The One Who Commands and the One Who Serves (Heb. 1:4-14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The One Who Commands and the One Who Serves (Heb. 1:4-14)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I hope the great grace of God will be upon all the individuals and families worshipping in their homes, in the church building, and especially out of state. 

We are going through the book of Hebrews, and these are the words that God is giving to the Hebrews, in other words, the Jewish people who have converted to Christianity. Around this time, there was a young adult, around 30 years old, who didn’t even have a good family background, and he claimed to be the Messiah, the Son of God, so God is explaining to them who Jesus Christ is.  

There were people who worshiped angels, so what are angels? You have to understand Hebrews in order for you to realize the message of Hebrews accurately.  Around that time, these people were still giving blood sacrifices of animals and they regarded the laws of Moses like life. And there were still in the midst of waiting for the Messiah. 

And in that time, there were a lot of Hebrews who were trying to confuse the ones who had converted to Christianity. And you can see in Col. 2:18 that these people worshipped angels at the time. We might think that this doesn’t make any sense, but for these people, they thought that when Moses received the laws of the Old Testament, he received it from the angels. They regarded the laws as life itself, so there was a group of people who worshipped the angels who delivered the law to Moses. God is giving the message of Hebrews so these people won’t be shaken. 

I don’t think there are Christians today who worship angels. However, there are a shockingly large number of people who worship money or success. Our worshipping is the same. How do you know what you’re worshipping? It’s because you believe in money or prefer believing in success more than in Jesus. That ideology is actually from the demonic ideologies of the people of the world, and it has come into churches. 

As a solution to that, God is giving us the Word of Who is Jesus Christ, who are angels, and who are you? Earlier, the elder’s prayer said that these are difficult circumstances and confusing times. There is no way to solve this other than to go back to the correct Word of God. People at a low level get very upset at trying to resolve the problem before their eyes. If someone is a little more high level, they will look at the fundamental source of the problem and solve it with the Word of God. 

1. Jesus Christ

Who exactly is Jesus Christ then? The Jesus we believe in died on the cross 2000 years ago and we’ve never seen him. But in the times of the Bible, the Hebrews that knew Jesus only knew him as the son of a carpenter, he died on the cross and claimed he was the Messiah, the Son of God, so who is this Jesus Christ, exactly? 

  1) Inherited name (Heb. 1:4)

    (1) Son (Heb. 1:5)

Last week, in Heb 1:2, it says God spoke to us by Jesus “his Son.” The Words of Jesus Christ are the Words of the Father God.  

    (2) Heir (Heb. 1:2)

“He appointed Jesus heir of all things.” The Son of God means He is the heir of all things. Why do they keep saying son instead of daughters? It’s because the son is the one who receives the inheritance as the heir. It means that Jesus Christ has become the heir of all things, and through whom He made the universe. So, the Creator God is God. He is Jesus who has the solution that can solve all problems because he created everything. 

    (3) Creator (Heb. 1:2)

If there is any part of you or your life that feels broken, you have to go to the Creator Who made you in order to solve that problem. You have to go back to the Creator to discover the talents God has given to your children. You have to go back to the Creator for God to give you the answer of what specialty your children have.  People are always saying that the future will be difficult and there will be mass unemployment, but God is always giving the specialty that is needed in the field. 

    (4) Ruler (Heb. 1:3)

In Heb. 1:3, it says the Son is sustaining all things by his powerful Word, without a doubt. What is the suffering of Christians today? It’s not a suffering that comes because we can’t solve all our problems. It’s a suffering because they are not able to confirm that God’s Word exists from all creation. Children will find comfort simply in the fact that their mother is nearby. But even if they have everything in the world, if they don’t have their mother, they will lack security. 

If a child of God is unable to confirm that God is working all things with His Word, they will be insecure and anxious. Solving the problem in front of your eyes isn’t a problem at all. If you’re not able to confirm that God’s Word exists in that problem, you’ll always be anxious. You think that God exists in the church because at least you receive His Word in the church, but when you go out into the world, you don’t see God. Absolutely, God is sustaining all things through His Word, and the children of God and the people of the church can only confirm that God is present in all the events and meetings through his Word. 

