The Filling of the Holy Spirit to Overcome All Problems in Preparation for Canaan Conquest (Numbers 11:1-15, 31-35)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Filling of the Holy Spirit to Overcome All Problems in Preparation for Canaan Conquest (Numbers 11:1-15, 31-35)

We will share the grace of God’s Word through Numbers 11 today.  The Israelites lived in Egypt as slaves for 400 years because they lost hold of the Covenant and it’s the same message, if we lose hold of God’s covenant we will live as slaves to the world.  Only when they restored the blood covenant did they escape from the world and Satan’s grasp.  Now, these Israelites are being led by the Lord, not only to Canaan but to conquer Canaan.  Canaan is a land of idolatrous religions, of complete human-centeredness.  God’s goal was to conquer Canaan, and to accomplish this, God was organizing all the Israelite people.

In order to pass through wilderness and conquer Canaan you need to hold onto the principles and the Word of God.  If they held onto “my thoughts” or “my experiences,” then without a doubt, would go back to slavery in Egypt.  That is why God gave the Tabernacle where they could personally be with God.  He also organized the tribes of Israel.

Last week, God gave us the message that He gives very detailed direction through the blowing of the trumpets.  Whenever the Israelites were mobilized, there was always a rule underlying it, and that’s in Numbers 10:32, that the Ark of the Covenant must always be before them.  We don’t go wherever we want, and it doesn’t work out if we just leave.  Without a doubt, the priests must carry the ark of the covenant at the forefront and the people must follow wherever it goes, because God is with them through the Ark of the Covenant, but they didn’t know this while in Egypt.

This is also the way to fight against Canaan.  Therefore, we don’t need our methods and experiences anymore, if the Ark of the Covenant stops, we stop.  By following the Ark of the Covenant, the fortress of Jericho was destroyed.  That’s God’s method, but what is our method?  “We can do it, people can do it,” and that’s why we’re enslaved, so you shouldn’t listen to people’s words; you must follow the covenant. You need to follow the Ark of the Covenant, in other words, God’s Word, is telling you.  

So, it’s been about two years and a few months since they’ve left Egypt, built the tabernacle and followed in the wilderness.  This is the reaction the Israelites had after 3 days they left Mount Sinai.  This means that for two years and two months, they did whatever God said, and then when they were about to set off they couldn’t even last three days.  So after the Lord’s day, it’s like they can’t get past wednesday.  That’s what they’re saying.

Numbers 11:11 says the LORD heard everything.  Previously, it was always what the LORD said, but now he is hearing what the field has said, the people complained about hardship.  Why were they so resentful?  They complained that they had left Egypt.  They complained because they felt like they shouldn’t be in the land of suffering.  The fact they are complaining is revealing everything about these people.  

Saved people of God must speak well.  They complained “Why did God bring us to this land?” In other words, they had not discovered the reason God was moving them for the past three days.  If they did discover God’s reason, they should be thankful, but instead they are complaining. Complaining is nothing else; it means they are resentful, begrudging against God.  “Why did He have to call us out into this hot weather and make us suffer?” In reality, this is unbelief towards God.

So, the devil is waiting, invisible to our eyes.  During the Exodus, there was nothing he could do because he couldn’t touch them, so he was waiting for this opportunity.  The LORD heard their complaints and His anger was aroused.  We need to do what pleases God.  How can we please God?  Pray continually, be thankful in all circumstances, and rejoice always for this is God’s will for you, but it’s hard to do that, and that’s how our lives collapse.

Our lives don’t collapse because we lack abilities; it’s because we can’t do these things. Thanksgiving only comes when we believe in God because we believe God is guiding us forward with the perfect and complete reason, and we know God only allows the greatest things.  Because we are the children of God, God only prepares the best things for us, but it means we are looking at the present environment and are discouraged.  Our present reality is a fact, but we complain about it because we’ve forgotten about the spiritual facts.  

Let’s say you’re pretty well educated and you know about the world and you know how to look at the environment but you don’t know the spiritual things.  They need to go to the land of Canaan to conquer through battles, but they can’t do that. The blessing of saving the 237 nations and the 5,000 unreached people groups is prepared for us, but we’re so full of complaints.  We have no choice but to complain because we look at the present reality and ourselves.

That is why He sent a fire to rage among them, and he destroyed some of the people So he’s giving them a sign by setting a blaze tenting the outskirts of the camp because He didn’t want to kill everybody.  Pretty much, He was setting an example by making an accident break out, or ge is showing this evidence by disturbing one of your children.  He’s giving them a strong sign so they cannot walk forward.

