The Feast of Tabernacle, The Feast of Ingathering (Leviticus 23:33-44)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Feast of Tabernacle, The Feast of Ingathering (Leviticus 23:33-44)

Today we are hearing the word about the festival of the Tabernacle, which is also called the feast of the Ingathering.  Why is it that God is continuously telling the Israelites to keep the festivals and feasts after the Exodus?  Among the seven feasts that God told the Israelites to keep, for these three special feasts, He told them to gather at the Tabernacle.  The three festivals where they gathered together in person were all correlated with the harvest because they were farmers, to gather their crops to offer them to the LORD.

So, the passover actually happens right after the first fruits, and connected to the passover is the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  The festival of Pentecost is actually the same as the Feast of Weeks.  The Pentecost is actually like our Thanksgiving.  Today what we are learning about is the festival of the Tabernacle which is also the Ingathering where they bring in the crops and store them, so we see there are always two names and or expressions for the same festival.  

The reason there are two titles for each festival is because one title is for the agricultural patterns of the farmers and the other is for the way God led the Israelites. These three feasts are very important.  Even now, if you don’t know the meaning of the three feasts, you will never be able to do America evangelization. The fact that you won’t be able to do america evangelization is because you won’t be able to block disasters, and you won’t be able to break down the kingdom of Satan. I’m telling you about spiritual things.

Just like in the Old Testament,they were talking about farming, but there was a separate, spiritual meaning as well.  During the time of worship, you must be able to be in prayer, receiving the Word through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If you come here and listen with your brain, you’re just hearing a lecture, and by stacking up al this knowledge you go into the world and collapse.

The worship is a time where you can listen to God’s voice, to lay down everything and to listen to God’s Word. You must be someone like this first and foremost to break down the darkness in your family, and only then can you change your imprint, root, nature.  Otherwise, even if you keep living your walk of faith, you yourself will neer change because you’re doing the walk of faith with your head. Your head cannot overcome the world because this world is being controlled by the spiritual things.  So, you must come to life at this time spiritually in order for you to save your family and occupation, in other words, your field.

The situation of Egypt was that it was controlled by the kingdom of Satan. If this doesn’t come into your heart, while living in America, you will suffer without cause or reason. THere’s no reason; you’re just constantly suffering because you only think with your brain, but it means you’re spiritually dark. That was the Israelites, do you think they didn’t know the Jehovah God?  They did know the Jehovah God, but it was just physical knowledge they lost hold of worship, and that was the beginning of all problems. They didn’t know what kind of land Egypt was, Egypt was the land where Satan had dug a trap using Genesis 3, 6, and 11. He dug them into a trap of “me”-centeredness, making them centered on “my things” and centered on the work they want to accomplish together.  

Even though Satan is invisible, that was how he was binding and controlling Egypt. Satan is invisible to our eyes, but he makes us turn right back to our self-centeredness.  Because we’re self-centered, we have no choice but to live for things, centered on ourselves and our own benefit, but we’re being dragged around by Satan, unknowingly led on the way to death, and American society aligns with people so that people can combine their strength to exalt their name, their strength, and their reputation, so they become slaves.  Then, they serve a spiritually different God in Egypt.

Another God means they serve evil spirits and Satan.  Egypt’s state was a state where they had been completely enslaved by Satan, living in the six states of the non-believer.  Because the people of God had lost hold of the spiritual things, they became slaves in that land, and it’s the same in America today. Christians going to church have become completely enslaved by American society.  Everything is about “me,” “my things,” and they pray about that; they can never break down the darkness and block the ten disasters.  

As a result, we have this reality where churches are clsoingdown andshrinking. Is it because God is weak?  God is all powerful, but the people who believe in God are simply choosing something else.  In the end, God creates these events in Egypt that will proclaim His name to the entire world before bringing the Israelites out of Egypt.  There are only two options: you can suffer and cry and moan, and that’s how the people around you can hear about God, or you can remain in the covenant and proclaim it in victory.

Everyone around Egypt heard about the 10 disasters, even the Canaanites. Egypt faced curses, and for 430 years, they were suffering needlessly, but God’s will was fulfilled anyway. 

