The Holy Spirit will Reveal the Blessings in the Right Time Schedule to Save the Field (1 Corinthians 2:6-12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Holy Spirit will Reveal the Blessings in the Right Time Schedule to Save the Field (1 Corinthians 2:6-12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

If our walk of faith becomes centered on physical things, we will never see the important point of the Bible.  The physical things are necessary; however, you have become centered on physical things, you will not be able to see the important spiritual mysteries. If that takes place, our spirit cannot come to life, because our spirit communicates with spiritual things, not with physical things. That’s why the devil continues to make us centered on physical things even now, then what happens? Even though we need a physical body, our spirit will be dead. What happens if our spirit has no strength? Because the most important part of us becomes powerless, our entire self becomes powerless.  

In 1 Corinthians 2:6, we’re going to talk about wisdom, “This is not a message of the wisdom of this age, or a message of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.” That means that, no matter how intelligent someone is in the world, they cannot find the spiritual things God has hidden.  What is the wisdom they are talking about? Only the wisdom of God, a mystery that has been hidden.  The wisdom of God cannot be known by people.

1 Cor. 2:7, this is talking about God’s wisdom, a hidden mystery, it has been hidden in mystery.  It is impossible for us to see the things that have been hidden with our physical eyes. It’s impossible for us to know unless God reveals it to us.  But 1 Cor. 2:7 continues, “that God destined for our glory before time began,” God has prepared this wisdom before time began.  It means that this wisdom is impossible for  us to know with any kind of philosophy or anything else.  That means there’s no way for the philosophers or the rulers or the intelligent people of the world to know the mysteries of God.

1 Cor. 2:8, “If they had known this, they would not have crucified the Lord.”  This is not talking about just the Israelites; all the world crucified Jesus. If we had been there, we also would have crucified Jesus, because we have no choice but to crucify Jesus until God reveals His wisdom to us. In other words, we think we don’t need the gospel, until God reveals His wisdom to us, we don’t feel the necessity of the gospel.  

Because, if I’m living my life centered on myself, physical things, and success, then why do I need the cross, why do I need Jesus? It’s the same today, there are people who think they don’t need only the gospel.  Because they think, “All we need is salvation, and now, all we need is success and physical strength,” those people will never enjoy spiritual strength.  Because they don’t know spiritual blessings, they live their lives ignorant of all of the blessings they have inherited as God’s heirs.  

1 Cor. 2:9, However, as it is written, “No eye has seen and no ear has heard and no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.”  If you look at these words, it means that even if you go to church for a long time you may not know.  If you go to church and God reveals it to you, then you will know.  Just because a family has believed in Jesus for multiple generations, it doesn’t mean God has revealed this to them. Does that mean if someone believed yesterday as a new believer, then they know?  Not necessarily. Because, if they’re interested in the physical things, then even if God reveals it, they cannot see it.  

If they see the physical things then even if God reveals it, they cannot see it, if they think physical things has greater value, then even if they are given spiritual things, they cannot understand it.  When can they understand it?  God will make it so that they can no longer be centered on the physical things so they can listen to the spiritual things.  We call that suffering and hardship but actually God is trying to give us the spiritual blessings, that could be a physical disease, or we may be lost in complete financial powerlessness.  We could be stuck in mental suffering. These are things God allows so we may see the spiritual blessings. 

Do you think God cannot solve those problems/ God can solve them but what happens if He does?  If you go back to living your life without knowing the spiritual blessings, it’s better off if the problem isn’t resolved. 

1 Cor. 2:10 says these are the things God has revealed to us by His Spirit, which means we cannot see this unless it is by His Spirit.  The Holy Spirit only goes upon the children of God who have believed and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, because it says He sent this Holy Spirit into our hearts, which means the Holy Spirit must relay this to us, so all our interest must be on the spiritual things. All our interests must be centered on the spirit of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit.  Then, God will reveal the things you couldn’t know before and allow me to see them.

The reason is because the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God, so when you worship, the Holy Spirit reveals.  That’s why we must worship in Spirit and in Truth. Just sitting here isn’t worship; you must rely on the Holy Spirit so that the spiritual things may be revealed to you.  Worship is a tremendous blessing.  They don’t even teach you this in college, even the president cannot teach you these things.  

