The Passover Lamb – Jesus Christ (John 19:1-16)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Passover Lamb – Jesus Christ (John 19:1-16)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The Passover means that disasters have passed over you. But why do these disasters happen in the first place? I haven’t done anything wrong, so why are there disasters? What is the solution?

Let us bless one another. Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. May this be the time of God’s blessing upon all the individuals, families, and out-of-state members. Those who haven’t lived their walk of faith for a long time may not understand what the Passover lamb means. What is the Passover, and what is the lamb of the Passover? These are the words of the Old Testament. 

In today’s passage, Jesus Christ is about to die on the cross, and this signifies the Passover Lamb. If you understand what this means, the invisible curses and disasters in your family will be broken down.  The Passover means that disasters have passed over you. But why do these disasters happen in the first place? I haven’t done anything wrong, so why are there disasters? What is the solution? The blood of the Passover lamb. If you apply the blood of the lamb, why do disasters go away? That is the core of today’s message. 

1. Pilate

Today’s scripture passage is when Pilate is forced to make a judgement on Jesus Christ. 

  1) Worldly power (Jn. 19:10)

Pilate had the greatest level of authority, but he had Jesus in custody and whipped and flogged him. Being flogged is no ordinary thing; when Roman soldiers flog their prisoners, they use leather straps with pieces of lead or animal bone at the end so the person’s flesh would be torn off. That means most people would actually die from the flogging even before getting crucified. 

    (1) Had Jesus flogged (Jn. 19:1, Is. 53:4)

Why does this happen, and why does this matter to me? If this is irrelevant to you, you will face disasters. Disasters don’t come because you’re not diligent or kind enough. Jesus Christ is being flogged, and if you don’t understand what that has to do with you, you will continue to face disasters. 

In Isaiah 53:4, the people didn’t understand this either, “surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, but we considered him stricken by God and afflicted.” All of the Jews and Gentiles who saw Jesus being flogged thought he was rightfully being flogged for committing a sin. The Jews thought that if you sinned, your punishment would be from God. So they thought Jesus’ flogging had nothing to do with them, and that’s why they faced disasters. Disasters don’t come because we don’t work hard.  

    (2) Put a crown of thorns on Jesus’s head (John 19:2)

In John 19:2, the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns, mocking him for being king. And the thorns on this crown aren’t the small thorns of today, but they were very large thorns in the Middle East.  They pressed this crown onto his head and dressed him in a purple robe, meant for kings, to mock him. 

   (3) Slapped him in the face (John 19:3)

In verse 3, they slap him in the face, say “You can still have peace. Hail the king of Jews” and flog him. They don’t know what they were doing; they are doing this because they thought Jesus was a sinner. There are things we do without knowing, out of ignorance. These people don’t know what they’re doing. But Jesus isn’t being beat to death because he lacks the power. He is taking on our sorrows and our punishment upon himself. 

I was evangelizing at Seoul National University and some students asked me “Why did Jesus have to be beaten and crucified if He is the son of God?” These were people from another religion.  “If you’re God and you have strength, why are you being beaten right now?” These people face disasters because they think Jesus being beaten has nothing to do with themselves. I should be the one being flogged and punished, but instead it is Jesus receiving the punishment on my behalf. 

  2) Pilate’s confession

    (1) Found no basis for a charge against him (Jn. 19:4,6)

Even now the people of the world think the suffering and crucifixion of God is irrelevant to them. Pilate confesses that he doesn’t find sin in Jesus Christ, no matter how much he thinks about it. “I can’t find any sin in him, you crucify Him yourself.”  The masses of people begin an uprising because by the Jewish law, those who claim to be the son of God should be crucified. The crowd begins to threaten Pilate by saying “Caesar should be the only king, but this man is saying he is King. You’re really not going to find a sin in him?” The crowd begins to threaten Pilate, and that’s the world.

    (2) Afraid because of the crowd (John 19:8)

The world has no truth, so if people begin to threaten you, you feel afraid because you feel you will lose your position and power. Because Pilate is a high official in Rome, he is thinking that a Jewish uprising will make him lose his seat of authority as he cannot control the people. Non-believers are so afraid because they think they’ll lose their seat of success. Most people are living their lives trying to gain the seat of success because they think if they have this authority, their lives will work out. 

    (3) Handed him over to be crucified (John 19:16)

Ultimately, Pilate can’t handle this burden and gives Jesus over to the Jews. Pilate is having a conversation with Jesus, and in verse 10, he says “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?” This is the common characteristic of those who will face disasters.  They have physical success so they have some authority, and they think they have the right of judgement to kill or save Jesus. 