So in America if you don’t understand what the Feast of the Ingathering and Weeks and Tabernacle, you can’t overcome America.  If you don’t understand this, you can’t break down the disasters and Satan. First and foremost,your family won’t work out because you can’t exist in a family just by trying to be nice to one another. You have to break down the forces of darkness, is it enough to be nice to one another? Without understanding this, you can’t have personal healing either, so you’ll be seized by Satan, saying, “me, me” and that’s the reason you always suffer. Even though you come to church to pray, it’s all religious prayer, not aligned with God.  Every time you read the Bible, you’ll only look for physical things, and it’s because you’re seized, but you’re the only one who doesn’t know it, you don’t know why you’re failing.

The Israelites didn’t know why they were being destroyed, but as soon as they applied the blood of the passover lamb of Jesus Christ, God liberated them from sin, disasters, and hell, and Satan, and that was the Passover, the incident where Jesus Christ finished all the problems of mankind 2000 years ago on the cross, and we must be imprinted in this.  Because you’re not imprinted in this, you’re constantly centered on yourself and physical things, “this year I’ll do better,” you’re dreaming the dream of Satan while having false hope.  God told us to keep the passover every single year and to concentrate on it for a week every year, but you’re concentrating on other things.

You must imprint this every day, otherwise you’ll be dragged around constantly. That’s what it means to be a slave, and ultimately you’re being dragged around by Satan.  It’s already finished, you don’t need to search for yourself anymore. You’ve died on the cross; why do you keep coming back to life? You’re dead on the cross; why do you keep calculating your own benefit? Why do you keep saying, “me, me”? That’s therason you’ve failed until now, but it crawls back up again, so you must properly understand the passover, what it means for Jesus Christ to be the solution to all problems. 

Because you don’t understand this, you keep saying, “pastor, there’s a problem,” you crawl back to life and don’t understand. You’ve been liberated by God’s grace, but you can’t understand. “Pastor, you said Jesus Christ finished all problems but I have family problems and you ask me these silly questions,” it means you don’t understand what the Gospel means yet.  By God’s grace you understand the cross of Jesus Christ, but you understand the depth and completeness of the Gospel, so even though we don’t need to suffer, you keep creating suffering for yourself.  You’ve died on the cross, so why do you get offended when nobody acknowledges your opinions, why do you have your own thoughts?

It’s the same with your family and the church. Because this happens, Satan makes you collide with one another. But if it’s truly finished for someone, they truly sit still.  If that person keeps asserting themselves then let them be, it’s not going to work out. Because their own selfish assertions are not aligned greater than God’s word, they fall on their own, so that’s why you hold onto the Word of Christ.  “Not me, but God.” That’s what you must hold onto.  

The scars of your past will never change.  No matter what they say in the world, maybe if you go to a therapist, it may help a little, but fundamental heeling will never take place, and Satan rides in on that scar, but you personally won’t know this because you’re suffering, adi you don’t know this, you’ll be enslaved your entire life.  So, you have on choice but to avoid people and you don’t like hearing certain things, it’s all because of your scar.  People think if they move from a poor country to a superpower country like America, things will be better, but inside, the things are the same. Perhaps the materialistic quality of life may get better, but internal things will never change.  Just because you’re born in America, it doesn’t mean you don’t have internal problems, but this is the way people grow up.  

The Egypt tof the past and America today are the same.  Last week, we talked about the Pentecost, the working of the Holy Spirit, the power of the Holy Spirit .  Even if we have the ability to run a business, we don’t have the power to do world evangelization.  If we have the power to do world evangelization, we will receive power to do our business because that’s the blessing God gives you.  Without knowing this, you work and study so diligently, at your level, and you’re following after disasters.  That is why you have to do everything with the power of the spiritual summit, receiving the Holy Spirit of the Pentecost.

Today we are learning about the feast of the Tabernacles, and this is where the Israelites would break down branches from trees and their families would live in booths, and that’s the way God guided the Isrealites throughout history.  The time when they were doing that was around the same time they gathered the seven fruits and did that.  It’s talking about the Tabernacle.  In order to talk about the Tabernacle, you must first talk about the Tent of meeting.