Because Paul knew this, he says that knowing Christ is the greatest treasure, and everything is hidden within Christ.  He was able to realize the tremendous blessings of heaven. The people who know this can conquer and save the world. You cannot save the world with the things of the world; you must save them only with the things of heaven because the reason the world suffers now is because they lack the blessings of heaven.  That’s why the people who know the blessings of God and of heaven are able to conquer and save the world by conquering Satan.  

Even today, I hope you will rely on the Holy Spirit. Yes, it would be great if the pastor was better at speaking or each individual receives grace, but that is not the standard. The Holy Spirit reveals it in your heart and makes it so that the Word really comes into us.  Even with our repentance, if you’re like an unbeliever, “I did something wrong,” you’ll forget after 3 days. That’s not the porous repentance.  The Holy Spirit must reveal it to you, why it must be only Christ.  The Holy Spirit must reveal this to you for you to truly change.

Otherwise if you look at your position or ego, that’s something even unbelievers do, but if the Holy Spirit reveals it to you, you begin to change at that point.  So, it means you cannot change anybody just by hitting them oro poking them; the Holy Spirit must reveal it to them, and praying for them is the fastest way by a lot.  From a human perspective, we think that hitting someone with words is the fastest way to fix them, but after some time, they will revert back.  

Satan will never change by the physical words of humans.  If humans could change by the physical words of humans, then the philosophers would be the most elevated people because they’d  be able to change everybody, but that is not the case.  The Holy Spirit of God must reveal to this person, “These are the areas in which I was wrong,” and that’s what true repentance is.  That’s how someone truly changes, the Holy Spirit must reveal to them, “Oh, this was the point where I was seized by spiritual problems.” 

You cannot do anything even if you realize you are spiritually wrong, but there are other people who still think they’re correct.  If the Holy Spirit doesn’t reveal to us, then we think we are the best, we think we’re always correct.  But the Holy Spirit has to reveal to us. Look at Paul, he thought he was the greatest of the greatest, but he confessed that he was not in the end, he said he used to live blameless in the law, he said he never said incorrect words, in other words, he never made any mistake towards anyone else, and he had a lot of worldly knowledge, but he didn’t realize, once he met God and the Holy Spirit revealed Himself to him, he realized he was a sinner from even the womb, and it’s all rubbish.  Until we realize that we keep on exalting our own righteousness.  The Holy Spirit has to move and change your emotions, but it hasn’t happened yet. Later on, we’ll become embarrassed. THat’s what worship does to us, so how precious is worship? No matter what, Satan hinders worship then you will fall.  Are you always going to stay in the church? Are you not going to go to your job or meet other people? Do you think problems like that won’t happen in the future? Do you think wars will never happen again? We’re going to face the end of the world.  When a  lot of these other things happen, what must  you do? Through worship, through the moving of the Holy Spirit, my spiritual eyes must continue to open.

Then why do we continue to train within these things? It is because there is a war for which we train.  In Korean history, when the Japanese people were invading the nation, people prepared, and when they weren’t invading, they did not prepare; it’s the same.  Satan is building his fortresses in this world and we have to prepare.  We have to prepare because we must attack as well.  This is not something we can change by simply knowing it, it might hit our intelligence but once the Holy Spirit makes us understand, then our thoughts and heart really change.

1 Corinthians 2:10, it says God searches all things. We cannot know God, honestly, and that’s why He sent us theChrist. When He sends us the Christ, we must know the content of Christ and that’s what the Holy Spirit reveals to us, and that’s why we must be led by the Holy Spirit.  Is this right or is that right? It’s not about what I think is right; I must receive guidance of the Holy Spirit. If I just go by the way I think is correct, I can just live by morals and ethics. If I live by my own perspective, then I can just live like I’m God, but there is something God has prepared. You must receive guidance of the Holy Spirit, He is the light along your path. Because everything is dark, we cannot know, but only the Holy Spirit reveals it to us.  

