The Imprint, Root, and Nature of the Three Feasts to Conquer Canaan (Numbers 29:12-16)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Imprint, Root, and Nature of the Three Feasts to Conquer Canaan (Numbers 29:12-16)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Today we’ll share the grace of God with Numbers 29.  Last week, we read through Numbers 28 where God told us to give a sacrifice every morning and night, every day.  He told us to give the burnt offering as well as the grain offering which was for Thanksgiving.  Also, to give the sacrifice that devotes and sacrifices our life as a drink offering, poured out unto the Lord.  This is the mystery to conquer Canaan.

It’s impossible to conquer Canaan without this, why is that?  Because our imprint, root, nature is from the 12 incorrect things from Egypt, and when we receive salvation, these 12 things don’t go away all at once.  By law, I have been saved and my spiritual status has changed; however, the imprint, root, nature within me is the same.  In other words, we’re rooted and our nature is so deeply centered on myself and not on God.  Therefore, we’re rooted in serving idols and religions for myself.

This is our nature to the point where our entire lives are ensnared by Satan.  The beginning of that is that we’re separated from God, living centered on myself and enslaved by Satan, and this doesn’t change even after receiving salvation and this is why, every day, morning and night.  Then of the three feasts we’re to keep, one is the Passover in Numbers 28. Every week, we must keep the Sabbath and that’s in addition to the offerings every morning and night.  We do this at the beginning of the month again, and every year, we must keep the most basic three feasts.

Why did God give us so many burdensome things? It’s actually not burdensome but it’s the mystery to overcome Canaan.  The reason it feels like a burden to you is because this is the reaction that comes from the incorrect imprint, root, nature within us.  If this seems bothersome to me, I’m bound to live the rest of my life, wandering the wilderness with my incorrect imprint, root, nature.  

However, all the people who wandered in the wilderness for 40 years probably thought they were correct. They probably thought if they kept living according to their thoughts, their lives would work out that way, but the exact opposite reality took place.  But the people who followed after God’s sacrifice and worship in faith that God gave us are bound to conquer Canan. That means it’s not just about worship and sacrifice.  It means they knew how hopeless they themselves were.  

Paul and David both confessed they were sinners from the time they were in the womb, and Paul, who was used greatly by God, considered himself the chief of sinners.  These are not just good words he wrote, writing poems at his desk, he truly saw himself that way within God, and by God’s grace, God used David.  Because he saw his own weakness, there was no reason for him to hold onto himself, but King Saul, who held onto himself, failed. He did what he wanted, he listened to God’s Word, yes, but it didn’t go into him as “only” so he worked according to his will.  

As we live our walk of faith, the reason it doesn’t work out is because the Word should come unto us as our “only” but we hold onto something else in a similar way, then what happens? God is currently fulfilling His Word, but I am outside of God’s flow.  Then, I’m not usable.  In the Old Testament, they didn’t have an option because the Holy Spirit would go back and forth so they’re unusable, but right now, because the Holy Spirit is with us, when we fall, the Holy Spirit gives us grace when we fall, but not in the Old Testament.  

How much did King Saul not know himself?  King Saul thought if he stepped on David, he could maintain his kingship.  And King Saul calculated, “if I make this plan, I can give this throne over to my son.” Because he’s in the seat of the king, he thought he could do whatever he wanted; however, it means he didn’t know God who gave him that seat.  King Saul did whatever he wanted to work.  When I say, “Do whatever he wanted,” it means it wasn’t irrelevant to God’s Word; he did it in a very similar way. 

He went into battle and God told him not to bring anything back, but he bought things back for the Lord, so it sounds like it’s almost like God’s Word.  Samuel came late and they had to give a sacrifice, and he was not supposed to give the sacrifice, but he drove it anyway, so it’s not aligned with God’s Word, it means that he and the Word of God were mixed up together. Ultimately, it’s because of himself that he fell.  The reason people collapsed into the wilderness is because of themselves.  We have to say only the Word of God,and we know this with our brain, but when we make a decision, we go with our thoughts. We can never break down darkness or be used by God this way.  It must be only.  

