The Beginning Truth (Genesis 1:27, 2:7, Romans 8:19-22)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Beginning Truth (Genesis 1:27, 2:7, Romans 8:19-22)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The message we received today precedes all the Bible.  It’s very important how God created mankind. We were created in God’s image.  Dogs have emotions, they can even feel fear, but they were not created in God’s image.  A long time ago, someone asked me to pray for their sick dog, and I was conflicted about whether I should or not.  Someone else asked if they could bring their dog to worship with them, and I didn’t know how to respond.  I don’t know if they were asking because they didn’t have someone to take care of the dog during worship, or if they wanted the dog to worship.

Do you see dogs worship and praise?  No.  Human beings are different from animals in the sense we’re created from God’s image.  But God created us as spiritual beings and created us to bless us in Genesis 1:28

Genesis 2:7 God created us as a spiritual being, because the life of the breath of God came into our body, we are made into living spiritual beings, so we can be fruitful, increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. But if you don’t understand these words, you’ll be backwards, you’ll think that instead of being spiritual beings, that human beings are mental beings and that mental things are blessings, that people live with mental strength and that’s a blessing. That’s how you’ll go into the opposite direction of God’s Word.

Then they think if you learn a lot, that’s a blessing.  If you know a lot, that’s not bad.  However, we’re talking about a blessing where God’s blessing is upon us.  In Genesis 2:1-17, God creates the Garden and entrusts everything to Adam who enjoyed this life and to rule and subdue, this is how human beings were created to live. 

But this blessing was broken, why? Because we broke our promise to God, we call that disobedience.  Instead of following God’s Word, we follow the devil’s temptation.  Even right now, the devil is deceiving you with your heart, your thoughts, and environment, so you lose hold of God’s Word.  But from the very beginning, human beings were created where we could not live while being separated from God.

Dogs at our home get on fine, but there are so many homeless people, why is that, even though humans are more capable than humans? If you’re not able to restore the image of God, we become worse than dogs. Dogs running away from home can still live well on their own, but that’s not the case for humans. 

Everything was created by God for Adam, all the trees and animals, and Adam names them all.  Whatever Adam called them, that was their name.  We study so we know the names of animals, but how did Adam know? He was able to name them, “That’s a tiger, a lion, a bird,” how did he do that?  He did it with the knowledge God gave him, and that’s a normal person.

He didn’t spend all-nighters spending a whole night to figure out what to name a lion. We worry and think about our businesses and how we can succeed, but Adam never did that.  He immediately managed and named everything in the Garden according to his knowledge.  Adam was able to do everything except to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and that’s how you live for God’s glory.

But that blessing was broken.  Genesis 3:1-6 Satan.  Even now, Satan makes you leave God’s Word, to break God’s promise.  A lot of kids listen to music, then, do you know how your spiritual state changes? You don’t.  You have a lot of fun watching dramas, right?  Like Squid Game?  Things like that.  I guess it’s very popular, someone posted the first four episodes on our pastoral group chat, but do you know what you consider to be fun? It’s touching something of mankind. I haven’t seen it, I don’t know what it’s about, but everyone around the world is talking about it.

Why is it so popular? It touches what humans like the most, what is it? It’s that people can do it.  That’s why people are strengthened by it and watch things like that.  I don’t know any of the content, but why is it so popular? It’s obvious, people like it, but what happens to their spiritual state?  This show touches something about mankind so we’re drawn to it because we like it, then my spiritual state isn’t centered on God’s Word, but it’s centered on human words.

Those human words are so fun, we’re sucked into it, but when we talk about God’s Word, it’s hard to go back. The Word of God seems so strange, but the words people say in the dramas seem more correct. That’s what Satan does. Am I telling you to not do anything? Of course you have to watch it because you have to know the world, but if you’re not able to distinguish for yourself, then you’re going to get sucked into it.  If your spiritual state is strong enough where you won’t become human-centered, you can study it.

