The Kingdom of God and the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 28:30-31)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Kingdom of God and the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 28:30-31)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

How can you testify to Rome?  Apostle Paul had that answer, and this is the person God uses.  Whom does God use in today’s age, in this country like Rome?  God will use the one who has the answer, who can solve the problems of America.  He does not use successful people; He doesn’t use rich or poor people; He doesn’t use people because they’re healthy or sick.  The one who has the greatest blessing is able to relay it.

Paul solved the problem of Rome with the two issues of the kingdom of God and Christ.  What is the problem of Rome?  The Kingdom of God must be established and Jesus Christ must be there. If the problem of Rome could be solved with anything else, Paul could have relayed that content instead, however, the emperor of this vast empire of Rome could not solve the problems of Rome.  That’s why God gave Paul the grace and answer to solve this problem.

Even right now, Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the Throne of Heaven and it says we are seated with Him in Ephesians.  Spiritually speaking, we are already reconciled with Him in Christ.  We are only on this earth, and if your spiritual state is degraded to being at the level of this earth, it’s hard.

When does this Kingdom of God come?  In Matthew 24:14, it says when all nations have received the gospel of Jesus Christ, then the end will come, that is, the second coming.  This is missions and evangelism through the church which is God’s Kingdom and Christ is the head of the Church and we are the body and we move according to how Christ moves.  The moment you die and escape this physical body, you go into the complete Kingdom of God.

But first seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, the church, the place where you establish God’s Kingdom and break down Satan’s Kingdom.

How do you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit?  Right now, at this time, with faith, because the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, is within me, so you listen to the Word while praying for God to fill you completely, and then you send the working of the Holy Spirit into your field because Monday to Saturday, you will go into your field.

Right now, at this time, at the time of scheduled prayer, God is working ahead of us, transcending time and space.  This is our continuous, 24 hour prayer. 

You need to experience the filling of the Holy Spirit through Christ and the Kingdom of God. This is the mission home inside the family, and as you go back and forth in the car, it’s the mission home.  We have to do this for the remnants for us to come to life and to give the answer to them.

What does the filling of the Holy Spirit mean?  I talked about this during last week’s sermon. It means you’ve acknowledged you’re weak, that your thoughts, emotions, and plans won’t work.  You have to acknowledge that to seek the filling of the Holy Spirit.  May the Spirit of Jesus Christ completely fill and control my thoughts, heart, and Spirit.  That’s how your emotional problems may be healed and you can overcome things like addictions.  When you’re filled with the Spirit and strength of Jesus Christ, you can overcome the problems of your family line that you cannot overcome with your own strength.

If you cannot receive this answer, Satan and the evil spirits will deceive you. Then when you go to school, the spirits controlling your school will deceive you.  This is why you must pray for the filling and working of the Holy Spirit.  That’s how God’s Kingdom is established.  How can we establish God’s Kingdom with our actions wherever we go?  It must be by Christ, the Spirit of Christ.  It doesn’t matter how much we try mentally or how much we worship.  Through worship, the Kingdom of God must come upon me, then imagine how great a blessing this is. 

Such people can study well, the more time passes, the more power they receive. No one tells them to study but the Spirit of God is perfect and God will do it.  If someone tells you what to do, you’re at the level of an unbeliever.  The Spirit of God solves all problems in one go.  “When you go into the field, you have to be careful.” No matter how much you discipline your kids, will it really work? It’s by the working of the Holy Spirit that the darkness must be broken.

The parents and the remnants who know this have no choice but to give the answer to Rome. That’s prayer. Even right now, you must be praying, because if you’re not praying now, you’ll pray even less when you go into the school field.  Right now, you have to enjoy this. Christ finished all problems and is with me by His Holy Spirit.  Right now at this time, fill me, may the Holy Spirit of God work upon everything related to my life.

This is not something I made, but God prepared it. This is necessary for changing America and Rome.  If you went to church for a long time without the answer, you’ll stop going.  What’s the answer? “God is everything to me,” but this isn’t true in the world. If anything, because they’re ignorant, the devil attacks them and their thoughts and heart are seized even more.  These are the repetitive, evil things that take place.

What must be proclaimed is Christ and the Kingdom of God.  Enjoy Christ through prayer.  You enjoy the Kingdom of God through the filling and working of the Holy Spirit.  Then, when you go out into the field, God is working and moving everything.  Our remnants have to do this no matter what.  If your parents are completely blind to this, just do it when you go to church, then you can never solve this with anything else; success will not solve the problems of your family line. It’s not bad but it can’t solve the problems of America or your family line. 

