The Order and Meaning of Prayer

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Order and Meaning of Prayer

20201016 Friday Healing Worship

Title:  The Order and Meaning of Prayer
Scripture:  None
Speaker:  Pastor Dusun Park
Interpreter:  Tiffany Han


There are many evidences of God’s work, but you can only know them through experiencing the fulfillment of His word and experiencing answers to prayer.  That is why there is a need to deeply and accurately know the Bible. In addition, there are times when we receive answers to prayer like miracles we could have never imagined.  It is as if the content of our prayers were inputted into a computer and then precisely answered.  Let us then explore the order and meaning of pray

Today, we will share the Word of God, regarding prayer. First of all, we are misunderstanding prayer. We are thinking that our prayer should be the same prayer that non believers, think about. That means we are losing hold of many things. We say that we have received answers to prayer. But the standard so those answers answered prayers are different standards of prayer. Simply put, the answered prayers are indistinguishable from those of non believers.

And because of that, we are living our lives, losing hold of what real prayer is real prayer is very important. And it is a great blessing for us. But there is something important. It is also possible that we should be able to relay what this is. But we are not able to do that either. So you guys need to hold on to, not your vague idea of prayers, but what God is doing through your prayers, with non believers and most religions, believe that prayer is just asking for what you desire.

But that is not what a believer believes. There are many differences in prayer here. It is true that it is true that we can pray, whatever we want, and be a non believer, but that is not a proper Walk of Faith. So, we need to keep this in mind, and we are going to talk about the order of prayer. By the order of prayer. The order of prayer I’m not talking about like what order you need to pray in number one number two, but we’re talking about the order that God desires us to pray.

The first thing we need to have is Thanksgiving regarding salvation,

we neglect thanksgiving for salvation and people just pray for whatever they need or want.

It’s similar to a situation where somebody is completely ill prepared to begin a business but they’re just trying to borrow money whenever they need it.

Simply put, prayer is where you are able to restore thanksgiving for your salvation.

If you are not able to pray it means, at first, you do not have thanksgiving for your salvation. So, you don’t know anything about Thanksgiving, but you’re just asking for things and you’re thinking God is not giving you any demands and that is why you say you have no answers thanksgiving for salvation is such a nor enormous thing. But you look down on that, and you talk about something else.

You can this Thanksgiving for a salvation. Out of nowhere, but you need to know what.

Salvation is simply but salvation is the gospel. You know the word gospel, but you don’t know the content of the gospel. the content of the gospel is Christ. You know the word, you know the word of Christ but you need to know the meaning of Christ in order for you to have thanksgiving for salvation. It is true that Jesus Christ is the true prophet true priest and true king. But what is the truth the true prophet priest and King of question mark.

As soon as, as soon as we are born on this earth. We are born, understand the curses of those things. And we live burdened by this. And we have to be dragged around on this earth by the authority of Satan. Job, we are, we have no choice but to go to an eternal hell when we die but while we are on this earth. We are also living a hellish life. These are the three problems that all human beings have as soon as they are born.

These problems can never be solved, unless it is by the Christ. You need to properly know this, and honestly speaking. Be thankful for it. We may know, we may know salvation but why do we need to be thankful for it. Everybody knows about salvation when I hear about it. But there are many people who are not thankful for it. Just memorized the word salvation, without acknowledging the fact that they have been lost in their sin, the curses of Satan and hell.

They just memorize this that Christ is the true prophet, priest and King. And that’s why they know Christ, but they do not have Thanksgiving. The beginning of the beginning of earnest and true prayer is that you must restore thanksgiving for salvation. That is the beginning of prayer. If you’re not able to do that then wait until you can, because if this does not take place your life cannot take place.

I’m saying that if prayer does not take place your life does not take place. So, you must always begin your day with prayer as soon as you wake up. But what happens if this is not taking place and liberate, even though you yourself have been liberated from the curses of sin Satan and hell. You’re still living your life influenced by those things. You have been liberated, you have been liberated from the curses of sin, the authority of Satan and the background of hell. But if you do not have thanksgiving for it, you will be stuck in the influence of these things.