There’s a Korean singer who died young and sang songs about life.  There were people who wrote feedback about his music, “My mom died a few years ago, and when I heard your song, I heard my mom’s voice and started crying.”  Then he wrote another song about growing old and raising kids and sending them off to school.  Older people listened to that and became nostalgic for the old days, and they liked the song.  Some people sing songs prior to going into the military.  It’s even popular in North Korea, because all the North Koreans go to the military.  Because this singer explains life exactly as it is into the lyrics, it touches many people’s hearts and aligns with them.

What happens then?  Our spiritual state falls and slips into being centered on people’s actions and emotions, so instead of following after God’s Word, we follow after the nature of mankind, like our emotions and inspiration. At first, because it touches my heart so strongly, it feels like I’m receiving healing and it’s touching my emotions.  It has good effects like that, but the issue is that your spiritual state will continuously fall more and more into being centered on humans and the Word of God becomes boring.

All the things you’ve seen and experienced will make the Word of God seem so bland. The world is so aligned with a mankind that is separated from God. Satan doesn’t destroy you because you listen to a few songs. Satan doesn’t work all of a sudden because you do transcendental meditation once.  Little by little, you listen more and more and become seized, isn’t that right? If you wanted to kidnap someone, you wouldn’t just grab them, but you would get to know them and slowly get them to follow you. 

When you go fishing, you don’t immediately fish, but you throw bait into the water.  Then all the big fish gather because they see the smaller meat, but the goal is that you’re using this bait to catch the bigger fish.  Even now, Satan wants to move my spiritual state from being centered on God’s Word into being centered on people and the world, then he makes you completely forget that you’re a spiritual being.

Satan makes you turn so that you completely forget that all the blessings and life come from God, and you think these come from people, so you reach the conclusion that you can do this with your own strength. Can you? That’s how foolish you become.

Genesis 3:15

That’s why Genesis 3:15, the offspring of the woman would be the atonement for our sins.  At one.  We become one with God, that’s atonement. Through our atonement, our curses vanish.  Jesus’ death and resurrection has given us life.  Nonbelievers are spiritually dead but believers have spiritual life.  The standard is by Jesus Christ Who has taken our sins on our behalf, and we rule with the strength that comes from this life. You must know this life well.

Through the Word and filling of the Holy Spirit, you can rule over and subdue your work and life.  If you know this and this thought is at the rock bottom, your own thoughts are bigger, so you have life but you live according to your thoughts.  What thoughts? You lose hold of God’s image and blessings. To gain strength through prayer, just pray in faith as God promised. If the remnants don’t understand this, you’ll go through what your mom went through. If my daughter doesn’t understand, she’ll suffer as I did as an unbeliever.  I’m shocked because I see myself in her, she even likes the same things I like.  I never taught her that. Our state is the same.  Because I see myself as an unbeliever in her, I think it’s not acceptable.

No matter how cute she is, that’s just her cuteness, but there’s no choice in regards to her. God gave us the right to be blessed, “God, give me the filling of the Holy Spirit,” not because I ask, but because He promised, but you can only request to receive it if you know the reason why you need the filling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is within me, but you must know the reason for the filling of the Holy Spirit, so you can pray for it.  May the Holy Spirit completely fill me and seize me to control my heart, thoughts, emotions, and physical body.  Then, you will receive the Holy Spirit’s thoughts, words, and everything will be in the direction of these blessings.  You have been saved but Satan will make you go back into the six states of the unbeliever, so the six snares will also entrap believers. 

Spiritual problems will come because there will be problems in your spiritual state, and then mental problems will come, even for the saved people of God.  Then you’ll see the problems in your physical life that you can see, and there will be continuous problems in the future generations.  If through Jesus Christ you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit and the life, then your life will change into blessings.  So, your week will go depending on your state right now.

Before you study, you must determine the spiritual state in which you study.  God gives you the studies to enjoy the blessings of ruling and subduing for His glory, but you aren’t able to enjoy, so pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit because God gave us this promise since the day we were created.  The Early Church restored that strength so the answers of world evangelization continuously took place.  Then, your studies and businesses will all be restored.  That’s His promise. 

