The Lord and Christ to Heal Those Who Suffer (Heb. 1:2-3)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Lord and Christ to Heal Those Who Suffer (Heb. 1:2-3)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

Those who say they have no diseases are those who are diseased because those people don’t believe in America, and they rely on themselves.  They think they are so great, to the point they have a mental illness.  Such people continuously think they don’t need the gospel. That is mental illness.  Before they accept the gospel, they’re continuously seized by mental illness.  But nations that have nothing will end up relying on something else, and when Christ goes into that nation, they become used.  But the land of America is a powerful nation that thinks they don’t need the gospel. Now there are an increasing number of people with visible and invisible problems.  It will get even worse as times goes on but what must we do?

There is no other method.  Christ is the Christ, but if we don’t go into “only,” there is no other method.  It’s not that people have not received this word, but it is not “only.”  What Christ have they received? It is a Christ with the option of whether they want to go to church or not. They have received a Christ that is optional to relay.  They have received Christ that is not “only,” and that’s why as they live their lives, it’s hard for them. 

They must have “only” in Christ to have a unique skill, otherwise they live a life similar to others.  How do people study? They don’t study with uniqueness, but they study like others.  Studying like this way, it will be even harder for you. You come to an age where you don’t need others.  Then you study well but you have no finances. You don’t compete with others. This will be worse as time goes on.

Lord – Christ, Healing

If the leper doesn’t confess Jesus Christ is Lord, they will contract another disease and their suffering will not be healed. Another person was paralyzed.  They have diseases that cause fever like COVID, these can be fatal and cannot be solved.  There are people who are demon-possessed.  The field right now is the same.  Right now, there is a larger population now than before,


The state is the same.  Christ is still the answer.  Christ came to do the work of dying on the cross and resurrecting, but God uses those who come to “only,” and come to this answer.  When you look at another person with a physical illness, you think, “They have a disease,” but you never think about how they need only Christ. That’s what we’re talking about today. Such people need “only” so you are a nurse, and as you look at patients, you must treat them but it can’t end with that.  You need to look at them and proclaim only Christ. That will come as a unique answer for her.

If it’s not that and she just thinks, “I just need to treat this patient,” she can remain at the hospital or not, it doesn’t matter.  That’s why church members become afflicted in their business fields.  If they have uniqueness, no one can touch or bother this person because they need that person in the company and that’s how God works.  That’s why it’s “only,” and the work you do is “only,” that is the only way for people to come to life.  We need those people.  That’s why you train until you have this “only,” so that when you go into the field, you’re able to see this.

You have financial problems, but you can see “only” within this.  If you have this “only,” you’re able to come out of your financial problems because the problems you have are not suffering. God has given that to you so you can save others.  God wants you to be able to come to the conclusion of “only” within those problems. The Lord of your money, finances, and business, restore your business, until you realize this, you will suffer because of your money.  God gave you money to be used in this way, but you don’t, so you suffer.

Why does God move the entire universe?  Heb. 1:2-3 it says Jesus Christ moves the universe, and why does Jesus Christ move all of creation?  Some hear this and are still confused and doubt. It is evidence that you do not have “only.”  As proof that you have “only,” God moves all creation to save others.  That is the reason why Jesus Christ has come to this earth and is working even now.  That is the reason why God has given you the work to do today.  That’s why when you go out into the field, see in the other person that they need “only.” That is when the works that no one can block will arise. Those eyes must open. There needs to be remnants who open their eyes to this.

Why do we need remnants?  It’s because no one else is able to go to the children’s hospital; it’s only her, so her eyes must open.  Of course, there’s nothing wrong with your life, but to save the multiethnic people and the field of America, people like her need to rise up. But most people just come and go to church without having the answer of “only.” It’s hard for them to change because they have past things and need some sort of miracle to change. 

That’s why a faster way for you is to raise up the remnants.  It’s faster to raise up the children of the adults you meet, with hope in the future generation.  Even if that person receives the gospel, they’re retired so I don’t meet so many people but the gospel must be relayed to the future generation.  There are a lot of people who play and do nothing, but for adults, there’s not much you can do but focus on children so the children can realistically do this work.  Anyone with this is valuable. 

