The 10 Platforms of Faith

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The 10 Platforms of Faith

  1. God’s Absolute Sovereignty. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you’re in the most important position. Because God is in that place. This is the time for you to have faith, regarding this fact.

If you look at the present reality and wonder why things are happening the way they are. You need to see that everything happens, according to God’s word. And that is why we cannot meet God unless it is by faith through Garth God’s word, regarding God’s power. We need to have faith, regarding God’s plan for world evangelization.

What is the opposite of happiness? It is making God sad, your unbelief makes God sad. Your very small faith will result in great acts of faith. When you look at somebody’s children, those are the footsteps of a person’s life. If somebody says, Oh, I don’t like my parents footsteps. The path of the Word of God is correct.

In order for you to walk the correct path, you need to look at God’s. Am I walking down my path with a troubled heart. Or am I walking down a path with God. And the way to get rid of your troubled heart is to believe in Jesus. Every single time you face a problem. You have to believe that Jesus Christ finished all problems without doing that, you cannot meet with God. If you are not able to meet with God, then you are completing the work of the devil. You need to believe in the fact that Jesus Christ is with us through the Holy Spirit. So, even though you cannot see the works of your faith, the evidence will arise. So, I will talk to you about the 10 basic foundations of faith.

When we talk about our faith. How is the foundation set up the foundation is very important. The faith is the foundation of your walk of faith. And depending on the footprints, that you leave, it will be different. If you have the footsteps of faith, then you will reach high places. But if you have the foot steps of the world, that is not faith. This includes God’s providence. What is God’s providence. What do we mean by Providence. It means that God has prepared everything. It is a decree.

God has predestined everything. God’s providence is preparation. But what about the predestination. It means that God has already finished everything. So, what about the decree? It means that within what he has prepared and what has been promised, there is something happening right now. That is why the Bible says that it is for those who completely have belief.

So, there are people, God has prepared and people who are decreased by God, are predestined to believe in God’s absolute sovereignty means that you believe that God has prepared everything. We talk about predestination. In other words, we’re talking about destiny that God has already predestined everything so there’s nothing extra that we have to do. This doesn’t mean that something is determined by our actions, about this or that. But God has already determined everything. And that is why everything that happens, needed to occur. That is why you need to believe in God’s absolute sovereignty. And we use this Bible verse in first Chronicles, 29.

David’s greatest strength was for temple construction and that is why God called him, because there is nothing greater than for people to devote towards the temple. If he became a king without building a temple, then he would not be necessary. But God needed a temple, so that is why the temple is something God has prepared and already predestined and prepared and decree.

Do you believe this. Why was I born in America. Why has God already prepared this. In the midst of that there are the words that God has already decreed. If you don’t believe in this, then you think things happen. By coincidence. There is no such thing as a coincidence, but that is something that non believers talk about, or you’ll talk about certain kind of faith, like karma. Like Buddhist people.

They have a lot of shamanistic characteristics. Either way, it is a concept of nonbelievers that things happen. Coincidentally, if I didn’t have faith, then I would follow along with that but now that I have faith. I believe that everything happens, according to God’s absolute sovereignty. This is the first set of foundations that we must lay down. Your children have been provided by God and there is a time for that. But if you don’t believe this about God. Well, not pass down your faith to your children. Because God has already established, if you have faith, it will be passed down to your children. I say this because I have my child.

It does not mean that I pray for whatever I want, but I pray for God’s grace. It is not about being here geographically but wherever she goes. She must have this faith.

Even if she goes, some faraway place like Dallas. She will still have her faith background.

2. God’s method, what is God’s method.

Is it to use your brain very well? Is it about having good technique or to do things with great power and strength? God’s method is Jesus Christ. We believe in God’s absolute sovereignty and we believe in God’s method of Jesus Christ.

This is what we see, all the Old Testament was written to show that Jesus is the Christ. That is the reason why God sent the kings of the Old Testament, Jesus Christ is God’s method, without the cross of Jesus Christ we could never solve mankind’s problems. No matter what works we try or methods. We try. They will end up in curses and disasters.

