The One Who Receives Blessings Through Faith (Galatians 3:1-9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The One Who Receives Blessings Through Faith (Galatians 3:1-9)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.  The title of today’s message is, “The One Who Receives Blessings through Faith.” The thing that is easiest for humans to do is thinking of something and acting upon it, that is the easiest and most comfortable thing for us.  But what about if our thoughts and actions are not aligned with God? That’s what you call a “useless life.”  

If God were not alive, that would not be the case, but God is moving all creation with His Word even now.  If that is the case, then my thoughts and actions must be aligned with God’s Words. How can we know God’s thoughts? It is through His Word.  The Jewish people misunderstood God’s thoughts. Because they misread this, all their actions and thoughts led to destruction.  

It’s rightful for unbelievers to be destroyed, but there are people who go to church and are still being destroyed, and they are not aligned with God. God gives us His Word the same, but we are not within God’s Word and the thoughts of God’s Word.

How can we know God’s will?  We have to live by God’s Word and God’s will, and God pours His blessing upon those who follow His will, but how can we know it?  That’s why we pray the prayer that God desires.  We do not pray for our will, that’s what we desire, but we pray to know the will that God desires.  

How can I know the life plan that God has for me?  It is to save lives.  There are no words that can block that.  God came to earth to save lives and He is moving this world, even now, to save lives.  That’s how God is working even right now, but the Jewish people were not aligned with God’s Word.  If we’re aligned with God’s Word, then our walk of faith is easy, but our faith is difficult because we are not aligned with God.  If your walk of faith is hard, that means your life is hard.  You are always trapped in your limitations and you cannot escape from yourself. It’s because such a person’s thoughts are not within God’s Word.

So, if we think deeply by ourselves without God, we will stray further from God’s will. If God did not exist, we could think deeply, but if God does exist, we must think with God’s Word. 

1. Foolish one

  1) Bewitched (Gal. 3:1)

In Galatians 3:1, Paul says, “O foolish Galatians.” Even among people, we sometimes call people foolish. There’s someone who seems foolish in God’s eyes.  The people who are foolish are those who have been bewitched or deceived.  God gave us a certain standard, but we’re blinded so we go outside of that standard.  Even among people, there are people who look really great, but it turns out that they are conmen.  

I made a certain judgment about this person, but I was wrong.  It’s because there’s a spirit of deception that blinds us, and that spirit of deception is disguised as an angel of light.  This was already nailed in us, in Gen. 3, when we ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil to know what is right and wrong.  The way the devil deceives us is by taking the Word God gave us, and then slightly changing it.  Without a doubt, Satan always makes us put our actions first.  He puts the condition, “If you do this,” and Satan’s message will always give us that condition, “If you do this, then this will happen.”  So he always makes us prioritize human action first and then tells us the result.

God never mentions our actions.  In Genesis 1:27, we were created in God’s image, meaning that God is with us.  If you simply believe that, then you receive the blessings of Genesis 1:28, of being fruitful, abundant, and having dominion. From the beginning, He spoke about faith and the actions that follow our faith.  However, this gospel that was preached to the people through Paul was changed through many people’s words, and that’s why he called them foolish.

    (1) Death on the cross (Gal. 3:1)

In Gal. 3:1, “Before your very eyes, Jesu Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified.” This is talking about the crucifixion that happened in the past, but you see Him right now, it’s the same thing today.  Don’t you see, before your very eyes, the incident of the cross?  The incident that happened 2000 years ago is still effective today.  For us, it happened in the past, but God is eternal, so every day is “today” for Him.  We may be wearing a watch, but we do not have authority over time.  For God, every moment is “today.”

    (2) Resurrection – Life

    (3) Absolute fact

The moment that solved all problems on the cross is relevant today.  Through the cross, all curses and disasters have been solved already, but why do you keep talking about salvation through the law?  

