The One who has Rivers of Living Water Flowing From Within and Saves Lives (Jn. 7:37-39)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The One who has Rivers of Living Water Flowing From Within and Saves Lives (Jn. 7:37-39)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May you receive the same blessings as the Word we have confessed. Whatever you speak from your mouth will be revealed in your life because whatever you speak from your mouth comes from your spirit.  People who say words of blessings a lot have already received blessings.  If you yourselves are suffering, you cannot say words of blessing.  So, our confession today, whether you realize it or not, God will fulfill those words.  

What do you think it means that, “the Lord is Christ”?  This means that He sets us free from all of the curses and disasters of our sin from the past, present, and future, and He has overcome all the forces of Satan and darkness, and He is with me.  You can never overcome the world, but in John 16, Jesus Christ says, “I have overcome the world.”  You will come to realize that I have no choice but to bow down to the world.  Whether that’s through your own heart or through other people or your circumstances, you will realize you cannot overcome the world, but Jesus Christ says, “I have overcome the world.”

And He said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one can come to the Father except through Me.”  This is the Word we have confessed just now, and He is our Lord.  When you know this meaning and you make that confession, then these are the works that are fulfilled, but if you don’t know about this, then you will continue to fall into curses and disasters.  If I don’t know this, then Christ has already overcome the world, but I cannot overcome the world.  If I do know this, then the Holy Spirit is working upon me with the words of the Bible, but I will have to live with my own thoughts.  That is the meaning of today’s confession that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.  

People are dying because they don’t have this.  America is going deeper into disasters because they lack this.  There was a shooting in a high school in Georgia this week and 20 people were killed or injured. Why do these things keep happening?  There’s not a single person who says, as soon as they are born, “I’m going to live with a mental illness.”  Nobody is born thinking, “When I grow up, I’m going to suffer from depression.” There’s nobody who grows up thinking, “When I grow up, I want to kill other people.”  Then, why do these things keep happening in the world?  We are bound to follow that direction if we do not have the answer.  

If you’re coming to church, it’s not just some sort of hobby or pastime; what is God’s Word telling us about the problem of America today, and what is the answer to that problem?  That is the Word that is given in the church, but if you go to church and you still don’t know this, you are just unaware.  And because you don’t know the problem of America, you yourself cannot escape.  If you are reading a text and you don’t know the problem, then you cannot get the answer.  If you think, “Oh, drug addiction? That’s irrelevant to me,” that’s not the solution.  “Addiction to video games? That doesn’t have to do with me,” that is not the solution.  You need to know why that problem came about and what is the answer in order for you to not fall into any other problems, and today’s Word is the solution to that question.  

Are you truly happy?  I’m sure you will answer that question based on your own standards because you are your own god, but what the Bible is telling us is, only God can give us happiness.  We are not happy because of money; that is irrelevant.  You will not become happy because of marriage; that is irrelevant.  You must become happy in Christ alone. If you do not have happiness in Christ, you will not have happiness no matter what you do.  If you come to church, you shouldn’t hear anything else before you go. You’re not coming to church because you lack the ability.  You’re listening to God’s Word in regard to what is the problem in America today and what is the answer.  

1. Whoever believes Me 

Jesus Christ gives us His Word today, “Whoever is thirsty, come to Me and drink.”  “Whoever believes in Me.”  You need to know who He is.  If you come to church and you don’t know who Jesus Christ is, that is a huge problem.  If you know Jesus Christ just through your knowledge, that is a big problem.  Today, no matter who goes to Jesus Christ, their thirst will be solved.  Every living being needs water.  Right now, we are traveling into space and looking to see if life is viable there by looking for water.  If there is water, then life can survive.  If you drink water, that will take care of your physical thirst, but there is also a spiritual thirst.  The Lord is telling us today, “Whoever is thirsty, come to Me and drink,” which means, we must all go to Jesus.

