The Filling of the Holy Spirit to be Centered on Only God (1 Samuel 16:13)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Filling of the Holy Spirit to be Centered on Only God (1 Samuel 16:13)

The passage that we read today, 1 Samuel 16:13, is when the Prophet Samuel anointed King David with oil.  “And the spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon David.”  In the Old Testament, the only people who were anointed with oil played one of three roles of Jesus Christ:  prophets, priests, and kings.  When David was young, he received the anointing that he would be the future king of Israel.

Before this, in 1 Samuel 15, it says that the LORD abandoned King Saul.  If you look in 1 Samuel 15:35, it says, “The LORD regretted that he had made Saul king over Israel.”  When King Saul was anointed as King, it wasn’t actually because God wanted it; God only raised up King Saul because the Israelites were begging so much to God for a king for themselves.  The reason why the Israelites begged and whined to God to have a king is because they saw that all the superpower nations had kings and they wanted one for themselves; ultimately, God gave them something that He didn’t want.

Honestly, King Saul should have played his role well; at first, he was good, but later on, he was disobedient to God’s Word. If you read the Bible, it doesn’t seem that his disobedience was a big deal.  Before Israel went to war against Philistia, they were supposed to give a sacrifice to God, but the High Priest Samuel came late, so King Saul gave the offering himself.  But this was actually a rebellion against God.  God didn’t even want to create a king of Israel, but God gave the role of a king to Saul to rule over the land of Israel, but he tried to take the role of the priest as well. That was his first act of disobedience, rejecting God.

King Saul’s second act of disobedience to God was when God told him to not to bring anything back from Philistia, but King Saul brought the best animals to offer to God.  For us, we may think, “That’s not a big sin, it was to offer to the LORD,” it may not look like a sin, but from God’s perspective, that was an enormous sin, because he was rejecting what God allowed; we call this disobedience, and that is why God revokes the role of kingship from him.

Then in 1 Samuel 16, it is the content of Samuel anointing the next king of Israel.  In 1 Samuel 16:1, the LORD says to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul since I rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn of oil and be on your way, I am sending you to Jesse, one of his sons to be king.”  It means that God has seen, among the sons of Jesse, someone who would be the new king of Israel.  

In 1 Samuel 16:2, Samuel says, “How can I go?  If  Saul hears about it, then he will kill me.”  Then it says, “Take a heifer with you, and say I have come to make a sacrifice to the LORD and invite Jesse to come with you to make a sacrifice.”  In 1 Samuel 16:3, “Invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will show you what to do, you are to anoint the one that I indicate.” This means that God promises to give you the Word for your field.  Even though this is Samuel we are talking about, this is difficult for him. The king is still alive, and he is going to anoint a second king; it is a difficult thing to ask, but God promises to lead him.  From a human perspective, it may be a complicated and difficult matter, but God promises to guide in a very detailed way through the Word.

Then, when Samuel went into Bethlehem, the elders of the town trembled when they met with Samuel.  Samuel is going to run an errand for God, but these people are wondering if Samuel will bring another disaster here, so they ask, “Do you come in peace?” meaning, “Are you coming here for a good reason?”  1 Samuel 16:5, “Yes in peace” then, “he consecrated Jesse and his sons ” and invited them to the sacrifice.  In the Bible, it talks about the elders of the town, and those are slightly different from the elders in the Presbyterian church.  “Elder” refers to those who have lived a long time in the town.  So, these elders control the opinion of the entire town and participate in the sacrifice with the High Priest Samuel. 

The sons join in the sacrifice, and in 1 Samuel 16:6, “The first son Eliab, surely the LORD’s anointed stands here,” but in 1 Samuel 16:7, God says that he is not the one.  The way he says it in verse 7 is, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him.  The LORD does not look at what people look at.  People look at the outer appearance but the LORD looks at the heart,” God looks at the center of our hearts.  It seems like the eldest son, Eliab, was the greatest of them all; however, when God saw the center of this person’s heart, God rejected him.  The same thing happened with the second, third, and all the way until the seventh son, and the LORD said, “None of these are the one,” and finally, Samuel says, “Is this all the sons that you have?” and Jesse says,” There is one more son but he is out tending sheep.” Samuel says, “Bring him quickly.” 

