The Absolute Problem the World (America) Does Not Know (Acts 16:6-18)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Absolute Problem the World (America) Does Not Know (Acts 16:6-18)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

I think a lot of people are sleepy in the afternoon so I opened the window. Why did I open the window?  So that the people who are sleeping will do deep breathing with me.  If there is somebody continuously having splitting headaches, it is without a doubt for lack of oxygen and it’s also connected to spiritual things.  So, I opened the window and if you’re doing deep breathing, it’s best if you don’t sit next to someone else.  When doing deep breathing, put a lot of strength to the lower belly and if you’re not doing it, I’ll call someone to the front to demonstrate. While you are putting strength into the lower abdomen, breathe in, then stop. Then breathe out.  Empty your belly.  Again, put strength into your lower belly and breathe in, stop, and breathe out.

The Absolute Problem the World (America) Does Not Know (Acts 16:6-18)

If you don’t know the fundamental problem, nothing will work. If people say things are working out, it’s just at the physical level.

1. Start of the Absolute Problem

1) Satan’s Snare

(1) Gen. 3:4-5 God – Pride/Ego

(2) For Myself Nephilim Gen. 6:4-5

(3) For My Success – Separation (Gen. 11:1-8)

Once you’ve received salvation, everything is finished but you keep putting yourself in the position of the seat of God. I started saying this in the 2nd Service, but why are you always angry? You’re angry because you’re correct and everyone else is wrong.  Satan seizes people so subtly by making people think they are right and that’s why people get so angry and wrathful, then what do I have to do about that? Do I have to wait until the other person changes their mind? You have to change yourself. You are wrong but you think you’re right. What is right? Only God is true. You have to see everything through God’s Word. If you look at it through God’s Word, it’s not about what’s right or wrong.  You judge what is right or wrong based on your own standards so you’re angry.

This is the beginning problems. People go to church and don’t know this. They only receive legalism, they hold onto the law and say, “I am correct,” but they don’t know Satan is holding onto them in the background. Everything is a fight against this.  The reason it’s so hard at your job is because you think your manager is wrong or your parents are wrong or your kids are wrong. If someone is wrong, it means you have your own standards.

Are your standards unnecessary? Of course we must have standards, but that’s just the basics.  If you don’t have common sense, you’ll always be destroyed.  But that doesn’t mean you should get angry about common sense.  Everybody has their own standards for life.  If people are not falling into your line of standards, you first get upset and then you explode and even cuss at them. “You’re wrong,” that means you think you’re right but that is the trap of Satan, but you keep being ignorant of this. You think you’re right until you die. You explode even though you go to church, why is that?

You’ve never heard the gospel; you’ve heard the gospel while holding onto the law. If you hold onto the true law, but you’re not even holding onto that. You’re holding onto Confucian ideals.

(Confucianism) + Jesus Christ, 500

That’s why there’s so much shame. For Koreans, if there’s a fire in a bathhouse, you’ll run out and you’ll be completely naked.  Where would you guys cover? What do Koreans cover? They cover their face.  “All I need to cover is my face,” but Westerners cover their shameful body parts.  “If they don’t know who I am, they won’t criticize me,” Confucianism. This is rooted very deeply and that’s how they receive the gospel.

Imagine how much anger they have, imagine how much they fight. Nobody fights like how Koreans fight because they have so much Confucianism. But Confucianism is like the Biblical law. 

Buddhism + Gospel, Offering

What is Buddhism? After you die, you reincarnate as something else.  People go leisurely.  “When I die, I’ll reincarnate as something else, so if I do a lot of good things on earth now, I’ll be born into a better life later.” So they offer food and different offerings in the temples. 


This Buddhism went to China, Korea, and Japan, and it’s no longer about enlightenment but it changed into something else. As the Buddhist ideals went through China, Korea, and Japan, they didn’t focus on Enlightenment but it changed into “do something and get blessed.” But when we look at the Tibetan monks and the Dalai Lama, they are ascetics who try to empty and purify their heart. “The human nature is pure, good, and righteous,” so they try to find themselves in Nirvana.

“My thoughts are not me; I’m originally a kind person,” so once you find that enlightenment, people become Buddha. The flip side of this is that, “The Universe is me.  Whatever problems I face are not the real me; the Universe is me. The power of the Universe is so strong so when that power comes into me, I discover myself,” and that’s how they’re healed. Do you know how healing takes place? They let go of all the things they were worried about or anxious about, “I’m not me, the Universe me is me and I’m a kind and nice person,” so they let go of their worries and are healed.

