The day that changed the world- Passover (Numbers 28:16-25)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The day that changed the world- Passover (Numbers 28:16-25)

This is the content of the Word of God we received last Sunday.  For the past 3ish weeks while we were gathering I was really thankful to the Lord.  There was a message God had prepared for our church within the past 3 to 4 weeks.  Before I got the coronavirus, about two weeks ago, there was something very sad that happened at church.  There was a ministry that was unfathomably greeted with a death, and I asked God some questions. Without a doubt, I know that God has a plan regarding healing, so in the face of this death, even though I knew God’s absolute plan, I began to question and ask for His detailed plan.  I personally received the thought that the members of her family were actually in greater danger, because personally, they were fighting a spiritual battle.  

Because when an incident strikes a person’s life, Satan will definitely not leave that person alone. We cannot control the incidences, so what’s the most important thing to focus on is the most scary thing, the works of Satan upon those who remain within their circumstances.  You’re listening to spiritual words pertaining to unseen things, but these are spiritual truths.  If somebody gets sick, they either get better or die because of the illness. There are only two options, but the more important thing is the spiritual state.  

People who go to church but do not acknowledge the spiritual state will have their problems repeat in their family.  Through any incident, the thing that is even more important than the problem you see with your eyes is the spiritual problem.  I think that for about 8 days straight, I went into their home each day, and God gave the message and this is the state in which she left.  She even came to the New Year’s message on January 1 and left, and it’s important that the members of her family who remain can find God’s plan.  

Because of that, all these thoughts of, “I have to be careful,” didn’t cross my mind at all, because the only thing I had to think about was, “I have to save this family,” so I actually have no sense about whether I kept my mask on or off, because there was something even more urgent before me.  

On January 1, my daughter said she was going to go home and sleep, and I never heard her say such weak words, so I took her to the beach on Monday, and I wasn’t able to swim for 2 weeks prior to that, so I went swimming that day. Usually I would have myt mask on and do exercises on the beach to get my body temperature up, then I would go swimming, but my family was there and my thoughts were so preoccupied with the urgent situation that I didn’t think I had my mask on as I walked along the beach.  When I went into the beach to swim, my body temperature dropped and my immune system had weakened, and I think that is the moment my body got sick.

I’m explaining the incidences of this year, and I want to give you the Word of God regarding what God is trying to go through all of these things.  I was in a lot of pain and suffering from that Saturday night onward.  Of course, even at that point, I had the heart that I had to give the Sunday message, but when Sunday morning came, I could not make it.  Suddenly, I made the decision that I couldn’t go to church on Sunday, and I asked them to play the first service message.  I had a conflict in my heart about whether to let the church members know or not, but at that point, I was so certain that it was just a cold, when I got my at-home testing kit, I was so sure it would be negative but it was positive. 

Then I made the decision that I had to let the church know because it may have been transmitted, and a few days later, I heard that two young adults had gotten it.  I heard that news as I rested at home on Saturday.  I didn’t pray for myself very much but when I heard the young adults had gotten it, prayers kept pouring out. In my next door room, I heard my wife crying out in so much pain, so I had no choice but for the prayers to pour out of me. It wasn’t for my personal self but because there were so many people who were suffering because of me.

I had a lot of thoughts regarding the church.  Because I had this routine I lived every day, and then everything stopped, I kept thinking about them. There wasn’t a single thing I could do, and I had no choice but to give everything to God and to really pray.  Through things like this, I received grace from God to realize that I think about a lot of unnecessary things.  I just thought about people and worried about people according to my nature, but there was nothing I could do.  So, I had no choice but to pray to God.  In reality, more so than me doing anything, the working of God and prayers to God is actually more perfect and fast.  

These two young adults got sick but there was nothing I could do for them. So from that point on, I continuously prayed the prayer of the Throne of God that transcends time and space. There was nothing else I could do for them, and next door, my wife was always in so much pain, making noises.  There was nothing else for me to do, so I just prayer in the name of Jesus Christ Lord Jesus Christ of Nazrwaeth who has all authority on heaven and earth to bind and cast out all the forces of sickness, darkness, and suffering, and the truly amazing thing is that every time I prayed that prayer, she became quiet.  Because she was making so much noise from her pain, I lost sleep, and I also began to pray for the entire church.  

