The Filling of the Holy Spirit (2 Kings 2:9-11)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Filling of the Holy Spirit (2 Kings 2:9-11)

Before Elijah was taken up to heaven. His disciples, Elijah only requested one thing. Don’t you think they should have a lot of prayer topics. Imagine how many things Elijah needed. But he only asked for one thing, in the very end. And that was a double portion of the Holy Spirit. So, Elijah actually chose his disciple well and Elijah held on to the prayer topic, God desired.

Why do we need the filling of the Holy Spirit? In order for somebody to do God’s work. They need to receive the anointing from God’s Spirit in the Old Testament, if you were anointed. It meant that the Holy Spirit came upon you, and when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, it means that God is upon you. This work can only take place if God comes upon you.

The thing that you guys need to listen to well and put into practice well is to figure out what you are living for. If you are just going to live a worldly life then you don’t need strength. You just have to work diligently. Then what will be the results. You’ll have the results from living hard from working hard, but because you don’t have spiritual strength one day you will be completely seized by the devil.

But we are not people who needs to be filled by physical things.Those words of diligence and earnestness are the best words of non believers. But, if that’s the only thing we needed then we would not be holding on to the same prayer topic. Give me a double person of your Holy Spirit came upon you. So he’s asking for a double portion of God’s power. Why must it be like that, because only then will he be able to carry on the ministry that Elijah has started.

What would happen if Elijah did not have that goal. If Elijah did not have the goal of carrying on Elijah as ministry. And he just did whatever he wanted to do then he would not hold on to this prayer topic. Elijah was moving from place to place, he was going to Jericho and Gil gal and, you know, these places were the most wealthy regions. And if he stayed in those regions, he would have been okay. So, if that was Elijah’s goal, he would not have asked for this pair topic he would have just remained in Jericho in this affluent place.

But the fact that Elijah’s prayer topic was for a double portion of the Holy Spirit meant that he understood that he needed to do the work of the Lord. And this is something that most churchgoers do not believe in.

They wonder how they’re going to do a good job or to study well, these are the things non believers do non believers would think like this but if you guys are thinking like this What are you going to lose hold of God promised to give you the filling of the Holy Spirit. But that is what you are losing hold of those physical things are answers that should follow you.

Elijah asked for the filling of the Holy Spirit, and all the physical things followed him this message must go in. What does it mean for this message to go in. It means that they understood each other in this way, and they had one heart. You cannot become one with anything else.

Even my own house cannot become one. Even before worship. I could not agree with my daughter. And I just told her that I would lose. But if you keep trying to have oneness like this, you will have a headache. How could she be the same as me? Will she be able to experience the same things I have. And even if she has experienced the same things. 

We’re so different. She’s a girl, I’m a guy, how could we have one heart?

We have to have the same understanding of the message and say that it is okay. It is not about people, but that is when the power of God needs to come upon you. The church doesn’t care about how many people come but what is important is that the members of the church may become one in the message that God desires, then God works.

What do we become one in? a week become one in the Gospel. If you don’t understand the gospel and you are legalistic, then you always will see the word of God differently because somebody tells you to do something you’ll just do it because you’re legalistic. The problems of your past, present and future all of those things are finished so nothing is a problem, but it is a problem isn’t it. It is because you are looking at things physically, and that is why you need to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. If you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. then you no longer see with just physical eyes. 

The members of the early church were labeled as heretics. So if they were caught speaking about Jesus Christ more than twice, they would be executed. But that was not a source of fear for them. Why were they not afraid because they were filled with God. They were not afraid. As individuals, we have to be afraid, nobody wants to give their lives.

Even parents find it difficult to devote their lives to their kids.

We experienced this in the old days before in the past, you would have to light a fire to keep the floor warm, warm, and they put the mom and the baby close to the fire.Before the mom would hold the baby close to the fire so the baby wouldn’t burn. But over time, the mother would be sitting on top of the baby in the oven. That is what happens to humans. It’s even mentioned in the Bible that some people may give their lives up for their friends but that is a very small minority. There are some people who may give their lives for their country as well but most people don’t do that.