  1) From God (Jn. 7:29)

Who is that Jesus Christ? It says in Jn. 7:29 that He is from God.  Where did we come from?  We came from our parents.  Where did our parents come from? They go all the way up to Adam and Eve.  So, when God created Adam and Eve, all the genetics to create us were already inside of them, so Adam is just the first human, but he is the same as all of us, and because Adam had Original Sin, every single one of us is born with Original Sin in our DNA.  But Jesus Christ came from our Father God, that’s why we call Him the Son of God, that means, He is God.  We are sons of Adam and Eve, that means we are human; we are not born of God, we are born of man.  If a cow has a baby, that is a baby cow.  When a baby cow grows up, that will be a cow.  But Jesus Christ is born of God, that’s why He is God.  

    (1) Everything has been given by my Father (Mt. 11:27)

In Mt. 11:27, it says that the Father God has given everything to Jesus Christ, the Son, so if you see Jesus Christ, then you are seeing God. 

    (2) Sent by the Father (Jn. 7:29)

Jn. 7:29 says that God has sent Jesus Christ.  You need to know this very well.  Jesus Christ is not a human just like us just because He is human.  He and I are completely different because He is God and we are human.  The words of Jesus are not the words of humans; they are the words of God.  The words of Jesus in the Bible are the words of God, so when you go into the words of Jesus, you will come to life.  Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ will have streams of living water flowing from within them. 

    (3) Christ (Jn. 7:27)

Then, why do we have to go to Jesus for our spiritual thirst to be quenched? Do you know why the problems in America are happening?  You think this is irrelevant to you but you will become the same way. There is nobody who is born wanting to be like that in the beginning. If you’re not like that, then your children will be like that. You think, “My life won’t be like that,” but you don’t have control over that.  The weather today is so hot, and we have no control over that. When the weather is hot, we just have to be hot; we cannot control the weather like that.  

  2) One who believes 

    (1) Mankind’s fundamental problem

Why are there more and more problems in America as time passes?  You need to know the fundamental problem.  You need to know the problem before the mental illnesses take place. There is a problem that comes before the problem you’re worried about.  We call that the “fundamental problem.”  

    (2) Satan, Sin, Death (Rom. 8:2)

In Gen. 3, Satan appears and says, “You can be like God,” that desire is “sin,” and the price of sin is death.  This is the invisible problem, the state that is causing all other problems.  That’s why there are so many problems like demon possession and substance addictions.  The problem where, no matter what you do, you cannot fill the void inside. No matter how many beautiful things you see, you are never satisfied. Why? Because the fundamental problem is not solved.  The fundamental problem is that we are separated from God, seized by Satan the devil, and living as if we are our own god.  If I am living as my own god, then I cannot solve any problems that go beyond my ability. That’s why I’m living in problems, because if I have a mental problem, I cannot solve it with my own strength, and if I have a disease, I just have to take it. That’s what a human is.  

    (3) Cross – Death, Resurrection (Jn. 19:30)

The Lord died on the cross and resurrected to solve that fundamental problem once and for all.  The fact that He died means that all of my curses and disasters and sin have been crucified too.  He needs to take the price of my sin on my behalf, the sin of not believing in God.  Because we don’t believe in God, we have a lot of our own thoughts.  We were never created to be people who have a lot of thoughts; instead, we were created to reveal the thoughts of God through us.  If you think a lot, that’s not a good thing; if you work a lot or make a lot of money or marry a lot, King Solomon said it was all in vain.  He was the one who had the greatest knowledge, the greatest success, the greatest marriages, and the greatest power, and he said, “It is all vain.”  There is no answer other than God Himself dying on the cross for me, resurrecting, and living within me.  

  3) United with Christ

When Jesus Christ died on the cross, I died with Him and all of mankind died with Him.  This means that all curses and disasters have been finished with His death.  Christ’s resurrection is the resurrection that overcomes death, Satan, and the world.  Jesus Christ’s resurrection is my resurrection because He has been united with me as life.  Because every single problem is a result of being separated from God, when I’m united with God, that is the solution to every problem.  