Verse 11 says “who knows a person’s thoughts except for the spirit within the” everyone has a spirit in them, Genesis 1:27, we were created as spiritual beings. The spirit within me knows me.  Even if I speak this way, the spirit within me will still know.  In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except the spirit of God.  That’s why the filling of the Holy Spirit is the greatest prayer topic, because if you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, then you can know the deep things of God.  But the devil makes you live a diligent walk of faith without knowing this. 

Even with the word of God, he makes you focus on the knowledge. “When you read this, you will receive knowledge,” but that’s not how you’ll know.  Because the Bible was written by the moving of the Holy Spirit, we can only understand it by the moving of the Holy Spirit.  Yes, of course, we have knowledge and reading so we’re able to read the bible, but we will not be able to see the important things because we only interpret it based on our level. 

Even if you read the same Bible passages, it’s different year after year because the Spirit continues to reveal more to us, so knowing the Word isn’t actually knowing it; the Holy Spirit continues to intercede in a deeper way for us.  That’s the case for me.   We’re going to go to El Salvador, and just last week, 60 people in the area around where we will go were killed. I’ve continued to research El Salvador on YouTube, and the more I research, the more I realize the more people die. Am I confident that I won’t die? I’m physical, But when I fulfill the will of God, God mobilizes the heavenly hosts.  

Do you think I don’t know these words? Do you think I don’t know the content of the Bible where it says the armies of Aram surrounded the city of Dothan?  Elisha saw the armies of angels, but his servant did not.  But Elisha saw the angels with us are greater than the armies against us. 

Do you see spiritual things with your eyes? No, you just believe it.  He was able to believe that as we are fulfilling God’s will the armies of the angels that are with us  are greater than the armies against us.  God reveals the Word of God to us according to His time schedule and it’s different.  We have to raise disciples of 237 nations, but how can we do that? It’s impossible.  We have a limitation on where we can go, then we have to lie. Honestly  speaking, we have to lie. It’s impossible for us to go. 

There are 5000 colleges in America, and even if you go to one college per day, how long is that?  In one year, you can only visit 365, and in 10 years, you can only go to 3650.  How many years must you spend to go to all 5000 colleges? Even if you don’t go anywhere else and only go to colleges, then that would take 15 years. Even if you don’t go anywhere else and go to college campuses, it still takes at least 15 years. Don’t we have to raise our kids and eat food? It’s impossible, then why do we keep relaying this word through these servant of the Lord?  It’s only possible when God opens our spiritual eyes. 

You angels who fulfill God’s Word.  When I hold onto God’s word and pray, God goes ahead of me to fulfill the Word. Do you think I don’t know these words? I’ve heard these words and said them for decades, but when we’re actually trying to evangelize to the 237 nations, it seems so dark.  How can we as a church save the 237 nations? Even if we were to only tackle a few of the 5000 tribes, it would be hard, but God reveals the Word He has given us that will surely take place.  

As I hold onto the Word of God, God will send His heavenly armies ahead of me and do the work of shining the light to the 237 nations. The moment we believe this, the answers of faith will come to us according to God’s time schedule. But if we find this hard to believe and just work hard on our own, we may see the answers of diligence, but honestly speaking, there will be more situations where things don’t  work out by our diligence.  I’m not saying that working hard is a bad thing, but we need to receive the important revelation of the Holy Spirit to believe in God’s Word. 

The more we understand and believe God’s Word, the more we realize we do missions through worship, because the more you know the spiritual mystery, the more you realize we do missions through God’s word, the more you understand what worship is.  So, the people who understand that the church is more important than the business will receive answers.  God has to bless you to open your eyes.  Most people will think their business is more important because they get money to survive, eat and buy things from business not from the church.  By the wiring of the Holy Spirit, if your eyes are opened to see the church is more important than the business, then your business will be saved as well. 

Your parents are important, for the remnants, but once you’ve received the grace of God to realize the pastor is more important than the parents, then even if someone tells you to disobey your parents, you will obey them.  Because you’re receiving the Word of God, of course you will honor your parents. America is centered on families, how important is the family?  But you have to understand that the church is more important than your family for your family to be saved. 

