The Blessing of the One Worthy of God (Matt. 10:34-42)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Blessing of the One Worthy of God (Matt. 10:34-42)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one and greet another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.” May the blessing of God through Christ be overflowing upon you today.  The title of today’s message is, “The Blessing of the One Worthy of God.”  Who exactly is God?  Who is Jesus Christ?  Col. 1:16 says all creation in heaven and on earth was created by God, and all creation exists for Him, moved by Him.  Heb. 1:2 says that God is moving all creation with His Word.  That means that all of creation must be aligned with God, Who is the Word, in order for it to be aligned.

We, who have been created in the image of God, must be aligned with the Word of the Triune God.  If we are not aligned with that Word, then the peace of God will be broken. Even the work we are doing will go into curses, why? Because God is not blessing it. 1 Chronicles 2:13-14 says that in God’s hand is the power to make someone great or low, and within God’s absolute plan is the power to make someone wealthy or poor.  You and I must be aligned with that absolute, Triune God. If you’re aligned, then your family will be in alignment as well.  Even if you believe in God, if you’re not aligned with God’s Word, then your family will not be in alignment; it will be full of suffering. 

1. Jesus did not come to bring peace but a sword

  1) Jesus

In today’s scripture, Jesus Christ says, “I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.”  “A sword” means He came to fight and to divide. 

    (1) Prince of Peace (Is. 9:6)

How could Jesus Christ say that when Is. 9:6 says Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace?

    (2) Gives peace (Jn. 14:27)

In John 14:27, Jesus Christ promises that when we pray in His name, He will give us peace.

    (3) Prayer – Gives peace (Phil. 4:7)

In Phil. 4:7, it promises that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus when we pray for all things.  The peace the Bible talks about is not just about getting along. You and I are only not fighting because our conditions are aligned.  This peace belongs to God Himself, so God must give us this peace.  America has everything, but the one thing it lacks is the peace of God through Jesus Christ, so that is why there are so many drug addicts, people who do drugs in America.  That’s why in America there are more and more people committing suicide and killing other people because of their wrath. If you don’t have peace, then you’ll have this uncontrolled rage.

Some people are in a state of complete emptiness and numbness where they feel nothing inside. Gen. 1:2 describes the state of emptiness, darkness, and chaos. Those things will only go away when the light of Christ is shone, so that Christ Who is God and my heart must be aligned.  The Bible says David was a man after God’s own heart.  God is the One Who can make you strong, Who can give you success, and we must be aligned with that God. 

  2) Jesus came to bring a sword (Mt. 10:34)

    (1) Against each other: Man – Father, Daughter – Mother, Daughter-in-law – Mother-in-law (Mt. 10:35, Mic. 7:6)

In today’s scripture, Jesus talks about the family and the division that will take place against the son and the father, the daughter against the mother, and the daughter-in-law against the mother-in-law.

    (2) A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household (Mt. 10:36)

It means that your enemies will be the members of your own household.  A lot of people question why God would make hell. They just imagine a god they created for themselves.  The God the Bible talks about is a God of righteousness, justice, as well as love.  But they imagine their own god, they think everything that is good is God. That’s just a god they have imagined. Without a doubt, God is a God Who judges sin. God is the God Who saves us with His love.  People who do not have the grace of God are bound to go to hell. That is the righteousness or justice of God.  

There are people who ask, “If I believe in Jesus Christ, there should be harmony in my home, but why is there more division?”  There are two different types.  If you properly believe in Jesus Christ, there will be division. On the other hand, there are also people who believe in Jesus Christ, but they are not even at the point of common sense, so that will also create division.  In the past, they just lived however they wanted to, and after receiving Jesus Christ, they still lived however they wanted to, they will be rebuked by their parents as someone who doesn’t even have the basics. However, if you do properly believe in Jesus Christ, then the order of the family will be broken.