    (1) Law of spirit of life (Rom. 8:2)

    (2) United with the master of life (Gal. 2:20)

    (3) Start of answers

Are you receiving answers now? If you’re not receiving answers, that’s very sad because it means you have to live with your own strength.  If you’re not able to solve something with your own strength, you’ll get lost in that problem.  If it’s a financial problem, you’ll get lost in your financial problem, or if you face a mental problem, you can’t overcome it. If you get a mental problem, you can’t overcome it.  Do you know why the future generations are falling into addictions to substances and alcohol? It’s because it’s a mental problem and they do not have the power to overcome it themselves. That problem must be finished on the cross.  The fundamental problem must be finished on the cross.  And the beginning of the answers is the moment He comes into me as life. The ones who know this are happy, and from now on, the Lord is my Lord, so I just follow His guidance, and I pray for His power to be established upon my thoughts, my emotions, my heart, spirit, and body. I cannot do things with my own thoughts, but instead, the thoughts of God are put into me, then I can overcome.  

As long as you’re not able to do this, I’m sorry, but you have no choice but to be a slave to the superpower nation, America, and it would be fine if being a slave could still feel good, but there is no freedom is slavery.  If you don’t make money, then you starve to death, so you have to make money today, and parents are threatening their children, “If you don’t study, you’re going to starve to death,” so the children are forced to study, and then the gospel gets put into their children incorrectly, and they think, “Oh, if I don’t go to church, God will strike me,” so they have to go to church, and there are other people who say, “Forget about it,” and don’t go to church even still.  But I have to ask you guys, “Are you happy? Are you confident? Are you confident even if you don’t do these things?”  If you don’t have that confidence, then you will worry, but somebody who is confident will be happy.  The one who fears God will become strong.  The one who denies God’s existence is weak.  That’s why they have mental problems.  It comes into them because they are weak.  

But if you fear the God Who is strong and you come to worship, it means that you are strong.  Fearing God does not mean you’re scared of God; it means you respect and revere God.  Just like when we would go to the White House and the President invites us, that’s how we come to worship.  You wouldn’t go with your slides and shorts. Would you go there with unwashed hair? You’re meeting the President, so everything in your heart will be new.  When we go to worship God, everything is different. “God, how will You answer me today with Your Word?” That is a person who is strong.  There are people today who pretend to be strong, that was me in the past.  Nonbelievers pretend to be strong, but they’re actually weak.  They’re just pretending to be strong because they’re weak, and they’re just trying to cover their weakness by pretending to be strong.  They try to cover themselves with their academics and education, or they package themselves with expensive clothes, and they hide themselves in various ways. It’s because they are weak.  

In Korea, the top university is Seoul National University, and I went to minister there, and the girls on that campus don’t do makeup.  I would go to Seoul National University to do ministry around 10 pm, and the students coming out of the library are shining with happiness.  I’m sorry to say this, but I went to a less prestigious school, and all the people there looked like celebrities with their outfits and makeup. You can see the difference.  I’m not saying that dressing well and wearing makeup is a bad thing.  What I’m saying is, the people who go to Seoul National University have confidence, so the women can dress however they want.  But the people who don’t have that confidence have to package themselves like celebrities.  Even though they’re going to college, they have to dress like they’re celebrities.  

For the people who have confidence in life, it doesn’t matter. You’re afraid because you don’t have confidence, and you try to protect yourself with your righteousness, thinking, “I’m upright so nothing bad will happen to me,” or, “Maybe if I do a lot to help other people, things will be good for me,” that’s not right.  You’re just tricking yourself into thinking that you’re fine, but you’re not.  Nowadays, people in the younger generations are getting a lot of tattoos, and that doesn’t mean you can’t have the gospel.  There was a woman I met yesterday who was covered in colorful tattoos, and I don’t know why they do that, they are showing off themselves.  They are pulling attention to themselves, otherwise, why would people do tattoos?  So, people are trying to hide themselves and show themselves off.  