I bound in the name of Jesus Christ all the forces of disease, darkness, and curses working on everybody associated with our church.  In the early morning, I heard a voice, and I thought my wife was a little resentful of me because she suffered because of me, and imagine how much she suffered in her resentment. I always gave the same answer, “we have to find the plan of God; why are you resenting me?’ That’s not what I wanted to tell you.  I wanted to tell you that my daughter started hearing demonic voices at night.  As she was sleeping, she heard these noises so she couldn’t sleep so she went to her mother’s room. I’m explaining all these things to you to understand the spiritual things.

On an everyday basis, when we’re healthy, it’s hard for us to notice.  However, when we face a big problem or illness, it’s possible for a person to be spiritually down.  Then without a  doubt, that spiritual influence will spread to the family, so my daughter was immediately influenced.  I asked her a question, “what do you hear?” “Every time I try to sleep, I hear a noise from over there.”  Three days later I told her to try going back to her room to sleep. This problem will pass with time, however, Satan wants to completely destroy the family and the next generation through that problem.  Because the spiritual things transcend time and space, they realistically influence you.  

The message we received on sunday about escaping the slavery of Egypt isn’t a fairytale.  The problem of Egypt at that time was that they were spiritually enslaved by Satan, and that’s why they served other gods as idols.  In the physical appearance, it looks like they built shrines and bowed down to idols, but spiritually they were bowing down to Satan.  But what’s even more important is that the Israelites, the children of God, lost hold of the spiritual things and became enslaved to the physical things.  Just as how people are being enslaved and completely seized by problems and illnesses.  

It means they don’t know the spiritual facts, living as slaves in Egypt, in a completely low spiritual place. No matter what we try, we cannot change that state.  How can we change the world? We cannot. How can you change yourself? You cannot. Your spiritual state can only change when you hold onto Christ, only then can you be liberated from Satan, liberated from disasters, and be connected to the throne of the heavens. That’s the passover in the Old Testament, and in other words, it represents Christ.

Why does He continuously tell us to keep this? If we receive Christ, it’s fine, but why do we continue to talk about Christ?  The one who knows that reason is able to continuously enjoy the passover.  But if you do not know that reason, the spiritual state returns back to Egypt.  When the Israelites were in Egypt, they were still the people of God, they weren’t nonbelievers, but why is it that they only escaped when they applied the blood of the Covenant of Christ?  

When we go to church, we have a state, but our spiritual state cannot become normal unless it is by Christ. That’s the reason why we have to continuously keep the passover.  You need to know the reason why this continues to repeat in order to be victorious in America.  If you do not understand these words, then without a doubt, you’re already enslaved by the problems, incidences, and circumstances, so in reality, currently, you’re suffering from things that you don’t need to suffer from. That is why we continuously and repeatedly mention the passover.  

The reason we keep mentioning Christ is for no other reason than that Christ is the only one who can straighten out our virtual state. If the church doesn’t understand this, then from that moment, they become enslaved.  Satan who existed 600 years ago is working very well even now, and he completely seizes America.  He seizes nonbelievers in exactly the same way he seized the Egyptians. If the churches don’t know this, they become enslaved by physical things, and no matter what they do, they cannot escape. Only when you scream out Christ, and know the meaning of Christ, can you escape. 

That’s why he made them concentrate on the passover for a week by eating bread made without yeast.  Do not do anything for a week but instead eat bread without yeast and concentrate on this message, and all the people gathered together.  Because not even one person can escape from this, because they yield spiritual influence. 

1. Confirm and Imprint the Passover Lamb Every Day

The first thing was about confirming and imprinting this passover lamb every day. All of these people had been rooted deeply in the things they learned from Egypt, “Me, my things, us.”  Those roots are deep within us, and works happen according to that root. This is the trap Satan dug, Genesis 3, 6, and 11.  That’s why while they traversed through the wilderness, they held onto the covenant of Christ and prayed in concentration.  Whenever they prayed in concentration, holding onto the word God gave them every week, their roots began to change.  

