The Logos Message of Christ

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Logos Message of Christ

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

God, we thank you. May the 62 life points become our answer and help us to imprint, root, and nature this word into our lives.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

Message, Logos (Word), Jesus – Christ

Original Sin, Satan

It means God has already prepared salvation before creating us, do you understand? What does it mean for God to have predestined salvation prior to our creation?  It means God already knew what kind of problem we would fall into.  Satan, Who is a fallen angel and core of this sin, was deceiving.  God already knew we would live in this background of hell so He prepared salvation for us.

Gen. 3:15, 6:14, 12:1-3

All this is about the Christ.  Abraham who fell into idolatry needed Christ. It’s the same as in the age of Noah or Adam, they all needed Christ.

Isaiah 7:14

They still needed Christ in Babylon.  This was the content of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.

Matt. 16:16

What is the core message the Bible is trying to relay?  Jesus Christ the Savior. Many incidences arose, but the circumstances arose at that time. What is the most important message in the Bible? Other things are not as important but Jesus Christ will come as the Savior to save us, and He the Christ Who will come.  Then He has come in the New Testament. 

Matt. 1:23, 1 Cor. 3:16

He has given us the Spirit and carries the work out through the church.  If Jesus Christ is the core message of the Bible, then what about your life?  Are you going to end this with Bible study or will Christ actually become the center of your life?  Through the Bible, you need to center your life on Christ, and those are the people who have received grace and are called by God.

What does it mean to have Christ as the center?  Look at the people who have lived their lives. 

Spirit of Christ – Holy Spirit

God sent the Holy Spirit so the Spirit of Christ can be with every person.  Then that means the Holy Spirit is the center of your life as you center on Christ.  We talk about faith through the law and apply the Holy Spirit.  What must you understand in order for you to follow the stream of the messages?  You must know the reason for Christ.  You must be able to see this.  When you see it, it’s not seeing some mystical thing, but through the Word of God, you see the spiritual state of the other person.  That is why you need Christ every day.  That’s not saying you don’t need the law.  That’s the reason we need to rely on Christ every day and receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit saves the family through the power.  God works with His power to save the 237 nations.  It’s not just an ordinary spirit, what does it mean for Christ to have all authority in heaven and on earth?  It means there are no problems for you, nothing can overcome His power. You enjoy this through prayer.  If you don’t enjoy through prayer, it won’t work out.

Can you go to 237 nations and evangelize the 50 states? No. Don’t lie to yourself. You can’t even go to 237 nations, you don’t even know the actual number, why lie to yourself? 

What does it mean for God to have prepared salvation from before creation? God planned for people to receive salvation in this age.  Receive guidance of the Holy Spirit to save those prepared.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to completely seize your field.  Then your past, present, and future will come to life.  The mind governed by the Spirit comes to life.

If you’re not satisfied with the Triune God, you’ll always be scarred. Even as the environment changes, you’ll be scarred differently.  Enjoy this strength and look at the field, what is that? 

12 Problems

Me – Standard

Satan seizes people with themselves.  Money is such a powerful thing because you can do anything with money in America. People get excited when talking about money.  I’m not saying receiving a lot of money is bad, but right now, I’m focusing on where your values are.  It’s good to have a lot of money but the problem is that they speak as if money is everything. 


What industry experienced the most benefit when the Ukrainian war began?  Gas companies especially in California, the gas prices are $5 or $6 because of this war. They received the greatest benefit. They could have stopped the war but they let them be. They are trying to weaken Russia. After the war, Ukraine can rebuild the nation and America can influence the region, and that’s how they can advertise to other nations how great their weapons are.  Gas prices will just continue in that manner.



Satan moves all people with this message.  Satan packages up this trap and puts a lid on it so you cannot come out. 

Frame – Idolatry, Religion, transcendental meditation

Snare Satan

They’re completely seized by Satan.  You must be able to analyze, it’s not a matter of going out and sharing the message, but whether you’re able to analyze the people at USC.  You’re able to analyze them as you communicate and converse with them. When the time comes, share the gospel. Even if you don’t share the gospel, you must be able to analyze this.  The analysis comes. As you do the camp, open the children’s eyes to see the field and the state the people are in. Without being able to do that, you go to the field and what happens?  It’s the same as attending classes without studying. You just check off a box, “I went to class.” 

Long ago, many assistant pastors went into the field but they weren’t able to analyze the spiritual state at all, but they saw the physical things well, like the state of the houses and streets, but analyze the people in that region.  Instead, they analyze other things. You must not be like that.  It’s the same for work, you must camp in your workplace, and you must be able to analyze. This analysis must be written down.  Then, that is when you’ll be able to pray specifically for those people.

Then, as you pray with that and the things you’ve heard of previously, you can converse with the person again.  Does anyone write this down? You write down all the people who owe you money and who scarred you, and you keep it contained in your heart, but you’re not able to analyze this? Do this.  You must analyze it in order to see it clearly.  A large portion of the people in my company are in what state?  With this interest and camp in mind, when you go to your work field, you can analyze them.