2. World

The people who are conquerors don’t have to do that. They say, “The culture is just like that,” but you don’t have to follow the culture. If you have the confidence, you don’t have to follow the culture.  What am I really trying to say? They don’t have the confidence or happiness, they think, “If I don’t follow the crowd, I’m going to get left behind,” and if that’s how you raise your children, they will be devoured by the world. They say, “Everyone is doing it,” does that mean if everyone is homosexual, you have to be, too?  The Bible says not to get tattoos. Why do you treat your body however you want? Why do you pierce your nose and your ears? The Bible says, “Don’t do that, that’s what Gentiles do.”  For the people who are truly happy, they can do that, because you don’t get any negative repercussions from doing that. But what I’m saying is, if you are spiritually thirsty, you will lack confidence.  It means you don’t know what the problem of America is, or what the answer is.  

  1) Thirsty field (Jn. 7:37)

    (1) Samaritan woman (Jn. 4:13, 18)

The field is thirsty, which is like in Jn. 4 when Jesus Christ went to the Samaritan woman and said, “No matter how much you drink this physical water, you’ll always be thirsty, but if you drink Me, then you will never be thirsty again.”  The Samaritan woman says, “Give me this living water.” You need to have something so that you will never be thirsty again.  You need to have something so that no matter what situation you face, it doesn’t matter.  You need to have something so that no matter what anybody says to you, it doesn’t matter.  If you and I are not like this, and if we don’t raise our children like this, then we have no choice but to be dragged around by the words of powerful people.  I’m not saying we need to live with our own stubbornness, it means that God’s Word must be our bartizan, it must be our strength and our standard.  Anything that is not that is going into the hands of the devil.  

    (2) Nicodemus (Jn. 3:1-5)

In Jn. 3, there was an elite named Nicodemus who went to find Jesus Christ at night because he was so thirsty, and asked, “How can I receive eternal life? Do I have to return to my mother’s womb?” Jesus Christ said, “You must be reborn of the spirit,” but Nicodemus did not understand.  What does it mean in today’s scripture that the streams of living water will flow from within you?

    (3) All you who are weary and burdened (Mt. 11:28)

In Mt. 11:28, Jesus Christ says, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy-burdened.” You cannot live your life with your own hard work, “Come to Me and I will give you rest.”  God did not create us to work.  When did work become laborious for us?  From the moment Adam and Eve said, “I don’t need God, I can be God myself,” then work became laborious.  Now that I don’t have God and I am my own god, I have to sweat blood in order to make a living.  The reason you go to work every day is to make a living and eat.  The reason kids study today is so they can eat and make a living.  This is evidence that I am my own god.  Jesus Christ said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy-burdened, and I will give you rest.” 

  2) Field of darkness 

We were not created originally to just work.  We were created so that God does His work through us.  If your business and studies are used just for you to eat and make a living, it means that you are doing the work.  That spiritual state is darkness.  However, if the work that I am doing is the work of God, then your spiritual state is good and normal.  If this is God’s work, then it is not laborious; it is enjoyment. When Adam and Eve were naming the animals in the Garden of Eden, it was not hard work; God was doing His work through Adam and Eve. Adam was having to name all of the animals and all the vegetables, and imagine, if we are not that smart, we have to get a doctorate degree to name all these species, but God gave Adam the wisdom. In the Garden of Eden, everything was contained, why? Because that is where God resided.  

    (1) Me – God, Field of fleshly greed (Gen. 3:5-6)

God is the Creator God. When did the problem begin? The moment I become my god.  Now, I have to raise my children just to eat and make a living, so we have the pain of bearing children and raising them.  So, generation after generation, it’s suffering, and in Gen. 4, there’s murder among brothers.  Forget about just brothers, there are even children killing their parents, why? It’s because everyone is their own god and they only give worship as a form or with their knowledge.  God specifically said, “You have to give a blood sacrifice,” but Cain brought his offering of vegetables, and because God did not give Cain His grace, he was filled with rage.  There are people with anger management issues, it’s because of a scar.  Absolutely check this in yourself if you have anger management issues: Satan goes into your scars and makes it uncontrollable. Check this, if you have uncontrollable anger or abuse problems, Satan triggers that automatically in you. Satan is quiet, and then he makes it burst.  You cannot solve that with medication.  