There are a lot of churches and a lot  of believers but they are not able to go beyond that threshold. Simply put, they’re going to church for their job. They think that the words of their parents are more important and the pastor is just some guy telling me words. They think that even if they listen to God’s Word , they cannot budge against their parents’ words. But when they come to the pastors, they’ve already made their decision and it’s pretty difficult.  

Your family is very important, but that’s not how you save your family.  The church is more important than your family, that’s how your family will be saved. Otherwise, your family will never be saved. You’re trying to make peace and trying to save everybody but it’s not taking place. What does it mean that the church is more important? The center of the church is worship, and it’s a gathering of the believers.  Once you realize that this is the most important thing, your family will come to life, but America is centered on independence and families.  It doesn’t matter what the church says, they’re on the back-burner, and that’s why families are being destroyed because they’re not centered on God, they’re not centered on worship. 

Through the church, God is doing world evangelization, but we prioritize our families.  For example, if we’re going on missions, they say, “I cannot go because of my family because my family is my idol,” This is not something you can force yourself to change; the Holy Spirit must reveal this to you.  Then, you will first seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness.  Then, all these things will be given to you, all these things you think are so important, but the more you think they are important, they will never come to life. You guys must do it first then everything will follow and be revived, and remnants, you need to know this properly. 

You must not learn by looking at incorrect things.  Then you guys  will all fall together. You guys must have the correct things, believe them, experience them, and relay them.  All these things are hidden in the world; you cannot see them until the Holy Spirit reveals them to you.

1 Corinthians 2:12, “What we have received is not the spirit of the world,” this means there is a spirit of the world, and we each have a spirit within us, and there is the spirit of God, and there’s the spirit of the world, there are spiritual entities that are ruling over the world.  Last week, we read Galatians that are not given a spirit of fear, but a spirit of sonship that enables us to cry out, “Abba, Father,.” If the spirit of God is not within us then we are seized by the spirit of the world, and because of that, we cannot realize the spiritual things of God.  That’s why all the scholars and leaders under Pharoah with worldly knowledge could not solve the problems without God.  But if you have the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, then you can solve the problems. 

That was Joseph.  “Whom can we find like this man, one in whom is the Spirit of God.” It means he was relying on the Holy Spirit, in other words, he was centered on spiritual things.  That’s why he was able to do things the world isn’t aware of; we win without fighting. Remnants, you must study well, that’s basic, if you believe in Jesus Christ, you should nto be lazy on purpose.  If you work hard, that’s just basic. “Do I not have to work hard?” that should be basic, even among unbelievers, you’re subpar, someone we can’t even talk to. Everyone in the world is working hard, even if they don’t have abilities, they do whatever they can, that’s obvious, and everyone lives like that but that’s not enough, we must transcend that into God’s  blessings.  You must have that in order for you to come to life and for you to conquer the world. You will overcome the spirit of the world. The devil moves with his strategies, but how can we overcome that?  If the Holy Spirit doesn’t reveal it to us through worship and His Word, then we cannot understand. 

We did not receive a spirit of the world, but the Spirit Who is from God.  Right now, within you and me, where is the Spirit from?  Some people say “I prayed like this and received this answer” we don’t know if that answer was from the spirit of God or of the world.  However, the characteristic of the Spirit that is of God is in John 14:26-27. He lets us understand the Word of God, what words?  the words of Christ.  Even the Jewish people said they understood the words of the Old Testament but it was incorrect. That’s why it must be the words of Christ. 

The Jewish people rejected Christ, they didn’t listen to the words of Christ at all. The Holy Spirit reveals and reminds us of the words of Christ.  So, if you look at the Bible and you see words irrelevant to the gospel, it is useless, it’s not important at all.  But we keep on holding onto tertiary things, saying we’ve understood that, but that’s something even philosophers can’t understand.

There’s something we may understand that God has freely given to us. There’s something God has freely given to us, He gives us the Holy Spirit so we may understand what it is.  That’s during times of worship and prayer.  Whenever you come to worship, you’re coming here to open the present God has given to you, so you should come with eager anticipation.  “What will God reveal to me today through the Holy Spirit?” 