3) Sinner – Pilate

These people are misunderstanding, thinking they have power, but this is the characteristic of those who face disasters, i.e. non-believers.

    (1) My own power (Jn. 19:10)

Jesus Christ responds “You would have no power over me unless it is given from above.” There is the authority of heaven, but people think they have all the power themselves. Yes, people may be renowned. If someone is successful, they may have the power to persuade others while talking to them, but they reject the authority of heaven, they think they can act however they want. This is what the non-believers of the world live for. They think with the authority of the world, they can do whatever they want. 

The thoughts of these people have no choice but to receive curses and disasters. They challenge the authority of God, not realizing this is a sin. The moment you think accumulating manpower and authority is strength, but that is sin. They think with enough manpower, they can succeed.  That is what a democracy is–thinking having majority power is true power, but that does not stand against God. The Early Church was a gathering of 100 people holding onto the authority of God as everything, and they changed the world. 

Why is it that Christianity such a huge religion with many successful people but things are not changing? People think their authority is everything, not the authority of God; they don’t realize that God has given them the seat of success. David said there is another king besides him. That person is necessary.  “My worldly authority is not mine, but it is an instrument to reveal the authority of Jesus Christ. That is the standard of success for a believer, but not being able to do this, Satan continues to disturb us. 

    (2) Sinner (John 9:11, Rom. 3:23)

Rom. 3:23 says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. All people; there is not a single exception. This means that in the center of your heart you reject God’s existence. If God is not in the center of your heart, it means you are your everything. You never try to change your own thoughts because you think your thoughts are the truth. You never try to escape the money-centeredness you focus on, because money is everything to you. The whole purpose of your life is to get power in the world. 

    (3) Serves King Caesar (John 19:12)

The reason God is showing us the example of the Roman governor Pilate is because everyone in the world is like this. If the church is full of these types of people, the church will close down.  Churches do not close because they lack earnestness; our thoughts lack God, and that is why our lives are filled with confusing emptiness.  You need to have the thoughts of God. David was the king, but he said there was another king. He was ruling over Israel as king, but in reality, it was God ruling through David. 

    (4) Challenges God’s power (John 19:11)

It was not the power of David, but the power of God was revealed.  In the middle ages, the churches became so big and powerful they thought they were doing things right. That’s when they began to crumble. The Bible tells you that if you think you are standing straight, be careful that you do not fall.  If God does not raise you up, you cannot rise on your own. 

2. Religious Jews

Today at this time I pray that all your incorrect thoughts that lead to failure will be changed by God’s grace. What situation were the Jews in? 

  1) Chief priests (Jn. 19:6)

What were the thoughts of the highest leaders–the high priests? In verse 16, they were shouting in unison asking to crucify Jesus. 

    (1) Wanted Jesus to be crucified on the cross (John 19:6)

Why do they want to crucify him? They were those who read the Bible and believe in God.  If the Truth goes in, then the lies will generate an adverse reaction. Simply put, these people were businesspeople, selling their religion and the law. They did not explain the truth, but taught many things that were not the truth, and based on this, they became high priests. From here, the rabbis and the Pharisees arose, and the more they knew and taught, the higher they rose in power. But when the Lord of Truth came upon them, everything was turned upside down.

   (2) Son of God – Crime of blasphemy (John 19:7)

There is a characteristic of sinners, one way they quell problems is you can simply kill them. How do you kill them?  The Jews wrapped their motives in the word of God and tried to kill Jesus to maintain their own authority and power. The son of God who is God Himself came to the world in flesh, but the Jewish leaders and Pharisees holding onto the Bible killed him. Even now, they face curses and disasters, and they do not come because of a lack of diligence.  Jesus Christ must be at your core center, as your King with full authority over you. Otherwise, even if you worship and hold onto the Bible firmly, you will still be centered on yourself, trying to elevate your own authority, so that’s why you keep pushing the gospel out. We all have that, and that’s what it means that all have sinned (Rom. 3:23). It’s not because of our actions, but fundamentally and originally it is within us. 

     (3) Confessed that Caesar was the only king (John 19:15)

The high priest and the Jewish people say that we have no king but Caesar and this man is claiming to be king, so He must be crucified. This is why the high priest and the Jews were cursed. The state of the Jewish people didn’t come out of nowhere, but it was like that even in the Old Testament. 