Passover. Only the blood of Christ liberates us, nothing else. Why do we not hold onto this?  We don’t hold onto it because we think we can do it with another strength. Relentlessly we think we can do it with our own strength so we don’t hold onto the blood of Christ, it doesn’t matter whether we apply the blood of Christ a little or a lot or very deeply; it must come upon us regardless.  There’s a difference between someone who follows a flock of people by God’s grace and applies the blood of the lamb and someone who applies the blood saying, “Yes, this is the true answer,” the way they’ll apply it is different. 

There’s a difference between someone who applies the blood because “someone told me to,” versus someone who says, “Yes, this is right.” that person will say, “yes, this is so true,” and they’ll apply the blood of the lamb on the sides and the top, but someone who applies the blood because someone told them to, they’ll just do it.  But regardless, if they just apply the blood, the curses and disasters go over them and they escape.  The problem is what comes after.  

After that point, there’s a  big difference between someone who applies the blood because someone told them to, and for someone who knows this as the answer.  The difference comes after salvation. That’s the difference between people like Joshua, Caleb, and Moses. It’s not talking about the number of people; what the Bible is telling us is to hold onto the true ‘only.”  Some people hold onto it but do it so haphazardly, they do know what happens?  We’re bound to hold onto the imprint, root, nature we’ve had in our past. From that point on, we’re slaves of Satan. That’s what happens to our life. 

But if you know this, you’ll have no choice but to hold on because you know you can’t do this.  Because, from the moment I was in the womb, I was born as someone who had no choice. It’s  not that I was born and educated incorrectly, but from the moment I was born, I had no hope, and that’s what we call a sinner.  Spiritually speaking, from the moment we’re born, we’re born seized by Satan.  If you acknowledge this, even if you want to hold onto yourself, you cannot, that’s why you have no choice but to hold onto Christ. 

How is this edited and imprinted in us?  Depending on how much this is imprinted, we will be able to plan.  We’ll be able to plan, like if we were making a building, we’ll have some kind of concept. What kind of building must I make? We’re going to have some kind of concept, and editing and imprinting means the correct things of God must come into me first.  After that, we have to make a plan for the building.  If we don’t have a concept, we can’t make a plan.  The accurate word of God has to become imprinted and edited within me for the plan to take place.  Then, from that point on, you have the design or blueprint of what building you will create.  That’s the design of how things must look from the outside.

So, if you don’t have the accurate imprint or editing from the Word of God to begin with, you’ll have the masterpiece of the 12 states of the unbeliever. In other words, it’s a recreation of the Egyptian lifestyle.  Then, it’s impossible to go to Canaan; you’ll end your life as a slave, and that’s the masterpiece of our life. Because the correct things of God never came into me, but the incorrect things of my past were imprinted and edited within me, that became my plan and design. 

What are you guys planning right now?  You all have your thoughts and that’s your prayer.  Later on you put that into practice and that’s what we call the design. But if you have the accurate correct things of God as your imprint, then everything works out well.  But if the correct things of God are not imprinted within me, but instead I hold onto my 12 states of the unbeliever and my incorrect imprints, then the later masterpiece will just be a snare.  

David and Paul couldn’t have this even if they tried. Even if they tried to live however they wanted, they could not because they’ve already seen what’s going to happen in the future in advance. They’ve seen in Egypt that they will go into the 12 snares, be seized by Satan, and everything would be over.  Paul saw it very accurately how life happens when one lives in the Jewish church. Then, the accurate word of Jesus Christ came into him, all problems have been finished.

First, he listens.  That’s not imprint.  Anyone who passes by those words will hear it, even a passing dog.  Animals also hear those words but they can’t comprehend it because they don’t know the language like we do, but knowing doesn’t mean you’re actually listening; it’s talking about the imprint. It’s important because there’s something else imprinted deeply within us, and that’s why we talk about imprinting and editing. If that word of God doesn’t come into me and edit me, then what I have will become my design and plan.  

Even when you pray, you pray with your own things.  Even when you make a design of your future, you design it with the incorrect things within you.  Then, the resulting masterpiece is a snare completely in Satan’s hands.  Do not do that, but completely imprint in the blood of the Passover Lamb.  He has finished all problems, problems of the past, present, and future are finished. There’s a difference between knowing that and being imprinted in it.

