The Five Assurances

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Five Assurances

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

Healing Evangelism School

5 Assurances


1. Eph. 2:1 Dead – Spirit; (Life) -> Power

2. Eph 2:2 Forces of Darkness – Battle (Spirit)

3. Physical Reality (Eph. 2:3), Objects of Wrath

Healing: Thoughts, Heart, Brain – Imprint, Soul – Regional Background

Grace: Sin X, Satan X, Hell X, Acts 1:8 Thoughts, Heart, Jesus Christ, Heart Brain, Salvation, Heavenly Throne


Word – Memorize, Forum Pray, Imprint – Worship, Conference; Root, Nature

10 Mysteries

If it’s not like this, you have to let go of the responsibility, because it doesn’t matter if you point out and confirm that there’s a problem.  It’s only right because that’s a problem of Gen. 3, but everything has been finished through imprinting the Word.

10 Foundations

This is our foothold so we will not be shaken.  The past imprints we have, we have no choice but to be shaken up by that, so we need this foundation. God’s absolute sovereignty.  That’s how you have to see your past and change it through God’s Word.  Everything is within God’s sovereignty; this has to come into you for you to acknowledge that. Even the rain is under God’s sovereignty.  We wish for it to not rain, but that is just thinking that comes from being self-centered.  God has allowed this rain to be poured down on California, and it’s because that’s when God’s absolute sovereignty must be imprinted and rooted inside of me. 

Assurance – End

The problems of today, whether it’s money or people, it’s nothing in front of eternity, so even today’s happiness is nothing in front of eternity.  The end of flesh comes when we’ve reached the end, the mission.

1. Assurance of Salvation 1 John 5:10-11, John 5:24

2. Assurance of Guidance (Counselor)

God promised to guide us, we have to have this assurance.  The younger generation has no confidence in the future, because they do not have this assurance.  But you have to hold onto the end of world evangelization. Even now, the Holy Spirit guides me, but without an end, you will always be shaken.  Look at Paul, when a storm overtook their ship, he said, “Do not fear, you must stand before Caesar.” God told him to do world evangelization.  Otherwise, you’re bound to be shaken.

People who do not have the end of 70 nations, 70 disciples, if a good thing happens, they will be happy; if a bad thing happens, they will be depressed and shaken because they don’t know the end.  The word of “the end” is not imprinted in them. But because Gen. 3, their own plan is imprinted within them, they cannot see the end.

3. Answer (John 16:24, John 14:14)

When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God answers.  You don’t pray because you’re imprinted with other things. Have the assurance of answers to prayers. This is something you should write down. You shouldn’t just listen to this, please write this down and look over it at home. It’s not just something to look at and stare at. Do you have confidence you’ll remember all this?  Imprint then it takes root. If you stay still and just listen, old imprints will take hold of you and healing won’t take place.

4. Forgiveness of Sins (1 John 1:9)

If we do something wrong, Satan oppresses us.  Make middle schoolers and high schoolers memorize this and have forum with them to see how much they understand.  For college students, prayer must take place, they must pray with the Word, then it will definitely take place, answers with the Word.

5. Assurance of Victory (John 16:33, 1 John 3:8)

Go forth with assurance of victory.  Even in trials, God gives you a way to escape. But without this Word, no matter how much you’ve been saved, you still shake in fear.  In front of your imprints, you are the center, thinking, “Can I succeed? Can I overcome?” So, for these five assurances, you must be able to see the end, the end of world evangelization, and live for that. You can also call this the CVDIP.  If there is no end, you cannot have the answer of CVDIP. 

It is through Christ we have received salvation, the vision of world evangelization, the dream, the part through which I do world evangelization, and the guidance of God’s Word, and the image of prayer, that’s how the image comes out, and my masterpiece. It’s the same thing.  But if this isn’t rooted in you, you’ll be shaken.  God has saved us to the point to which we should not be shaken, but we do not believe so we shake.  Through the seven journeys, we must hold onto this Word. The fact that we have this Word imprinted in us is an answer in itself.

For elementary, middle, and high schoolers, it is a time to imprint the Word; answers come later.  Once this is imprinted in them, answers will be revealed to them later.  But why are they shaken right now? The Word isn’t imprinted in them. But it is because the past is more deeply imprinted in me, that shakes me, but you have to stake your life in imprinting, rooting, and having the nature of this Word.

Have this meditation and summit time.  That’s what we first learned in the past.  When we went to conferences, we would listen to the Word and write it down, and during lunch, we would focus on it and pray, and we would go to dinner conferences and write it down, and back at our accommodations, we would meditate on it, then going into the next conference, we meditate on yesterday’s word, and then during lunch, we give forum. It was like this in the past. These conferences would go for two nights and three days.  Sometimes it would end late at night so I would come home early the next morning. 

I would continue in the car ride, praying regarding the Word, even in the state of affliction.  So, if the commute is long, I would ride early morning on Wednesday, and then I enter into the field of evangelism, and I hold onto the Word and pray.  When I come back, it’s Wednesday service.  Thursday, I once again listened to and held onto the Word, so every weekday, I listened to the Word, morning and night.  On Thursday I would go to the golden fishing grounds, and same for Friday. Then I go to Friday night service, holding onto the Word in prayer, and on Saturday morning, we give worship, and that’s when we have the core worship.  We listened to that and went to the field at lunch, and we would come back Saturday evening to give worship again.  Then it was Sunday.  It’s a continuous cycle of worship, prayer, and evangelism.

I’m saying it was like that for me, because God pushed me towards that environment.  At times, not a lot of words came into me because I was in that state of Gen. 3.  But as time passed, I came to this point.  It would be nice to have known the principle then, but I didn’t know what imprints were. I just held onto the Word because I knew I would be afflicted if I didn’t, but where is this principle? I thought it was like this so I did so.  But as time passed by, and according to God’s time schedule, I saw God guided me towards this.

So, the Karen remnants and Camren are receiving healing, it’s the same thing for them. No one can help you. You have to stand before God.  You have to do this individually where you wake up in the morning, holding onto the Word and praying.  Or else, the imprints of Gen. 3, whether it’s powerless or anything else, it will reside in you. Your scars will remain, salvation is completely finished in everything, but instead of this Word, the other things enter you and control you. I’m not saying to put your diligence and effort into this, but enjoy this through God’s grace.  That’s how I was able to live that life, because of God’s grace, I enjoyed it but I didn’t have money.  If you don’t have money, you have to receive answers through prayer. Who has money? Whenever I went to eat lunch, I had to receive God’s grace.  That’s how God trained me. 

At times, I had to go to Seoul National University without money to even buy lunch. When I walked the streets, I saw things on sale for 50 cents, and God was training me according to what was right at the time.  Who has enough money to buy clothes?  No one.  I received grace to the point of not caring about those things.  Eventually I saw it to be a process of changing my imprints of Gen. 3 into God’s Word.

Write these things down.


May the five assurances become my imprint, root, and nature. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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