The Method of Salvation Work that the Lord Wants and the Bible Teaches (2 Tim. 2:2)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Method of Salvation Work that the Lord Wants and the Bible Teaches (2 Tim. 2:2)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

The title of today’s message is, “The Method of Salvation Work that the Lord Wants and the Bible Teaches.”  How shall we evangelize in the evangelism field?  God does the work of salvation in the evangelism field, and how is it written in the Bible?  We must know this to be guided in the field.  When one receives the gospel, how will they receive the answer?  I hope you will be led by the Word in the field.


What is the most important thing in the field?

1. Acceptance

It is the acceptance movement.  The work of the gospel entering another person is the work of God.  So, you must receive guidance to have your interest lie in this.  Whether you study or run your business, the standard of the Word lies in this.  It is the beginning of conversion that everything else will arise.

1) John 1:12 God’s Child

Yet to all who receive Him, to those who believe in His name, He gave them the right to become children of God.

2) 1 Corinthians 3:16 Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit dwells within them.

3) Rev. 3:20 With

The Spirit will be with us forever.  That is acceptance.  Acceptance seems simple but God’s interest entirely rests on this.

4) Identity

There happens this great work of becoming God’s child from Satan’s child.

5) Authority

When your identity changes, God’s authority is given to you, that is, the authority of God being with you.  Authority from God being with you, not something that arises from yourself.

6) Power

God’s power will also be revealed, and this is acceptance.  It’s not a simple matter of acceptance, but all these great blessings are contained within the acceptance movement. The good and righteous works God mentions are about the blessings that arise from the acceptance movement.  Phil. 1:6 says God will continue to do the good work He began in you.  How can we receive these answers?  The people who have accepted must receive answers.  If they do not receive answers, they cannot have a walk of faith. 

2. John 15:7

The standard of answers is in John 15:7.  If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you.  Once the acceptance movement is done, you must help them to receive answers.  If they cannot readily receive answers, that means God’s Word does not reside in them.  If you are holding onto God’s Word throughout the week, you will definitely receive answers.  Why do I not have answers? It is because I lived a week without God’s Word. What happens when time passes is that it becomes a life without God’s answers.  But you logically know God’s Word, but my life isn’t within God’s Word. For these people who have this happening, we must accurately teach new believers. 

Last week we talked about God’s goal of evangelism.  If the evangelism movement doesn’t take place in your studies and business, it is nothing. People may say it is something, but it is actually nothing, so you must know this well and follow it.

1) Word -> within Prayer, Me -x-> Prayer

You keep praying for your own things so prayer doesn’t work out. You must put God’s Word into prayer.

2) Word – Field

The reason you do not receive answers in the field is because God’s Word is not present.  Instead of God’s Word, inside the field are your worries and concerns, “Should I do this or that?” God’s Word is eternal and must reside inside of my prayers and my field. 

3) Word – Life

God’s Word inside my life, then there’s no life.  Ask for anything and you will receive it.  You must accurately relay this to newcomers so they may have a taste of this.

3. John 14:16-17

I am within you.  That means the Spirit, and we must experience being inside the work of the Spirit.

1) Within me – thoughts, heart, soul, life

Within me, my thoughts, my heart, my soul, my spirit, and all aspects of my life.  The Spirit resides in me and must work in me, then what happens? It will work according to the Word. The perfect God resides in me through His Spirit but I keep trying to run my thoughts so I live by my own standards, and that level is the level of the ground, it’s the level where I can only use my physical body because God also gave unbelievers the level of using their body.  We just call that a general thing. 

But God gave believers a tremendous blessing.  It is the blessing of the spirit residing in believers, and unbelievers cannot experience this. You must first receive the working of the Spirit.  I expect you to pray for the Spirit to come upon your life, your spirit, and all aspects of your life.

2) My Environment

God’s spiritual work in my environment

3) My Ministry

God’s work within my ministry.  You should enjoy all this through prayer so there’s nothing we should do. I’m not saying to not eat, because unbelievers eat, but you cannot do things that unbelievers cannot do by your own strength; it is God’s Work. For the Word movement to continue in your field, these three things must be continued. If this doesn’t continue, then the Word movement in your field will stop.  The Word movement being stopped in the field means this is not taking place, and because the working of the Holy Spirit doesn’t take place, you’re unable to do anything.  Those who have this taking place must help new believers understand.

1. Important

What’s the most important word movement in the field?  In the field, do not have a diligence movement, but the Word movement. It shouldn’t be about the mental movement in the field, but the Word movement.  But in the world, there are so many useless movements, “I’m right, you’re right.” 

1) Acceptance,

(1) Salvation, Master

The most important thing as I said earlier, is acceptance, meaning God is within me. Because He came in as my Savior, in other words, my Master, everything has been finished.  Teach this to the newcomers.  What happens if you don’t tell the meaning of this after acceptance? They continue to live their own lives. 

