The Lord Has Instructed (Matt. 4:19)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Lord Has Instructed (Matt. 4:19)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park Interpreter Tiffany Han

The title of today’s Word is, “The Lord Has Instructed”.  In order for us to follow Jesus, we have to know who Jesus is.  If you look at Jesus’ disciples, even they followed Jesus however they wanted to. There’s a Jesus Christ the Bible is telling us He will send, but all the people following Him have their own thoughts.  

You must know the reason why Jesus had to come to earth and why I must follow Jesus.  If you do not find that reason, then you’re bound to follow after the world, money and success, or you will follow the values and ideologies you learned in the world, even as you follow Jesus Christ.  Why? It’s because the fact that Jesus has come as the Christ has not become your answer yet. You must come to this answer to follow Jesus, and you have to have this answer in order  to relay this answer to the entire world.

If you do not come to this answer, Jesus told them not to evangelize. That’s in Matthew 16, because He doesn’t want you to relay the incorrect things.  Even Jesus’ disciples were like this.  Even if we follow Jesus Christ for a long time, if we don’t come to the answer of why we must follow Jesus Christ, then you are bound to go in the wrong direction. Why is Jesus Christ the answer? Why is JEsus Christ the only thing we need, from Genesis to Revelation?

God – Man 

In order to know that answer, you have to know who God is.  God is the creator God, and He created humans.  You must be sure of this. 

Genesis 1:27 God’s image

God created mankind in His image, it means God has created humans to be creatures who live with God.  

Genesis 1:28 Blessed, Fruitful, Multiply, Rule over, Conquer

Starting from that point, God blesses them to be fruitful and abundant, to rule over and conquer the world.  But because we’re not able to be with God, God prepared these answers for us but we’re not able to enjoy them.  You must realize this is everything.  From a human’s perspective, this is the definition.  From God’s perspective, he is the creator God, and all blessings come from God.  Only when we are with God is world evangelization possible.  


However, there was a problem in life, it was the strategy of Satan.  There are a lot of people who know the word “Satan” but don’t really know Satan. They know the word, of course, but it’s possible that Satan is actually seizing us, but we’re not aware of it.  


This Satan is a fallen and corrupted angel who existed even before humans were created, so  sin and Satan existed.  Sin is the sin of disobeying God.  


We were created to live, receiving God’s blessings, but we have become very distant from this blessing. This sin is not something I committed; it is a sin Adam committed, and the sin Adam committed has come all the way to  me.  In other words, Satan is holding onto me even right now, telling me I can live without God.  This is the most fundamental problem of mankind and the beginning of all other problems.

But if you’re not certain in the creation and blessing of man, then these fundamental problems don’t mean that much to you. You must be certain of the first part for the importance of the second part to enter into you.  “Oh, I was created to be with God, so only when I’m with God and conquering and doing world evangelism is everything,” without that, the fundamental problems don’t mean that much to you. Then, it becomes a theory.

It just becomes one of the theories you tell the kids, “Satan, sin, separation,” if you don’t know the beginning. The beginning part is what the bible is emphasizing, and everywhere, it tells us that this is the beginning of mankind’s problems.

Trap:  Me, Physical, Success, (3, 6, 11)

Then we fall completely into the trap Satan has made, which is being centered on me, physical things, and success.  The Bible shows us in Genesis 43, 6, and 11. 

Frame: Shamanism, Fortune-Telling, Idol Worship (13, 16, 19)

And then they get completely covered up in the frames of Acts 13, 16, and 19  of superstition, divination, and religions.


1)  John 8:44 Child of Satan

They are completely ensnared by Satan’s snares. The first snare is that they belong to Satan, John 8:44.  Because of the fundamental problems, people have gone through these traps and frames and get ensnared.  

2) Exodus 20:4 Idol Worship

Exodus 20:4 says the idols you make for yourself, and Colossians 3:5 your greed is idolatry because you are following the greed of the father your devil,  it’s not satisfied.  Just like the President Putin of Russia, he’s not satisfied and that’s why he wages war. What about the president of Ukraine? Do you think once you become president you don’t have problems? Now you have war. As long as humans are alive, they will face 3 problems.  