If you know it and you face a problem, you will fall.  But if it’s imprinted in you, it’s already in your heart, so even when you face a problem, you’re not shaken.  Most people who came out of Egypt did not have this imprinted in them; they were  imprinted in the things of Egypt so they died in the wilderness. They were not imprinted in the Passover.  Their state is consistently remaining within the 12 states of Egypt.  That’s the reason God told them to give their sacrifices and worship twice a day, every day, every week, every month, to change that, and as you’re simply doing this, the answers naturally take place.

Then we talked about the Pentecost, in other words, the Festival of Weeks in Numbers 28:26.  This Festival of Weeks is during the first gathering of the firstfruits, then after 50 days(?) they would celebrate the Pentecost. In other words, He is telling us to live with the power of the Holy Spirit.  If you don’t understand this, you will lose to the Nephilim.  People who practice transcendental meditation are developing their unlimited, inner potential.  They’re sending that out into the world, transcending time and space.

“Pastor, what are you talking about? It sounds like witchcraft or sorcery.”  Such people shouldn’t live in America, they should live on Jeju Island in Korea, but there are people realistically talking like this in America, then you shouldn’t live in America if you don’t know America that means you’re being beaten up without knowing why you’re being beaten up. You’re wondering why things are happening in my life without knowing the reason. You get beat up consistently because you don’t know the spiritual world.

“Why do such things keep happening in my life?” This is the reason why, and that’s why we have to have the mystery of the Pentecost which is the filling and working of the Holy Spirit.  If you’re not able to enjoy the strength of that blessing, then how are you going to overcome the power of the Nephilim that is possessing people?

Today we are talking about the Ingathering where they take in the rest of the harvest and they store it. Just like the people who received salvation on earth will go to heaven. When do we go into heaven?  Once the gospel has been proclaimed to all peoples, then Jesus Christ’s second coming will happen, then there will be the judgement where people will go to either heaven or hell. This is talking about the missions and world evangelization that works to establish God’s Kingdom on earth. That’s the Ingathering. 

Therefore, these three feasts are first talking about Jesus Christ’s salvation. Second, the power of the Holy Spirit that follows the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and third, the goal of establishing God’s kingdom by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.  “Once you go into the land of Canaan, keep these,” that’s how you conquer Canaan. 

Lately we’ve been constantly  talking about the 9 settings.  For me, someone who received salvation, the Triune God is already with me.  Then, you enjoy the blessing of the Pentecost where the filling of the living breath, the Holy Spirit’s power, comes upon you.  Then, you draw this image of conquering and subduing over the whole world.  That’s the Passover, the Pentecost, and Ingathering, all within me at once.

Then you relay this into the field. Before you even evangelize, you relay spiritual strength through prayer.  You must understand these words. If you don’t understand these words, America will be hard.  Because people possessed by demons are currently transmitting the demons back and forth, transcending time and space. If you don’t know this, you’ll be taken by it, “Why do these things happen  to me?” they should be happening to you.  God gave you the promise of the Pentecost so we don’t have to live like that.

If you don’t know this, you’ll be taken in by the field. “Why are these things happening to me all of a sudden?” It’s so you can enjoy this blessing.  You must enjoy this blessing when you wake up in the morning and in the evening. If you don’t understand this, you’ll constantly be taken in by it. Later on, if you’re beaten up too much, you cannot be restored.

Do you think the devil will leave you alone? Imagine what kind of superpower nation we’re in. There are organizations invisible to our eyes and they conquer and sway the world with this, and that’s how the devil works in every superpower nation until now. But you live in America being unaware of this, this is why you must enjoy the blessing of the pentecost.

Do you see the golden fishing grounds, the blind spots, and disaster zones?  The blind spots are places where the gospel has not gone in at all. Even though there are people there, no one is going in, and it turns into a disaster zone.  Within that, you send people your prayers into the golden fishing grounds, so you do it first through prayer.

