The Church, Field, and I Stand in Front of the Authority of the Word (Mt. 21:23-32)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Church, Field, and I Stand in Front of the Authority of the Word (Mt. 21:23-32)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, “May the unprecedented grace be upon you today.” The title of today’s message is, “The Church, Field, and I Stand in Front of the Authority of the Word.”  All people have thoughts that stand before people, but that means that their way of thinking does not acknowledge God’s existence. If God exists, then I must think before God.  Then, if we are saved children of God, we will, without a doubt, receive answers, but if we think our thoughts, standing before people, they cannot become answers; those are just judgments of people, making their thoughts from whatever they think is right.

1. Jesus’ authority

  1) Temple

    (1) Chief priests and the elders (Mt. 21:23)

    (2) By what authority are you doing these things in the temple? (Mt. 21:23)

Right before the main scripture we read today, Jesus Christ went into the Temple and overturned the tables in the Temple.  Everybody else was staying still, but the people who came up and argued with Jesus were the elders of the people and the older people, saying, “By what authority are you doing these things?”  All of the authority for the Israelite nation was contained within the Sanhedrin council, and the Sanhedrin council was comprised of about 70 people and they determined all of the laws, traditions, and politics of the nation.  

    (3) Who gave you this authority (Mt. 21:23)

So, these chief priests and elders are going to Jesus saying, “By what authority are you overturning the Temple like this, and who gave you this authority?”

  2) Jesus’ response and question

If I were Jesus, I would have said, “I got my authority from God,” but Jesus Christ asked them a question regarding John the Baptist so they would realize their question itself was wrong.  John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod the King, and God also sent John the Baptist before Jesus Christ so that he could prepare the way for Jesus.

    (1) John’s baptism (Mt. 21:25)

    (2) Was it from heaven? (Mt. 21:25)

    (3) Or of human origin? (Mt. 21:25)

The ministry of John the Baptist was of repentance and baptism by water.  So, Jesus Christ gave the chief priests and the elders a question that they couldn’t answer either way. If they answered that his authority came from God, they would be admitting they don’t believe in God because they didn’t believe in John the Baptist, but if they said that his authority came from people, the other Israelites would get angry because they thought he was a prophet. 

Because the chief priests and elders were standing before people, they could not find the Truth. In order for you to receive answers from God, there is one condition: you must stand before God.  Everybody in the world uses the word, “God,” so more specifically, you must stand before God’s Word, and when we say the “Word of God,” everybody says they know the Word of God from the Bible, so more specifically, the Word of Jesus Christ. If you stand before the Word of Jesus Christ, you will begin to receive answers.  However, if you stand before your problems or before your circumstances, you will not find any answers; you will get stuck in those problems or spend your entire life, trying to solve them.  

If the chief priests and elders stood before Jesus and realized that He was God, they would receive their answers, but they didn’t.  It is possible that leaders of the church and pastors will not stand before the Word of God and just stand up and say their own words, but Rom. 13:1 says that all authority comes from God. When God gives us the authority, we use it for God, but if you actually stand before people, then the authority you have is used to destroy lives.  

  3) Discussion and parable

    (1) From heaven – Didn’t believe (Mt. 21:25)

If we become the President, we need to acknowledge this authority comes from God, then it will become an answer, but if we stand before people, then our worries and concerns become deeper because they don’t believe in God.  Even if you’re a professional in the world, you have to acknowledge that the business is owned by God, then you are just running the errands of God. 

    (2) Of human origin – Afraid of the people (Mt. 21:26)

But instead of standing before God, we stand before people, then our worries become deeper, and we have to keep living our lives without any answers.  If the religious leaders stood before God and asked His will, then Jesus Christ cleaning up the Temple becomes an answer. But these people are trying to hold onto their own authority and break down the authority of Jesus. If somebody stands before the authority of the Word of God, they will not be afraid of the world.

Why do we keep getting things like panic disorders, and why do people have to experience depression? A person’s life should be happy, but why is it that we cannot be happy, and we usually feel sad? It is usually because of one thing, it is because that life is not standing before God.  Heb. 1:2 says that God is moving all creation with His Word.  If, at this time, you stand before God, you will begin to receive answers.  Even if you’re in the midst of failure, if you stand before God, then that failure itself will get answered, but instead of standing before God, you are standing before people or trying to solve the problem.  

