The Incident of the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:1-6)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Incident of the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:1-6)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo





How was everything created?  What is science?  You can say science is the study of how the world moves and the theories behind it, but there’s also social sciences.  Science is about experimentation and getting consistent results.  For the law of gravity, everything falls down. If something fell down sometimes but not always, it’s not a scientific law, but because something fell every time we ran a test, that’s what we call, “science.” 

Social Science

As you study, you learn how society continues to move in a repetitive manner.  You cannot prove evolution because you can’t perform an experiment.  Someone can make a theory and use different things to prove it, but is that correct?  It should happen even now, but it doesn’t.

Spiritual Science

If you want to evangelize to professors, their sense of identity crumbles when you talk about spiritual things, because their reason and way of living is through science. This is their religion, and all things originate from this for them.  Their fame, money, and respect all come from this, but they cannot let go of it, but there is a spiritual science.  There’s a science you learn, but there’s also a spiritual science. 

Input à Output

When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, you receive answers.  When you bind the forces of darkness, they are bound.  Explain this to the elites and the students because if you don’t know science, it doesn’t matter.  Most people can’t explain science, so then you can’t understand spiritual things.  What did David input in order to have that output?  With the Bible, we can learn about the science.  There’s a high school student who is trying to go to West Point, so he has no time as he’s doing Boy Scouts and American Football.  “Oh, he’s trying to walk the path of a soldier,” and when he gets older, he wants to be a politician.  I told his mom, “Let me talk to him,” and I called him this afternoon.  “I’m busy doing ROTC, American Football,” and I said, “It’s hard to come to worship, right?” “Yes.” “I will tell you your future. You’re a sophomore in high school and you’re already so busy, and even Sunday worship, you do it online, but you do everything with your own strength and it’s hard.  If you’re this busy in high school, what will it be like for you after college? You’ll walk the same path as your parents.  Only the top 1% can succeed, are you in that group? If not, you won’t succeed. You can only succeed if you’re the 1% of the 1%  of the 1%.  Is this scientifically accurate?  The top 1% is successful.  There’s only one governor of California and one mayor of LA.  Not anyone can do this, there are many people who are professors but only a set number of political leaders.  You can chase that for your entire life and burn out.  You think you’re doing great, but one day you’ll see you’re out of power, and you’ll be spiritually desolate.”

What does it mean to be spiritually dead?  It’s hard to understand, but what about the other way? You’re supposed to receive spiritual strength while studying, but because you don’t receive that strength, you’re spiritually broken down.  Receiving this answer during your middle and high school years as you study is the path God desires for you.  Right now, as a high schooler, that is the answer you need to receive in this time schedule. 

“How do I do that?” “If we’re able to do this with a couple of words, that would be great, but first, you need to come to worship. Begin there because coming to worship is such a waste of time, having to drive all the way here; instead, you can study, worship online, and go back to studying; that’s true for you, right?” “Yes.”  “Already, as a high schooler, you’ve reached your limitations.” For example, if he had strength, he could worship and study for 10 minutes.  Other students study throughout the night.  They have no choice but to do that.  One day, they face their limitation.  You need to experience the strength that comes from this prayer as you study and do your work.

That was David, that was Joseph, that was Daniel.  No matter where these people were, they were able to do everything with the power of the throne.  If you don’t do this, then I can tell you with 120% assurance that you will receive spiritual problems like I did.  If you were to say, “I’ll live haphazardly, a slave to the world,” you can do that, but if you want to live according to God’s will, you need to do this.  Why do people have spiritual problems? They are not receiving spiritual strength.  To say it simply, they receive no mental support or help, and they’re mentally weak.  Because they’re not exercising and building up physical power, they are becoming weak.  When I say the 1% has spiritual problems, you may wonder, “How could they?” In other words, these people have no spiritual strength and power, they do everything with their own power.

Spiritual Strength

Can anyone have spiritual strength?  It was not given to Saul; it was only given to David, and it was taken from Saul.  He took from the anointing of Saul and gave it to David.  What about spiritual science?  What input must we put in to get the output of spiritual strength?  What is it?  You need to know this scientifically.  If you want to be a proper lawyer, you must have this.  If there’s an input, there must be an output.  When does the Bible say you will receive spiritual strength and have the evidence?

Worship, Word Prayer

If you have a hard time, you ask for spiritual strength?  No, just go sleep and don’t go to work.  When does God give you spiritual strength?  God poured His spirit and strength upon David. 1 Samuel 16:13.

When you worship with this covenant, God pours His power upon you, why?  Why did God anoint David with oil?  So that David could do God’s work.  Why did God fill Joseph and work upon him with power?  So he could proclaim to the ends of the earth as the governor of Egypt, and that’s the evidence you need to hold onto scientifically, then you will overcome even now, the power comes even now, and this is part of the 777 prayer, it’s the biggest portion of the 7 bartizans. 


Give me the power to do the CVDIP and the 237, healing, and summit.  Where? Upon my spirit, my soul, and my life.  Not smart people, ask God to pour power upon your brain because you can’t do it on your own.  For Alexandra, for the power of the throne to come upon her voice, because she needs to save the 237 nations with her voice.  She needs to listen to this because going into the 1% is hard if you’re doing it on your own.  Once this is nailed in our hearts, scientifically, we begin to change.  Do you understand? Our remnants need to receive the Word scientifically and that’s what you call the covenant.  It is the science where the covenant of 2000 years ago is working even now.  It is applicable for anybody, that science, and even upon Hei Chri who is yawning. It doesn’t matter even if you have ADHD because that ADHD cannot overcome God’s power.   