  2) Holy Spirit

    (1) Works of the law (Gal. 3:2)

    (2) Believing what you heard (Gal. 3:2)

    (3) Suffering from the truth – Not in vain (Gal. 3:2)

That’s why he asks in Galatians 3:2, “ Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith?” Because all human beings are sinners, there is no one who can be righteous.  Adam’s sin came into all of humanity as original sin, so that we are all under destruction.  As evidence of that, even if we don’t do anything, we are always under curses.

People were originally created to have happiness, joy, and hope, but that has disappeared.  The first thing that came into Adam when he sinned was fear.  He wasn’t afraid because there was something to be afraid of; the fear was just in him, and because there was fear inside of him, he had to come up with a strategy. 

All human being’s problems come from being separated from God, and we cannot cover that up with our actions.  It’s not a problem, but it has become a problem for us, and that’s because we’ve been separated from God.  God said, “This is impossible by the actions of humans,” so that is why God acted. This is something that can only be resolved when God Himself personally dies on the cross for us, resurrects, and lives with us as His Spirit.  

  3) Foolish one

    (1) Heart – No God in problems, crises, incidents (Ps. 14:1)

Why is it that even after receiving salvation through the gospel, you are going towards destruction by the physical law? Psalm 14:1 says, “The fool says in his heart, ‘there is no God.’” He is talking about believers right now; this is not regarding the unbelievers.  For the people who live by the actions of the law, they might think there is no God, because whenever they face a problem, incident, or crisis, God’s Spirit is surely with them, guiding them, but there is no God for them there.  

    (2) Corrupt, Deeds are vile (Ps. 14:1)

In their everyday life, they say God exists, but when they face a problem, there is no God for them. That’s why the Bible says they are corrupt and their deeds are vile. Corrupt means they are separated from God, so they are evil.  When did we leave God?  The Holy Spirit is with me 24 hours a day, for all eternity, but you keep leaving Him.  

    (3) There is no one who does good (Ps. 14:1)

Whenever you face a problem, you keep trying to come up with your own actions, methods, and strategies.  When you face a circumstance or a crisis, God is alive and guiding you through it, but you don’t believe it.  That’s why you do all these actions, but God says, “It’s all vile and there is no one who does what is good.”

The gospel was given to the people of Galatia so they would have the blessing of relaying this gospel to the Gentiles, but Satan is deceiving them so that they are blocked from relaying it to the Gentiles. God gave the law in the age of Moses. The law is God’s Word, and if someone says the law is bad, they are saying that God is bad.  We need to know the thoughts of God where He gave us the law, however, these people started to emphasize the law without knowing God’s thoughts.  

They created a standard of human beings keeping the law by their actions.  That’s why churches nowadays really emphasize their actions and lifestyle.  Whenever someone is asked to pray, most of them just apologize for not living up to God’s Word that week.  When they accepted Jesus Christ, they had the gospel and salvation, but ever since then, they’re living a life of legalism where they do not even see the cross.  The reason God gave us the law is to show us when we sin and teach us to go to Jesus Christ, but we’re only stuck on whether we kept the law or not, and that’s the extent of our repentance.  Only when we have the faith restored that believes in God’s Word will our repentance be true.

2. Blessed One 

  1) Abraham 

    (1) Believed in the Gospel (Gal. 3:6) 

Then we received the example of Abraham, who existed before the law of Moses. Did Abraham receive salvation through his own actions, by the law or by his faith?  In Abraham’s time, there was no law, then how did Abraham get blessings?  In Gal. 3:8, it said God announced the gospel in advance to Abraham, and he received it in faith–that is why he was regarded as righteous.  There’s some people who emphasize justice, and I’m a representative example of that, but from God’s perspective, that is not the goal.  When someone is seized by Original Sin and they’re talking about justice, how just could they be?

Because they’re talking about justice, they’re saying that they are correct and that you are wrong.  Ultimately it is a justice that will only exalt themselves and their righteousness.  If a church doesn’t exalt the righteousness of Jesus Christ and the good work he did for all of humanity on the cross, but instead they exalt the righteousness of humans who keep the law and shun those who do not, that’s not a real church.

