The King of All Nations, Jesus Christ (Matt. 2:1-12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The King of All Nations, Jesus Christ (Matt. 2:1-12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the unprecedented and never-repeated blessings be upon you today.  I don’t think God ever meant to tell us, “Do your very best to live your walk of faith.”  He’s told us to believe with all of our strength, but never to do anything with our strength, because God is power and He is working with His great power, so believe in that.

There is a channel through which God works with His power.  If you properly find that channel, then God’s power can be yours.  Without that power from heaven, you cannot live on this earth safely, because the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the evil spirit, is controlling the world.

1. Period of Roman colonization 

During the age when Matthew 2 was written, it was the time when the Roman Empire was at its highest peak.  This means it was an age that was revealing how incredible and mighty the power of humans could be.  At that time, Israel was at its lowest point, spiritually.  There was only one age where Israel was strong both spiritually and physically, and that was the age of King David.

  1) King Herod (Mt. 2:1)

    (1) King Edom

If we look at Matthew 2:1, it talks about King Herod. King Herod is not a person of the covenant, he was a descendant of Esau, so he is a King of Edom.  King Herod was the King of Edom, and he saw that the Roman Emperor Caesar was ruling over Israel as well, so King Herod went to Caesar and said, “I will give you Israel if you just make me the king of the area.” 

    (2) One with political power 

    (3) Land of Israel – King

There was already a king of Israel, there needs to be a channel of blessings from God where there is a king and prophet who is able to give the Word of God, but this was an age where all of that was cut off, then they are bound to be ruled by kings who do not have the covenant.  

  2) Christ came

    (1) Period of the most extreme spiritual darkness

That is just like us, if we’re not being reigned over by God, we must be ruled over by the earth, and that was the most pitiful state of Israel. 

    (2) Came to the lowest place (Mt. 2:11)

In the age of this extreme spiritual darkness in Israel, the Messiah was born, not as a great king, but as a young baby in a manger.  There was nobody who recognized Him as the Christ or the Messiah.  

    (3) Came as Immanuel (Mt. 1:23)

Christ came as Immanuel to be with us, but nobody wanted Him.  It’s the same thing today, Christ wants to be with us, but we say, “I don’t want that, I’ll take care of it on my own.”  A lot like my daughter where she says, “I don’t want you to tell me what to do, I’ll take care of my own life,” and we need a momentary period of our lives like that.  

  3) Wise men from the East

    (1) Magi from the East (Mt. 2:1)

    (2) Came to Jerusalem following a star (Mt. 2:2)

At that time there were Magi from the East who came to Jerusalem, looking for the Messiah who was born, according to the stars. “From the East” means east of Jerusalem, so perhaps they were from Persia.  So, Persia actually comes after Babylon, and that was where the Israelites were taken captive for 70 years prior.  The word “Magi” later turns into the word “magician,” and you can see from the root word, that they use the power from the stars and the spiritual world to do things that other people cannot do. These people saw the star, knew that the Messiah was born, and used the star to find him.

That report reached Herod, and King Herod was listening and heard that the King of Israel was born.  King Herod was thrown into a frenzy because he was supposed to be the king, ruling over Israel, but another King was born.  If you do not have God’s grace, you are bound to reject the gospel and look down on the church and most people who have the authority and power of the earth are like that. If anything, they feel like their own things are going to be stolen away.  They’re under the misconception that, “My authority and my position will be stolen away by the gospel.”  

    (3) Ones who came to worship (Mt. 2:2)

So the thing they hated the most was the King of the Jews, the Messiah, and the Magi had come to worship.  It says that when King Herod heard this, he was disturbed and all of Jerusalem as disturbed with him; they were wondering why the Messiah had to come. It’s the same thing. King Herod was saying, “Why did the Messiah have to come, when I’m the King, to take away my kingship?” And the people of Israel, who were spiritually low but following the actions of the law, were saying, “We’re doing well on our own; why do we need the gospel?”  

It’s the same thing as people today saying, “I’ve believed for a long time, I believe in Jesus, so why are you talking about the gospel again?” However, that person’s spiritual state is completely down and they are seized.  It is possible that physically, they are doing okay, but they are in a state that, because of their physical well-being, they are completely looking down on the gospel. 

2. Jesus Christ 

That is the time when Christ came to this earth.  God always shines the light of the gospel in the age when it is the darkest.  