This final son comes and the LORD says to anoint this one. I said this earlier, but anointing with oil means that the spirit of the LORD will be with you. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit would not stay with someone forever, but they would come and go according to the need of God. Why did the Holy Spirit come back and forth in the Old Testament? The Holy Spirit would be with people as needed for God’s mission, so God would anoint the people who would take on the three roles of Christ.

Therefore, God would pour the blessing of the filling of the holy spirit upon those who have the mission of God.  To whom does God give this blessing?  To those whose centers are aligned with God.  All the older brothers lived a fine walk of faith from a human perspective: they went to church and did things diligently. Even from their father Jesse’s perspective, the older brothers looked better, but this is not what God saw.

Just like the Jewish people who appeared so diligent and holy from the outside, God’s perspective said it was not so.  Then, what is the standard with which God sees?  There is only one standard, one way to please the heart of God.  No matter how much people try to live their life obeying God, it does not move God.  Because from the beginning, human beings rejected God, so no matter how good we act, there is nothing good that can come from us at all. The fact we are corrupted is not a simple thing.  In fact, going to church diligently is corruption.  From God’s perspective, if you do not have something good inside of you, and if it’s not aligned with God, that is corruption, because you’re centered on something else.  From God’s perspective, that is just like being a legalistic Jew.

The reason the legalistic Jewish people held onto the Word of God so firmly  was for themselves, to keep up their own rules. From the perspective of other people, the Pharisees looked great because they prayed a lot, memorized the Bible a lot, and worshiped a lot; however, it was all for themselves, and not for God.  The more they did those things, they only elevated their own honor and prestige. It appeared that they were serving God, but this wasn’t true; in the center of their heart, they’re still centered on themselves, and I think that’s what was going on with the older brothers as well, and that’s why God said, “I reject him”

What pleases God the most?  It is the gospel; why must it be the gospel?  Because there is no other way to be considered righteous in God’s eyes after the incident of Genesis 3 unless it is Jesus Christ.  The fact that we are sinners means that we reject God.  Therefore, if we do not hold onto the covenant of God at the center of our hearts, everything we do is rejecting God.  However, from other people’s perspective, we may appear very sincere and honest, but God rejects them.

Only God’s covenant can please God.  Romans 1:16-17 says, “Only the gospel of God makes us righteous before God.  It doesn’t matter how many righteous things we yell out, there is nothing righteous other then Jesus Christ, and God will only regard us as righteous if we hold onto Jesus Christ; the wrath of God only stops when we hold onto only Christ.  But if you let go of Christ, living diligently for God to do something for yourself, God rejects you.  It was not all the Jewish people who did this; it was the legalistic Pharisees did this, so God rejected them.  They were so diligent, and Paul himself confessed, “In regards to the law, I was faultless.””

There are so many people who struggle so much to follow God’s word; however, the Word of God that lacks the central core of Jesus Christ has no choice but to bring on the wrath of God. 

So it doesn’t matter how great someone’s appearance may be; the way that people see and the way that God sees is different.  The standard with which God sees is the covenant of God, Christ.  God gives His mission to anyone who has this. If you do not make your conclusion in Christ, you will continually be confused about your mission.  The person will always be confused about the Word of God.  Because this person’s thoughts are constantly filled with success, honor, and diligence, the Word of God is in conflict, so the person will be confused.

