The Church That’s Built Together (Eph. 2:20-22)

April 21, 2024
Church that’s Built Together (Eph. 2:20-22)
Hallelujah, let us greet one another, “Hello!” This week, Pastor Park, the head pastor, is in Korea for the World Missions Conference, so I am at the pulpit in his stead. So, I hope we will all pray for Pastor Park so that he may be able to finish everything he needs to in Korea, and come back safely. In the last verse of the Bible scripture we read today, it says, “In Him,” Jesus Christ,” you too are being built together to become a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” So, we will share the Word of God today with the title, “The Church that is Built Together.” So we’re going to share the Word of God today, mostly centered around the church, including the essence of the church, the classification of the church, and the establishment of the church.
1. Gave the Word of the Bible
1) Recorded in the Bible
(1) 40 recorders / Span of 1400 years
The Church, or Christianity, is a religion where people believe in Jesus Christ, and that the blood of Jesus Christ that He shed on the cross has saved me, and the evidence or basis of that belief is very detailedly documented through the Bible, the 66 books. The Bible was actually written by 40 main recorders over a span of 1400 years. Because it was spread over such a long period of time, all of the authors of the Bible never got to meet each other, and they never got to decide, “This is the direction in which we will write the Bible.” Yet, when people gathered the manuscripts together later on and analyzed it, they realized it was very consistent.
(2) Old Testament – Jesus who is to come, New Testament – Jesus came
In the Old Testament, it was a record of Jesus Christ Who was to come, and when they analyzed the 27 books of the New Testament, it was all recorded about Jesus Christ Who has come, except for one book, the very last book in the Bible, Revelation, which is talking about Jesus Christ’s second coming. Isn’t it so amazing that all of these many different writers across so many different years, who never got to meet each other, were all writing, but the direction is so clear about Jesus Christ?
(3) Bible
So, we must always keep in mind that the Bible is a book written about Jesus Christ. Then, I’m going to give you a quiz, and then we’ll move on. So, we’ve named this canonical Bible the “Holy Bible,” but if we were to give it another title, what would we give it? What do you think? Tell me the answer. God’s Word? This is a book written about Jesus’ salvation. I think if we were to give this Bible another title, it would be, “The Book of Jesus,” or, “The Book about Jesus Christ.” It’s so amazing, how is it that this entire book is written about the ministry of salvation?
2) Bible and Jesus
(1) All Scripture is God-breathed (2Tim. 3:16)
(2) Systematic Theology – Total Inspiration Theory (2Pet. 1:21)
In 2 Tim. 3:16, it says that all scripture, the Bible, is God-breathed. God moved all of the writers of the Bible so that it was going in the same direction as His ministry of salvation. There is this specific belief inside of Christianity that is called the “Total Inspiration Theory.” The “Total Inspiration Theory” Is a theory that all of the writers of the Bible were completely controlled by the Holy Spirit so that every letter and word that they wrote was given them directly by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:21 says, “ For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit,” and because of that, the writers of the Bible were able to write the message of the Bible so consistently over time.
(3) Savior Jesus Christ (Jn. 20:31, Ac. 16:31, 2:21, 4:12)
In John 20:31, it says that there are two reasons why the Bible was written. The first reason the Bible was written is, “So you may believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.” The word, “Christ,” means, “Savior.” The word “Christ” is the Greek word, Χριστός, and the same word in Hebrew is “Messiah.” So, the first point is that we may believe that Jesus is the Savior Who has come from God, He is the Son of God. The second purpose in recording the Bible is that, by believing in Jesus Christ, you may have eternal life in His name. In order to save us, Jesus Christ is our Savior Who has come to earth in the form of man.
There was a time when the Apostle Paul went to the region of Philippi for evangelism, but they were imprisoned. But it’s recorded that people could hear, in the middle of the night, sounds of praise coming from the prison, and so the prison guard was alarmed to hear this praise and raced towards the prison in the middle of the night. And the gates of the prison doors were all opened, and the prisoner’s shackles were all released, and everyone ran away, but Paul and the disciples remained right where they were. The guard was so alarmed because if all of the prisoners escaped, the guards would be put to death, but Paul and the other disciples were sitting right where they were.