He is telling us to curb our resentment.  Then, this is not to drive fear into our hearts, but He is giving a sign for us to quickly look for the blessing.  God is a good God, but in order for you to find what is good, you must stand up correctly.  God is a good God, but instead of seeing him that way you are complaining and resenting so God must do something to correct it.  

In Numbers 11:2, the people scream to Moses for help, and the fire stops. In Numbers 11:4, it says there are foreigners living among them, and in English it’s saying that there are people traveling among them who are not Israelites.  Worship is very important, you saw the message just now, God will give you a sign you just have to read it well.  If you come to worship but you’re falling asleep, you’re losing all the blessings, so you have to prepare for worship properly.  Instead of trying to look for blessings elsewhere, the one who finds their blessing in worship are truly blessed.

Numbers 11:4 it says, the “foreign rabble, who were traveling with the Israelites began to crave the good things of Egypt.” and this also includes the Midianites, who are Moses’ in-laws.  These people don’t know much about God, so they had cravings for food.  Before that point, the Israelites were trying to hold it in themselves and endure, but when the foreigners began to complain and also joined in they said, “Yeah, why don’t we get to eat meat?” And this happens only three days after departing from Mount Sinai.

They said, “Remember the fish we used to eat for free in Egypt?  We had all the cucumbers, melons, leeks, and onions, and garlic we wanted.” Nevermind the fact that they were slaves and received things their slave owners gave them but they act as if it was a good thing, and sure, they may have eaten well, but we don’t suffer because of our food.  They don’t think about the labor and suffering they endured as slaves, and this is the characteristic of people who compare themselves to others.

When I went to the military, there were a lot of people always complaining, “Our previous captain wasn’t like this; I liked the other captain better,” and they needed to be beaten up. It’s the same when you go to your job, “Our previous VP wasn’t like this, but now the new VP is like this” and it’s always the uneducated people who are like this.  But it doesn’t matter, the people who know better adjust to the new manager,  so whoever they meet, they just adjust themselves to them and move forward. The characteristic of a failure is will say, ” I didn’t live like this in Korea but it’s only like this when I moved to America,” and the characteristic of those who it doesn’t workout,  “It worked out while I was in Korea, but it doesn’t work out in America” 

God is the one doing evangelism, it was never you.  You having an apartment and inviting church members to come over is not evangelism.  That’s not evangelism you already live next to the church, they came because it was convenient, but the evangelism that God does is irrespective of your location, for the ones who have abilities it doesn’t matter how much you try to butt heads with those above you. They do whatever they have to do, wherever they are.  

In the same way, the Israelites lost hold of the suffering they had in Egypt as slaves and they only remembered the good things.  Numbers 11:6 shows how they were bursting with resentment, “But now we have lost our appetite and strength because all they see is nothing but this manna!”  God gave them something to eat, it was manna.  What does manna mean in Hebrew?  “What is this?”  They didn’t know, so that’s what “manna” means.  The people would gather it from the group, grind,boil it, and fry it to eat this one thing.  

Numbers 11:9 says, “The manna came down when the dew settled on the camp at night.” God is very specific, isn’t He?  God is so detailed because, if he let it down when it didn’t have any dew it would stick to the sand in the desert, so He let it down with the dew because it seems like it had a resin-like, tacky texture to it, so they could just pick it up.  

Numbers 11:10 says that all the families were standing in the entrance of their tents, whining.  Moses heard this and the LORD became extremely angry.  What were they whining about? They were wailing about the food they were eating, “How did my life become like this? I barely have anything, I can’t see right now and the future seems even more bleak.”  

How about you guys?  Are you guys satisfied?  Paul said he was completely content in poverty or wealth.  It means there was something that couldn’t block Paul in poverty or wealth.  David said, “I walk through the valley of shadow and death,” but he had a mystery that prevented the Valley from doing anything to him.  That is the difference between one who will conquer Canaan or become King, or not.  

It’s not about being thankful when circumstances are good, it is the one who confesses that the LORD is walking with me, even in the face of crisis or death. Apostle Paul endured great hardships, including being beaten almost to death.  He was imprisoned, he was chased around by gangsters, but he said, “None of that matters to me.”  Don’t you think he was like that because he had something? What do you think he had?

He had the background of God as a child of God, and He had his mission from God, and I hope that you and I will have our disbelief and resentment completely changed. “God, why are you still not giving me material wealth?” Quickly change that; He’s not giving it to you because it’s not the right time, and if He gave it to you, it wouldn’t work out.  He’s allowing you to be in this situation because if he gave it to you, you would run back to Egypt instead of conquering Canaan. Where is this written?  Deuteronomy 8.