    (3) Unity in Christ (Eph. 1:10)

If there are people who have not experienced this, then you have not properly believed in Jesus Christ yet.  We have this imagination in our own thinking that says, “If I believe in Jesus Christ, I have to be well-adjusted, in harmony with others,” but the Bible doesn’t say that.  Why?  Because Eph. 2:10 says to bring all things in heaven and on earth, under one head, even Christ.  Christ is the Head, He is the center, and all of the order is set according to Christ.  Before that point, all the order and hierarchy was centered on me.  

  3) One who is not worthy of Jesus

    (1) Loves their parents more than Jesus (Mt. 10:37)

The Bible explains about love again. Anyone who loves their parents more than Jesus Christ is not worthy of Him.  If there is someone who believes in Jesus Christ, but loves their parents more, there is no harmony, only division.  However, in the past, you used to think your parents who loved you and raised you are your everything, but one day, when you love Jesus Christ more, that order will change.  In the past, parents used to think the children they raised and loved were everything, but when they believe in Jesus Christ, He is their everything, and now the order of the family has broken.  I want to tell you, that is normal.  I’m a witness of that. 

When I believed in Jesus Christ, the first relationships that were broken were between my friends, my family, and myself. When I first believed in Jesus Christ, my father got angry. He didn’t get angry  because I believed in Jesus, but because he thought I was his son that he raised and I belonged to him, but one day, I was stolen away by Jesus.  When I was talking to my father, I said the words, “We who believe in Jesus Christ,” and that upset my dad.  

    (2) Loves their children more than Jesus (Mt. 10:37)

“We? What kind of ‘we’ that is not the family are we talking about?” He thought I was stolen away from him, so then of course, there will be a broken order that comes from me loving Jesus Christ more than my family.  Because you love Jesus Christ more than you love your children, your children should rightfully feel disappointed, but that is truly for your family. But from America, there are these strange ideas that are not from the Bible. Even when they talk about love, it is not love for Jesus Christ, but it is a strange love for one another. Even if you just look at that one question, “How could a loving God create hell?” They just imagine their own version of God, saying, “If I believe in Jesus Christ, there should be peace in my family, not division,” but that’s just created by them.

Let’s imagine if your whole family had one religion, and one day, one member of that family comes to accept Jesus Christ. Then do you think that family will leave that person alone? They would never do that, do you know why? For nonbelievers, they are their own god.  For nonbelievers, they themselves are everything, and that’s why money is everything to them, and that’s why success is everything, and that’s evidence they love themselves. 

However, if you love Christ, that is bound to change. Same thing with religion; why do I believe in religion? so that I can have peace in my heart, so that I can have material blessings in my business. We believe in religion to heal a disease in our family. Why do people in America practice transcendental meditation? Because it brings peace to their heart, so the center of all religion is themselves.  That is why Ex. 20:2, God says, “Do not make an idol for yourselves.”  Col. 3:5 says greed, greed for oneself, is an idol.

    (3) Suffering – Lovers of themselves, Lovers of money (2 Tim. 3:2)

2 Tim. 3:2 tells us why we have suffering in our lives. It is because people love themselves, money, and their parents more than they love God. We do not suffer because of money; money does not make us suffer; you are just suffering on your own. Even if someone has a lot of money, depending on how they see things, they will suffer.  That is the suffering that comes from loving yourself and money more than you love God.  Why do mental illnesses like depression keep coming into your life? It is the suffering that results from loving something more than you love God. 

Then, you have to truly believe in Jesus Christ for the suffering in your family to go away. I hope you will really believe in Him.  But because you don’t truly believe in Jesus Christ and you just maintain your idea of what you think is good, you’re suffering in the same way.  People move other people with money.  But one day, they start rejecting that.  In the past, they used to control people with money, but now people are rejecting that, so people are not following that anymore. People also say, “I’ll support you with a high position, so follow what I do,” but one day, the company cuts that off, so of course, division is bound to happen. “Until now, I’ve been controlling this person from the background, but now, they are no longer following me,” then of course, they will fight.  Because that person believes in Jesus, they don’t need that background anymore. But that is the true way to save your business or your company. 

