The One Who Keeps the Concerns of God in Mind (Mt. 16:21-28)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The One Who Keeps the Concerns of God in Mind (Mt. 16:21-28)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the unprecedented and never-repeated answers and grace of God be upon all of you today. The title of today’s message is, “The One Who Keeps the Concerns of God in Mind.”  What is the work of God, and what is the work that God is doing?  For us, it is possible to live our walk of faith thinking we are doing the work of God, but we are not really doing the work of God.  There is a part in the Bible where God says, “I do not know you.”  When we are on this earth, we do this and that in the name of the Lord, but the Lord says He does not know us.  These things happen, and even right now, these things continue to happen.  How unfortunate and what a waste of a life it is if we work so diligently, but it is not for the work of God!  Then, right now, I hope it will be a time of grace where you’re able to think about, “What is the work that I am doing?”  

1. After confession of faith

Today’s scripture happens right after Peter makes his confession of faith.  Without a doubt, Simon Peter just confessed, “Jesus, You are the Christ, the son of the living God,” and everything we read today happened right after that confession was made.  Right after Simon Peter makes the confession that was revealed to him by the Father in heaven, he is now being called “Satan,” by today’s scripture.  

  1) Death on the cross and resurrection (Mt. 16:21)

    (1) Explained to his disciples (Mt. 16:21)

    (2) What will happen

    (3) Goal of Jesus’s coming

After that confession of faith was made, Jesus first began to speak full-force about how He will have to die on the cross and resurrect. 

  2) Peter

    (1) Took Jesus aside and rebuked him (Mt. 16:22)

    (2) Never, Lord! (Mt. 16:22)

    (3) This shall never happen to you! (Mt. 16:22)

Even though they were all listening to this message, Peter’s reaction was different.  He says, “Never, Lord! That shall never happen to you! That will never happen to you!” Honestly, he was a very loyal henchman, by the way that he reacted. If we react like that in the world, then we are a very good supporter or follower.  Simply put, Peter is saying, “I’ll take care of that on your behalf.  Lord, you can never die. Lord, You must fulfill your life, and we will block that death.” 

  3) Jesus

    (1) Get behind me, Satan! (Mt. 16:23)

However, Jesus’ reaction to that is very different, He says, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me.”  Do you understand that?  Without a doubt, I was reacting like this to protect my Lord, but instead of the Lord even just telling me to calm down, He says, “Get behind me, Satan.”  He says, “You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” 

    (2) You are a stumbling block to me (Mt. 16:23)

    (3) God’s concerns ×, Human concerns in mind (Mt. 16:23)

We live our lives thinking, and our thoughts are connected with works.  The work that you do at your job, at your school, at your church, these are all different works, but is it the work of God, or the work of people?  Why is it that Peter’s sincere reaction was the work of man and the work of Satan?  

2. Human concerns and God’s concerns

  1) Peter

    (1) Jesus must live

    (2) Must become king (Mt. 20:21)

    (3) God’s kingdom – Judge, Subdue

From Peter’s perspective, Jesus Christ cannot die; Jesus must stay alive to be our King, and Jesus must be the King in order for me to take my position next to Him.  So, Jesus needs to remain alive in this age as the King Who will judge the sinners and save the righteous.  These are the thoughts that Peter had when he said, “Lord, You cannot die.”  The Lord knows this and said, “You are not thinking of the works of God, but of human concerns.” In other words, “I need Jesus for myself.”  

People come to church and they believe in Jesus Christ, but a lot of people think, “Of course I believe in Jesus Christ for myself, what else would I believe for? I come to church and worship because it is a benefit to me; if it doesn’t help me at all, I wouldn’t go.” But that’s people, then what percentage of us thinks of the works of people?  It’s not a small percentage.  But the Lord says, “I do not know you.”  

When you go to the Kingdom of God, He will say, “I don’t even remember the things you’ve done.” “Oh, but Lord, I evangelized, I served the church, I gave offering for your name,” but the Lord says He does not remember us.  That means, “You’ve only done that for yourself, you’ve never done it for Me. You went to church because it was helpful and beneficial to you; if it were not like that, you wouldn’t go.” Those kinds of people have the same state as Peter has in today’s scripture, then there’s one reaction.  People say, “Then what should I believe in Jesus for?”  You need to have this certain answer regarding that question.  If you have that sure answer, then you are the one who thinks of the concerns of the works of God.  But if you don’t have that answer, you’ll always have to work for the works of man.  

