The 3, 9, 3

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The 3, 9, 3

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

People in the stream of the Word will understand, but what do we mean by “3, 9, 3”? 

3 is talking about the Triune God.  We can’t meet the Triune God.

Jesus Christ

When we believe in Jesus Christ, why must we be with the Triune God? Can’t we just be with Jesus Christ?  When Jesus Christ received water baptism, the Holy Spirit descended.  The Triune God does the ministry together in oneness, but I came to believe in Jesus Christ.

Faith (Sin, Satan, Way)

Without Jesus Christ, you say you believe in God, but that’s not God. Only through Jesus Christ can we receive salvation and be one with the Triune God.  Without believing in Jesus Christ, you say you can just believe? That’s not possible.  God the Father sent Jesus Christ to this earth and gave all glory to Jesus Christ.  When you believe in Jesus Christ, that’s when you believe in God because God’s Word is Jesus’ word.  The Jewish people say they listen to God’s Word, but they don’t listen to Jesus’ words, so they are ultimately not listening to God’s Word. It’s not the Word Jesus wants to say, but it’s the Word God the Father gave to Him.

I’m explaining “3.”  Once you understand this, you understand and believe the Triune God is with me.  Jesus is with me and the Holy Spirit is inside of me and I’m one with the Triune God.  So, what’s important in “3” is, Who is the Triune God?  What kind of God is He?  He is with us with the power to make disciples of all nations.  He is with us with the power of this gospel in order to go to all people, to drive out demons, and to heal them.  He is with us with the power to do world evangelization and America evangelism.  He is with me with the power to do Temple Construction.

Without “3,” you can’t do 9. “3” must be everything. When you close your eyes and pray about this and receive strength, that is normal.  If that doesn’t happen, you just know the Triune God as ideology or doctrine; you must realistically believe in this.  God isn’t just with us, but He is with us with the power to do world evangelization so we have nothing to worry about, and that’s why this “3” is very important.

Then there are nine points, but why do we talk about nine? Why do we talk about the power of the throne coming upon me and going out into the field?  It is because these are the words the unbelievers use in the field.  How do they use it?  Right now, people in the field say, “You must obtain the energy of the universe and place it within yourself. This energy must be sent out, transcending time and space.” This is what the world says.  Right now, spiritual works take place, transcending time and space. 

That’s why with this in mind, the power of the Triune God and the Throne of Heaven must come upon me and my life. 

Presbyterian says the power of the Holy Spirit came upon the Early Church and that’s it, but filling of the Holy Spirit is being filled with the Word, and using the evidence of the Holy Spirit filling us with words.  But once you go out into the field, the Holy Spirit works and you have power and demons are driven out, so each denomination has aspects that are correct. In the covenantal promised land, we must receive this power every day, but the conservative Presbyterian churches deny this, “There’s nothing like that right now; it just happened in the Early Church and now it’s no more. Once you accept Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit comes upon you and that’s it.” But the Pentecostals say, “We need the Holy Spirit every day and we pray a lot,” but the Presbyterians just go to the Word without prayer, but we need both.  Every day, we need the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Within the Word of God’s covenant. 

The Bible says we need both, the filling of the Holy Spirit must be founded on the Word.  The function and role of the Holy Spirit is to remind us and teach us of the Word.  Realistically have the filling of the Holy Spirit.  When we align our direction to world evangelization, that is when we can understand “9.” 

The promised Holy Spirit must realistically come upon me and my life, otherwise I’ll be stuck in an inescapable denomination.  The Pentecostals understand “9” without the Word so they go in whatever direction they want.  Even for Deaconess Jung, she went to a Pentecostal and a Presbyterian church so she understands both sides. It’s not that they’re wrong, but they’re not going in the direction of evangelism that God desires.

Genesis 1:27, 2:7, 2:17-18

Image, Holy Spirit, Life

We back this up with the Bible otherwise we’re like the 3 Organizations.  Then what happens? I receive power and authority to evangelize. Why doesn’t this take place? We’re not aligned in the direction of evangelism and missions, but it’s about speaking in tongues so demons have no choice but to work.

Then it’s my field, the field of my studies and those I meet.  Pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to work upon that. That’s evangelism, that’s shining the light of the watchtower.  The first group is the platform, the second group is the watchtower. If you don’t understand this, all the messages will be confusing.  In order to explain this, I’m telling you to keep your background of your walk of faith in mind. Then you will be able to understand why you have such difficulty understanding this, because each of us have such a different background.

The reason why I’m able to understand this a little better is because I have no church background at all.  I accepted Jesus Christ in 1995, and from 1997, I received this message from the evangelist, and this was the only word I knew about.  Awhile back, I tried to group the remnants together to teach them with prayer with other pastors, and I thought they understood this, but they didn’t. They spoke about the Word or something else.  There was this pastor who said, “What you are doing is right; other pastors have nature of intercessory prayer and that’s their nature, so they teach this to others.”

