Ten Foundations of Faith

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Ten Foundations of Faith

You continue to hold onto your own self as you come before God? That’s not worship; you must entrust your entire life before Him, only God moves my life, and that is why we must ask for grace and understanding.


The Word is how you can overcome the world.  You cannot overcome the world and the forces of darkness because that is Satan. No matter how successful you may be, you cannot overcome it. Only the ones who hold onto the promise of the blessing of Immanuel.


Go like the remnants to make disciples of all nations, because God within you will make disciples of all nations.  God will be with you forever through the Word, so every week, God gives us His Word.  Those who succeed in holding onto the covenant will overcome the world, but those who do not will live in fear of the world. That is what you must let go of this week.

10 Mysteries

When you believe in Jesus Christ, you’re liberated and the Triune God is with us.  He is with us with the Word, answering our prayers, and with us in our evangelism.  This is the work God does as evidence of Him being with us.  God is with us in the work we do.  Whoever enjoys this is able to overcome wherever they go.  We mentioned the 10 Mysteries last week and today, we will talk about the 10 Foundations. You shake without a firm foundation.

10 Foundations

1. God’s Absolute Sovereignty (1 Chr. 29:10-14)

I shake when I do not acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty.  Acknowledge this so your platform will not shake.  You must acknowledge that wealth, poverty, and success come from God.  First, acknowledge everything is within God’s absolute sovereignty.  You must hold onto this.  The Bible is within God’s absolute sovereignty as well.  The war in Ukraine and Russia is also within God’s absolute sovereignty. People say, “It’s your fault, it’s my fault,” but it cannot happen without God’s absolute sovereignty.  If you do not believe in this, it means you do not believe in God.  You have to believe in this for there to be this start of the unshakable things. 

“Why do I look like this?” You can think that, you can wish to be as handsome as me, have you not thought about it like that? You wish you were as tall as me, but that’s God’s absolute sovereignty.  God will guide and use you according to His absolute sovereignty.  “Why are my eyes this color and not that color?” It’s because of God’s absolute sovereignty. Acknowledge this within God’s absolute sovereignty.  If anything, just hold onto this point.

I’m not telling you that you can do whatever, Give your all and make rational decisions, but that is all contained in God’s absolute sovereignty.  Many church members don’t believe in this so they have a lot of thoughts and don’t believe in God. 

If X

They have thoughts of “if” without believing in God.  There’s no conditional “if” with God; but what God does is absolute, do you understand?

2. God’s Absolute Method – Jesus Christ ()

Do you even have a method? We don’t have methods, we just believe in Jesus Christ, hallelujah.  We don’t have to do anything else.  Believe in Jesus Christ and the forces of darkness and disasters will be broken down. There’s no other method. That’s why it’s written in the Bible about Jesus Christ coming, the death and resurrection and second coming.

How do we succeed? It is Jesus Christ. The true victory in which the forces of darkness and the curses are broken down.  You must hold onto this firmly and you won’t be shaken.  We listened to the Word today and also looked at the Bible.  All the methods of God are Jesus Christ.  Don’t look for other methods but just believe in Jesus.

3. God’s Absolute Power (John 14:16-17)

The counselor, the Holy Spirit, will guide us, so what is there to be afraid of?  “Absolute” means just one thing. The things of the world are not absolute, but the strength of the world cannot overcome Satan. God’s absolute strength is my strength, you must have certainty about this.  The Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, must become our platform.

4. God’s Guarantee – Bible (Heb. 4:12)

God’s Word is our guarantee so you must confirm it with the Bible.  Other people’s words are not a guarantee, so you just have to hold onto the Bible, the Word of God, and have that guarantee that God will carry that out in your life. Other people’s words cannot be a guarantee in your life. Confirm this guarantee with the Bible.

When you sign, you need a cosigner as well, so the Bible is a guarantor of sorts. Confirm it with the Bible.  The pastor gives you the Word from the Bible and relays how this word relates to your life. If the Bible is not your guarantee but the words of people and other books become your guarantee, you’ll become slaves to the world. There are stories of heroes and legends, do not hold onto those as your guarantee. Let’s say you’re going to be a businessperson later on, then the words of Priscilla and Aquila will be your guarantee. I want to become a politician or leader? Then I must hold onto the figure of David. 