You need to stake your life for the gospel. For the Lord. What was the date of the early church. They were not able to gather the police were keeping watch over the area. So they couldn’t really gathered together but they would meet in each other’s homes. Because in their homes they would be eating and sleeping and living with their families anyway so they worshiped in their homes. And who would stop them. That is actually the biblical strategy.

The biblical thing is for the filling and the working of the Holy Spirit to be working in your regions and in your home to have worship so you need to know what it means to have the filling of the Holy Spirit. It means you are filled from God. Once you are filled from God, then he will completely control you and work through view. In other words, if you want to look at it differently.

If a shaman is taken over by demons, then they would be able to stand barefoot on the floor blades and jump over sticks. And this is because they are filled with evil spirits, even if you are not filled by evil spirits and you wanted to go, you would still be scared, but if you did, you could get your legs healed fortune tellers can do healing and predict the future, they don’t have their own strength, and you don’t know that, but they do their business. The demon overtakes somebody and makes them steal from their opponents.

The demons work, so that the demon will steal all the business in one region, there is a spiritual world like that. You even pray and curse, other people, and they make it so that people have no choice but to go to shamans, there is that spiritual world.

If the Christians don’t want to understand the spiritual worlds. Then they don’t understand the gospel. If you don’t understand the spiritual world then you won’t be able to understand the filling and the working of the Holy Spirit, and you won’t understand evil spirits either. The Presbyterian Church may talk a little bit about the working of the Holy Spirit, but there is a realistic working of the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, there’s the working in the filling of evil spirits, so that is why you need to look for a fortune teller. You need to look at what the work of the fortune tellers are when they are actually possessed by demons.

Every single morning they take an ice water bath and it’s not even cold for them but they pray. There’s a pastor who texted me and asked how I swim in the winter. I think I’m different. Either I’m filled with the Holy Spirit or there’s evil spirits in me but it’s not something that I can do just by setting my mind on it.

Either filled by an evil spirit that controls legions of evil spirits or I’m filled by the Holy Spirit, but because I’m filled by the Holy Spirit. Then I receive power when you receive that strength, you not only receive mental strength, but you receive wisdom as well. There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. If you graduate from Harvard, you may have knowledge, but maybe not wisdom.

There are some little kids who haven’t even graduated. But they are so wise.It might be somebody to become intellectual or wise because of the knowledge that they have but there’s something else you need the wisdom of God to come upon you.

Something may look like a crisis when you see with physical eyes but when you look at it from the wisdom of God you see it as an opportunity. Look at the early church.

It was a complete crisis.They were at the point of being destroyed because the Jewish church called them a heresy. The martyrdom of Stephen was a crisis. Only a few members of the early church were dragged away, but the members of Antioch church who are led by the Holy Spirit did world evangelism.

But if you just look at this martyrdom of Steven as just a physical thing, then you would see it as a crisis. But those who receive the and the guidance of the Holy Spirit can proclaim it to the Antioch church. And that is what it means to see the work that God is doing. If you don’t have these eyes to see then you will face a big problem, you will say oh everyone’s going to die.

That is when you will be afraid, and become demon possessed. If you are always afraid you will be seized by the demons because God told you not to worry. The devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for somebody to devour. King Saul was not possessed by a demon because he was a non believer or non believer would not be anointed and have the filling of the Holy Spirit to become a king.

But what this means is that even if you go to church, you can still be possessed, even though Satan has no ability to control your spirit he can still affect your thoughts in your mind, it’s possible. You may hear something or be possessed. 

If you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, there is a work that God will do. He opens the doors of evangelism.

So, if you don’t understand evangelism biblically Your life will be difficult.

If you think that evangelism is only something you can do when they receive some special training then your life will be hard because God does not require a special training. It is good to have training that allows you to understand the filling in the working of the Holy Spirit. But if you guys receive the filling of the Holy Spirit thing, without a doubt, God will open up the doors of evangelism because that is what God is doing. 