I didn’t have that, so I just did this. We’d travel in groups to things like Synods, but I had my alone time to pray.  And multiple times before, “Even though I share the same room with you, the prayer you do is very different.” I didn’t understand what that meant at first. I actually did this kind of prayer.  Every morning, I pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit until I have assurance.  Others ask, “Why is your prayer so different?”  Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and is with me through the Triune God, and the power for world evangelization has come upon me, so I now must realistically pray.  Then I start praying for the field.

Me, Church, Business Field

Just pray for this to come upon me in my field.  I pray every morning for God’s power and the filling of the Holy Spirit to come upon me and all the messages throughout the week to discover God’s plan, for God to work upon things and the ministry.  Pray with this, 3, 9, 3.  Without faith in the gospel, this won’t take place, but you hold onto this and receive strength and power. 

God is with you with the power to do world evangelization, it’s not your strength, so nothing is a concern.  You need to pray so that this power realistically comes upon you and your field.  For the Triune God to realistically come upon my school field, my business, and the people I meet, to do what? 

Church, Remnant, Future

To raise these three things up. Your walk of faith is contained within this, so people may think, “Is everything contained within 3, 9, 3?” Yes. How have you learned to pray?


The pulpit message to ask, seek, and knock, and for new believers, they ask, seek, and knock for things they want, and this will take place, and it’s an easy type of prayer. Even though you haven’t learned this, you. Later on, you’ll realize you don’t need those prayers, so you ask, seek, and knock for the things God desires.  It’s continuously mentioned on the Sermon on the Mount.  Earthly things aren’t first but they follow. Those who do this prayer and end up praying 3, 9, 3, the physical things will follow later on. 

Why are we talking about 3, 9, 3?  It’s because this is the prayer the 3 Organizations pray. Confirm in the field, they say, “I need the energy of the universe to come upon me.”  Don’t be taken into this; instead, pray for the power of the throne to come upon you.  These people realistically control and work in the field, transcending time and space through this power.  Even we must pray this prayer, transcending time and space, that God works upon our field, transcending time and space.

If we don’t pray this kind of prayer, then later on, the future generation will be destroyed.  Why? It’s because the 3 Organizations teach about this power, receiving a different strength, and instead if you pray for physical things, we will struggle and die and the future generation will be completely destroyed.  Set a time and place to do this, then the spiritual environment will be organized and changed.  We need that kind of remnant. You need to be that one person.  Even for the 3 Organizations, there’s just one person who is moving, transcending time and space.  They are saving their definition of the future, the field, and what they desire.

We explain it in this way according to the state of the field right now; it’s the same words spoken long ago.  Your eyes must be opened for the future generation’s eyes to be opened.  If you close your eyes, the future generation will just die.  For you, you still have an opportunity even though you don’t have a mission, but we approach the AI age.  Unbelievers and the 3 Organizations realistically work with this, but we learn about physical prayers and the legalistic word in churches, so God allows the churches to close their doors.

Eventually the result must be 24 hours because the 3 Organizations do 3, 9, 3.   If the church cannot do 24 hours, it won’t work out.  When church leaders and members understand the urgency of this, they can relay this to the next generation, and that’s what 3, 9, 3 is. It’s not complicated.  These are the same words I heard in 1996.  Before 3, 9, 3, how did we explain this?


Christ finished all problems

Filling of the Holy Spirit

I receive this through faith. I need nothing else.  Without faith, I cannot pray. Even though you don’t have this, you can pray for the things you want.  But once you know the gospel, you know you’re not supposed to pray for physical things, but without faith, you can’t pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  They can pray for this once they believe that they only need this, and that’s what we call, “only.”  Only this must come upon me, and that is why they concentrate only on this.

5 Powers

We need 5 powers to do what?  To raise disciples in every field and region


You must raise 70 disciples  in 70 regions with this power.  Rev. Ryu talks about 4,000, 40,000, 4 million, but we must raise the disciples because there are forces of darkness that hinder this.


We change the terms to match the field. Without the field, you don’t need these terms.  Deacon Oh and I would evangelize on Pico and there was a shaman house. “I have the power to curse your foot and make you diseased until you become my husband.” They realistically have this power, they know this that transcends time and space.  They just end it with prayer and have their own kind of assurance.  Of course, demons cannot get through to me, but look at all the demon-possessed people, they use the power and strength of demons to obtain all sorts of things, but what is the church doing?  God has given us this greater power, transcending time and space, to overcome that power, but we focus our prayers on physical things, so God doesn’t raise the churches that have crumbled down, and God lets the church members who have fallen to remain in that state.  Even children who have fallen, God lets them be until they know.

God says He has closed their eyes and ears because if they did, they would think they accomplished something legalistically.  Isaiah 6:1-12 says that He closed their eyes so they wouldn’t realize. If they realized and came back, they would assert themselves, “I have done this on my own,” so God lets them be.  That’s why God says He will use the remaining one who holds onto this power, and that’s 3, 9, 3.  Know the meaning. 

