The Path of 237 Healing and the Summit (Ezekiel 37:1-10)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Path of 237 Healing and the Summit (Ezekiel 37:1-10)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

People must be healed and restored through the Word of God. When the Word of God that has come into you is embedded into your soul, that is how much you will change.

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I pray the special grace of God will be upon all the individuals and families worshipping in the church, the home, and especially out of state. In America, today is Independence Day. Then I hope that you will receive extra special grace. Because moreso than observing Independence Day, you’re observing the Lord’s Sabbath day, so I hope the grace of God will be upon you. 

1. Field of Israel

  1) Dry bones in a valley (Ezek. 37:1)

    (1) State of captivity by Babylon

The title of today’s message is about how to heal and to raise the 237 nations of the world, and the main scripture we read was the message God gave to the Israelites, thousands of years ago in the Old Testament, when the people of God were being taken captive to Babylon. 

    (2) State of separation from God’s Word

When God called the Israelites, He called them with the same word He called Abraham with, “all nations will be blessed through you,” but instead they were taken captive to Babylon. So thousands of years ago, to Ezekiel, God is giving us the answer of today’s problems, for us and for the churches. 

    (3) State of death and no hope (Ezek. 37:9,11)

Ezekiel says that in the valley of death, the bones were very dry. This valley represents death (Ezekiel 37:9). Ezekiel 37:11 says they had no hope. The Israelites are supposed to live with the hope and life of God, but instead they’re in a state of death with no hope. This is the message that God is giving to any member of the church who feels like they have no hope or even though they’re living, they might be better off dead. The fact that Israel is being taken captive to Babylon means they are captives to the world, and they can never escape with their own efforts. 

This is the word God is giving today to those churches who are captives. Being a “captive” means my thoughts and heart are seized by something else; they need to be seized by God, but instead they’re seized by the world, they are seized by the standards of the world; they are seized by success and money. Our thoughts and minds are seized by the words of people. Most people are seized by the scars of their past. 

Because of that, they’re in a state where they’re seized by bipolar disorder, depression, and panic attacks. It might be fine if I could escape with my own strength, but the fact that they’re captives of Babylon means they’re captives of something stronger than them, from which they cannot escape. 

This is the Word God gives through Ezekiel when the Israelites are in this state. They’re stuck in a state of division, obsession, and addiction. Because of that, they cannot escape. If someone goes to prison for years because of an addiciton to drugs or child pornography, even if they are released from prison, they’re not healed of those things. If they are in prison for over a decade, they cannot partake in the activity for that time because they’re stuck, but the state of their brain and their spirit is still addicted. 

Then, when they’re released from prison, they’ll do it again. Even if they come out with a home-arrest bracelet, they’ll still be doing those things. That’s why some people are stuck within the same problem, generation after generation. They want to escape but they can’t; they’re always seized and dragged around. 

How can we be heal things like this?  How can we be liberated from what binds us? It is impossible with the efforts of man. The things we may possibly do is control our outer behavior, but we cannot change our brain. The brain is connected to our mind and heart. The state of your thoughts and emotions is all connected to your brain. That’s what makes you act. It’s all connected to your spirit. 

So there is something that is stuck in your thoughts and emotions that leaves you no choice but to be addicted. It takes a lot of time. It’s not healed in one go. It may seem like it’s instantaneously healed but it’s not. The state of your spirit must be completely liberated.  Some people are seized by poverty. Some are so bound by money, they cannot escape. They’re in the same state as the dead bones in the valley Ezekiel speaks of. 

  2) Reason for captivity

    (1) Idol worship (Ezek. 6:4-6)

The reason the Israelites are taken captive to Babylon is in Ezekiel 6:4, they were worshipping idols. They did what they shouldn’t have done. “What’s wrong with that? I have freedom of religion.” If you say that, you’ll be seized. 

    (2) State where their hearts are turned away (Ezek. 6:9)

What does it mean to be seized by idols? In Ezekiel 6:9, God says, “in their adulterous hearts, they have turned away from Ne.” Being spiritually adulterous means you have departed from God and you’re worshipping demons instead. In the New Testament, it says Jesus is our groom and the church is His bride. If you depart from God, you’re in a state of adultery. We need to communicate only with God spiritually. If we communicate with demons spiritually through worshipping idols, we are separated from God. 