So, the guard knelt before Paul and asked, “How can I be saved?” Acts 16:31, “They replied, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved–you and your household.’” He proclaimed that. At that moment, the guard realized the meaning of salvation. He realized the only way to be saved is to believe in the Lord Jesus. Acts 2:21 says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” In Acts 4:12 it is written, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” The one and only way to receive salvation is by believing in Jesus.
In Korean Christianity, there’s the general assembly for Christians in Korea, and there’s a specific one for Presbyterians, and there’s another sect or denomination in Korea, and for all of these denominations, but all of them have one thing in common, it is Jesus. We might be under the misconception that the Church follows God the Father, or there are some people who might believe that we follow the Holy Spirit because we are in the Age of Spiritual Movement, however, I hope you will believe that Christianity is the Church that follows not the Father God and not the Holy Spirit God, but only Jesus Christ.
2. Birth of the New Testament church
1) Pentecost
(1) Jesus’s command (Ac. 1:4)
Then, we will look into how Christianity was formed to begin with. Christianity began after Jesus Christ resurrected and poured the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. In Acts 1:4, before Jesus ascended to heaven, He told His disciples, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my father promised,” which is the Holy Spirit.
(2) Disciples/Prayer (Ac. 1:15)
So, if you look at Acts 1:13-15, the members of the Early Church gathered together in Mark’s Upper Room and were praying together, and it says the disciples gathered there were 120.
(3) The Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost (Ac. 2:1-4)
If you look in Acts 2:1-4, it’s a record of the Holy Spirit that came upon the disciples. When the day of Pentecost came, all of the disciples were praying together, and suddenly “A sound like the blowing of a violent wind, came and filled the whole house where they were sitting.” So, all of them were sitting together and praying when the Holy Spirit came together, and tongues of fire came upon each of them. There seemed to be something like tongues of fire that separated and came to rest upon each of them.
The Holy Spirit, which was like a tongue of fire, separated and came to rest upon each of them. So, I’m sure it was possible that upon some individuals, the tongue of fire was very thick, and upon other individuals, the tongue of fire was very narrow. In the same way, when we look in the Church, there are some people who are completely filled with this fiery Holy Spirit, and there are also other people who definitely did receive the Holy Spirit, but you almost can’t tell; it’s very faint, but there’s no reason to worry about that at all. I hope you will believe that God gives you the Holy Spirit as it is appropriate for every individual. In my past, there was a time when I wanted to receive the fiery Holy Spirit and speak in tongues, but God did not give me such a gift. The Holy Spirit that is before you, whether it seems large or small, is not the issue; I hope you will believe whatever God has given to you and realize, that is the greatest blessing.
2) Early Church
(1) Activities of the Early Church (Ac. 2:42-47)
Then, the 120 members in Mark’s Upper Room who received the Holy Spirit were overjoyed and they wanted to share this joyful news to the ends of the earth. So, they were singing praises and giving glory to God. They were singing the praises, “Oh spread the tidings ‘round wherever man is found, wherever human hearts and woes abound. The Comforter has come,” and they were singing with such joy, and the 120 members of Mark’s Upper Room who received the Holy Spirit formed the Early Church, and that was the beginning of the Early Church of Jerusalem.
You can tell the life the members of the Early Church lived, their walk of faith was recorded in Acts 2:42-47. First, they devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching, meaning they listened to the words of the speaker, and it was a Church filled with God’s Word. And they also became a church that was overflowing with fellowship, every time they gathered together, they would have fellowship and help each other out. Third, they became a church that gathered together and prayed every single day, it was a church full of prayer. They also became a church that was also praising God.
(2) A church that has revival every day (Ac. 1:15, 2:41, 4:4, 5:14, 6:7)
They also became a church that devoted their energy to missions and evangelism, evangelizing to everyone in their fields. For this passionate church, God added to their number those who were being saved every day. The Early Church of Jerusalem was reviving and having more growth every day. As we read in Acts 1:15, the number of the Early Church started at 120. But if you look at Acts 2:42, those who accepted their message were baptized, and about 3000 men alone were added to their number that day. But if you look in Acts 4, there was a situation where Peter raised up a crippled beggar and it created chaos inside the church. When the gospel was proclaimed to all the people who witnessed the miracle of the crippled beggar being raised up, there were 5000 men alone who were saved that day. In Acts 5:14, it says that more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number, too many to count. For the first time in Acts 6:7, the church in Jerusalem raised up their deacons.