That’s what happened with Cain.  God asked Cain, “Why are you so angry? Beware that sin is crouching at your doorstep, in other words, Satan is waiting to devour you.  You must rule over sin.” How can Cain rule over sin if he doesn’t have the covenant of Christ? So, Satan does overcome Cain and Cain kills his brother.  It’s impossible to kill another human unless you’re seized by Satan.  It’s impossible to kill yourself if you are not seized by Satan.  The American president doesn’t know that, and the mental doctors don’t know that.  People working at NASA don’t know this, even professors don’t know this.  This is only written in the Bible, and just because we know the Bible doesn’t mean we know this; we need to have the spiritual knowledge and the gospel to know this.  The Bible tells us the problem and the solution to America.  You need to know this and enjoy this in order for you to become the greatest summit. Then you are the one who can solve the problems that presidents cannot solve.  Even if you’re working, you need to have this problem and this solution in order to save people.  

    (2) The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (Jn. 1:5)

In Jn. 1:5, Jesus Christ says that He is the Light and the world did not understand Him, so it means that, unless Christ goes in, that state is darkness.   What happens when you turn off the lights at night? You are the same person, but now you can’t see.  So, you have to try your best to feel around.  For people who have a little more skill or ability, they find their way better. People who don’t have the ability just wander around, but you are always afraid, “What am I going to hit or bump into?” You’re always afraid because you don’t know what will be in front of you, what am I saying?  

    (3) Darkness, Formless, Empty (Gen. 1:2)

The “spiritual darkness” means that I am my own god, and because I don’t know God, that is darkness. I don’t know the future, that’s darkness. I don’t know the problem of America, that’s darkness.  You don’t know why you have these problems, that’s darkness.  But what happens when you turn on the light? You can see everything.  That is not your own strength; you see it because of the light. What happens if it’s dark? Even if you have the same strength or ability, you cannot see and you have to live your whole life like that, so it’s very confusing and you’re empty inside.  You’re living your life and you think, “Do I have to live just like this?” Because every moment you are in darkness, you don’t know what you’ll run into; you don’t know if you’ll walk right off a cliff. That’s the state of darkness.  But when the light of Christ comes upon you strongly, then you can see everything.  With Christ’s Word of Light, you can just follow that.  

  3) Let anyone drink

In the Bible, Jesus Christ says, “Anyone who is thirsty, come to Me and drink,” and when He says, “Whoever” here, it is within the people that God invites. 

    (1) Drawn by the Father (Jn. 6:44)

Jn. 6:44 says that only the people whom God the Father draws to Jesus can approach Him.  If you are not invited to a wedding, then you cannot go, and you can only go into the White House if you’re invited to go. Who can go to Jesus Christ? Only the ones who are drawn to Jesus by God the Father.  There are people who have been invited to God around you in your field.  For those people, when you tell them about Jesus, they will come to Jesus.  There is nothing easier than evangelism, but you think evangelism is hard because you don’t know.  Do you know why your life is hard?  Because your life, your studies, your work, everything is in God’s plan to bring the people whom God has called to invite them to Jesus Christ.  Do you know why you work and why you study and why you live with other people? It’s to benefit those other people in order for them to receive salvation.  That is how you glorify God.  

Last week, I told you that if you get a gold medal at the Olympics, that does not glorify God; that glorifies your name. If your business does well, that doesn’t glorify God; that glorifies your name. Success glorifies your name, that’s not how you glorify God.  But after that success, you will use that success to benefit many people in order for them to receive salvation through missions and evangelism. That is how God receives glory.  There are a lot of kids who say, “Once I get into a really good college, I’ll glorify God,” but that’s not how you glorify God. So, after you do this, you use it to benefit many people.  Why do you benefit people?  Even nonbelievers do that to others.  So that they may be saved, so that you may give them the gospel.  I hope you become the business professionals who live for God’s glory.  