    (2) Righteous person (Gal. 3:6)

In Gal. 3:6, when it says Abraham was righteous, it says he was righteous by his faith, and those who do not believe are not righteous.  It is impossible for us to act righteously.  The righteousness of God is Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins and resurrecting, and the only way we can be righteous is by believing in that.

    (3) Passed on to child (Gen. 22:1-9) 

When you have this faith, God brings about a circumstance to relay this to others, and that’s what Abraham did to Isaac in Gen. 22.  God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering. In that generation, there was a problem or incident, and at that time, Abraham took his son Isaac in faith. That action came from his faith and he sacrificed his son.  Abraham’s faith in the gospel was completely relayed to Isaac.  Relaying the true faith is what’s important, but if you’re bragging about whether you kept the law or not, that’s not righteousness. 

    (4) Passed on to Gentiles – Abraham’s descendants (Gal. 3:7) 

It says in Gal. 3:7 that those who believe are children of Abraham, meaning this faith is relayed.

  2) Noah 

    (1) Grace to God (Gen. 6:8) 

In Gen. 6:8, Noah received God’s favor.  The fact that He received favor in God’s eyes means that he believed in the words of the gospel.  In Eph. 2:1, it says we are dead in our sins. Our spirit is dead.  Because our spirit is dead, we cannot listen to God’s Word.  To receive God’s grace means the Holy Spirit of God worked upon Noah.

    (2) Righteous person (Gen. 6:9) 

In Gen. 6:9, Noah became a righteous person because he heard the words of the gospel and believed it by God’s grace. 

    (3) With the spirit, walk with God (Gen. 6:9) 

He walked with God, meaning He walked with the Holy Spirit.  Noah didn’t do anything to accomplish this.  On the other hand, most of the other people in Noah’s generation were only physical, they were filled by evil spirits of the Nephilim, and that’s what was controlling the culture and society.  Even the people who went to church did not have the Holy Spirit; they were physical, and they all became wicked. Those who live and rely on physical things do not need the spirit, and that’s what the Bible describes as, “becoming mortal.” 

    (4) Ark – Mission to save lives (Gen. 6:14) 

They could not overcome the disasters of the age with their actions, so they all died in the flood. When God told Noah to create the Ark, He said, “Make an Ark for yourselves.”  When the Holy Spirit is walking with you, then you have a mission. “There will be an age of disasters, so create an Ark, make an Ark for yourselves.”  Relaying the gospel and the Word of God is for other people, but first, it is for us.  It is also for our children . When we do missions and evangelism, it is ultimately for you and your children, and you will be bound to save many lives.  

This is something legalistic people cannot do.  God is walking with you and God says He will do this, but if you prioritize your actions, it becomes a heavy burden.  In the beginning, legalistic people are centered on their actions, so they’ll say, “I’ll do this,” but you can only do this when the Holy Spirit is with you. Therefore, if the Holy Spirit is not within you, then evangelism and missions will be cut off.

If you’re just handing out food to poor people, that’s not missions; that’s just charity. You have to declare the Word of God to them, and then charity follows.  But instead of giving people the gospel, people travel to other nations, dig wells for them, and come back. They just go and build some houses and come back, so the characteristic of legalistic people is, “I did this with my actions. I went to this mission field and did this act of the law; don’t you think that’s why God will bless me?”

No, it’s not like that.  If it’s not the gospel, there’s no way to block Satan and disasters.  King Saul was a child of God, but he was possessed by demons.  Even though he was in the greatest position as king, he was possessed by evil spirits.  His characteristic was that he was not aligned with God’s Word; his characteristic was being centered on actions.  He had good leadership and was very good looking as well.  A lot of women had no choice but to follow him around, but God said, “It’s not him.”  God wanted to raise the young shepherd boy, David, as the king.  