Some people say, “I spent $8 million to get out of being addicted to drugs.” You can’t do it without God’s power.  “God may You give me this power to overcome drug addiction and be a witness to the drug addicts in the 237 nations.” There are many prosecutors, lawyers, and ivy league graduates, but they did it with their own brains and their own power, and they have to maintain that by drinking alcohol or doing drugs.  “God, I am a lawyer, pour Your power upon me to save the 237 nations, healing, and to raise the next generation.”


This is God’s wisdom. In the darkest valley, God’s wisdom comes upon you so you can win without competing.  All of us have IQ that isn’t even up to 200. 

Physical Strength

Being healthy, you can go anywhere, why is that?  God gives the physical power to save the 237 nations and this spiritual strength is connected with our physical body.  For us,

Spirit, Soul, Body

Without spiritual strength, we use knowledge and wisdom to make choices and decisions, so we face spiritual problems and Satan seizes us.  If you don’t solve this spiritually, it won’t be solved. 

Financial Power

To eat, you need food; it doesn’t fall from the sky but you have to earn money.  Are you eating like a homeless person on the street or in a home?  Whether you buy a house or rent an apartment, you need to have a place to eat.  That’s why you pay for something like that. “I don’t want to eat in a home, I want to eat and sleep outside,” you don’t have to pay for that.  You can go outside and wait in food drive lines.  Even when you’re going to work, are you going to walk there, drive a car, ride the bus? You need money, too. If you’re living in the amazon jungle, you wouldn’t need money. Some people get a headache from all this and disappear in the mountains.  You can eat from nature and live off the land because it’s comfortable, but they need to continuously live that life, and no one can help them when they’re ill.

Why do you receive financial power?  In order to share the gospel to the entire world, God gives you the finances.  Of course, you need to eat and survive, so, earlier, I mentioned people needed to sign up for lunch slots but some people still misunderstand. Naysay, Hei Chri, and Camren, work together and sign up for a slot.  If you’re serving food to the people who do the work of healing and saving the 237 nations, God will work, do you understand? 


The blessed people need to be attached to you.  For the young adults, we had a seminar on marriage for 15-20 minutes because it was obvious what kind of married life they would have.  “Why do you like your boyfriend?  For example, “I think he’s attractive, I think he will be able to have a good amount of income for us to live, so I like him, he treats me comfortably and I have good feelings towards him,” but later on, that disappears.   If that continues and is maintained, that would be great, but usually after the feeling disappears, what happens?  You dress your best for dates and try not to reveal your bad sides, and even while eating, you try to maintain your manners.  “I like them when I see them,” but once you get married, you see all the bad sides and end up not wanting to live with that person anymore. 

“That’s why you need to come to this conclusion right now.”  “I will learn how to endure through it,” “and one day you will explode.”  You can’t just endure it, you have to understand the other person.  If you can’t understand the person, you can endure for a long time but eventually you will explode.  If you want to understand them, understand their background and their parents to understand them.  You need to study this while you’re dating.  Even for your bosses, you need to understand this background to see why they are doing these crazy things.  The remnants said, “I totally understand.” 

It’s the same in marriage, at church, at work, you need to start studying the other person through the church.  As you minister to the kids, understand their background and their parents. This is the study you must do to understand people in the field. Then blessed people will be attached to you.  It won’t be the people who are a bother to you, but instead, the people who will fulfill God’s plan and will shall be attached to you.  Even in your businesses, God will attach the people who will reach the 237 nations to your business.  You’re learning about economics but these are the basic studies.  You must know this scientifically.

Today, we’re supposed to talk about the event of the Garden of Eden but you already understand. There are some questions people ask, “Why did God make the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?”  Do you have a scientific answer?  To test us?  If an nonbeliever asks, “If God didn’t make the Tree,  there wouldn’t be sin, right?” Do you know what kind of question that is? It means they do not like God.  Because they are nonbelievers, they are their own god, they wonder, “Why did God make such a thing?” There’s no reason to answer it, they are saying, “I am my own god and I do not like this God. If it were me, I wouldn’t make that tree; why did He make it?” Understand this, and because God created us, we believe the tree was created to remind us of the covenant. 

Even though it was there, Satan shook our hearts, thoughts, and emotions. 

Me – Correct Things

“I think my boyfriend is great to me,” and this is the reason for destruction. “I think I can succeed this way,” and that’s the reason for the Tower of Babel. “This Word does not fit with me,” then you will fail.  Do what you like, you are the truth, but when you come to church, “I know there is a God but the pastor says things I don’t want to hear,” but that’s Satan subtle strategy.  That was the strategy on how Satan broke down and tempted, and that is the way for us to overcome.   Most people become slaves to America, and it’s a superpower nation, so you become a superpower slave.  Even though you have physical wealth and great things, you’re actually a spiritual being.  It is not about what is comfortable, but what is God’s plan?  If you live your walk of faith like this, you’re food for Satan.  If you’re at a loss, do it for God’s glory and world evangelization, that is faith.

God makes money, people print it out, but God continues to give you things that are financially valuable.  Whether it’s for scientific discoveries, because if you have great ideas. If you know this, you won’t be limited as you live.  You need to live for this.

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