On Sunday, if the kids have something urgent to do, it doesn’t matter, they still come to worship, but if you just do the urgent thing, the suffering will never leave your family. That’s evidence that you love your children more than you love Jesus. But when you love Jesus more than your children, that’s when your children will come to life; that is the one who loves Jesus more, that is someone who is aligned with or worthy of God, and there are automatic blessings that follow. 

2. One who follows Jesus

  1) Peter

If you love Jesus, it means you follow Jesus. Among the 12 apostles who followed Jesus Christ was Simon Peter, and as Jesus Christ was being crucified, Simon Peter not only rejected Jesus, but cursed Him.  Imagine this, Simon Peter was someone Jesus Christ clothed, fed, and lived with for three and a half years, but one day, he turns his back on Jesus and curses him. This is our life, you get scarred because of things like this. “I’ve done so much for you; how could you turn your back on me?” They’re bound to turn their back on you, why? Because the reason Simon Peter was following Jesus Christ around was for his own sake.  

Simon Peter was following Jesus Christ around was because when he was following Jesus, he didn’t have to worry about food, and it seemed like he would get into a position of success later on. And when those calculations are not being met, they will turn their back on you. But before that point, he was following around Jesus, saying he loves Jesus. That is Peter and it is us.  

    (1) Jesus asks Peter

After Jesus Christ resurrected, He came and found Peter.  If I were in Jesus Christ’s position, I would immediately start questioning him, because I’m impatient, but Jesus Christ first fed Peter and made his heart beat relax. Peter is probably not very comfortable because he’s worried about the time when Jesus will question him, but Jesus’ words are, “Do you love Me?”

    (2) Do you love Jesus? (Jn. 21:15-17)

He asks that three times, He doesn’t ask the question of how long you’ve gone to church or how much of the Bible you know; He asks, “Do you love Me?” Jesus is asking, “Do you still love yourself, or do you love Me, Jesus?” Peter was not able to fully say, “I love You Lord,” he said, “You know.” The Lord knew that, so He told Peter to feed His lambs. In this situation, it doesn’t mean Peter does more because he loves Jesus, but Jesus is saying, “I know you cannot do this.”  That is why, during the Pentecost, God gave them the filling of the Holy Spirit to give them the strength to love God and to carry forward. Before that point, we cannot be aligned with God. Because we’re going in a way we’re not aligned with, imagine how much suffering we feel? 

    (3) Led you where you do not want to go (Jn. 21:18)

Later on, Jesus says, “You will be led to a place where you do not want to go.” The things Peter wanted was for his physical needs to be met and to be in a seat of success.  But Jesus is saying you will be led to a place you don’t want to go; Jesus Christ will take you where you do not want to go. Where do you want to go? The seat of success, the seat of sufficient power, the seat where your words are acknowledged.  That is not the place where Jesus takes you.  The Lord will drag you to a place that glorifies the name of the Lord. 

Ultimately, Peter dies on the cross upside-down.  He testified of the gospel to his heart’s content, he saved many people, and then he died. That’s what you call success.  Now, you don’t want to believe in Jesus, do you? Because He’s not what you were looking for, then you have to stand up and leave. You have to one day look around to see that no one notices, then leave. Will you follow this Jesus? 

  2) One who is not worthy – Centered on, loves me

    (1) Whoever does not take up their cross (Mt. 10:38)

“The one who does not take up their own cross is not worthy of Me.” What does it mean to take up your own cross? Little children who go to church will say from a very young age, “Jesus Christ washed away my sins,” or, “Jesus Christ takes away my sins,” but that’s not enough. Everyone knows that by just going to Sunday School. I need to die with Christ on the cross, but if you say, “I don’t want to die; Jesus Christ just washed away my sins,” that’s not going to work.  Because what you’re saying is, “I still want to do whatever I want to do, and Jesus Christ wants to wash away all my sins,” then you will not be able to save yourself or America.  