If you don’t say “Amen” to this, your life will be hard, so I’m telling you, you can do whatever you want, if you’re 50 years old, you’ll only make the amount of money that you can, and if you’re 70, you’ll become as weak as a 70 year old.  There’s nothing more you can do.  Because if you’re not saying, “Amen,” it means you don’t agree with God’s Word, and you have to live according to your own thoughts.  If you are old or if you are diseased, that is the strength you have to live with.  If we face another pandemic, your power is limited by the pandemic. 

However, if you glorify God, that is not done by my power.  If you don’t know this great blessing, it is really hard.  It’s better not to work, because why would you put yourself through such a headache. You can just barely make a living.  Why is it that people spin their wheels and use people to make money?  If I’m living for God’s glory, then God begins to work, and God’s wisdom comes upon you.  You have to experience this to really know it. You’ve never experienced it, so of course you cannot say “Amen,” then you’re just gonna work everyday with your diligence to make a living and eat food, that’s like a nonbeliever.  However, you need to begin living with the power of Jesus Christ to give glory to God.  

    (2) Within them – In the deepest spirit (Jn. 7:38)

In today’s scripture, Jesus Christ says the living water will flow from within you.  “From within them,” imagine your stomach, your belly, the  innermost part of you, that’s where the Holy Spirit will flow from.  Why do the problems of America keep happening?  It’s because inside of the deepest parts of these individuals, they are not flowing in the living water; they are dried and shriveled up, and this results in mental problems.  What happens if you don’t drink water the entire day?  You will realize what will happen when you don’t drink the living water, spiritually.  You’ll be stuck in your own standards, and that’s all you’ll be able to see. I said this earlier but if you get depression, you’re dragged around by your depression. 

Do you know why you have these things?  Those things are happening because in the deepest parts of you, you are spiritually thirsty.  So, there are some people who cannot stay still because they are so spiritually thirsty, deep inside, they have to keep themselves busy by doing something diligently. They just cannot stay still. When they’re talking to somebody on the phone, they have to be doing something, but that’s not how their thirst goes away.  

    (3) Rivers of living water will flow from within – Holy Spirit (Jn. 38-39)

The living water of God must be drunk deep inside me and must flow from within me.  When you look at people who are healthy, they wake up early in the morning and chug a bunch of water.  People who don’t drink a lot of water, you can tell physically.  First, their skin shrivels up, so try drinking a lot of water.  There is a celebrity who says, before they go to the bathroom, they chug a bunch of water, so even though they’re in their 50s, they look like they’re in their 20s, and they said their secret is drinking a lot of water, and they said their skin is always plump and firm because it’s full of water.  In the same way, if you are constantly drinking the spiritual living water, you will become spiritually plump.  The Holy Spirit goes into my thoughts, and the Holy Spirit of God gives me wisdom in my thoughts.  The living water of Jesus Christ comes into my emotions and the things I’m suffering with, my depression, will change into this abundant living water.  

There are people who are always so negative, criticizing things, because they themselves aren’t working out, but when they are filled with the living water of Christ, they will become abundant.  Some people have inferiority complexes.  They come to church and see somebody who has more money than them, even though nobody said anything to them, they’ll feel bad about it. They look at other people who they think are better than them, and you can see it in their expression. It’s that this person has set their standard of their life based on this.  They are their own god and they have determined that their standard of life is this, and if they fall short, then they fall.  When they look at everything through their self-determined standard and they see something better than them, then they feel inferior. It’s because they set their own standard.

Other people fall into arrogance, they look at other people and think, “I have more money than you,” and girls will look at others and think, “I’m prettier than you.” That person is their own god, they’ve created their own standards, and they are just feeling good or bad by themselves.  There was this actress who had plastic surgery on her face and she said if she sees another female actress who didn’t get any surgery but is actually beautiful, they immediately feel inferior, even though for us, both actresses are beautiful. Inside of their own world, they have their own standards, and that’s why people have to get surgery.  If there are any of you who got plastic surgery, I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but I’m saying that people who get plastic surgery tend to get more and more and more because they have this comparison with others.  Someone might look at you and think, “Your face was beautiful even without plastic surgery,” but that person doesn’t agree with that. It’s because they’re stuck in their own standards that they have set as their own god. This is the face God gave you.  

