The Covenant of 24 Hours Becomes 25 Hours

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Covenant of 24 Hours Becomes 25 Hours

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

God, we thank You.  May the 62 points of the life of the evangelist become our answer. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

24, 25, Eternity

There is no 25th hour but the result is the salvation of your souls.  Successful people have the works of 25 hours. Even though they don’t have eternity, they leave behind things people recognize and remember.  Beethoven did music 24 hours.  That’s why he became famous. Now he’s well known even now.  For example, Thomas Edison discovered electricity and focused on that for 24 hours.  The result comes and even now, we continue to use it. Even the haphazard things have their own works.  There are people who do multiple things at once and aren’t able to complete it to the end, and the things that need to remain or don’t remain end up being left behind. 

The 24 hours are like this, the 24 hours of God’s covenant.  Surely there’s an answer that follows. Do not misunderstand, but if you have the covenant of the gospel of God, then the answer of 25 hours will come, then people will surely come to life. Only this remains eternally; other things go away.  As we continue to live, what am I going to focus on?  What am I going to focus on?  People who fail focus on things that will end in failure. Impoverished people end up in poverty. 

The Bible says such people lay down in bed and shrivel up, “Five more minutes, five more minutes,” they’re focused on laziness and then poverty comes as a result, and that poverty gets passed down.  Then that’s why 24, 25, and eternity are important. 

What is my life’s focus?  Who knows this? God knows and the devil knows.  You might be able to deceive other people, making it seem like you’re diligent or have passion, but that might not be the case, but those people have their 24-hour in something else. It may be success, lifting up their name, and automatically that becomes their 24 hours.  Answers come according to that, “That person looks good,” and it leads to eternity.  Even though you have it, it goes away.

What am I focused on, 24 hours? If I’m constantly focused on the covenant 24 hours, then the answers of 25 and eternity will come.  Whether you’re a student who studies or a businessperson who works, focus on the covenant and then you’ll receive these answers.  Those answers in your businesses will be used to save the souls of others eternally. See this as a state, this 24-hour state. What state am I in? it will surely be revealed.  This will be continued onto the next generation and it will never end.

That’s why, depending on the spiritual state of your family, it is continually passed on.  You are the representative of your family, This spiritual state you’re in, this 24 hours, will continuously be passed onto the next generation.  You’re going to your family every day but where is your heart at? It must be on God.  Under the sun, nothing can survive without God.  The devil tells us we can survive without God. We need to focus on God.  We need to constantly focus on the Word of God, then you will surely receive answers.  You need to receive answers from the throne.  The things you do diligently are the things any average person does.  Their 24 hours is diligence, and depending on their diligence, they have results, but that doesn’t go on for long.  They receive answers of not being able to be diligent.


If you’re continuously in this afflicted state for 24 hours, you’ll receive the answers of affliction.

Jesus Christ, God’s Kingdom, Holy Spirit

The life of the evangelist is not just a way for you to equip your personality; you can go to any conference for that.  This is a very important word.  Foolish people are those who go to another place even though they already know where they can receive blessings, it’s because they think other things are more important.  That’s why even though you have received those blessings, you live in that manner.  If it were anything else, you could do whatever, but 24 hours in the Triune God is something you must always do. 

God might restrict you from other things so you don’t focus on that, like your health so you won’t focus on that.  Even Pastor Kim, the elder who was doing ministry with him was shot on Virgil and 6th which was a medical building.  When the pastor heard this, he was so shocked that he couldn’t sleep.  It wasn’t that he couldn’t come to church because of the rain but he was so shocked.  Think about it, this was an elder with whom he did ministry for a long time.  It would be shocking for him so today, he went to the funeral. 

Even though I didn’t discuss it with him, he received the answer in the message.  I just proclaim what is given to me.  For him, he doesn’t listen attentively or change his posture while listening. His parents were disciples of missionaries from America, and from the very beginning, ever since he was born, these were things he had constantly heard, and as he grew up, he became a pastor himself.  So, he understands all of this, but you can’t just hear this once or twice.

Once he lifts his head up and listens attentively, that’s when I know that he held onto something. This pastor said his wife doesn’t know anything about demons, so I said, “You’re in trouble,” because people who have grown up in the church for a long time have no reason or opportunity to see such things; they can’t see spiritual things. They don’t even know the spiritual state.  Then they will be in big trouble.  This was a shocking incident; they didn’t know why this happened but the answer was in the Word. I found the answer and relayed it through the Word.  I’m talking about why you must shine the light through your regional church and your region.  Don’t just forum in church but go into the field and forum there, and hold onto the Word.

Who would you do this for? Listen to the message. There are people out in the world getting shot to death. Why must we do this? If you have the light, you must shine it in the field and that’s when the darkness flees.  Then, for whom are you gathering together and talking amongst one another?  There’s no reason to do that because outside in the world, people are dying for no reason and the future generations are wasting away.