Individualism, Transcendental meditation

Shamanism + Gospel

When you bow down to something, the spirit in that object will bring healing.  Korea has shamanism as well and are very complicated. They have all these.  They understand spiritual things.  My mom told me that the greatest way to receive blessings in Buddhism is to take unbelievers to the Temple to bow down to an idol. She said it’s the same in the church.  For people in China, Korea, and Japan, they evangelize to bring people into the Temples.  It’s evangelistic Buddhism. If you go to these different temples, they’ll have different gods, for example, the god of childbearing or wealth, to get people to come in. But in Myanmar, there’s nothing like that.  They just purify themselves.  Most believers will revere these believers, “He’s purifying himself, fasting, and living an ascetic life,” and they give things to them even though they don’t evangelize. 

But Korean churches have evangelistic Buddhism so when they go to church, they evangelize in church as well.  They evangelize in a Buddhist way, “Believe in Jesus Christ and you will be blessed, your diseases will be healed.” I told the sleepy people to do deep breathing.  Right now, you should be deep breathing.  If people are falling asleep, why is that? It’s because you are so tired, you lack oxygen, so listen while doing deep breathing.  If people are always having splitting headaches, doctors can’t heal that.  There are people like this, so you have to receive this answer.

If Christians don’t give this answer, it means they don’t have the answer. Give them this answer.  Because people receive the gospel with whatever irrelevant background they have, and all of these different religions is about me, but the gospel is not about me; I have died on the cross, but instead of understanding the gospel like that, we say the gospel is for me, for my blessings, and I understand with these kinds of background.

2) Frame – Fulfillment, Temple

The standard is God but it’s not like that.  That’s Satan’s frame; people don’t know this as they live their walk of faith, then they have temples.  People look at buildings. God is invisible to the eyes, but if they make visible buildings, they go in that direction. They have physical actions.  Because they don’t see God physically, they use physical actions to try to explain God.  I talked about this earlier, but the Catholic Cathedrals have pictures of saints everywhere, there’s even one on Wilshire.  Because the saints are written about in the Bible, they just say, “Oh, that’s a saint,” and they never draw Jesus Christ in His adult form; they talk about baby Jesus under His mother Mary.

What do you think they’re trying to emphasize there?  Do you think they’re trying to emphasize the offspring of the woman, or do you think they’re trying to emphasize Mary? Without the gospel, you have no choice but to emphasize Mary.  These are the different forms and ways they try to understand it, but they misunderstand.  Temples.

Then they do spiritual things in the temples.  For example, they give the Word connected to their religion. They all have prayer. What happens when they pray?


Paul saw the idols and his heart was burning, he was full of anger in his heart because it was completely changing the culture of the region, but we just pass by these things, it means we don’t know spiritual things. In that case, you’ll be taken over by them, and you’re the first to be taken over.  You’ll be influenced by the evil forces of darkness in your region but you won’t know why or interpret it correctly. You won’t understand why these things are happening in my family line.

This happens in the region to change the culture in the region. Know this to know why you study or run your business.  If you have no idea about this, you come to church to beg for what you want. You think you’re doing well because of the things you do, but that’s a dead believer. If there’s hundreds of thousands of dead people, it won’t matter at all. Don’t just make more problems, but we look at incorrect problems, that’s how Satan controls the entire region.  Satan makes people focus on “me” and makes them go into the temples


Just because someone has a cross doesn’t mean they’re Christian, but a true Christian knows what Christ has done and believes in that. If someone wears a cross necklace without knowing what Christ did, that’s an idol.  If someone wears a cross necklace because they think it looks cool, it might not be an idol, it’s just an accessory, but once they believed this cross necklace will protect them or have power to make bullets ricochet off of them?  People think their significant others will always protect them.  There’s no god in that.  You think your boyfriend or husband will protect you, they are not God, and that’s your idol. Satan works through that and disappoints you.

You need to believe in God. Everyone needs to believe in God.  You don’t need your husband, wife, or yourself, you create a family to glorify God and execute God’s plan. Without that, you’ll be disappointed with your significant other and look at other people, dragged around as a slave to Satan.  You need to find God’s plan in the family to restore your family, even your children.

2. Solution

1) Fortune-Teller

Someone used this slave girl as a fortune-teller to make money. People who are demon-possessed have demon-possession in their family line and their children will be possessed. Without that, the demon attacks them until they do.  Demons attack that individual with diseases.  Who experienced this? Ancestral spirits, and they believe in that.  “I don’t need Jesus Christ, I need my grandfather’s spirit.”  That is how the demon will lie and control that person.  Then, when Satan or the demons are done, they’ll go into the children and do that.

Why did the person receive the demon to begin with?  “If I don’t receive the demon, it will go into my children, so I will sacrifice myself.” If you do that, it won’t stop; it will keep going down to your children. That person is deceived by Satan, that demon will use that person all their life and then throw them aside, and then, there’s the future generation of demon-possessed people who will be used their whole life.