Until that takes place, you’ll always be shaken by the incidents and circumstances that you see. We look at that and ask God to resolve this problem, but that’s not the issue. You say these times are confusing, but that confusion will only end when you confirm God’s Word in that circumstance. God is controlling your studies and your work, and you can only have assurance of this when you confirm His Word. 

As much as this does not take place, the people of God have no choice but to be worried or afraid. You can only have victory if you know who Jesus Chirst is. 

In Heb 1:4, it says Jesus became much superior to the angels, comparing Jesus to angels because people were worshipping angels. Because He has inherited a name that is superior to theirs. And in Heb 1:5, it says that name is being son of God. There’s a lot of Koreans and I’m sure Americans as well who are confused about “sons.” Or they think “because there’s a son, there must be a mother as well.” There’s a religion that started in Korea that says God is a mother, and it’s sweeping in America as well. It’s because they don’t understand the meaning of being a “son” as the Jewish people use them.

Because they don’t know the true meaning of the word “son”, they say, “because Jesus didn’t have sin and he was born by Mary, the mother Mary must also have no sin, and the fastest way to receive an answer from the Father is to pray through the Mother.” That’s the Catholic religion. These people are reading the Word of God in a very fascinating and logical way. 

Why is Jesus expressed as the Son?  If Jesus is the Son and God is the Father, there must be a mother as well, right?  There’s a lot of heresies that are born because they misunderstand this concept. They say, “Mary had no sin because she’s the mother of Jesus.” The reason they pray to Mary is because they think it will expedite their answers to prayers.  It’s changed into these shocking ideologies.

There are other people who say “Look, Jesus is the Son, so He’s below the Father God.” That’s Jehovah’s Witness. If the Jewish people hear the word “Son”, they understand what this means, but we are hearing the word “son” in a very humanistic way. The way the Jewish people use the word “Son” is that a double portion of the inheritance is given to the firstborn son of the father as the heir. That’s why Jesus Christ is expressed as the firstborn son. 

  2) Jesus Christ

This means that there is this 30 year old man, Jesus, in front of me, and who is he? That human is the One who gained all the inheritance of God. We believe in Jesus Christ who died 2000 years ago and we’ve never seen, but in the biblical times, they’d seen Jesus. What inheritance did Jesus receive?  They’re talking about the human being, Jesus. He’s not educated, doesn’t have a good background, so who is this Jesus? That human being is the son of God, therefore, he is the heir to inherit all the sovereignty and authority and power of the Father himself. In other words, he is God himself. 

If you don’t know who Jesus Christ is, you’re bound to be confused. If you don’t know who He is, you’ll fall into repetitive problems. The only way to solve all problems in this world is to know Who Jesus is. Because Jesus is the Creator, and even now, he is moving the entire universe with His Word so you have to go to Him to receive answers. You’re not praying to solve your problems, but when you go to God, He will show you His answer through His Word. 

Religious people go to some kind of God to solve their problems. But when we go to the Word, nothing is a problem for us. People who have this as their answer gather together, and that is the church. 

    (1) The Lord’s throne will last forever (Heb. 1:8)

Heb. 1:8 says “about the Son God says, ‘Your throne, O God, will last forever and ever.” God is talking about Jesus Christ. That Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the throne of heaven, which is invisible, and He controls everything. Why do they talk about the throne? Because from that seat He controls everything. Why do we talk about the Kingdoms or the White House? Because from there, the president is ruling over America. 

We don’t know where it is, but from that throne, God controls everything and this throne will last forever and ever. Of course, because He is eternal and the kingdom He reigns over is eternal as well. We are the saved children of God, and therefore, we have inherited God’s kingdom. Our spirit is eternal, and we are eternally under God’s reign, and God’s kingdom is eternal.