Deuteronomy 8:1 says, “Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today, so that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land that the LORD promised on oath to your forefathers.”  The condition here is to be careful to obey GOd’s commands, so the condition is the Word of God, and it means to follow and obey this, and that’s the condition.  It doesn’t matter what you eat or don’t eat.

Why do you think God gave them manna?  Deuteronomy 8:2, “REmember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands.”  So, God has given you His Word but He is seeing who would obey his word and who will not.  It was the same with Abraham, God already gave him the word of the blessing but God wanted to test whether he would follow his word, when He asked Abraham to sacrifice His son, so without a doubt, God will make you walk through this program God doesn’t work immediately; He will test people, and it’s the same with the church.  God is watching to see how you will move when circumstances are hard, God is waiting to see how you will move when the circumstances in the world become hard.

When He says He is humbling you, it means you are lowering yourself. It doesn’t mean humbling yourself before people, but it means humbling yourself before God. He is testing you; without a doubt, He tests you.  It was the same form Abraham, and David, for David, God tested David for about 15 years. In reality, Joseph’s suffering lasted about 13 years as well.  He was sold into slavery and was imprisoned for 13 years.  

God doesn’t fulfil his promises immediately but he waits to see who can handle it, and God moves when he sees that. For Moses, it took 80 years for God to lower and humble Moses and to test him to see if he would obey. I pray that those who are impatient will receive strength from today’s Word.  For people who say, “The Word of God promises this, but why isn’t it taking place for me” God is watching you and testing you so wait.  

Deuteronomy 8:3, “Yes, He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with mana, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.”  God isn’t making you go through this because you lack power, but it means that people don’t live by bread alone.  Until you stand up and are able to eat the word of God every day; because they weren’t able to do that,  they all died in the wilderness.

Why are we tested by what we eat? Why do we always stumble because of Money?  Money is given by God and God can take it away.  We do not fall because of money; we fall because of a lack of God’s Word, meaning we don’t have the Word that God gives us, so until you stand, in the word of God.  How can you conquer Canaan? You have to follow the words of the commands of God.  Therefore, life isn’t a matter of eating and surviving, but God has called you for a mission to change the kingdom of the world into the kingdom of God, and we are receiving training for this.

Deuteronomy 8:4, for 40 years, your clothes did not wear out and your feet did not swell, meaning all our physical needs were taken care of by the LORD.  Deuteronomy 8:5, “Think about it, just as a parent disciplines their child, the Lord your God disciplines you for your own good,” meaning God disciplines those He loves, and the reason you face suffering and pain is because God loves you.  If He completely discards a child, there’s no interest in that child. If a parent sees potential in a child, only then will they discipline the child. If they’ve completely abandoned all hope for a child, they won’t have any interest or discipline them at all.

In this circumstance, this is God’s reaction to Moses’ prayer.  Because these people are protesting, complaining, and wailing because of the food, this is what Moses said, In Numbers 11:11, Moses says, “Why are you treating me so harshly?  What did I do to deserve the burden of all these people? Did I conceive all these people? Did I give them birth?” What was he supposed to do with all these people?  There were 2 million!  Imagine, 2 million people with all their complaints.  Imagine, Moses is a human being and everywhere he looks, there are angry faces looking at him and they are even saying words.

Even in the Korean military, there’s only 600,000 troops; this is 2 million people were talking about, so imagine how discouraged Moses must have felt.  Even if there was one person, who was having hope and holding onto the covenant would be better but there was not a single one.  Numbers 11:13, “Where am I supposed to get meat for all these people?”  In reality, God is the One who leads the Israelites forward, but Moses is acting as a middleman.  Because Moses is simply the human errand boy, he is bound to look at his surroundings with his eyes and feels very oppressed in his heart.

Numbers 11:14, “I cannot carry all these people by myself.”  He is saying, “Give me Your grace and kill me,” because he would rather die. “Allow me to not look at this anymore,” he’s saying he cannot bear it anymore. Imagine how heavy this burden was on him that he would pray to the LORD like this, and this is the answer God gives Moses at this time, especially anyone who has a role in the church, please listen carefully.

The LORD said, “Gather 70 men as elders and leaders of Israel”.  Numbers 11:15-17.  “I will put some of the spirits that’s upon Moses and pour that to them as well.”  This is very important content, and you are all very important key points here.  If this doesn’t flash before your eyes,your life will be difficult, you don’t know why God has raised you to this position, then you yourself will complain and you won’t know how to fill your position as well, so today’s the answer.