  2) Sinner

    (1) Cover sins with the law and acts

In Samuel 8:7, the Israelite people requested a king like God, someone who has charisma and strength, just like the nonbelieving nations.  How did God react?  

    (2) Reject the king of kings (1Sam. 8:7)

In verse 8,  “They are not asking for a king but they are rejecting God.” In the end, they are rejecting and throwing away God. God is king but they are asking for another king. “They are forsaking me and serving other gods, and this is what they are doing to you.” Ultimately they are rejecting God.  God is King, but they asked for another king, meaning they rejected God.

    (3) Need a king of the world – Worldly gods (1Sam. 8:8)

That’s why they anointed King Saul, which Samuel didn’t even want. Generations later, even when Jesus comes to earth, the Jews haven’t changed. They still think they need the strength of the world. God is power but they reject God and want the power of the world. God has the power to heal and fix me, but we instead search for methods of the world to solve our problems and accomplish something for ourselves, so disasters endlessly pour upon us. 

  3) Reject the Gospel 

It’s actually scarier when people have the words of the Bible because they package themselves using the word of God. Such people are like corpses because they are wrapped in linen on the outside, but their bodies are rotting.  The Jews say “that I obey all of God’s word so I have no sin.” The Lord is saying that you are like a corpse buried in a tomb (Matthew 23:27-28). If you understand the law properly, you’d know that you’re a sinner and need the gospel. But relentlessly you never go to the gospel, but you say, “This person is a sinner, this person must die,” and you use your entire life to use the law to convict others. 

    (1) Legalistic person

Do you know what the characteristic of elites, smart people, and sinners are? They think they are in the right, and it’s always another person’s fault. The person has to go before God and kneel, but they will never do that. That’s what the high priests were doing. Behind the scenes, people are not talking about Jesus Christ, but they always point at the scapegoat and fault that person.  

That is a gathering of disasters. These individuals don’t even know what they’re saying. If you recognize that the problem is actually you, you can hold onto the gospel and recognize everything is finished and you can go to God with that. But instead, children blame their parents.  When you go to your workplace, you will blame your workers and co-workers for your state in life.  It’s the same in the church, too; you blame it on someone else. “My life is like this because of that pastor, that elder, etc.” but you don’t realize you’re inside curses and disasters. “Wow, I was in the thoughts that don’t have God. Jesus Christ who is the king of all kings should be the master of my life, but instead I am my own master.” We don’t change to think that way. 

If you realize that you are the problem, you would quickly hold onto Jesus Christ, but if you always point at the world saying, “That’s where the problem is,” the world will never change.  “I realize it’s my fault that the gospel of Christ is not being revealed.  I’ve always been making excuses and blaming others, like the Jewish people.” We have the word of God as our standard to discern right and wrong, but we don’t have the gospel. The purpose of the law is to reveal sin so we have to go to the gospel.  

    (2) Those who serve themselves (Gen. 3:5)

Honestly, for these people, they are their own god, and that’s why they make the judgement to kill Jesus Christ even though He is God. They care about the standards of their own thoughts more than the standard of God because they are their own gods.  Gen. 3:5 says that if you eat of the fruit you will be like God. We have no desire to change our own thoughts. The longer we live without the word of God, we are so rooted with our own thoughts so we fall. Phil. 3:19 says that these people have received salvation, but their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Even though they go to churches in Philippi. These are the people who proclaimed the gospel while Paul was imprisoned, but the real motive behind their evangelism was themselves. That’s why there were two sides of the church that were fighting, and that’s why Paul says that their destiny is destruction.  

Their god is not Jesus Christ, but it is their stomach and own desires, and they do everything to eat and survive. The rest of their life will be shameful because they are always thinking about earthly things–themselves, money is everything, food, etc. It is for money that they do their walk of faith and pray and live. Everything they think about is how to get into seats of authority; it’s all earthly. We need to escape from this. The church of Philippi also received the gospel of salvation of Jesus Christ and God’s grace. In the church of Philippi, there were people who said Paul was a false teacher and imprisoned, so they were the real teachers, and they proclaimed the gospel diligently. 

    (3) Think about the earthly things – Death (Phil. 3:19, Rom. 8:6)

Why do people crumble and face disasters even though they go to church?  There is something within us that leaves us with no other choice.  Simply put, we don’t have God and Christ.  “What do you mean? I believe in Christ.”  You may believe in Jesus but your center is still yourself, then how will you block disasters? In Rom. 8:6, the mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. Your thoughts are really everything. It doesn’t matter whether you go to church or not, but what are your thoughts as you go to church?  Physical thoughts are the thoughts of the world. We need money, success, education but if that is your center, that will not do. Money, success, and I exist only for the sake of Jesus. If Jesus is not your center, then Satan will burrow in. 

