The Disciples Who Conquered Aram (1 Kings 19:18)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Disciples Who Conquered Aram (1 Kings 19:18)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Only disciples can conquer the age, then who are the disciples who conquered the age of Aram, and who are the disciples who will conquer this age?  Confirm with the Bible and remain in that flow.


1. Age – Superpower Nation


Gen. 3:4-5 and Gen. 6, Satan comes and breaks down humans. He takes away the spiritual things with the things we see with our eyes, what we eat and drink.

Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil


Even though you discern what is right or wrong, it’s not right. You’re separated from the Truth, so you’re already wrong.  Even if you succeed, if you’re outside of the Truth, you’ve already failed.  Satan saying, “You can be like God,” and you falling into that is indicative of your spiritual state. 

Physical Eyes

This is the way to go into the devil.  Satan has already gone into your thoughts and heart, and that’s invisible to your eyes.  The moment we’re separated from the Truth of the covenant of Jesus Christ, and we think we can live on our own, we become separated from God with sin, and Satan enters into us.  From that point on, we have internal problems, we’re ashamed or embarrassed. Inside the covenant, we have God’s strength, boldness, and confidence; without it, we are ashamed and embarrassed.

Fig Leaves

I used to do college ministry, and each college has its own characteristic.  If the college isn’t known for prestigious studies, it’s very active and lively.  There are schools where the female students had extraordinary makeup and clothing.  But when you go to Seoul National University, the women look like they’re from the countryside, the way they dressed made you wonder if they were actually women.  During these festivals in Korea, if you went to other colleges, there would be big festivals and shows in the smaller colleges, but at Seoul National University, they just drank on the lawn.

When I went to the library, students would come out with happy faces, especially late at night, 11pm, but if you go to another college that isn’t so prestigious, they wouldn’t.  If you have strength, you wouldn’t have to package yourself.  Even the female students, they knew they had so much skill so they didn’t have to package themselves.  I’m not telling you to do makeup or not, or to be fashionable or not; if the things within you are weak, you will face shame and that results in fear.  These are the spiritual problems that come into people, little by little, as they lose hold of spiritual things.  Every individual is filled with such things, so when they meet with others, they fight.  In this kind of state, you cannot have a normal conversation with anybody, and you even fight between husband and wife. When you go out into society, you fight as well.  This is the work of the devil. But you can’t leave it like this.

We have the strength to pray, and without a doubt, God will work. You have friends who used to come to church, and they no longer come? You need to pray for them.  You need to experience your prayers being answered like that at least once to realize that prayers really are effective.  You need to at least once personally see the answer that, even though they may be too far away for me to visit, that is a person of the spirit, that is a person who has spiritual strength.  But if you just let them stay like that, then you lack spiritual strength.  If there’s someone in your family who doesn’t come to church, you need to pray in concentration with your family, then their unbelief is bound to be broken.  But the reason you’re just leaving them alone is because you lack spiritual strength, you’re unable to pray for them. 

David experienced this when he was young.  While he was shepherding his sheep, there were lions and bears, so we don’t have the ability to just stay still, because we cannot overcome bears and lions, and he began to pray for that.  He prayed to God to the extent that he didn’t lose a single sheep, then he received answers. For David, he received the answer of slinging stones.   If a lion were to run off with a sheep, David would take it down with a sling and a stone and bring the sheep back.  That’s the work of the spirit.  There were many shepherds like David, but most of them don’t have physical strength to fight the lion, so they just let them run away.  These people cannot ever do anything big or great, beyond their ability.  David’s strength was limited but God’s strength went into him through prayer.  That’s why he received answers in the work he was doing.  For the children who experience the works of God in what they’re doing, when even bigger things come, they’ll receive even bigger answers. 

If a nation faces a great problem, they can do the great work to save the nation.  The way David killed lions to save sheep, it was the same answer to kill Goliath; the answers are the same.  Physical people will always be shaking in fear with no solution.  But David received answers when he was young, so he had confidence in his answers.  Because he was at the level of being able to help the nation, God placed him at the top of the nation.  However large your vessel is, that’s your future.  If somebody is at a point where they can save their school through prayer, God will place you in that position.  However, if you’re unable to solve that problem and God places you in that position, it will be hard for you.  That was King Saul, he did not have the ability or skill to solve the nation’s problem, but being in that position, he suffered. Success is not the issue because after succeeding, he didn’t have strength to protect his nation. 

