that way, it’s going to be very hard.  Sometimes when I hear the reports from the missionaries and they’re so excited because things are taking place a little bit, I’m kind of worried for them, saying, “That’s not it.”  

God allowed this pandemic and opened the new doors for the 237 nations, so I realized what He did was to make things new.  Do you know people who are so poor and they come across a large amount of money? They become so excited, they’re not able to handle that.  People who always are disregarded like to attack others because they’re always looked down on.  So it’s not going to work from that level.  

You completely make preparations first.  The work, the person, the location, they were completely led, and in Acts 16, to Macedonia. They completely set that.  In Acts 19:1-7, we saw the works that took place in Mark’s Upper Room, how they received power and spoke in tongues, were re-enacted, so just adjust this.  Then you’ll see these paths open.  Unconditionally, from the beginning, find the 70 disciples starting now.  No reason to treat them well or to get on their good side, that’s fake.  Then, begin by finding the 70 fields and regions, because there are the fields inside the regions.  

Listen well to what I’m saying. It’s kind of strange to say it’s fun to do this, but it really is fun.  My heart was really jumping inside of me, I was able to go into one region, then go into another region, that’s what happens.  Even the elders and workers who went with me were so surprised.  But thankfully, so much opposition arose in Busan that we had to stop, and by doing that, I was able to meet all of you, I’m really thankful for that because ultimately it’s this thing. Ultimately, so there’s no other way but this, and that’s why we must remember this path.  Even if we just know, answers will come.  Going out to evangelize is not what’s important, it’s about this. Then you do this first and then go out. Keep that in mind.

3) Future 70 Nations (Romans 16:25, 26, 27)

Set the 70 nations for the future, now this follows, and when you do this, you can see Romans 16:25, 26, and 27).  Then number two, once you do this, it’s already finished so it’s easy. What is number two?

2. The Place Nobody Goes, 70 Fields

You are sending the 70 people who are going to leave behind to the places nobody goes.  Not that you’re sending them, but you can see them. That’s what it means to be those who leave behind.

3. 70 Fields Nobody Can Go To

It’s not that we don’t go, but it’s the 70 fields nobody can go to. These are the seventy fields nobody goes to, and you can see that.  What’s the reason nobody goes there?

2. The Place Nobody Goes, 70 Fields

1) Nobody (Independence)

You’re familiar with this word, there’s nothing there, but that’s the answer.  You try to do something but you can’t, you’ve got no background, and you’ve got no money.  But that’s the answer.  Here, we’ve got the 10 mysteries that enable you to survive no matter what the situation.

2) No way (Spiritual Facts)

Send them into the place where there is no way, that’s where you plow in.  It must be here where you’re able to see the spiritual facts. We only move according to the physical things we see, no, don’t do that.  People who don’t know a lot about business or insurance only go to people they know. Then you’re quickly going to face limitations, but those who are skilled will reach out to those whom they don’t know.  

Look carefully at this, if you begin praying this prayer, this is the very first thing that comes to you. Nobody goes there, so you go there.  There’s no way either, so there’s no competition.  If you need to compete, that’s a worldly thing. You don’t have to compete, but you must be those who will leave behind.  

Once again, take a look at this, on the Remnant’s path, was there any competitor? No, all the remnants went here, they went down a path where nobody could help them. Joseph, do you know why Joseph went all the way to prison?  Yes, he knew the spiritual facts but he also knew there was nobody to help him, and Joseph knew that even if he spoke up, it would all be in vain, but he also knew that this would all be fulfilled, so we are beginning to raise up this kind of posterity. Even if it doesn’t succeed, the moment you set your heart on this, answers will come, isn’t that so? It’s very important.  You’re familiar with this.   

3) No Time (Crises)

There’s no opportunity, it’s No Time. That’s why you have to choose the crises, so teach the remnants.  Crises are the greatest field for answers, this is the mystery to save the 70 nations.

4) Nowhere (Unconventional Thinking)

There’s no field, it’s nowhere. That’s why it lies on the opposite side, Unconventional Thinking, the opposite side, always.  No reason to fall into trials because people are always saying strange things, but the answers lie on the opposite side.  Lastly, number five. There are no answers in all the fields. To say there’s an answer, that’s false.