    (2) The Lord’s scepter of justice (Heb. 1:8)

And the righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom. The scepter here is talking about the scepter the kings used to reign. In other words, it means that the scepter with which God reigns with His authority is just.  

    (3) Love righteousness, Hate wickedness (Heb. 1:9)

Heb. 1:9 says that Jesus has loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Jesus loves righteousness. What is righteousness? Only the gospel, only the Word. If I believe in Jesus Christ, that means I’ve become a righteous person and I’ll always be. Jesus Christ destroyed the authority of Satan, who is the ruler of wickedness. Jesus Christ loves righteousness, the Word. The Word of God is righteousness and going outside the Word is wickedness. 

Therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy. Jesus Christ seems just like a human being, like you and I, but He is anointed with oil as the Messiah. That is Jesus Christ.  You have to know Jesus Christ in order to know God. There are people who talk about God without talking about Jesus. I’ll tell you right now, that faith is very shaky. 

God only reveals Himself through Jesus Christ, He says, “If you know Jesus, then you know God,” but they don’t talk about Jesus, they only talk about God. Mormons, Jews, Muslims–every religion talks about God. Who is that God and how do we know Him? Jesus is God. Why do they talk about God and not about Jesus? Jesus Christ is God and God speaks through Jesus. It is only by the name of Jesus that demons and Satan flee. No other name can break them down. 

But when we ask people to pray, they never talk about Jesus Chirst–that person’s faith is very weak. God works through Jesus, and whenever we pray in Jesus’s name, that is when God answers us. Jesus Christ is with us, and even when we look at the cross, it is the cross of Jesus.  God reveals everything through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God. If a church doesn’t talk about Jesus, that’s not a church. 

Every religion that is somewhat based on the Bible–Mormons, Catholics, Jehovah’s Witness, Muslims–they all talk about God, but why don’t they talk about Jesus?  Is Jesus less than God?  Why is Jesus not present in your business? Is Jesus less than your business? God controls this with His Word.  Why is there no Word of God there, why is there only people’s thoughts? It’s because you don’t know Jesus, so you’re worshipping money and success, like the Jews worshipped angels. That is the logic that is the opposite of God. It is the ideology of Satan because we were separated from God. 

  3) Jesus Christ

    (1) Created world perished, destroyed (Heb. 1:11)

In Heb. 1:10, it says “In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works of Your hands.” Heb 1:11 “they will all perish.” Human beings can never be upright, don’t rely on them. Only God, only Jesus Christ, is the truth and will never change. Even all creation is bound to fail, even angels God created can be corrupted. This means that only God Himself is perfect, and any other creation is not secure. 

You should not rely on people, thinking they’re perfect. That person can only change into complete perfection when Jesus Chirst is filling them. What happens if you do business with someone who doesn’t have Jesus? You will go in a direction that is irrelevant to God’s will. There are people who don’t have Jesus who are still used by God for His will. 

There are even nonbelievers who don’t know Jesus but are used for God’s will and in that situation, you can tell them, “I’m doing my business and following God’s will like this,” and according to their reaction, you can tell if they’re being used for God’s will or not. You have to be very certain when you talk to them; say “I am a child of God, living and working for God,” and if they agree with you, that is a person used by God. 

    (2) The Lord remains, His years will never end (Heb. 1:11-12)

“They will perish, but the Lord will remain; they will all wear out like a garment and His years will never end” (Heb 1:11-12) People have their limit in lifespan for 100 years and then they leave. Even superpower nations in history have not been able to withstand 100 years, they’ve all fallen before then, except America. America will crumble eventually too. You are living in America while it is a superpower nation. You must live in the superpower nation of America following God’s will. We don’t know if America will be a superpower nation as your kids are alive; however, God’s kingdom is eternal and it never changes. The land and the people over which Jesus Christ reigns will be eternally reigned over by Jesus and they will worship Him. 