If somebody is poor, they think they just have to solve the problems of eating food, but the president doesn’t have to worry about food and they have bigger problems.  If you are the head of a large conglomerate, then you will have the large problems of running an enterprise.  Do you think President Biden doesn’t have any problems? His head is splitting right now wondering what he should do with China and Russia.  As long as human beings exist, we will always and constantly face problems. In other words, our greed will never be satisfied; we will always want more, you must always know this.

3) Matthew 11:28 Mental Problems

As a result, we will always have mental problems.  These mental problems aren’t coming out of nowhere, but the progression of these problems have resulted in mental problems.  America is completely lost in mental problems right now, why did this come?  You have to give the answer.  It’s not enough for you to memorize this, you have to give them the answer. I’m not telling you this so you know the list of one through six. Yes, first you need to go through the list, one through six, but next you have to see it and give them the answer actually.  God desires for us to be in a state where we can fully enjoy and transmit the gospel.

4) Acts 8:4-8 Physical Problems

The physical diseases come next, there are diseases that come as a result of demon possession, and there are other physical diseases that come as a result of mental problems.

5) Hebrews 9:27 Afterlife

It is the afterlife, where you suffer for eternity after death.  There are a lot of Catholiic people who get terrified when they see their friends passing away and it’s rightful because they don’t have the assurance of salvation, and that’s why I gave them the gospel.  If you believe in Jesus Christ, then you’re saved as a child of God and you go to heaven. It is not that you have to go to church, it is not that you have to be Catholic or believe in Mary; you have to believe in Jesus Christ.

I met them one or two months later and they had assurance. They told me.  I said, “You don’t have to come to church, you can keep going to your Catholic church, as long as you believe in Jesus Christ, you are a child of God and you will go to heaven.  However, you need to connect to everyone you know so that you can relay this fact to them,” because this person is so elderly, they can barely walk or take care of themselves, and that time is so urgent because they can pass away at any time. Because they see their friends passing away around them, they are filled with the fear and terror of death, It’s becayse satan who is the ruler of death is comtrolling this person, dragging them towards suffering, 

6) Matthew 27:25

It doesn’t end with just this, Matthew 27:25 says this spiritual state is connected to your  future generations.  

Where do these 12 problems of life come from? It came from Satan, sin, and separation, but why is this a problem? This is important.  Why are these fundamental problems a problem?  When did Satan, sin, and separation become the fundamental problem?  “It’s because someone told me,” or, “Because the pastor said so,” that’s not right. It’s because the original human being was created to be with God, receiving God’s blessing, that’s why Satan Sin and Separation is a problem.  

You have to come back to this naturally, on your own.  If there’s a fear of death, you have to use that to tell the person about Christ. If this person has problems with their children, you have to use that problem to tell them about the fundamental problem. If they’re worshiping idols, you don’t know what’s going to happen to them afterwards,  they think they’re still going to receive some kind of blessing; you have to tell them what will happen.  

We have a new believer who has a daughter with mental problems, and I told them, “If you let them remain in this state, she will get married and this problem will get worse,” so I just told them their entire future. “This isn’t something you can just leave alone. If you leave this alone, when they get married, it will become worse.  How? It will become worse in this way, so that’s why they must believe in Christ because this person’s problem is spiritual. The mother must know this and receive the answer herself.”

Religion, Good works, Philosophy, Science

People do all sorts of things to get out of this suffering  including Religion, Good works, Philosophy, Science.  They even give sacrifices, they do everything they can. They do everything they can. They’re so afraid that if they don’t do anything good they will get punished, so they scare themselves into doing good things.  In this kind of state of suffering, they come to church with a religious life. They crawl to church to try to get rid of disasters in their family. For these people you shouldn’t just tell them to believe in Jesus Christ, you have to explain to them why Jesus is the Christ.  To yourself, you must have the answer of why Jesus is the Christ.  

This is honestly quite frustrating. If we have the answer, certainly, ourselves, then we can naturally relay this to everybody we meet.  Humans are not able to solve the fundamental problems because they are sinners, that’s the reason God, who had no sin, came to earth as a human. In the Old testament, He promised to send the messiah, and in theNew Testament, he had finally come as Jesus.  He came through the body of a virgin, the Virgin Mary. Why must He come through the body of a virgin? He has to come through a  sinless way, and in order for him to save humans, he has to be in the body of a human.  