God doesn’t solve your problems; He opens your eyes. When your eyes are opened you’ll realize the things you thought were a problem before are actually not a problem.   Your circumstances may never change, but because God opens your spiritual eyes you yourselves change.  Buddha was styring to change himself, but that did not take place. You can only change when you receive the spirit from God. 

Especially the remnants coming out on Friday night worship must receive extra blessings, because if you look at this age, it’s hard for remnants to come to church on Fridays, then do not just come, but come with eager anticipation of the present God is going to give to you, worship in spirit and in truth.  Rely on the Holy Spirit within me and ask for God to give you wisdom with His Word.  If you’re just sitting here with a blank mind, then you’re not relying on the Holy Spirit; you’re just sitting here.  

Religious people who just try feel a sense of accomplishment by coming to church with actions, they cannot overcome the world. But a lot of people say, “I’ve come to church following my parents ever since I was young,” but don’t misundersatnd, you were actually a slave of the devil ever since you were young. Because people rely on the fact that they’ve believed in their entire life, they don’t actually have this walk of faith.  They don’t really know their true problem; they were a slave to Satan, sin, curses, and death, but they just think they are believers because their parents packaged them by going to chruch. Because they don’t know the fundamental  problem, they’re not able to find the solution.  

If there are any remnants like this, you have to correctly interpet this, undertanding, “Ever since I was little, I was a slave to Original Sin, curses, and Satan, and I was just coming to church with my parents as religion,” othberwise they’ll think, “I’ve gone to church eversince I was young, “But they won’t know what their real problems are. “I’ve gone to church my entire life,” why am I like this and even now, you’re living a religious life because you don’t know what your true problem is.  

You just think you can overcome this with your actions of coming to church.  The more lineages people believe, the more religious they become.  The reason is because we have no choice but to live a religious life until the complete and perfect gospel comes into us. Then people try to reveal themselves with all their devotions without realizing they’re sinners.  Once the Holy Spirit reveals this to you, then you will know.  The proper way to give worship is by relying on the Holy Spirit and receiving God’s Word.  

“I just came here because of my mom and dad,” that also requires God’s work but don’t just sit here blank minded, but look for the blessings and answers God is trying to reveal to you by relying on the Holy Spirit; these are all spiritual blessings.  The things of the earth are seen with the eyes, it’s all there, it’s just not mine. But what the Lord is trying to give to us to see the blessings God has already given to us. That’s what it means to realize and understand the spiritual words of God.  The same words of the Bible I’ve heard so many years now seem new and deeper and greater every day. That’s God’s grace. 

God has prepared the spiritual blessings for you to do world evangelization. That’s undeniable.  God has prepared world evangelization with this spiritual blessing.  You cannot do this with money. Money must follow people with spiritual blessings to do this.  That’s why God continuously reveals the spiritual blessings to us so we may establish God’s kingdom and world evangelization, that’s restoration and healing.  “I have to receive healing”, that’s not something you get, only as you receive God’s spiritual blessings will those problems disappear.  All your life, you were holding onto things like beggars and became scarred. We were in competition, I was scared because of people’s words. We get oppressed by the physical things from our parents. These are all scars to us. Or, “I was trying to do something with my physical strength, but I was lacking,” and that became a scar for us.  

How can heal that? You can only receive healing only when you receive tremendously good things.  We cannot receive healing through the worldly things, psychology and therapy are good, they can change our heart a little bit but you have to receive the true, greatly spiritual things for a person to change.  The Holy Spirit reveals these spiritual blessings to you in the time schedule to save people and to change the field.  Your goal is to save the field.  For the remnants, if you keep holding onto things you’ve heard in the world, it will never work.  Those are just physical things of the world, it could be like this or like that, God will reveal the things necessary to save these people and to change this field according to the time schedule with the blessings He has given me through worship.  