That means that instead of living as the you that is saved, you’re going to go back, reverting to the state where you are not saved in this is the most important thing. If you are not able to pray it means you are not able to be thankful. But if you are not able to be thankful, but you do pray, honestly, that is not prayer. What do we say is prayer, first and foremost, you must receive this Thanksgiving.

Every single day every single time. Every single day you need to pray. So, for example, there are many people who don’t like to come up in front of people and give the representative prayer because they don’t know if they can rattle off some eloquent prayer, but that is not prayer. If you are speaking eloquently and praying in front of a bunch of people, that is not prayer. You need thanksgiving for salvation. Isn’t that right, if you think you cannot pray that you have learned prayer, incorrectly. Every single day every single time. Every single day you need to confirm your Thanksgiving for salvation and you also need to make your kids do this. It is true that they have to memorize this, but if they just ended with that, that is a problem. After they’ve memorized it, they just store it away as knowledge, and that is why they’re not able to believe in Jesus Christ. Isn’t that right, isn’t that right, if you believe in Jesus Christ, then you must also believe that Jesus Christ is with you right now, permanently solving the problems of sin, Satan, and hell, and every single day wants to begin here.

If your day does not begin from a state with with anxiety. Even though, even though you have met God, you are beginning every day with the spiritual state that has been separated from God. To know that, you know, with spiritual, because we talked about this as knowledge so much it has become knowledge to you and when somebody asks you a question you can answer it very well because you’ve talked about it so much. But first, the first thing is that you need to individually check. Are you beginning every day with thanksgiving restored.

 If you do not have an excuse to not have that face to face and you go back into the flow of darkness and three fundamental problems. That is why people say oh, it does not work out. Even though I’ve done this for 1020 years. That is why people say oh, it does not work out. Even though I’ve done this for 1020 years. And release this content to the kids, the spiritual content will be relayed to the kids when somebody is thankful thankfulness is really. Instead of doing that, if you’re over the age of six other people choose.

This is our healing evangelism schools and in order for you to have healing events. So the first thing we must look at. There is a time schedule where the person will recognize it as with, but until that time schedule. You have to help them recognize it, but the people who make this recognition will realize oh God is with me. biblically speaking. It is a time schedule, where the disciples were able to see the resurrected Jesus in front of them, they will know about the death of shoes. Everybody knows that Jesus Christ died for my sense.

 But where did the resurrected Jesus Go. He was with me. What do you believe in that. You will have Thanksgiving. So that is where everything begins. So secondly, what is what is prayer, being within the flow of the stream of the Word of God to go public. In Hollywood as a politician that non believers thing might be called prayer, but that is not what God wants what God desires is for you to go into the stream that he desires. If God raised the church, it means that he individually is leading the church alone. God Himself God Himself is leading the church, and he is guiding it forward with his life and his plan.

And that is what a denomination is it is God leading an entire group together with his work is when you are convening inside the flow of fuel or improved the things that you love Lord actually specifically told us that there is Matthew chapter six that we don’t have to prepare. That tells us, we don’t have to worry about those things but we are so anxious, that we have no choice but to worry. It means we do not believe in God, perfectly.

 And because you do not have faith in God. You keep repeating the same things over and over and over. You get anxious to say God bat is why people have these loud prayers, quit a job for a few months and go pray in the mountains. I’m sure I’m sure there’s nothing bad against trying so hard, but would you be able to compete with someone like me, someone who was busy. But when I go to the. there are other people who are directly. Tell them not just pray together for yourselves, you there are other people who are directly and tell them not just pray together by yourselves. Directly they should be heard.

Pastor prayed for them, somebody whose child had a mental problem. Personally I want to. So, when I went there are people who are really pestering me there, or people who are really pestering me. They asked, Can you help me to find my son on this campus treated nicely. I think perhaps they could perhaps experience. The experience where that is possible.