Soon, we’ll enter into an age where mental illnesses get worse and worse, but you don’t understand what this means. You have to contract a mental illness to understand. If you don’t know that you have this, that already is a mental illness.  You don’t have any thoughts; you’re blank-minded even though the message of God should be in your brain.  In Genesis 1:1-2, it says there was darkness, formlessness, and emptiness. That’s the state I’m in, and the devil will attack us with that emptiness. He takes away all of our thoughts. Because we don’t have thoughts, we’re dragged around by Satan’s thoughts, like drugs, or makes me thoughtless.

So if you don’t think that all, or you don’t think that much, you’re already being dragged around. This must be within you, that’s how the darkness will flee. Nothing else can make the darkness flee.  As you’re doing this, you keep going into the field of your family and break down the darkness.  Paul knew this, that’s why God used Paul to give the answer to Rome.  That’s why the very last verse, he proclaimed everything pertaining to the Kingdom of God and of Christ.

Prayer is what we do continuously, enjoying it. We enjoy God’s Kingdom and Christ, transcending time and space.  Then, God will begin to work so that the light of the 237 nations will begin to shine.  Strong people say few words.  A wordy president has mental problems.  If someone has a lot of money, they don’t say a lot, they just say, “Make me a house,” and it gets done.  If you have Christ, you say Christ’s Kingdom, God’s Kingdom, the goal of our lives, how? Through the prayer of the Holy Spirit. If you don’t finish it with this, it’s a headache.

This might be hard for the remnants. You might think it’s complicated but God gives you the word simply through the church.  Today, there were two newcomers in the back who weren’t introduced, but one of them owns Olympic Noodles. I think this person listened to the headquarters messages a lot, and it’s very normal for you to listen to that, then when you come to church, the message is given in much more detail. But that person didn’t make that reaction, so either our church is wrong or the person is wrong, because the headquarters message is a very broad message that guides all churches around the world, but the church in my region must fit with the time schedule in this region, and that’s why God raises churches.

If we’re just going to be like the Catholics who follow one church from one nation, why would we do that? All people are different, the cultures in every region are different.  The culture of the wealthy or poor, even though the Word of God goes into them the same, it’s different.  The nature of the gospel is the same no matter where you are, but depending on whether you’re in Asia or Africa, it’s different, so it’s normal for you to receive the Word that is more detailed and accurate from the local church as long as the pastor is riding the flow.  But even if they’re not, if you’re within the intro and conclusion of yesterday’s remnant day message, it’s okay.

This is the conclusion, what is it? Specialization, establishment of disciples, and globalization because Christ is only and God gives you something only you can do.  God gives you your specialization and makes you meet people in school to do that.  God allows you to meet specialists so you can develop your specialty, so you are the disciples to save the world and the church.  Then you need to have the specialization and the eyes to save the 237 nations. That’s globalization, the answer you have as you go into this. 

Even though it’s nine things, go into it.  Only Christ.  What about Christ? He finished it. We say Christ, but you haven’t finished it?  Then you have to still struggle.  That’s why you now only need the filling of the Holy Spirit because you need to pray for spiritual strength.  Just pray.  As I was sitting in the front, I inhaled and prayed for the filling of the Holy Spirit and Christ, and then exhaling I prayed for the working of the Holy Spirit in my field.  When you go into the field, connect everything to prayer because you will be influenced by the field.  Take everything to prayer and you will see the answers. These are the answers you will receive and relay to others. 

This week during RCA if possible, it’s good for you to come to church and participate together because there’s the environment of worship here. Unless someone can’t come because of COVID, everyone should be here.  You may have your own individual devices, but this is a spiritual atmosphere.  You have a spiritual atmosphere at home and it’s different from church. You will be influenced by your family. People who worship a long time in their homes will go crazy because there’s a spiritual environment in the home, and the spiritual influence in the region influences me.

The church is different.  We pray, we praise, we worship here, there’s no place for Satan to work, and that’s why the working of the Holy Spirit continuously takes place. If you can’t tell the difference between the two, you have no spiritual sensitivyt. If you’re far away, youd on’t have a choice; if you don’t have a church around you, there’s nothing you can do, and God understands, so God will give you wisdom and grace according to your circumstance.