Why must it be Christ?  It is the method God has given us.  The only method God gave us to be with Him is Christ; there is no other way.  Without Jesus Christ, we can never overcome the works of Satan.  That is why Paul confessed, “I consider everything rubbish for the sake of knowing Christ.”  David was someone like that.  David was the descendant of the prostitute Rahab , and Rahab was someone who held onto the covenant.  The book of Matthew has the genealogy of Jesus from Abraham all the way through David to Jesus Christ, in other words, it is the lineage of people who held to Jesus Christ as their covenant, and along the line of the people who held to the covenant, David held onto this with his heart, and that is why when God saw David, He knew that He would be the king.

What does it say in Psalms 78:70-72? “He chose David as his servant and took him from the sheep pens from tending the sheep he brought, and to tending the sheep of Israel.”  So, he called David who was a shepherd, from the sheep pens.  In Psalm 78:71, ” From tending the sheep he bought him to be the Shepherd of his people Jacob, of Israel his inheritance.” In Psalm 78:72, “and David shepherded them and with skillful hands, he led them.”  The way to be with God is God’s covenant.  He was always holding onto the covenant in his heart while he was the shepherd.  In other words, he was a shepherd who was always with God. That’s why the Bible says that David never lost a single sheep.

That honestly did not come from his own skill; it means that David enjoyed the answer of being with God, ever since he was young.  There were many good shepherds then, and from the perspective of people, there were many shepherds that were talented and skilled, but that is not what is true from God’s perspective; God looks at your heart to see if the covenant is your center.  God is talking about the person who is centered on relaying and fulfilling the covenant.  God gives wisdom and strength to this person to be a successful shepherd.

There are many successful people in the world, but God rejects them.  Whom does God desire?  The one who has the covenant, and through that person, God wants to save the successful people of the world.

Going back to 1 Samuel 16:13, simply put, David was someone who always had the power of God.  In the midst of this, Philistia comes to attack and Jesse sends David on an errand to deliver cheese to his brothers in war.  Jesse already knows that his youngest son is anointed to be the future king, but there’s a war, and his father is sending David on an internship.  He is going to be the future king, so he must see the war, so Jesse is very wise, because when David becomes the king in the future, he has to lead wars, and the way that Jesse sends David to the war is to deliver cheese to his brothers, because Jesse also has the covenant and this is where the great works happen.

When he arrived there, Goliath challenged the Israelites, “You believe in the LORD God, if anyone is strong enough, come fight me,” meaning he was mocking the name of God he is saying, “Where is your God, if you have a God, come and fight me.”  David already had the spirit of God, meaning he was someone who could be led by the Holy Spirit; in other words, he was someone who could receive the power from the filling of the holy spirit.  So David says, “I can go,” but he doesn’t just go; because the Holy Spirit is already with him, the Holy Spirit guides his feelings and thoughts. 

Most people wouldn’t be able to go against Goliath; no one did, but David went out with the power of God, without any armors or weapons; just a sling and a stone. This is one who is with God and he’s so good at slinging stones, but just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you can strike the target. It means God’s hand was with David, because someone’s life or death is in God’s hands, and the leader of Philistia, Goliath, died. That was God simply using David; it was not David’s power.  It was the power of God, because the Holy Spirit was already with David.

As we live in this world, we need to have the power of God.  Samuel was someone upon whom God worked so much such that not a single word he spoke fell to the ground.  While Saul was alive, God told Samuel to go anoint then next king, and this wasn’t something that comes from his own wisdom, the Spirit of the LORD was with him, so God gave him wisdom.  This is something impossible with the wisdom of man, it’s impossible if they did not have the wisdom of God.  As you are living in this world, it’s impossible if you don’t have the wisdom and power of God.

You could just go and make a living and succeed like David’s older brothers; however, you will not be able to fulfill the mission that God desires in this world.  Because God’s spirit is the one that receives the mission that God desires for the world.  After David brings down Goliath, there is an even greater problem. For 15 years, he was being chased to death by his father-in-law, the father of his wife.  He lived a life, running for his life, for 15 years, but he never attacked Saul or harmed anyone. That is the characteristic of someone God uses.  He never fought against Saul; he always stood on the side of saving people; he never killed anyone.