 Like your life afterwards is important. It has to be done with thanksgiving. It is awesome it is possible that somebody or something can be restored entirely after prayer, but if you don’t continue to restore that life afterwards problems will come back.

So I asked them to pray for  Jesus Christ Church with 3000 with 30,000 congregations, imagine if there is a church with 30,000 church members, how could they pray for each of them, not even Jesus could do that. But people are very people are very ingrained in this way. This Walk of Faith, and it’s very difficult to explain to get to the elephants by the train power over video that when you pray you can receive a lot of power. And then there is, there are someone going and people go door to door pray, it’s because that’s how they learned about prayer in this shamanistic way. It’s not bad, saying, This is not how you should approach

. Prayer  is not all prayer, how do you think these people are praying in the field. That person each person needs to go into the filters effects are spiraling without convey receiving so if And there are so many people who listen to this message and say, know what the word of God is but what is this keep you. What is the thing you keep saying. There are some people who missed windows, but it is a speed.

That’s been following the word.

there is a prayer, from the Word of God. the Roman was the beginning of it is leading us along this time schedule of the Word of God but instead of following that you do whatever you want. Every year there’s a word that God has given to us, every year service.

 And then there’s the word that he uses every Sunday Repeat the word that God cases every week and that is the word with which God guides us guides us. This means that he does not drag you in a way that is not according to john john john john john As soon as soon as Jesus Christ called out his disciples, he took them to the mountains, from Matthew 567 13.

There is a flow from chapter one through two, all the way to flow into that stream or 40 miles. So you need to go and writing that stream. So you need to go and writing that stream. You’ve just been using the word car as a reference point which is when we give you the word, buy it because you need to receive until they tell you this because there are many people out in the field who don’t know what prayer is.

So you need to. I’m sorry to tell you this but when I look at your three today’s, it’s easy to see if somebody is raising the writing the flow of the popup message or not. And when I look when they look at your ministries on a three today’s, I can tell if it’s somebody who just received scripts once. Or was that somebody who listens to the word all week long. Mostly speaking, mostly speaking people will just receive, or give them grace from the Sunday message.

 And I’m pretty sure they’ll end. With that, because there’s so many words over the wall. Because it because if you keep holding on to the Word of God he received on Sunday. And you actually realize that the word of God and you hold on to the Word of God, then realistically, you are throwing onto them, your evidence. So it’s been downhill evidence. We also. We also received the Word of God every day, through the messages.

You guys need to remember you guys need to remain within this flow of the word universe lets you speak in the opposite sense. If you’re not if you are not within the flow of the world. What kind of flow, do you think you are in. Boom take about two minutes. If you don’t know the worth that much.

It means that you’re going into. It means that you’re going into. free. It is true because you could dead If you didn’t know it but realistically you are living according to your own desires. That’s why you’re not able to pray. And even when you do pray you pray for unnecessary fees. Without a doubt, this person is coming into the flow of material themes and Genesis. Genesis chapter six that’s why everything is, including money, and a

ultimate to elevate their own agency level. So, in this place where everything is done for their own sake. This is Jesse Sullivan. They have remaining within the state and just hold on to the Word of God as a reference point. Not going in. Sa all members. And if you’re asking yourself, why am I not receiving any answers.

 It is because you’re in this place you are outside, full of the Word of God. And that’s why it is so important to to ask, Where are you, think that’s really blocking you from going into the blog and Word of God is just really blocking you from going to the Word of God is that you’ve heard all these testimonies of people who’ve been saying oh I prayed like this and I had success with it like this.

And that is why I forget about it this way, you need to forget about everyone else. But you were just causing problems for yourself. And that is why, your life is always difficult, why is that because you cannot be stolen. Thank you. There’s a very big difference between holding on to his hand and following with him and saying, oh, There’s a big difference between having got your hand and him, explaining that he is with you, versus just going off and doing your own thing.

