The Greatest Blessing of Meeting (Acts 18:1-4)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Greatest Blessing of Meeting (Acts 18:1-4)

If I’m not blessed, then all the meetings I have will end in disaster.  Then, we need to find out how I can become a blessing.

1. The Blessed Me

1) Col. 1:26

All Creation Jesus Christ, Heaven / Earth, Visible / Invisible

Everything invisible, the Lord’s angels, demons, the air we breathe, it was all created by Jesus.  Everything you see, the house you live in, your teachers, the content of everything was within God’s creation.  You need to know this for you to realize later on that you’re blessed. 

What was everything created for? Everything was created for Jesus.  You may know Who created everything, but you need to know for what did He create everything.  Everyone who goes to church knows Who everything was created for.  We were created for Jesus, do you agree?  If you agree with that, you’ve already received half the blessing.  If you don’t agree, then even though you have blessings, you keep losing hold of them.  Then, you’ll realize things are not centered on you.

If everything has been created for Jesus, then our greatest goal is to know Jesus.  The goal of her and me meeting together is to know Jesus.  Everything you’re studying is from Creation, it was made by God, so this is the goal, that’s what this means, then you know why you have to live, you know why you must study, and you now know why you must get married, and you also know why you shouldn’t get married.  Everything is for Christ.  Then it’s so simple.

All of creation was not created for me, it was created for Christ.  When did we receive salvation? God already planned our salvation before creation, do you understand? That’s why through me and through all of creation, Christ is revealed.  Knowing Christ is the greatest of all knowledge. Inside of Jesus Christ are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  Then, you’ve already received so many blessings. 

For us, we’re not trying to get blessings, we already know this, we know the superpower nation of America exists for Christ.  Then, you will escape from slavery.  However, a lot of Christians go to church and don’t believe in God, but they don’t believe the reason they study and work is for Christ, so they must work for themselves.  Then, all the studies and work I’m doing exist for Christ, then I use it for myself, then it’s difficult and hard.  That’s why I don’t receive answers.  No matter how much you go to church, you don’t receive answers. 

Most people don’t hold onto the real answers; they give out fake answers, but that’s even for unbelievers.  So, even as people go to church, they don’t know the real things, they don’t know why everything was created, so they lose hold of those things, but you must realize all those blessings have already been given to me, and even the family I’m in, God made that for Christ. Your time is for Christ, simply put, everything is used to know Christ, and that’s the Old Testament. 

Jewish people thought that if they lived their walk of faith, they’d receive salvation through their actions, and that’s why they’re so far from Christ. The law was created so we know our own sin and then we’d know Jesus Christ but they lost hold of Jesus Christ and held onto the law, then the temple and worship were broken up because it should be for Christ. The Temple David held onto was made for Christ, and the reason why I’m living on this earth is for the Christ.  But what happens if you study so diligently without knowing this? Then you’re not aligned with God, and even if you’re good at studying, you’re not aligned with God. It doesn’t matter if you’re good at studying or not; if you’re not aligned with God, Satan will work on you. That’s why people commit suicide.

Why would a believer shoot someone else?  That person goes to church but they don’t have the knowledge of Christ.  So, it’s not okay, just because you go to church, that’s a great misconception.  Satan pushes into you until you have only Christ.  But you only receive this as a theory, so you’ll have to experience suffering in order to realize, but it takes too long to restore. You have to be aligned with God.  All your studies and all your work is for the Christ and to know Christ.

2. World

1) 2 Cor. 10:4-5

We are not fighting against people, we are fighting against the authority of the world, which is Satan.  That weapon is not a physical weapon.  So, it doesn’t matter how much you prepare; when you go out into the world, you will fail, 100%, you will fail as an elite in the temple 100%, no matter how much physically you succeed and you’re an elite, it is not a physical battle.

This weapon will demolish strongholds.  If you have this weapon, you will demolish strongholds, no matter how strong ideologies are.  That is the power of God.  Then, the weapon is God’s divine power that demolishes strongholds and fortresses. 