Most people fight when they face some kind of loss.  Even before they actually incur the loss, they start a fight because they fear the loss; it’s evidence of a weak person, evidence that they don’t have a secure mission from God, so they fight.  They also exert their own pride a lot, because they don’t have the gospel pride at all.  They don’t care much if they mock the name of God or mockery of the church, but they will stake their lives on someone who is hurting their pride personally. That was King Saul.  

When David became elevated, King Saul’s pride was hurt.  Because there was a rumor that David had more power and ability than King Saul, he thought he was going to have his kingship taken away so he tried to kill David, going in the opposite direction of God.  There wasn’t a single time where King Saul asked what God desired;me, my way, my things, my choice “if the priest isn’t here, I’ll give the offering,” it was all up to him. Simply put, he was someone who did whatever he wanted, regardless of God’s word and that’s why God had no choice but to reject him.

But look at David, as evidence he had the covenant of God, he never hurt others.  Even though someone was trying to kill him and David had the opportunity to kill the person back, he did not; why? Because he feared the LORD; he did not fear people.  King Saul fell asleep and David went and cut off a corner of his robe, meaning he was close enough to stab King Saul to death and gives this as evidence, “I could have killed you, but I couldn’t kill you in front of the LORD.”  

As a person we can kill people with our words and exert our own strength, too, but we don’t stand still because we lack those things. We act in front of God.  But because we do not stand before God, we always fight with others within our family and our society.  God chooses whom to raise, and the members of the church are raised by God; God has bought these people by the price of his. blood. “Whoever curses you, I will curse, and whoever blesses you, I will bless,” so we shut our mouths before God.

It is not that we remain silent because we lack the knowledge of the world; it is not that we do not speak logically because we lack logic. It is that we are praying in front of God, that is the one who is feared because that is the one who God will work on, even if there are few people in the church like this, the church will be revived, however because people are coming from the world and using the methods of the world, these are not matching up.

In the church, we wait until God within that person moves.  Until when do we wait? Until God works. We wait because God is alive; David waited for 15 years.  Saul tried to kill David constantly for 15 years, David continued to wait as he ranway but ultimately, God moves His hand and King Saul commits suicide; even his son dies.  Even if there is one person in the family that isn’t aligned with God’s covenant, their children will all die.

When David became King he had to lead the wars and every time he goes into a war, he asks God first.  Because God is the one who has the lead the war and David simply goes as an ambassador of God, David says, “Should I go to war or not and only goes when God gives his answer.” When did that happen?  That’s exactly what David did while he was young as a shepherd.  The reason why David was able to not lose a single sheep was because God was with him.

There are many smart students, but they are not whom God wants.  God wants a student who studies with God.  When people say, “If you hold onto the gospel, you’ll succeed,” that’s not true. When you hold onto the gospel, the kingdom of God is established, but a lot of people are corrupted because people are centered on success.  There was a message that came out like this in the evangelism studies, that lately, the remnants mix the gospel with success. I also considered this a long time ago as well, but because the remnant message is going out, they think success is evangelism and succeeding in your business is evangelism, but that’s not it; even unbelievers can succeed, so people are actually breaking down. It’s not that.

We overcome success; we save people.  Even if we are in a business, we do the business of saving people, and even if we make money from the business, we use the money to save people. God is looking for the remnants and businesspeople who have this covenant.  There are many students and many businesspeople but God rejects all of them and chooses someone like David.  I know how God has led me because I used to be an unbeliever like that, only knowing about myself.  Unbelievers never move towards things that will be a disadvantage for them; they will only move towards what will be advantageous for them.  Even if someone will make the initial laws, it is because they are calculating the benefit in the long-run.  