Have the evangelism notebook, and as time goes on, you’ll completely analyze the other person. I remember all the things you’ve said.  I don’t write it, I don’t have the talent to write but I memorize.  That’s why with the words I remember from our previous conversation, we converse again.  It’s like those who go to class without studying or reading.  That’s why for me, when I converse with people who met a long time ago, I bring up previous topics. 

You say a lot of things in the field but I have a designated talent.  If you look back on your notebook, you’ll have an entire list of things.  With this content, you converse with other people with the things they need. You need this. I hope you can write this. You have no choice but to pray for people attached to you at work.  When the time comes, you can relay the answer.  Analyze to give them the answer.  Of course, you can still relay Christ without analysis, but you need to give the answer to the specific person.  You need to give the answer to the problems they are facing.  That’s why even when you nurture them, you need to nurture them with this.  That is how you can know your family background.

As I talk to church members and the pastor, when they talk about their family background, from their mom or dad side, I remember this, so I can understand why the person is they way they are.  If you see them without this background, you’ll come to the wrong conclusion.  If you summarize this shortly, you can understand their background.  That’s why, with 12 problems, with the Word of God, save your field.  You need to enjoy this through prayer in your field, what does that mean?  You need to enjoy that you’ve already come out from this.  That’s why, as you see your field, you must not fall into this.  If you don’t see this, then without knowing, you’ve fallen into it. As you see the field, enjoy the gospel, Enjoy the seven blessings of a child of God.  Without that, what else do we have?  

If I talked about the seven blessings, you think you know it, but the watchtower, platform, and antenna seem like something new. If you don’t have the filling of the Holy Spirit, you think you know this, content, so he talks about the blessing of the throne of heaven.   You need to be trained in these 12 things.  Analyze others with 12 frames. Don’t misunderstand, people with this problem are coming to church, and because they come to church, it doesn’t mean the problems go away, but all people have this problem but they come, enjoying being liberated from this. 

They need the content, to enjoy being with God. With, Immanuel, Oneness. You think you have your own strength. But if you didn’t, it would be done according to God’s plan and God being with the church. We are with God in the field to do evangelism and missions.  The content to save myself and the field.


Only what? The Triune God.  Only, uniqueness, and re-creation, this pertains to our unique skill that comes from the power of the Triune God.  Re-creation that can change the culture.  This must be systemized as mine.  You need to have this content.

Transcending Time and Space

Pray by name for other youth, college, and young adults.  Break the forces of darkness.  Church layleaders pray for people with spiritual problems trying to come to church. These watchtowers must be placed in each part of our church. Without this prayer, the demon-possessed and people with mental problems cannot be healed. 

In the early morning, there is a team that comes together to pray.  They do this ministry.  So, we need to have the 1000 watchtowers in the church, but we must have these prayers and receive healing.  The Young Adult needs a Young Adult prayer team, but without knowing prayer, they won’t pray.  If you don’t know people are in this state, there’s no reason for you to pray. That’s how you raise the bartizan of prayer as you enjoy this.

RCA Lectures 1 and 2, you’re a king without a crown, going out to evangelize.  There’s nothing else.  You listen to this, but do you wonder if you can succeed faster? No.  You won’t have a shortcut in life. We’re just talking about this.  My spiritual state is becoming weak and dying but that’s why we must save our spiritual state.  That’s why in this age of YouTube and the online age, we have this content, so that we can connect to the 237 nations online. You must have this content.

I mentioned before, even though you’re a nurse, you have this content.  Even though you professionally talk about illnesses and diseases.  It’s the same with your studies, that’s basic, but you need to study more than that; you need to study all the people who have influenced your specialty and history behind that.  Then, as you talk about the physical state, show them the spiritual state behind that. 

If you study the law, of course you must, but in America, there must be a reason why this law was written.  We study the big incidents.  But you also need to research the background. Don’t just study the basic academics. It’s the same for the nurses, you must study the people. For diseases, even if you go to the doctor’s office, they ask for the family history of disease.  

In that manner, you need to of course treat the patients’ disease in a scientific way, but you must also be able to see the spiritual state and prove the gospel to them. There’s no reason to post anything on YouTube. If you say you’re talking about Christian things, they’ll say you’re talking about the same things.  But for the businesspeople, if they talk about their specialty, people may be attracted to gain knowledge, but add the spiritual background and people gain great advantages. 

Some make film scores, but why do people watch specific movies? Study it and give advice even to the director, that’s when it will help you as you make your own.  That also includes the background and history of the film music. Research this. There’s a lot to study in your specialty. You have completed your schoolwork but you need to keep going. If you don’t study with the up-to-date terms and knowledge, you.  That is the evangelism you can do.

A long time ago, the evangelist said the students need to study, but I wondered, what studies? The studies to do evangelism.  You must do the studies to know your origin and to move.  All of you have your own majors.

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