Because there’s the Tabernacle, the tent of meetings that’s connected to the tents, and in the Tabernacle, you have to keep the light lit for 24 hours a day.  THis is what the servant of the LORD must do.  Then, the word that God relays must be proclaimed to the people gathered at the tent of meeting, and that’s worship. If you lose hold of worship, that’s the end of your life. You may be able to live according to your ability but you cannot block disasters. Everything you meet is a disaster, why?  Because you’re living your life losing hold of the strength of the Word that God gives you, so everything you meet and do in the world is just disasters and Satan.

You need to be able to take that spiritual blessing back to your tents, and this is when you maintain this in your field and with your family, then today, when we talk about the feast of the Tabernacles in particular, it means to keep this in concentration for one week. You should be able to do this every day, but especially for this week, do it in concentration, only then can you conquer Canaan.  

The Israelites were told to keep these feasts in the land of Canaan, the Israelites did keep the festivals, but they lost hold of the spiritual meaning behind it, so they met with disasters. It’s the same today. Why do members of the church become enslaved by the world and Satan?  Why do Christians become slaves to Satan even though they go to church worship? It’s because even though they do that, they lose hold of the spiritual strength of worship and the Word, so you must listen to the Word God gives you very well.

The walk of faith is not something you can do with diligence like going to Harvard; you cannot live your walk of faith using your wit and might.  You may be able to accomplish physical things that wya, but spiritual things must be given to you by God. You cannot do this with your grit; that’s religion. Using your effort to go to God is religion, even if you’re trying to endure for 40 days in concentration, it won’t work out. You have to believe in Christ.

You need to confirm your faith, believing in Jesus Christ who solved all problems, every day.  You have to believe in the filling of the Holy Spirit and working of the Holy Spirit of Pentecost; it’s not something you can do with your grit.

Now we are learning about the feast of the Tabernacles and Ingathering. THe Tabernacle is about the frame of your life.  The frame of our lives is connected to the kingdom of God and the throne of heaven.  The feast of the Ingathering also has the spiritual meaning about when Jesus Christ comes again, we will all be gathered in heaven.  Therefore, today’s meaning of the feast of the Tabernacles and Ingathering have the spiritual meaning of the kingdom of God being established here on earth.

You know this just by hearing it once, but you might not enjoy it. You may misunderstand, knowing with your brain, but not enjoying it. In fact, explaining this in detail may be to your loss because you say, “I wonder what this is,” and the pastor may explain, but it’s just with your knowledge.  What’s important is for you to realistically enjoy the kingdom of God.  You need to realistically enjoy the working of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.  You have to realistically enjoy Jesus Christ who has finished all problems.  If you’re not able to enjoy the Kingdom of God, you won’t be able to break down the kingdom of Satan. 

Therefore, if you’re not able to enjoy the kingdom of God, the Tabernacle, and Ingathering, you will always be enslaved by Satan.  So, if only one person is able to enjoy this in the family, the entire family will be overturned.  No matter how adorable your child may be, no matter how much you respect your parents, you will never be  able to escape the darkness of Genesis 3. That means you have no choice but to keep living a life where your emotions, thoughts, and emotions are completely based on the “you” of Genesis 3.

Every time that happens, if you don’t turn that around to the Word of God, you will be dragged by the world forever.  God has called us to this place of worship so He can give us the spiritual blessing and His Word that we cannot even fathom.  If you receive the Word correctly here, then God is working in your family and field, and that’s what we call the kingdom of God.  But because you don’t know this, you’re being enslaved by Satan.  The people who are demon possessed in the kingdom of Satan do their business, praying to transcend time and space.  These people are controlled by Satan, gathering together every day to move the world, filled with evil spirits.  Then what about us? Are you going to overcome it with your mental strength? Never.  

If we’re able to overcome it  with our mental strength, why would God have given us a spirit? We need to have strong spiritual strength in order for our mind and life to be correct, and for that to happen, the Word of God must be imprinted and rooted within us.  Words of legalism will kill yourself and everyone else, the spirit gives life; only the Word can save us. It’s not that we don’t need the law, but through the law, we go towards the gospel.  Then, one day, God will naturally fulfill the Word of the law through us, and that’s what we call healing.