Do this in the field, forum while you’re in the field. Wait and see what happens if you don’t understand this.  God didn’t have any concern for the Israelites.  His concern and interest was in the Gentiles. God isn’t interested in us; God’s interest is in the salvation of souls upon those we will meet in the field.  After worship, that’s it? Even at 1pm we have the church officers graduate school.  Why would I go there? People think they have to receive something special.  These are the types of people who will stand in line for a movie ticket or board a plane expecting special treatment. We are average people who have average thoughts, but without this, you’ll have a difficult time in society. For today’s church officers’ graduate school, they brought rice cakes to share. They currently don’t gather together because their eyes have been blocked. God promised to open their eyes as they meet.  It’s the same thing as thinking you’ll fall asleep in lecture and study in your extracurricular time, but the lecture is different.  Study during your classtime.  Why do we have church?  Until the Lord’s second coming, we continue to meet. The pastor gives the message and raises the church.  We can’t just do whatever we want; those things will not work out, in other words, you’re starting a business that will not work out.

The future generation looks at you to feel out what a church is.  So you just need to follow the given schedule and listen to it.  “Instead of listening to Lecture 2, I want to listen to what I want to hear,” they have a weird spirit and that needs to be healed.  Within the average norm, you need to have this special ability. If the children don’t have it, once you drive to your workplace; this is a spiritual problem.  They are average people but they’re special because of the covenant.  They think they’re different, and of course they are, but they will die.

RCA Leaders Lecture 2, go to the lowest place, why? I become strong and laid down. Why must we be humble? That is how we can save others.  If you don’t understand at all, how could you do anything? Then no one blocks lecture. The moment you lift up your hands, the people around you will break you down. Why do you have no strength? You’re in a state where you have no choice.  Go to the lowest place to save others, then your spirit will change.  During the Roman Empire, the Israelites were under Roman rule and had to serve others. From a young age, they were able to relay this answer to the next generation.

Jesus said, “I have come to serve you,” He came as a slave, and the remnants have to go into society with this.   All people live in the same way, the Bible says the same thing, even the evangelist talks about the same thing. Even among the pastors community, if someone raises their voice to go against someone, that’s the principle of It seems like you have something or not, but do you actually?  God knows so you don’t have to look for knowledge.

What am I doing 24 hours for?  For my own name? That won’t persist for long; don’t do that. You may have money or not; go into the place of worship, 24 hours because God will give you the answer to your problems through worship. Then you receive answers, then even though you don’t want it to be passed out, it will be to your children.  The things they emphasize will be emphasized to that child, because they constantly talk about and emphasize success and only 1% achieve this success, most people don’t.  Later on, that will go away. Why do you have this for a little bit but it disappears?

We talk about wisdom.  Go into the field with this, 24.  How did Joseph do 24? He was sold as a slave by his brothers.  This is something very shocking, and I don’t think he held to the covenant right away. He may have resented his brothers, “Why did my brothers sell me into slavery? Why did my father marry so many wives?” He may have been thankful to his brother who tried to save him, but he also may have thought, “What’ is the use of my life now?” Imprints are very scary. 

Even though he was in this situation, he had nobody around him so the only thing he can rely on is 24 hours, that’s a blessing, and wherever he went, he received answers. That’s what is fulfilled. 

As you live during your week, many things may happen, but you don’t have 24 hours; you’re fixated on something else so something else The Triune God is the answer, then you’ll be able to realize.  I didn’t say anything, but we set up a time on Monday at 8pm to meet, and Satan will block the person from joining. This person constantly falls into that.  That’s why I told this person, “Even next week, you will receive the same deception from Satan to not join the regional church; overcome what Satan is doing, then from that point, you will continue because the forces of darkness know, the devil knows so well that this person will miss the regional church for several things.”  Once this young adult resolves in their heart, the devil will flee.

This young adult said their parents are in Korea and they thought about going back to Korea for graduate school; otherwise, many things will not work out.  That’s a natural and biological response we have as children. I asked this person, “Do you think you can help your parents?” Before your parents stand before God, you cannot help them. You can help your parents do that even while you’re in America because God had a plan when He sent you to America from a young age.  With those words, you can change a person’s thoughts. 

Last week, Jesus told His disciples, “Let the dead bury their own dead,” and the young adult mentioned, “I was just going to listen to the message,” and so this young adult didn’t listen during worship. That’s the state of the young adult. It cannot change just because someone says to do it, and because I told this young adult, “The Word that is applicable to you is already given,” the young adult said they felt it already even though it was Monday.

I explained what the Sunday worship message meant. Sunday Worship is the place you receive the Word that will be fulfilled throughout the week, then that’s when the young adult said, “I must go to worship, then.” It’s rightful; I didn’t have to tell the person to come, so the forces of darkness are crumbling once again, but they didn’t come today. I received a text, “Pastor, I was deceived once again!”  Before, they didn’t understand anything about deception.  They said, “It’s Sunday, I’m tired and I don’t want to go,” and it’s rightful.  The person said in their text, “I listened to the message in real-time.”

Kids may not understand right away but this time is a promised time. If you do something else, you’ll be in trouble. Know this to fight the spiritual battle.  Isn’t that right?  You need to have the standard to know how Satan deceives you.  It’s a time to worship God, but once you have this standard, you understand how Satan will attack and deceive you. That’s what I’m trying to explain.