As soon as my daughter wakes up in the morning, she spends about 40 to 50 minutes doing makeup.  I thought that’s so crazy, and then there was a teacher who complimented her makeup, so now she has even more vigor in her makeup.  I was brushing my teeth and she came to me feeling so good, “Somebody complimented my makeup,” and I said, “Why don’t you make up your heart first?”  You’re always throwing temper tantrums and getting mad at me, why don’t you make up your heart first?  Because if you date any guy the way you are, you’re going to kill them.  If you get angry at other people like you do with your father, then you’ll kill them all, so make up that first.  So I saw she did makeup again today, and I asked her, “Did you make up your heart through prayer?” She said, “No, I didn’t.”  I said, “It doesn’t matter what you do on the outside, it’s not going to matter.” 

No matter what anybody says to you, you need to have beauty in your heart.  That is how you are moved by the strength of God, by the living water of Jesus Christ. Even if I have no money, I have the strength of God and I overcome, why? Because I believe everything is within Jesus Christ. That is the makeup and plastic surgery we need inside of our hearts first, but if you don’t have that, then people fall.  It’s the same thing with America, on the outside, it looks so developed and advanced, but there’s no inner development, so it falls.  We have a whole third of the outline to go but our time is up.

3. Holy Spirit

  1) Spirit of truth (Jn. 14:17)

    (1) Lives with you and in you (Jn. 14:17)

Who is the Holy Spirit?  He is the Spirit of Truth and He is living inside of us. You don’t see Him, but He is there, and that is what determines your whole life.  I woke up this morning at 5, my cat was screaming and meowing, and so, I woke up and turned on meditation music and took a walk around the park outside.  “God, today, give me Your Word.  God, please completely control me with Your Spirit so that I will not speak with my own knowledge, and I pray for each and every single member of the church.”  I also looked at a temple we want to purchase, and I have faith in this. Whether they want to sell it or not, I have faith.  I’m praying for that church building because I know that God will give it to us. So, even though I’m walking around my apartment, I pray for God to work upon that building, transcending time and space.  That’s how God taught us to pray.  

When Daniel resolved in his heart, God said He sent His answers from that moment.  But that answer actually took 20 days–three weeks–to actually get to Daniel, why? Because the evil spiritual armies of Persia were blocking those answers.  God is sending His answers to us through His heavenly angels, and the evil spirits are blocking that, so there is a spiritual battle.  The angels that run errands don’t have strength.  But God sends His archangel Michael who fights the spiritual battles with power, and it took 20 days for that answer to get to Daniel.  So, the answers have already begun; it just takes time for us to see it.  What are you going to do other than pray? God gives you the answers.  But if you don’t know that secret, then you’re just going to work hard, but it doesn’t matter.  God can do what you accomplish in 100 years at once.  People who don’t pray, that is a pitiful and sad soul.  

So, I pray for Africa, I pray for Hollywood, that’s my target now, because from Hollywood, all the culture influences the world, the culture of Satan, darkness, music, and that’s also the central point of Scientology, the religion of demons.  I went there to evangelize a long time ago, and there’s an apartment building next to the Scientology building, and all of the kids there are suffering from mental illness. I asked them, “Do you know why there are mental illnesses? Do you know what the church of Scientology is doing? They don’t believe in God, they worship demons. Every time they gather together to pray, evil spirits work there.  If you live there and don’t know that, of course you’ll get a mental illness.”  Even though we’re here, we can pray for that area, and God will send His heavenly armies of angels to work.  If you have received the Word of God correctly today, then the angels of God fulfill God’s Word.  The moment you accept God’s Word accurately is the moment God fulfills that Word in your field through angels.  If you don’t know the spiritual world that transcends time and space, you only think about where you step your feet.  Satan works with his evil spirits, transcending time and space, so of course we cannot compete with that. 