Jesus Christ received the curses of my sin on the cross by dying for me, and at that time, the authority of death and Satan was broken.  Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, moved us from the background of darkness into the Kingdom of God.  The “me” who lived as a sinner until now, centered on myself as my own master, is crucified on the cross with the Lord, and that is why we must take up our own cross.  

    (2) One who doesn’t follow Jesus – Me X (Mt. 10:38)

It’s not enough just to say, “Jesus Christ died for me,” without taking up your own cross. If you take your own cross, then Jesus Christ has finished all problems, then next, you must follow Jesus. You are following Jesus’ word.  Before that point, you are living your life with your own thoughts and values. If there’s a word God has given to you for the week, then following that word for the rest of the week is a sign that you’ve died on the cross.

    (3) Cross – Died, resurrected with Christ (Gal. 2:20)

But why do we not follow Jesus? Because I’m still not dead, I still live according to my own values, then the result of that is only suffering.  That is not the way to make your family peaceful; that is actually the way to break apart your family.  You say, “Let’s compromise and go together,” that is not the way to unite your family.  Jesus Christ must be the center and the master of this family in order from this family to experience the Kingdom of God.  That is why Apostle Paul confessed, “I have died on the cross with Christ, and now the life and the power of the Lord lives within me,” that is the new “me.”  With that, Jesus Christ says, “I have given you a sword in your family,” because now, more so than listening to the words of your parents, you’re listening to Jesus, and you’ll be delighted.  

Let’s say you’re mixed in with morals and ethics, you’ll say, “Oh, I still have to honor my mother and father?” Of course you do. However, if you are so tired of listening to your parents nagging that you would rather not go to worship but just stay at home with them, you’re someone who loves yourself more.  Then your family will continuously suffer. I hope you will truly believe in Jesus, then the suffering that continuously finds your family will be broken. 

How does suffering come to you? Through diseases, or you get afflicted because of financial problems, or through powerlessness, or mental illness. You have this suffering that has no reasons, why is that? It’s not because of your environment but is a problem that comes to your life because of what you love most. So, if you evangelize, people will say, “I tried believing in Jesus,” but what did they really believe in? They say, “I know the cross, do you have any idea how much of the Bible I’ve listened to?”  They themselves have not changed; they are holding onto themselves firmly and keeping the Word of God as reference.  

There is a way for you to receive grace from today’s worship today at this moment. You must change your prayer topic. “Today at this time, Lord, give me the answers You want to give to me,” then you will receive answers immediately.  God is alive and working, but why are we not receiving answers? It is because you’re coming here, holding onto what you want, and if it’s not aligned with what you want, you think you didn’t receive grace.  But that’s someone who loves themselves more than they love Jesus, so then you don’t receive grace, and your life is suffering.  If you correctly live your walk of faith, then the peace of God is bound to be upon you.

Last week, there was the Word, “Do not be afraid of people, but be afraid of God.” There was a fear inside of me that I was not aware of. What kind of fear do I have as a pastor when I give messages? I”m afraid that when I give sermons, it will not fit with someone and they’ll react in a strange way to me. I have to deliver the Word of God exactly as it is, but if I deliver this Word, then I know many people will have sour expressions, so I become very afraid.  

So sometimes after I finish a sermon, I’m filled with tremendous suffering.  I’m so full of suffering because I’m afraid that the people will get offended or their feelings hurt because of the strong Word that I delivered, but nobody knows that.  It comes from fear, because I deliver the message exactly as it was, but the people did not like what they heard, so they say, “I’m going to go to another church.” From your perspective, you might be afraid that if you properly believe in and testify of Jesus Christ, you might get fired.  You will be afraid, “If I tell my clients about Jesus Christ, they’ll stop coming to me,” but that is the fear of not standing before God. 