But there is only one difference between somebody who receives answers and somebody who does not: do you acknowledge God?  Do you acknowledge the God Who allowed you to be born to this family and to these parents?  Do you acknowledge God in the nation in which you live?  If you do not, then from that point, you will be wrapped up in your problems.  

    (3) Parable of the two sons (Mt. 21:28-32)

Then Jesus Christ gives one parable, there is a father of two sons who tells them to go work in the vineyard.  One son says, “Okay, I will,” but then does not go and work in the vineyard.  The other son first says, “I will not,” and then changes his mind and goes to work in the vineyard.  The reason Jesus speaks in parables is so that those who understand will understand, and those who should not understand will not.  

The people who say, “Yes,” to working in the vineyard but do not, are the people who say they will follow the Law of God but ultimately don’t believe in Jesus; those are the Israelites.  Then, there are the groups of the prostitutes and the tax collectors who initially said that they will not follow the law, because they are sinners, but later on, they believed in Jesus Christ.  But the chief priests and the elders do not understand this parable.  

The greatest curse is not being able to understand God’s Word.  The Word of God is being relayed but you’re not able to understand it. Jesus Christ is telling them, “You’re reading the scriptures, but how are you reading it?” The “how” is important, are you reading the scriptures as the law, or are you reading the scriptures as the gospel?  People speak their many different ways to live life, and they write different books. Many people speak their own personal opinions, you should live like this, you should not live like that, so everybody lives their own personal lives and then dies.  But what’s important is, how are you living?

We are living our walk of faith, but how are we living that walk of faith?  Living your walk of faith is not the issue, but how are you living your walk of faith?  For people who are living their walk of faith correctly, when they face a problem, they don’t stand in front of the problem, they stand in front of God’s Word. Instead of standing before the world and the situation, they stand before the Word of God and receive answers. 

There are some students who are really good at studying naturally, and there are some students who cannot study no matter how hard they try.  For the students who are not good at studying, it doesn’t matter how much they wonder, “Why am I so bad at studying?” It will not be resolved.  But if they stand before God and ask, “What is the good thing you have given to me?” Then they will receive answers, then that student will not compare themselves to other people because there is something God has given to me, and all we have to do is take what God has given to us and live for God. 

But there are some people who keep on lying, and they stand before their situation and they stand before people, saying, “Oh, my parents didn’t give me a good studying brain.”  There are people who keep standing before people and say, “If I didn’t meet that one person in my past, my life wouldn’t be like this,” and if that person is living their walk of faith like that, they will never receive answers.  However, if they truly stand before God and wonder, “Why did God allow me to meet this person and bring my life to this point?” Then they will receive God’s answers.  Then, they will be filled with thanksgiving when they realize that, “God allowed me to meet this person and led my life here so I can understand the gospel more deeply.”

“Why is it that I try to make money but cannot?” There are a lot of people in despair.  Or, on the other hand, there are people who read a book on the laws of success and live their lives with this unnecessary strength.  Or, there are some people who believe in fortune or coincidence, “One day, I’m going to just meet somebody good and receive all of these fortunate blessings,” but all of these people are just chasing fairy tales, they are trying to chase after things that do not exist, but if you stand before the living God, you will receive answers, and you will realize, “Oh, you were filled too much with hot air, there’s no real substance inside.” This is somebody who didn’t have anything, but they were chasing after fables or fairy tales.  Quickly go to the bottom and learn from the lower things, first. 

Yesterday, I was talking about one of our church friends, Jonathan, and I met him when we first began our church 13 years ago. He’s a friend who came from Nigeria, and when I met him, he was homeless and he was sleeping at the church. One day, God gave him the strength to be able to work, so he got a job, and I was wondering, “How long will he live at the church?” It was quite frustrating, but two weeks ago, he said he would go and move out to an apartment, and he comes to church on Wednesdays and Fridays.  I thought, “This is truly a miracle of miracles.” You may think of this as nothing, but to me, this is a tremendous miracle.  