  1) Fulfillment of prophecy (Micah 5:2)

    (1) Bethlehem, Land of Judah (Mt. 2:6)

    (2) Ruler (Mt. 2:6) 

    (3) Shepherd of Israel (Mt. 2:6) 

This Jesus came as the Christ in Bethlehem, the land of Judah, it is accurate. This was already prophesied in Micah 5:2, 700 years before Jesus was born.  Where would he be born? In Bethlehem, in a manger. Why would He come?  To be with us. How would He come? As the offspring of the woman. That is the Old Testament.  There was a very detailed prophecy and Jesus Christ came to this earth according to that prophecy.  

The words of powerful people will have influence, however, God is far beyond power, it is the eternal Word that will be fulfilled.  During this worship, when the eternal Word of God is given into you, then that person will live a life of victory because that is the Word God will fulfill Himself; however, if the Word of God doesn’t go into you, you have failed in worship.  May you restore true worship today.  

  2) King of Israel 

    (1) King who came as a descendant of David 

This Jesus Christ was born as the descendant of David, and it was accurate that the Messiah, the King of Israel, would come as the descendant of David.  This Christ was born as the descendant of Mary and Joseph.  Joseph was a descendant of Solomon and Mary was a descendant of one of David’s other children, because God had already told David, “Your throne will last forever.”  So, these incidents are happening according to the very accurate Word God had already given.

    (2) Main figure of New and Old Testament 

This Christ is the very center core of both the Old and New Testament.  Even before creation, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit created everything, and They will exist for all eternity.  As soon as humans sinned against God, He promised to send the offspring of woman, the Messiah, and this Word is being fulfilled during today’s passage.  When will this world end? Once this gospel is proclaimed to all nations, then Jesus Christ will come again, and we will live a life that is eternally with Him.  That being has come.

We are living today in the span of eternity, and now we have become eternal beings, but if we look at today, forgetting that fact, we may think that our lives are over.  We are living today within the span of eternity, and no matter what happens, it is all happening within eternity, and the person who is able to see today with the eyes that can also see eternity is the wise one.  But if you look at today without being able to see eternity as well, then your wisdom is trapped.  

Is this something to be that happy about? Not really. Is this something to be discouraged about?  Not really.  This is something that is happening within the span of eternity, so if someone really realizes this, they can carry on, calmly.  But because we’re living today without even knowing tomorrow, our eyes are closed shut.  We are already predestined to receive salvation from long ages past, and we are the ones who will live with Him for eternity.  

Whatever thoughts you have right now that you think are so important, they are not so important when you look at the span of eternity; they are simply things that pass by.  These things will continue to pass by with Christ. Then you start to lose your extreme reactions about the things that are happening because these are things that happened as God allowed, and God will guide you through it, so you just pass by.  But if you don’t acknowledge that, you live your life as, “This is the end of my life.”  Or you keep falling under the misconception that your life is something great.  Then, when you face a situation where things do not work out, you crumble.

    (3) King who won authority of sin, death, Satan

Why is this Christ not only the King of Israel, but the King of all mankind? Because all of mankind is stuck under the authority of sin, death, and Satan.  He is the King of all mankind because He overcame the authority of sin, death, and  Satan on the cross. God’s interest is always on all peoples, in other words, He is focused on the entire world, the 237 nations, because He has come as the King over all nations.

  3) King of all kings

    (1) Wise men from the East give gifts and worship (Mt. 2:11)

As evidence that He is the King of all kings, the wise men, the Magi from the East, came to give gifts and to worship Him.  When they came to worship this baby Jesus, they did not come empty-handed, but with the most expensive possessions they had–the gifts of gold, frankincense which was used for sacrifices, and myrrh which was used to embalm the dead. But the Jewish people did not go to Jesus at that time. They thought they were worshiping fine on their own. 

Why do people continue to suffer and face the same repetitive problems even though they go to church?  Why is it that even though I’ve believed in Jesus for such a long time, there is a problem I keep getting stuck in over and over again? Why is it that people are not able to escape from this age of mental illness?  Through today’s main scripture, may you restore the answer as well as the blessing.

    (2) Worship – Gave worship to my King (Jn. 4:24) 

May you give true worship. What is worship? You are worshiping the King.  When you worship the King, you are coming into a state where you entrust everything to His reign and His rule.  However, Colossians 3:5 says that our greed is idolatry, so if we come to worship, not giving everything to Him, but only to request that He give us what we want, that is not worship, that is just petitioning to get what we want as our idol.  That is what causes our continuous suffering, and we must give this to the Lord.  We must lay down our thoughts before the Lord.  You must receive judgment of your plans by the Lord.  