Do you want to succeed?  Only 1% can succeed; everyone else cannot succeed.  Similarly, even if you make it into the top 1%, you won’t have the ability to maintain that, but for Joseph, it was possible.  Not only is it hard enough to become the governor, but Joseph had the strength to move the nations through prayer.  Same with Daniel, let’s say he went into politics because he’s smart and knows so much, but he also had the strength to overcome idols.  While you’re living in America, you need spiritual strength to overcome the idolatrous culture, but you’re just studying? You must have strength to overcome Aram and many things like Temple Construction with the answer God gave you, but you cannot overcome anything because you haven’t experienced the answer. 

People who have received answers will be able to do greater work, then everything that person does will save the region and the age.  That’s the kind of person God called us to be.  So I hope that while you’re the remnant, you first need the prayer that saves yourself. 

2. Me – Saving Prayer


Your intellect, emotions  are your soul; mental problems are a problem with the soul.  If you’re suffering from addiction, that’s a problem with your soul, and you must save that with your spirit.  You need to save it with Christ and that’s when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.  We need the gospel of Christ, but some people have a spiritual status that has changed, unable to save their spirit and soul.  That’s someone who pours everything into just the physical.  Joseph’s older brothers only fought and competed over the physical things, they were always dragged as slaves, by money, by people’s words and circumstances, always dragged as slaves, but if you have spiritual strength, you will overcome everything.  It’s possible at your age because the Holy Spirit is with you, and when you pray, God will work. You must save yourself through prayer.  Because the spirit is invisible.

It begins with believing Jesus is the Christ

Law of the Spirit, Life / Law of Sin, Death

God’s Kingdom – Christ’s Kingdom

Now that the Holy Spirit is within  me, I must go into Him so that He reigns over and conquers me.  That is the way to save your life. If your spirit is revived, your soul is revived and your body is revived.  Entrust your sicknesses to your doctor, but if you suffer, you must save your spirit as well.  Because the Holy Spirit is within you, you save yourself 24 hours. 

How will I save myself? You need to save your spirit.  If you don’t eat physical food, your physical body will die; so while you eat physical food, feed your spirit. When you study, your mind may be strengthened, but you must study while you pray for your spirit to be revived; then you must be able to study and work and exercise and everything while praying.

3. Field – Work of the Holy Spirit

Without a doubt, the field is bound to be revived. If you pray, even right now for your school, God will work, transcending time and space.  If you pray at this moment for one of the 237 nations, God will work, transcending time and space.  How?

Matthe 12:28 Demons X, Kingdom

You don’t pray but you complain? Don’t be close to them. If you don’t have strength, don’t be influenced by them.  If you do, you must save them, you must save your family as well.  There’s no need to say this or that about my parents, how are you going to change your parents?  If you pray, God works.  How could you change the entire environment at your school.  The forces of darkness will be broken down at school.  You need the power of re-creation, but fearlessly you proclaim you can live your day without fear, the devil gave us the thought that we can live without God by being God ourselves.  The devil holds onto you and you live without thinking at all because you’re a physical person. 

As soon as you wake up in the morning, pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to work in you and guide you. That’s what it means to revive your spirit; if you don’t do this, you’re a physical person and your thoughts and minds are seized by Satan.  Because you don’t have physical strength either, you get stressed out by school.  My abilities are obviously limited, there are many things I haven’t learned yet, so of course I’ll get stressed. But for the people who pray, their thinking is different, “God will use my studies,” so your day is different. That’s what it means to save yourself.

Then, pray for your field for the power of the Holy Spirit to work upon your school or job. Else, you’re enslaved by Satan and life is hard, your joy and happiness are gone.  People don’t have the strength to overcome themselves so they express their emotions rashly.  That’s the life we live every day.  Who are the disciples who overcame? 

1. Obadiah

During the idolatrous age of curses, the king tried to kill the prophets of God, and Obadiah hid 100 prophets.

2. 7,000

Disciples are those who overcome through the strength God gives them.  The reason they don’t bow down is because they’re hooked on people’s words.  That’s not a disciple.  A disciple can stand up against that.  This is how you need to be.  If not, you’ll get mental illnesses and problems in the world. You walk through the mystery of prayer, the Lord is with me.  The way they have tea is different.  Disciples say, “This was hard but this is how God led me.”  The posture to save the world is a posture where you say, “I will rely on nothing else, and they lack strength, mental and physical.  Say “Yes” to God and pray, then go forward.  Then God will keep it.  Thien your limited income is worse than mine.  Pray and receive answers while praying.


If someone is not a disciple, they’re led by their own thoughts, which come from the devil.   Be a disciple of Christ, not of the devil. 

1. Disciple

2. Holy Spirit

3. Me, Field, 237, 5000

Come to church in the age of the 3-day weekend to pray.  We gather on Fridays and pray, you pray for yourself and for your field.  Else you’re at home, doing something else, so gat

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