I lived as an unbeliever, but I learned to be very clean with money, so whenever possible, I tried not to inconvenience anyone because of money, and I try not to be looked down upon negatively because of money. If possible, I mostly paid everything by myself and didn’t rely on the church for that. I was hearing things like, “Why would a pastor spend money?” But starting from last week, that fear has disappeared. If I am standing before people, then it is right for me to request it from God, why am I looking towards people for that? That is a life that follows Jesus.  

If I’m to this extent, what do you think you’re like?  It might be true that I was more collapsed than you, so I’m receiving more answers, but think about yourself, what kind of fears do you have?  If you stand before God, then that fear will go away. Even when you run your business, you have a fear that, without a doubt, you will lose customers, so you resolve never to talk about Jesus Christ because you don’t want to lose clients, but that is not aligned with God. That is someone who loves themselves and money more.  I’m the same way, as a pastor, I need to deliver the Word of God, but I’m thinking of people more.  

  3) One who is for Jesus – Loves

    (1) One who loses their life for Jesus’ sake (Mt. 10:39)

    (2) One who is for the people of the church

Then He says, “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for me will find it.” “For Christ” means we are loving Jesus. In Matthew 25:45, Jesus says, “I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me.” Even to Paul, Jesus said, “You are persecuting Me,” how can Paul persecute Jesus when he hasn’t seen Jesus? The fact that Saul was persecuting believers of Christ means he was persecuting Christ. There are some people who say they are a good believer of Jesus, but what is the evidence of that? How does that reveal itself? You can know your love for Jesus by looking at your attitude for people in the church.  

    (3) One who is for the nonbelievers who will receive salvation

And out in the world, there are nonbelievers who will become believers and members of the church, and when you look at your attitude towards people outside of the church, you can see your attitude towards God.  God is invisible, and everyone says they live for Jesus, but they’ve never wanted to be at a loss for Jesus.  If you’re believing in Jesus for your own life, then that’s not right.  

3. One who will be rewarded

  1) One who welcomes the disciples

    (1) Welcomes Jesus (Mt. 10:40)

From Matthew 10:40-42, Jesus tries sending the disciples into the field as missionaries and says, “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes Me, and anyone who welcomes Me welcomes the One Who sent Me,” and that’s why He also tells us to give our all to serve the guests.  Especially, serve your all to guests who deliver God’s Word, because God is sending you God’s word through this person, then What you’re serving is actually God.  

    (2) Welcomes Jesus – Welcomes God (Mt. 10:40)

Do you understand what I’m saying? Where is Jesus?  If you accept the One Whom Jesus sends you accept Jesus. The words of the pastor are not the Word of God; however, through the pastor, God is giving His Word, and the Holy Spirit inside of you makes you recognize God’s Word. There are some people who say, “I’m not going to listen to the words of the pastor, I’ll just read the Bible myself,” but I understand what they’re really saying. Why do you think God and Jesus raised up the church?  It says in the Bible some will be raised as pastors, teachers, or ministers, or as apostles.  But there are some people who say, “I will personally listen to the Word of God by myself.” Do you know the characteristic of these people? They’re all the same, “I don’t want to listen to you, I’ll just talk to God personally.” They look at the pastor and say, “I’m more educated than you. You just decided to go to seminary one day, so why should I listen to you?” 

    (3) Welcomes the prophet – Prophet’s reward (Mt. 10:41)

The 12 Disciples were just fishermen, and they were uneducated, so if you reject them, you are rejecting Jesus, that’s what this is saying. If you help the least of the people, then you’re helping Jesus.  Today, Jordania prepared lunch today because of faith in Jesus. She is in high school. Yes, our deaconess helped, but she is changing because of her faith in Jesus, so she wants to devote to the church, but it is not for the people here, it is for Jesus. She comes to church all by herself.  Even during COVID, she received God’s Word online, through the phone. If you receive the correct faith, you’re bound to change.