Then starting tomorrow, he’s going to start about the unprecedented and never-repeated answers in your field. If you don’t know this, it’s going to be hard. If you don’t know this, you’ll  think we have to do something, and we can’t compete with the Nephilim.  So, that’s why we must first enjoy the blessing of transcending time and space. Therefore, move with prayer and enjoy that.  

Through your prayers, send the working of the Holy Spirit upon the field you are thinking about.  Then you are enjoying the passover, pentecost, Jesus Christ, and the filling of the holy spirit.  Then you send out the working of the holy spirit in your field to establish God’s Kingdom there.  Then, when God’s time schedule comes, answers will be revealed. As you’re simply doing this, wait.

What happens if you don’t understand these words? It will then be a repetition of the life in Egypt. Even though you’re outside of Egypt, it’s a repetition of your Egyptian life, in other words, your family line problems won’t change. “Why is it like this even though I have salvation?” Now that you have salvation you have to enjoy the things of salvation.  Why do you live according to your thoughts even after receiving salvation? “I heard everything is finished after receiving salvation, then why do problems keep coming my way?” You believe in the things you’re imprinted in because you don’t really believe.  You’re holding onto all your experiences and knowledge from the past that have nothing to do with God’s Word. But you holding onto this itself is prayer, then the masterpiece of your life will be ensnared by the 12 states of the unbeliever. Don’t do that.

The Ingathering, world evangelization.  It is to shine the light of the 237 nations.  First, enjoy it with prayer.  Then, when you go into your field, the answers will reveal themselves, that’s how we must run our businesses as well.  What happens if you rush forward regardless of this the same way you did in Egypt?  What happens if you rush towards your studies diligently as you did in Egypt? Yes, you’ll be able to study and have a job, it’s just that the percentage of successful people is so small.  Even if that person does succeed, later on they are seized by the 12 states of the unbeliever and Satan.  Their spiritual state is completely destroyed.

Don’t do that, that was Saul and Joseph’s brothers. Even after receiving salvation, they fall.  So, there are official 7 feasts, but you must enjoy these three feasts in the Temple of Jerusalem. Someone asked a question, “What do modern day Jews do?  Modern day Jews don’t do this, right? They don’t believe in Jesus,” so I just explained historically.  They were taken as captives to Babylon in 586 B.C., and then they returned after 70 years.  Then there were the people who were spread out and did not return, the diaspora.  What do you think those people did for 70 years? They had to go to the Temple to give sacrifices, but they weren’t around the Temple, and at that time, they gave worship with the Word.  That’s the synagogue.

The Temple was only in Jerusalem, but the Temple was destroyed.  They were supposed to give their sacrifices in the Temple in Jerusalem, but they were taken as captives so they couldn’t’ give the sacrifices, so that’s why they created the synagogue so they can worship with the words of the Old Testament.  That’s why, when they returned back, they tried so hard to rebuild their Temple.  Even when they rebuilt the Temple, it took so long.

Why did these people have to rebuild the Temple?  Because that’s the only place they could give sacrifices.  There was a large diaspora of Jewish people spread around without the temple and that’s why Paul went into the synagogues to give the word movement because they were already there, giving word-worship. 70 years after the Lord came to this earth, Herod’s Temple was completely destroyed.  

While Jesus Christ was on this earth, the Temple was not destroyed; they were still slaughtering animals there.  Then, 70 years after that, it was destroyed to the point where one stone was not laid upon another.  But already, 470 years before that, from the point of Malachi, worship was already destroyed.  All the priests were corrupted and the people of Israel were corrupted.  Then, they were completely colonized by Rome.

Then, how did the Jewish people worship? You have to have a Temple to worship, and that’s why they mainianted synagogue worship until now. I’m answering this way because someone asked me the question.  I answered this way because we’re going through the book of Hebrews where it talks about no longer having to give the blood sacrifice, and someone says, “They don’t have to do that anymore,” so why is there any point of confusion.

Nowadays, they worship with the Talmud, things like that, because the Temple is destroyed and it’s now a Mosque.  Why did God allow that?  He is saying, “Jesus has come so the Temple is finished,” but they still haven’t come to their senses.  What are they doing today? The Jewish people don’t believe in Jesus Christ, they are constantly waiting for the Messiah to come, holding onto the Old Testament, the Torah, Shema, and Talmud.  If you look in generic religions, some of the remnants still remain in the Eastern religions so they still spill blood and slaughter animals.