What does God say when he gives you the spirit?  He is saying He will be with you and He will work.  God anointed Moses, so it seems like God is doing everything through Moses.  It’s just that he felt oppressed because his present circumstances looked so bleak.  So, God is telling him to raise 70 men who are recognized elders and leaders to help Moses, and God says, “I will pour My Spirit onto them,” what does this mean?  It means that, if God gives His Word to 70 people and they fulfill it in their tribes and areas then the load will be lighter for Moses.

THis is a very important content, especially the remnants, listen carefully.  When you don’t know anything, you try to do everything on your own.  When I was in the military in the demilitarized zone, there was someone who came in, and they pushed me into the most difficult area.  I had the least experience, but I had a lot of diligence, so I ran here and there, doing everything on my own, and there were four people under my command, but I didn’t see them because I was trying to do everything on my own, so it was so difficult.  

There were two superiors who came to visit us, and they said, “Is there anything difficult?” I said, “Yes, there is,” and they asked, “What’s so difficult?” They explained to them  and they 

said one thing to me, “You have four subordinates,” so I didn’t know how to utilize the organization, and that really flashed in my mind.  He was a four-star general.  It flashed in my mind and I realized it’s like this.

So, even though the military is a human organization, God leads the same way, where there needs to be leaders who gives Word that God gives them to the people, and you always say, “I will do this alone,” there will only be 30-40, and that’s why the church makes positions.  If it’s a fact that you have received a position in the church and you have received the word of God and he does the work through you, then it means He can do the same thing in the field because God has given you a position in the world as well, and it’s a position to save.  It is not done by your own strength, but you receive the power of the Holy Spirit and  God does that.  It seems like you’re running your business, but that’s not true, it is actually God who is working through his Spirit, so this is very important for you.  

If you don’t see this with your eyes, the world will be very difficult.  If you think lightly of the position you have been given at church the world will be difficult.  You must be able to take the handle of the position God gives you, through prayer, and worship, then the person will do the same at their job. This is why God is with them there, because I’ve been raised in the world with the functions of prophet, priest, and king.

If you’re careless in church, then you are careless in the world as well, but there may be some people who disagree with me in their hearts, and without a doubt, they suffer because of their work, why? Because they are doing it with their strength, and when they come to the church they let go off everything, because they have to rest at church, and when they go into the world, they try to go all in there, so they’re bound by the world: they’re bound by money, people, and work.  

Even though God is with them, they live their lives without knowing how and why God works.  THeir eyes should be wide open right now. Remnants, listen extra carefully.  All of us have studied, and all of us have jobs.  That’s not the issue.  It must be the work that God is with.  Then, why is God giving me the filling of the holy spirit?  God pours His Holy Spirit upon you to raise and save people.   That is why it’s not by my strength, but you receive the answer of the skill summit through the answer of the spiritual summit.  Until that point, you must work until you die, then the extent of your life is only your social life, and even if you make a lot of money, you’ll be bound by your income.

There’s no doubt about it, and there may be people who disagree in their hearts, “I have a lot saved up, beyond what I am eating and surviving on” just know that later on, you’ll lose all of it because God doesn’t leave things unnecessarily.  The Word of God is the same in the past, present, and future.  “Pastor, it seems like you’re threatening me,” but I’ve just experienced it, and I realized it through the Word of God, and I’ve seen what God does, so that’s what I’m able to say to you.

You shouldn’t use your brain, whatever God has given you in the church, you need to give up to God and do it in prayer.  That is the mystery to live well in the world, in your job and to be recognized by people, so don’t calculate in your manipulative brain, do not stand before people.  Stand before God to receive His power to do His work.  Students who study, you shouldn’t calculate, but you must study before God. It is not just studying, but it is the study that saves people, that is why you must seek the power of God.  It doesn’t matter if you’re at the lowest position at the smallest job because if that seat is the seat that saves people, then God will work with his Spirit.

Wannamaker went into the department stores as a cashier, and there is no way to do that unless it was by the power of  God, but people keep complaining about their position and if they have a little better position, they float on the clouds. It’s evidence that this person doesn’t have the filling of the Holy Spirit.  They think, “I met the right people so things worked out well for me.”  