Therefore, what does it mean that He died on the cross and resurrected? That is the work of Christ. What is that work? It is death and resurrection. What does that mean?  

Mark 10:45

As He died, He destroyed all of our sins as the True Priest.

1 John 3:8

He completely destroyed the work of the devil. 

John 14:6

He made a way for us to be with God.  What is this?  The incidence of Jesus Christ dying on the cross and resurrection, that is the work of Christ and that is the work that solved the ufnametal problems. Whether you believe this or not, that’s the fact.  

= Jesus 

Jesus is that Christ.  Do you want to believe in and accept that fact? Then let us do the acceptance prayer.  If they don’t want to, then they can do this on their own. If they don’t want to do it on their own either, that’s okay. Whether they do it at home in their bathroom or a year later, that’s not for you to know.  You shouldn’t force them because this is the work God does.  

Some pastors force people, “Just do this once.”  I was sitting in the back of a church while I was an assistant pastor, and there was another Assistant Pastor Kim who was trying to convince someone who has a lot of spiritual problems,  “Just for me, for my sake, why don’t you just accept this pastor once?” Japanese people will do that for you but that’s not actually accepting, they are doing that out of consideration for the other person.  

Most people just pretend to do this out of consideration to not hurt the other person’s feelings.  If you go to the Philippines or another nation that has a lot of Catholicism without even knowing what He means because they want prosperity and blessings, right now, what’s important is not whether they accept or not, but rather, whether Christ is being accurately relayed or not. Those who will accept and believe in His name, not just accept, but believe in the name of Jesus Christ. It’s the same. 

Rev. Ryu tells the story about someone who was a superior in the military  and he didn’t accept Christ when his daughter died, but many years later he turned out to be a christian. If this person is predestined to receive salvation, then it’s finished. It may not be right now, if they have accurately heard the gospel, they may come to believe one year later.  What’s important is whether the accurate gospel is being testified to them or not. 

But you should not be a believer who doesn’t know this well enough and days, “Come to church  with me.”  There’s nothing wrong with just saying, “Come to church with me,” but with that level of faith, your own walk of faith will be hard.  We need to have a faith that enjoys the answers for ourselves personally and gives that answer to others.  But there are also some people who very haphazardly crinkle this up and shove it at somebody. 

Do you know what happens then? Your life will be very confusing. This message must be very accurate for you to receive the pulpit accurately.  Some people forum and their front and back don’t make sense, it’s because they aren’t accurately understanding this, and there are some people who don’t know the answer they received for today, and it’s because they’re not sure about the answer in this message.  It doesn’t matter where you look in the Bible; you have to be able to logically and rationally testify the reason why Christ is the answer.  The role that solved these three fundamental problems as Christ, His name is Jesus.

John 1:12 Status

Through Jesus Christ, the problems that were separating us from God have been destroyed, and now our status has changed to be children of God, John 1:12. Even while we were sinners, He didn’t discuss this with us, but God did it one-sidedly, so there’s no reason to talk about your own goodness. God did it Himself.  There was an assistant pastor who said, “I believed in Jesus Christ because I’m nice,” and even though I was a new believer, I laughed at him.  Even though I was only a new believer who only accepted Jesus Christ few weeks ago, knowing nothing,  

I heard this person give this message on Wednesday, “Oh, I was the nicest of my three siblings, and maybe that’s why God saved me,” and I realized that this person is a headache.  He started talking so much about the historical details, “Oh, how thick are the walls of Jericho and what year did this happen,” and even though I was a new believer, I thought it all useless.  All the long-time church goers were in the front shouting amen amen, but even a new believer who had the accurate gospel looked down on this person and said, “What is this? But that was the state of the church.  So now we’re children of God.  On the other side, our status was being children of Satan so we have no choice but to worship idols, because whatever we are worshiping in our heart is an idol. 

John 14:26 Guidance

But now in John 14:26, we have no choice but to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Believing in God is guidance of the Holy Spirit, and I’m guided because I believe.  Because you worship the devil, you worship idols and follow the desires of your sinful nature. 