(2) Christ

Christ binds the forces of darkness and Satan and hell, and it’s something unheard in the field.  People hear Jesus but not Christ. Jesus is the Christ but they say otherwise.  Satan knows this, so Satan grabs hold of anyone talking about Jesus.

Satan, Disaster, Background

Because Satan grabs hold of them, disasters fall. If you look at the family, it’s not just a mental problem but it’s the entire family, and that’s the background of suffering in hell.

(3) Child

Knowing Christ means you’re a child of God who has been eternally liberated from this.  You are no longer related to disasters or curses or the gates of hell.  That’s what Christ means.

2) Assurance

You have bene liberated but you don’t have this assurance.  Not having assurance means you’re shaken. You forget about God and you don’t know that you’re shaken yourself.  Throughout the week, you being shaken is just you being shaken.  God wants to continue to guide you and once He is in you, He is with you forever and gives you the message every Sunday, meaning God will fulfill His Word. The problem is that I’m within something else, and that’s my concern, 24/7.  I just have to hold onto God’s Word, but I’m constantly in worries, concerns, other people’s words, so I’m in this state.  I continue to rely on what people say, but are people all fortune-tellers who can tell me what to do next?  But God said He will guide me, and you must have this assurance.

3) Power

At that time, God’s power will be revealed in me. We cannot overcome the world by any method, but when we have assurance, we have the strength to overcome. It seems like a problem, but you overcome the problem.

4) Evidence

Definitely, there will be evidence.

5) Witness

Holding onto that evidence, you become a witness.

6) Reproduction

As a witness, the work of Jesus being with you will be relayed.  So, this Word movement and evangelism movement must be relayed to the field, but why is this not taking place?  The Word movement and specialization and talent must go together.   But from a young age, you received education without God’s Word being put together so you’re hesitating and failing at putting God’s Word to work. But people who try to carry things out themselves are unbelievers, they are not children of God; they are religious people. God’s Word is there but you hold onto something else, but God will continue to guide you until you come back to His Word.

So, don’t live a religious life, don’t live a legalistic life, but come back to God.  The church continues to carry out its work, but a person who says, “I’m not within the church,” That’s just their doubt, so they have no relevance to the Word or the work the church is carrying out, so nothing will work out for that person.  That person is just living according to knowledge.  So, following the pulpit message means you’re within the works of the church being carried out by God through the Word.

7)  Evangelism

After reproduction is the evangelism movement, and you must carry out your business this way. The business is revived when people are revived. How can the working of the Holy Spirit happen if the work is not revived? So this is the mystery of receiving answers and evangelism happening in the field.  But you should never just learn this willingly without knowing the content.  You must have this content in order to relay it.  We go out into the field every Monday, and instead of hardening your heart to go out into the world, you should have this content.  You must be within the answer to relay it to people.  That’s how you have these people accept and you’ll raise them up.  If you do not have this, no matter how much you diligently run about in the world, you will have nothing.

The work I was entrusted with in El Salvador was a very simple task because I just carried out what God had entrusted to me, because I received this answer and simply relayed it to the other person.  But if I did not understand what this person was going through, the work of me relaying the answer would have been difficult. It’s not something I can just understand by being in the world.  But regarding the problems I went through in the world, God prepared them so I faced the same problem, and that’s the answer I received.

So, God will eventually put you with people who, according to them, have received answers.  Because if you don’t receive answers, no matter how much God puts you with these people, you won’t be able to help them, so the simplest thing for me is the ministry of salvation and evangelism, because I just have to relay what I received.  I just have to relay what answers I received when I was going through a conflict. So, the person I was talking to was facing a great problem, and I just relayed the answer I received form this problem If aced, which was similar to this person’s.  So, because I experienced the spiritual field a lot, once I went into the field of El Salvador, I was able to see these people didn’t relay the spiritual mystery. They have something instead of the spiritual mystery, they go to the pastor, however, it is very simple to me.  If you receive the answer, God will open the doors for you.  You received the sole answer to do the things other people cannot do, the answer of uniqueness.

Family – Remnant

Let’s say someone accepts and comes to church, and new believers come to church or they went to a different church and came to this one.  I can help them with this kind of system, but they feel like, we must do the family evil.  If you don’t tell them about the family, they will God in agree.  Simply put, he was a believer , but they received so many grace, especially from remnants, its’ even more severe.  It’s so great at church but once they go home, they face parents who suffer. If you don’t tell them about the family, they may even be unhappy at work, especially children who have unspeakable problems. 

1) Problem – Platform

They had the misconception of solving the problem so they were significantly shake over this continuously, I’m heading north.  Even among everyone here, there are some.  These are the ports that came out over the express, but they are there. This problem is, the this problem can not overcome you.

What is a platform? Something used to jump to greater heights.  Even I, the pastor, continue to have problems. My family except my mom and my sister and me are all unbelievers. So I have the most worries, then should I just not be contained abo tut al Can I not be concerned about it when I have all these family members.

The family problems become a platform  and also become this prayer topic.  That’s how God wil work.  But being within that problem, I’m learning.

