The Answer of 25 in the Field (Acts 13:5-12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Answer of 25 in the Field (Acts 13:5-12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

I’m going to be preaching from the first message of the prayer journal, the 25 answers of the field.

1. All Things – Things to Enjoy First (Acts 13:1-4)

1) Guidance and Working of the Holy Spirit

2) Guidance of the Holy Spirit to the Place

3) Guidance of the Holy Spirit to the Meeting

2. The Answer of 25 the Disciples Enjoy

1) Sorcerer – Meeting, Paphos

If you ask for God’s plan, you will see the invisible works God does. You must always have this, right?  There are magicians and sorcerers, and they are not just magicians but they listen to evil spirits.  I said earlier than when you pray not in the name of Jesus Christ, but in something else, the evil spirits work. Other religious organizations exist around your home, are there religious organizations like that? What happens when they pray? The working of the evil spirits happen, and what happens when evil spirits work?  The field arises according to the working of the evil spirits. 

If we don’t know the reality of evil spirits while doing our walk of faith, we’ll just be oppressed by that.  Even beyond physical work, destruction will take place and you will continue to face this until you know this fact.  The Israelites were continuously held in captivity by Babylon and Rome until they realized this. Because they don’t know this, they keep facing this.  They keep facing disasters but they don’t understand why.  They face this in their lives, businesses, and family, but they don’t understand why. 

We call this the “3 Organizations of America.” We say the successful people gather in these organizations and do this work.  They gather together and have these acts of prayer, and that’s when evil spirits work, transcending time and space, affecting the field.  There’s a regional religious organization in each field.  They erect a temple and what do they do there? They do actions of faith like prayer and worshiping, and despite receiving answers, they continue to make problems arise. 

If you don’t know this, you will continue to encounter this.  Will God protect them? God did not protect Babylon. When Babylon came after the Israelites, God did not protect the Israelites.  When the Israelite men were captured by Assyria, God left them alone, because they lost hold of the spiritual truth. Because they lost hold of that, God left them alone. If you don’t know this, you will continue to face this in America. You’ll be okay in the church but you’ll be oppressed in the world.

It seems like I’m making you scared. But if you are scared of this, you won’t be able to overcome. If you say you don’t know this, look at Paul who solved this in one go.  The person in the field did not know this, so Paul went to this field and concluded everything.  How are you understanding this?  I’m curious about that, if you don’t know, then you go out and you’ll encounter this.  I was talking about this with Stephanie and her husband, and he understood the spiritual problem and continues to face it.  Stephanie was a little confused, she seemed to understand and also not understand.  But I told them about the process of healing. 

 This false prophet controlled the proconsul spiritually.  The proconsul is like a governor.  The governor was actually being controlled, listening to evil spirits, and would carry out policies and make laws based on the evil spirits, then the entire region is full of evil spirits, disasters will strike, and people who are suffering will be oppressed by evil spirits.  Paul saw that.

2) Filling of the Holy Spirit

Without the filling of the Holy Spirit, Paul would have been afraid and avoided the person, but as he was filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ also in the wilderness did His ministry after being filled with the Holy Spirit. The Early Church was also filled with the Holy Spirit so they were able to do Rome evangelization.  If you do not receive the strength that comes from the power of the throne and the infinite world, you will just avoid America.  You can’t overcome workings of the evil spirits.  You have to give the answer and change it, but if you avoid it, it will change you.

The problem is from the filling of the Holy Spirit and the strength that comes from the infinite world to change the world. I spoke of this earlier.  We are in this state where we have to change it. 

Acts 13:10-11

You will have a moment to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Bind the forces of darkness over your school and region in the name of Jesus Christ.  Do you know why we gather together in the church? It is at that time we receive the most strength and break down the forces of darkness in the field.  We pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit, the working of the Holy Spirit to be upon the field.  Matthew 12 states, when we’re filled with the Holy Spirit, we can break down the forces of darkness in the region, so we ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Only this protects against evil spirits; other than this, evil spirits will not depart. 