  2) Paul

What does the book of Romans say is the difference between the works of man and the work of God?  These words may be a little difficult for the people who are first believing, but it’s really not difficult.  You need to know this in order to live your walk of faith correctly.  God gave the Law to the Israelites, and the Bible says the Law is holy and good because it was given to us by God.  So, the “Law” means that God set a standard we must live by.  

    (1) Keep the Law in flesh – Righteousness (Rom. 8:3,4)

But the Jewish people thought, “Because I’m keeping all these laws, I’m righteous.  However, God called the Jewish people, “children of the devil,” how is it that they are working so diligently to keep God’s Word, but they are children of the devil? It’s because they are understanding and thinking of the law God gave them in a physical way.  They thought, “In order for me to be a child of God, I need to work diligently to keep God’s law and not break any of God’s Word.”  

These words are relevant to you because that is how you are living today.  I’ll tell you how you’re living now. We are used to living according to rules, because this world is run based on regulations and norms.  We think, “If we stay within those boundaries, I’m okay,” but if I go outside of those boundaries, I think I’m a bad person, and that’s why people think if someone’s gone to jail a few times, they’re a bad person, but that’s how the Jewish people thought too. They struggled so hard every day not to break a single letter of God’s Law, and that’s what they thought their walk of faith was.  

But the reason and goal God gave us the Law is for us to first realize that we are sinners who cannot keep the Law at all, ever.  That is why I need the grace and the righteousness of God. In other words, God gave us the Law in order to give us the gospel.  Before God gave us the Law, people did not know they were sinners.  By giving us the Law, we realize, “I am a sinner,” even before God gave us the Law, we were sinners, then.  What does that mean?  

    (2) Thoughts of the flesh – Death (Rom. 8:5)

What state are human beings born in? From the perspective of the parents, the baby might seem very cute, but that’s not what God sees. The baby was born in the exact same state of sin that Adam was created.  The face might be so cute and healthy, but on the inside, they are born with the exact same state of sin that Adam created.  That state the baby is born in is where they are the center of their own lives and they are their own god.  That spiritual state is seized by and controlled by Satan.  

Ever since a newborn baby is born, they are in a state that has no choice but to be cursed.  That state begins to be revealed externally as the little baby grows up. That state cannot be changed by any education.  What does that mean?  The very fact that I am the main character of my own life, trying to keep God’s Word of the Law, means that it is the work of Satan, not the work of God.  Having the thought that I can keep God’s Law is Romans 8:6, a mind controlled by the flesh.  

If you don’t understand what that means, think back to Gen. 3:5 where humans thought, “If I eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, then I can be like God, deciding what is good and what is evil.”  Then the moment we’re born, we are born as the main figures of our life, deciding what is good and what is evil.  That is how the kids mature, and the kids begin to react, “My life is my life, why are my parents interceding?” And there are some kids who are a little bit more alert in this so they leave the house early.  But people who are a little bit slower like me, they live with their parents for a very long time.  The parents say, “This is a nice kid,” but humans all desire to live on their own like God, and they don’t want to listen to anyone else’s words.  Even God’s Word, “If I don’t understand it, I will reject it.”  If somebody else tells me to do something that I do not want to do, I will reject it forcefully.  If something is helpful or beneficial to me, then I will stake my life there.  That is the state that every single human is born in, and that is the work of the flesh. 

    (3) Thoughts of the flesh – Hostile to God (Rom. 8:7)

Romans 8:7 says the mind of the flesh is hostile to God.  That was what Peter was doing in today’s scripture when he was saying, “I will block the work that the Lord is doing,” that is the work of Satan.  But if you don’t know this, you’re going to go to church and you’re going to serve so diligently but you’re going to fall, because that was the work of man, not the work of God, then what exactly is the work of God?

  3) Concerns of God

    (1) Believe in the one who God sent (Jn. 6:39)

John 6:39 says that the work of God is this: to believe in the one He has sent.  We keep on thinking that work is something good physically but no, it says that God’s Work is to believe in the one whom He has sent. It’s so simple; how could that be the work of God? It means that God’s work means that that faith continues through your entire life.  Jesus Christ died on the cross, resurrected, and resides within me as my master; believing in that is the work of God. But if you don’t believe in that and you say, “I will live diligently and I will serve the Lord with my actions,” that is the work of man and the work of Satan.