All Theories

Problem- It’s a problem



Problems are included in all of creation, right? Then you need to ask the Lord Who is controlling that problem. You need to find God’s plan because God is moving all creation, including this problem.  Then, instead of opposing God, you acknowledge Christ, then you will receive your answer. Then, that is our weapon.  That is our weapon to fight against the world.  Then, what does it say?

We demolish every argument.


Every Thought

Obedient to Christ

We oppose this because of our scientific knowledge.  “How could God have created everything?” You oppose Him with the knowledge you’ve learned, you need to make that obedient to Christ. You cannot overcome this world with theories, you cannot overcome the world with studies. It must be only Christ.  What about only Christ?  Will the problems of the world be irrelevant to you if you just shout, “only Christ”?  “Only Christ” means you lay down all your thoughts before only Christ. Because ultimately it is because of me and my ideologies that I oppose Jesus Christ, and that results in curses and disasters. 

Because you don’t have only Christ, you’re facing disasters. Do you think disasters will not come? Satan will drag you to disasters.  If people are committing suicide as they face a problem, that’s a disaster as they are seized by Satan.  You need to understand what “only Christ” means. Christ solved all problems but if that’s just your knowledge, then he will be taken over.  God gives you the blessings of meeting when you have this blessing of knowing this, so that you can relay this news to others.  

I talked about this during the second service, but businesspeople and students without this center, your meetings will not be a blessing.  Most people are far away from being centered on this, they think, “My business will not take place if I live like this,” I think about 80-90% of people think, “This is something only pastors should do; we can’t run our business like this,” but that’s your own theory you’ve listened to and sharpened.  You don’t know that that is opposing God. 

You have your own thoughts you’ve heard, “This is not how you run a business,” you’ve heard somewhere, “This is not how you study.”  But that person must acknowledge Christ for it to be a blessing.  You need to run your business with a center on the covenant, “I will save people like this for God to work upon my business.”  But instead, people keep taking religious-based and prosperity-based faith, “If I do this, my business will be blessed, like the pastor said.” That’s not true; when you use the business to save someone, that’s a covenantal business and God will attach people to you.  The business must follow God like that for the business to be a blessing.

But how do most people think?  They’ve already determined for themselves, “We shouldn’t live our lives according to God’s Word.” Where did you learn that? From God’s Word.  It’s only difficult because you mixed this incorrect Word from what you learned in the world.  We need to make a masterpiece.  The Word of God doesn’t change.  Your business should also be for Christ.  God is with you so you can relay Christ to this person and save them.  If the students study with this, of course, God has no choice but to work upon your studies, not because of the studies but because of the covenant.

When we talk about the weapon against the world, businesspeople’s business should be the weapon, as we go into the world with the business. Students, as you study, you need a weapon.  That’s for the Christ.  If it is for Christ, you lay down everything for yourself with faith, that is the weapon to win.  Then, whether you do your business or whatever you do, you’ll always have answers of victory.  These blessings of meeting will keep happening.  Your business needs to follow within this.  This is how everything you’ve studied will be your specialization and how it will be used.  But because you have so many priorities from the world, you keep wavering back and forth, and that needs to be healed. 

This needs to go firmly into you while you’re in middle or high school, that’s how you live the rest of your life like this.  Whatever you’ve learned in middle and high school follow you your entire life. At your age, if the incorrect things go into you, you’ll be moved your whole life with that.  Stalin and Hitler were dictators who killed countless people, why?  They were continuously abused while they were in middle and high school.  If that does not change with the gospel, they will grow up to do things like that later on.  They reached the seat of success, so they used success to abuse other people, just as they were abused. 

Your future is whatever is being imprinted in you now, so that’s why right now, this time is such a blessing. If you don’t think that and your mind is just blank right now, then your whole life will be “meh.”  That’s why when you’re a remnant, this is going to go into you for the rest of your life.  Then no matter what this person does, because there’s something hooked into them, you’re doing it for that, but what happens if it’s not hooked into you? Of course, you’re going to live for yourself, and that’s Gen. 3, 6, and 11. You become your own standard.  You choose whatever you want to do, Gen. 6.  Yes, of course we do what we want to do, you need to live for Christ but instead you do what you want to do. You succeed for yourself.  Yes, we need to succeed, but it’s for me, because that’s what’s hooked into you.  It’s going to take a long time for that to come out, even though nothing is impossible for God. 