John 16:29 Answer

Jesus says, “Pray in my name and I will answer you.” We call this our status. Are some unable to pray? Doing this is prayer.  What is a covenant prayer? Christ is the covenant, this is the promise, this is the covenant.  For people who wake up in the morning and cannot pray, just read this.  It’s on the back of the church bulletin, so just read through it. If someone has a little bit of extra time, write it down. If you have even more time, write down the Bible verses, then without you even realizing it, you receive healing. That’s what we call concentration.  Some people have a lot of time, right? The reason why God gave you a lot of time is so you can concentrate, then when this becomes full in me, it’s bound to be relayed.  

Hebrews 1:14

When we pray in the name of the Lord, His heavenly hosts of angels are mobilized.  Even right now, there’s a disciple in El Salvador and Senior Deaconess Song and the Pastor’s wife are doing Darakbang right now with this content.  If COVID-19 hadn’t happened, how would this be possible? But what happened?  This person is connected to the Word movement and they have relatives.  One day, all of a sudden, this person said, “There’s someone in front of me,” and they were afraid. This person thought it was so strange, there was nobody there, but they thought they saw someone, so this fear kept going on.  

Later on, they talked to their relative, there was a relative who practices shamanism, so they said, “I didn’t like you, so I cursed you and sent a demon to you.” But the authority of this message must go into them.  For us, we mobilize the angels of the Lord.  When you pray right now for a target, then God will send His heavenly host of angels ahead of you, and if the demons try to block that, then God will destroy the forces of darkness by sending His heavenly army.

Luke 10:19

You have been given the power to crush the power of the enemy, which is Satan. We’re talking about the disciple, but they don’t need a lot of words.  Once they actually know and enjoy their status and authority, the evangelism will take place.  They don’t need any kind of drawn out explanation starting from Genesis 3, “What is a walk of faith,” in the field, there are actual evil spirits who are working. Do you think they have to learn about systematic theology? They are so bloated with knowledge, they can’t see anything in the world.  You actually do world evangelization with your actual status and authority.

Philippians 3:20

Because our citizenship is now in heaven.  If somebody only hears this as a theory, then it ends with this.  But the one who actually knows this enjoys the fact that they receive everything from the throne of heaven. This is a tremendous background, and this is someone who actually believes that everything comes from that background. That’s why they pray.  There’s nothing to be afraid of.

Matthew 28:18-20

Now you go towards world evangelization.  I hope you will continue to enjoy this status and authority  through prayer. When Rev. Ryu used to train us, how did he do it?  I’m not talking about his one-on-one training, but there’s something he always used to say during training conferences. He says that whenever he goes into the field, he enjoys the prayer that breaks this down, because this is the field of the world, the 12 life problems. What does that mean? It means he enjoys the problems of the world being broken down no matter where he goes, and he also says he enjoys the status and authority of being a child of God through prayer. This is everything. The world is like this, and as I go there, it is the prayer to break this down. 

“How should I pray?” At that time, it was six states, and as they went into the field, they prayed to break down the six states of the unbeliever . If you’re praying for that, then you enjoy the fact that you’ve already come to the other side through Christ. Try enjoying this constantly through prayer.  

What is prayer?  Your prayer follows the Word, then evangelism follows the evidence.  Therefore, a prayer without the Word of God is just you doing what you want, it’s like a buddhist prayer or a Catholic prayer or a shanismitc prayer.  That might not be a bad thing, but you won’t receive any answers.  

What is prayer? You are praying, holding onto the things God promised you. These are things God promised, and this is His Word.  When you take this and enjoy this in your field, then it is broken down because Christ has broke it down, and as you hold onto Christ, he has given you this blessing. It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not; it’s God’s promise.  If you keep on enjoying this, then even without you realizing it, the problems within your family line that are within this will be broken down.  Even as you run your business, you need to be enjoying this in order to not to be seized by Satan, then following God’s Word, you pray.  Then of course you receive answers.  

Answer (Evidence) Evangelize

In other words, the invisible word of God has the visible proof which is the evidence. And that’s what you evangelize with. If you don’t have the Word of God, how can you evangelize? It’s not something you can get courageously.  The biblical evangelism movement says they held onto the Word of God and prayed and God did the work, and that’s why they were witnesses of evangelism.  If the word of God has not been organized in you, it’s going to be hard, but if the word of God is organized in you, it’s the most easy thing.  If you have a base of Jesus Christ firmly set inside of you, then it doesn’t matter what you listen to,  you will always hear the message of the gospel, but if this is not your basis, then you’ll struggle. 