But people try so hard to fulfill their own hidden agendas, thinking that is worship and that is prayer. God is saying, “Don’t do that.”  Instead, just look to the Lord and say, “I want my life to be reigned over by You.”  Then, as evidence of this, God will give us His answer through His Word.  As evidence that I’m being reigned over by the Lord, I receive His Word, that is how you give true worship.

The Israelite people thought they were worshiping fine on their own, but that was not true worship.  They were holding onto their idols and giving worship the same way as other religions.  America has the most seminaries, has the most churches, and was even founded upon Christian beliefs, then why is it in its current state? It’s because true worship has disappeared; worship has simply turned into one exercise, they have changed this worship into a religious ritual where they simply go somewhere, listen to the Word, and then leave.  They are in the same state as the Israelites who did not go to see baby Jesus.

Then what happens?  The darkness overcomes them.  Why did He come as the King of Kings?  Because all the people are captured by darkness, sin, and death, and they have no way to escape unless they are ruled over by the King of Kings.  Even if you succeed, you cannot escape because you cannot escape from those forces with the strength of the world.  That is why when Rome thought it was at its peak of success, it was the age where they were actually destroyed the most.  70 years later, Rome would be destroyed in the Pompeii eruption, and the enemies to the north pushed into the Roman Empire to destroy it. 

The very elevated power and ideologies of humans are nothing before God, but we fall into the misconception thinking we can do what we do.  We are in the moment where we are temporarily comforted by our own sense of accomplishment, but the darkness does not leave us alone.  The areas that are not reigned over by Christ in your family line will continue to repeat downwards, therefore, Jesus tells us to worship in Spirit and in Truth.

    (3) Worship that receives the power of the throne (Mt. 28:18-20) 

God is an invisible Spirit so we worship with the words of Christ.  When we go out in faith for the invisible Spirit of God, and when this Spirit reigns over us, then God gives us His Word to reign.  When we go out into the field, God is bound to work according to that Word and we confirm it. That is the worship that is dying now, that’s why America is in its current state.  Some people say, “America is doing fine; why do you keep saying that?” That’s the exact same as the Jewish people in the age of Matthew, who were saying, “the Israelites are doing fine, why do you keep saying it’s not?”  They were in a state where they were spiritually, extremely dark, and they were physically in the highest place. But that is the age of most suffering.

May you have victory in worship before Jesus Christ Who is the King of Kings.  If you continue to hold onto your scars and you want to reign over yourself, then Satan will continuously work and rule over you.  If you are so certain that your plan is correct, then there’s no space for Christ to come in.  “Worship” is going before Christ so that He may rule over everything, that is he how you worship the One Who is your King as well as the King of all mankind.

We are worshiping the One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth, Matthew 28:18.  The Lord has all authority over heaven and on earth, and when that is established within me, that becomes my power. That belongs to Jesus; it does not belong to me.  When I go before Him in True Worship, this power will be revealed through me.  Worship is a time for me to receive that power of the throne of heaven.  It must be by this power in order to overcome the power of the kingdom of the air.

The ruler of the kingdom of the air is the devil who is controlling and reigning over the world; that is whom you will overcome.  We have come to a point in time where America says, “We no longer need religion.”  As evidence, this is an age where not only churches are closing down, but every other religion and heretical group is closing down, including Mormons, why? Because they say, “We no longer need that.”  There is a New Age organization that says, “You no longer need the church because you yourselves are god.”  The greatest words the devil comes and tempts us with is, “You live your own life; you are god.”  That is the way Satan rules over and tempts us. 

There’s the transcendental meditation movement where they tell you, ‘Take all the energy and blessings of the universe and put that into yourself, and that is you.”  It’s even brought into the churches, using the word, “God.”  They say that all the hope, faith, and love of the universe comes into you.  You ask them, “Is that Jesus?” They say, “No,” and that is how the devil is disguised as an angel of light to deceive this entire age, and they receive power as well and healing takes place for them.  But it turns out, they’re continuously and more deeply being seized by Satan’s authority. That is the state of America today.

    (4) Field – Worship (Prayer) (Rom. 12:1) 

What is the state of the churches today? They are losing worship, there are many places to worship but because they don’t know the true God, they are selling them off.  If you and I are able to restore true worship today, then the Kingdom of Christ is established upon you immediately, then immediately, the Kingdom of Satan is fleeing.  Whatever things you are holding onto so stubbornly through your family line, like your family ideologies and values, the culture of your family and the world, that is what is destroying you.  

Through today’s correct worship, when the words of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit come upon you, the darkness is bound to flee.  The moment you believe and entrust everything to the One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth, and believe He is with you, the darkness is bound to flee.  Then the power comes upon you, that’s Romans 12:1 that tells us to take that into living worship.  We worship in our everyday life and field so that Christ may control there.  