Let’s look from her perspective, she goes into the hospital as a nurse. There are thousands of nurses in the hospital and she’s just one.  They’re all very similar but some are better than others, but what must she possess?  Her eyes need to open to the fact that even though she can treat or cure the patient, the patient’s fate and destiny cannot change without Christ.  She may do her very best.  If she wanted to earn money, she would do it haphazardly, or she might do her best so she’s not fired, but that’s suffering.  If you serve another person thinking they need to receive Jesus Christ, you serve them to their very best, and that’s what is different from others.  Even though they seem similar, to the patient, they are different, and God will give that kind of blessing of skill.

There are many famous people throughout the world, but how many are there?  Those people are not important to God.  That’s what I’m trying to say.  The remnants must understand this spiritually.  If they don’t understand this, they will live a confused life. If they listen to Christ without accepting Christ, they live a religious life. That’s why I use her as an example. It’s the same for me. There are many pastors who go to seminary and give sermons, “This is right, that is wrong,” but it’s important whether the pastor has “only.”  Some pastors don’t even go to school and become a pastor, and I’m not talking about people who try to become pastors to obtain a visa.  Not the people who just go to religious seminaries because they nitpick, “I came out of this seminary school,” it’s not about which school you went to, but “only.”

Right now I’m trying to say, are they the pastor or nurse who have “only”?  Then what happens? You will surely receive the answer of uniqueness.  The work Jesus does is something any religious leader can do, such as healing the sick.  But that’s not what I’m trying to emphasize. Jesus Christ did not come to heal the sick; He came to solve the fundamental problems and from there, the physical problems are solved. You must understand this; if not, you continue to live a religious life. 

When you understand this, your eyes open.  What are your jobs?  It’s something anyone else can do, but you can’t just do it with those eyes.  You need to know the reason why you need to have that job and partake and serve that job, and that is “only.”  Whether or not you have the skill, that’s something you look at later because the other person needs Christ.  The person you meet in whatever circumstance or skill, they need Christ.  You need to be the kind of layperson and we call them the evangelist.  The missionary. 

What do missionaries do? God protects, guides, and leads them because they have a mission.  But because the church members don’t have this, they have no choice but to suffer continuously.  If a prince continues to live in the world, worrying about food, then he’s suffering on his own, even though he’s the only prince, he just wants to be like everyone else, so he can’t enjoy being a prince.  Why?  Satan attacks, and when you come to “only,” Satan hates that the most. So that’s why Satan continues to do this work. Then later on, the works arise. 

Satan gives you food just like you did before, he raises up your self esteem and gives you success, but that’s how you’re destroyed. That’s America.  That’s how Satna works upon America greatly.  I heard a rumor and it continuously hurts my heart.  Think like a parent. They thought their child did well and they went out of state for college, but he threw himself in front of cars.  This person suffered so much they committed suicide.  Was there no one to help him?  What would the parents do?  If the parents didn’t have the gospel, did this person not have any friends with the gospel?

We need people who have this answer in the field. Even if they don’t have the answer, they will go to the point of suicide. Do you know why? This work arises as you’re seized by Satan.  When you give them the answer, I think they won’t go to the point of suicide.  Why must I talk about this sad incident in such a sorrowful and pitiful way?  I have so much anguish in my heart because it’s only with the gospel that this can be solved.  If I didn’t have this answer, it would be another incident that has nothing to do with me, but this incident can happen to a remnant in our church. Aren’t you afraid of that? We never know. If you look around, it’s not just one or two remnants who have committed suicide.  Many missionaries who went to that point, even in America. 

Before this incident, how much suffering was this person in, whether it was revealed to others or not? How will you help them in the field, not in the church?  Even if you come to church and are able to save all these people together, if there’s no one to give the answer, there’s no use. The remnants must rise up. Even adults are remnants.  Whoever has the answer of Christ is the remnant, and the field needs such people.  All other people are of no use.  It’s all in vain if you cannot give the answer of Christ.  What does that mean? They don’t have only Christ.

You’re holding onto several things.  That’s the responsibility of the church—it doesn’t matter if they’ve gone to church for a long time. Do they have the answer of “only”?   Another pitiful thing that happened is on 3rd and Harvard is that a child was kidnapped while walking to school. Let’s say that’s your child, what would you have done? I’m sure you would have come to Early Morning Prayer right away.  You probably would attend every service and pray on your knees with tears.  Just do that on a daily basis as you pray for the field.