Even if you follow the stream of the Word, it may still be difficult, but the pastor acts as a mediator to explain this. Experience it to really know.  Not the experience the Pentecostals talk about, but the works of the future generation and the field coming to life through missions and evangelism.  As you listen to messages, many messages are not aligned with God’s mission and goal. Don’t listen to the messages that are not aligned with the mission.  If you listen and say you received grace, you have no direction; you listen to what you want to hear. Listen to the Word God desires for you, what is that? It is proclaiming the gospel. You need to listen to His words, and when your spirit aligns in this direction, you will come to life.

Those who can’t do this may ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit but God is displeased because your studies are not aligned with missions and evangelism.  You go to work without this direction of God so God leaves you be.  All things are contained within 3, 9, 3.  It is to save the church, the future, and the field; even though it seems simple, it’s difficult as our spirit doesn’t go in this direction. If it seems like it should take place, you don’t need to hear it, but it didn’t work out for me.

No matter how great of a sermon you listen to, your life won’t work out.  But those who have concluded in this, it is simple.  We must give this to the future generation ever since they’re young.  You used to go to church before we received this gospel. Did you have a sense of direction? That’s how you die. It’s not that the Bible is incorrect but you haven’t held onto the Word God desires, they’re not aligned with God’s direction so the gospel is vague and legalism is proclaimed more. That’s why they end up in a life where nothing works out. 

Morals, Ethics

Instead, they pray to ask God for things.  They live lives listening to sermons with no direction; not all churches are like this, but what about unbelievers?  All of them have their own sense of righteousness, rules, and ethics.   These people live however they want, they don’t do anything for the church. Legalistic people will follow the rules and do things, but for unbelievers, if they don’t have morals and ethics, they think of themselves as a god so they judge everything. They don’t have this standard, so they’re self-centered and they complain when things get a little hard.  That’s the life of an unbeliever.  If you’ve lived a long walk of faith in the church, you’ve been oppressed by legalism.   They have just lived up until now, being oppressed and enduring, “If I continue to do this, I will be blessed.”

Genesis 3, 6, 11

What is the result? They live like Eph. 2:3, gratifying their flesh; it’s ultimately idol worship and has nothing to do with faith. They think if something is fulfilled, they think God did something, but they don’t have a mission. They don’t live like this, so we must continue to listen to this, whether it’s 50 to 100 years. That’s why I tell everyone to come to the businesspeople’s meeting. I don’t push you to come, but you’re led by the Holy Spirit. A person like me needs the grace of God, but they let go of everything and go where they want to go.

Why do I talk about this? I experienced it this way. It’s not something I’m guessing about or predicting; I’ve experienced it.  That’s why 3, 9, 3 might not take place easily; regardless, come within this because all of this is the covenant of faith.  Doing this prayer God desires, you must first have faith, and I told the remnants to do this for five minutes.  Let go of everything else, pray holding onto the things God has given to you, then you will come to life, then this will naturally take place.  Ever since I’ve met you and started this church, I’ve only talked about this. Even in Las Vegas, I told him about this, and I tell the remnants about this. This was the same word spoken in the college evangelism school and it’s the same even now. It’s important to change people’s states so they can do evangelism. 

Someone asked me to explain this, so I did. It’s simple.  You have complicated things so it’s hard. If it ends with Christ and the gospel, you confirm the Word of God in your field, and after this week, don’t say, “God didn’t allow me to confirm it this week,” but wait for God’s time schedule, don’t try to experience this with God’s time schedule.  That’s why for our students and businesspeople, pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to come upon your school and business; God is most pleased with this. 

You must begin this correctly. Don’t do it haphazardly because after time, it will end up going in the wrong direction.  Don’t be so caught up by the numbers, “What is 9?” That’s not prayer; that’s trying to memorize.  Don’t worry about “9” and “3,” but worry about the first “3,” hold onto the first “3” for God to come upon you, to work upon you, and to save your field.  Even the first three of the 21 lifestyles of the evangelist, these are the first three.  62 begins with this and the 10 platforms begin with this.   Nothing can take place if you take out the Triune God. 

That’s why the evangelist proclaims the Word in various ways for us to root into these different ways, because otherwise, we’ll say, “We already know that.” You must have this, in me and my field, in order to save the church, my field, and the future. This is my direction.  Through evangelism, we save the church and field and future generation, the remnants.  In order to do this, for God to work upon me, for God to work upon the field, and because God works, we’ll receive the never-repeated, unprecedented answers.  We must continue to pray about this.  Because our lives are like this, we confirm God’s time schedule.

Understand it in this way. I don’t like complicated things, once it passes the number ‘3,” my head does not accept it.  As soon as it passes “3,” my body automatically rejects it.  It must end with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; otherwise, my body and brain will not accept it.  It’s not that my nature is like that, but ever since I came into this movement, I was accustomed to this.  So I may hear other things, but it doesn’t come in.  It doesn’t come into me, not because it’s irrelevant or not important, but those are the side points and I must hold onto the main thing.  From this, Temple Construction will happen even if you don’t have money, because it comes from this.  Multiethnic disciples will be raised up and all are contained within this prayer.


God, we thank You.  Help us to realistically enjoy the power of 3, 9, 3, and may we have the works of saving our field. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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