    (3) Worshiped idols in greed (Ezek. 6:9)

Then in Ezekiel 6:9, it says “their lustful eyes,” which is talking about their own greed and ambitions. We are created to be content and happy with only God, but they are not satisfied with Him. You can see in Gen. 3:4-5, we’re created to be full with God’s Word, but we’re not satisfied with that. Our heart is already in a state that has departed from God. Because of that, we need to satiate our greed so we fill ourselves with idols. So all your thoughts are about how to please the idols. That is represented by the state of the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel. 

  3) Path of healing

    (1) Hear the Word (Ezek. 37:4)

How is God going to change people like this? Today God is delivering His Word through Ezekiel. In Ezek. 37:4, he says, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘ Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD!’” You have to listen well, in detail. For people who are easily conned or swindled, they listen to the words of conmen with much vigor. If they listen passionately to the words of their friends with a lot of vigor, they’ll follow what their friends do. If you just listen to people’s words haphazardly, you won’t follow them, but you listen so diligently.

What’s going to happen to your future?  If you go thoroughly into the Word of God, your future will change.  In Deut. 6:4, it says, “Hear O Israel.” There are people who listen but don’t hear, their hearts are elsewhere. Their heart is always wondering about how they’ll make it in the world. These people are already bound. Of course we have to work in this world and study and live in the world; it’s not free, but these people don’t know what comes first and what is second. They’re putting their work at a similar level as God, then these people will be bound by their work and then they’ll get very busy. No matter how much you work, you will reach your limitation that you can’t overcome, and that’s a state of spiritual death.

The valley of Ezekiel was filled with people like this. They’re completely dead, so God is saying this to the churches of the modern day.  He doesn’t even speak of unbelievers, they’re completely dead; they have no hope. On the exterior, they might seem successful and are very good at working and studying, but on the inside they’re dead. And for people like this, God is saying “Listen to the words of the Lord.” 

You can listen to the words of people, but you cannot put them in your heart, simply keep them as reference. If you keep God’s Word in your heart, your heart will change; the state of your thoughts, spirit, and heart will change. 

    (2) Bones came together, body restored (Ezek. 37:8)

In Ezekiel 37:8, these bones come together even though they were once scattered. When the Word of God goes into you, your spiritual state that was so scattered and chaotic will become normalized. When the Word of God comes into you, you’ll even be able to prioritize your studies and work in the correct order. 

In Gen. 1:2, God created the universe and it was in a state of darkness and chaos. Once God said, “Let there be light,” there was order. If the people of God do not receive the Word of God, we’ll be in a state of chaos and confusion. But once the Word comes into our souls, our state will become normal, and we will have wisdom. “How should we work?” What’s more important is that you’ll be able to organize these things. 

    (3) Healing through the Word (Heb. 4:12)

These bones come together, and they have tendons and flesh. So people must be healed and restored through the word of God. When the Word of God that has come into you is embedded into your soul, that is how much you will change. Heb. 4:12 says the Word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword. It says this Word is living and active. 

“The Word of God is just printed on some paper with ink. Even textbooks at school are printed with ink. It is the same as any economics book that is printed on paper with ink.” That is a misconception. God is living even now, and He is fulfilling the Word He gives us. Even though these are words just printed on paper, the words of God’s logos come into me as they are proclaimed through the pulpit message, then they are fulfilled in my life. 

The principle of God’s working is through the Word; He does not work apart from the Word. God Himself is working even now with the Word He has given us. That’s why when the Word hooks into you, your life will change. A person doesn’t change otherwise. People say education changes people, but maybe you only change the state of your knowledge. Because the eyes of your knowledge are opened, you can change the things you do and advance scientifically. That is how humanity has progressed until now, through the development of our knowledge. 

2. God (Word) (Jn. 1:1)

And though the external creation may have developed and changed, our spiritual state is the same as the dead bones in Ezekiel. That is why God is working through His Word even now. Jn 1:1 says the Word is God. God is invisible and He reveals Himself through His Word. At this time, God is approaching you with His Word. If the Word of God goes into you, that means God has come into you. If the Word of God is moving upon you, that means God is working upon you. That’s the Word.