    (2) The requirement of the law might be fully met in us who live according to the Spirit (Rom. 


Romans 8:4 says if I follow the Holy Spirit inside of me, the righteous requirement of the law will be met in us. That means, I am not somebody who can keep God’s Word by myself, and most people will not understand what this means, then let’s look at it in terms of our life. 

When you’re raising your children, you set these regulations.  So, every family has the regulation that their parents sent.  We make it so that the children live within those boundaries.  But where did that come from?  As the parents have lived their lives, they think, “My kids need to be at least like this.” I’m not saying we don’t need those regulations of the law; we do need them, but the issue is saying, “ You need to live within here by your strength and effort. If you go outside of this, you’ll be punished, that’s the education of the parents and the family. And when you raised your kids like that, did they grow up well? It’s impossible.  Because human beings all want to be their own God, they might endure your regulations because they don’t have the strength to fight back, but they don’t really listen. I look at my own daughter and I’m raising her the same way, I realized.  As I live my life and in society, I think, “I need my daughter to be at least like this,” so the law is necessary, but I’m not saying that the law itself is the issue, but emphasizing that she needs to be within these laws by her own strength, that is the issue.  We need to have the boundaries and the frame of the law, but we need to educate the children so that the Lord within them can fulfill that Law within them. 

If you really enforce the law too strongly, it will cause your children to have mental problems.  This is not a published statistic, but from the many ministries I’ve run, a lot of elite families have children with mental illnesses because they have too many regulations and rules.  They keep trapping their kid, “You need to live like this to be successful.”  Maybe the parents were able to succeed with that level of strength, but your children are different. The children were made so they might live differently, but the parents keep forcing their kids in this direction, out of love and out of a desire for their children to live their best life, and the children pretend to follow along, but once they go into college, they say goodbye. They’re always like that.  The older the child gets, the more distant they get from their parents because they no longer need them.  The parents say, “Oh, that’s not how I raised my kid,” and it would be fine if your education was correct but it’s not.  Even God’s Word tells us that humans cannot keep the Law of God by themselves.  Then, if you think it’s right for you to enforce your children to follow the laws with their own strength, that’s the work of Satan.

Then, what must we do instead?  The work of God is that the Holy Spirit will fulfill the Law with His strength.  That might be the case for our children, but how are you and I living now? the more elite we are, we have a certain goal we’ve set, and we race towards that goal, and if we don’t reach that goal, we fall into despair, and we live so diligently, not looking to the left or to the right, only looking to that goal, but there is only 1% of people who can reach that goal.  Even that 1% will reach their limitations in life and then fall over.

What happens to the rest of the 99% of the people? They are destroyed without even reaching their goal.  Isn’t it possible that we are also living our lives like that? That’s what we call the work of man, and the work of Satan. Then what is the work of God, the work of the Lord?  It is that God is within me and God fulfills the work.  That can only take place when I believe in Him. That is the work of God. It seems like nothing, but it is something.  If your walk of faith seems so difficult, burdensome, and heavy, it’s because you are the main figure of your own life and you are trying to fit into some kind of regulations, just like any religion that sets up rules, but the Bible actually tells us, that’s impossible for us.  

    (3) Thoughts of the Spirit – Life, Peace (Rom. 8:6)

The thoughts of the Spirit, the Spirit that believes in Jesus Christ within me is life and peace. On the other hand, instead of thinking thoughts of the Spirit, of me fulfilling the Word with my own efforts, that is death.  Your job, your studies, is that the work of man, or is that the work of God?  You live your life so diligently but God says, “Hey, you’re only diligently doing your work; you’ve never done my work,” simply put, “You were doing that for yourself, when did you do anything for me?”  That’s the result of life that we might face. How can we live so that doesn’t happen? You need to believe.  You need to believe in the fact that God is living inside of me, carrying out His Word.

3. The One Who Follows Jesus

  1) God’s concerns

Jesus Christ says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,” meaning, all the people who were burdened by keeping their own law by their own self, all of this religious weight and burden.  Change your Lord to Jesus, and He says, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light,” that’s our walk of faith.  But if you don’t know what the walk of faith really is and you just say, “We just have to work hard at it, we just need to be diligent,” one day, you will fall over. All these people in the world work so diligently, but one day, they will collapse.  If we can have success in life, with our own hard work, there was no reason for the Lord to come to earth. 