Those who received answers properly think that even though the pastor is lacking, he still saved lives. And the people who are like that will undoubtedly receive answers. Because God is living in It is just to the level where you need to understand it, there would be no reason for you to write notes. use it as a reference but if you’re the study. We’re gonna go into awkward. Need to flow, people who go into the flow of God’s Word. Hold on to the message can’t give them their Sunday message. And they will also talks about concentration so we talked about concentration on Sunday.

 It is regarding our thoughts, everybody has their own thoughts and your thoughts are very complicated. They, your thoughts, your thoughts are afflicting others that means you aren’t selected lines that is because you’re not doing it because you’re not going because your heart is depressed will, who said.

He said anything to you. But even if nobody says anything to me I’m still depressed, why is that it is a weapon, it is a rightful result because that is why you need to have this way vto have oneness and the Word of God. success but in our hearts we have a lot of heavy scars and burdens. So, what does meditation have the Word tells you, it tells you to let go of all those things, meditation.

Meditation. The word is for me to surrender. Only Christ. Some people make music, so that they enjoy the music. You have heavy things in your heart. And that’s why your life is so difficult. And then some people who teach rotation. But you let your nose and focus on your breathing where you let go of your thoughts in your heart. Ultimately, ultimately, because the gospel is not going into them. The problems of sin, Satan and hell are going deeper.

And surely. Sure, they might receive some healing from their heart. essence. This is not a matter of Oh I like this is not a matter of whether you like something or not like something, whether you’re holding on to something or not but this is the promise that God has given to you, and the promise means that God is going to fulfill this promise, according to that word. But if you just say, Oh I like this word or this word gave me a brace then you turn around and walk out the door

. You’re still centered on yourself, not on God’s word. So you’re saying, to move me. But as soon as you walk out that door. The word is gone. You always return back to this me centeredness, and you get thirsty again. That is the repetitive cycle. There are some Sundays where you don’t receive any grace at all because you are so afflicted by the world.

 So it is possible, but sometimes you receive a lot of grace. And do you think that graceful Sunday will last very long do you think it’ll go until Monday or Tuesday. We’re talking about the emotion of receiving grace. And we’re talking about our walk of faith. They’re essentially saying God, they’re essentially saying, God, I’m gonna stay the way that I am, but you give me the grace that will carry me throughout the week. It is a promise. They’re essentially saying God, they’re essentially saying, God, I’m gonna stay the way that I am, but you give me the grace that will carry me throughout the week. It is a promise. So, the Word of God is not a reference point for you, but it is a promise from God.

You hold on to that word that has been promised to you from God and you have concentration camp training is when we gather a lot of people together and have that time of concentration together. We pay money because we need to put our hearts in it as well. And you have to stop everything about you are doing. You hold on to that word that has been promised to you from God and you have concentration camp training is when we gather a lot of people together and have that time of concentration together. We pay money because we need to put our hearts in it as well. And you have to stop everything about you are doing.

Even if you don’t have money, you can do it by yourself in church every day you utilize this time on Friday night after the worship services to have this time of concentration. You will look for people who do this every day, even if they say the answers don’t come the answers will come. But if you are in a state where you are not changing yourself and you’re saying oh is this an answer or not, then you are always getting further from God.

 But if you go into the Word of God, then the standards themselves will change. That’s what it means to be able to see things that nobody else can If you are receiving answers from a place where you’re still self centered. It means that you are still like a non believer. So start from Thanksgiving and salvation and have this time of going deep into God’s word. This is what we call summit time. We also call this concentration time and you must have this Jesus Christ Himself always had this. I’ve heard many people say in the fields. Of course we have to do it according to God’s word.

And I’ve heard a lot of people say, of course, we have to follow God’s word. But what does it mean for you to follow after God’s word is following after God’s word mean holding up your Bible really close in front of you, or is it to speak in a holy or righteous tone whenever you speak with People always say oh you have to follow God’s word and live according to God’s word, but I did not understand what that meant because I did not grow up in the church. And I can’t understand what other people are telling me because I do not know the standard of their faith. But when I look at that.