    (2) Teach you all things and remind you of the word (Jn. 14:26)

The Holy Spirit teaches us all things and reminds us of the words of Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit reveals the future to us.  The Holy Spirit reveals God’s glory within us.  The Holy Spirit will rebuke us and teach us about sin, death, and hell. 

    (3) Prove the world to be in the wrong about sin, righteousness, judgment (Jn. 16:8)

  2) Filling of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:8)

    (1 Me – Save spiritually

    (2) Jerusalem, Judah, Samaria, ends of the earth

Now, you must pray for the filling and the working of the Holy Spirit to take place upon you, to be a witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, to the ends of the earth, because the Holy Spirit doesn’t just stay with me.

    (3) Witness who saves

3) Mission – 3 courtyards (Temple construction)

    (1) Disciples of all nations (Mt. 28:18)

    (2) All people – Healing (Mk. 16:15-20)

    (3) Lambs – Future generation (Jn. 21:15-18)

He works everywhere I go, and now we go to all nations, the 237 nations, proclaiming the gospel to heal all peoples and to raise the future generations.  We don’t do that; the God within me does His work through me.  You must know this in order for you to not need your own strength.  Your IQ isn’t even 150, so if you don’t know this mystery, you’ll have to live with your own IQ and you will fall.  The one who is unlimited and all powerful must reveal His wisdom through me.  That’s prayer.  These three things, all nations, the 237 nations, healing, and the future generations, that is what the church construction must do, and if we pray for a church building to do those three things, God will work upon your business because that is what glorifies God. 


1. In every situation, by prayer and petition (Phil. 4:6)

In conclusion, Phil. 4:6 says, “In everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Why does it say, “In everything”?  There are all of these things you’re thinking, don’t worry about them, but give them to prayer. Study while you pray, work while you pray. 

2. With thanksgiving, present your requests to God (Phil. 4:6)

3. Peace of God in your heart and mind (Phil. 4:7)

Then, God will give you His answer, and the peace of God will overflow in your thoughts and your heart. Because you continuously receive so many answers, of course, you’re overflowing with His peace. Answers are really me being aligned with God, and we call that “happiness.” May you have victory throughout the week. There were many people who were falling asleep today, maybe because it was hot, but let’s pray, holding onto the Word. Even for the people who were falling asleep, let us pray to be filled with the living water.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  Allow us to be filled with the Spirit of Jesus Christ.  We pray that the living water of Jesus Christ will be overflowing from the deepest parts of us and completely fill our thoughts, heart, and emotions, and our body, and may this living water flow out from within me to the fields of the church, our families, our fields, Hollywood, and all 237 nations.

You have told us that when we cast out demons by the work of the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God has come upon us. We pray that You will give us the working of the Holy Spirit that establishes Your Kingdom. We pray that this offering will be used for God’s Kingdom and that You will bless the hands that have given this offering with the economy of light to do world evangelization. We pray that the blessing of the economy of light that can do the Temple Construction will take place upon our businesses.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You.  We pray that the working of the Holy Spirit will be upon Park JuYoung, whether he was dragged here or came voluntarily, and we pray that the filling of the Holy Spirit and the living water will flow from the deepest parts of him.  May this be the beginning of the happiest point of his life from now on, and we pray that through him, that happiness will be relayed to his family and all of his fields.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Middle School Evangelism School, Sat., 1-3PM.

3. Starting September, there will be High School Summit School at 1PM-3PM in the main sanctuary. We will cover college prep, grant/scholarship help, job application, resume, interview help.

4. North America Businessperson’s Evangelism Conference, 9/11 (Wed.)-12(Thurs.), ICSC

5. LA Young Adult Retreat, 9/14(Sat.), 9AM-5PM, $100.

6. Mexico Tecate Camp in 3rd week of Sept.

7. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, and working, fellowship, and filling of the Holy Spirit, be upon the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants and all of the missions field, upon all those who say “Amen” in agreement with Your Word, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.

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