Humans were created in the image of God, meaning that God’s Word must be fulfilled through us. But one day, Satan came to Adam and Eve and broke down that image of God. The source of all problems is, Satan said, “You are now your own god, and you have to solve all your problems yourself.” From that point on, the image of God was broken within us, life left us and we were in a state of death.  The immediate consequence of that was shame and fear.  From that point on, there was conflict between the husband and wife, and they began to blame each other, and the men suffered by working and laboring their entire lives, and the women had to suffer their entire lives, birthing children. 

Every single problem came from the moment I was separated from God, and I tried to live as my own God.  From that point on, there was even a murder where Cain murdered his own brother Abel. And because of our fear, that is when we began to build fortresses and weapons because our life is so insecure, we have to build these weapons and these fortresses.  From that point on there was no happiness in our life, so we had to create music and entertainment. There was the beginning of wars, since when? From the moment that I wanted to be my own god, that was the beginning of all problems. We are not God; we are the image of God; we cannot be God.  The thoughts of the flesh, the thoughts of Satan, tell us we can do something on our own as if we are God. 

Then, one day, not only will your walk of faith not take place, but you wouldn’t be able to even live in the world. In order to do the work of god, what must we know and what must we believe? I must know and believe in the work that God did on the cross.  The situation where Jesus Christ died on the cross and resurrected was a situation that solved every problem.  It was the situation that fulfilled every law that God had given to us. By believing in Him, we are regarded as righteous, and we become children of God. “Everyone knows that already, why do you keep repeating it?” If you already knew it, there would be no reason for me to really repeat it.  I’m repeating it because you know it but you don’t really know it.  If you really knew this, then you’re bound to let go of your own life.  Why are you always afraid? You’re afraid because you’re holding knot it.  Why is your past a scar? It’s a scar because you’re continuing to hold onto it. Why are you suffering because of your job? You’re suffering because you’re holding onto your own business. If you’re not holding onto it, there’s no reason for it to be hard. “If I don’t hold onto that, then nothing will happen.” That is somebody who doesn’t believe in God.  

    (1) Cross – Everything is finished (Jn. 19:30)

You need to believe in the fact that Jesus Christ finished all of your problems in the past, present, and future, and is with you right now.  That is why Matthew 16:24, Jesus says, in order to do His work, you must deny yourself. But  we are fighting to testify and confirm that I am right; the work of God is right, there is nothing I can say that is correct; we must deny ourselves. 

    (2) Deny themselves (Mt. 16:24)

Denying yourself doesn’t mean you have to reject all your thoughts and you have to endure and restrain yourself; that’s how people die.  “I need to quit smoking, so every time I think of a cigarette, I’m going to stab myself in the knee because of my needle.  “I want to drink alcohol but I’m a pastor or I’m an elder of the church, what do I need to do to restrain myself?” That’s not what I’m talking about. “I want to beat this guy up, but do I have to restrain myself and endure it? That’s not what we’re talking about. If you have those thoughts inside of you, then one day, that will come outside, it’s not enough for you to try to restrain it, it’s just a matter of time.

    (3) Take up their cross (Mt. 16:24)

Denying yourself and taking your cross, what does that mean? “I believe Jesus Christ died on the cross, but I must deny myself and take up my cross? I couldn’t ever do that,” that is somebody who doesn’t believe in the cross. Even if they do believe in the cross, they’re only using it for their own benefit.  Somebody who is not able to deny themselves is just using the name of Jesus Christ to benefit their own lives, and that’s something nonbelievers laugh at. Nonbelievers say, “I’m living for my own life but you’re also living for your own life, but you’re just using Jesus Christ as a cover, so it’s almost like you’re more about wearing masks than I am.” 

  2) The Way to save myself

    (1) Cross – Die with Jesus, Live (Gal. 2:20)

Gal. 2:20 says that when Jesus Christ died on the cross, I died on the cross with Him. Then what is the me that is living now? I’m now changed so that the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ is living within me as my Lord and my life.  The “me” that was living as my own Lord has died on the cross. If that doesn’t take place, then you cannot overcome all the suffering and torment that you endured, because you’re still alive. The state of Adam, the state where I’m trying to be God Himself, needs to be crucified on the cross. Then who am I?  