Ultimately, even if I have salvation, I make my decision based on my roots, in other words, the values I have. If I think money is everything, I will fail because of money, because money isn’t everything.  They will fail because they think money is everything but that is not the truth; if that person says that success is everything, they will absolutely fail.  Because people live their walk of faith with incorrect roots, they will ultimately be destroyed.  

2. Change Your Roots Through Prayer about the Covenant

That is why you need to change your roots and lay them deeply into the work that God gives you through prayer about the covenant.  That’s the reason God allowed them this time in the wilderness.  There is no doubt about it. The result of your life will follow according to the roots you have.  Those roots were established while you were in Egypt, through your family and society.  The individuals and families deeply rooted in Satan’s trap–me, my things, and us–will cause them to fail.  That’s why even after the exodus, they escaped in suffering. 

That is why in Deuteronomy 6, God told us to record, repeat, and teach the Words of God as we get up or lie down, on the doorposts and wrists, always.  If you hold onto God’s word, you will see that He is fulfilling HIs Word accordingly, but if you hold onto something else, you will fail because of that.  We call this healing. How can we heal?  Illnesses are illnesses, but that can be solved by a doctor; you must begin first with spiritual healing. Right now, immediately, if you don’t know the spiritual state, I cannot give a message.  Imprint with Christ.  

If you don’t know the spiritual things, then when you say “Christ” it sounds like an abstract, floating truth. But knowing the spiritual meaning of Christ, then unseen to your eyes, the forces of darkness are broken down. If that doesn’t take place, then naturally your spiritual state cannot be normal.   Only a time of concentration that God gives you every week can change those deep roots.  You need to then meet the people of the 237 nations, the multiethnics, and heal them with this.  

If you don’t properly have Christ, then honestly speaking you cannot change the spiritual state.  If you don’t even know the reason why you must puray holding onto the covenant, you cannot heal anyone else, and you are going to be dragged around by physical things.  The physical things are the truths you see with your eyes, and the fact that you’re sick is a fact; the fact that you have a problem is a fact. The fact that you have to make money and you have to study are facts we see with your eyes.  But if you don’t win the spiritual things, you’ll be dragged by those things.  Then, ultimately you have to face all the results of your life as you lose hold of the spiritual facts.

In reality, you’re moving because you need the physical things you see with your eyes, but because you don’t know the spiritual  meaning your spiritual state is way low, satan completely disturbs you. Even if your work turns out well, that person is a problem because their spiritual state is ocpletey collapsing to the ground, and that’s the reason their life is destroyed.  There are more instances where work doesn’t take place well, but those people are the same.  This is the reality we live in.  You and I have to understand this not for ourselves only, duty for our entire families to be revived.

3. Spiritual Experience to Become a Witness

Third is becoming a witness of this, and you have to have a spiritual experience in order to become a witness.  If you just have spiritual knowledge, that is not being awintess. Satan doesn’t budge against that.  If you are constantly yourself imprinting in Christ every day, then your spiritual state will be quickly restored, and if you have a time of concentration on the Word God gave you.  But that actually doesn’t take place well for the kids.  That’s why they’re not able to do big things, because we need to move with great strength, but because they don’t have great spiritual strength, they’re trying to hold onto something else.  They still have to succeed in their work,but they don’t have spiritual strength so they have to borrow that spiritual strength from something else. If they don’t have spiritual strength, they have to get their strength form something else, borrowing it from alcohol, drugs or sex, and they ultimately fail because they lack spiritual strength.  

You don’t have to go far to see this. Just go to a college party and see that everything I’ve spoken about can be found there.  These students have never heard the spiritual truth, so they’re completely senseless about this and their spiritual state is low.  So they’re trying to relieve their stress by partying, drinking alcohol, and doing drugs because it’s difficult, but they don’t know why it’s difficult.  They just live however they want.  

Then when monday comes around, they have to succeed again so they have to try very hard.  But they don’t know the reason, people can only live their lives without having to borrow that kind of strength in a normal way if they have spiritual strength, but even the christians around them don’t have spiritual strength, so no one is telling them.  There is no doubt about it. If someone is succeeding without spiritual strength, they have something else.  