Listen to the lectures carefully. You don’t need to do anything special on the side; know this first and then do these things. Once you have 24 hours, the answer of 25 hours will come.  Those things will never disappear, they continue until they pass onto the children. The Bible says, “I will bless you and give you grace for a thousand generations.”  That was promised but you hold onto something else? That’s a spiritual problem.  How can I raise my family well? It’s raised on the Bible; why do you look about something else?  You may read books on how to raise a child well, so where are you focused? That will be revealed eternally.

Don’t focus on things that may or may not be revealed. Have 24 hours and fixate on the eternal things.  With the work you do, you do this, 24 hours. If you take out this work, that will not work out.  The pastor’s work is being a pastor so they have 24 hours as they prepare for worship and give the Word. With your occupation, you do this 24 hours.  That’s why unbelievers are able to succeed but it’s only momentary as they have 24 hours on success.  But for you, you have 24 hours on God’s covenant. 

What does that mean?  It means with the things you do, do it with the covenant for 24 hours, then because of the covenant, you receive answers in your works.  Then, that will lead to the answers of saving lives.  If we already have this, there’s nothing else to search for, there’s nothing greater, isn’t that right?  Jesus came in a manger, but you need to regard that as precious.  “But we’re special and we have to go to the palace!” There’s nothing special at the palace.  Right now, at this place, in the time of worship with God. The lifestyle of the evangelist is something God has given to you.

Don’t just be a believer, because believers without 24 hours will not work out. If you have a mental problem, you can’t do 24 hours on anything. If you have depression, you’ll constantly be depressed, 24 hours. Why do we suffer that way? We have a condition where we have no choice but to be like that, but without those conditions, we receive answers that are different.  People who have fallen into drug addiction fall into that and will receive answers regarding that. Wherever they go, they will constantly do drugs.  Even at RCA, the remnants who do drugs find other drug dealers in the region and pay people in the elevators and exchange because that’s their 24 hours.  They receive answers regarding that.  That state will continue onto the next generation.  

God’s Word and my work, God’s Word and my church work.  Have God’s Word in any work you do, and that will lead to answers. If you don’t have this, you’ll be eliminated.  If you forget once or  twice, that’s okay, but if it’s three to four times, you’ll be eliminated on the side, because that’s what the owner will think.  They would pick out a person who is able to competently do the job, so the other person doesn’t have 24 hours.  If someone gives you a job to do, hold onto that job and work for 24 hours, then within the covenant, God’s Word comes upon you and He will work upon you.

Try meditation. When you meditate with God’s Word, God will give you His wisdom and power, and within that, you receive wisdom on how to do your work. You can’t just do it with your IQ because all people have similar IQs.  You need to hold onto the covenant and 24 hours. 

You need to hold onto the covenant and do 24 hours; otherwise it will lead to destruction. Then, these people will not be afflicted because they constantly have 24 hours, other people listen and go home and that’s it.  The DA is a DA for 24 hours. If you don’t have 24 hours, even though they may be a powerful DA, they themselves will crumble down.  With the covenant, I do the church work 24 hours.  That is when all answers will follow.

Your IQ isn’t something made on its own. It must come from the Triune God, that’s what we call a disciple.  The characteristic of a disciple is someone who receives all answers from that in all the work they do. You need to raise kids in this way. Then they won’t have questions. I’ve never asked a question to Pastor Ryu. Someone asked, “Let’s visit him and say hi,” but I thought, “Why go to him at all? I receive all the messages, nothing left but to evangelize.”  But the other person said, “let’s go give prayer topics,” but there’s no other reason to ask any questions.  Once you receive the Word, that’s it. You receive the Word and in the field, you enjoy 24 hours, so you do 24 hours and how to save America, how to save lives. 

In the work and business you do, you do work on how to save those lives, you’ll have the eternal answer as you come to life, and you’ll receive the answer of the lifestyle of the evangelist.  All other things are in vain.  Not everything is useless, but these things are not of value.

“I don’t have 24 hours but I want to pray so I do,” that is a good realization. For exercise, I walk 10,000 steps.  When I had COVID, I had a knee problem, so I walked around the park, but now it becomes habit, “I need to exercise now,” In the beginning, I thought, “My knee hurts and I can’t be limping at such an early age,” so I started exercising, but it didn’t help.  When I went to the hospital they said I needed to take Vitamin D, but I went to the pharmacy and finished the bottle. Once I stopped, the doctor asked me to get more, but my knee pain went away.  The beginning, the start is hard, but if you continue to do it, it becomes your nature and it’s easier.  Otherwise, you’ll be worried 24 hours. 

Whether you’re at work or at school, you’re constantly going.  We went through all of it before and last time, it was 24 hours. Today, 25 and it’s just an answer.  We save them spiritually.  We do the work that presidents cannot do ; Once you save others, even though you don’t want to succeed, people will just be attached to you.  If a person is helping them spiritually and they’re successful, they will bring up that person with them, because they know what’s good.  They will raise them into a position where they can do this. This is 24, 25, and eternity.  I hope everyone has this blessing.


Father God, we thank You.  Help us to enjoy this answer of 24, 25, and eternity.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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