3) God’s Kingdom

If you sleep in class, you won’t be able to give the answers on the test. If they just listen to it and take it to heart, they would know the content, but if they hear it wrong, they won’t have the correct answer. Because they listen to it incorrectly, they cannot apply it outside. Properly listen to the Word.

What is there in America?  You know it better than I do.  There are so many people who do the work of evil spirits or they have parents who are like that.  Some go into religious organizations, you must first see the spiritual things.  If you do not know this, you won’t be able to run your business well.  How are you able to date without knowing this? You’ll be tricked by physical conditions.  When you’re seized, problems arise, and you will resent God, “God, why are you doing this to me?” God didn’t tell you to do this; you didn’t know the spiritual mystery by itself.  So many people have this walk of faith and you’ll ask, “God, why did you do this or not?” “When did I tell you to do this? Receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.”

What does this have to do with studies?  You think success is everything in your life so you cannot see this. You don’t know the reason you study.  You don’t know what studying really means?  These things you study about, you know the physical appearance but you don’t really know it.  Even when you’re studying, you don’t have everything about it, but is it okay if I know more about this.  And you stake your life, but Satan grabs hold of you with Gen. 3.  That’s how you will not be seized by that. Is it God’s work or Satan’s work? It’s one of two and it’s not complicated.  If it’s God’s work, receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.  You have to study with this strength to have the blessing of meeting. 

Listen carefully and hold the Bible in your heart. You don’t believe in this but you believe the words of people? The outer appearance and signs you don’t believe in the spiritual things. You don’t understand that Joseph’s masterpiece comes from A black homeless person came here and turned the lights on and off, and she talked about the evil spirit inside of her.  I hope she listened to the accurate gospel, what’s important? I may not want to talk to someone, but that means my spiritual eyes are closed.

3. The Signpost of the Answer of 25 Hours

1) Past – Satan’s 12 Problems

(sin, Satan,  separation)  Me – God, Physical, Success

You live diligently in this spiritual state, I recognize I’m living with this inside of me, but that’s Satan. You don’t think it’s Satan, but that’s Satan.  You can’t see it but the Bible says Satan captures you by this.  How, then, does he work?

Idol, Religion, Shamanism, transcendental meditation


You have a little knowledge but it’s based on life.  You don’t know this, so they study and mass enough knowledge to get a doctorate, and they think they know many things, but the graduate doesn’t know a lot. Pastor Ryu said “I don’t need to receive this PhD.” People think they know everything.  It’s not that they know their major but they assume it’s everything, and the spiritual knowledge of great importance is not acknowledged; they are oppressed by Satan spiritually. 

Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Eternal, Future Generation

People are confused but if one person is able to confirm and understand, confirm it in the field.  People who know this not so well, they regard what they have as important. “With this, it is everything,’ Other people should have known what it means to serve idols.”  That’s suffering. Even if they succeed, they commit suicide with mental problems.  Yesterday I was talking about the Pastor’s kids, both were in terrible situations, why is that? They think of this as a joke.  Then the future generations suffer.

It looks like they all succeeded, but I’m oppressed, so the person was able to become a doctor but they aren’t able to go.  Parents raise successful children but aren’t able to confirm the answer of only Christ.  People who study well, confirm what your teachers spoke about.  The trait of a person who is not good at studying is that they listen and do whatever they want. They are given a path but they are irrelevant to that path.

2) Today – Spiritual Problems

On Friday, I kept saying you can’t run away because you don’t want to hear it, but stand before God’s Word.  It’s the same with the remnants, we must know the essential point of what you must do.  If you are unable to confirm the 12 strategies in your field and family, you will not be deceived. You keep hearing about Jesus, but you keep listening to it without knowing why Jesus.  You keep listening to the answer but you don’t know the problem. You can’t see the three problems, so you keep listening about Jesus but you can’t acknowledge this. that means you don’t have the answer.