As I was at home, I was thinking, “All the politics are dry and they say whatever they want,” but I read about a basketball player.  He is not a basketball player anymore, but he goes around giving speeches and talks.  He played basketball for 26 years and played professionally for 12 years, and he said, “I have never once enjoyed the game. Every single game I played was like a battle or war, and after the game would end, I would watch the videos to change and fix myself.”  He lived his entire life without thinking about the future because he knew he would have to quit playing basketball eventually, so he just focused on the moment.  What happens if that takes place? If you’re a student, you just study, but as a basketball player, every game is a battle so you’re cursed. 

You start to develop superstitions. If I play well one day, I have to do the same things, wear the same things, then if the scores don’t turn out well, they would break that superstition and try something else.  When he leaves in the morning and things aren’t organized, he can’t play the game. He created this state himself. “If I go out to fight in a battle or war, how can I go in an unorganized state?” 

He married a female announcer and ultimately divorced her.  He wasn’t always a perfectionist, but because he was always in that competitive state, he became a perfectionist.  He made this state himself and made it hard for others to live with him. I just gave you a few examples, but he had many examples like this in his life.

His parents told him to try to get mental help. If somebody succeeds without the spiritual strength that comes from God, they sacrifice many things and honestly that’s already a state where they’re mentally ill.  It’s already hard enough to become a successful athlete, but for him to become a successful professional athlete meant that he was almost like polishing his spirituality. It’s the truth, this is how people become successful.  Successful people say if you want to enjoy life, you can’t be successful.

If you say “enjoy your work, what you do,” those are people with low goals. “I have never once enjoyed this.”  He said he will always have a lifelong regret, “Maybe if I drank a little less alcohol, I would have a higher score.” most people can’t live like that.  But because they don’t have spiritual strength, life goes in a  different direction spiritually.  This guy looks so great but he also went into the Qi movement. 

There was an announcer on the broadcast and he could have given the Gospel to the basketball player, but it wasn’t possible because there were no Christians around him [to share the Gospel with him]. This basketball player constantly talked about his state, so even the person who was broadcasting had to give him the truth, but you have to know the spiritual things to give the answer.  But even the Christians themselves go into the broadcasting station being spiritually enslaved, so they can’t see the spiritual things.  That’s why we keep talking about the Passover Lamb and only Christ. 

If you, one person, do not know the spiritual things, it will influence your entire family spiritually.  We have a physical body, so we don’t have a sense of the spiritual things very well, but spiritual things transcend time and space to influence the whole world. If you don’t know this, you don’t have a reason to pray.  You’re just like any other religious person who is begging or praying to a god for physical blessings. That’s not a real prayer.

If you do that, then your future generation will crumble to the superpower nations.  I’m sure if you immigrated to America and your kids are smart and get a good job, your parents will clap and say, “You will  live a good life,” but that’s how you kill them.   Parents will guage their kids based on their physical standards, “My kid goes to a better college and has a better job than me, so maybe they’ll live a better life than me.” But that’s not the truth. Then what happened in Egypt, it was the point where Isarelite children were being killed. The Egyptian said to kill the Israelite boys, and if we lose hold of the Covenant and the spiritual things, the next generation will collapse.

There was a big event in Korea where a six year old child was beaten to death. It’s because the parents weren’t spiritually normal. Therefore,e if the church and Crhistan don’t know the spiritual things, the next generation will be destroyed.  How are you going to explain or fix that with science, morals and ethics?  You can say the parents were bad, but you can’t solve it. They even adopted this orphan; how could they kill her?  By adopting a child, wouldn’t they want to take care of and raise the child? But a sthey tried to raise thechild, they didn’t have the strength. This is just my  imagination but I imagine a couple who didn’t have a child, so they adopted a child to raise her, but you have to sacrifice a lot as a parent and they have to endure.  They didn’t have the strength, so what happened? They killed her.  

When do the state of your thoughts and heart try to abuse and attack others? It’s when you don’t have the strength to accept them, and that’s when you end up abusing and attacking others.  In other words, you don’t have the strength to accept them.  In other words, why do our families keep fighting?  It really means you don’t have the strength to accept and contain the other person’s words.  So, people have no choice but to fight with each other.  At that time, the next generation will begin to be destroyed.  When parents fight, that’s when Satan works and that’s the incident where the next generation is being spiritually destroyed the most. 