There’s a demon-possessed fortune teller who says, “These are servants of the Most High God who are telling you the way to be saved,” the demon knows this. Demons know whether you are saved or not.  Every so often, go to the demon-possessed people. No reason to argue, but if you know, they know already.  If you take someone who knows a lot of the word of God into the presence of a demon-possessed person, they’ll be revealed as a fake because the demon-possessed person knows about the light in that person first. The person without the light of Christ will be revealed as a fake. They appear to have so much knowledge of the Bible and faith.

When a problem happens, you can tell a person’s faith.  “Why is it happening like this?” You can tell if a soldier has loyalty for their country or not once they’re in the battlefield. They speak so well all their livers, “This is what I’ll do for my country,” but in the battlefield, you’ll know their true colors.  You’ll know whether the person will sacrifice themselves for the country or not. In an everyday situation, the one who just speaks better is the one who wins. It’s the same for spiritual things. 

How do you overcome financial problems?  People face financial problems will cry and shake in fear.  The faith they learned about is based off of what they see, so they face that and go crazy. They’re so easily controlled by Satan. Satan just gives them visible things, little by little, and guides them in that direction. If they don’t listen to Satan anymore, he steals those things away. That’s not faith. That might be believing in your own thoughts, design, or plan, but that’s not faith in God.

Remnants, don’t look at incorrect things and believe in that.  Don’t listen to your parents or what your pastor is saying.   Have the correct faith about what the Bible is telling you. How? God must reveal it to you, that’s why you pray to God while you worship.  Don’t just sit here, blank-mindedly, falling asleep. Later on, when you face a problem, you won’t be able to overcome. If you don’t know what your future holds, you’ll be anxious as you fall asleep your whole life. But your eyes light up when you play.  You can tell how a person is based on when their eyes light up.  Your eyes should light up during worship so you can overcome any problem without a fight. 

Paul is so troubled by this person who is demon-possessed, what does he say?  In
Acts 16:18, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to come out of her,” and at that moment, the spirit left her. Why is that? you think it’s not going to work if you do this, right? Why is that?  It’s because you believe in yourself.  Because you believe in yourself, you think you don’t have the strength to do this.  The authority in the name of Jesus Christ.  Demons flee because of the authority of the name of Jesus Christ.  When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God gives you the answer from the Throne of Heaven.  When that authority of Jesus Christ comes upon me, His power is revealed through me.

What does it mean to have authority?  There’s a difference between having power and authority.  You can gain more power by just gaining more strength and things. She has the ability to translate, so she does that, but it’s different from authority.   She is given the authority to interpret, so her power or ability to translate is revealed. Because of the authority of Jesus Christ, demons are cast out and God’s power or authority are revealed.  When you hold onto the name of Jesus Christ and pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit, His authority comes upon me and His power is revealed through that. By that authority of Jesus Christ, finances are pulled to me.  Not understanding authority, you think you need to gain a lot of power, but that’s not it. “I’m going to be very successful, and have a lot of power, but we are the people who live with answers from the Throne of Heaven. That’s authority.  I have no strength but because I’m now a child of God, by the power of the authority given by heaven, demons are cast out and your powerlessness will flee as well.  This doesn’t go away because you try to pay attention. When the authority of Jesus Christ is revealed upon me in power, these things will flee. That’s what it means for the power of the Throne of Heaven to be upon me.

This is revealed in your field so your field must be changed. You do not change the field with the Throne of Heaven.  Joseph knew this and changed his field when he was 17 years old. David and other remnants changed this in their teenage years, soi it doesn’t matter how old you are. If one remnant knows this and believes in it, everything will change. Without knowing when this will take place, we keep talking about it. Right now, it may seem as they’re falling asleep, but we don’t know when this will work upon them.  Adults, I hope you will not have any other expectations or standards; just play the role of serving the remnants for this to happen.  Without a doubt, because you are parents of church officers, you must enjoy this blessing and relay to your family.

3. Remnant Spiritual Summit

When you pray with spiritual authority, the nature of your environment will change.  God is bound to give you whatever answers are required to make that church.  Whether it’s through your studies or business, God will work to change your field.

Apply these summits very well. “I have to change my school spiritually with the business I do.” But the order is, first spiritual summit.  Then you receive the answer of the skills which are enough to change the culture.  But the humans centered on themselves are the standard, even as they go to church, will not be able to enjoy this. All their standards are based on themselves, “I cannot do this, I have problems,” the standards are always them, but the curse and thoughts are being seized by Satan.  It must be the gospel that solves this and gives this answer.  Everyone must give this absolute answer to the absolute problem.  Even after receiving salvation, they’re seized again, so give them the answer regarding that. In order to do that, my skills. 

Temple Construction is necessary to share the gospel so God is bound to give you skills. It’s so simple, I must receive the skills to save the 237 nations.  If you don’t understand, pray., “What does this mean?” May this blessing be upon you.


Father God, we thank You. Bless the remnants.  May you work upon them with the spiritual skill and cultural summits to change their fields greatly. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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