3. Passover lamb (Jn. 19:14, Jn. 1:29)

The day when Jesus Christ was given to be crucified was the day of the Passover. In Jn. 1:29, John the Baptist sees Jesus coming and calls him the “Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world’. 

  1) Jesus Christ – Cross (Jn. 19:16)

John the Baptist knew that Jesus was the Christ, the lamb of God who would take away the curses and disasters of the Israelites as prophesized in the Old Testament. There were ten disasters in Egypt in the Old Testament. If you just study the Bible as history, you will have disasters.  Why do I have disasters even now, and how can I escape from these disasters?  You must see it this way for the Word of God to become alive.  Studying this as Egyptian history is a huge problem.  

    (1) Judge all sinners (Ex. 12:12)

Egypt was very wealthy as a superpower nation, but why did Egypt crumble in the face of disasters?  What disasters did Egypt face? God punished them for their idolatry by using their idols. What disasters are we facing today in the world? These are because we are holding onto things that are not Jesus Christ. You don’t have to say anything about unbelievers, but they are judged because of sin.  But why did the Israelites in Egypt also receive the curses?

    (2) Blood of the lamb – Sign (Exodus 12:13)

 Because they lost hold of the blood of Jesus Christ, the sacrificial lamb. That is why God told them to slaughter the young lambs and put their blood on their doorposts. That blood will be a sign to God to pass over their house and not give them disasters. 

    (3) Pass over the disaster – Salvation (Ex. 12:13)

That sign is not your efforts or diligence; your knowledge is not the standard; your success is not the standard.  You have to apply the blood of the Lamb.  The content we read today was when Jesus Christ Who was the sacrificial young lamb is going to be crucified for our disasters. Why are there still constant disasters in America today? We can’t block it unless it is by Christ.  We will never be able to escape from Egypt and the authority of the Devil. You can only have Exodus when you apply the blood of the lamb. If you are seized by mental problems, you won’t be able to escape. Satan will not run away unless it is only Jesus Christ, but people don’t know this, so they use foolish methods, “I’m not living a nice or quiet life.”  The Bible doesn’t say this.  The bible says Christ isn’t in the center of your heart.  If Christ is at the center of your heart, then disasters and darkness shake and tremble in fear.

  2) Tabernacle (Temple) (Jn. 2:21)

Why is it like this even though there are so many churches?  It is because they do not have only Christ; they have a vague and superficial Christ.  They say “Christ” while being centered on themselves, so the land is crumbling, the families are crumbling, and the next generation suffers from mental problems, and that’s why they are continually pushed into division, obsession, and addictions to drugs.  No other method can solve this.  The disasters, curses, and darkness can only crumble when Jesus Christ is in the center of your heart as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and you only live for Him.

    (1) Ark of the covenant – With

Then if you have applied the blood of the lamb and have experienced the Exodus, how must you live?  Now we need to live with God. What is our past? Money was everything, success was everything, but now we live with God. That is why God told the Israelites to worship with the tabernacle as the method to be with God. This is the method of life for the saved.  God must be with us, reigning over us. 

    (2) By Spirit and truth (Jn. 4:23-24)

In Jn. 4:23-24, we are no longer worshipping with the sacrificial lamb, but now we worship in spirit and truth, meaning we worship with the Word of Christ and the Holy Spirit. We don’t need to slaughter lambs anymore; Jesus has already finished everything on the cross. You hold onto that Word and the Holy Spirit to worship God, then God will give us His Word. In the past, we lived centered on our thoughts and this had no choice but to lead to failure, but now the Word of God is my thoughts, and that person will succeed without a doubt. 

There is no one who can overcome Christ. Even your failures or mental illnesses cannot overcome Christ. Any disease can be cured with the right medication, but it is a matter of us not finding the right medication. Those who come to church and don’t receive medication, so they are wandering as they misdiagnose the problem.  Just like the Jewish people, they think of the incorrect problem.  You must understand correctly. The moment you understand correctly, God begins to work.  

We need to receive spiritual strength. The reason we have depression is because we don’t have spiritual strength. If David was to have depression, he would have had it a thousand times over. It’s not something you can just bear. If Joseph were to do drugs, he would have done them thousands of times, his own brothers tried to kill him, and he was sold into the lowest place as a slave. He was in a situation where if he wanted to go astray, he could have.  How did he overcome?  In Gen. 41:38, Pharoah said he had never seen someone so filled with the spirit of God as Joseph. 