She’s in the choir, these things naturally happen. Even if someone told you not to do it, if you serve the church, you do it for God, but the reason why people get so offended and hurt by serving the church is because they’re not serving the church for God; they’re doing it to get acknowledgment from people. We must do it for the Lord.  Everything you do for missions and evangelism, whether it’s making food, volunteering, or giving offering, it is for the Lord. Then how must our future generations study? For the Lord.  Then your studies will have value.  There are some people who study the exact same thing, but those studies become suffering for them, and other people whose studies become a blessing. The difference is, what is this studying for?  

    (4) Welcomes a righteous person – Righteous person’s reward (Mt. 10:41)

Matthew 25:34 says, “Who are the ones who will receive a blessing from God?” It says there is an inheritance, which is the Kingdom of God, predestined from long ages past.  What does it say in Matthew 25:35?  “When someone was hungry, you gave them something to eat.”  You do not receive a stranger, so all the various things you’ve done are all for Jesus.  Especially accepting the one who delivers the Word of Jesus, Who is sent by Jesus.  

    (5) Disciple’s name – Gives cup of cold water – Receive reward (Mt. 10:42)

All of your devotion to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ will come to you as the reward of the Kingdom of God. It will come as eternal life, and not even a cup of cold water will lose its reward. If I believe in Jesus Christ, then the Kingdom of God is a rightful reward; why is it a reward? What are you going to do if He doesn’t give it to you? Then you have to go to hell. Heaven is the perfect place, but what you want is money and you wonder, “Why am I not getting money?” But money is valueless and not expressed in the Bible.

When the Kingdom of God comes upon you, money will come upon you automatically, you don’t have any need to talk about it. First seek God’s Kingdom and righteousness, then all these things will be given to you as well.  The one who is persecuted for Jesus Christ, will not only receive their heavenly reward, but a hundred blessings on earth. But your interest should not be on the visible things on earth because you’re only going to volunteer for yourself. The result is only suffering. This is for the kingdom of God.  Later on, you’ll be reborn with the resurrection.  Then, like Prophet Elijah and Elisha and all those who served those prophets, will receive the blessing of coming to life and have abundance out of nothing.

  2) I am Jesus’ disciple (Watchtower)

    (1) Platform – One who has the answer to problems

Therefore, we are the watchtower and the ambassadors. There needs to be a watchtower shining the light in order to guide people to safety, and the work you are doing must be the platform. You guys go to Youtube but only watch a video if the content looks good, right? The work you’re doing must be a platform. People need to gather there, and if people don’t want to go, if you make an airport, people have to gather there to ride planes.  Make a platform that people have no choice but to gather. You need to have the content that will give them the answer.  

Remnants, I hope you will listen carefully.  The things you are studying right now in the future, will result in the platform that not only has the physical specialization that will gather people but also the answer to save them. You need to have the platform that is able to give them the answer that Jesus Christ is the solution to all problems.  If the church building doesn’t exist, if this church building did not exist, people would not gather.  You need to study that in order to build your specialization platform to gather people. Then, this world is covered in darkness, you must be the watchtower that shines the light.  But people don’t have the light of Christ, they only live for themselves. They live for themselves, they live a religious life for themselves, and that is darkness.  

    (2) Watchman – One who relays the light to the darkness

You must be the watchtower that shines the light of Christ there. These are the people who heal other people by allowing communication with God’s Word and other people. I hope that with these things, you’ll make a platform with your business and a place where many people gather. God will send that to a person who has the answers.  That is the reason for which you are studying, so you need to study while receiving the correct answers. But if you study all your life just to make a living, and you’re not able to save yourself or anyone else, that is a destroyed or collapsed study.  There are so many people who graduated from Ivy League school, but are not able to solve their own suffering, and are suffering from tremendous mental illnesses.  But while you’re studying, if you’re able to study to prepare to save yourself and other people, that’s so great. 