But if you believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that is a blessing. So, more than just hearing about it. You need to receive it as a blessing. You don’t talk about Jesus Christ all you talk about his legalism. But the method is Jesus Christ. Why do you need to talk about humanism all the time. I hope you realize that God wants to restore evangelism. through this method. If you don’t have this method, even if you read the Bible it is all in vain. If you don’t have this method, even if you read the Bible it is all in vain. How do you talk about Jesus Christ in your field. You hear about it all the time but I don’t think you’re able to talk about it well. If so, pastor is constantly talking about Jesus Christ.

That means that from that perspective you must meet with people and do your work, everything has to be connected to Jesus Christ and as you talk about Jesus Christ, it becomes a blessing. Does that happen? You guys listen to this message. But it’s impossible for you to talk or think about Jesus Christ for a long time, because if you did, then the forces of darkness would be broken.

Tim took some of the remnants to Caltech and the prayer topic was to ask God, “Why are you showing me this?” And when you prayed about it, what answers did you receive? I let my daughter go, not because she wanted to go but I wanted her to find out what God wanted to show her by going there. And we don’t know but even at a young age some kids are thinking about college. But either way, I continue to tell the kids, through their lives, that God is absolutely suffering.

3. God’s work. The Holy Spirit.

God is working through the Holy Spirit unseen to our eyes. Therefore, When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, than unseen to your eyes The Holy Spirit is working. Because he is invisible, that doesn’t mean he isn’t there. But if you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit works. Especially when you pray, especially when you pray in faith, with the Spirit of God, then the Holy Spirit will work in power John 14:1-6. Jesus says, I will receive you.

4. God’s Masterpiece – Temple

God is working and establishing the temple within me, so how thankful must we be?

5. God’s evidence. 

You have to find evidence within God’s Word.  If you have a certain kind of job, look for people in the Bible who had similar professions.  If you want to know how God will lead the church, you can find out how God led the Early Church and we follow after that.  In Acts, the Antioch Church did missions throughout the world, and God is working in the same way today.  The Jerusalem Church had no interest in missions or the multiethnics, and that is why their finances were always shriveling up.  There was no reason to give finances to the Jerusalem Church, but why did God bless the Antioch Church in abundance in the midst of a famine?  God had no choice but to work upon Antioch Church because they were doing world evangelization, and that is why we follow the evidence of the Word of God.

What kind of church officer or lay leader will I be? Not only that, but what kind of church officers existed in the superpower nation of Rome?  If you look at Romans 16, you will find what you must do.  America is the Rome of this age, and you can find out what you must do by looking at how the individuals in Romans 16 did world evangelization. If you are a politician, then Joseph, David, and Daniel were politicians and you can follow what they did.  If you sell clothes, what must you do?  There was Lydia who sold fabric in the book of Acts.  If you’re doing construction, Priscilla and Aquila were in the construction industry, so you’re able to see how, through the Word of God, God worked in their fields, and that is how God will work upon you.

Paul taught the members of the Early Church even though they weren’t his family, but by calling someone his “mother,” he is playing a particular role, so you can find your mission through the professionals of the Bible.  If you’re a doctor, look at Luke, how the Holy Spirit worked in the Bible.  How do you become a church that disappears?  Look at the Jerusalem Church where the temple was destroyed.  If you look at the Antioch Church, that church was always about missions, so it wasn’t destroyed.  Through the Antioch Church, Paul was able to give the gospel message to Macedonia until Rome, and it even came to us today.  When you receive the Word of God, there is a background upon which God gives you the Word.

Why do you do forum? Because there are people who hold onto the Word they want to receive instead of the Word that God gives them.  There is a background upon which God gives you the Word, “Why does God want me to have this Word?  What’s the angle?” But people don’t do this at all.  Anyone can interpret the Word of God, even in a heretical way.  The Word of God always comes depending on the background that people are in.

6. God’s Rule – Limit.  We have a finite life.  It seems like we have a very long life, but just like Missionary Park who was called to heaven, we have a finite life.  Assistant Pastor Bae is getting knee surgery so she can live a long life, glorifying God.  She’s even doing surgery on the nerves of her joints because of the medical advancement.  That knee joint surgery is very difficult because we use our knees so much, and if you’re top-heavy, you put a lot of pressure on your knees.  Everything is determined.  In the remaining 20-30 years of my life, what must I do now?  That is what I ask now. I might live longer or pass away sooner than that, but how must I live today?  When you have the foundation of faith set, you may seem like you’ll live forever, but you are finite.  So, I have about 20-30 years left; how will I live my life?  I can gauge it.