Other people may look and say, “This person has a very big vessel,” but that’s not it; they are only moving for their benefit and that’s an unbeliever.  However, the nature of being disobedient to God is not limited to unbelievers; believers have this too.  We must consider why we devote to the church and do this and that.  Why do we do this?  For what reason do I hold onto the words of evangelism and the 237 nations?  Whatever is inside your heart must be aligned with God.  No matter how diligently, if it’s not right in God’s eyes, then it’s not right.

If we want to talk about the seven remnants, focused on David, they are those who are centered on the covenant wherever God moves, and that is why he went to wars when God told him to go, and he won 100/100 wars, why? Because those wars belonged to God.  Whenever you do something, God works according to His Word, but we haven’t gotten used to that. We just move, however we want to, because we’re so used to our lives as unbelievers.  It doesn’t matter how long you go to church, because from the moment you’re born, you are born with the nature of non-believers 

It must be the business and studies that God moves; it must be the church that God moves, but if you don’t know this, You will talk lightly of the church and get beaten up. You say whatever you want about the church, because you think it is just because the organization of the church, but that is not aligned with God’s word. 

Later on, David becomes king and prays about the temple construction.  God gave David the role of the king and raised him up with the plan of shepherding the people of Israel well. The second thing that God gave David was Temple Construction, because Temple Construction is only possible when you utilize all the labor amd materials of everyone in the nation.  David lamented because he lived in a fabulous palace, but the Ark of the Covenant is outside in the tent, blowing in the wind and always getting stolen, and during David’s kingship was when the Ark of the Covenant was brought back from Philistia.  This means David was holding onto the covenant ever since he was young; the temple construction can only be done with someone who has the covenant  in their heart.  Unless you have the covenant in your heart, you cannot do this, 

We can build a building, but we might build the building as we’re centered on ourselves.  Unbelievers build buildings, but the difference is, are they centered on themselves or on the covenant?  It’s the same for churches, why do they build church temples and divide? It is because they do it for themselves, and God doesn’t like buildings that aren’t centered on the covenant, and that’s why there are so many churches that build up church buildings, but they have fights and divide and go to war.  Why? Because they are centered on themselves. Why do you think they would do this for themselves?  They put their money into Temple Construction because God promises to bless them if they do.

Revivalist-focused people ask for offerings, so they do, and that’s why people begin to fight, why? Because they do not begin with the covenant.  It means that it is the temple construction that doesn’t have the covenant that is so precious to God, the covenant of spreading Jesus Christ , 237 nations, heal, and to bring people to the summit, so no matter what you do, it’s not right in God’s eyes.  It’s the same with your business; if someone doesn’t have the covenants of God inside of them,God has no interest, you are working diligently for yourself and even unbelievers do that.  

It’s someone who has the covenant.  What is the covenant?  It is the covenant that Jesus is the Christ for world evangelization. If the gospel is everything, then world evangelization is everything.  If the gospel comes to you, then evangelism is relaying the gospel to everyone else, and everyone and everything is in the gospel, and then everything is contained within enjoying the gospel and relaying the gospel. That’s what David did.

Why do you think David built the temple? Because tDavid had the covenant of relaying the gospel to everyone, It was the same with the members of the Early Church.  They may have appeared pitiful from a human perspective, but God thought they were great.  They may have appeared to be modest fishermen, but God saw the covenant within them.  In the Temple of Jerusalem, there are many people who had knowledge and prestige, but God rejected all of them.  HOwever, God places His Holy Spirit upon those people who say that the covenant is everything and stake their life for the covenant of world evangelization. 

God began to use the businesspeople of Romans 16 who aligned themselves with that.  These were the remnants who had the covenant. You have to have the covenant so you won’t personally fall; if you don’t have the covenant, you will personally fall. You’ll be caught by Satan and fall into your spiritual problems.  If you use the word “success,” it means you must have the conditions for success. It’s the same for unbelievers; however, we have to have the conditions that transcend success into those that save people. 

If missions and evangelism take place for you, it means you have the condition for missions and evangelism meaning, you have no choice but for God to work upon.  