(3) Act of the Holy Spirit/Act of evangelism
Because the number of the church had grown to such a large number, they raised up priests so that people could come and receive salvation for their sins. We can see in the book of Acts how this gospel continued to spread and the church continued to grow. As you read the book of Acts, you can see how the gospel of God’s Kingdom was spread to the ends of the earth. Because the members of the church were living their walk of faith and their lives centered on Jesus Christ and the Word of God, God sent more and more people to receive salvation every day.
Looking through the book of Acts, some people are centered on either the gospel or the Holy Spirit, the act of the Spirit or the act of evangelism. I truly desire that, by the blessing of God, our church may also be like the Early Church, that is always receiving more and more salvation, growth, and revival. The people who started the Early Church started only holding onto Jesus Christ.
3. Church and Jesus Christ
1) Structure of the church
(1) Christ is the head of the church (Col. 1:18)
(2) Apostles are the body of the church (Eph. 5:30)
Col. 1:18 says that Jesus is the head of the church, and Eph. 5:30 says that we are the members of Jesus’ body. So, Jesus is the head of the body and all of us members are parts of His body.
(3) Christ has dominion with his Rule, Authority, and Power (Eph. 1:21-23)
In Eph. 1:21-22, it says, that the Lord is reigning over all of creation, with “His authority, power and dominion over every name that is invoked,” that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church; however, if you look at the reality of the church, there are two types of people.
2) Classification of the church
(1) Visible church
There is one church we can see with our eyes and another Church we cannot see with our eyes. There is the visible church we can see with our eyes, we have the name, “Sungmoon Antioch MIssion Church,” and this is raised up on a sign, and we can see the people who are gathered here.
(2) Invisible church (1 Cor. 3:16) / God’s kingdom
However, the Bible tells us that there is also an invisible church. 1 Cor. 3:16 says, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are the Temple of God and the Holy Spirit of God rests within you?” So, every single member of the church who has received the Holy Spirit has become a Temple of God themselves. Do you believe the Holy Spirit of God dwells within you? Then, you are already the Temple of God.
(3) Imperfect church / Perfect church
There is also another church that is invisible and that is the kingdom of heaven. There are three qualifications to be a kingdom, and the first one is authority; the second is, citizens; and the third is, sovereignty. The Kingdom of God is the place where God has complete sovereignty and He is reigning over His territory. When Jesus Christ was ascending into heaven, He said, “I’m going into heaven to prepare a room for you.” So, in the Kingdom of God, we who believe will go there and make up the citizens of the Kingdom of God. The invisible Kingdom of God, heaven, is the place we will enjoy for eternity. However, when you look with your eyes, the churches on earth can be filled with a lot of conflict, division, and jealousy. I hope you will believe that only the invisible church is the perfect Church.
3) Requirement for church establishment
(1) Church raised on the rock (Mt. 7:25-26)
If you look at the Bible, it says the church must surely be raised upon the rock. If you read Mt. 7:25-26, it says, “The one who is wise will raise their house on a rock,” and even though the winds blow and the streams rise, as long as it is built upon the foundation of the rock, the streams, and the wind, and the rain cannot break that house down.
(2) Christ who is the rock (1 Cor. 3:11, Ex. 17:6, 1 Cor. 10:4)
1 Cor. 3:11 says that the foundation, that rock, is Jesus Christ. While the Israelites were living as a wandering nation, they went towards Mount Horeb. During that time, it had been such a long time since they were able to drink water, so all the Israelites were suffering and resenting their leader, Moses. In Exodus 17:6, the LORD said to Moses, “Strike the rock and water will come out for the people to drink.” When Moses struck the rock, just as God said, water flowed out of the rock and the Israelites were able to quench their thirst. 1 Cor. 10:4 has interpreted the spiritual meaning of the Old Testament. They interpreted that, at Mount Horeb, the Israelites drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock is Christ. All of this was evidence to point out Jesus Christ, Who is our rock, Who came to earth to die on the cross; His body, which is the rock, was torn; and from His body came His blood, which is the water we drink for our eternal life.