That is how we will restore the blessings prepared by God to save the 70 tribes and 70 nations.  If someone has a lot of mental fortitude or a lot of diligence and tries to do it with their own strength, it doesn’t work out that way. They will be conflicted a lot because it doesn’t work. Even if the work takes place, it cannot continue, because by the method of God, you must give the tremendous spiritual blessings of God to that person in order to live. That person can only have continuation if you allow them to worship for God’s blessings and grace.  

God gives you spiritual blessings according to the time schedule and worship, but if you yourself are not able to worship, how can you relay these blessings to anyone you meet?  This worship seems like it’s very foolish and there’s nothing to gain from it, but that’s how God always works. What is the point of God’s good purpose? God makes it so that this is hidden to those with other motives.  It’s possible that some  people may think, “We have to listen to the words of a famous professor on TV, if we come to church we have to listen to the same words over and over again, we can listen to that on YouTube” but I hope you will quickly escape from that religion. I’m not saying that’s good or bad, I’m saying it’s religion. 

How great of a blessing is worship? God is revealing to us the tremendous blessings of heaven according to the tshc. God gives you the word through the servant of the Lord and allows you to relay it.  Just as the farmer tastes his own crops first, the pastor receives God’s  word first and relays it. Now during zu the pandemic we have online worship and in person worship like this, and we need both.  In order to do world evangelization, we cannot always gather everyone here, so that’s why we need online worship, too. However, people who truly know the meaning and blessing of worship will follow even though they’re far away.

For people who have not tasted this, they will argue about things like, “I don’t have time and the gas prices are too high,” and that’s not bad but they will have a hard time changing the field because they need the spiritual blessing.  Even now, there’s a disciple who is praying for someone in South Sudan to be able to participate in worship with us. If we didn’t have online worship, that would be impossible, so we need both online and in-person worship.  They cannot come to this worship in-person because they’re in Africa, so that’s why they must worship online. God knows this and works appropriately.  You need to know what worship is.  

Every week and every time we give worship there’s a blessing God gave us but if you just sit here blank-mindedly, that’s all you’re going to receive because your state is blank, then even as you worship, you’re going to get annoyed.  Even as you listen, you’ll get frustrated because you want to be emotionally moved but you’re spiritually blocked, then when you go back into your life, you’ll fall back into your old habits of your unbeliever life.  Instead of doing that, rely on the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is within you, and the Word of God.  Just like when you go into the King’s Palace, you go there looking forward to the great blessings and gifts prepared for you, and if you do this, then this will be relayed to all the people around you.  Then all the people who are following you will become like that as well, that’s why it’s so important.  

Even though we know about the spiritual blessings of our status and authority, I hope that God will reveal this to you with the depth and width according to the time schedule to change the field.


Let us pray remembering the words we have received today.  

Our second prayer topic, starting from next week, we’ll be going to Navajo.  We will be leaving on a train on Tuesday afternoon and we’ll be doing our mission on Wednesday- Thursday coming back on Friday, and God’s plan is for the church to be saved and to come to life.  For the entire week, if you really concentrate  spiritually on the Native American reservation, many works of God will take place.  For the people who are going on the mission, please take the cover of the church bulletin in color, it has the Way of Salvation in English, Korean and Spanish, bring them with you.  

For people who are not going, if you have the church bulletin stacked up, I hope you will bring them to because we will be doing the message with this because it was recreated, so that if you just read through it, the works of God will take place.  For three days, we’ll be distributing this to the kids in Navajo and we’ll be delivering the message through that.  We are planning on giving them the most spiritual and simple message so that even when we come back, they can continue giving that message.  

They have internet service there as well, so we are planning to connect to them online so that they can continue the ministry inside of the church even when we get back, and the bulletin also has the link, so it’s the best thing to take, we will need that when we go to Karen and as well as the Spanish version when we go to El Salvador.  So, if you take the covers of the church bulletins, and you’ll bring them to the church and we will use them alot for these missions.

At this time, let us pray in concentration for the Navajo Missions Camp.  They have their own religion, ideology, and idols there that are preventing them from receiving the pure gospel, and there are generational scars that they have received from the nation of America, and that will never change.  Only when the tremendous blessing of God comes into them will they overcome that. It doesn’t matter how they change their thinking; they will never change. It doesn’t matter how much money the American government gives to them, they will neer change.  Let us pray together at this time.  