At first try writing this down as if you’re just organizing it. I didn’t learn this from anybody. There was nobody to teach me.  I just followed after what Rev. Ryu did, and I just took it out into the field. At first, I was afraid because iI’d never talked about this, so at first, I didn’t know what it was, so I took out the field and read it to them, and as you do that you just  go through it, and then as you keep on going,you create your own pattern for this.  Then, even among this, it becomes “My message” and you have to apply this and actually do it in order for the Holy Spirit to work.

Or you can evangelize to yourself.  God created Tiffany in God’s image, do this right now to yourself.  Do this like this. But Tiffany was deceived by Satan, separated from God, and was separated from God, and that is why Tiffany has fallen into the trap  of always being centered on me, physical things, and success. Now I`m unjust saying this because she comes to church, but she stays in the religion. And she does not belong to Satan because she is a believer but she is deceived by Satan. 

Because she is being deceived by Satan, she’s being deceived by the idols in her heart.  As that progresses, they will become physical problems that you can see. She will not go to hell but she will barely make it to heaven. And she’s going to get married and have children exactly like her. In this kind of state there’s nothing I can do with my own strength, but Christ has finished it all at once.  I am no longer on the side ; I’m within Christ, the authority and status, I’m a child of God.  Even today, in my problems God will give me the answers and guide me. I hope you’ll actually put this into practice and not just know it. 

When you pray, stop trying to use God, but you have to see how he is giving you answers to stand a witness. You’ll realize whether you are having true answers if you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, you will realize that when you pray in the name of Jesus Christ may all of the physical diseases be broken down. May all of the forces of darkness that are preventing me from knowing Jesus Christ be broken down in the name of Jesus Christ.  If there are problems that continue to repeat, that is the work of Satan.  

You might be aware of it, you might not.  Either way, if there’s a repetitive mistake or failure in your life, That’s the work of Satan. May you be broken down.  When you pray, you have the authority to transcend time and space, you have to know the spiritual world to understand your authority. Even if you don’t know this, you can live a walk of faith but you will not be able to save the field, especially the field of America.  Especially the three organizations seized by Satan, what are you going to do with Satan?

That’s why Jesus is Christ.  That’s why Jesus has finished all problems. The people say this again “Jesus finished all problems, then why do i still have financial problems?” The answer is still not with you. You can keep holding onto your problem,you’ll be afflicted until you come to this answer.   There are a lot of believers like that.  Christ is not the answer for such people; Christ has finished everything. 

There was someone who asked me a question, “What do I do when I face a problem?”  I told them, “Did God promise to teach you or not? That’s why it’s finished. Even if you face a problem, it’s not a problem because you’re a child of God, and God will guide you.  If you pray, God will give you the answer to your problems. You need to know the reason.”

What does it mean that Jesus Christ has finished all problems?  People go to church for 30+ years and still believe things like, ‘I believed in Jesus Christ but I have money problems.” They can’t say it outwardly, but they haven’t come to the answer. That is not your problem.  That is the problem that the Lord must guide you through.  You are not the owner anymore.  But these people do not believe in Jesus Christ, they only know him as a theory, so they cannot relay Him.

 This is what the Lord has instructed, most importantly, Jesus Christ has finished all problems and now we must hold onto the mission God gave us toward world evangelization with the power transcending time and space in prayer.  

1. Minority Concentration (2 Tim. 2:2)

Therefore, concentrate on the small minority. 

2 Tim. 2:2 says to entrust this to reliable men. In order to save many people, focus on the small minority.  That’s why you need to save those who are close to you, those who are reliable with this message. It’s important that we enjoy this.  You need to save people close to you, next to you, in order for the church to come to life. Lately we’ve been talking about the unprecedented, and never repeated answer of the church, and the church 24. All you have to do is take the position or role you’ve been given and concentrate on that to save people with it.  Then the blessings will follow you naturally.  

2. Together ( Mark 3:13-15)

The second is, being able to be together.  Mark 3:13-15 says Jesus is with them, that’s why we go to camp training and be together. There are some people who cannot be together. If you’re seized by your spiritual problem, then you cannot be together with other people. The third, Jesus Christ talked about the cross. 