Rule and subdue, then God will restore everything for His people, for His glory, but if you’re working in a state where you’re not blessed, you can’t restore your work.  Even when we study, we were created not to study with our own brain, but with the power and mental strength God gives us.  But because you hold onto your own thoughts, that’s not a blessing.  That’s why you’re not able to rule over and subdue, but instead you’re a slave.

Studying is not the issue.  What’s important is who’s studying in what kind of state? If a certain type of person is studying in their state, they can be a blessing; otherwise, the studies will be a burden and will torment me.  When Israel received this gospel and blessing, each surrounding nation became a blessing and offered tributes to Israel. However, when Israel lost hold of this covenant, then instead, all the surrounding nations were stealing from them.

Everything you work for, everything you study, will be stolen away and made useless, why?  Because what’s important is the person, depending on their spiritual state.  God promised to give you the evidence so you can be a witness of this. If you understand this, it’s a complete blessing.  If you don’t understand it, then you get a lesser blessing because you still have salvation.

Unbelievers do well or not but they’re cursed because their status is cursed and your life is determined based on your status.  You’re surrounded by people in your field, are you looking at these people as those you must save, or people whom you compete with, or people you don’t like?  God has blessed you to increase your numbers, and you must see everything with this life, this promise.  Then you will see God has prepared people in the field to receive this promise and blessing.

You didn’t do anything, God prepared everything, and once your spiritual state is restored, you’ll see it and they’ll come find you, even if you’re standing still, because God attaches them to you.  Because you’re in a state where you can relay God’s blessings.  Therefore, it’s not about you doing anything, but God creates incidences to attach people to you.  Of course, there are some situations where we go into someplace to give blessings, but you are already going into your fields, your school and jobs.  Look for the people there who are prepared to receive the gospel, that’s evangelism.  “I’m going there to study and work, what does this have to do with anything?” Studying and working may be your thoughts, but God’s thinking about looking for these people, because you have to find these people for their work to be aligned to God’s work, what an incredible blessing has been entrusted to us!

We are given the roles of spiritual kings, priests, and prophets.  We are not kings, but we are spiritual kings so people must follow us.  Shall I give you an example? Everybody had to follow Joseph because Joseph was a spiritual king.  Even the physical king had to follow Joseph. We have been given this status, but Satan makes us completely lose hold of this in utter darkness. Then when our spiritual state is like this, we’ll be enslaved to the devil.  How unfortunate is that?

It’s not about you doing anything, but if you just know who you are, things will happen. You take this and go into your field. Unbelievers think they go to the field to study, but you’re going to the field.  There are church officers living in different regions, then holding to the covenant and praying, God will attach people to you to save the region.  As you do this, your businesses are restored because God created us this way. From the beginning, these things should follow us. When our spiritual state is correct, these things are bound to follow us.

That’s the reason why God blessed everyone, even the nonbeliever Potiphar, through Joseph.  Religious people are only interested in blessings, they’re not very interested in being a spiritual being, but if you talk about spiritual blessings, their eyes light up. That’s what we call a breastfed child because they don’t experience the greater blessings.  Someone mature will realize, “If I take on a big project, then big money, small money, everything has to follow me.” If you know your position and God’s plan, then God will attach people to you who align with it, so that’s how you’ll end up conquering the world. When you save people, everything you do will turn into a blessing.  When we do the work of saving lives, God will move everything in that direction, that’s God’s Word. 

But we don’t know the main content of God’s Word, but we argue about whether we know the names of the 12 tribes or this biblical knowledge. It’s important but you must know this content, if you don’t know who you are, you don’t know anything.  So, whatever God is trying to tell you from the very first, you must coordinate your life this way. We are placed by God into a position we can rule over and subdue, so that’s why our spiritual state is so important and depending on my spiritual state, it will turn into a blessing. 