As you guys know, El Salvador is physically dangerous, don’t you think that’s a sign from God to tell us to concentrate in prayer for that region? The forces of darkness and evil spirits and gangsters must be broken down there.  May all the originally existing religions like Catholicism, these evil spirits of the sky be completely broken down in Christ Jesus.  I don’t know if the president there is crazy or something, I don’t know if the YouTube videos I watch are accurate, but I heard the president is trying to change their main currency there to bitcoin, so it’s the forces of darkness who are working through the leaders of the ruler of the age.  Let us pray together for El Salvador.

For the Karen mission camp, there are two young adults there that we’ve been telling to come to LA but there was no mission home prepared within the church.  Because all the people in the church are not in a circumstance where they can welcome the young adults from Karen, there are three people who come to church from Elem Silver Twin while I was praying for this and speaking about this they heard this and told me it would be good if the two young adult from Karen to come live with them for mission home, and they would even be given jobs to work at Elim Silvertown during the day.  

Once we go there, and after the missions camp is over, two young adults from Karen will come to LA.  The plan is that they will come here to live in LA for a while, they will be making money, and they will be coming to church and receive training. There is A work God is doing in each of these three mission fields in  God’s time schedule.  That must be connected with your life.  The work God is doing through the church right now at this moment is connected to me right now.  If that is not connected to me right now, then simply connect it. If you don’t want to connect your life to this then pray to God for the grace to want this, because this is what the church is doing and your life must be connected to that.  

Right now, God is raising the remnants through the Saturday Evangelism school for children and youth and the Young Adult evangelism school, especially the children’s evangelism school.  God is gathering the children here, and yes, it’s important for them to pray, but the important things must go into them.  Because they’re empty inside, what you plan to not them first will determine their life. It’s not about whether they understand or not because the Holy Spirit is inside of them.  Will reveal it, so for the messengers, it’s not  about getting them you understand, but the Holy Spirit within them will tell  them to understand.  

The way to save these children is to completely devote Saturdays as the RUTC movement to completely save them and to root them down into the covenant. Your life must be staked on that.  Your business, your money, your time, and your prayers must be completely staked on this in order for you to go all into the work God is doing now. Stop arguing with your own circumstances.  “Oh, I’ll do that once this happens,” then that will never happen. You have to gionto the work God is doing now.  “My body is so weak and sick,” so what? Just go into the work God is doing and God will take care of it, so I hope you will first go into this blessing. Let us pray together.  

Finally let us pray for the Sunday worship.  During the Sunday worship, by the working of God’s Holy Spirit, people are healed and they are able to receive God’s word and this requires a tremendous prayer background. A lot of people are not  coming to the Early Morning service. If we don’t have people who are praying intercessory prayer, then the weak people cannot be saved and the church’s spiritual atmosphere cannot be revived.  That is why you guys are the main figures of when you gather together to worship, the kingdom of God is established, the forces of darkness are broken down and God’s prepared people are raised up.  Every single morning, the early morning time is important.  

Let us pray right now for the worship, the prayer, and the life movement to take place in the fields.  

Finally let us pray together for the remnants out of state.  They’re up on the projector screen, let us pray for them together, and let us pray for our missions fields.  

Something we should continuously pray for is that the second service on Sunday’s will be translated to Spanish and Mongolia to be relayed to different nations.  There’s an interpreter during the second service who is able to take the Korean and translate it into Mongolian, and we will also translate the second service into Spanish and send it out into the fields.  Because there are two interpreters who have arisen, we are able to give this gospel into the natives.  During service, you need to realize there is simultaneous interpretation happening, and you must participate in worship to know this.  This is how the church is progressing.  

When you pray for Temple Construction, it must be a temple that is able to facilitate all these translations, and that’s how you are aligned with the present and the future.  It’s not just the building; the building is just the building, but we must be able to translate into the 237 nations.  Let us pray together for the interpreters as well as the field and regional churches.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of people of God, the remnants, and the multiethnics who have prepared to receive the tremendous blessings to save the 237 nations, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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