 I see that the church is talking a lot about the content that I thought about when I was a non believer, but if that’s the case, the non believers cannot come to this church to learn. Because if the churches themselves are talking about the same content that non believers believe and for example, if church talks about behaviors or etiquette well nonbelievers talk about that even more. That’s basic wouldn’t come to church so that we can learn about that. We need to receive and enjoy. And really, the only believers do not have a method to success. Why should churches, talk about that that’s such a low level.

The church is not a place where you need to be teaching how to pray to receive physical answers. That’s something that you can do without prayer and non believers are even better at I There are so many people who grew up in poverty. And they would come to church to look for physical answers but non believers would look down on that. What is it that I am trying to tell you. You need to have something that God desires to give us something that the world does not have all of the other things are things that should follow you. They’re not things that you would consider to be an answer.

 If you have a father taking care of you then of course that means he is providing everything for you. But the important thing is, where are you going to be. If you are able to have this concentration than healing will arise. And now, even your standards If you do not have any material possessions to show for yourself and you think you do not have any answers. Or, if you don’t have an opportunity for you to receive physical success. Then you think you are living a bad Walk of Faith. For people who are like this. I hope that you will quickly go back into God’s word and enter into this state. God is continuing to do his work, to this day without any problems but the only problem is that you are not changing, and that means you are the only one who does not know God is working right now.

 And still you do not know. Because you are so stuck in your frame your stubbornness, your standards or expectations. You’re not going into the flow of God’s Word. That’s why you talk about your worries a lot you don’t talk about the word. Anything a word, anything you worry about will work itself out. But you do not go into the word that has been given this thing called prayer. If you go into the standards of God, you will be able to see the answers. And that is when healing takes place. Of course, your When you thought your thought that this was a problem when you were living from your self centeredness but now that you go into the word. It’s not a problem at all. We heard it from the business persons conference last week. If there is a problem.

You need to change how do you change and what do you change. Well, nonbelievers See, now I have to change but you cannot change yourself unless it is with God’s word. And no matter how much you memorize this mantra that a crisis is an opportunity. You will never be able to change yourself. Only when you realistically go into the flow of God’s Word.

 And you see the flow and the standards of God’s word, then you will see the answer for people who are not able to have this concentration, they will not have the ability, nor the power. for people who wanted to study well they have to have the ability to concentrate. Isn’t that right, two students might be studying the same amount of time but the one who concentrates is different for that strength.

Look at the characteristic of students who can’t study their hearts, and their thoughts cannot concentrate on their studies. They may have a heart that wants to study but you know they can’t and they’re playing on the internet, parents may think my kid is so smart. But there’s a big difference between kids being smart and being able to study.

You need to be the person who has the strength to concentrate their thoughts and their hearts. You need to be the person who has the strength to concentrate their thoughts and their hearts. I hope that your thoughts, receive healing. Your heart will then begin to be healed.

Even if you are staying still and nothing is happening, you have that underlying sense of anxiety. That is your subconscious. There are some people who, to whom nothing bad happens but they are so anxious, that they will just get angry. Even if it is nothing really happens to them. But ever since they were young, their subconscious was scarred.

So there are some people who even if nothing happens to them and no one says anything to them. They are just venting to themselves. If something happens that sparks their anger that’s when everything sparks up. You need to receive healing, regarding this means that you need to receive this healing first. But I tell you to do this but you don’t do it then no matter what you do, then healing will not arise. And then you say, then you say, oh, it seems like it’s working.

 Of course, it seems like it’s working at first even people who have depression have their ups and downs but later you realize that you’re not okay. And eventually, what you will experience is that your physical body is healed as well. You can only receive mental and physical healing when your thoughts and your heart are changed. I saw in a group chat that one of my older friends had cancer. He has first stage cancer in his liver. So he is in his mid 50s.