God’s standard is not our actions. He is centered on those who believe in the work God is doing. Do you believe that?  Don’t you receive the Holy Spirit by that faith? And is that Holy Spirit just relaxing inside of you?  No, He is moving through you.

  2) Blessing (Mt. 16:17) 

Jesus Christ personally talked about blessings.  In the days of Jesus, God gathered these fishermen. In an age that was completely legalistic, he was changing their idea of what a blessing is, in Matthew 5. That’s where the Beatitudes come from, he says, “Blessed are those who are poor in heart,” because believing in Jesus Christ is a blessing. It is irrelevant to your circumstances.

    (1) Christ – My master, Son of living God (Mt. 16:16) 

In Matthew 16:16, Simon Peter confessed, “Lord, You are the Christ, the son of the living God,” without even knowing what it meant, but Jesus said, “Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah.” This must come into your eyes boldly. If this doesn’t come into your eyes very clearly, you’ll work very hard to get a blessing, but later on, you’ll realize it’s not a blessing.  Christ has solved the problems that were impossible for humans to solve, the curses, disasters, sin, Satan, and hell.  

People don’t die because they don’t have money; they die because they don’t have God. People do not fail because they don’t work hard enough; they fail because they don’t believe in God Who is working hard. “You are my Master and You are the son of the living God.”  Whenever you face a problem, God is living right now. Even when you’re not facing a problem, the God Who is living right now is with me.  The Bible tells us that this is a blessing, what is a blessing? Believing that Jesus Christ is alive right now.

    (2) Rock, raise the church (Mt. 16:17)

Then Jesus says, “I will build my rock on this church.”  Believing in Jesus Christ is the rock of your life.  Why are you shaking? Why are your minds and spirits shaking such that you get mental problems and spiritual problems?  Why does your body shake so you have physical illness? It’s because you’re not being blessed.  Believing and confessing that Jesus is the Christ as your Rock is a blessing.  

Any circumstance that those who have the blessing of this rock face is not a problem because they are on a rock. This problem is only a problem for someone who has built their life on something other than Christ, it is built on sand, and it is useless.  There are some people who are so shaken by the prophecies of Revelation, but the people who are built on the rock of Jesus Christ are not shaken. It doesn’t matter if materials are becoming more expensive or cheaper. It doesn’t matter if you’re the only one in your circumstance.

Lord, You are the Christ, You are the Son of the God who is alive right now.  On this invisible confession, based on faith, Jesus says, “And upon this rock I will build My Church,” and I’m going into the blessing of God building His church. We raise up our homes but we don’t raise up the church. And God raises the church through those who have faith in Jesus Christ.  We have to save the church to save the future generations, and that’s how the gospel will be relayed throughout the entire world.

    (3) Gates of Hades X, keys to heaven (Mt. 16:17,18)

The gates of Hades will not overcome you. If the forces of Satan cannot overcome you, it means he is alive right now, that Satan is attacking us right now. We’re not going to be destroyed; Satan cannot overcome us. Satan cannot destroy the people who have faith in Jesus Christ, but when people who don’t have this faith face a problem, Satan goes into them, why? Because their standard is their actions.  They say, “What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong?” They do not believe in Christ.  

God is alive right now, so what is God’s plan in this problem?  For people who have this faith, their problems become a blessing because God is the One Who blesses His children. It doesn’t matter if the problem is big or small, it doesn’t matter if the problem is in the present or past, it doesn’t matter if the problem is for your children. The parents who have this faith will relay this faith to their kids.

If you  don’t have faith, it’s not  going to be enough to tell your children to just act right or go to church.  Immediately, in the family field, your faith in Jesus Christ is relayed to your kids.  Especially when you face a problem, just wait and see how God works.  But instead of doing that, if you’re just scratching your head, trying to come up with strategies, you’re just teaching your children the law.  

