Teachers, Relay the Gospel

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Teachers, Relay the Gospel

Teachers must relay this and confirm this, not as a theory.  Then, you relay this to the kids.

Most Optimal < Physical, Spiritual | Best

What the remnants must have in advance. They must see it in advance to have it in advance.  The “most optimal thing” means it is aligned with God, aligned with the age, and aligned with the field. It’s not aligned with me, but it is aligned with God.  If you do not know the age, you will not be aligned, just like a skilled samurai living in the age of gunpowder.  When you decipher the age, you must see it physically and spiritually.  If you cannot read the incoming Fourth Industrial Revolution, it will blindside you; you must see it and align yourself to that. If you aren’t able to interpret things spiritually, you cannot be aligned with God.  But if you are aligned, then even your business will come to life.

Whoever created computers was able to read the age, and now Sony is going downhill.  Samsung adapted quickly, changing the camera and everything. It’s not that every company doesn’t lack skill, but they cannot keep up with the age, and it’s the same with spiritual things. Interpret the current age and the future age with the Word of God.  We are living in the end of the age, and it says there will be suffering.  You must see the age and align with it quickly.

In the future, kids will face the fourth and fifth industrial revolution, otherwise suffering will increase. Mental illnesses are increasing, and there are more homeless people now than ever, even though there is money.  Drugs and shootings are increasing. We don’t have any other problem: you realize this age is the age of spiritual suffering, why?  The Bible tells us the age of suffering comes because they love themselves, money, and pleasure more than they love God, and the more time passes, people will not love God, so they won’t like to gather in church as they prefer their own comfort.

Then, what do the remnants have to prepare in an age that has no choice but to face suffering? You have to read this properly to see what is optimal, but from there, we try our best for the greatest thing.  Later on, we’ll talk about the 0.1%.  You don’t become the 0.1% just by being smart. I told this to the young adults regarding how Amazon is taking over, but it will be worse in the future.  In the past, we didn’t have as much information available to us, so we would go to the store and buy inferior products, but now inferior products will die. 

When you go to Amazon, you can see the price and quality and read reviews to make informed buying decisions, so all retail stores are going to die. If you have retail store, you have to pay overhead for employees and the building, so price markup will reflect that.  Also, people have to go to the store which is less convenient than clicking a button. Our CCTV camera cable broke but they delivered it for $1.99, so why would they go from store to store, and if they don’t have it, they get frustrated? 

The fourth industrial revolution and AI. AI will control the world and we can’t fight with our studies and knowledge and diligence.  You must prepare something that AI cannot do. Can AI solve spiritual suffering?  I must become someone who is necessary.  Then, even physically speaking, I must elevate my talent to go to the highest place.  Everything else until now has just been a good coincidence, but this is another age we are entering.

Even my friends who are directors at Samsung say, “If I were growing up now, it would be so hard, because the doors to success are shrinking, and it’s harder to be successful nowadays,” so my generation was able to enjoy the benefits of the previous generation without the issues of the present generation.  I have one friend who is a district manager.  Branch managers don’t get along with him because there are many branch managers, but they say, “We’re so lucky,” do you think it’s easy to get a job at a bank in Korea? You’d lose your brain.  These people say, “What will you do after retiring?” “Social security is plenty, I get hundreds of dollars a month, enough to go on vacation.”  But these people wouldn’t be able to survive today. It’s the same with the military.  Anyone could climb the ranks in the past, but nowadays, not everyone can get promoted, you have to be selected.  But no matter how much the age has changed, it’s going to be different.

What will happen to the remnants? Everything will move with AI; it’s going to be very different from the past.  In the past, even when you wanted to research something, you’d have to go to the library and talk to the librarian, make copies and go home, it would take so much time.  Even finding a book would be hard, but what about now? You type it into Google and it comes up immediately, so it’s a fast age and it’s harder than before, so you have to prepare appropriately, isn’t that correct?