    (3) Your enemies will become a footstool for your feet (Heb. 1:13)

In Heb 1:13, it says “To which of the angels did God ever say, ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet’?” This was only said to Jesus. A “footstool” means that a king of a conquering nation will step on the neck of the enemy he has conquered.  He is stepping on the enemy, Satan. Stepping on Satan means you have overcome. 

    (4) Sit at my right hand (Heb. 1:13)

“Sit at my right hand,” the right hand is representing power and victory, not literally at the right hand. You have to know the terms the Jewish people used in order to know the Bible and Hebrews. It is not saying that Jesus is literally sitting at the right hand side. It means God is sitting on the throne with power. 

2. Angels

When were angels given this authority? He is now comparing Jesus Christ to angels, for people who worship angels. Then, what exactly are angels doing?  In today’s age, people don’t even believe in angels. That’s a problem, too. In the Bible, it talks about the works of angels, but people don’t believe it. If you don’t believe the Bible the way it is, you’ll always have holes punched in your face. The Bible speaks of people filled with demons, but if people don’t know this, they will lose. 

  1) Relay the Word through angels (Heb. 2:2), Relayed the Law to Moses (Ac. 7:38), Do the Lord’s bidding and obeys His Word (Ps. 103:20)

In Heb. 2:2, it says angels relay God’s message. Acts 7:38 says that when Moses received the law, it was relayed to him by angels. Psalms 103:20, says that the angels are the ones who obey and do God’s bidding. 

  2) Worship – Worship the Lord (Heb 1:6) not objects of worship (Rev. 22:8-9), There have been worshipers (Col 2:18)

These angels themselves, in Heb. 1:6, have to worship God too. In Rev. 22:8-9 John is praying and he is transported to the throne of heaven, and he bows down to an angel. The angel says “Don’t bow to me but worship Jesus.” For Jewish people, angels are everything because they relay the law. 

  3) One who serves

    (1) Serve the children of God (Heb. 1:14)

What do angels do? In Heb. 1:14, it says angels are sent out to serve those who do the will of God. Angels don’t move unless it is by Jesus Christ’s command.  Whenever Jesus Christ gives His Word, the angels are sent to relay that word. When you hold onto the Word of Jesus and pray, God sends out angels to answer those prayers. Why don’t you receive answers to prayers? God doesn’t answer because you aren’t praying the prayers that match with God’s Word. 

On the other hand, why is it that even though I’m praying here, God is working through his angels across the globe? It is because I am aligned with God’s will and He mobilizes His angels transcending time and space.  Simply put, you don’t have to pray a prayer that doesn’t move the angels. 

    (2) For the children who fulfill God’s will

What is the prayer that moves God? Jesus is moving the entire universe to fulfill His will. If we move our lives to fulfill God’s will, He will send His angels.  Solving your problem is not a problem right now. What’s important is whether I’m within God’s will.  Why are churches continuously disappearing? Because they aren’t aligned with God’s will, so that’s why they don’t have strength . The reason church members don’t have strength when they go out into the world is because they have nothing to do with God’s will.

The angels are unemployed right now, protesting, “Give us work.” Angels don’t have anything to do in the churches because there is no prayer that fulfills God’s will, so because they’re so out of work, they’re protesting.  They are servants, the ones who do work. They are workers that do the commands of the Lord. Your prayers should continuously receive answers because that means you are living in God’s will .

    (3) Believe Jesus and receive eternal life (Jn. 6:40)

What exactly is God’s will? It says in Jn. 6:40, “The Father’s will is for everyone to look to the Son and believe in Him to have eternal life.” Do you think having a lot of money or being successful is God’s will for you? God never said that. Having eternal life is God’s will. The ideology of demons that the worship of money and success instead of God’s will is inside the churches. Until that point changes, we’ll keep having repetitive problems. 

Then, all the creation of God, starting with angels, material things, money, and people, what is our purpose? All those things exist to fulfill God’s will. The children of God fulfill the will of the Father. That is why God entrusts work to his children. “You say God is fulfilling His work through me, but we’re so poor and I’m starving and my child is bad at studying. I’m always living my life, avoiding people and receiving scars.” 