7. God’s Field – Mission Field.  Wherever I am now, it’s my mission field.  But whenever you face a problem, you try to avoid it.   You may have correct judgments about your field, but if you don’t believe that your current field is your God-given missions field, you’ll be someone who runs away like Cain. You’ll always be running away, and you’re afraid because you think you’ll be beaten to death.  Wherever you are right now, that is God’s mission field for you. You’re facing a difficulty, right?  Then you try to avoid it. What kind of faith are you lacking? You don’t believe that it’s your mission field, so you become a failure, avoiding your life.  There are a lot of correct reasons that you may have, “I’m living with so many people who are always fighting,” and everyone has so many reasons, but what do you lack?  You must believe that this is your God-given missions field. 

There is a big gap between that and my circumstance; but you must believe.  It’s the same with your job.  The characteristic of a failure is that they will blame others or other things.  The successful person says, “No matter the situation, this is my missions field.”  No matter how difficult your circumstances may be, you may have 1000 reasons, but this is your missions field, and I hope you will have that kind of faith. Things may happen, even if you stay wherever you are, if you don’t know why you stay there, it’s the same thing.  I’m sure you have a lot of conflicts here, and imagine how many things you faced, but God is giving you the grace to overcome those many things.  It’s the same with your job.  Wherever you are, that is your missions field.  You need to stay in that field with faith.  We will have more than 10,000 reasons why we should leave.

Africa is our missions field.  Missionary Lee was commissioned by our General Assembly today, and he sent me a bunch of pictures from his missions field.  At first, it seemed like many people were helping, but we had a small church, so we had a small budget, but after the pandemic, many churches stopped helping.  That’s when we say, “Let’s do the things that no other church can do,” and even in the famine, as the Antioch Church, we can do world evangelization.  World missions is not just talk, but it is our reality.  When circumstances are good, anyone can do this, but we have to do this in faith.

I had my unbelief broken.  When I looked at missionaries, I wondered if they were doing proper missions, but during the pandemic, we had a meeting where we talked about Mexico missions.  We exchanged things and Nike was there.  If you have Coca-Cola, you can’t explain it like cider.  But somebody told me this and I received it as God’s voice.  “What does it matter if the missionary is doing this or that? We should just help, not demand.” I prayed about that and had a guilty conscience, I rebuked myself for criticizing missionaries instead of helping or praying for them.  Now, my heart is so comfortable. 

When our church first started, our budget was only $300.  Now that our church has grown, we have to increase our budget, and I think that pleased God.  Then, the missionary in Mexico asked us to visit next year, and he thanked our church because everyone else stopped sending money to that missionary.  In that moment, the Holy Spirit gave me joy.  I realized in my heart that this was something I should have been doing from the beginning, but I was holding onto my own thoughts of whether they would be doing world evangelization properly.  In the meeting I went to, when I heard that person say this, I shouldn’t even have been there, but God allowed me to hear that. Tiffany is a missionary at Honeywell, why? Because there are many cultures gathered there, including Caucasians.   

8 God’s Judgment (Hebrews 9:27-28).  God’s judgment awaits us.  Just as you need a ticket to get into a movie theater, we need to believe in Jesus to get into heaven.  Outside of heaven, this judgment comes.

9. God’s Afterlife (Luke 16:19-31).  After judgment, there is an afterlife either in heaven or hell.

10. God’s Reward (Matthew 24:14).  You will receive your rewards in heaven.  

We need to have this invisible, basic foundations of our faith.  Even though we listed 10 things, these are the things that will determine our entire life, including our job and lifestyle.  I hope you and I will be able to continue to develop and establish this foundation of faith every day through the Word.  You can realize every week that our God-given message addresses one or two of these points of faith, so if you have this overall understanding of these foundations of faith and you see the pulpit message in them, your faith will be matured, and when you go out into the field, something different will happen because this is already established in you.  Then you combine your testimony with the Word of God.

We must pray at this time, because when you pray, the Holy Spirit works and the forces of darkness are broken down, and you must pray according to the vessel of your faith.  If you want to pray for your children or for 237 nations, it’s according to the level of your faith. Open your mouth wide and God said He will fill it.  Let us pray holding onto the Word God has given us. 

God, I pray You will establish the ten foundations of faith in my life and carry out Your Works in my field.


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