So the only thing that and the only thing that I could say to him is. I wish the best of luck in neurosurgery, but some people who read a little more deeply they would say, oh, you’re fine because the medical advances will save you. wanted me to do something on his own. And this is a situation so this is a situation where I can’t really give him the gospel directly. So, I said, after your surgery, and you receive healing that your thoughts and your heart will also be at peace, because it is not just receiving the surgery, but it is complete healing. However, the fact that this person has cancer. Now means that he has had no choice but to have cancer because of the state of his body, and unless that spiritual change happens. they will never be completely healed. However, I could do intercessory prayer and they may receive healing temporarily, it is possible that thought might happen. I’m not rejecting that as a possibility, it is If through that healing, they’re able to enter into a state where their thoughts and are healed by prayer.

However, if they go back into their old lifestyle then these problems will continue to repeat industry, if you are not doing this you cannot have a ministry, with anybody, but if you do. There’s no need for me to come here anymore. So that’s why I say this because America is covered in mental problems. Everybody talks about money money but if you go into the thing that God wants God will take care of itAnd if you’re holding on to this then your ministry will take place.

 You yourself must first go into this. The fifth is that you will be able to see your future. This is not this is not talking about some sort of mystical prayer asking someone to reveal the future to you. It is also not talking about some foolish vision that you have something that you want for your life.

This is not this is not talking about some sort of mystical prayer asking someone to reveal the future to you. It is also not talking about some foolish vision that you have something that you want for your life. It is not a simple concept of just having a dream the dream is just a manifestation of everything that was going on inside. He was remained within the gospel and God’s word always want to tell you this afraid your one thing I want to tell you is to break your old image.  

 You think you have nothing and then all of a sudden you have a dream and a vision and you give everything to follow is ritual. And then this is if you are a business person, then you keep trying to divide and keep your business, separate within this low your business. Within this flow, your business will take place and will also be used without doing any of this.

 If you’re still centered on myself, physical things and success, you might think, maybe God will work. it’s just like a woman who is just like a woman who is not able to get pregnant, so she goes up to the top of a Buddhist temple and keep praying and that’s how we understand the prayer. well there’s some people or there are some people who are have a little stronger personality and or stubborn. So they press more with their persistence in prayer.

Any thoughts you have regarding your business or career that comes in the box that you have are just gonna make you become eaten by the non believers, so every single day. When you restore thanksgiving for your salvation. That is taking place. If you hold on to the work that God, or the word that God has given you throughout the week.vat work taking place.

And that’s why, in Deuteronomy chapter six verse four. It talks about writing the words of God on your forehead on your wrists. It’s all so that you may remember, when did the Lord ever tell you to memorize something because your brain is so good. He never told you to do that.

He always tells us to talk about it, listen to it right and it looked at it, so that you can go into the Word of God, with 100% of your personality. So my number one, write down the word that God gives you and have the time and hold on to that and have that time of concentrationThen you will know. You will know. This is how I received the Word of God on Sunday, but now I see that as I progressing through the week I see how God is responding to that. And you take notes on that too, so that itself will also result in healinAnd you need around you need to receive healing first from that point on, will you see the business evangelism in prayer that God desires and you will be able to see the future that God is fulfilling. So this this piece of paper that we usually look at, please keep it in mind because it’s from an old version, but this is the most recent content.

 I told you to invite people here, even if they are new believers, so that they can receive healing. So just put it into practice. If it doesn’t, if it doesn’t work out, then you can experience something not working out. If you experience it, then it will learn, but if you just keep it in your head and you don’t do anything about it. It was just lived the rest of your life nodding your head. Father God, we thank you.

Thank you for allowing us to see the proper meaning and order of prayer at this week’s healing evangelism school. We just made, we did that, we desire to remain by the blessing and the grace. Give us the grace to heal all the hidden people in the field in the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.


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