Why am I talking about this for so long?  I lived 30 years as an unbeliever.  I’ve experienced military life and social life, and I’ve also warned many pastors, “Do not be so happy about your position; it all passes away.  Organizations will come when you need it, and they will be discarded when you don’t need it.  You need to stand firm in your position as a pastor.”

I don’t say this for nothing, but I have experience from the world and I used to think differently, but now I think it’s the time schedule to organize all of the organization, and there’s a lot of people.  Starting from people who say, “Imagine what I did, and now you’re treating me this way?” because people don’t have thanksgiving, they don’t know where they’re losing their money to the world.  

That’s why He is opening up the treasury to open before anyone touches the treasury, and they don’t receive any money from the retreats anymore. They only receive money from the important training. It’s not like he makes his organization so that the owner does anything they want, because if the owner does whatever they want with the funds, and because he made everything so transparent there is no shady dealings going on.  So, a lot of organizations are getting cut out from this great organization, and it’s rightful because if you’re doing it for the Lord, you should just let it go for the Lord, but the organization of the gathering of people is always like this.

We need to end it by saying very cleanly, “I did this before the Lord, and I didn’t” and we give positions so people can carry out their duties, and they need to give it up later on so be careful about that.  So, these kids don’t even know the meaning of it, they just like the position and recognition they are getting so they work with their diligence, but how far do you think they’ll go?  Have you not seen in history?  All organizations are the same.  

I’ve seen this in the world and “this is what the world when Jesus was like,” and I believed in Jesus, so I’m most proud and happy of being a pastor; I don’t care about anything else, because the identity of a pastor has been given to me, so I say, “You guys do it all and I’m not going to do it because GOd has given this to me. God anointed me and gave me this job to do so this is the greatest glory for me.” This is being anointed by God.  Why do you think I’m saying this?  I’m saying this to you.

Do you know how honorific the positions of elder and senior deaconess are?  You have to pour your entire life into that, and how glory is the work you’ve been given in the world?  I’m not just someone who’s running a business.  I’m a royal priesthood, the one who declares His wonderful light, and it is for that reason I go all-in, I go all into the filling of the holy spirit, then we have no choice but to come here early every morning to pray, because I can only do this work through the filling of the holy spirit’s power.  

Then when you go to your job, you have no choice but to pray there, because I’m not just someone to do a job, but I need the power to save people. You must not lose hold of that.  If you lose hold of that, you’ll waste your time being tested on unnecessary things like church positions and worldly positions and you’ll just leave.  I kept saying this, so there’s another pastor who thanks me, because this is the only thing that keeps him walking along the straight and narrow path.

The things that people do are all the same; we need to do this standing before God.  Even if I die tomorrow, I do whatever I do before God, receiving the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Really try this, really stake your life here; do not stake your life on anything else. If you die doing this that’s martyrdom, and if you receive a disease while doing this, just go.  But instead, you waste your time on other things, so you live a pitiful life, being mocked by unbelievers.  

Numbers 11:29.  There were two men anointed by the Spirit of God, and as they received the Spirit, they began to prophesy.  There were a lot of people, who went and reported it telling Moses, they are doing the work of the prophet, and Moses said, “Why are you making them stop?” “These people are prophesying the Word of God,” “But why are you jealous? What do you do in the church?” You guys are in the position of relaying the Word of God accurately to everybody who comes to church and that’s why God gives you the filling of the holy spirit.

Who are you in the world? Your position is to relay the Word of God accurately to the unbelievers in the field, and that’s why God gives you the power of the filling of the holy spirit, and you work with that strength, it is the work to save lives.  It seems like you’re a businessperson, but you’re actually a missionary to save lives.  This is a mystery of all mysteries. 

It seems like you’re a salesman, but you’re actually a salesman with the spirit of God within you. That’s the method. If the remnants don’t understand this they have to be enslaved again.  They’re going to go into the land of Canaan and get trampled on, and this is how you live your walk of faith and your professional life.  So, concentrate when you concentrate; not concentrating when you shouldn’t, that’s concentration.  

Students, stop trying to study but understand why you have to study and stand before God before prayer and receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, and I hope that businesspeople will especially do this. If I could stand as a witness before you, this is it, because I”m someone who experienced the world.  If anything, I’ve lived more of my life as a non believer than as a Christian entrenched in that now, 

So what is the difference between an unbeliever and a believer?  The world spins so quickly but this is the difference: It is God.  All the organizations of the world are the same, people do it, even the churches have people, but the difference is whether God has given the Holy Spirit to do this work through this person or not.  Even at your job, you do the same work as unbelievers, but there’s a difference.  Because I lived as a non-believer, I listen to the word and I look at the world and see the difference.  “Oh, they have such a great personality,” stop saying such things.  If they don’t stand before the Holy Spirit, then they die. If everybody goes to Socrates, they have to kneel, and if you talk about personality, they have to beg and kneel before other leaders. It’s the difference of whether the Holy Spirit is within you and he will do the work of God within you or not.