  1) Jesus Christ

    (1) The Word became flesh (Jn. 1:14)

There was a time that the Word came as flesh, God himself came to Earth as a human (Jn. 1:14). Then we can only be saved if we know the message of Jesus Christ. 

    (2) Everything was finished on the cross (Jn. 19:30)

Jn. 19:30 are the words of Jesus Christ as He took up the cross, “It is finished.” All the problems of mankind have been solved on the cross. As soon as this message goes into you, you will be liberated from your depression, from the things that bind you. But if you don’t understand these words, you’ll remain in your current state, always bound by your anxiety and concerns. 

All your problems of your past, present, and future are finished. For people who don’t have this message within them, they will be seized. “Pastor, I have a problem. If I have a problem but say I don’t, that’s lying.” That person does not have the Word within them. The Word isn’t something you can understand by studying.  “It is finished.” Would a nonbeliever be able to understand those words? Even believers don’t understand these words. 

What exactly is finished?  Why did Jesus Christ die on the cross?  All my problems of sin, separation and hell, and Satan are finished on the cross. What relevance do those problems have now?  Until the Word goes into this person, they’ll always be stuck in their problems. 

    (3) New creation (2 Cor. 5:17)

2 Cor. 5:17 says we are now changed into a new creation. You are no longer the person of your past. You have changed into a person who lives for the will of God as a child of God. As a child of God, God takes complete care of you and you live for God’s will, so there is nothing that is a problem. 

    (4) Child of God (Jn. 1:12)

The only problem is not being God’s child. Once you’re God’s child, God completely takes care of you. That message has to go into you for you to be liberated from your problems. Everyone has their own time schedule. Just because you believe in Jesus Christ, doesn’t mean you’ll have no problems believing.  Even though you have received salvation and the problems of your past, present, and future have been finished on the cross, you’re still bound by the scars of your past because the Word of God hasn’t yet properly come into you. 

  2) God’s kingdom – On this earth as the Word

The Kingdom of God must come upon this earth, where God reigns with His Word, and that Kingdom must be established within me.  “I am a child of God and God is with me forever.” He is with me, right? You have salvation, right? It’s important for you to apply this very well. You have accepted God to be with you forever, but you’re always struggling and worrying by yourself. You’re saying, “God just wait on the side, I’ll take all my burdens on myself.” That person does not have the Word in them. 

What does it mean to have God with you? It means that God is with you even in things that appear to be problems.  Why is God with you? God opens the path with His Word. “Why did God give me this problem?” That’s what it means for the Lord to be with you.  Ask God. As evidence that He is with you, He will give the answer with His Word. 

    (1) With me (Gal. 2:20)

God is working with His Word even now.  “God, allow Your Kingdom to be established here.  God, you are the Word and let your Word be with me in every aspect of my life.” Gal. 2:20, I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. There’s no need to talk about yourself; instead of talking about yourself, you talk about God and that’s what it means for God to be with you.  Even after receiving salvation, you still say, “in my opinion…” that’s why you can’t escape from yourself or your thoughts.  

You don’t need your thoughts, you need God’s Word. If you have a problem and God is with you, it is not a problem but a blessing. That’s what it means for your problems of your past, present, and future to be solved on the cross.  

    (2) With us (Matt. 1:23)

God is with me even now, He is with us. In Mt. 1:23, it says “They will call him Immanuel”–which means “God with us.” He is not “my” Father in heaven, He is “our” Father in heaven.  Do not misunderstand, you think you’re the only one who is right.  If you truly have God’s Word, you must listen to others’ words as well.  The fact that God is with us means you must confirm everything through the pulpit God gave to the church.  

God is with His Word because He is with us. Then you must be able to communicate with each other through God’s word. If someone is lacking in the church, confirm if the Word is with that person or not; but it won’t be. If it’s God’s will, relay that Word to them. “If I tell them God’s Word, they’ll have so much pride that they’ll start fighting against me.” For those people, you just pray for them behind the scenes, then their pride will be broken. 

If someone is so stubborn, there’s no reason to fight with them, but God will work upon them accordingly.  There’s no need to fight their stubbornness with your stubbornness; if you pray for them, their stubbornness will be broken one day. “That person is so stubborn, they won’t listen to my words.” The more they are like that, then when the Holy Spirit works, they can’t budge.  That’s why God is with us.