Someone told me some church doesn’t have a role model, and I thought to myself, “This church is failing because you must look for role models in the Bible. When did I say the church needs to raise role models? Those people have failed inside the faith.”  The words may seem correct because there were no people in real life, but don’t look at people; look at people in the Bible. The Bible must be the guarantee, so don’t say stupid words because those people fall away, they’re saying words of unbelief.  If anyone says those words, or if you say those words, take them back and focus on the Bible. The Bible is my guarantee.

The Bible represents the role models.  Church leaders may not be your role model, but the Bible is your guarantee.  When I hear those words, it hurts my head, “I have no one to learn from or look up to inside the church,” however, the path God is walking is my path.  Think about it, in America, is there anyone I can raise as an assistant pastor?  A young adult once told me, “I can’t do pastoral ministry as I have no role model pastors.” That person has already failed even on a humanistic level.

Just by chance, if anyone says those kinds of words, just go back to the faith.  If you can’t see any role models, hold onto Joseph as your guarantee. God will carry it out exactly as He did with Joseph, that’s your guarantee.  It doesn’t matter if you do this or that; trust the Bible, do you understand? If you just hold onto this as your guarantee, this becomes your platform.

5. God’s Temple (1 Cor. 3:16)

The word comes into me and I’m God’s temple.  Who am I? I’m God’s temple meaning I will not crumble down.  Even if I’m disobedient, the Holy Spirit is also with me, but I’m straying away. 

6. God’s Plan – Mission Field (Acts 18:1-4)

God raised Priscilla and Aquila in the mission field.  However, the region you’re in is the mission field.  This thought must go into you for you not to be shaken in your mission field.

7. God’s Reign (Psalm 139:1-6), Authority over Life, Death, Curses, and Blessings

God reigns over me, even in anger, entrust everything to God.  From my perspective, I may be angry about something. God knows and sees everything. God and Satan know, and if you continue in that way, one day, you’ll be dragged and toyed with by Satan.  There’s no reason to lie because God knows everything.  It says in Psalms do not lie because God already knows what you are going to do. Don’t just say things. God remembers everything.  Remnants, you can ask God to remember you, but God remembers and there’s no reason to keep praying that. God already knows if He knows you; He knows all our thoughts and words.  Pray so that world evangelization happens.

God protects me and promises to use me.  You must have that complete reigning over by God, then you won’t be shaken.  I hope you will all be within God’s reign.  God reigns over you, even as you refuse to step within God’s reign. God continues to carry out God’s Kingdom, and I must step into that, then I will not be shaken.

8. God’s Absolute Providence (Heb. 9:27)

Remnants, you haven’t thought about death, but this is God’s providence. Life, death, everything goes according to God’s providence.  Your parents can’t live as long as they want, only when God has given me life are we able to have the privilege of having that walk of faith and doing world evangelization.  We have this finite time in our lives, but having faith and living the life with God is eternal.  So, our body is alive, and we live our lives with God, but after we die, our spirit will be with God and then at Jesus’ second coming, our bodies will be transformed and we will go to heaven.  Until when do we work and study with our flesh? It is limited and finite. 

Even last week, I heard there was a young woman who died of cancer.  I visited Tim and Esther’s apartment, and I knew it because that was a place our church members used to live, but there was a woman there who passed away last week due to cancer. We live within the time God has set apart for us.  We can see that in Ukraine, children are dying.  Why are they dying in the war?  People die eventually, whether it’s war, disease, or in their sleep.  There are so many people who complain, “Why are they dying?” That’s because God controls that time of death. They complain, “Why do children die on the way to a retreat?” God chose to call them; it is in God’s hands.

D.L. Moody was called by God during a sermon.  Why are you questioning God’s method for calling people? Are you God? Can you prevent something like that? You’ll end your life after asking so many useless questions.  Missionaries in China may pass away due to heart attacks. One person passed away while preparing to give a sermon on Saturday. One person passed away while taking a nap.

Ask God. If you ask, He will answer.  “Why was I born?” then God will give you an answer, it is to do world evangelization.  If you ask your parents, they will not give the accurate answer. Ask God.  “Why did you allow me to be born?” Moses would have asked that question, he didn’t have parents, so he must have prayed, “Why did you allow me to be born and be put into such a miserable state?” He stood before God and God must have answered, and God allowed Moses to do the work of the Exodus.

9. God’s Absolute Judgment (Luke 16:19-31)

God gives rewards in heaven and for those who do not believe in Jesus Christ, no matter how successful their lives might have been, they are sent to hell because the One Who judges is the Triune God.  We must know and hold onto this for it to be an unshakable foundation.  Unbelievers question, “Who is there to judge my life?” They live fearlessly, like me, They look up at the sky and curse at God after drinking. I would get fearful, “What if God is alive?”