Now, in this time of the New Testament, the fact that we no longer have to give a blood sacrifice because Jesus Christ came, it’s a crazy thing.  It’s shocking news, so unless they received grace from God, they’re bound to be confused because they have thousands of years of history defending the blood sacrifice. Then, what do we Gentiles have? We didn’t even have a Bible, we didn’t even know the entity of God.  In other words, we were people who were worshiping demons and idols, and not only worshiping idols, but worshiping ourselves.  We were people who were worshiping idols, begging for the blessings to protect our family and children, so when we talk about slaughtering animals and lambs, it doesn’t come into our heart at all.

But we’re the same.  We still don’t believe Jesus Christ finished everything. We need money. We have to succeed.  Right now, whether you’re a Jew or Gentile, the fact that we’re not accepting Jesus Christ is the same.  To the Israelites who say “Jesus Christ finished everything and there’s no more need for blood sacrifice,” and to the Gentiles, “Jesus finished everything there is nothing more we need” it’s not finished, it’s not imprinted in us.  Relentlessly, we need money and success, it isn’t finished just as the Jewish people needed the sacrifice.

Because we’re not imprinted in the covenant, we have no choice but to live upon the past imprint, root, nature which is centered on me, material things, and success. That’s what we call a religious life.  The devil will never leave someone with a religious life alone. As evidence of that, even people who go to church have mental problems; their family problems don’t end, it’s continuously relayed, why?  Because they’re not imprinted with the fact that Jesus Christ finished everything.

So, this Word applies to everybody. It doesn’t matter what nation you belong to, Christ has finished it because all problems of mankind come from sin, Satan, and hell.  Relentlessly, we repeat this, but we think our problem is money.  Relentlessly, we think we have to succeed, and that’s the issue.  Because that’s imprinted within us, Satan uses us and manipulates us towards religion and seizes us entirely.  Therefore your walk of faith must have the accurate concept of Jesus Christ, imprinted and edited within you, not simply as knowledge.  Then, the plan of your prayer will be easier.  

Let’s say for example, we build a building and I have a concept of building a perpendicular building of 200 floors.  Then I have to make a plan.  Later on, we’ll put on the outer details and this will be the design.  First and foremost, we must be imprinted with the concept of Christ’s covenant.  Then, through your prayers, your life is planned.  You have the prayer of the life of world evangelization.  Then, one by one, you receive the answer of your life being designed as a masterpiece. That’s what it means.

For us, are we imprinted in the accurate word of the passover of Christ? It’s okay even if you’re not because you just have to keep doing it, that’s what I’m saying.  Just like with everything else, you can’t be doing it all at once, but you should at least know because that’s how you’ll see what you have to do.  But if you don’t know and you work so diligently, you’ll still keep facing problems. Regardless of you, things will get in your way, through your business and meetings, other things will come because whatever is imprinted within you will come to you as you’re constantly thinking about it.

Constantly, my money or my position or my success. Even if you don’t say anything about it, you’re holding onto it in 24 hour prayer, then does it happen exactly in that way? You’re enslaved to it and that’s your life, and it turns out there’s nothing you can do about it, but we’re just so brazen about it because of our ignorance.  

Remnants, this is what our RCA  is talking about.  Christ is already within me which means the throne of the Triune God is within me, and I have to go into that now.  The Lord is within me, and I must be within the Lord. The Lord is within me but I’m not within him, what’s the point in that? But it’s impossible for me to go into it because of my incorrect imprint, root, nature, because I’m holding onto “me,” material things, and success. I cannot go into Him, so we cannot enjoy the blessing of the throne of heaven, and we cannot see the field.

We should be able to see the empty places, the disaster zones, and the golden fishing grounds  but we cannot.  We should be able to continuously transmit the blessing of prayer to the 237 nations even as we are sitting down, but instead, we do unnecessary things.  When you go into your field, you should be able to see God’s answers that connect you, your field, and your business.  These are the blessings God has prepared for us, and why did God give us worship? Because these are the answers that come within worship, you have to understand what these words mean.  It doesn’t mean just because we’re at church, we’re constantly worshiping, you need to know the reason why you have no choice but to do this.  