All day long, he used to sit in a park and just look at the sky, drinking Coca-Cola, until he came to church.  Do you think that man didn’t have the strength to work? It’s because there was something else in his mind. When the Word of God went into him, his mind began to change.  So, don’t say that you don’t have money; your mind must change.  He takes a bus all the way to Santa Monica, works, makes money, and finds joy in that. Before that point, his dream was to work in a lawyer’s office, and I said, “Don’t think about working in a lawyer’s office, but start at the bottom.”

His thoughts were correct because when he was in Nigeria, his family was very elite, but even if your family was elite in Nigeria, if you come to America, you need to start where you can.  So, it took him 13 years for his mind to become very normal and stable, and now he’s moved out into an apartment and working.  But we don’t think of it like that, we think about making a big break and getting a lot of money at once, but your thinking must change first. 

Without a doubt, there is an order to how money moves.  If you don’t have an expertise, then you have to lie to make money because you are trading the skills and service you have for money.  When I look at Jonathan, I can confirm that God is truly alive. How is it that he is able to think like this?  Now he is living his walk of faith and living his life.  As I look at him, I realize this is possible for anybody; the only difference is that I’m not standing before God, so I’m thinking thoughts that will not take place.  God has given to each one of you guys something that you can do.  When you acknowledge that God, you will begin to receive answers.  

There are some people who are born with an athletic ability, or an ability to comfort others; everybody has their own talents, so standing before God and standing before His Word really changes and heals people.  He also graduated from multiple different universities, he had a high level, but because his level was so high, he was always thinking about something else.  However, if you start in a place that is realistic to your surroundings and start from the bottom, one by one, then that becomes the foundation for success. 

2. Jesus’ authority

What kind of authority did Jesus have to break down these chief priests?

  1) From Father God (Jn. 5:19)

John 5:19 says that the Father has given the Son the authority.  Jesus says, “What [I] see [my] Father doing, [I do].”

    (1) Authority to raise the dead and give them life (Jn. 5:21)

Jn. 5:21 says Jesus has the authority to raise people from the dead.  Because Jesus Christ is the creator God, He has the authority to bring the dead to life and kill the people who are alive.  That Jesus Christ is with me, then why are you afraid of your situation? The Lord has the authority to change your circumstance. God is the One Who can get rid of the person I think is my enemy whom I hate, and God is the person Who can save. 

    (2) Authority to judge (Jn. 5:27)

John 5:27 says that Jesus also has the authority to judge.  God has given the authority to judge to Jesus, and when Jesus Christ comes back, He will come as the judge.  At that time, we will all resurrect with the resurrected body like Jesus, not a physical body that we have right now, but a body that transcends time and space.  Even nonbelievers will resurrect, but when they all stand before the Judge, who will go to heaven and who will go to hell? It’s not that the one who is without sin will go to heaven, but it is the one who has their sins forgiven.  

There are some people who seem like they can be good even without any laws, but from God’s perspective, they are still wicked, because from God’s perspective, even hating someone is sin, so everybody is wicked in God’s eyes.  People may think from their perspective, “That person is go great,” but even if we were able to live 99 years only doing good, standing and doing well before God, for one second of having a bad thought, we will go to hell, so there is nobody who is okay.  But we’ve only just made our own standards, “Compared to me, they’re good,” or, “Compared to me, they’re bad,” but by believing in Jesus Christ, we are considered children of  God, our sins are forgiven, and we can go to heaven. On the other hand, people who do not believe in Jesus Christ do not have their sins forgiven and have to go to eternal hell.

    (3) Hears Jesus’ word and believes has crossed over from death to life (Jn. 5:24)

John 5:24 says that whoever hears Jesus’ words and believes in Him will be given eternal life and will not be condemned.  We used to live in death, but now, Jesus Christ’s life lives in them, and now, I’m united with Christ, living forever.  If you are holding hands and living with the Creator God, then no problem can be a problem to you, but it is a problem because you’re not standing before that God. All of your panic attacks and depression, it doesn’t matter; if you stand before God, then those things will become an answer. 