I used to curse and shout at the sky, because if I did it in front of people, I’d have to fight them, so I’d shout to God.  But inwardly I wondered, “What if God is alive?” We must not be afraid of those who put up a strong front. They are weak, but they attack you. But the strong people stand still.  The lion sleeps there soundly, but we have different animals like prey, they are so scared.  Strong people don’t care about what others may say because they know they will win.

When God is with you, you don’t have to fear or be hurt. Just acknowledge, then use the correct eyes to see. When you go into your field, see the people with accurate eyes, but we are scared because of these people, but we have to know they are weak.  Because they are weak, they put up this front, so we must go and save the weak and that is what we must pray for.  “God, put your blessings upon us.” If you do not have these correct eyes, you have to run away from them because they put up a tough front as your eyes are closed. Seeing those people, go up to them and pray to break down the forces of darkness, but that person knows.  Do you understand?

Scary teachers are weak people. God put me there so I can pray for them. It’s same with your parents. The weaker they are, the more this appears.  The stronger they are, the less it appears.  That’s why you must not tremble in front of the weak.  There are shooting incidences and it’s because they are so weak. Friends may put up a strong front but they’re not really strong. It’s because they’re weak that they have this defense to put up a strong front.  You must know God has placed you with this person so you can pray for them.

10. God’s Absolute Reward (Matt. 10:40-42)

Do not be regretful of the acts of devotion you have put towards the church, do not be mindful of the acts of devotion you do for the evangelist, because these are works you do before God, and you must know this well for there to be rewards.  Without knowing this, you think of your own standards about what is advantageous or disadvantageous.  I got married in 2002 during the World Cup, and I was evangelizing without an income, but I had faith.

Do not think that serving as an evangelist is a waste because the pastor is the one who gives the Word and relays the Word of God to you.  Upon whom shall I spend money? On some unbelieving singer? Should I spend several thousands to see BTS? You must serve the servant of the Lord, you have to know that, and then the pastor will know. Conferences cost money and at that time, the pastor will say it’s okay, “I will go before God in faith.”  That is revealed to us in our lives. 

Let’s say a missionary goes somewhere to do missions. Lay leaders should not stay still, they do not give offering but they buy plane tickets and prepare everything, do you spend money for the culture of light or the culture of darkness? Know where the reward comes from, it’s the same.  Temple Construction, present your offering to God.  Do not just hold onto money, but use the money for the gospel.  We leave earth without anything so we just give it all to God. 

Someone actually gave all her life insurance to the church when she died, like Assistant Pastor Helen Lim’s sister, so we received that insurance as the church, so we can use it for temple construction.  That incident affected me so greatly, and this influence is also relayed to you and it’s carried out this way.  Think about the heavenly prize, it’s very important, and that’s how you become the unshaken platform. Everything for the Lord, studies for the Lord, these are heavenly rewards for evangelism. 

During the second or third lecture, remnants should make a team.  Pastors must spend money at funerals and weddings, so make a team to support not only the pastor, but evangelism and missions. We want to do missions but the money isn’t there, so we have to go somewhere and look around.  That’s not something the church can provide, but form a team to carry out missions and evangelism.  It’s very different.  There are so many things going on for evangelism.  The pastor keeps doing something. 

There are so many things going on around me like remnants getting married out of state.  I’m just staying still, I can’t tell everything happening around me because that is how I will bless the evangelists.  Unbelievers may consider it nothing, so you must know the heavenly reward, and Priscilla and Aquila staked their lives on this. Rather than staking their lives on nothing, they staked their lives on the gospel. Such remnants must arise to do world evangelization.  Our church is doing well but others aren’t because they don’t provide a way to do missions. Even if one church member opens their eyes and prays for this, it would happen, but their eyes are closed, so the remnants must know the situation of the church and of the evangelists.  It is eventually for me and God. 

Last point, faith will not lose.  No matter how much I do not have, it doesn’t matter. I haven’t mentioned anything about wages in this church because even if I starve, I have confidence in faith because God has a plan, God guides and I’m doing this for God.  This is all for God’s Kingdom, it’s the same for all of you, and this is how you will not be shaken. If these 10 platforms are not established, you will be shaken. I expect.


Let these 10 platforms become mine so that we can do world evangelization. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray amen.

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