In the message, it says Korea is a poor nation so you have to study to eat well, but in America, it’s a superpower nation so you don’t have to study and you can still eat well, so Americans don’t study because they can eat well even without studying. But in Korea, if you don’t trust your brain, you can’t survive, but with that mentality, if they come to America, they can’t compete on a global scale.

So, these kids say, “Who cares if I drop out of college? It’s not the end of the world,” but the parents can’t adjust to that.  But if you don’t study, there’s many things you can do. It’s a superpower nation with many jobs and has developed differently than Korea.  Here, they don’t really care about your job, but if they say you’re a lawyer, they don’t revere you; if anything, they look down on you.  Here, they look at lawyers at the level of real estate agents, but lawyers are put on a pedestal in Korea.  In a superpower nation, it doesn’t matter what your job is, but you just do your best in your specialty, and everyone is respected like that. 

You have to read the age very well, otherwise you’ll have useless thoughts like trying to live as you did in Korea. You must see and know the age.  You can’t read the age; you can only know the age by the Word God gives you.  The fact that remnants gather together to receive the message, it’s because these are the remnants who will save the world in the future. You can only go to remnant day if you receive God’s grace, not if you have time. Many students don’t go even if they have time because it’s possible they are far away  from world evangelization. You must know the age properly through God’s Word, but people say remnant day is a waste of time and their time is more important. It means they’re losing hold of many things. It may seem like this now, but in the end it makes a big difference.

God gathers the remnants and gives them the grace to be the remnants who are raised to save the age. 

CVDIP, the content of the entire Bible. 

1. Discarded places – Covenant. 

It is the places where the gospel hasn’t gone into.  There are discarded places in the church, people who have so much legalism that they cannot go.  That’s the covenant.  The gospel hasn’t gone into these fields, so there are disasters and mental problems and spiritual problems. Losing hold of the gospel is a disaster, it is the covenant of the empty places.  Without seeing this in the church, you have no idea what you have to do.  CVDIP is your covenant but you can’t hold onto it.

2. Far Away – Vision. 

World evangelism seems far away but that’s your vision and you pull it towards you and see it now. If you don’t have the gospel, you don’t have the vision.  You must have the gospel to see world evangelization because that’s the content of the gospel.  Paul said, “I must proclaim the gospel to the Israelites,” but why? They all believe in God. Why did Paul say in Romans 1 that he must relay the gospel to them? They already received the gospel from the Early Church, but Paul recognized that just because you’ve received it doesn’t mean you understand it, so he went to Rome to testify of the gospel.

3. 24 Hour Dream. 

There is a work I must do within the covenant and vision, and it’s what I hold onto 24 hours, always. If it is not taking place continuously, that’s not your dream.  Nonbelievers have dreams and dream constantly, even when it’s not given by God.  There was a Korean group that wanted to go abroad, and this person saw in advance before anyone else.  Even though they disbanded, they served as a model for other groups.  People in Vietnam or Indonesia knew this person and spread this person’s message even after this person died.  Even nonbelievers do this, but within the covenant and vision for world evangelization, what must I go into?  24 hours is something you hold onto, even when you’re not dreaming.  “I want to be a dad in the future,” you don’t have to try to do that.  “I want to be a mom and have a family,” that’s not what I mean.  I’m talking about the dream God has given you for the sake of world evangelization.  God gives it to you. Even if you’re old, you have to hold onto that.  If you don’t have a dream, you’re dead; you’re a corpse. You must have a dream for the rest of your life, then if you forget about a person’s age, they become a youthful person. But without a dream, even if the person is young, they’ll seem like an old person.

You must have a dream.  Moses had a dream within the vision until the end, and that was the Exodus.  He was used for world evangelization.  Joshua had the vision for world evangelization, it is the dream God gave him.  After escaping from Babylonian captivity, they built the Temple of Zerubbabel.  David held onto the dream of Temple Construction.  If you have the dream, you won’t collapse, but people collapsed in the wilderness with unnecessary dreams from Satan that cannot overcome the world. No matter how much of a failure you may think you are, it is not failure, but God will fulfill the dream.

4. 25 Hour – Image. 