Then Acts chapter two. It says that the filling of the Holy Spirit came upon each individual. And in Acts chapter two verses nine through 11, even though they did not call anybody. These people started together. Some people ask, Do I have to go to have the work of the Holy Spirit, or do I have to stay both work Apostle Paul was wandering around as he met with people, but everywhere he went, he prayed for the filling and working of the Holy Spirit.

Priscilla and Aquila asked Apollo if he knew about the filling of the Holy Spirit. Apollo said, Oh, I only know about the baptism of water that was done by John the Baptist. So Apollo knew the Old Testament very well and he knew about the Holy Spirit but Priscilla and Aquila taught him about the filling of the Holy Spirit. It was the same for the Apostle Paul, he never got to experience the filling and working of the Holy Spirit. 

In Acts chapter two, but in Acts chapter nine after meeting with Jesus Christ directly to whom did he go to Anand is and Anand is taught about this. Do you know what the baptism of the Holy Spirit is? You know who Jesus Christ is but do you know the baptism of the Holy Spirit? In other words, you know the filling of the Holy Spirit. If you don’t know that, then you cannot have a ministry.

Even if you know Jesus Christ. If you don’t understand the filling of the Holy Spirit, then you will have no ministry. Why did the church people have no strength? First they don’t know the gospel but it’s mixed in with legalism and religion. It’s all suffering. The second thing is that they don’t understand the spiritual things. And because they do not understand spiritual things, they cannot understand the filling of the Holy Spirit. So they think that it’s just something that people are screaming about at church. 

Maybe a lot of works happen, but they cannot acknowledge that something is true or wrong. They are very unsure about the working of the Holy Spirit. But, in the early church. Jesus Christ spoke about this himself. He said, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power. It is not Jesus, but it is the Holy Spirit, then the fields that took place after the Holy Spirit came after Acts chapter two. And within that flow were Priscilla and Aquila the business people who were within the flow of the Holy Spirit’s, and every single member of that church was within this flow. So, even though they faced scary things because they were filled by the Holy Spirit. They were not afraid.

We saw in the Wednesday night service that in Proverbs, it talks about when you are filled with alcohol and somebody hits you, you won’t feel it. That’s what happens when you are drunk. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, even if something is scary. You will be fine. If you don’t have the strength from the Holy Spirit, how can you survive the pandemic here but it will look like an opportunity to you and you can see the opportunity for everybody else, it would be a problem and you cannot see the answer, but you can see that answer.

Because God is controlling your thoughts and your minds. Your thoughts become God’s thoughts, and because you see through God’s eyes, nothing is a problem. That’s what it means to see the answer.

If this doesn’t take place, then no matter how smart you are, you will never be able to see the answer. It doesn’t matter what you’ve experienced in life. If you cannot see it. Then how would you see people. It does not take place.No matter how much you work physically you are still at the level of a non believer. And no matter how much you go to church you are always at the level of religion.

You need to have the strength, so that is why Elijah prayed for a double portion of the Spirit. He is saying that for him personally. If he just has this, then everything is finished and Elijah says you have asked for a very difficult thing. Elijah says this, even though it’s not something that Elijah would give, but it is something that God gives, but it means that Elijah knows this very well. “How did you know this mystery,” is what Elijah was being asked. It is the same with the mystery of the early church. If you know Jesus Christ, then you know the mystery of the filling of the Holy Spirit, then the kingdom of God will be established to the ends of the earth. And that is why it doesn’t matter if you have a lot of little, because the power of God comes upon you. It doesn’t matter if you go to jail or not.

If you do go to prison, you will see God’s guidance and opportunity there as well. But if you do not see that, then that means you cannot see God’s plan, there were two daughters who predicted the future. They told Paul not to go to Jerusalem, and they said that if he went to Jerusalem, he would be imprisoned. That’s right. He did end up going to prison.

And so they told him not to go. This means the Holy Spirit was talking through these girls and they were able to see into the future that Paul would be imprisoned.

So they told him not to go to Jerusalem because they could not see the plan of God. He had to go to Jerusalem in order to see Rome. But that is why Paul responded that that was why he was going to Jerusalem. Do you think you can receive proper guidance?