How can we overcome death? When we stand before God, Who is eternal life, we will overcome death. Every person has a fear of death.  How can we overcome that? You can overcome death by the eternal life we get when we believe in Jesus Christ. People who live however they want on this earth think lightly of their life.  If somebody goes around the street, stabbing people, they are staking their life, doing that. 

If somebody wants to fight against that person, they also have to risk their life. There’s nobody who wants to fight against that person because they value their own life; that’s how much people value their own lives.  People who have been sentenced to execution are already dead, so they’ve given up, so the people who are most feared in prison are the ones who are sentenced to death. It’s not the guard of the prison; it’s the ones who are sentenced to death, because they have already been guaranteed death, so they are going to fight until they die.  

For us, we are guaranteed eternal life, so it doesn’t matter what problems or situations we face.  Poverty can never overcome me because I have been united with the Lord. Solving the problem is not the issue, but overcoming poverty.  If God needs something, then God will work; if God doesn’t need that person, why would He work upon them?  God fills our need, He doesn’t give us unnecessary things.  So, this is the authority of Jesus Christ, then what is the authority Jesus has given to me?

  2) Jesus’ authority

    (1) Authority of the word (Lk. 4:32)

    (2) Authority to lay down and take up his life (Jn. 10:18)

    (3) All authority in heaven and on earth (Mt. 28:18)

 3) The authority given to me

    (1) Authority of child of God (Jn. 1:12)

John 1:12 says, ‘To all who received [Jesus], to those who believed in His name, He gave them the right to become children of God.” If you become a child of God, it means that now, God is your Father. Not the father you have on earth, maybe he didn’t do anything for you, but all children get their DNA and facial features, everything is inherited from their dad, and they live with whatever they get.  They live their life with the support of their parents.  If I’m a child of God, it means I receive everything of my own from my Father God. Everything comes from my Father God to me, and that is a child.  How much authority do I have, then? My Father is God, that is such a strong authority. If my Father is God, what could I possibly fear? What are you afraid of? Is God truly your Dad? There’s no reason to be afraid, but if you are trying to use your mental strength to accomplish something, you cannot. If you try to sharpen yourself to accomplish something, it’s impossible. What’s important is, who is your background? What background am I in? That determines your life.  I have the authority of a child of God, then I have power.  

We are made in the image of God, meaning, we are not God Himself; the “image of God” means, God reveals Himself through me.  The “image of God” does not live all on their own, but through God, God reveals Himself through me. Being a child of God means God reveals all of His own things through His child. The parents will look at the result of their lives through their kids, they look at their kids and realize, “This is the fruit or the result of my life,” and if the kids do something embarrassing, the parents are embarrassed for them, and if the kids do something very proud, then the parents are proud. That is the relationship between parent and child.  God wants to reveal Himself to the world through me, then whatever I need comes from the Father, then you need to do the work that is necessary.  If we’re not doing the work or the things that are necessary, and you’re doing the work and the things that are unnecessary, God will stop you.

Is building the church building something that is truly necessary? Then God will do that work through me. But instead of doing that, you use your money for your own corruption and your own indulgence, then God will block you. God blocks you because He is your Father. Because God is your Father, He works through you.  Simply put, it means there is somebody who is reigning and ruling over me.

    (2) Authority to overcome all the power of the enemy (Lk. 10:19)

Luke 10:19 says He has given us the power to overcome all the enemy.  Who is the enemy? People are not the enemy, but Satan, demons, those are the enemy.  It doesn’t matter how much you’ve learned or experienced in the world; if you don’t know who the enemy is, you’re fighting the wrong fight. You need to fight the correct fight to win.  That person is not your enemy; the demon that is working behind the scenes in that person is your enemy. That Satan is using the weaknesses of that person to attack me, then how can you overcome?  You need to raise that person up well, and you need to cast out Satan. You have that authority. 

There was one time when people made a decision to get rid of the Los Angeles Police Department in Koreatown because there was a lack of funds, but the Koreatown people revolted, “If we don’t have a police station here, there will always be crime.” So, the Koreatown Police Department was raised up, half by donations and half by the government, and just by the presence of the police department, all of the robberies have decreased.  The reason we raise the police department is because there are robbers and criminals, and that’s why the government gave the authority to the police department to arrest and to block crimes.  