Remain within God’s will, believe in Christ. You need to live a life where Jesus Christ is your master and you work to fulfill His will, and only then will God move everything to fulfill that will. Everything is within the will of God. For that purpose, money, success, your children’s talents, your business, everything will follow for God’s will. 

3. Child of God

  1) Heirs

    (1) Son, child of God (Eph. 1:5, Jn. 1:12)

In today’s verses, it says that Jesus is the Son of God, then who are we? Eph. 1:5 says that we have also become sons of God through Jesus Christ. Why does it keep talking about sons and not daughters, what if I’m female? It’s about inheritance and being an heir, and not about gender. You are all heirs who will inherit the Kingdom of God.  The things of God are mine. 

“But Pastor, how could these be mine? I live like a beggar.” You have to be freed from that, are you within God’s will? God only moves when you are within God’s will.  When God moves for His will, all the failures and scars of your past will come to life. 

In Jn. 1:12, it says we have become children of God. Are there any children who always ask you before they ask something? They use everything without even asking.  Starting from tomorrow, my daughter is going to school so she said “Drop me off at 6:30 am.” I said, “After Early Morning prayer, I can’t be so rushed.”  Why is she so bold for me? Because my car is actually her car. She can be so bold to me because she is my child. I’m simply a chauffeur for her. 

She said, “Buy me this,” she also said, “I want to be independent, I don’t want to live listening to you anymore,” so I told her to move out, then, and she said she wants to move out because there are so many rules at home. I told her, “It’s not rules, but God is nurturing you through me so you can have common sense in the house.  

    (2) Heir (Gal. 4:7)

If you don’t gain common sense, it doesn’t matter how much you believe in Jesus Christ, nonbelievers will look down on you. You need to have common sense because God created it and you shouldn’t be below common sense, but you need to go beyond it.” A child of God goes beyond common sense.  We do not live for the things of the earth, but we transcend the things we see. We are not people of the ground, we are people of heaven because we are children of God. 

    (3) Authority (Lk. 10:19, Mt. 10:1)

In Lk. 10:19, it says we have been given the authority to trample on snakes, scorpions, and demons. How great is that authority we have! When we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the work of serpents and demons are broken down. Do you know why evangelism isn’t taking place? It’s because you don’t know this.  Because you don’t know what God’s will is. God’s will is to save lives, and for that purpose, God has given you everything where your prayers are answered and you have the authority to trample on demons. I’m speaking of invisible things right now.  There are thousands of years of demons that live in the region you live in and in your family line. 

1 Cor. 4-5 says that there is a spirit of lies and deception that is blinding people from receiving the light of the gospel. What happens if you pray in the name of Jesus Christ? Psalm 103:20 says that God moves his heavenly hosts for His spiritual battle. But what happens if no one in the church is fighting the fight for his will? It means the fortified armies of Satan that are controlling your family and religion will not be stopped. Evangelism takes place the moment that darkness is broken down and people are liberated from it and we’ve been given that authority.

 In your business, stop praying to meet good people or be a good person. Your business is not your goal. That might be your goal but it isn’t God’s goal for your business to do well. God has sent you into the business field so you can save the people lost in darkness and Satan to move into the Kingdom of God as the children of God. If that does not take place, then the people who are trapped under the authority of Satan will block you with the economy of darkness, and Satan will work so that your money will never be used for the kingdom of God. 

Before you pray “let this go well, give me this”, make it so that it has no choice but fore it to go well.  If the economy of darkness has been broken down, the things that have been stolen from you are bound to return. If a church is raised up, the forces of darkness in the region will be broken down, because they are strengthening their fortified cities to attack. Why do churches gather together to pray? To break down that fortress of Satan because only when that Satan’s authority is broken down can missions and evangelism and saving souls take place. 