You can see that. But you can respond like Paul saying that that’s the reason why you have to go. That’s what happens when you have the feeling of the Holy Spirit. Everyone is saying that no it’s impossible, you shouldn’t do it, but you can do it, because you can see, and that is why there is no competition. That is the blessing that God wants to give us.

So, he was very comfortable, as a prisoner he was taken he was fed and they even paid for his transportation fee to go all the way to Rome. If Paul did not receive the filling of the Holy Spirit and just listened to these fortune telling girls, then he would say, Oh, your rights, and I shouldn’t go to Jerusalem, and then he would not have gone to Rome, but the people in Jerusalem were like gangsters. If he went to Jerusalem, he would get beat up and killed. 

So in the middle of this very uncertain and scary future Paul received the filling of the Holy Spirit, and received God’s plan in the world, in the field you’re in. There is a war. Do you think you can win. Do you think you can win just by listening to the words of people. You need to be able to see God’s plan and that is why we need to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.

If that takes place then God will open the doors for evangelism and missions. Within that God’s work will come upon you and work upon you. If you don’t understand this, then that means you’re not listening to the business and industry misguidance message, if you’re just looking for a business strategy to survive. And the business world, then you’re not going to last long and you’ll just leave.

If you think “Hey, this is a gathering of people who are in business, don’t you think they would be able to help me?” If you have that ulterior motive, then you’re just going to leave. It’s the same with your studies so it doesn’t matter whether you are good or bad, you just hold on to the talents God has given to you. The only thing that is equal between people is the Holy Spirit that God has given to everyone.

If you just say that you are going to use your talents for World evangelism, then that’s what it means for you to do world evangelization, and you can go to whatever college God wants you to go to and God will use your talents appropriately. And God will reveal those talents because you need to use those talents for world evangelization. That is the strength of the filling of the Holy Spirit. When you receive that strength, then your words are no longer just 

Apostle Paul went to Patmos Island first. There was a sorcerer who was demon possessed. And he was working with proconsul there. Paul had to deliver this gospel to the pro console but the sorcerer blocked it at that time. It says that the Apostle Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit, and he was able to rebuke the demon possessed sorcerer Elmyas. Then the demon fled.

God has given us this authority and identity. And we have to use that authority because the field is difficult. But when you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit that authority is revealed. It is not my ability, but it is God’s ability, so your God’s word is fulfilled. Why, because it is not my words, but it is God’s words. That was Samuel, not one word that Samuel said fell to the ground.

The reason is because Samuel slept every night by the Ark of the Covenant to really understand who God was when the priest Eli was not able to understand what was going on. He relayed, the word to Samuel, so he had strength, your opponents won’t be able to do anything.

The fact that you have spiritual strength, means that you have the power of God so that the evil spirits will not be able to attack. That was like David and God poured his Holy Spirit upon him. It was not that David had a good personality, but God had simply chosen him to become the king. God needs to take the place of the king. But God did it without the filling of the Holy Spirit. He took advantage of because he’s still human. 

But when the Holy Spirit came upon him again. Then he moved again. If you look at every single member of the church like this then you will have hope. But if you look at an individual’s abilities, then you have no hope.

If you believe that God will work in all the people with mental diseases, then God will work.

You have to, wherever you are.

Even if you cannot do this without early morning prayer service, then come to church because you can’t just do it at home. We have that fundamental state of a nonbeliever where we went to be comfortable and just went to sleep. But if somebody just lives around this region and they are still not coming to church that is not the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

If you look at the people who live around the church. They will come. Some people will pray as they sleep at church. If you are within a certain radius of the church, then it is rightful for you to pray. You have to do this just think like there’s a hook in your nose. This is the only way that you can change your family line otherwise the poverty that endlessly goes into your family and the diseases. The laziness, those things will never change.

You will always want to lay down, you’ll always want to be lazy, but the diseases will keep coming to you, and poverty will always be your problem, then how can you be a witness? That is why you need the filling of the Holy Spirit, especially if you live in Koreatown you especially need this Holy Spirit. Otherwise you will be especially poor. Because, relative to other regions, Korea Town is the most poor, so hold on to this.