Come to RCA and worship together.  Even when we do remnant day, all the remnants should come to church; what are you doing at home?  When we gather together, do you know how incredibly the Holy Spirit works? It’s remnant worship but there weren’t many remnants there, and few people who wanted to raise the remnants were there.  It’s not right; this might be the case, but it’s not correct.

Why does God raise remnants teachers to give the message?  At that time, you need to make it so that the remnants are in charge of praise and can run it.  So, make a set position where you play the piano, guitar, and drums, and make it so that we have the system, but the working of the Holy Spirit will be different. But we don’t tell them to do anything so they stay still.  If someone is still, they want to stay still. If they give worship at home, they’ll want to stay home.  God has prepared a grace where you don’t do that, but you’ve become habituated.

We have remnant worship once a month, and we created that system so that during the week, the remnants can come and lead and the adults pray for them.  You have to know this and establish that environment. It’s the same for RCA. Once a month, Remnant Day. The remnants should take care of it by themselves; they have to stand as the main figures. They shouldn’t be dragged around.  They should lead and give the message and preside; when we have that, then God will give the grace for this to take place. 

Remnant teachers, gather the remnants, and the unbelievers will come to life.  This is a blessed thing, and the older people will pray behind the scenes.  You must remain where God is working.  But some people work so diligently, outside of what God is doing.  That’s someone not centered on Christ, but they are centered on work or something else and have no choice but to do that.  We must help them so that Christ becomes their very center, that the Kingdom of God is established. 

What’s important is that many remnants come together and are unified in doing this.  For example, Jacob has been playing the violin and I’m sure some students can drum, or teach them the instruments. You can teach them on Saturdays.  Make a masterpiece. You can’t make a masterpiece by allowing things to flow the way they are going, and the first generation must guide the remnants so they can do this. 

As we are doing this, the darkness will begin to break down.  If the church comes to life, your family comes to life. You’re spinning around in circles to save your family but if you save the church, your family comes to life. This is the blessing we must receive in the future.  Next year, I believe God will continue to give the message until you receive the grace to understand it.

When you come to church, don’t try to work, but I hope you will try to receive grace. I’m not telling you to not work, but you’ll misunderstand, then how do you work in society? You have to work in society. When I say to not work, it means to work while enjoying God’s grace. Do the work as you’re enjoying God’s kingdom and the filling of the Holy Spirit.  That’s how you should study as well, not with your own strength.

“But I’m good at studying without God’s strength,” nobody told you to be good at studying. You study so the Holy Spirit works upon you to break down Satan’s Kingdom. But calculative and manipulative people will not listen as they do this with their own strength.  We are not saying to do this on your own.  It’s better to do this with the worldly methods.  But the problems of the field can only be resolved by Jesus Christ.  You study to testify this.

Then you go into the 0%; no one else in the world can do this except for you. 1% of 1000 is still 10, but there’s only you in your specialization. Even as many people do this work, there can be only one person.  Everyone serves hamburgers, and if it’s all the same, it isn’t right.  Even among houses, you have to be within the top 10%.  Then go to the 1%, but transcend the competition to 0%. No one could follow Joseph. This isn’t about the level of excellence, but we need this person, this hamburger joint.

This is the blessing prepared for you. This is something that far transcends your diligence and effort.  Nonbelievers don’t understand this blessing and efforts, but we transcend far beyond.  You restore this through worship and the Word as this is what God gives you.  God created you and gives you a talent in order to use you.  God has prepared people to receive blessings through your specialization in the field.  That’s why you have to treat people above you very well, but that doesn’t exist in American culture, but the Bible says you must do this well because it’s through the relationship with your superiors that God works.

Professor Choi did not become a professor by himself, but another professor pulled him to that position.  An unbelieving professor said, “I need this person,” and that’s how he became a professor, but this professor held onto the covenant and prayed.  How do you imagine the relationship with his professors went?  They loved him. You cannot go into the 0% of American culture.  If you say “Hey,” to your college professor, they won’t listen; you have to serve them like you serve God. 

Learn the high class stuff from the church; the first generation must teach the second generation how to love; that’s someone necessary as they go into the world. They have the covenant and God is working upon them, guiding them forward.  May you regard your parents in the same way.  It’s possible you might treat them like friends, but you have no respect for them because God brought you into this world through your parents.  When you go out into the world. May you enjoy these blessings.


Father God, we thank You.  Bless the remnants.  May they enjoy, testify of this.

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