(3) Confession of faith (Mt. 16:16,18)
There was once when Jesus took His disciples to the region of Caesarea Philippi. Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” In Mt. 16:16, Simon Peter confessed, “Lord, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” That confession of faith pleased Jesus so much, so He blessed Peter, in Mt. 16:18, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church.” That Word, “Peter,” which is Petros in Greek, is used to describe a normal man. It was a name given to men and the meaning of it meant, “A rock.” In that scripture in Greek, the word for, “On this rock, I will build my church,” it was the word “Petra,” and it’s actually a feminine word, “Petra,” and it’s a huge rock formation. So, there are two Greek words being used, one is Petros and the other is Petra; the words sound very similar and they both mean, “Rocks,” so they can be confusing. So, actually, the Catholic Church misinterpreted the scripture and thought that Jesus Christ would build His Church upon “Petros,” or Peter. That is why, even now, the Catholic Church is almost idolizing Peter, and putting him on a pedestal.
However, many biblical theologians have analyzed this scripture. They have come to the conclusion that there are two separate words being used, Petra and Petros, but Petra is the feminine word, that is not talking about Peter. The conclusion is that the word, “Petra,” is actually referring to Peter’s confession of faith that Jesus is the Christ. That means that, if you make that same confession of faith, that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, you too will be made into a rock, and God will raise His Church upon that confession. I hope you believe that the Church that God raises upon that Rock will not be broken down, no matter what rains, winds, or waters try to overcome it, and no matter what forces of the devil try to break it down, you can cast it out. In a little bit, we will sing a praise and the words will say, “Who can knock down this church that is built on a rock?”
4. Church that is built together
The scripture we read is only three verses and it is a very good summarization of the church that is built together on this Rock.
1) Essence of the church (Eph. 2:20)
(1) Within Jesus’ word
In Eph. 2:20 it says that we are built on this foundation of the apostles and the prophets, with Jesus Christ Himself as the chief cornerstone. The “apostles” means the people who were with Jesus while he was doing ministry. The prophets are the ones who testified the Word of God in the Old Testament.
(2) On top of the foundation of the apostles and prophets
The Apostles wrote the 27 books in the New Testament. The prophets wrote the 39 books of the Old Testament. I hope you will believe that you are the church that is built on the foundation of the 27 books of the New Testament, written by the apostles, and the 39 books of the Old Testament, written by prophets.
(3) Centered on Christ who is the cornerstone (1 Pt. 2:6-7)
With Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone. In the building, there is the cornerstone that actually makes up the entire essence of that building, and depending on the placement of that cornerstone, it determines the usage or the purpose of that building. It can signify that this church or building is used for a Temple for the Jewish people. For us Christians, Christ is the absolute cornerstone. So, our church is built firmly upon this cornerstone, Jesus Christ, Who is the head of our church. 1 Pet. 2:6-7 says that God has laid a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone; however, the builders have rejected this cornerstone. So, God has taken the cornerstone, Jesus Christ, and placed it back as the head of the Church.
2) Joined together (Eph. 2:21)
Eph. 2:21 says, “In Him,” that is, Jesus, “the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.” “In Him” is talking about Jesus Christ.
(1) Means of survival and growth (Jn. 15:5-6)
In John 15:5, Jesus says, “I am the vine and my father is the vinedresser.” John 15:6 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches; if a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit.” But apart from Jesus Christ, we can do nothing; we will wither up and be thrown into a fire and burned. The Christian believers must completely hold onto only Jesus Christ; He is our source of life and through Him, will all the works take place. Remaining within Jesus Christ is our absolute need for life. I truly desire for all the members of Sungmoon Antioch Mission Church to remain firmly within Jesus Christ and receive all of His life and blessings so that we may have many fruits and live glorifying God.
(2) Greek present participle
The “Temple” is talking about us, believers. The whole building, that is, us the believers, is the Church where the Holy Spirit dwells within us, so here is a gathering of many little churches. It says here also, “Is joined together,” and there is a Hebrew word for that. The Greek word used for “Joined together,” is the present participle, which means it was done in the past, present, and the future. There’s also the word, “Become” in this verse, and in the Greek, it is also a present participle, meaning, in the future and currently. So, what does it mean that we are the church? It means that not only have we been the church in the past, and we are currently in the present, but in the future, we will continue to be sanctified. In the world, when a building is being raised, we need a license for it, and we need a timeline to build up the building, and it has to go through some approvals, and after it gets that certification, people can live and work in that building. However, the church of God, there is no specific completion because we are continuously growing and developing more.