When I look at myself, it’s going to take a lot of surgery.  He’s going to have to anesthetize my entire body.  God gives me the grace to completely break me down and extract everything out of me. By His grace, it doesn’t hurt too much, but it requires a lot of surgery. If this doesn’t go into your heart, then your life is bound to go in the direction you’ve seen and heard. You have no idea how important this is, do you think the devil would leave you alone during this time of worship?  Satan will take this time away from you, and parents will want to take their kids from worship.  The mental problem is that they don’t know what’s important. Then it’s just a repetition, this is how important it is. 

If someone doesn’t know, they just go in their ignorance, but if someone knows, they just stay still.  If you know what’s going to happen in the future, you can’t stay still. You’re only staying still because you don’t know the future, don’t you think that’s true?  The disciples of Jesus knew what would happen in the future, would they stay still? That’s why they just know, but if you don’t know what’s in the future, you’ll just go with the flow. But if you know what’s happening in the future and you see it, you can’t stay still.

There’s Pastor Kim who has to get heart surgery every 3 years, so they don’t know what’s going to happen but he stakes his life for those three years and works take place.  He was living his whole life as if it was a joke, he took nothing seriously but one day, his heart condition came up where he might die in three years, so he staked his life for the next three years. If you know your future, you know your today. If you die tomorrow, you’ll know what you must do today.  But once you know the truth, you will see the future.

When this goes into you in middle and high school, you’ll see the future and what you must do. Then what will happen to the heart of the person who knows this?  Jesus says, “Do not weep for me, but weep for your children. “ Do you think someone believing in Jesus Christ cries just because they receive grace? Some people cry because of Jesus every day but they don’t care about people dying.  Crying can be cathartic but there’s something we really need to cry for. 

If you know the future of the children, you will cry and pray for them. But you stay still because you don’t see it, and that’s darkness. The darkness has blinded you so you cannot see. If we cover all the windows with curtains, it becomes dark in the room and you can’t see; if you open the curtains, you can see outside, you can see by the light of the Word, you can see your future.  Whatever goes into you will be revealed later. 

If you’re focused on “me, my things, what I like, my success,” then you already know your future and it will be a disaster.  If you can see that, you will not be able to stay still.  The one who does is strange.  Without a doubt, we are in a war and the enemy enters in, but we’re unaware so we’re just sleeping.  The one who sees the enemy intruding will sound the trumpet and say we have to prepare, but we cannot see the enemy? Then when the enemy who comes in, those who are unprepared will face their destiny, but the prepared ones will be different.

If you have this covenant, then amazingly, God is going to give you blessings of meeting through your specialization. Within the people you meet, there’s business and everything as everything exists for that covenant.  This kind of remnant.  That’s why you guys need to be trained.  It’s not enough to just give worship, “I gave worship once,” that’s not enough.  It must be imprinted into you.  It must be hooked into you.  If someone is really intense about something, they’re passionate about it, but otherwise, they’ll be lukewarm, wavering back and forth.  But the kids grow up with the news, TV, and their phones, so it will get hooked into them, and whatever gets hooked into them now becomes the rest of their life.

What will they be hooked onto? Their family, when the incorrect things get hooked into them, it will flow for generations.  These blessings of meeting have already been prepared but you remain within the covenantal blessings.  It is not Christ, but it is my strength, my weapon, my wisdom, my method, everything is hidden within Christ. It’s simple, isn’t it?  If you don’t know this mystery, you’ll try to prepare so many things and lose hold of everything.

D. L. Moody. He only graduated from elementary school, so that means, even if you haven’t accomplished much in the world, it’s okay, but some people use that to block people from Christ. That’s why God uses a lot of people who are uneducated, not because they’re uneducated, but because they have only Christ.  Being uneducated is not the standard; Christ is the standard. It’s great if you’re well-educated and say, “Only Christ,” but many educated people oppose Christ. They’ve heard their own things, they actually oppose God.