    (3) Word and spiritual strength

Even now, God is working with His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit, and that must be me.  Then, even if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, that will not be a problem for you.  The politicians around Daniel tried to kill Daniel, but they couldn’t. He overcame that danger.  Otherwise, we face panic attacks and stuck in the scars and experiences of our past without Christ.  Think about it, everyone around Daniel just made a law to kill Daniel, so you would be obsessed with those people all night long.  You can’t even think, you can’t breathe properly, you’d lose your appetite, “Did I become governor to be treated like this?”  That’s why people wither and die.

But instead Daniel did exactly as he was doing before, facing the temple of God in Jerusalem and praying three times a day. That is why you have to worship God to receive strength, holding onto His promise and covenant. Those who have the promise just need to go; you shake in your thoughts because you don’t have this promise. As God gave them the Tabernacle to worship in the wilderness, God tells them to go to the land of Canaan.  This is not talking about heaven. 

The kingdom of God is talking about heaven, but there can also be a kingdom of God on this Earth. This means to wage war, casting aside all the idol worshiping nations to establish God’s kingdom in Canaan so that Jesus Christ can be relayed to the ends of the Earth. This is our God-given promise, but the Israelites who escaped from Egypt were centered on their past, how they used to live in Egypt. That’s why they all died in the wilderness.  

  3) Conquer Canaan – World evangelism

This is why members of the church today are not receiving answers. If you’ve escaped and now have a new liberated life, you shouldn’t live according to the cursed mindset you had in slavery. But we’re centered on money, going to church to get seats of position and power in the world. That’s why they all died in the wilderness.  How can you save the world if you’re always focused and interested in money and power?  That’s why we must conquer Canaan, the field we are going to, we must establish God’s kingdom there. That is why Jesus told us in the Lord’s prayer for the kingdom of God to come. Prayer is not just about mumbling with your mouth, but you need to first seek God’s kingdom in your heart with those words. Murmuring with your mouth and your heart being somewhere else is chanting.  

    (1) Kingdom of the world to the kingdom of God (Ac. 1:3, Mt. 6:10,33, Ac. 28:31)

In Mt. 6:33, it says first seek his kingdom and his righteousness. In Acts 1:3, Jesus taught about the kingdom of God for 40 days. In Acts 28:31, he explained about preaching boldly about the Kingdom of God.  If you’ve received salvation, you must proclaim the kingdom of God, under the rule of God. Pray first to live like this.  Pray so that the business field you work in can have the kingdom of God established. In Mt. 12:28, it says if it is by the Holy Spirit that you cast out demons, the kingdom of God has come upon you. 

If there is an enemy in your field making you fail, you must bind him first with the authority of Christ. That is the spiritual battle, the conquering of Canaan to establish God’s Kingdom

If you’re self-centered as you work, the darkness will overpower you, and that’s Matthew 12:29.  If you want to break into someone’s house and steal their possessions, you must first tie up the strong man. If there is an enemy in your field making you fail, you must bind him first with the authority of Christ. That is the spiritual battle, the conquering of Canaan to establish God’s Kingdom.  It seems like a physical battle but it is the people of God fighting against the idol worshippers. 

    (2) Make disciples of all nations (Mt. 28:18-20)

How do you do this? You go to all nations and proclaim the gospel to raise disciples. You need to receive answers to proclaim the gospel and raise disciples of all nations in your field. You keep looking at your circumstances and lose hold of God’s Word.  

    (3) Heal through the Gospel (Mk. 16:15-18, Is. 53:5-6) – Thoughts, heart, brain- oneness

In Mk 16, it says those who believe in the gospel will have the signs of casting out demons and healing diseases. Is. 53:5 says that Jesus was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds, we are healed. On my behalf, Jesus Christ has already taken my punishment, sorrows and diseases. Now my diseases are not my own. Jesus has already taken that on your behalf; it is not yours. It is now something Jesus must do. You must not be bound by your disease, but bound by Jesus. 

Now my master is Jesus, so he can take up all my problems. But instead you are trying to hold onto your own problems on your own. That was the Jewish people who rejected the gospel. Jesus has already died on the cross for all of our problems, sorrows, pain, and diseases, but you want to take it upon yourself again.  You must be freed from your disease; it doesn’t matter at all.  We must be imprinted, rooted, and have the nature in this gospel so we can enjoy it completely. How? The gospel must become deeply rooted in your heart, mind, body, spirit, and brain.  