We humans are shocked after incidents.  Before that, because we don’t have only, we think that has nothing to do with us.  The parents suffer immensely and will continue to suffer.  The church must have the responsibility.  That’s why I’m continuously relaying this story because this is the responsibility of the church. Why? This answer has been only given to the church, so it’s the responsibility of the church, so we need the regional church and the Mark’s Upper Room movement.  People go to your workplace but they go to earn money? They’re suffering and they have their family: relay the answer to them. That person, that remnant.  We think we need other things, but no. You need other people to maintain your physical body but not for spiritual things, they suffer in different ways.  

The Lord healed diseases but even shamans healed diseases.  Demon-possessed people can heal diseases, that’s not the problem here because after they solve the disease, that disease can come again.  If you go to a revival church, they say they healed many diseases, but check out the statistics later on, you’ve never researched the after-effects. They pray to heal their disease, but have you thought about the after-effects? It comes again.  It’s because this isn’t a problem you can solve in prayer.  This person needs to have “only Christ” to be healed of spiritual problem and disease. 

Because they don’t have this, they think all churches are similar, you can go to this church or that church, it doesn’t matter.  When I look at it, there’s a difference but people don’t think so.  This year, the world cup, Korea went against Portugal.  Cristiano Ronaldo is older nowadays. He used to jump like crazy. When he was younger, he could play well.  Just because you gather together, is that a church?  If you think it’s similar, you’re in trouble. You don’t have “only,” so you’ll continue to suffer. It’s the same for your physical self.

How could I be similar to her?  I’m trying to say that I’m a unique person. Let’s say both are unbelievers, both are unique individuals in the world and that’s a fact, but you don’t think of it like this. instead you think, “Why am I so ugly?” For example, “Why am I not smart? Why can’t I do anything?” If you think of yourself that way, you don’t know who you are and you’re suffering on your own, but if you think, “I’m a unique individual in the world,” that’s a fact. Among 8 billion people in the world, I’m unique.  That’s normal. Then there’s something I can do. 

Because I have Christ, there’s something I can uniquely do. Beginning with this, I come to life.  Without this, you’ll be like Elijah, blind to this. You’ll think people are similar.  When you see the Word of God being proclaimed, God says He will fulfill it. This isn’t a problem where you convince someone, but God promised and will fulfill that Word. We believe God will fulfill the Word in that way, and that’s how America evangelism will take place.  If we do this and try to muster up our strength to do something, people with “only” will not gather.  If 100 people gather and no one thinks of themselves unique, they won’t have enough power or strength.  If just 1 person thinks, “I am unique, there’s something only I can do,” then that person is greater than 100 people.  They have this uniqueness.  100 people will go in this or that direction. Even for unbelievers, those are such people who succeed, but we are within Christ. 

Are we just a sliver? We are very precious people because all of us have unique things to do. Just do that, that’s your reason for existing.  Then the remnants will not shake before useless things.  Why? You don’t relay that they are unique, but you say they are normal, so they shake. If they’re average, you say average things. You tell them to succeed and that’s average, everyone says the same thing. You must tell them about the only unique thing.  Relay this for their identity to be revived.

They must have something only they can do. Plant this within the children.  There’s something only they can do.  If you don’t teach them in this way, they’ll think, “There’s nothing I can do, it’s all in vain,” but you are a unique individual, the only person in the children’s hospital. You shouldn’t be embarrassed, and don’t forcefully try to stop this.  You need to accept this, and that’s what Satan knows and will flee.  All of us are that individual. It doesn’t matter how old you are.  That’s when God will give you the power to do this work. That is everything.  This individual is the one who does this and that.

This was the explanation of the pulpit message. I can’t say this on the pulpit but I can say it during the training time with the field in mind.  Think about the people in your field right now. Some people bother you, but that individual is being bothered and suffering on their own, they reveal that outlet to others and some people try to appear strong, but they are weak to the point where they appear strong and put up a strong front.  Even though they’re not classy, they try to appear to be classy.  If they are really cool and classy and have this status, it doesn’t matter to the point where they don’t appear to be a CEO.  The North Korean dictator doesn’t seem like a dictator to those who meet him, and it’s because it doesn’t matter, they’re always the leader.  People who are actually the leader don’t have to be careful about their words or actions.  People who are acting will have to pretend.  Some people met with Kim Jeong Il, they said he’s fat and all these things, but he’s still the leader, regardless of whether he’s handsome or not; he’s still the dictator.