This is where you must challenge until He comes upon you, and you have to begin everyday like this because unless you receive the fulling of the Holy Spirit to taste this throughout the day.  The fulfillment of God’s Word and those who do this every morning will understand what I mean.  But for people who put their strength in something else, I hope this will be a day to begin something new. I hope you will stake your life in the early morning hours. All successful pastors do this, and all successful church members do this.  They’re all people of the covenant and the Early Morning.  They all receive a mission from God.

This is the conclusion, that as soon as the people are about to eat the meat in their mouths, God kills them all.  It says in Numbers 11:33, “But while the meat was still between their teeth and before it could be consumed, the anger of the LORD burned against the people, and struck them with as evere plague,” so they all died in the disaster before they could enjoy the meat.  I’m sure there are people who look at the Old Testament who say “I live like this, but God still hasn’t killed me.”

Ananias and Sapphira died immediately after ripping off the offering and you say,” Oh but I have ripped off the offering and haven’t died yet”, these are very foolish people, it’s the same whether you’re dead or alive.  What is the characteristic of death?  You have no hope.  You live your life without knowing whether you’re alive or dead; it means you live in suffering, seized by Satan. That’s the difference between the Old Testament and today, but the method of God is the same, it’s the same for Satan using this foothold to bring people into disaster. Some people will physically die, but most people don’t, but spiritually, they are at rock bottom.  Spiritually, they are completely seized by Satan, being dragged around, so they are physically alive but it’s the same as being dead.


Through today’s word, through the covenant you revived and the word you receive every Sunday, I hope you will be able to take on the position of relaying this word of God to the people of the church and to the unbelievers in the field, and that is the greatest reason the Holy Spirit will fill you with power, and may your life be filled with the Holy Spirit every day.  

Shall we pray holding onto the Word God has given us?  The filling of the Holy Spirit is received through faith.  If you have a mission and position to save people, God will give it to you.  If you don’t have that mission, there’s no reason for God to give you the filling of the Holy Spirit.  For those who don’t have a mission, I hope you will restore your mission through the Word today.  If you do have a mission but you lack the power, I hope you will pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit, so that this Word will be continuously relayed in your homes as it was in the tents. Let us pray together.

Let us pray for those who are weak in the church, that the Word of God may go into them and before the Word of God goes into them, the filling of the Holy Spirit Miss work in your prayers.  When you guys go back into your families, you have the position of relaying this to your children so I hope you will take on that position.  The worship, and remnant worship is being restored, and I hope you will be in the position of fulfilling that in your field and family, so let us pray for temple construction and the fields of this region.

You and I are people of blessing. It doesn’t matter how much I give the message; you are truly the people of blessing and I’m sure you don’t think that way, but the way I see it you’re really a people of blessing and the way I see it is because God gives you His Word. He’s not telling you to try to get into Harvard; you weren’t created to lose your hair and teeth going all in to working God didn’t tell you to come and scream out.  Initially, that’s how Moses should have died, but God did not allow that “Are you really the people God prepared you are in that seat, and I will pour my Holy Spirit upon you with the working of the holy spirit and the five powers.” This is what you must enjoy.

You are such people of blessing because God has given you His Word.  I speak very severely because I’ve experienced the field, but you are truly people of blessing.  All you have to do is enjoy that blessing, I’m a source of blessings, leave the seminary and theology to me, and you enjoy, “Oh, God is doing this work through me,” all you have to do is pray and enjoy it, and God will do it 

I hope you have this great faith and go out into this world.  A pastor can only go this far, but I hope you’ll be great individuals in the fields and not swayed by money or positions, but instead have the great position of God to save lives.  Father GOd, we thank You.  Please bless the people with both hands.  We believe You will fulfill the Word of God exactly today.  We believe You will regard us as precious and hold onto the members of the church you bought with Your blood.  We believe that You will hold onto those who are so weak, that You will raise them up to do the work of God.  We pray that you’ll work with the filling of the Holy Spirit upon each individuals. 

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, the working, indwelling, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God who desire to conquer Canaan, holding onto the covenant, be upon the multiethnic people, the next generation, and upon their businesses and academics, be with us now until forevermore always, amen.

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