The Correct Start (Gen. 1:27)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Correct Start (Gen. 1:27)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

If you have the correct start here, the Word of God will go into you correctly.  You fall into legalism because you do not understand salvation properly.  Most people gloss over salvation, it’s not accurate for them.  This is the Word regarding Jesus Christ, but they gloss over it. If you don’t have the proper idea of salvation, you’re bound to fall into mysticism or legalism because you have the wrong foundation.

Why do people keep emphasizing prosperity in their faith? It’s because their notion of salvation is so weak.  Humanism, you don’t want to use these things but it’s in your faith because you don’t have the certain and accurate idea of salvation so you’re bound to fall into these things. The cause for salvation is wrong for you, then the effect will also be wrong.

We talk about Jesus Christ but everybody knows that. I’m completely dead so I don’t need my own things anymore, but because you don’t understand salvation well, your things keep coming out.  If your things go into the cause, then these effects will be these four things.

Then, what is salvation?  From where was I saved? But we don’t even know that. We just say things like, “He washed away my sins on the cross,” but what’s the content of these words? If the meaning of these words do not accurately and deeply go into you, you’ll shake.

I didn’t even commit the original sin but it came into me, and you have to acknowledge this accurately and believe it.  But we gloss over this and keep talking about Jesus Christ, but why must it be Jesus Christ? “I don’t know,” so that’s why you can’t tell anyone else and your walk of faith doesn’t take place.

But we don’t acknowledge Jesus Christ, we live in darkness without knowing it.  Paul thought he was great because he didn’t know what his problem was. He thought, “I just need to serve God diligently,” so he was lost in legalism.  You’re sick of hearing about Christ because you don’t know the cause of all your problems, but those who know this will say Jesus Christ is always right and will receive grace.

If we had strength, we could escape from these problems, but we can only escape through the name of only Jesus Christ.  If you listen to a song, your emotions get sucked in by people who have emotions.  Where do your emotions go?  Your emotions get sucked into the state of sin, Satan, and darkness of the person who wrote that song, but you keep singing and listening, thinking you like that song. The state of the person who wrote that song is relayed to me through that song.  If the person who wrote that song is in the state of sin, Satan, and darkness, that state comes into me.

If you don’t know this, then you don’t know Christ.  We go to church and talk about sin a lot.  Sin, churches don’t even talk about the fundamental sin but they say, “You weren’t able to follow the Word of God.” Do you know what that means? That’s how they pray while being lost in legalism. If we could follow God’s Word, we wouldn’t need Jesus, so they say something that doesn’t make sense.  What is God’s grace? I cannot do this, but we argue and say, “I study and do this just fine,” but you’re stuck in a prosperity-based faith. You cannot do anything about Satan, sin, and darkness, but you think you can study well on your own? Then the Word isn’t going into you properly.

“Maybe the pastor can’t do it, so he’s saying this, but I think I can do it.” The Word of God has never gone into you.  Every single human being is stuck within the problems of sin, Satan, and darkness, so that’s why we need Christ.  We don’t need Jesus; we need the Christ, why? Because Christ is the role who solves these three problems, and that Christ came as Jesus.  

We receive faith by grace, not our works. You can’t decide to believe in something; you receive God’s grace to believe. I’m spiritually dead, I can’t hear what I want, but that person listens logically. If that person’s spirit is dead, they can’t understand it.  If a dead person says, “Let’s get a meal,” it doesn’t make sense.  What do dead people hear?  They only hear the words that flow from sin, Satan, and darkness. They only listen to and believe in the things that are the opposite of God’s things. They are dragged into the same problems of the family line and they are lost in darkness.

That’s why life is so hard from the moment people are born, because we are overcome with sin, Satan, and darkness.  But the issue is that people look at those who go to church and say they believe in Jesus Christ, but such people stop others from seeing sin, Satan, and darkness, so they are lost in mysticism, legalism, and humanism, and prosperity-based faith.  Why would they go to church, then? They’re burdened.

What about mysticism?  Before they become demon-possessed shamans, they go to church.  Because churches keep talking about mysticism and experiences, other people laugh at them.  These demon-possessed shamans think, “This is a lower level than me.”  A demon-possessed shaman went to Pentecostal churches but all those pastors were at a lower level.  This person said they heard God’s voice and went to the church and the pastor’s spiritual state was lower than their own. They’ve never overcome sin, Satan, and darkness, and they say, “I received this spirit and my disease was healed.” It turned out that spirit was their ancestor’s spirit so they go all into that because it healed their disease.

But what if such people go to church without hearing about sin, Satan, and darkness? They keep talking about mysticism and power, and the demons laugh because the demon-possessed person has more power.  Let’s say a successful person came to church and the sermons talk about blessings. The successful person says, “I’m even more prosperous than you without believing in God.” They’ve never heard of sin, Satan, or darkness.  They talk about Jesus, but they know about Jesus in this way.

Or they go to an amazing church with talented celebrity singers, but they don’t know about the spiritual things?  College students will come to church and the pastor says the same thing over and over again? The pastor’s level is lower than the level of the professors, and the level of the church is lower than their mentors’ levels.  This is to your loss. 

How did those people think about God?  They thought about God in this way.  Of course they heard about Jesus Christ, it comes out in intercessory prayer, but why is it Jesus Christ?  A Catholic person was afraid of death but he wouldn’t come to the church.  Why talk about Christianity and Catholicism? That’s not the answer; you have to go into those things to hear the answer, but those things themselves are not the answer.

If you have a fear of death, there’s an answer to have a way to eternal life, tell them this answer they haven’t heard once. They heard about Jesus Christ so much, but they’ve never heard of this. They don’t react because you’re sharing other things to them. Christians are trying to give answers based on incorrect things so it’s not an answer.  

One deacon said, “There is a way for you to live eternally.  There’s a Catholic who has all his friends dying, but he knows about Mary and Jesus Christ, then there’s nothing else to say. Give the answer; Are you afraid/ You can be made unafraid.  You were talking to them about Jesus Christ, but with a misunderstanding of faith, goes out of them.  

A director in scientology must have had much, and a Hispanic lady works with him.  This director is always so full of anger and wrath.  If you say, “I believe in Jesus Christ, “You’ll be kicked out, talking about Jesus without giving the answer.   If someone has a problem with their lung and you already know, you don’t have to get a second opinion. 

Why are people angry?  Give the correct answer, not just “Jesus Christ.” “Do you know why this is happening to you?” You have to tell about this, and that’s why Jesus is their answer.  The Jesus Christ of scientology is laughable.  He laughs at Jesus and doesn’t believe in Him, but believing in scientology, your answers for wrath pile up.  I don’t even know the problem. 

“Just come to church, but some churches don’t have the answer, instead talking about these four things.  The entire Bible talks about salvation.  Do you know why you need Jesus Christ? Otherwise you’ll be taken in by these three problems.  They remain with you. If this takes place, then as time passes, your problems become ironic to you. Fanny Crosby knew this and prayed to have blind eyes because she didn’t need them anymore.

Remnants, you understand what this means, right?  If you don’t understand, you’ll fall into division or pulpit.  Because Satan continues to barge into your thoughts, and divides us so we’ll be filled with everything except God’s Word. As soon as you wake up in the morning, Satan seizes your thoughts. At that time, change your words into God’s Word.  Once you’ve been liberated, you should enjoy this, but you don’t think deeply of God’s Word and are seized.

May you have victory.

God, please bless the remnants to be within the answer of victory.

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