People who have “only” are already strong. They don’t need other things.  Even though a problem comes, they know God has opened up the way. They don’t need this or that.  If the Triune God is with you, what problem do you have?  It’s not that you’re strong, but the strong Triune God is with you so you partake in that power and strength.  If not, you have to worry, talking about the problem and this and that, but you don’t have to do that; remain still as God said He will give it to you. God will lead you and guide you so you don’t do anything, just follow.  These unbelievers are the ones who will see you doing this in the field. They think, “This person has something. Normal people will waver, but you have something.”

I gave an example, she’s a nurse who has this gospel, but she serves unbelievers to her best ability to proclaim this.  Even if she wasn’t like that, imagine if there was a problem or crisis in the company, but this person is not shaking in the face of that.  Because they really believed in this answer, they don’t have to shake or waver because they know God will work. Unbelievers think the person is just being nonchalant, but it’s not by your power, but the power you receive through faith.  That power is life. 

If someone went into the field to swindle or con others, they haven’t gone in there to shine the light, but if they do, they will align themselves.  In the most pivotal moment, relay the gospel and they accept.  That is when their spirit is revived.  Is this something far greater than the money you earn? You will receive a crown, a reward for this.  But instead, when you go before God, God asks, “What have you done with the talents?” “I didn’t do much, I buried it in the ground,” but God will say, “Lazy servant! You should have served others with that.”

Open your eyes, it’s simple: What is God’s absolute plan? The salvation of souls. For most people I’m sure this doesn’t sink in.  They don’t have this.  Because I emphasize so much, they think on it but don’t have it in reality. Because they don’t have “only,” they don’t see “evangelism” as “only.”  But for people who have the answer that, “I only need Christ,” they have no choice but to relay only Christ, and that’s evangelism.  For this, you do your job, you study and meet others for coffee.  A person becomes simple.

Because of this, they go to work. Without this, the person becomes complicated when you do the things you desire instead of what God desires. God moves your company for the salvation of souls.  Even when it rains, it’s for salvation.  The reason why God allowed the pandemic to happen is the salvation of souls, world evangelization.  Then you will be able to interpret everything. If not, you will not be able to interpret anything.  Or else, you end up interpreting it with your plan, keeping things that are beneficial to you but losing what is of loss to you.  Go into your workplace with the answer to pray for the power of the Triune God. Nothing else you need; pray for the people in your field. That’s a missionary. The region you’re in is your missionary field, that’s the field entrusted to you.  Not the pastor, but to you.  You can’t make any excuses about it because God has entrusted all blessings upon that field and given them to you. Pray with this. This is missions.  After it is fulfilled, move onto another location.

In your missions field, finances will not dry out because God has to bless you to that extent so that the salvation of souls will happen.  God will not let the finances of Antioch Mission Church because we have to do evangelism and missions. In 1995, I went to the Philippines. She didn’t live in the 1900s.  I went to this location in the Philippines and met a legendary missionary.  In 1991, that’s when a volcano erupted, and I lived on the mountainside, and it was a region dominated by Americans trying to spread their business in China. 

The missionary ended up going to Pakyu, to an erupting volcano.   This was a renowned story shared because it happened 3-4 years prior to my arrival.  The missionary was invited to our Wednesday service.  At that time, there wasn’t anyone sharing only the gospel, but the missionary gave a testimony and everyone prepared to receive grace.  He said, “I drove my jeep to drive to the region, but the volcano was erupting.” It was pitch black, debris was falling down, so he had to turn around, but there was a light shining, moving around and showing the path before him.  It was similar to the works of the Old Testament where the Israelites were led by the pillar of cloud and fire.  It is because God doesn’t have a reason to do this for us.  This person is a missionary to fulfill God’s Word.

Right now, he’s in a state of emergency. That can be your field. I’m not talking about energy.  Ever since the pandemic hit, 20-30% increase in Korean Americans who commit suicide. Esther Choi saw a documentary about this.  Elites want to protect their pride. They can’t ask people to help, they must uphold their put. They need to maintain their status, but before that, may it be so that they open their hearts for you. You must seek this.  God gives you suffering for you to understand this.  I hope you will enjoy this answer of only, uniqueness, and enjoy the blessing of re-creation


Throughout this week ,may we enjoy the answer of Christ and relay it in our fields.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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