If you’re always praying with your willpower, that’s not true prayer; you’re doing the same prayer as the buddhist monks. You need to confirm  and discover the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is invisible to our eyes, but God reveals Himself through His Word, and no matter what happens, if you do not establish the kingdom of God, you cannot break down devils and Satan.  For example, if you don’t want to pray, it means you don’t want to live in the world. I’m sure you personally don’t think this way, and personally you may think, ‘Even if I don’t pray, I have a good life to life,” but spiritually, you don’t want to live. You have to enjoy the kingdom of God, and if you can’t, you’ll be enslaved by the kingdom of Satan.  Everywhere you go in your family and field, the kingdom of God must be established.  Only then can the kingdom of Satan that controls your family and background will be broken as the kingdom of God is established.  

I hope you will listen in prayer and stop trying to understand with your brain. How are you planning to understand God with your mind?  That is why you need to pray to God and ask to hear the voice of God that He is telling you.  But these kids keep trying to listen and understand the Word themselves; that’s not what it means.  When the voice of God and the Word He speaks comes to me, that’s when my imprint, root, nature change. That’s what prayer means.  Only when the kingdom of God is established everywhere I go, that’s when the kingdom of Satan is broken down. 

Matthew 12:28-29 says if it is by the Holy Spirit that I cast out evil spirits, the kingdom of God is established. Unless you first bind the strong man, you won’t be able to save your family. If you’re self-centered, it doesn’t matter how much you hold to the word of God; that’s religion and that’s why your family isn’t being saved because the kingdom of Satan is firmly established. “I talk about Jesus Christ,” but you’re still self-centered. You talk about Jesus Christ and reveal Him a lot, but you’re still self-centered.  Then no matter how much you teach and preach about Jesus Christ, it’s not Christ being relayed; it is you being relayed, so that’s why the kingdom of God can’t be established. And because the kingdom of God isn’t being established, Satan controls everything, and people keep being dragged around by spiritual problems flowing down the family line. Realistically, you must enjoy the kingdom of God.  

Today, during worship, if you’re able to enjoy the Kingdom of God realistically, you’ll relay that  to your family naturally.  Worship is everything.  If you don’t truly think this way, your future will always be enslaved by America because every time you worship, God works upon you with The Word and the Holy Spirit. THa’ts the Word you must listen to.  Stop interpreting with your brian, but hear God’s voice. Hold onto that and take it home.  Otherwise, everything you learn is just staying in your brain, then when you go home, the things within you will come out.  

Therefore, if the disasters of the field keep increasing ,it is the church’s responsibility. The responsibility of the church means every individual member is the church, and it’s our fault.  Because through worship, you as the church must receive the Word by grace and take the Word into your field and families, but you’re not doing that.  The reason God gave us  these three feasts is so that we can conquer the land of Canaan and do world evangelization.  If you’re not able to do this, then as soon as you go into the land of Canaan, the superpower nation, you’ll be engulfed because on the side of the land of Canaan was Philistia.  

Then, on the right side, across the Jordan river, there were many superpower nations there, and above Israel was also a great land, and below that, to the south, was Egypt. So in the past, ISrael was constantly at war because all these superpower nations were attacking Egypt. Even if you wanted to live a quiet life by yourself, you can’t control it but you’re constantly at war.  

Only in the age of David as they held onto the gospel, going into the other nations proclaiming Christ, were they able to conquer and spread the Word of God.  If perhaps you’re thinking, “I just want to live a quiet, undisturbed life,” you’ll always be bothered by something.  The life you’re thinking about is just written in stories, an imagination creed by mankind, but that is not the life of happiness the Bible speaks about. Our life is about keeping that Three Feasts, enjoying and spreading that to the surrounding nations.  

Because these words of God are not rooted inside of you, you’re holding onto the fairy tales you read in books, so you want to live in the countryside and live a quiet life by yourself, it’s because you’ve read these books incorrectly. All these things are written by unbelievers who don’t have God, but they touch your emotions, yet, that’s not how God created us.

Our entire lives is about gaining spiritual strength through worshiping God and saving the 237 nations that have gathered in America.  Once this is rooted inside of us, these are the answers we will see.  But instead of being rooted in that, if you’re instead thinking, “I don’t want to bother and inconvenience other people, I just want to make money,” you’ll constantly be at war because Satan won’t leave you alone.

You must conquer the kingdom of Satan and turn it into the kingdom of God, and that’s why God gives us spiritual strength and blessings.  