God will work upon you until you are able to proclaim the gospel. This is true equality in my eyes. America talks about some other a quality but it’s not possible. Will there ever be equality between whites and blacks? People want to have equality but is there really going to have a quality.

But if you have the filling of the Holy Spirit that is equality. The only thing that can fulfill true equality is the filling of the Holy Spirit. And within the filling of the Holy Spirit is true freedom, not American freedom, but a freedom that makes it so that you are okay, no matter what the crisis. Your worlds can only be correct if you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Jesus Christ, that is, the Holy Spirit. If you are talking about something else that is not the filling of the Holy Spirit. not gonna work out.

If you don’t receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t matter what the President of the United States is saying. It won’t take place.Do you think that if the President of the United States blocks evangelism be the Holy Spirit comes upon you then everything is irrelevant. And that is why there is no reason for you to make excuses.

If Christians don’t know this, then they always have to do these useless things. They are always going to make excuses saying, “Oh, we should have this president elected but he wasn’t.” With that level, this will not work out in your life. The presidential election is just a formality that we need so that we can run this human world. It’s, we just need someone to fill that position but it will just keep going back and forth from the left to the right. 

Isn’t that right, there needs to be some president who fight and defend the poor and other presidents will defend the rich, and you need people like that. And that’s how the physical world works, but for us it is irrelevant. If we received the billing of the Holy Spirit we will proclaim the gospel until the end. This is what you and I must restore.

Then, the members of the congregation will say that nothing matters. Why, because I am inside the kingdom of God. Then what happens is the kingdom of Satan is broken down, and that is the blessing we have been given. So, as we live in our week what is the reason we always talk about scheduled prayer.

It’s because if you don’t do scheduled prayer then when you go out into the field you won’t be connected with God. But if you set a time and you have scheduled prayer, it will be connected all the way to your field. And that is what we call a rhythm. 

If the spiritual things drop then it’s going to take a long time to restore that you have all experienced that. Once the spiritual cycle, when it drops too low, it will take a long time for you to restore it. But if you have this scheduled prayer system every day, then this rhythm will continue. 

But if that does not take place, you will go right back to the physical things. And the first thing that happens to you is that you worry, you’re afraid. It’s hard. You don’t see what God is doing. And you will be so far away from missions and evangelism. And you are completely taken in by the environment of the world. When you go to church, you are going half dead. Then, it’s okay if you receive a little grace from church but sometimes you lose hold of that and sometimes you cannot even go. What happens if this keeps happening every week. 

This is what I am talking about for you guys.Even if you don’t eat a meal, at least for one minute a day. And the reason I say one minute is because when you start with one minute, it will progress into two minutes, but if you try to do this with 24 hours from the beginning it’s not going to work. Just pray for 30 seconds, say, God, please fill my body, my soul My spirit, my brain. 

With faith you hold on to the covenant, as you pray, and you need to have this kind of time every day, when you go into the fields you need this even more because all your thoughts will be stolen by the things you see with your eyes.

What are you going to see God’s works, or God’s guidance, there. Satan knows this so he tries to steal this away. The young adults and remnants must make this a habit, while you are young, even if it is not taking place now keep doing it. It will be so stubbornly not taking place, because that is our physical nature.  

But we will endlessly challenge towards this. It is normal that it does not take place, but we keep on trying. That is why even if you just do this for one minute a day. The Holy Spirit will work. It is not your power, it is God’s power, and you will become different, you will experience this, then you will have 24 hours of communicating with God, the pandemic is the greatest opportunity for you to do this. 

So that you can have the spiritual things but if you keep going in the direction of physical things. I don’t know what will help you. How great is this time. If you drive back and forth you lose a lot of time driving, but God is giving you a lot of time now so do this.

You have to do this at the minimum.

Because the way that God works through you, is by the filling of the Holy Spirit. So I hope that you will enjoy this blessing every day. If it does not take place I will keep telling you about this. May you be victorious. 

Let us pray at this time together holding on to the word God, give me the filling of the Holy Spirit.

So that your word, your plan will be fulfilled and that world evangelism will take place. Please completely control my thoughts, my mind, my heart and my body. Let us pray.


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