God gives you this through the Word and prayer

5. Eternity – Practice. 

The masterpiece you leave behind is to save souls. When we say Temple Construction, it is the masterpiece you leave behind as you save souls, because we must save the souls of the 237 nations, and it must come to you as a dream.  Your studies must be tied to this dream.  If you don’t have this covenant, the work you do seems distant from world evangelization, but actually it is right there.  As your dream, this CVDIP must be your own. If you’re outside of this covenant, you must help the remnants to hold onto this as their own.

1. 2 King 2:9-11.  Spiritual strength. 

The Holy Spirit is active, working within me, but you don’t believe it.  If He is here, He must take complete control over me to establish the Kingdom of God upon me, but the more you do not rely on spiritual strength, the more you rely on your own strength, then do you think this person will be able to save anyone in the fourth, fifth industrial revolution, or the end times? No. It’s so simple, isn’t it? You must have faith because God promised to give you the filling of the Holy Spirit, because you can’t do this with your own strength, so of course God must give you the strength of the filling of the Holy Spirit. If the strength of the Holy Spirit comes upon you, then that’s it; your mind and heart will receive strength as well, and everything you do with that strength will be restored.

If your mind is always so oppressed, what great thing could you accomplish?  I said this during the Wednesday and Friday messages as well, but my family line does not allow the males to live well after 40 years old.  All the men in my family are good at reading and drinking, so they would argue a lot while drunk, but they wouldn’t go outside.  Their physical frame is good, it’s not bad, but after they reach 50 years old, they collapse, one by one.  It’s like that.  They don’t collapse for no reason, but there’s a spiritual environment.

What about me? When I exercise, it’s completely against my nature. I’m not saying they didn’t exercise because they physically couldn’t, but they don’t have the mental capacity for exercise.  If someone has depression, we might look from our perspective and say, “I’m so depressed,” but they don’t have the strength to overcome.  It’s one example, but it’s the same for your studies.  Some cannot sit at their desk and follow through with anything.  It’s the power of the Holy Spirit, do you understand?

Without this strength, you can’t do anything.  Only the 1% of the world will survive in the academic field, in the athletic field, etc., but everyone else has to survive with their own standards, so to do that, you need the strength of God.  You must go far with the power from God.

2. Daniel 6:10 Summit Time (Concentration). 

We can talk about spiritual strength all we want, but there must be a time where we receive spiritual power.  This time of concentration. Remnants must prepare this in advance to go forward and to see what will happen in the future, with the fourth and fifth industrial revolutions.  Daniel faced a crisis of death due to politics. He previously had a system of prayer and giving thanks to God. If you see what expenses you have in the future, it won’t matter because you can budget your money accordingly, but if their expenses are unclear, then they will borrow money.

When Daniel faced death, he should have begged for his life, but remnants must see and have this summit time in advance.  I’m sorry to say this, but the faith of the adult generation is not the standard; don’t emphasize it or do anything with that faith. You must have summit time and have it in advance.  Then no matter what happens in the future, that person will be able to overcome all crises and save.

3. Daniel 1:8-9 – Resolution. 

They resolved in their heart, why?  Israel fell into idol worship and was conquered by Babylon. Realize this quickly. We will no longer bow down to idols; we must have only God.  These children resolved in their hearts. America has the greatest number of churches and big churches and renowned seminaries, but why is it that in the current age, the churches continue to close down? Why is it that everyone is going into the direction of transcendental meditation?  They endure, thinking they’re okay, but they’re actually not okay.

If we do not have the perfect and complete gospel, we enter into the internet age and people worshiping from home will lose their strength.  Then look, people who are already very lazy will just watch from their homes and lose their spiritual strength.  So, everyone who doesn’t have the gospel will get cleaned out.  Until now, they’re maintaining things because everyone else was doing that, but if the age of disasters has come, what will happen?  That age is already here, and as soon as the coronavirus came, they stopped coming to church and giving offering, so churches are closing down.  They don’t have disciples.