Even within your family you need to have this “us” very well. Instead of saying “God is with us,” you keep saying “God is with me,” then you don’t think God’s with that person, then you’re always fighting saying only your words are correct.  Then, where is God? You have to communicate with one another with the unity of God’s Word. 

When you go into the field of the world, you will meet other people. “God is with me, right? God is with us, right?” Then God will give you His plan and reason for this meeting. If not, you’ll just move and speak according to your thoughts and motives when meeting with people. Then you’re taking God’s Word of being with me and being with us and throwing it in the trash. That’s why we fall back into the state of complete death in the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel.

    (3) With us in all things – Plan (Rom. 8:28)

Rm. 8:28 says that God is fulfilling His good purpose in all things, meaning God has a plan in everything. Of course this is correct because God is moving and controlling everything in the universe even now.  Even within your mistakes, there is a plan of God.  The plan of God is in all of your past, even your scars. Everything will be changed for the good of saving people. Because you deny the existence of God there, you’re seized by darkness. God was with you in the past as well, it’s simply that you were not aware. If you seek God’s Word today, you will be liberated. 

  3) Path of healing – Breath

    (1) Make breath enter you and come to life (Ezek. 37:5, 6, 10. Gen. 2:7)

In Ezek. 37:5, it says the Lord will make breath enter you. When the Word goes into these bones, skin and tendons attach to the bones, but they cannot move yet. The Word has come into them, but they can’t move. In order for the Word to come alive and be active, the breath must come into us. In Gen. 2:6-7 God created mankind from dirt, including all the body parts and everything, but only when He breathed into it did the body come to life and move. When this breath of life comes into these bodies, these things that were once dead come to life. 

    (2) Become God’s army (Ezek. 37:10)

In v. 10, it says these bodies become a vast army. An army means there is some enemy because an army is required to fight the enemies of the country. If there is no enemy, then you don’t have soldiers, but you have civilians. You’re just holding a gun by yourself without an enemy to shoot at, then that’s not a soldier. Without a doubt, if there’s an army, there’s an enemy you must fight. This is the way the Israelites were originally created to live, but because they were worshipping idols, they departed from God and were taken captive in the world. 

“But Pastor, why are you talking about fighting? Isn’t believing in Jesus all about love and peace?” Isn’t our walk of faith just about receiving a little bit of comfort and peace so we can give offering to the church?  That’s not what it says in the Bible; that’s something you created on your own.  The Bible tells you that you are the Lord’s army and Jesus Christ is your commander. When Jesus Christ gives you a command, you must be ready to fight. You must prepare to fight against the authority of the world and the darkness.  

This is the church, but instead of fighting against it, we surrender to the world and give into the darkness and the standards of the world. That’s why we’re taken captive. Once the Word of God comes in and the breath of life comes into us, we change into this vast army, in other words, when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. 

3. Holy Spirit

What happens when the Holy Spirit comes upon us? We become different. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus Christ and the Father God. It is invisible but is within you. When you begin to pray, the Holy Spirit moves. Because you’re losing hold of prayer and the Word, you become complete captives to the world. When you have the Word of God but you don’t have the Holy Spirit, you have no power. You’re not dead, but you have no power to move, the power of the Holy Spirit. 

  1) Summit

    (1) Filling of the Holy Spirit – Authority (Ac. 1:8)

How else will we be able to save the 237 nations? The one who prays will be able to save. Whenever you pray, the throne of heaven moves.  That’s the spiritual world. Right now at this time if you begin to pray, God will begin to work on the field you’re praying for. But if you don’t pray and just receive the Word, you receive salvation and healing but you won’t be able to save others. That’s why Jesus promises the Early Church that when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you’ll receive power. 

    (2) Evil spirits are driven out (Ac. 13:8-11)

In Acts 13, Apostle Paul goes to the island of Patmos for missions and evangelism, but the proconsul who is in control of the island is being controlled behind the scenes by Elymas the sorcerer. What is a sorcerer?  A sorcerer controls people spiritually. When you go into your job, if someone is a sorcerer, they will control others with their prayers. Then, this person is going to be spiritually controlled, then there will be works that you see with your eyes. 

On the island of Patmos, there are spiritual sorcerers that are controlling the proconsul behind the scenes. If you go to Latin America, this is common, maybe not in the cities, but if you go to smaller towns, they’re everywhere. If you go there without strength, you’ll be taken in by it, but what did Paul do? He was filled with the Holy Spirit. 