2. Mental Problems

Especially mental problems, a lot of families have them.  Parents’ mental problems.  What can we do about these problems?  The most important thing is they need is the gospel. 

We didn’t end up going but we saw what happened in the church. The child goes to the mother’s house and came so late.  The child’s desire was to make enough money to bring his father and mother.  Even though you may be crying, we’re not crying at all. I told the child, “God’s plan for your mother is also evidence of a plan for you.

No matter what the problem is, it fits her watch but not what she ordered. That‘s what we call mental illness.  It is not just the problem your mom has, but it’s the mental problem.  They are not shaken because of the problem. It is the same for you as well. You may say, “My wife this and that,” but you don’t believe in God.  But we don’t know this so we keep blaming our spouses, but that’s not right; the family is a platform.

1) Gospel

So, I told the child, “It’s Word training. We have this. If you don’t accurately tell about the reality and family problems, the person will not be able to believe, and because I received the answers, it’s not me, but knowing the method.”  Then my prayer background comes.

I expect you to be used by God to have that of your children to save the other children in this world who are also used.  If you’re not able to set a plan, I have one child in my family.  Other pastors always have 2-3 children so I have this inferiority complex about being God’s child. But that’s just being human, it will be the same largely through all of life. Use the platform as a summit to save the world.  Our life is always concerned about, “Why do we have so many few children?” Don’t worry about that, but let this be your platform.  Proa

2) Time schedule


1) Christ

You must carry the weight of the family and overcome it with Christ.  No matter how big the family problem may be, it cannot kill me.  You must overcome the environment, not with your own strength, but overcome;  It is only a problem when in Israel.

If you had no problem, it is a burden.  Parents carry their weights of their children’s problems, and it’s the same for pastors.  But it is something God must do.  No matter how big or small the rates may be, church members overcome by their problems. Because these people, are not holding you know the gospel but you cannot enjoy God in every aspect and that’ God doesn’t solve the problem for you; if you don’t know this, you’ll be oppressed by the problem.  Let’s say the pastor is possessed by his problems, the pulpit message will not be proclaimed.

2) Devotion

They keep hearing correct words from the church and continue to be accepted. They hear these right words.  Listen well because you guys are married, and if you don’t, you’ll be oppressed and the couple will become alike.  Whenever you face problems, you’ll hear correct words from people but you will be oppressed.  So, just like Ananias and Saphira.

3) Crisis

God will guide you even in crises. How great is the gospel?  If I didn’t have the gospel, I know I’d already be dead. My style is to carry my worries, so the more you are within the gospel, the more you can overcome.  It doesn’t concern you even if you face a crisis, the crisis cannot overcome you.  You can see it in the church, especially during COVID, but people enjoying the gospel like me, Tiffany, and Esther, we gathered in the church. Because COVID was such a new thing, people were shaken and scared. We aren’t Americanized, but we have one heart, whole heart, continuation, and I’m a pastor who must deliver the Word, this didn’t shake me.

The Early Church also.   The more Americanized people become, they choose not to relay the Word because of their rational thinking. It’s right in the world but not according to God’s Word.  We went to El Salvador and they said, “It’s the first time seeing a Korean.”  There are so many churches in Korea doing missions, but it was the first time they had seen a Korean. They occasionally saw a Chinese person.  We saw their internet connection was Huawei.  These people in El Salvador knew of Korean people because of internet, but it was their first time actually seeing a Korean.  But missionaries wouldn’t come because of the threat level.

Samaria is the land the Jewish people did not enter because it was a cursed land, but God’s Spirit entered into Philip and told him to go to Samaria. You’re guided by God.  I went to El Salvador, not because of the evil spirits; you’d die because of American thinking. How do you go? Guided by God’s Spirit. The problem is the individual. The spirit dictated that you go, but you’re afraid. You’re thinking rationally, so you’re not able to move. Just go according to how you’re guided. It’s so simple to just go, thinking, “If I perish, I perish,” but because the person doesn’t want to die, it becomes a problem.

It’s the same for COVID, “The law dictates this and that,” but because I’m the pastor, I have to deliver the Word, so I came out, and even these two church officers came because they had the role of interpretation, so God gave them this grace to mature quickly, and in that time, they ended up marrying.  As people were not coming to church, they were able to get closer.  They continued to do Saturday Mission School and that’s how they got closer, whether people came or not.  Other people cannot plan this out; it is only guided by the Spirit that they came together.

There was no one to face Goliath; they were all afraid, but it was so simple for David. He always staked his life fighting Goliath.  So, it’s the same whether it’s Goliath or a lion, so no one can face you when you have the answer of uniqueness. I expect this to be the same for your business. No matter how much you try to grapple, look at other people. It’s the same between people.  You must be within God’s guidance that doesn’t concern with anything else.  That’s how you overcome because it’s not even a competition. These blessings are all within the field. May you enjoy these blessings.


God, we thank You.  Will You work so that the Word Movement arises in the field. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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