    (3) Drive out demons, Heal all diseases and the weak (Mt. 10:1, Mk. 3:15)

Why did Jesus Christ give us the authority to cast out demons and to trample on Satan? Because they exist.  If you don’t utilize that authority, then the demons will overtake your family line and region.  The way Satan overtakes these people is to use your weaknesses. Jesus has given you the authority to trample on that enemy, but you’re not utilizing it, so Satan goes into your family and children.

Matthew 10:1 says, God has given you the “authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.” When you know this and believe in this and pray in the name of Jesus Christ, then you will heal diseases and sicknesses, and every weakness will be fixed.  Some people have a very weak mind. Depression is because of a weakness in the mind, but we have been given the authority to fix that. I hope you will believe in this and pray. If you stand before the promised Word, God will work according to His promise. 

How tremendous of a blessing is this?  God did not give this authority to the presidents, but to His children. You need to know this in order to conquer the world and then go in. The owner of your company cannot do this, the politicians cannot do this, only the children of God who know this authority can utilize it. We have this tremendous blessing, but Satan has blinded us from seeing it, and we only look at the physical things, “Do I have this, do I have that?” “Money will be given by God according to me”, but you really haven’t studied money.  You don’t really understand money because you think whatever you have in your pocket is your own, but it’s not.  You think you own this money but if you get sick, you’ll have to use it in the hospital; if you get into an accident, you have ot use it. If God makes you spend this money, it’s gone, but God’s Word promises us that He will protect our vineyard so that robbers will not come and steal it. There are many promises like that, but that’s not the main point. God says to first seek His kingdom and His righteousness, then all these things, including the things you’re thinking about right now, those will follow you. 

We need to have the right priority. First is not “me,” first is God.  When I face a problem, we should no longer think, “This is my problem,” but what is God’s plan in this?  Instead of creating a plan for my life, we must create a plan for the Kingdom of God, then all of these things will follow within that.  Then, you will have freedom from money, from work, why?  Because of God’s Kingdom; I’ll explain more about God’s Kingdom later. 

3. Jesus’s word

So, we must stand before the authority of Jesus’ word, but what exactly is His Word?

  1) Cross – Me

    (1) Incident of finishing all problems (Jn. 19:30)

In John 19:30, Jesus Christ died on the cross and said, “It is finished,” everything is finished, this means that nothing is a problem anymore.  Every problem has been finished on the cross, so nothing can be a problem.  Then, when you face a problem, you shouldn’t stand before that problem, you should stand in front of the Word. “This may be a problem to me,” the Lord has finished it.  Can you have financial problems?  Jesus says it’s finished but you keep saying it’s a problem, so you pray these incorrect prayers.  So, instead of standing before God, you keep standing in front of your situation, then even as you pray, you won’t receive answers.

The Lord says, “It is finished,” You have to hold onto that promise firmly, then whatever I think is a problem, the Lord says it is finished, then what is His plan? Then you will start to receive answers because He is alive.  If you pray the correct prayers, you will receive answers.  “I’m suffering from depression and my family is suffering with mental illnesses,” but that is finished on the cross; He is with us now, you concentrate on that.  “Oh, we were living as colonies to Rome, when are You going to set us free?” Jesus says, “That is not your first priority, God’s Kingdom is. Your problem is not first; God’s Kingdom is.”  Is that not true? God’s Kingdom is first.  

What is God’s Kingdom? You need to allow Jesus to work.  If we have elected the President, we must allow the President to work for the nation, we must allow him to reign. If Jesus Christ has come into me as my Lord and Savior, we must entrust our lives to Him in order to work, so do that first–first seek His Kingdom, but why are you trying to reign over everything? Why do you keep praying incorrect prayers of, “I have this,” or, “I don’t have that”?  You’re moving your entire life by yourself; you don’t care if God is there or not, then when you face a problem, you go to Him? That’s not right.  The Lord has finished every problem on the cross, and now He is within me.  