But if you’re not interested in this at all, and you just pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit so you can live a quiet life by yourself, why would God give that to you? That’s why you’re not aligned with God, because something incorrect has been deeply rooted inside of you.  If you think your life will be happy when you meet the person you really want, it’s because you’ve read the incorrect books and have watched the wrong movies.

It will not work out if you don’t have God.  If you’re trying to create some kind of paradise without God, that itself means you’ve been imprinted, rooted, and have the nature of Satan.  In this world, there are only two choices, kingdom of God and kingdom of Satan.  It is true that the kingdom of Satan works through the working of evil spirits, but the way you see it, it will be revealed through your self centeredness, physical centeredness, and success centeredness, where you’re trying to do your own work and exalting your own reputation. 

Therefore, when we tell you to keep the feast of the Tabernacles and the Ingathering, it means to make the kingdom of God into your main stream.  If the church is being moved by people or by the minority, that church will fall.  It must be a church moved by God, so we must follow God’s Word.  Never move according to your own thoughts.  Because we know that we cannot move according to our own thoughts, we openly discuss with one another and receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. It’s the same with your family.  If one person controls the entire family, it might work out if they’re at the level of God, but otherwise it won’t work out, and it’s the same in your business as well.

The better the company, the better their systems for communication, and that’s how they move together.  For us, we move according to God’s Word. Whatever is not centered on God is the empty place, and you need to change that so it becomes centered on God. Only at that point is the kingdom of Satan broken down. When you students are studying, is the kingdom of God there?  No, there’s only two things, you, and your fulfillment of your goals. You must change that. Change yourself so you have the strength to do it by God, for God, with God’s strength. That’s the kingdom of God.

FOr unbelievers, you must change them by proclaiming the gospel to them.  It may seem you are the ones to do it, but God sends His angels ahead into your field, so honestly speaking, it’s very simple.  The only thing difficult is because our imprint, root, nature is so used to going into the direction of Satan, sin, and disasters.  

At this time today, if the Word of God is being established within you, then even without you realizing it, you receive healing. Take this word into your home and your jobs, when you hold onto that Word and pray, the kingdom of God is established and the drakenss is broken. These are spiritual things, so I’m not telling you to do anything, but enjoy this. The only thing God told you to do is to give offering, to take the things you’ve earned from your job and to bring it to the church. He tells you to enjoy everything else, even the offering. If you don’t understand that, it seems like a waste because you don’t know the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.  

If you realize this, you’ll be able to enjoy offering.  You can’t avoid money because people are afflicted by money and commit suicide because of money. Even if you pretend like it’s not the case, you have no choice. Not being able to conquer that by the grace of God and the kingdom of God, you’ll be enslaved. 

I want to ask this favor of the remnants, learn correctly from the word of God and don’t give offering by looking at other people.  It may seem as if I make this money, but I make this money because God gave me the talent. If God’s sovereignty doesn’t exist in your finances, quickly restore God’s sovereignty there.  If you’re not centered on God, and if God isn’t controlling your finances, you’ll be constantly enslaved by Satan.

TIthing is honestly obvious. The inner heart of a person will try to reduce their offering, the more money they make.  Tithes, temple construction, thanksgiving, missions, there are all these different kinds, but this must be accurate.  That is how you’ll be someone who is very accurate in the money in the world as well.  If you’re not accurate in your offering, you’re inaccurate in your money because it is God’s money and you’re giving it to God.  Offering should be your priority.  Your spending budget should not be the priority, but to give offering first and adjust your spending budget from there.

The way you live your life must adjust to the money you have left over. “How will I survive that way?” That’s God’s method, and that’s how you will diet and not buy unnecessary clothes.  All the clothes crammed in your closet, worn just a few times, this is why. Your unnecessary shoes. You have so many pairs of shoes but never wear them, why? Because that’s how you live your life, everything is unnecessary. Are the things that are left over going to help you do world evangelization?  Your going to end up throwing it away.

Remnants, you must understand well. If you don’t learn this from the Bible, you will always be in conflict over finances. You must be bold before God, whatever you’ve received from God, give it back to Him,and if you die from poverty, then just die because that’s God killing you. If you’re flustering around trying to survive, that person is a slave. THis is the kind of businessperson who must do their business.  God will give you the sure answers and finances because you’re sure in your finances before God. That can be my testimony as well.  