Only when the strong fortress of Satan is broken down in your business and studies will the economy of light be returned to you.  These all belong to your children but everything has been stolen away. Don’t ask to receive more, but instead, pray so that it has no choice for it to be given back to you. There are multiple levels of prayer: low levels just asking for what you want and high level where God has no choice but to give it to you. If you pray for God’s will to be fulfilled in your field, then the forces of darkness will be broken there and everything will be restored.

There are forces of Satan that have been working in your family line for thousands of years. I’m talking about invisible things right now, it’s only spoken of in the Bible. If you believe in Jesus Christ of course you are saved, but your brain and thoughts are always susceptible to Satan’s ideologies. That’s why we have unbelief, that’s why we worship  money and success, even though you believe in Jesus Christ. These are the forces of darkness that have been working upon your family, controlling it for thousands of years. Until that is broken down, we will never have victory. That is what to pray for, then everything else will be naturally drawn to you. If the nation is restored, all the schools, businesses, and jobs are naturally restored. 

  2) Child of the devil – Serve the devil (Jn. 8:44), Sacrifices of pagans (1 Cor. 10:20), Participants with demons (1 Cor 10:20)

On the other hand ,the children of Satan are the people in 1 Cor. 12:20 who give sacrifices to demons. Any sacrifice not given to God through Jesus Christ is given to demons. That’s why Satan works when you sacrifice to idols.  When people go up to the temples to offer sacrifices, they come back possessed.  Not only are they sacrificing to demons, the Bible also says “do not participate with demons.” When people go to temples to study or on vacation, they come back demon-possessed. If there is another temple in your region where people are worshipping and praying, there are forces of Satan all around that region and neighborhood.

In Hollywood, there is a really big religion: Scientology. It is controlling everything .The building itself is huge, and they’re getting so much money from famous and successful people. What do they do there?  They do their own worship there, and what takes place is works of Satan and demons. What’s going to happen to the entire region as a whole? This is the reality that takes place.

  3) Child of God – Prayer

What happens when we worship? God’s Holy Spirit works and God’s kingdom is established. The only way you fight the spiritual battle is through worship and prayer. Worship and prayer in your family and fields, you have to have victory in the spiritual battle before you work or study. 

    (1) Triune God is my background

For us, the Triune God is our background and in Mt. 6 it says to pray for God’s kingdom to be established on the Earth. There are many ways that Satan controls the world through our education and ideologies, and we are praying for God’s Kingdom and God’s Word to be established here.

    (2) Kingdom of God – On this earth

We believe in Jesus Christ, but our thoughts and heart are still being filled with the ideology of Satan. As evidence of that, we worship money, success, and other people, and we’re enslaved by that.  We pray for the kingdom of Satan to be broken down and for God’s will and Kingdom to be established. 

    (3) For His will to be fulfilled

And may your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Pray like this. The children of God live to fulfill God’s will. Why do churches continually close?  Why do children come to church when they’re young but leave when they’re older? It’s because the will of God is not in these people. They’re living for their own will, so they’re deceived by demons. 

    (4) Light to come upon 237 nations

But you and I, we must begin the prayer for God’s will and this message to be relayed to the 237 nations of the world. We need to pray for the works of God to take place that transcend time and space. If you don’t know prayer, you don’t know the spiritual world. If you think you’re praying just to get the things you need, you’re just living a religious life and the fundamental problems will not be healed or solved. The forces of darkness have to be fundamentally broken down for the works of God to take place. The way that Satan and demons work in America is different from how they work in Korea. 

The demonic ideologies burrowing into people use transcendental meditation and human rights. That is already burrowed in the minds of Christians. Satan is stealing away the thoughts of our hearts and drags people away.  That is why I believe we must pray for God’s kingdom and will to be established in ourselves, as well as the entire region and church.


1. Angels who do the works commanded by the Lord

2. Fallen angels who move nonbelievers

3. Angels who fulfill the will of the children of God


Let us pray holding onto the Word God gave us.


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