When we say “worship,” we don’t  mean you have to open up your Bible.  The Jewish people memorized the entire Bible, but they were still not able to worship. It means simply, “Give all authority to the Lord and receive His control in the field,” and you entrust everything you hear, see, and think over to the Lord, then He is the One Who will reign over your field, with His Kingship.

For you, first seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. First and foremost, if you do not bind the strong man in your property, nothing belongs to you because the strong man is holding onto everything and is taunting you.  One day, you will be dragged around by that strong man. You need to take that authority and give it to the Christ, and that is how you give worship in the field.  

We have this blessing, and I’m sure some people are able to enjoy it, but most people get deceived when they go out into the field. Education is such a good thing, but the education of the world makes us deceived by the devil’s words. Is it a bad thing? No, however, if the church is somehow unable to teach the true things, 100% of churches will be swept up by the world.

During this formal worship, have true worship, then have true worship out in your fields.  Then, the Kingdom of Christ will continue to reign over you.  Then, the answers follow naturally.  It is not about working hard to fulfill something; you need to do what comes first.  Whatever you work hard to do seems like it is yours but it is not, because when the devil works once, whatever you think was yours will go to someone else. That’s why you must entrust this to the hands of Christ.

It’s the same for the students who are studying. Studying well is not an issue, but it doesn’t mean you should study poorly either.  Is God’s kingdom being established in your studies? That is the real issue. May this living worship have victory in your field.

3. Light of the world

  1) World – Authority (Mt. 2:8, Lk. 4:6)

Then King Herod heard this and called in all the Chief Priests and asked, “When would this child be born?”  The real reason he asked that question is because, “When that Messiah is born, we must kill Him.”  Why is King Herod able to do this? Because God may be controlling everything, but in Luke 4:6, God has given the authority to rule over the world to Satan.  Within God’s overarching umbrella and plan, God entrusted this authority to the devil. That’s the reason why, if you succeed without the gospel, you’re either used or you fail, because authority is in the devil’s hands, that is why you must have success with the gospel. That’s how the authority will be Jesus’. 

    (1) Try to get rid of the Gospel (Mt. 2:16)

King Herod wanted to control Israel, so he calculated that the Messiah was born around two years ago, and he ordered to kill all the babies who were two years old.  The darkness is always most afraid and blocks the true gospel from being revealed.  Look here, the Israelites were not holding onto the gospel; they were holding onto the law and the authorities of Satan and the world will never be afraid of that. If anything, Satan and the world will feed them and raise them up and leave them be, so they do very well. 

    (2) Me, physical, success center – Culture (Eph. 2:2)

However, the moment you talk about the gospel, the devil will freak out, and that same thing is happening today because when we talk about the gospel, the authority of Satan is destroyed.  In Eph. 2:2, it says that the devil uses the authorities of the powers of the world to destroy the gospel.  

    (3) Another strength from religion, idol, transcendental (Eph. 2:2)

Sometimes Satan influences the world with religious leaders using evil spirits, they can go in through idols.  The idols have come into the churches.  People go to church, instead of entrusting everything to their Lord Jesus Christ, in order to fulfill their own greed.  If I say things like that. People who have their own greed will get very offended and angry.  On the other hand, if I were to give a message that satisfies your greed, you would say “Hallelujah” and clap. That’s the same age Jesus Christ was born, and when we talk about the gospel, the devil is grinding his teeth because the things we held onto for a long time are disappearing, he is panicking. 

In today’s age, Satan is ruling over everyone using the word “healing” through transcendental meditation.  With that power, people are controlling the economy and the culture.  If we don’t know this, then we as a church have lost our identity and no longer know why we must shine the light.  This is a reason why we are already in the age of mental illness and addictions. You may know this already, but every single week, there is a shooting that kills people.  We were so lost in the physical things that we’re not interested in that; we’re desensitized to it, and this age currently is so similar to the age when Jesus was born.

  2) World – Light

    (1) Age of mental illness

Even though we have so many scientific and medical advances, there are so many incurable diseases.  The doctors cannot heal everything, that is why Jesus Christ has come in this age and gives us the message of healing that heals the true fundamental things and shines the light on the fundamental parts.  This is something that’s impossible by psychology or therapy; otherwise Jesus would not have had to come, but America relies so much on those things, and they talk so much about these laws, so there’s no room for Jesus to stand on.  If humans created all their own laws and structures by themselves, there’s no place for God to stand, that’s why the higher mankind’s skill and intellect is elevated, there’s no place for God to stand and the whole age crumbles. 