Paul didn’t do this with his education.  Paul didn’t just speak with all the scriptures he had memorized. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and looked straight at Elymas.  When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you will see the spiritual things. Peter and John were on their temple gate, but because they were filled with the Holy Spirit they looked straight at the beggar. Before that point, they couldn’t see; they only saw this beggar as a beggar for 38 years, they didn’t really see him. 

You can only see the spiritual state of the sorcerer of the island of Patmos if you are filled with the Holy Spirit.  Paul looked directly at him, meaning he was directly interested in him.  Just like when John and Peter when they were at the temple gates, they looked straight at the beggar and saw the spiritual problem inside the beggar. “This is not just a beggar, this is a beggar that is trapped in Satan, sin, and his eternal fate.” “So what I have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk.” The answer of the spiritual state of this beggar is the Jesus Christ Whom I have. 

    (3) Witness to the ends of the earth – Relay the Word (Ac. 1:8, Ezek. 37:4,7,9,10)

That’s what they saw as they left Mark’s Upper Room filled with the Holy Spirit. Once you have God’s Holy Spirit, you will see the spiritual things and be able to conquer them with spiritual strength. Everyday people don’t know this, but the people controlling this world are filled with evil spirits.

“Oh, I’ll work very hard and reach 1st place.” Everyone says that, but those who are really controlling the world are filled with evil spirits and controlling with that power, since Gen. 6. The reason these religions continue to exist is that the leaders of religions are filled with power from evil spirits to maintain their religion.  

There is a reason that transcendental meditation is so popular. It’s because there’s a minority that is filled with evil spirits and are moving things with this authority. But the church is moved by people filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.  It is with that that Paul casts out these evil spirits in Elymas. That evil spirit was not on some far off island, they’re in your company. It’s not in some far-off place, but they’re inside your kids you see every day, but you haven’t seen it.  These evil spirits are seizing the next generation.  

I see it a lot.  I see a Caucasian girl who looks perfectly fine, and she’s just doing it, but it’s witchcraft. There are girls who are just doing this, that’s sorcery and witchcraft. For people who do that well, they move things. There are people who do this in your schools and companies. If your eyes are not opened to see this at all, go to the fortune teller on Pico. If you don’t see this, go ask a fortune teller to see what they say.  

There was one time I took people with me. I was sitting crossing my legs, and the fortuneteller said, “I can curse you right now and can make you into my boyfriend immediately.” Do you think this is a joke? It’s a fact; it’s true, but you guys don’t know this. You’re being taken by something you’re not even aware of. I have Jesus Christ, so what she said had no effect on me, but she’s actually doing that to people who don’t have Christ. 

People do business with spiritual strength, but you’re trying to do this with your diligence?  Sure, that’s good, but I’m talking about a different world right now.  Do you think politicians are being taken in because they lack knowledge? Do you think the President of America is taken in by a lack of knowledge?  This is the reality. But you’ve never seen that. Pray about it; it’s everywhere.

These aren’t just things that are far-and-few between, but they’re in the Bible and have existed for thousands of years. That is why Apostle Paul calls on the Holy Spirit and casts out the demon that is controlling Elymas and frees the proconsul who was being controlled. How do you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit?  Why do you need the filling of the Holy Spirit? To study well or work well? The Bible never says that, that you need the filling of the Holy Spirit to work well; you’ll never get it that way. 

Why do you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit?  God gives you the Holy Spirit to receive power and become witnesses to the ends of the earth. Some people receive the Holy Spirit in their work or studies. Without a doubt, that person’s studies or business is aligned with saving people’s lives, and for those people, the Spirit of God is bound to be upon them. It is with this strength that they control their job and the people around them. 

The controlling of the Holy Spirit is good, but controlling by evil spirits lead to disasters. God begins to work with those who have these eyes open, and this is the reason the members of the Early Church devoted to gathering together and praying constantly. Try praying with the Word of God in concentration, then you will receive power. 

Think of the sun. Everyone has the rays of the sun, but if you have a solar panel, you use the sun for energy. So we receive the energy and are able to use it;  the Holy Spirit exists, but we receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. Try concentrating, holding onto God’s Word. This is the principle of concentration.  The sorcerer Elymas received the filling of evil spirits through concentration. 