    (2) The new creation (2 Cor. 5:17)

2 Cor. 5:17, He has changed us into a new creation, so first, it’s not me, it is God. In the past, before I became a new creation, I was first because I thought I was God. “I have this problem, I like this,” it was all me. The fact that it is all finished, and now we are a new creation means, it is God first. I come later, God first. What is God’s plan? What is God’s Word? “God, why did you allow me to be born into this family? God, why did you allow me to meet this person I hate?  It’s not about, “I hate them,” but “Why did God allow me to meet them?” First, do that, then all these things will be given to you as well. You need to have the correct order.  Prayer is correcting that order.  “New creation” means changing your order, from “me” to “God.”  Why did You make me face this situation or this scar in the past?” If you ask God this, you will receive His answer.  Then, those things will become your springboard to be used for God. 

    (3) Christ lives in me (Gal. 2:20)

Now, I have died on the cross with Christ and Christ lives within me, and the Lord has become my Lord, is that right? That’s me, for everything, He is first; in everything, He works first and I follow. If He is living within me, then I must entrust everything to Him for Him to reign, isn’t that right? We call that “Prayer.”  How do we pray? We must first pray for His Kingdom to be established. We must pray for Jesus Christ to rule over and reign over me, how does He reign?  By the working of the Holy Spirit, by the power of the Holy Spirit, He works. Then, moreso than living my life with my own sovereignty, if I allow the Lord to work, it will be different. He begins to work with His Word, and He works with His power. That is His Kingdom, so that God’s Kingdom will be established in my studies, in my business, and everybody I meet.

First, seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness.  Romans 1:17 says that only the gospel reveals the righteousness of God, so it means, seek Christ and His Kingdom.  Then, there’s no doubt about it, God will begin to reign. If God reigns, His Kingdom is established, then the standards of this world will disappear.  In His Kingdom, there is no suffering, it is different than ours.  There is a difference between the kingdom of Satan where I am ruling over myself, and the Kingdom of God where Christ reigns over me.

The Holy Spirit begins to work.  When the power of the Holy Spirit works, I will receive wisdom. With your brain and everything you’ve learned, it’s not going  to work; it must be the wisdom of God, then your health will follow, too. It’s good if you work out a lot, you’re worrying so much, you work out every day but you also worry every day, then you’re not healthy because inside, you’re empty.   On the outside, you have all these muscles and you have a six pack, but on the inside, you have emptiness, panic attacks, and anxiety. That’s not “health.”  You look so strong on the outside but you’re filled with fear whenever it seems a pandemic on the way. When it even seems like there must be a problem, you get filled with fear? That’s not health.  You will first get mental health. By the work of the Lord, internal health will follow, then the physical health will follow, then the money you guys love so much needs to follow after God’s word.  God doesn’t give you money first; God establishes God’s Kingdom and the money follows that.  Then, instead of trying to tempt or lure people to you, God will make people follow you.  

If you keep on praying, then God will give you someone to marry.  Lately, Gregory got married, and he asked me to pray, so I did, and then they met, and the two of them are worshiping together.  Gregory is Russian Korean, and now he has American citizenship, and when you pray, God gives you these blessings of meeting.  That’s how the meeting should take place, it shouldn’t be by your calculation, by trying to control who you meet and calculate.  God has to attach them to you.

There’s a husband and wife sitting in the back, and the grandma is taking care of the baby right now, but she used to ask me to pray, “Who am I going to marry?” I told her to pray about it, and the works took place. The works took place quickly and she had a baby quickly.  When God works, He will attach the blessed people to you.  That’s how we need to run our business, too.  If people come to you but they’re always like thieves and conmen, it will always be a headache. If the only people who are attached to you are liars and swindlers, what’s the point of having them?  You need to leave your business to the Lord so that He can work by the Holy Spirit because you are not the owner. That is the Kingdom of God.

  2) God’s kingdom (Ac. 1:3) – Church

    (1) Concentrate for 40 days

If it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that you cast out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you, how amazing is that? Jesus Christ explained the Kingdom of God to His disciples for 40 days, why? Because all the disciples are still living with the things and the standards of this world, in other words, “me, me, me, when will my nation become independent?” It’s all about “me,” and Jesus says, “That’s later. First, seek God’s Kingdom,” and it took 40 days for those things to change within them. 

    (2) Change the world’s standard – Centered on me, physical things, success

You can all receive answers, but the reason you’re not is because you’re so stuck in yourself.  But if you entrust everything to the Lord, for Him to work first, then everything else will follow. 