That’s why the spiritual state is so important, but Satan makes it so that you don’t know this.  You focus on eating and surviving, these basic necessities that we need. Because of that, you have no spiritual strength, you have no choice but to fight and the next generation is spiritually being destroyed, and that’s your family. Then you come to church, and you have to monitor your facial expressions, you can’t act like you do at home, so you endure, endure, and endure, and one day you explode.

“I hate this person so much, I can’t go to church and look at their face.”  It’s actually not because of that person; it means you don’t have the strength to accept that person. What am I saying?  Why must we always imprint and remember the passover lamb, the covenant of Christ?  Because God hasn’t given us any other method to confirm and restore our spiritual state other than Christ.  The prayer that concentrates on the Word of God will change our spiritual state.  You’re in a spiritual state where you’re nota able to accept other people, but because you’re praying and concentrating on God’s Word, your spiritual state changes so you can accept them. If that doesn’t take place and you go into politics, it’s obvious what will happen.  

If you succeed without spiritual strength from God, then there are news stories of people who look at child pornography, and it becomes even worse than that.  A long time ago, I used to evangelize elites at Seoul National University, and now, only the wealthy people can go into the good schools.  They would study all day and at night, they would go to the hotels in Gangnam.  They had so much money they would blow off their steam and destress at the hotels in Gangnam, then they would study the next day. 

What does this mean?  If someone has no spiritual strength but they try to concentrate to fulfill something, they can’t do that without another strength.  Not to mention all these political scandals.  There are stories of politicians who were pedophiles and they did sexual acts with children. We think that’s crazy but they think they’re the greatest because they’re the experts of their field, they made a reputation for themselves, they made their name and climbed all the way to the top and maintained their success, but do you think they came to that position without the strength of God with their own strength? People cannot be like that.

Without a doubt, they went all this way with something else, so these are mental patients who don’t show symptoms.  That was the problem of Egypt and it’s the same problem with America today.  Therefore, for you to be a witness, it’s  nothing else. It means you imprint yourself daily with Christ and hold to the covenant then you will definitely have evidence, and that is the way to change people into healing and the summit. It will never take place otherwise.  

It is impossible to make spiritual healing and spiritual summits any other way.  Even people who are in business, making money isn’t a big deal; you just have to make money. The real important issue is what is your spiritual state?  You guys are listening to the message at church and on youtube, and honestly, your interest always goes towards how you can do your physical job well. That’s what it means to be enslaved.  

You need to put more of your interest in gaining spiritual strength, then what happens is the work you have to do becomes easier, and you don’t have to use all these unnecessary, useless methods.  It is the same for students, people who have jobs, and everybody.  When you experience this and stand as a witness of this, you can change America spiritually.

Then, how can I study? God will give you as much as you need.  “I need to succeed, what should I do?” God will give you as much as you need. If the church really needs something for America, how can we do temple construction? God will allow it.  We cannot put all our interest in two different things so first seek His Kingdom and His righteousness.  That is why when you, every day, are in the spiritual state where you enjoy the Triune God being with you, you can change the spiritual state of America.  

It’s been a little less than 3 weeks since I’ve been to church, and I’m sorry to say this to you, but it was a very happy time for me.  I wasn’t happy because I didn’t come to church; I was happy because I was enjoying 24 hours being with God.  In the form of a little bit of physical pain, God gave me the time where I could really focus on God’s plan regarding healing, and I believe I have His plan in detail. 

If I tell you all the details I received, it would take too much time, so I’ll conclude the Word with this.  Until you receive answers regarding why you need Christ every day, always, I hope you will keep asking that question.  If you have received this question, then ask, “What are the roots I have from my family and society that move my decisions?” I hope you will concentrate on prayer and the covenant of God.  Then without a doubt, I will be a witness in America.  That must become your dream.  I will stand as a witness through whatever work I’m doing, then when that takes place, your spiritual state in yourself and your entire family will be changed.  Let us have a quiet moment of prayer.

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