The one who knew this reason was Joshua and Caleb.  Everyone else did the same thing because people told them to, but they didn’t know the reason, so they did something else for some other reason, and they have to keep saying other things, too. Everyone in the wilderness said other things, too. “We’re hungry, we don’t have water, our lives are like this because of Moses,” why is that? It’s because they didn’t know.  They’re creating a plan for something else but they’re not getting it, so they’re always filled with these words.

For us, when we have the answer of Christ, everything is already finished.  This is what must be imprinted in us. You know imprinting right? It means it must be imprinted in our hearts.  We have to make a stencil like this to have the same image occur, like in a picture.  But if we’re not imprinted with the gospel and instead we’re imprinted with Genesis 3, that will be the image that comes out, and that’s why I make myself suffer and I cannot escape from myself, and beacuse I cannot enjoy liberation, I’m a slave, even though we’ve been compeltely liberated.

We have to be completely imprinted and edited with this, then it becomes very easy.  It’s not that you’re not imprinted, but it means you’re imprinted with something else, then what must I do every day?  We imprint ourselves with prayer, that’s what I do.  I come here in the Early Morning, as soon as I wake up in the morning, what do I do?  The salvation of the Passover, Christ Who has finished all problems, and what about that? He is with me. “Give me the filling of the Holy Spirit today as well and give me the five powers,” to do what?  “God, work with your Holy Spirit so we can get the 40,000 disciples to do Temple Construction and save the world.”

That’s what I do as I drive my car here.  In the morning, we listen to the prayer journal message and I take notes. First and foremost, it’s great for warding off dementia.  Listening and writing is no joke. If you want to accelerate your dementia, just stay still and you’ll give up relatively quickly because you have to use your brain. That’s why you have to write it down. Why else would a pastor take notes? I write everything. I also write notes because I have to give you guys a summary afterward, then as I’m sitting here, I’m able to pray while I’m doing deep breathing.  Christ is with me.  

Right now, may the Spirit of Jesus Christ completely control my thoughts, heart, mind, spirit, and body.  Then I hold my breath and ask for God to give me spiritual, mental, physical, financial, and social power.  Then I ask for the working of the holy spirit as I exhale to raise up the 40,000 disciples, 400,000 disciples, and the 4 million disciples to save the 237 nations and the temple construction. People who don’t believe in this might look at me like I’m crazy.  People who don’t believe this will think I’m sitting, writing poems, but I do this because I believe.  Then, according to God’s time schedule, I will confirm the answers.

Don’t just wait, but while you’re waiting, enjoy this.  This is the scheduled prayer, and during the daytime, I have continuous prayer. If I just look at someone and feel however I want to feel about them, then I’m slowly dying. Turn all of that to prayer to God.  You can’t just understand this as some kind of theory, you have to put this into practice.  People who keep on trying to understand this saying, “How do I do this.” Stop spinning your brain to try to understand it because we’re not doing Bible study, but put this into practice and pray, then God will change you. There is a time when this stream will end for us, and that’s why during the day, we have to have some kind of system for us to go back into the stream for ourselves.

In the evening, it’s the time when we’re alone.  In the morning, usually most people are busy. For people who are really busy in the morning, organize everything in the evening with the Word of God as you listen to the Word in the evening, and immerse yourself in that, then you take notes.  Then, if you don’t have time in the morning, do it in the evening. It’s in the Bible, give the burnt offering morning and evening. Give the great offering of Thanksgiving morning and evening.  Then give the sacrifice that pours out your life for the Lord, morning and evening. That’s the way to do Egypt, Rome, world evangelization, and America evangelization.

It’s not about action first, by your own actions, you can plot over the 3 organizations or the Nephilim. Before you act on anything, you have to go into the Word of God. Ride that flow.  Prayer should be very fun.  At first it might be difficult because we don’t know what we’re doing, and because our imprint, root, nature is not there yet, but you won’t stay that way. If you keep doing it, you’ll be rooted.  Later on, when it becomes our nature, it’ll be very easy for us just like Rev. Ryu. otherwise, you can understand the words he’s saying but you can’t get a feel for it. 