    (2) Age of mental illness that can’t be healed

    (3) Light that changes the fundamentals

We must change their fundamentals into Christ so that the authority of Christ will fundamentally be in their hearts. That is true healing, and when that fundamental area is healed, then their mental illness will be healed as well. Until that happens, even if it gets better, it will come back. Even if you pray and cast out demons, later on, the demon comes back.  Until Christ goes into them as their Master, with full authority, the devil will not flee.  We have the healing that saves people and changes them fundamentally, it is what doctors cannot do, what presidents cannot do; only Jesus can do this through those who believe in Jesus, and that’s why we have been called as spiritual doctors.  

  3) 237 nations, 5,000 unreached tribes

If there is somebody who works as a nurse in the hospital and they discover this mystery, there will be no competition for them.  If a businessperson learns of this mystery, yes, they will help people with their business as well, but through their business, they will be used to heal and save people.  God has given us this age of the coronavirus pandemic to shine this light to the 237 nations and 5000 unreached tribes. 

God says He has a plan, and no matter what situation or culture we’re in, God’s Word is bound to be fulfilled. I think it was the first time all of mankind came to a halt for two years.  Because even if there was a war in Ukraine, people in the west will do vacations and whatever else they need to do, but this is the first time the entire world came to a stop because of the pandemic, for two years.  At an age where human abilities have come to the highest capability, God is giving us His message, and God is saying, “Through this, I will fulfill my covenant.”  

    (1) Online – Antenna (Communication with the world)

Now, even small towns all around the world are all connected online, so God is opening up the age of online communication. God is making it so that the entire world can communicate online. It’s the same thing with your business. If your job is not able to do that, we will fail. In the future, if the churches are not able to communicate with the people online, they will fail.  This has already begun working for the kids at home, they’re doing all their work at home without going into the office. Companies have tried this out and are doing much better, so they are doing things they have never done before.  Right now, in Arizona, they’re allowing students to try this online course for free. They are able to gather many more students because it’s online vs. on campus. 

Why do you think they’re doing it for free?  Its’ because they have some kind of plan in the background, and I’m sure there’s funding that they’re getting behind-the-scenes because of this as well.  But already, companies like Google have been giving influence in this online age, even 10 years ago.  God has opened up this kind of age, but if we cannot see that, then we cannot match our time schedule to God’s.  For all the people who are working in a business and all students who are studying, may you connect your business and your studies to the 237 nations of the world, why? Because Christ’s light must be shined upon the whole world.

    (2) Relay the blessing of the throne

    (3) Use talents, work

If we went to each nation by plane, that would take too long; God has made it so that we can go very quickly.  You need to read God’s plan well.  Otherwise, you’ll be left behind.  If you’re holding onto a bow and arrow in the age of guns, you will die. If it is the age of missiles, but you’re holding onto guns, you’ll die. Right now, this is the age of Atomic Bombs, but if you hold onto your old weapons, you will die.  You need to quickly identify the plan with which God is moving, and align your business and studies with that, aligned to His time schedule. It is a time for the light of Jesus Christ to shine across the entire world. May your job, your enterprise, and your studies be used to do God’s work and influence like this. If you hold onto this and pray, God will begin to give you answers.


1. Christ the King and me

2. Christ the King of the field

3. Christ the King of the whole world

In conclusion, who is my king?  Who is reigning over me?  Do not just pass this by, but really think.  What is it that continuously moves me? Is it me, or is it Christ?  Who is reigning over me in the field? Is it Christ, or is it me?  Do I want my studies and my job to be used to spread Christ’s influence all through the world?  May you have a blessing to begin this week like this.

If the Word of God has come into you today, you have succeeded in worship. As evidence, you will say “I will be reigned by God and He will give me His Word,” and you hold onto that for the rest of the week.  If today, during worship, you did not receive that Word, I hope you will listen to it again when you go home, that is how you will be saved, your business and your family will be saved.  Having forum with the Word God gave you today is prayer.  


Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You. We thank You for allowing us to live within true worship as the people and children of Christ. We have returned Your material blessings as offering.  We pray that You will use this offering so that, wherever it is used, the Kingdom of Christ may be established and the Kingdom of darkness may be broken down, and we believe You will work with Your answers with the economy of light to save the 237 nations and the 5000 tribes with all the hands giving this offering. Allow us to testify that the owner of all material possessions is the Lord.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people, and the remnants who desire shine the light of Jesus Christ Who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords,  and the King of all of the world, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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