We have received salvation by God’s grace but the three problems of the world are not your problem.  How can we relay this accurately to the children?  You can’t just give the answer of Christ without telling them the problems.  It’s the same as giving the answer without knowing the problem.  Problems continue to come so even today, receive Jesus Christ as the answer to all problems.  These come out of the 12 strategies, so you have to confirm this.  When you do camp in the field, go into the field, meet the person, confirm the 12 strategies, and do forum about the 12 strategies. 

Through the meeting, confirm the 12 strategies in that person.  You listen and haven’t confirmed it in the field, your head is big, so whether it’s school or wherever you go, do the homework of putting down your friend’s name and write down the 12 strategies.  But you don’t do this and there’s no development as you don’t know this.  You just write down who owes you money and the scars you receive from your friends but you don’t do this.

Why do you write down useless things and not these things?  Once a day, write this about one person.  If a person becomes a pastor who is not able to do this, they will continue to be confused. As a pastor, I continue to explain this, but I’ll be confused. “Someone’s bothering me at work,” because you cannot see this.  That’s why you say, “The things of the world are bothering me,” and you end up getting married, but you cannot see this, “This person is troubling me,” they can only see themselves and their trouble because they’re captured by Satan and self-centeredness but they cannot confirm their own state.

It’s always me, my thoughts, my position, you cannot think about the other person, but now I’m inside of this, I’m inside of this spiritual background.  Confirm this.  Write this down in your notes.  You have your prayer journals, so write down the notes but code it so that people don’t know who you’re talking about.  If you look at professionals, they write down a person’s name, but those are just the basics.  It’s the same as a lawyer, receiving all the background information, so they can do something with that, and also a doctor who also receives medical history and information so they can make a diagnosis.

In your regional church, if you’re informed in the field, you can say, “I met this person in this state and I pray for them.” You have to share with this.  You just have to share what you received, it’s all about sharing.  If you just give out names instead of details, it’s just passing.  The more you try to know more about this, the more God will reveal this, but if you become a church layleader without knowing this, you’ll be in trouble in the world and with your family. You’ll face a spiritual problem when you face people you use.  People seem to like you so you don’t see they have a spiritual problem, if they do not have the answer of only Christ, they’re caught on something. You have to know this to really love that person and help that person out.

Even in your business, you are meeting people, and you have to save these people. It is a  meeting through the business, but do God’s work to save.  You are to do this but you don’t, so you’re oppressed.  Will you change this, or be oppressed? If you are not able to change it, you will be oppressed, but you don’t think of it like this.  You just think, “I should be in a proper position and attitude,” but you’re oppressed right now.  It is only that you are going to face oppression if you’re not in that position.

If you’re not in that direction to save, you have to relay the direction to the children of the 237 nations and saving.  It doesn’t seem like much but Joseph who went into the field all alone was able to enjoy this answer; Daniel also received this answer. They weren’t just good at studying but they had this answer.  Daniel prayed to receive this because he knew it was not possible with his own strength.  Among these people, even if it’s just one person, one person can change the crowd.

I tell you to do something but no one does it because they think of it as a joke, meaning it has not come into their hearts, but they continue to say they received tremendous training, but they haven’t done anything. They receive training by listening but haven’t done anything in the field. If you’ve heard it, you have to confirm it, then God will open up the way.  During the week, we are going out into the field and if it is the time schedule, people will gather here. That’s why two college students were placed here today, and the parents said, “We have to receive this answer.” The parents listened to the Word, so at the very least, our children should attend and continuously receive the Word, that’s God’s plan.

Without knowing this, you will face problems in the family and they continue to tell me their backstory.  But you must always remember this, the answer to the problems in the field. Even if they do not see the 12 problems, they are within the family background.  Even if you don’t know this, if you continuously give this message to them, they will reveal it.  Because it touches upon their own problems, they will be able to relay an answer.  Pharisees did not know this, but they focused on the law instead.  

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