We wouldn’t be able to understand what Rev. Ryu is saying this because it’s something he’sa actually doing. It’s not some kind of Bible study or theory for him. Us putting this into practice is our summit time, our Remnant Time. Our summit time, have that time in the morning to put this into practice, otherwise it doesn’t matter if someone is even a pastor because they will only speak at their level. Should I tell you about the  level of my family? What is the level of my family? We can’t even help our neighbors, than we have to come to the conclusion, because if we do not, I’ll be living the rest of my life without being able to help my neighbor. Then what’s the point of living so diligently myself if I can’t even help my next-door neighbor? 

Then I have to go in already having come to the conclusion. Then how can we do world evangelization if we can’t even help our next-door neighbor? We have to come to the conclusion, that’s why we must hold onto the things of God.  It’s not my things, because I”m doing everything with the things of God, we’ll be used to save people.

It’s the same for Temple Construction.  If you believe, “If I give a lot of money to Temple Construction, God will give me blessings.” even Gentiles do things like that. You need the message of God regarding temple construction come into me, “Why does God want Temple Construction?”  That message has to be imprinted within me as the Word of God in order for it to bear fruit. If you do this just to get blessings, you’ll fight about it later on. Later on, you’ll fight because you thought you wasted money because God is not blessing you as much as you invested in the temple construction then you’re just investing in a business or property. Because you’re not getting as many blessings as you invested, you’re going to get tested.  

The actual words you say will point to something else as the problem, but the real reason you’re upset is because of this, and that’s the fruit that results from what’s imprinted in the individual. But when the accurate, correct Word of God regarding Temple Construction is imprinted within me, then the proper fruits will bear. “Go and make disciples of all nations,” this is a promise God gave us. “Go proclaim the gospel to all nations,” it’s the Temple to do this. “Go and heal,” that’s 237 and healing.  “Feed my lambs,” and change them into the summit by the power of the filling of the Holy Spirit.  

In the Old Testament, the Tabernacle had three courtyards: one for prayer, one for Gentiles, and one for little children. In the New Testament, this is the promise given to us, the Temple Construction, to fulfill this Word. It is my business to fulfill that word. It’s not just any job, but it must be the job holding onto this covenant, then God will give me the strength to do it. These are the answers we have to see, but if we hold onto something else and try to accomplish something else, the devil will plow into us.  

There are many people who don’t know this meaning, but just do this with a good heart, and some people do this because they want to. I think that’s good because you don’t have an ulterior motive, you’re doing it because it’s coming from the pulpit message and God wants it, and I don’t know the meaning, but I want to give it.  As time passes, God will give you the answer with His Word.  You receive that Word as your covenant, and because you’re giving the offering as your covenant, God will give you the material blessings.  That’s your business.

Remnants, this is the talent and specialization God has given to you.  How do you find that? God reveals it to you, so properly give worship. If you just stay within the very modest system that God keeps you on, then you’ll realize, “Is there such a thing as an easy life?” That’s the life where God is your Shepherd, guiding you.  You just think you have to break through walls and over climb mountains because you think you’re the one doing it.  There’s no need to live like that because God will reveal it to you according to his time schedule and will bring you the meetings as well.  But if you don’t believe in that, there’s people who have to work really diligently to relieve their own stress. 

For example, someone who has experienced war before, it’s impossible for them to stay in a state of peace, they think they’re only living if they feel bombs and bullets.  People who live their lives centered on themselves are repeatedly like this.  “God prepared something for me, God is guiding me forward,” they understand the words but they don’t understand it. They only feel they accomplished something if they do something themselves, the state where they cannot stay still.  That state where you can’t shake the feeling where you have to say something to evangelize. You can’t evangelize by sitting still in prayer.  If you remain within worship and change your imprint, root, nature within prayer, even that will change. So even if you’re sitting still, you’re not sitting still because you’re going into the invisible and consistent works of God through prayer.  