    (2) Ruled over by God, Subdue – God’s kingdom

The real “me” is the me where Christ is living within me as my Lord and life. Buddhism tells you that you need to discard your greed, so they’re trying to accomplish their own salvation and own enlightenment, but Christians don’t say that. You cannot give yourself salvation; that is why Jesus Christ came.  You must be crucified with Christ.  The way I live now is Christ living within me; that’s what I live with. Then there’s no such thing as “me,” our walk of faith is the thoughts of the Lord becoming our thoughts.  I don’t need my weakness either. The power of the Lord becoming my power, that’s the walk of faith. Paul never made a plan for his own life, he simply raced towards that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.  The plan of the Lord within me is my new plan. Then for this person, when they face a problem or crisis, it does not matter. It’s not mine, it’s the Lord’s, and the Lord has His plan.  Believing in that is the work of God.  If you don’t believe in that at all, you are not doing the work of God.  We keep on thinking we’re doing a lot of work if there’s a lot of things to show for it physically. But that’s not what the Lord says, He says, “I’m doing the work so you just believe.”  That state is the one who is doing God’s work from God’s perspective. In other words, you are in a state where the Lord’s Kingdom is reigning over you. With my level and my skills, it will not work.  The level of the heavens must reign over and rule over me.  

That is the best thing. When a new believer asks you how to pray, it’s very simple: you need to let go of your thoughts and be filled with the thoughts of the Lord. “Give me this or do that for me,” but why do you have so many demands when the Lord is taking care of everything? Allowing them to not pray like that is how you really pray. If you have a lot of reasons and excuses, it’s evidence you’re still alive. For our walk of faith, there’s no reason; the Lord’s reason becomes my reason. Believing in that is what it means to believe in God.  That is the person whom God uses.  

The reason God used David was because his heart was one with God’s. David’s heart was so in line with God’s heart,  that means David was in a state that could be fully used by God.  We call that the filling of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit fully reigns over, fully controls me.  That pleases God so much.  Because the Holy Spirit of God can fully control this person’s thoughts, emotions, and physical body, it’s so good for God to use.  That is actually for me.  We think that if we live like that, it’ll be a loss to us, but that’s the work of Satan. The best prayer topic is to not have any prayer topics, why? Because I believe in God. When you face a problem, there’s no reason to shake because I believe in God. In the future, we will continue to face dangers like the Covid pandemic, but it doesn’t matter because the Lord is my Lord.  Then the Lord will carry out His work through me.

    (3) Satan’s kingdom destroyed (Mt. 12:28)

Then Matthew 12:28 will take place, “But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.” It means that demons will be cast out.  Inside of this spiritual problems, mental problems, obsession, division, and addiction will be healed as well.  I was teaching the kids yesterday and I asked, “When you face a problem, what is your first reaction?” and most of them said anger. I asked, “Why do you think you get angry?” they just stayed still. You’re getting angry because you can’t take care of this problem yourself. There was one kid who said, “I created a plan to take care of that problem.”

Don’t you think that is the same as adults?  Whenever we face a problem, we get angry, and once that problem comes, we create a plan to try to solve the problem, but that itself is the problem.  You need to change your Lord. “What plan of God does the Lord have within this problem?”  You need to change your Lord; if you don’t change your Lord, you’ll remain in your anger, and that anger will turn into depression, and when that state continues, it will turn into a physical problem as well.  

When you’re angry, your body is filled with all these toxic chemicals, then this person’s body cannot endure long. If you look at people who are angry a lot, they are usually diseased and that changes to depression.  That’s the result of being the master of your own life. Your life is not like that because of your problems, but regardless of whether you had problems or not; the state you’re in is the problem itself. The very fact that you’re living as the main figure of your own life, trying to solve your problems, is the problem itself.  There are some people who are always criticizing, “Politics, society, my family, why are they living like this?” Instead of talking about things like that, ask, “How am I doing in my family and at my job?”  Human beings cannot point their fingers at other people; we talk so freely because it’s other people doing that, but honestly, you’re doing the same thing. That state must change, you must really believe in Christ as your Lord.  Then, in our everyday life, a problem will not be a problem.  Even if you do have depression, it cannot be that big of a problem, especially as time passes.  