5) No Answer (Synergy)

That’s why, with God’s answer, it doesn’t matter whether that person is right or wrong, go and save them. That is Synergy.  This was the weapon the seven remnants had, and it’s your weapon as those who will leave behind because nobody goes there.  

3. 70 Fields Nobody Can Go To

Now, the seven remnants went to places nobody could go, where is that?

1) Everybody (No Competition)

They went to a place they could save everybody, not anyone could go there, and that’s why there’s no competition.  I’m not just saying this, look carefully at each one, it was Joseph’s journey, it was David’s journey, it was all of them. Joseph saved everyone.

2) Every Way (Re-Creation)

In the past, there was no way, but now you become the way to save everyone, we call this re-creation.  This answer will come.  If you simply hold onto this covenant, then God will raise the disciples of re-creation to you and to do His works everywhere, it’s this. You’re familiar with these words.

3) Everywhere (Summit)

In the past, it was nowhere, there was no field, but now everywhere is a field, it’s everywhere.  What do we call this? Ultimately, our remnants become the summit.  If you become the summit, you don’t have a set field; everywhere is a field. These are important words. The king said, “Do whatever you want with the Egyptians,” that’s what he said.  “Not a single person in Egypt would be able to move without your permission,” that’s what the king said. “I am higher than you in regards to one thing, that I sit on the throne.” That’s what he said, “Do whatever you want with Egypt.”  It really seems like a fantasy but it really did happen, and right now, this is what’s progressing before us.  Ultimately, what is it?

4) Every Time (Wilderness)

In the past, there was no opportunity, but now, through the remnants, we see it becomes Every Time, and that’s why we see this important word, go to the wilderness.  Go to the barren places, why?  Now, it’s every time.  It transcends time and space.  

5) Every Answer (Absolute)

The last thing, it may seem to be the same words, but it’s not. You can give the answer to everything, what is the key?  It’s the absolute things of God, that’s what you’re relaying.  The greatest counsel I can give this person is to let them know the absolute things of God.  The greatest way to bless this person is to let them know God’s absolute plan. Even if you just look at one person, Joseph, these are accurate words.  Because of one person, Joseph, God’s absolute plan was relayed, and the Pharaoh had nothing to say to that. This is what saves the 237 nations.


70 Disciples, 70 Regions, 70 Tribes, 70 Nations 

Let me tell you once again, always think about this journey.  Find the 70 disciples first, those who remained.  Don’t worry about anything else, whoever you are, you can do this, so don’t worry.  Now, it’s important for elders to evangelize, but this is more important.  Now, enable each and every one of them to plow into their 70 regions. Then you’ll find the 70 tribes and 70 nations.  It’s a tremendous thing that happens.

The conclusion.   I’m sure there may be some of you who are worried that you don’t have your own position in the church.  Even though it’s normal to think that way, it has nothing to do with this. There are many church officers who think, “Nobody acknowledges me at church,” you’ve probably seen this but in one way, you’ve failed when it comes to this.  So, begin by finding the 70 disciples among the multiethnic groups who are already here.

1. 70 Disciples Who Have Already Come

Begin with this.  Among the multiethnic groups who are already here in Korea, don’t just run various programs, but find disciples. Number two, it’s something our lay people need to do.

2. Remnants, Employees, Immigrants Who Are Already There

There are remnants who are out there. There are also businesspeople who are already out there. Already immigrants are there.  Find the 70 disciples from among them.  What’s more important is number 3.

3. Sponsoring the Missionaries and 70 Disciples

Once our missionaries really find the 70 disciples, help them to find them, that’s what we mean by Romans 16:23.  He was a host to myself and all the evangelist, he was a host to myself and all the evangelists.  That’s what our church officers must do, there’s nothing else more important.  Think about it, until now, evangelism, even as you serve the church, you only knew it backwards.  You knew the real answers backwards.  Teach them that, and it ends with that.  Answers will just come.  Amazing works to change the world will take place.

Our missionaries as well as our believers, as well as our church officers who are praying for the missionaries, completely change your thinking. Let us pray.


Father God, we thank You. We give all the glory to You, and we give praise to the God Who has saved us and guides us.  We give praise to our God Who has allowed us to properly open our eyes to see this, and we thank You for raising up the missionaries who can carry out this work. Let this be a new start, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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