If the church is facing a problem, instead of saying, “Look at how God is working through this,” you start coming up with strategies.  That’s what the Bible calls “foolish.”  God is alive, but you fool, you don’t know that and you’re creating your own plans. That’s the way the gates of Hades overcome your family and your children.  It doesn’t matter how many great characteristics you have; Satan doesn’t budge, he is waiting to devour you.  It doesn’t matter how much money or power you have, it doesn’t make Satan skip a beat. It doesn’t matter how clean you are, ethically or morally, Satan likes you even more.  It doesn’t matter how hard you work; Satan says to work diligently.  You have the blessing that overcomes the gates of Hades.

The reason that people succeed and are still destroyed is because they do not believe this.  That’s the reason why the history of Israel was full of them being taken in as slaves, their children suffering, and their possessions being destroyed in war.  Those who believe in and confess this will be given the keys to the kingdom of heaven, they will be given the keys to go to the throne of heaven.  When you have the key, of course you have power. If you’re always saying, “I don’t have power, I don’t have money,” it’s because you’re not using the key.  Yes, you cannot use the key because you’re so focused on your actions. Your actions aren’t enough, so you fall into despair.  Those who have faith in Jesus Christ and utilize this key to open the gates of heaven, their blessings will be on earth.

You need to stand as witnesses of this evidence, but the more people have been educated on this earth, the more they say, “How can God give us something for free?” It’s not for free; God gave us this blessing when He created us.  Of course, we need to open that blessing through faith in Christ.  Temple Construction, if God needs it and you open it, don’t you think God will work?  But instead of doing that, you look at your present reality, you calculate in your brain, and you say, “I can’t afford it,” then that’s how you’re going to live your life.  

3. Holy Spirit

The result in a life that believes by the Holy Spirit by faith is that they will receive life.

  1) With (Gal. 3:5)

    (1) Christ who lives in me (Gal. 2:20)

    (2) Work miracles (Gal. 3:5)

    (3) Faith (Gal. 3:5)

God’s Holy Spirit comes into us, why did He come into us?  God is saying, “I will live through you.”  Phil. 1:6 says, I am certain that He Who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.  There are some people who believe in Jesus Christ and receive the Holy Spirit, but for the rest of their lives, they live irrelevant to the Holy Spirit and live based on their actions and hard work. The result is their surrendering. The Holy Spirit comes into you and He fulfills this. 

Such people don’t have limitations and there is no destruction because as long as Jesus Christ is not destroyed, this person will never be destroyed or fail. Even if we make a mistake, that’s not a real mistake. Have you ever seen the plan of the Holy Spirit fail?  God is perfect, He is with us and the Bible says He works upon us with power.  That’s why we don’t need our own power. The people who are so centered on actions will say, “I don’t have power, I don’t have money, I don’t have anything,” and they don’t rely on the Holy Spirit.

Why do we not need our power? Because the spiritual things cannot be resolved by our power.  Yes, we might be able to live and make a living, but we cannot resolve the spiritual things.  You will not be able to budge over the works of Satan.  Even if someone says something slightly offensive to me, I remember it for the rest of my life.  Even if someone says something that hurts my pride, I’ll remember that for a long time, but why do you rely on your power?  I hope you will not rely on yourself.  The Holy Spirit is already working in power, may you believe that.  Then, you will become a new person.

  2) Through the Holy Spirit

    (1) Serve, worship (Phil. 3:3)

    (2) Joy, boast in Christ (Phil. 3:1,3)

    (3) No confidence in the flesh (Phil. 3:3)

Phil. 3:3, the church of Philippi was the same, they said they needed circumcision to be saved, and Apostle Paul said, “I, too, have no confidence in the flesh.”  Apostle Paul said he has physical power and he had learned a lot, and he said, “I’m someone who knows the Bible better than you,” but do you know the reason why Paul does not boast about this? It’s because he knows that he doesn’t need any of that. He says He serves God through the Holy Spirit, in other words, worship.  