Peter was the same way, he was not able to save himself.  There’s only one method.  There is no method other than the blessing and the strength of the throne of heaven being upon me.  There is no way for me to save myself other than the actual spirit of the Triune God being filled in my thoughts, my heart, and my spirit.  If you’re not able to understand these words, have you gotten drunk or have seen someone drunk before?  What happens if a very quiet person gets drunk? Then they receive a very strange kind of strength, that is being drunk and being filled with alcohol. What happens if you’re filled with the spirit of God? You will overcome yourself, there is no other way to do that because you yourself cannot save yourself. 

    (3) Antenna – One who will make communication with God (Word)

How can you do that?  The Holy Spirit is already within yourself, so pray in faith for the Holy Spirit to reign upon you. If you’re not able to understand this at all, there are shamans who are filled with evil spirits, and they’re able to stand on the blade of a sword and be okay, but the elites of America did not do things like dancing on sword blades, but instead, the elites of America receive another spirit through transcendental meditation.  They use that other strength to develop their specialization and make money off of that. Because they’re at the very upper echelon, they’re completely controlling America, but God already knew this was coming, so He told us in advance to receive the power and the blessing of the throne of Heaven.

  3) Background of the throne – Kingdom of God (Ac. 1:3)

    (1) Within me (Ac. 1:8)

    (2) My work, academics (Mt. 12:28)

You need to pray for the Kingdom of God to be established in your studies and your job in order for the kingdom of Satan to be broken down and for you to receive answers.  The Kingdom of God must first be established in your business; otherwise, Satan will hold onto and play with your business.  But because the kingdom of God is established, you will receive answers. When you become a citizen in America, there are answers you receive because you’re in the kingdom, but if you’re not a citizen and you get kicked out, you have nothing. I hope you will pray for the answers of the Kingdom of God to be upon yourself, the work you’re doing, and upon everyone you meet.  

    (3) Save my past, present, future

Then all the scars and the suffering you’ve experienced in your past will come to life.  Otherwise, your scars will never go away.  “I received a scar from my parents or my family or the church,” those things will never go away.  Otherwise, Peter would have said, “By following Jesus Christ for three years, instead of sticking with fishing and being able to buy myself a house, I receive a scar,” these are scars because you love yourself.  However, if you receive the power of Christ, then these scars will change into a springboard for blessings.  Before this point, it doesn’t matter what kind of method you use, it will not change. It doesn’t matter how much you try to drown it out with drugs, the suffering will not change.  It’s already inputted into your brain, and until you lose your head or die, that brain will not change.  

    (4) Save church, field, future generation

I hope the power of the Triune God will be upon you, right at this moment. You don’t need to put in any effort; you just pray in faith because Christ has finished everything on the cross.  “May the Holy Spirit of the Lord control me or reign over me.”  Just like when somebody is drunk, they have no fear and will even run into traffic. But if you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you’re not going to run into traffic, you’re going to go in the correct order and you’ll save your business and your family. Then you’ll save the church, the field, and the future. 


1. Death on the cross – With Christ

2. One who follows the Word, one who has power

3. One who devotes to the church, evangelism, and missions for Jesus

Message Prayer

May you enjoy this blessing throughout the whole week.  Hold onto the word God has given to you today firmly as the covenant, that covenant is a promise and it’s a promise you must hold onto firmly throughout the week. Let us pray with that. 

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You.  We return Your materials as offering.  We pray that everywhere this offering is used, the love of Christ will be upon the whole creation.  We pray You will bless the hands of the offering so they may be used to save and heal the many people in the world who are dying and suffering.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

God, we thank You. We pray that You will bless Stacy.  If she has lived for herself in the past, we now pray she will live for Jesus Christ with the peace of Jesus Christ to save the 237 nations of the world.  We pray that You will also bless the four students in the Sunday School as well. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the unending love of our Father God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the future generations who desire to be worthy of God and to testify of this blessing to others, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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