Then as you go into your field, one day it will be God’s time schedule and you’ll see things arise. It’s the same with fishing.  Do you think if you’re not catching a fish and you swim around, you’ll get fish?  You have to wait, knowing something will happen.

The main scripture we read was about the Ingathering they celebrated for 7 days. Nothing complicated about it, Christ.  If you’re not imprinted in this, then until you’re imprinted it, otherwise, you can’t even begin.  Kingdom of God, in other words, world evangelization and America evangelization.  That’s the goal and direction with which I must live. Then the method is the working of the Holy Spirit.  I don’t do it; I do it by the working of the Holy Spirit.  You should enjoy these three things through Christ every day, peacefully.  If you just do this very comfortably, then first, your spirit will revive and the way you see things will change. Otherwise, you’ll try to understand everything you see with your brain, and of course that won’t work out.  

You’re trying to understand the working of God with your brain but that’s impossible, you have to go into the work of God. Remnants, be careful.  You cannot understand the great things of God; your IQ isn’t even 150.  You have to go into it. That’s your summit time. 

We’ll have another RCA lecture tomorrow. God is continuously giving the flow of the Word to us.  I hope you will go into that flow every day.  Go into the work God is currently doing with the ministry of salvation of Christ, the power and filling of the holy spirit as well as the missions and evangelism of God’s Kingdom.  God will fulfill it according to His time schedule.  


Let us pray holding onto the word God has given us today. God, allow us to go into the Passover, Pentecost, and Ingathering. Let us pray together.

Our second prayer topic.  Tomorrow’s the last day for the Remnant Conference of America.  I was giving David Lee a ride, and I asked, “do you understand these words?” He said, “I don’t understand about 30% of it,” and that’s normal. All you have to do is hold onto one word because that’s the word God is giving you. No sense in trying to understand everything. You’re not taking a test on it. Just hold onto the one Word God allows you to understand. He’s only believed for two years, don’t try to force him to do something like this.  

Today he came early and listened to the lecture and the forums in the morning. It’s the same for you as well, don’t try to understand everything.  Our walk of faith shouldn’t be so difficult, but understanding the Word God wants me to receive, then God will take care of it.  Whenever I used to go to a conference or retreat, I used to only remember the examples because my spiritual state was so hard at that time, even though I listened to the words, they didn’t come to me.  Even if they did, I couldn’t think of it and understand.  Just like how when you water a bean sprout, the soil may be dry but the water went into the bean sprout.

So my spiritual state was that I only knew the examples, but as you’re listening, it’s good for you to take notes.  Now, kids have phones to take digital notes, but all the successful people take notes by hand, so even successful people write down good ideas immediately, because if you don’t write it down, it flies away.  Even for us, we have a message God gives us moment by moment, and as you listen to God’s Word, there’s a message God gives to you. You just record that.  

That’s the same thing I did when I prepared for the message.  There’s a lot of wonderful things God gives me, but if I don’t record it down, none of it stays with me because those things aren’t from me, but God gives them to me. Once you look at the things you’ve written down, because it’s God-given, you’ll see the stream. So don’t do it so difficulty, whatever God gives you comfortably.  No need to try to expedite the time schedule. Go into God’s time schedule with whatever you have now.  

If you’re so impatient, you have to ride the wave; you shouldn’t try to burst through the wave. If there’s a wave coming your way, you have to ride the power of that wave, you can’t break through that wave, you’ll be beaten down. Just hold onto whatever grace God has given to you for you to receive.

We have to pray, tomorrow is our last lecture.  May the remnants and multiethnic disciples arise throughout the country. Let us pray together.


I believe the Triune God is with us eternally.  I hope you will hold onto this covenant firmly, enjoy and relay it to your field, and have this as the design of your life.

Father God, we thank You for giving us the three feasts and allowing us to enjoy it with Christ.  Allow us to enjoy the power of the Holy spirit through prayer; allow us to enjoy conquering the world with evangelism.  

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who desire to enjoy the salvation of Jesus Christ, the Passover, the missions and evangelism movement, 5000 unreached people groups, the multiethnics, the remnants, their businesses and studies, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen

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