People may sit here with their bodies, but they may not be worshiping.  People who are sitting here, centered on their actions, are not worshiping.  By the Holy Spirit, we serve God.  We worship by the Holy Spirit.  Being inside the church is not what worship is; we can worship in our everyday lives, in our work and our jobs.  Following the order of worship is not worship, but relying on the Holy Spirit in your everyday life is worship.  It is not about just knowing that the Holy Spirit is within you, but relying on the Holy Spirit. That’s why we have no confidence in the flesh.

We have to rely on the Bible and the Holy Spirit, but there are some people who rely on evil spirits.  They are controlling their business with the transcendental power of evil spirits through transcendental meditation.  It’s impossible for us to boast of ourselves. Legalistic people are bound to boast of themselves because by the standards of the law, their actions are aligned with that law, so they boast in themselves.

    (4) No destruction, no shame, no earthly things (Phil. 3:19)

Phil. 3:19 says such people will meet their destruction. Let them boast of themselves; their end result will be their destruction, because it is impossible to please God or to overcome the devil with our actions.  The glory that they are trying to get from themselves will ultimately result in their shame.  These people only think of earthly things. What are the things of the earth? The physical things, the physical blessings, they are always interested in exalting certain positions to exalt their name.

It’s not because this is a bad person; it’s because from the beginning of their faith, they did not receive the gospel; they received the law.  For us, it’s the opposite; we can never be destroyed, our lives will never be put to shame because we have our citizenship in heaven and we think of the things of heaven.  We are people who do work on earth with the things of heaven. If we’re working with the things of earth, then we’ve already lost with the things of earth.  The one who relies upon the Holy Spirit so that God can work upon their business, that is the righteous one with faith.  

Therefore, our weakness is no problem at all.  Even if I’m sick, even if I have cancer, my weakness is no problem. If I have depression, it’s not a problem at all because the Holy Spirit living inside of me is working even now.  But if you keep concentrating so much on your problems, you will lose hold of your spiritual blessings.

May you focus on the Holy Spirit within you. The One Who has finished all problems on the cross is guiding my life even now.  Why has He given me this problem? I hope you will believe that God is allowing you to receive this problem because you’ve lived until now only looking at the physical things, and God wants you to receive the spiritual things.

“What? But I’ve served the church and volunteered so much.” You didn’t do that with faith, you did that yourself, and you did that thinking of the things of earth, so the end result of that is shame. Even in this problem, God is allowing you to rely on and receive the spirit of Jesus Christ inside of you. Why are the churches of Europe being shamed and sold as bars and mosques?  It’s not because they were not polite enough, and it’s not because they weren’t following the traditions of faith; it’s because they couldn’t block what was not the gospel.  They need only the gospel, but they were filled with things that were not the gospel, so their result was destruction and shame.

It’s the same for America.  The more we do things without the gospel, if we do them physically, at first it may seem like we have great strength, and things are working out, but later on, we’ll lose all our power, and as much as we’ve done, the more we’ll be ashamed, because from the very beginning, it was not the work of heaven; it was the work of earth.  I believe that only the gospel moves God, and only the gospel reveals God’s blessings on earth.

  3) To all nations

    (1) Work with the authority of heaven and earth (Mt. 28:18)

The resurrected Lord says all authority of heaven and earth has been given to Him.  Do you think Jesus said that just to show off? God doesn’t say unnecessary words; why do you think He said this?

    (2) Disciples of all nations (Mt. 28:19)

He said, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations.”

    (3) Teach and obey – Churchification (Mt. 28:20)

“Teach them to obey everything I have taught you.” That’s when they come into church. You shouldn’t just give them the gospel and leave them alone, you should teach them to obey.

    (4) With you always (Mt. 28:20)

And Jesus is always with you. Why do you think he said, “All authority in heaven and earth?” because it’s only possible to make disciples of all nations with that authority. May your business be the one which makes disciples of all nations on earth. Otherwise, no matter how hard you work, Satan is laughing at you. The end will be destruction.  You’re doing that because you don’t know the devil yet.  The devil’s authority has been broken in Jesus Christ, but he is still alive, and that’s how he destroys churches and believers.  He makes them do well in the beginning, but ultimately destroys them.  