3. Cross (Luke 9:23-25)

The principle of the cross is in Luke 9:23-25. Jesus Christ took on the cross, but we must also take up the cross. That’s the way to be with him and follow him. If anyone must come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. What is the cross? It means I’ve died on the cross with Him, and that’s why I follow the Lord.  What does it say next in verse 24? For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. There was a very famous general who said, “If you want to live you’ll die, but if you want to live, you’ll die.” Our walk of faith is the same. If you intend to lose your life for the Lord, then you’ll live. 

What is our standard? It is not about working hard; it’s about staking your life. If you choose to live, then that’s how you’ll lose your life. You keep asserting yourself and keep trying to live, that’s the way you will die.  But instead, if you die, you will live. There’s nothing for us to say, that’s why we must die, that’s how the words of Jesus Christ will come to life and we will live, The more the Lord is with us, the more we die, so the church is not a place where you assert yourself because as time passes, that’s what will die and fall over.  It doesn’t matter how stubborn somebody is, just leave them in their stubbornness and they will fall.  But if someone loses their life to follow the Lord, they follow the word of God, and that’s the way to live.

4. Model (Matthew 4:19)

And then the fourth thing is, “Show them a model” that’s in Matthew 4:19. He says, “Come follow Me,” but you can’t just say, “Follow Me,” you have to show them who Jesus Christ is as a model.  Whether you’re in your job or the church, you have to make them know Jesus Christ properly, and when you go out into the field, how do you testify of Jesus Christ? By being a model.  The two assistant pastors are witnesses of this.  When we first started the church, we went out every single day to evangelize.  Do you think evangelism actually took place? We went to the apartment and had nothing so we had to do this. 

But I think, more so than because I was a pastor, I pleased God because I’m a child of God. I never really tried to evangelize, I just had to do it every day because that’s the situation God put me in.  I haven’t had any financial problems until now, I didn’t have any problems with my siblings, or problems with my child; whatever problems I’ve had it wasn’t a problem at all. And there was nothing I’ve done right so far; all I did was hold onto the mission of evangelism and I did what I could.  I don’t know what posture the two assistant pastors who went with me had, but this is the kind of heart that God made me do it with, and my health got better.  I wasn’t smoking, I wasn’t drinking, what am I saying?  

I was struggling so much at that point, but God took care of everything and guided me here, and the same will be for the future.  So, if somebody is afraid because they’re older, they don’t know evangelism. God will be with you until your mission is done, you guys should try this as well.  Stop trying holding it onto things that won’t work out and be worried about it. Sotp going back and forth. If you’re a businessperson, end it with your business.  Either way, you have to tell them, if it’s not going to work, then it’s not going to work, and you have to tell them, if it’s not gospel it’s not going to work, and you have to tell them that the gospel does work. If you do your business without the gospel, then you yourselves will be destroyed. That’s a businessperson who has come to this answer, it’s’ a remnant who has come to their answer.  

If there’s an assistant pastor who or pasto who ashton’ come to this answer yet, then they themselves are the ones causing themselves suffering, so don’t be so stern about what the answer is, but if you just look at this, you’ll come to the answer naturally.  “Oh, I realized that all these problems came from the fundamental problems, and these problems have been finished through Christ but the devil is simply deceiving you with the things that outlook like problems but are not.” That’s what it means to be deceived by the devil, that is why we must now enjoy this, then the evidence will come and I’ll stand as a witness.  

This is how the remnants must study and how the business people must do their business.  You have to have a very solid foundation of this. We all came from different church.  I thought the assistant pastors had this because it’s so basic, and so from the very beginning, held onto this and ran into the field because I assumed everybody had this already, but I think that was a little misunderstanding. I should’ve done this in the beginning, realizing people don’t have this, because if this had been relayed from the beginning, this would have been relayed to the church through the assistant pastors, but it turns out, it takes some time,  we all just kind of skipped over this. We must be firmly rooted in this. 

In the very beginning, Pastor Ryu taught us prayer while praising, the prayer that breaks down the satan in the non-believers, the prayer that enjoys the seven blessings of the believer. This is the Word of God and complete prayer, and that’s why the evidence had no choice but to come. 

The early beginning he only talks about this.  He never said to write it down or enjoy it, whenever you go into the field enjoy the prayer that breaks down the 6 states of non-believer, and enjoy the 7 states of the believer through Christ. Enjoy it through prayer, then as evidence this is breaking down, evidence comes and you evangelize.  Starting from now, because God can give you a thousand year answer,. It seems like it’s late, but it’s not, there’s the time schedule, there’s an assurance of God.  