    (3) Concentrate for 10 days – Holy Spirit comes upon you – Witness (Ac. 1:8,14)

After the 40 days, they concentrated for 10 days, and the Holy Spirit the Lord promised, worked.  The works took place and the answers follow, and when you receive the answers, you stand as a witness to others. That is the cycle we live with.  Every day, when you wake up, the first thing you must do is change yourself first.  What must you change? My problems have been finished on the cross, and as evidence of that, the Lord is living within me.  I cannot be the Lord; I must entrust it to the Lord to reign, then without a doubt, He will work.  When he works, everything else follows. That is the system of our life.  But there are many people who come to church and live in the opposite direction, aligned with the world. They know the Kingdom of God, they know Jesus, they know everything, but the order is not changing; in other words, they prioritize the things of the world, “my things,” then the Lord will stay still until you change your order.

The problem of your disease is not a problem because either way, our body will die. Everybody must die one day, so when and how will you die? That’s what’s important. You must receive God’s answer. If you receive God’s answer, you will have light in your face, and amazingly enough, other people will notice the change in your expression. If you don’t receive answers, then the people around you will know because you are your own master. If two people are their own masters, then that is the kingdom of Satan, and they both say, “I’m right, I’m right,” then they will die. The authority of the Word must be first.  

  3) Save the field (Ac. 2:46-47)

   (1) A royal priesthood, Proclaim the Word (1 Pet. 2:9)

    (2) Field – Power of the Holy Spirit, Preached the word (Mk. 16:20)

    (3) 237 Nations, Healing, Future Generations – Save with the Word

We have been called as the royal priesthood to declare the wonderful praise, and our promise is to save the 237 nations. The One Who lives within me wants to save the 237 nations. I don’t want that, but the Lord wants to do that, then I need to look for His Kingdom first, and I have to look for His righteousness, then the answer of the 237 nations will come to my business. We have to fix and change people because they’re all so diseased, we need to change them with the Word, and we have to change the future generations with the Word. 

    (4) Samuel, Joseph, Daniel, David, Early Church

Satan will allow you to receive as much grace as you want, but he’s going to attack the future generations because that’s game over, then.  It doesn’t matter how much grace you receive or how much you evangelize, Satan will say, “Okay, I’ll let that generation go,” and then he’s going to break down the next generation.  Satan knows this and uses the church to concentrate on the future generations. If you want to concentrate on the future generations, then the adults must come to life, because for 24 hours, the spiritual state of the adults gets relayed to their children.  Even animals take good care of their young. I was looking at a video and there was a person who was pretending to hit their child, and the mother dog would block it with its paw. That’s just nature, whether you’re an animal or human, but the issue is, the spiritual state of the mother and father gets relayed to the kids, and that child will grow according to that spiritual state and bear those fruits.


1. Morning – Meditation prayer on God’s word – Receive strength

So, wake up early in the morning and change yourself. It’s not a problem to me; all problems are finished, “Lord, work upon me today as my Lord with Your power, may God work upon all the people I will meet today, upon my studies and my business.”

2. Day – Prayer to find God’s meaning and plan

Then during the daytime, you’re going to meet with a lot of people, a lot of things are going to happen.  You should not be the standard, but you have to look for God’s plan in all of that.

3. Night – Concentration prayer (Answers, Wisdom for work, Word)

At night, you need to concentrate on and receive the answers to your problems from the Word.  Because the Lord is the Master of your work, you must receive His wisdom from your job, that is the concentration of God.  In the evening, this is our life, every day, that stands before God’s Word, and after a week passes, you’ll have answers.  May you and I have victory.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray individually with the Word God has given to us.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You. We have returned Your materials as offering. We pray that You will answer the hands that have given the offering with the economy of light, for the tithe that saves the church, for Temple construction, missions, and the future generations.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You.  

In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer.

2. 10/14 (Sat.) LA Young Adult Retreat.

3. 10/16-19 Lecture for Mexico evangelism disciple class: Invited Elvia (El Salvador) for training.

4. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to stand as a witness before the authority of the Word of God, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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