Do you think Jesus Christ just said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me,” just to show off? He was saying that making disciples of all 237 nations of the world is only possible with the authority in heaven and on earth.  That’s the reason legalistic people start by saying, “yes, this is the law of God, so let’s do it,” but they give up because their actions are not enough. Only the ones who understand the gospel can continue, but people say it doesn’t work because their actions are their standard. They say, “I get stressed out by evangelism,” why?  It’s because their walk of faith is not based on the gospel, it is based on their actions, and that’s why they cannot please God.

Jesus Christ has all authority in heaven and on earth, meaning our weakness is irrelevant.  The coronavirus environment is no problem to us because the One Who has all authority in heaven and earth is with us.  For the people who don’t believe in this gospel power, they say it’s not going to work out because they look at their present circumstances.  After Jesus Christ resurrected, he didn’t say anything complicated, he just said very simply, “I will be with you,” and nothing in heaven or on earth can block you.  


1. Holy Spirit with me through faith in Christ

We need to evangelize America, holding onto this gospel, but if you’re trying to survive in America, you cannot even save yourself. This is the reason we do our business.  It is not about our goal or plan, but we are taking our gospel to do missions.  We are working at our jobs to do missions, then God is going to be with you with His plan.

2. Working of Holy Spirit through faith

If Temple Construction is God’s plan, then God will work with His power.  God is working with power, but why do you not have money? Whether you have money or not is not the standard of the gospel, but that’s that person’s vessel. Even unbelievers who have a lot of money, it’s because that is their vessel. If you are just going to eat and survive, that is how much money God will give you.  But if you want to serve the entire world, that’s how big your vessel is. That’s the thought that unbelievers have, too. 

If we have the vessel to save the entire world, God will give us the economy to save the entire world. If your vessel is so small, it doesn’t matter how much you pray, you cannot get more than that.  It is not by your power, God says He will do it by His power.  Without a doubt, God will work upon the people who believe in Jesus Christ and pray for world evangelization in power.  But my thoughts are not aligned with God’s Word. God’s desire and His thoughts are to make disciples of all 237 nations of the world, and all things in the world follow according to His Word.

Right now, we’re getting ready to do missions in Karen and El Salvador. That’s only the beginning. I hope you will wait and see how God works according to His Word. If this is truly the gospel, then God is bound to work, but if this is the law, then God will shut the doors.  God doesn’t attach precious souls to those who are emphasizing the law, but if this is the gospel that God has recorded in the Bible, then the doors will open to the ends of the earth.

3. Through faith, make the future generation and all nations as Christ’s disciples

May you and I live our lives with the vision and dream of that kind of church, and that kind of world, then the future generations will come to life with the gospel. We don’t just raise them with the gospel; we raise them as leaders.  We should not raise them only as people who think about themselves, but they are the ones who believe in saving America and the world, and that’s why we train them even on Saturdays at church, but parents do not have a sense of this. Because they themselves are not leaders, they think, “Why must I do this for my kid?” The parents are blocking them. Then, will you raise them to your level? They have to go beyond your level so you have to let them walk a different path than what you’ve walked.  

That’s why on Saturday, we gather the young children to teach them and to help them to obey.  That’s what Jesus told us to do. And starting with the people who have their spiritual eyes opened, they will bring their children to church and raise them as leaders. May you have this blessing this week and for the rest of the year. 


Let’s hold onto the Word of God and pray. 

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You.  We thank You for Your grace of allowing us to believe in the gospel. Allow us not to end Your grace with our actions, but allow us to begin with grace and to go into the faith that fulfills Your covenant.  We return our material blessings as the offering to save, and we pray for the answer of the economy of light that will save all peoples.  We pray that You will work with the economy of light for the Temple Construction for the continuation of worship.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  

God, we thank You.  

In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God who desire to believe, relay, and enjoy the gospel of Jesus Christ, be upon all the future generations, people of all nations, and everything they do, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen 


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