I said this on Sunday as well, but I didn’t buy these clothes with my money.  I’ve heard many times, “Pastor, you look like a bumpkin,” but it’s not because I don’t have style.  When I had a really good job in the region of Gangnam, do you think I dressed like a bumpkin? No, because for unbelievers, their style is everything, but once I believed in Jesus Christ, I threw all that away, so all the clothes that I have are because the church members have given me gift cards as presents.

What am I trying to say?  My family is always in the negative, living off credit, because we give everything in offering first, so after paying for rent and bills, we go into debt, so even when we make our resolution in offering, we do it out of faith. That’s our life.  You guys are doing business, I think you have to change your thinking.  I think the reason you want to make a lot of money is going towards a different goal, but there is no answer for God there.

God works to do world evangelization, the church must be saved, and the church pays for the pastor’s taxes, and it seems like such a waste, isn’t it? Some people say it’s a waste but that’s not right. This is rightful. I’m telling you how it should be, not how it is.  Whether you make a lot or a little, you must give according to how God told you to give it. If you’re embarrassed, it’s a sign you must let go of yourself; you shouldn’t be ashamed about this.  Whatever you have, no matter how little you have, do it before God, and in all categories, you must give offering.

You must be sure about your tithe, write down how much for that and for temple construction and how much for missions. That’s how that offering is given in faith, otherwise, what happens? We didn’t put that there just as a joke.  It seems like a human being created this envelope, but we give our offering in faith, holding onto the covenant. You must be sure in faith in this.

You think offering is nothing? You must pray, pray for your tithe, for your temple construction like this. If you just lump all your offering into one, you don’t know what is what, but you should pray for the categories, then your prayers will be sure.  It will all be divided into different budgets for different covenants. You must be sure before God regarding this, this is how God will surely work in your business field as well. You need to let go of all your pride.  

“How are these people going to think about me?” How God sees you is more important. You give it to God first. Today’s worship is the same.  You are worshiping in front of God in faith. That spiritual state is already changed into the spiritual summit, that’s why God gives His Word there.  Then what happens to this person? Of course, they go into the direction of saving the world.  So, remnants, you must be sure about this early on, because if you start with the incorrect framework, you’ll go through your life thinking this is your walk of faith.

When I first accepted Jesus Christ, one week later, a pastor taught me about tithe. I was a new believer.  I never learned about that because I didn’t go to church, but a pastor in Korea taught me about tithes.  The missionaries I lived with didn’t tithe because they thought all the offering that they received through the mission offering, had the tithe taken out, so they thought they didn’t have to give it anymore, but you have to give offering too, because the pastor’s life is taken care of by the offering, so you must give it to God.  This thing called “money” is a visible representation of your faith and your relationship with God.

At that time, I was an international student, and it wasn’t that I was making money. I had my money saved up, I went to study abroad, and because I learned about tithe I started giving the tithe, because I acknowledged that everything I spent was from God. Don’t you think you spent money because you think you have some income? You have to acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty in that.  

Even though I faced a lot of great difficulty, there wasn’t a time I was tested in those things, if anything, I became desensitized to this automatic system where I give it to God, then God gives it back.

If that does not take place then the pastor would be caught in money, because everybody needs money, but because you’re not centered on God in this aspect, you have to worry about what people are thinking, especially people in the church, and that’s a slave, and it’s how Satan looks into us.  You are the same, you’ll constay be worried about what the world is thinking and if you’re working for an employer then you’re always going to be worried about what your employer is thinking, That’s a slave.  

I’m talking a lot about offering because there are remnants here today and you have to know properly, then whether God gives you a lot or a little, this is how you live for the sake of the church and world evangelization. Your job and school are in God’s hands.  No matter how smart you are or how good of a company you work for, your future is in God’s hands, in my walk of faith I’ve always seen that, and I’ve confirmed that ultimately we are in God’s hands, so that is why worship is so important.

I hope you will take everything to God so that in every aspect of your life, God becomes the mainstream. Escape from your own stream and move in God’s mainstream, then God’s kingdom will be established.  At that time, disasters and the kingdom of satan will be broken down, and I hope it will come upon you through the word first.


We have received God’s Word today, and I’m sure there’s a Word God has spoken to you individually. Let us pray together.

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