If she meets me and has a different opinion, is she right or am I right?  We’re both wrong; we must find the Truth of what God’s Word says, and that’s correct.  My words, our words, our meeting together exists for Christ, so why do we conflict with one another? It’s because you’re opposing God, you think you’re right, then what’s going to happen?  One day your life will be broken apart and collapsed because everything disappears outside of Christ.

The reason you have conflicts and division is because of yourself. Acknowledge Christ as the blessing of meeting, you must change all your meetings into blessings.  Then what a great blessing is the church? But you hold onto your own standards and sense of right or wrong. “Why is that person like that?” But why are you like that?  God made that person, but you oppose God by saying, “Why did you make them like that?” You don’t know that you’re opposing God.

Then, you’re seized by Satan.  Satan holds onto you if you don’t have Christ. I don’t really know how much you acknowledge that.  I haven’t really talked to you about this, but I have a hunch that most of you don’t acknowledge this.  But think about this, you have all heard Christ, “I need to live for Christ,” but in reality, you don’t have only Christ come out.  Some people are always lying, right? We can lie, but what does Satan do about that? He’s going to seize you with that. 

If you’re lying, and other people fall for it, it may seem like your life has no problems, but Satan seizes you with that.  So, if you don’t know the spiritual knowledge, you cannot stand before God.  People keep doing illegal things and it’s possible they can, but that spirit will be seized by Satan. Then what happens?  Once Satan holds onto you like that, you’ll have to go in the direction he drags you. I’m giving you these examples to explain spiritual things. 

At your job as well, the Word of God tells you to treat your superiors and manager like God but what you’ve learned is that you’re the best, so you don’t like your manager, then you’re the one who will suffer because God gave that manager their authority but you’re not acknowledging God. God gave them that authority, that’s how the organization moves. But you’re opposing that, and if you oppose that authority, you oppose God. Then what will happen o your life? It doesn’t matter how skilled you are, you cannot live in society.  You learn that in your family.

What am I saying? The words of Christ are the Truth, then we need to be prepared in His Word, if you are not prepared in the words of Christ, you make all your judgments based on your thoughts and emotions. “Only Christ” means you acknowledge only Christ in everything that happens.  We were doing meditation prayer with my daughter, and I told her to take her mask off, but she didn’t.  I kept telling her to take her mask off, and I asked her why she didn’t, and she said, “You were forcing me.”

Why is that? that’s the education of America, “Don’t force me to do anything, that’s my freedom.” It doesn’t matter even if you’re the teacher.  But what does the Bible say? You need to teach them God’s word. What will happen in the future? They’ll get beat up.  I’m not saying she’s opposing the pastor, but she opposes the authority given by God.  Without teaching this to them, this becomes their nature and source of suffering. When they go to school, they may not be able to talk back to their teachers, but it’s inside of them.

When that person goes to their job, they’ll talk back to their manager as they don’t know their job, and they’ll just get another job, but they haven’t learned anything about God. I’m not saying you have to be obedient to people, you have to obey God.  Same thing, in your problems, acknowledge God. In your situation, acknowledge God, but we’ve been educated to not do that. 

We learn, “If you don’t want to do it, don’t do it.”  That’s the education of Gen. 6, “If you want to do it, do it; if you don’t want to do it, don’t do it,” but that’s disaster. If it’s a benefit and success for me, I put all my strength in for that.   We succeed for Christ. That blessed person will have blessings of meeting, and if you have this meeting, it will become a platform. The people need to hear God’s word, so raise them up as antennae to communicate with God.

It starts with you. Today’s message is about that.  Even if there’s a lot you don’t understand, even if you get a general gist or idea of what I’m saying, that’s success, but if you don’t have a clue, you’re going to wander.  God will use the remnants in the fourth and fifth industrial revolution to save, so don’t worry about your studies.  God gave you your face and your talents.  If you remain within the flow of God’s word, and the training of the word, these things will be revealed.  May you have the blessing.

God, we thank You.  Please bless the remnants. We believe you will bless them in advance to be the future pastors, church officers, and ministers.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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