As soon as you face a problem, your first reaction is that it’s a huge problem, meaning that God’s word is not in your mind, so your thoughts are so diseased.  Your heart says this is a big problem. There is no God in your thought, that is why your heart is diseased. There are so many circumstances you face in the world, and each time a problem comes, your heart and thoughts are diseased. Your thoughts and your heart affect your brain, which affects your entire body and your decisions, to command your body to move according to God’s Word. 

How can you change your life? God’s word must come upon your thoughts, your heart, and your brain. Even if the word comes upon me, I also need to receive the power to follow through; only that can give me healing.  There’s nothing else that gives healing.  The outside might be healed.  If you have depression and you take medication, you may be healed externally, but what about your spirit? You must be fundamentally healed; your spiritual state must be fundamentally changed. If your spiritual state is constantly rejecting God’s existence, you will always be afraid. But if a person is rooted in the Word of God, then even if a huge crisis comes, they will not shake.

It is my own testimony. Before the word was not imprinted deeply in my heart, so whenever I faced another problem, I had to face it based on my experiences, so my heart was always terrified. If this continues, you will have heart attacks. There were two missionaries in China who died of heart attacks, why? Because they cannot worship in China, and they’re always in a state of anxiety in case they get reported.  There was one person who departed while preparing his sermon, and the other passed away in his sleep. It’s difficult to proclaim the gospel in China. You must always be in hiding, so your heart will be stressed. The heart must powerfully pump blood throughout your body, but if it is tense, you will die of a heart attack.

Whenever you face a problem, your heart thumps. Why? That’s why you die.  Why does it beat so hard?  Because you only have strength enough for your heart to thud. But if the words of God’s promise are in your heart, it doesn’t matter, and with God’s power, you can overcome this. You will receive evidence and share this with someone else to become a witness. All problems are a blessing. But if my heart doesn’t have the word of God, it will be a curse. That’s my own testimony.

If you don’t understand the words you receive during worship, go home and review it until your heart says “This is it.” Even if you love someone, you must have them imprinted in your heart, or else why would you love them? Even when you’re swindled by a con artist, you can only be swindled by them if something they say is deeply imprinted in you.  

   (4) Relay to future generation (Jn. 21:15-18)

The word must be imprinted in your heart for you to overcome the world. You take this message back home and even if for only one minute, think about it deeply so it can be imprinted in your heart, thoughts, and spirit. This is individual worship. If possible, breathe very deeply so your heart will be settled. After marathon runners run a marathon, their coaches will hold their stomachs so they can breathe deeply. In a hospital, if you are short of breath, you will be hooked up to a respirator to aid your breathing. If your attention span is unstable, it is because your brain lacks oxygen, and that’s what the world means when they say you can receive healing through transcendental meditation.  However, the fundamental spiritual healing only comes when you meditate on the word of God. You must relay this to the next generation.


1. Solved all sins, disasters, death, authority of hell

The content we read in Jn 19 said that all people wanted to crucify Jesus and all people were sinners. However, that incident liberated us from the curses, disasters, sorrows, and the authority of Satan.

2. Only the reign of God’s kingdom

Now the people who have received salvation must live their lives centered on the Tabernacle, which is the church and worship, in the Holy Spirit’s power, and the words of Truth of Christ to save and overcome the world.

3. Witness to save the world through only the Holy Spirit 

I hope this blessing will be overflowing as you live through this week.  

Let us pray together holding onto the Word God has given us.

 Offering Prayer

God, we thank You.  We thank You so much for saving us through Jesus Christ by Your grace.  We had no choice but to live under the curses and disasters of our sin, under the authority of Satan.  We thank You for saving us so we may live our lives centered on worship with the words of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit for the Kingdom of God.

We thank You for the material offering to save people’s lives.  We pray that everywhere this is used that the 237 nations will arise in every region, and we may have the Temple Construction to save lives.  We believe You will work upon us with the blessing of economy to do world evangelization.  We believe You will work upon the blessing of economy so we may have Temple Construction.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


God we thank You. We thank the Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ, for dying on the cross and resurrecting for all our sins, to overcome the curses and authority of death to always be with us.  May our lives now be used for world evangelization.  May our lives be used to heal diseases.  Now may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who desire to have the Passover Lamb, Who is Jesus Christ, and to testify of Him, be upon all the multiethnic people and the future generations, be upon all the academics and professions, upon all the sick people, be with us now until forevermore always, amen.


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