It’s like being a king, everyone must follow the king, but God will cover up all the eyes of those who have ulterior motives and call us as spiritual things.  Wherever we go, everything is restored, we are a king, a royal priesthood, prophets who declare His marvelous praises.  If you don’t have pride in this, you’ll have pride on some low-level things, “I graduated from this school and now have a job at this company,” but we have the heavenly position where the things of earth have no choice but to follow us. 

Even the president must listen to God’s Word.  Even the teachers at your school must listen to God’s word, but you can’t give the light to your teachers; that’s how you break the leak and ask people how to fix it.  That’s the work God is doing even now.  When church officers begin to pray for a reason, God will move things in preparation. Even though that’s all you do, God fixes your broken family and children, taking care of everything.

The fact that you’re thinking of two things means you’re being dragged into the world, but we enjoy one thing through faith. As we just do that, God takes care fo everything else.  He intercedes for your studies, otherwise, it would be impossible for us to do 24.  But God created this system where even if we do one thing, God This is a heavenly work of the prophet, priest, and king, so we must follow it.

I keep getting skinnier, right?  The man who owns the tailor shop downstairs and he thinks I’m sick, but I feel good.  I said, “You’re very observant, I’m dieting.”  I think he scrutinizes body measurements because he’s a tailor.  As I recently was enjoying spiritual blessings, I naturally enjoy exercise.  As I mentioned before, no one in my family line can exercise.

Tomorrow I will greet the pastor for Remnant University.   As I was introduced to him, they said I don’t have white hairs.  I didn’t know that but it came out in the message, Rev. Ryu is also losing white hairs and gaining black hairs which means he’s becoming more youthful.  When you enjoy the spiritual blessing and covenant, all your weaknesses change, I’m a witness of that. 

I’m someone who typically worries a lot about the future but I don’t.  I’m sure God will do Temple Construction and I’m certain of it.  How is it that even though two people may be in the exact same situation, one may be full of anxiety and doubt while I enjoy with assurance? There’s a difference between stubborn and hard-headed than holding it in faith. 

These are the blessings God gave me, I should be shaking in fear and anxiety, but people are not able to overcome that. These are the blessings that come. Because I received the grace of God’s Word, God reveals His mysteries to me as well.  Whenever you do anything out in the field, you must have this faith in order for you not to shake.  You have to believe without a doubt that God will bless the people in this region because of me.  You have to truly believe that for that positive energy to radiate out of you. If you try to force yourself to be positive, that’s not it. When you go to school or your job, you have to truly believe that God will bless and save people, that’s how you’ll be able to act and save things.

If someone else looks at you, they’re spiritually shocked because you don’t have any authority but you have spiritual status and authority.  It wasn’t that he did something, but David had the status for things to happen; that’s how you do world evangelization and change the field. Once you believe in this, the works take place. 

By your faith in unseen things, you will have visible works.  These are the things our remnants must hold onto, receive, and enjoy.  It’s hard for you guys to wake up in the morning, right? Then just do this before you sleep, there’s not much time.  Before you go to sleep, look at the Word of God and meditate on it, then your spiritual state is aligned with God.  Then when you wake up in the morning, just for a moment, look at the prayer journal message or the pulpit message and pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to conquer your field, and He will give you strength to overcome the field.

That’s what it means, it doesn’t matter what field you are in, you’ll be okay, because God will give you the strength to overcome your field.  If you become the president, then you’ll receive the blessing and grace to fulfill that role. God gives students the strength to overcome their field through prayer.  You do this in the morning. One day, when you’re able to hear God’s Word, you’ll begin to change.  Then, whenever you go to the field as field missionaries, you’ll be excited and happy.  “I wonder whom God prepared for me today.” 

Then you have to study, but God strengthens you in that, and that’s a mystery. If you don’t know this and try to pray, it will be labor. May you enjoy and testify of these blessings.


God, we thank You. Bless the remnants.  May You give them the spiritual strength to conquer the field every day.  In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, amen.


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