Why are you poor?  You have to personally think about this. We personally don’t know this, but we are set with conditions that leave us no choice but to be poor. We must quickly go into the direction that God desires.  You may personally think you’re fine on your own, but from God’s perspective, you have the root causes and conditions that cause you to fail.  For example, if you keep trying to save and make money, money doesn’t come in, or if it does, your life keeps on crumbling. There is a reason this continues to happen. You must change this flow.

You have to have the condition through which money has no choice to come; simply put, you must have the condition set where God has no choice but to work, you have to have the reason why you must do this business before God.  Without that, then you’re just praying before God like a religious person or shaman, and if you are praying, God can change those incorrect conditions to correct ones. 

People with mental problems have internal conflict that causes the mental problems, it’s a commonality and that is “me,” they will never let go of themselves, “I’m correct and everyone else is wrong,” and that must change into Christ to receive healing.  But they will never change that center, so they have no choice but to have mental problems.  Through David today, I hope you see that the Lord saw David as a good person because he was centered on the covenant; without that, we cannot work.  There is nothing in the world that pleases God unless it is Christ, you cannot misunderstand.  “Oh, look at all the things I’ve done for the LORD,” God doesn’t even recognize that.

You say, “Lord, Lord,” but the Lord says, “I don’t know you.”you didn’t do any of that for the Lord; you did it for yourself, for your honor, so even if you say, “Lord, Lord,” He says, “I don’t know you.” 

Covenant.  From God’s perspective the covenant is good.  No matter what we do, even if we are questionable people, if we have the covenant, God forgives everything. God sees us this way because of what Christ has done.  Christ died on the cross for me, so God sees that we have died.  Christ never sinned so He sees me as a righteous person who has never sinned.  The standard is Christ, and the Old Testament, the covenant of Genesis 3:15, the offspring of the woman.  It’s just that you don’t know it.  But if God is with us, he will always have a mission and a plan, when do we realize this?  You will discover when you become sure in the gospel.  Then, the working of the Holy Spirit will follow you around, and from our perspective, we are able to pray the prayer of the filling of the holy spirit.  For people who have this, their only prayer topic is the filling of the holy spirit because the Holy Spirit has to work in order to be a witness to the end, the spirit of God has no choice but to work for the sake of 237 healing, 5,000 unreached places healing, America healing and saving the region.  You and I sit here in this spot because of the covenant.  Even if you live in a weak and confused state, not holding onto the covenant start today, right now. That is why the one who continues to worship will never fail.  I may be weak but when I come to worship, God continues to put his covenant into us, so we are going back to the covenant every time.  

So, you acknowledging your own weakness is how you participate in worship. The strong people don’t think they must worship. Just like David’s older brothers, they are strong and people acknowledge you, but God says no.  Only those who are weak and lacking are the ones who worship before God and that is what it means to be aligned with God.  We don’t come to worship because we lack strength in the world, mental things, or physical things, but God is with the people who hold onto the fact that we cannot do anything without the Word of the covenant, and pours his word upon us and one day, the mission of God will come upon us, the mission to save people’s lives. 

This is the reason I have to save the church because I save the world through the church; how can I save the world without the church? That’s the reason why God created Mark’s upper room in the beginning.  God didn’t scatter them in the beginning; he made the church first, and He made the word movement take place region by region, holding onto the mission in your business, in your school fields.  That is where God’s spirit works, and that is where you are continuously a witness until the ends of the earth.  That is the biblical church and the biblical members of the church that God desires.  It is not possible with your diligence. Only when we move holding onto the covenant God gave us into our hearts. For the rest of the week, may you be the ones surely holding to the covenant and confirming God’s mission.  


Let us pray, holding onto the Word God has given us today. God, allow the covenant of Christ to be the only thing remaining in my heart.  May the mission of God to save the 237 nations, the 5000 unreached people groups, and America evangelism take place within me, and please anoint me with the oil of the Holy Spirit so that I can perform this role through the role given me by the church.  Let us all pray together.

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