(3) Temple construction
(4) Prayer (Jn. 16:23)
I want to share with you a little bit about prayer. In Jn. 16:23, Jesus says that, “My Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” That is why, when we complete a prayer, we say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.” If you listen to the prayers that pastors pray, they will always end their prayers by saying, “In the name of Jesus we pray.” The prayer we pray, we give in faith, believing that whatever we are praying for right now, God has already designed or planned from long ages past, He is listening to it right now, and He will continue to fulfill and answer it in the future according to His time schedule. The Greek present participle was written in a way to demonstrate that Jesus Christ is the beginning and the end; He has existed in the past, the present, and the future, and that is why it is good for us to pray and to end that prayer with, “In the name of Jesus Christ we pray,” because if you just pray, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I have prayed,” then that ends in the past.
It’s the same thing for Temple Construction. We have come to this answer that we need to build the Temple, and we are all praying for that now. However, the Lord God Who is the Alpha and the Omega has already planned for Temple Construction. Then, when the time had come, God worked upon the members of the church to devote themselves to that Temple Construction. I believe that even though we may not see the future yet, God may bring us at the perfect time to the perfect Temple that He has prepared.
3) Church that is built together (Eph. 2:22)
Eph. 2:22 says that, “In Him,” that is, Jesus Christ,” you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit. “Being built together” is also being written in Greek, in the present participle. It means that the church will continuously be built for eternity until Jesus’ second coming.
(1) Church becoming sanctified
(2) Church that is built by the works of the triune God (2Cor. 13:13)
If you look at Eph. 2:22, it talks about Jesus Christ, God the Son, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. All three, the Triune God is contained here; in Him, Jesus Christ, you are being built together to become a dwelling in which God the Father lives by His Holy Spirit. That is how important the building of the church is. It is built by the Triune God, working together for this. Christianity is a religion that believes in the Trinity, The Holy Trinity, or the Triune God, is the unique foundation for our belief that no other religion has. I will not go into the explanation for the Triune God today, but maybe at another opportunity.
(3) Church that is built with love, understanding, and cooperation
Even when we worship, we rely on the Triune God to worship. When we begin worship, we sing Hymn 1 that says, “Praise Him above ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” And when we begin worship, we begin with our confession of faith, the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe in God the Father, and in His son Jesus Christ Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit.” Then when the worship is all done, the pastor gives the benediction and says, “By the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of the Father God, and the working of the Holy Spirit,” and he blesses all of the saints.
As it says in 2 Cor. 13:14, so it is through the Triune God that the church is raised and built and is carried forward and continues to develop. I hope the members of Sungmoon Antioch Mission Church, regardless of race, ethnicity, or nationality, may gather together to carry out and build the church together. I hope that God will continue to grow this church that begins and is centered upon the Triune God. When this happens, I believe God will pour upon us His grace and blessings. I bless you that this blessing may be upon this church and upon the members of the churches, in our fields, our families, and our workplaces.
1. The Bible was written by inspiration given by God
2. Only Jesus is the owner of the church
3. The church is built together with the Trinity God
Message Prayer
Let us pray. God, we believe our church is being raised upon the rock according to the words You have given to us in the Holy Bible. We also believe that this church will rely only on Jesus Christ, Who is the head of our church, Who is our rock, to continue to develop and grow the church. We pray that the Triune God will always remain in control of this church, and we believe that, as we rely on this church and continue in sanctification, You will pour Your grace and blessing upon us. We sincerely pray that You will give us this blessing upon every member of the church, and we pray in Jesus Christ’s name, amen.
Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing
Holy God, we thank You for giving us the faith and the grace to be able to gather to worship You today and to give the materials that You have given to us as offering to You. We pray that You will give us the grace so that, according to our faith, the Kingdom and the glory of God will be spread far and wide. We pray that You will bless the hands that have given the offering to You because it was given to You in faith, and we pray that You will continue to pour out the blessings upon them and their families. We pray all of this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer
2. Korean language school will begin on 4/6(Sat.) at 10:30AM, location?
3. 4/17(Wed.)-4/21(Mon.) Missions Conference
4. Native American Navajo camp is on 6/16(Mon.)-20(Thurs.), Florida camp (Anticipating end of July, beginning of August)
5. Regional Summer camp (Children’s) in May, June, July.
6. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch
Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the great love of our Father God, and the indwelling, filling, and blessing of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the members of the church who have gathered here today, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.