You may not understand this, but I know if someone is rooted in the gospel. Whenever you tell someone to talk they don’t really speak in an organized way. But  it’s not that they don’t have this, they have it because there’s something solid inside. It’s just that we cannot express it.  But now it’s the time schedule where we will be able to express this, too, so I hope you will start this again so that you can relay this to other people and express it to them. It’s not enough for you to just enjoy it yourself, you have to give it to others, then if anything it becomes more powerful.  

Then, it doesn’t matter if you go this way or that, but if you become firmly rooted in this gospel, then our church will become very quiet because nobody will have anything to say. But when we first started our church, there were people fighting every meal time. And Of course that’s rightful, because they’re not rooted in this, they have no choice but to assert themselves, but how about now? That’s how much they’re rooted.  Now is the time schedule where we organize a little bit more to relay this to others.  

5. Obedience Matthew 4:20

They left their nets and followed Jesus. If Christ is true, then you let everything go and follow.  For us, we received so much grace, we just left our bags and left for the Philippines.  So, the fact that somebody that was that extremely turned upside down, that’s the grace of God. I changed so much, I didn’t go back home for 10 years,  and evangelized in the field every day for 40 years. I think now, imagine how entrenched I was in my old things, God made me endure that  intense of a training?  If you want to know me properly, you have to know it properly.  

So, if you just do an everyday basic training with me, it wouldn’t even come into my heart because I’ve lived thirty years without this in Korea. It’s not that I was going back and forth between the church and home, I was going through the wilderness,  all I had to look at was the sky and the ground. Every day, the evangelism field. So I was going to work every day going to the evangelism field. Every day I went to a camp training, and that’s how I went for 10 years. Imagine how much of an unbeliever nature I had that God made me endure that.  Imagine how much I had to organize for those ten years.  

6. Entrust (Matthew 10:40)

God has entrusted His mission to us.  He who receives me has received you because we are His representatives. He who receives me receives the One Who sent me.  So, it is not you doing the work, but Jesus Christ has sent you, and He is doing the work of evangelizing to the One they will accept.  So, when somebody serves the messenger or the evangelist, it’s like serving God  because that’s accepting Jesus. Do you know what it means for you to prepare lunch for the church and devote, you are serving other members of the church and it means you’re doing that for Jesus. If you don’t know that, you’ll say things like, “ Why do I have to do this” if you do know what happens?  You are serving Jesus, then how will you do it? Don’t you think you’ve tried your best?” But we don’t see Jesus.  When you give a cup of water to a small child, you’re giving that cup to Jesus. The church is the body of Christ, and if there’s one thing you blame any member of the church for, you are blaming Jesus. 

Where’s Jesus? Jesus is the head of the Church and we are the body.  Let’s say I keep cursing this person, and that means I’m cursing Jesus. That’s what this means. But we don’t know this, so we treat them like people, actually but that’s not it.  God said the same thing in Genesis, “I will curse those who curse you,” whoever blesses Abraham is blessing God.”  If you know this then you will realize how you need to treat the other unbelievers in the church.  

There are some people who treat the church like the world, thinking they’re in a position where people serve me, you are in a church to serve others because that’s serving Jesus, and  as much as you serve others you will not lose your reward, but if you don’t know this, then you try to avoid serving as much as possible, so your labor is actually not labor. You’re doing it because you received God’s grace.  We don’t do things for the church just because someone tells us to. Now that we know the gospel, I  do it for Jesus and the body of Jesus Christ.  But if you say, “Oh, I’m doing it because I have to,” thenthat’s for people.  You need to be careful of your words because your words will come back to strike you.  

When members of the Early Church talk badly about other members of the church, you’re doing that to Jesus Christ and He will repay you directly.  What if you bless them.  Then that blessing will come back to you. That’s how the regional church should be.  But If you just go and talk bad about them behind their back, you will be destroyed along with them. 


He has allocated the Holy Spirit upon everyone.


I’ll end before it’s too late.  Matthew 4:19, may you believe in Jesus Christ.


Allow us to have the faith that follows Jesus Christ according to his direction.  May we be the committed workers who testify of Jesus Christ.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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