If you aren’t able to concentrate on the Word of God, you’ll fall into your obsessions, worries, anxieties and addictions. You’ll constantly be in a state of division, and you won’t be able to work because your mind is divided.  Studying is so difficult because you can’t concentrate as your mind is so scattered. If people are doing their business, they need to be able to quiet, concentrate, and see the rest of their plan, but their mind is so scattered, they go back and forth. This is why people fall into a state of addiction.

This is the state of people who are living in America today. You can’t free this person with just your persuasive words. How can they be free from what is binding them? You can only free them with the spiritual power that comes from being filled with the Holy Spirit. It means you are filled with God, and with this, you reveal the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. Unless you first bind the strong man, you cannot rob his house of its possessions. This is the blessing that the Israelites lost, and because of that, they were following the world. 

  2) Prayer: Concentrate (Ac. 1:14), Field – 24 hour prayer, Answer – 25 (Ac. 2)

If you hold onto God’s Word and concentrate every day of the week, God’s Word will follow you into the field.  The things happening in this world are due to the spiritual forces that we cannot see. When the Word of God was proclaimed, we saw this world with the light we see with our eyes.  If you are in a state where you’re concentrating on the Word of God, then you will see the works of God that will take place. That time of concentration is a time of worship, concentrating on God’s Word. Then even if you tell the answers not to come, they will come. 

If you’re concentrating and united with God in His Word, then the things you see with your eyes will take place. That’s why people who suffer from mental problems return to normalcy.  People who have scars avoid people. They cannot be upright. They can’t be optimistic because they’re afraid they’ll be attacked again. There’s no method for that. Even if you try to avoid everyone, it’s not going to work.  It doesn’t matter how much you criticize the world, drinking every night. It’s only a loss to yourself. The Word of God must go in. 

  3) Eternity

    (1) 237 nation disciple (Mt. 28:19, Gen.12:3)

Only then will a person be able to concentrate on God’s Word and begin to change. When this answer comes, then the eternal things will be your masterpiece. We are born and living in this world, and if we’re studying so diligently for 30 years then working for 30 more years and then die, that’s a waste of your failed life. As you live your life on this earth, you must prepare an eternal masterpiece of your life. What is eternal? God’s Word is eternal. Spirit is eternal. Angels are eternal, and our spirit.  Only the salvation of souls is what you can leave on this earth for eternity after you’re gone. 

If there is not a single person who has gained eternal life through you, you’ve wasted your life, just eating and pooping. There’s nothing left, I don’t even know if that person has salvation. But if everything that is temporary in my life, inducing my studies and job, is used to save someone’s eternal soul, then that is my eternal masterpiece. Therefore, the business I’m doing needs to be aligned with saving the 237 nations and the entire world. 

    (2) Business, academics that saves lives

God promised Abraham, “You will become a source of blessings for all nations.” Jesus has given you the Word, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations.” My studies and work need to be aligned with His Word. That is what God has given us in order for us to have the eternal things. Through me, one person has received eternal salvation? That person will be in heaven for eternity.  It doesn’t just end with that person, but the blessing of the gospel has been relayed through that person’s family and their many generations to come. 

    (3) Church construction that saves lives – Platform

What is true success? That is true success. Any success that isn’t able to save souls is fake. Regarding temple construction, if you go to Europe, you can see temples that were built thousands of years ago. When they built these grand structures, there are some people who gave their entire life savings to build that temple, but that building remains even now and continues to influence Catholics even now. There are Buddhist temples that were built using people’s entire life savings, they sold their small sack of rice and their house for this building, and these buildings are still being used by Buddhism today. 

It’s the same in the church. What does God desire?  It is the Temple Construction that saves lives for eternity.  What happens if the temple is here and then is gone? Then you cannot save souls. That’s why you need to have a temple construction that can save souls and continue worship. That’s what my life, business, and studies need to be staked on. A temple that cannot save souls will be sold off as a bar.  For you and I, I hope we will walk the path of the true successful person with the eternal masterpiece of saving souls. 


1. Heal through the Word of Christ

2. Summit through the prayer of the filling of the Holy Spirit

3. Witness of saving the 237 nations


Let us hold onto the Word God has given us today and pray together.   


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