  3) Holy Spirit

    (1) Filling, Power (Ac. 1:8)

I hope you will pray for the Spirit of the Lord to completely fill your person. That’s the very best prayer and that will result in evidence and answers. That is your power, you will receive power.  When God seizes my thoughts, it is wisdom and it is power, and it’s only possible by faith. That is the prayer to pray. Your IQ is no greater than 150, but with your 150 IQ, you’re trying to predict the future, and that’s why your head is splitting, but the infinite one must seize me in order for me to see my future.  

    (2) Witness of Christ (Ac. 1:8)

The Holy Spirit inside of me will teach us and remind us of all things.  Living like that is how we do the work of the Lord, the work of God, then without a doubt, you’re bound to receive the evidence that Christ is living in you, then you stand as a witness of Christ, that is a witness.  That’s the work of the Lord.  

    (3) Temple (237 nations, Healing, Summit) construction 

We stand as a witness to testify of that to the world, all 237 nations.  “Let’s gather our strength and spread our influence around this region,” but that’s the same way the world thinks.  “We’ll raise our own name and we’ll raise the name of the church,” that’s not the work of the Lord. God does this.  God is doing His work so you just go and glorify God. We must pray for the name and the work of the Lord to be revealed worldwide, that’s why you need to determine one nation. There’s no reason not to choose a nation. You need to choose a nation to testify the gospel of the Lord there. That’s why you run your business; that’s the work of the Lord. If you don’t do that, then you’re just doing your own work to eat and survive, but even if you live diligently, the Lord says, “I do not know you.” there’s no reason for you to do that.  You relay this nation mission to your children, and for generations, you save this nation.  “With the gospel, I will heal the diseased.”  

The reason why we need the church building is to raise up the future generations to evangelize America and the world.  As I was doing ministry here, I realized a lot of students here have this ideology that there’s no need for a church anymore, but that ideology is very much aligned with the education and the ideologies of America, and that’s why America is the way it is today. I asked people before the COVID Pandemic, “Why don’t you go to church?” and the answer was, “If I go, the culture of the adults doesn’t match with me, and it’s hard to get along with people that I don’t get along with.  And they ask for offering, so there’s no reason for me to go to church,” then what do I do?  Most of the kids say, “I believe in God, I believe in Jesus Christ, I read my Bible by myself, and I live my walk of faith,” then do you and I have a reason to gather together and worship like this? You need to find that reason to discover the reason for the church.

Why do we gather together? We don’t have to; you can just listen online, but what’s the difference? Every person has a talent or skill that they can do, but do you think you can do that with just your skill alone? But when that skill of many people gathering together, then great works take place. If there’s a very large tree, you can hollow out the tree and make a boat, but there’s a limit to how big that boat can be.  But let’s say there’s a smaller tree.  If you connect many of those trees together, you can create a massive ship. That’s what we call the church.  We as individuals may not be much, but when we gather our individual talents together, that becomes the power to save the 237 nations of the world. 

We individually have our talents, but we must gather together to have the church. For example, who is going to teach the gospel to the future generations? That means the teachers and people must gather together with their talents.  I’m not talking about whether you’ve received salvation or not, I’m saying, “As the church, what is the role that I must play?” Then even one young tiny child has their role to play.  I can see these very elderly grandmas and grandpas smiling ear to ear when they see children.  I hope you understand what I’m saying.  God does God’s work through the body of Christ which is our gathering, and I hope you will be led by God’s grace. 


1. Death on the cross and resurrection 

2. Jesus’s life within me

3. Guidance, Work, Witness

Message Prayer

Let us hold onto the word we have received and each pray together individually. 

Offering prayer

God, we thank You. We thank You for not only giving us the Law, but the gospel that allows us to do the work of God. Allow us to do the work of God by believing in Jesus Christ, the Lord in us. 

We have returned our materials as offering, we pray that everywhere this offering is used, the work of God may be revealed.  We pray that You will bless the hands that have given this offering that they may testify that Jesus Christ has finished all problems.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

God, we thank You. We pray that You will bless the young adult, Kim Jaewook, and we pray that You will give him the blessing and the grace of God so that he will be the young adult to think of and do the works of God. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer.

2. Sunday 3PM Bartizan camp around church.

3. West Coast Youth Retreat: 7/13(Thurs.)-15(Sat.).

    1st Registration Period (6/11-6/30): $200

    2nd Registration Period (7/1-7/9): $230

    On-site Registration: $250.

4. Yakima, Portland camp: 7/17-19, 7/19-21.

5. WRC 7/27-28,8/2-4

6. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to do the work of God and not the work of man, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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