They lived their lives, going according to their convenience and having programs, but they didn’t have any disciples. What will happen in the future?  Honestly and rightfully, they will go into transcendental meditation, and Christianity will lose because the churches and religions cannot touch the personal problems, so of course they go into transcendental meditation. If this gospel doesn’t become only the gospel for you, then as time passes, it will get worse and the problems will be revealed.

The Bible warns you, “Devote yourself to gathering in one place; distance yourself from those who do not want to gather.” Do you think the Lord said, “Oh, sorry I gave those words; I didn’t consider the pandemic.”  Do you think God didn’t predict the coronavirus pandemic and gave these words?  In the future there will be more and more reasons to stop meeting together, and for people who don’t go all into their faith, it will be more difficult for them. 

You already know the difference between worshiping in person and not being in person.  I’m not talking about this very extreme situation where you have no way of worshiping in the church, but it’s about your unwillingness and laziness that you do not come.  When I was an assistant pastor in Seoul, I was doing ministry at Seoul National University and did worship online on campus.  Anyone could use that internet, so I would use it and watch it online but that wasn’t worship, it was just listening to the message. 

The environment wasn’t worship; people were using the internet to watch videos or do homework, so my heart wasn’t in a state to glorify God.  But I didn’t really understand what was what, so I thought worship was just going to a church to listen to the message. So, I listened but I couldn’t receive anything and I couldn’t concentrate and the spiritual atmosphere was not right.  In the past, I thought it didn’t matter if I worshiped in the church or elsewhere, and the church I went to was watching a message on a screen anyway.  But it’s very different.

Even the church I went to, they played the headquarters messages from the internet; the pastor didn’t give the message, so I thought, “Why do I have to drive an hour and a half to that far church? I’ll just worship here and sip my coffee,” but I didn’t receive spiritual strength. We think we’re just listening to the message, but I was able to concentrate on that, so the working of the Holy Spirit is different. 

Already in that field, students went there to study and some were watching pornographic videos so I couldn’t concentrate.  If I went to church, they would have played the same video, perhaps on a bigger screen, but the content was the same.  Even though the church was small, they would do the representative prayer, they praise, and my spiritual state would concentrate on that. It’s different if you receive the Word of God with that spiritual state.

I realized this long ago, but people cannot come to church with the pandemic. What will happen if this continues?  There’s an atmosphere within a person’s family, I’m sure they don’t even wash their face.  Maybe for a few weeks after the pandemic started, they had the proper form, but nowadays, I’m sure they don’t even wash their faces and change out of their pajamas, they just sleep in and watch it later.  It’s the same thing, the same person, but what’s different?  The environment.

When you come to church, what’s different? You don’t feel at home here. If you’re at home, you can’t concentrate, you’re thinking about the rice cooker or what’s in the fridge, but if you sit here, you don’t have a choice but to concentrate.  The choir is singing and you have to pay attention, but when you come to worship, you can’t wear shorts and slack off, but you must come with a heart of worship, then when we gather together, the working of the Holy Spirit creates a different atmosphere, but this is the strategy Satan will use to block spiritual strength.

You’ve experienced this for the past year, so I’m sure you understand.  At least the people who have gathered here now have experienced the fact that you’re weakened when you stay home. You’re not here because you’re forced to come here; I have no choice but to come here, but it’s a blessing because my state or nature is not one of continuation. But in the age to come, it will be an age where everyone is centered on convenience.  That is the words of the evangelist that Rev. Ryu said yesterday.  Those who are aligned to the age will be different.

It’s not about how much of the battle you know; it’s a battle of spiritual strength. God gives the working of the Holy Spirit at that place and time, so we devote towards gathering, and that’s why the members of the Early Church devoted to gathering.  At the time when we gather for Remnant Day, that is when God works.

Do you think people don’t gather for Remnant Day because they don’t recognize how precious that time is?  You don’t have to go to Mark’s Upper Room for salvation, people received salvation outside, but why do people gather and continue to pray?  Because the atmosphere is different. Without going to the Upper Room, you can be saved, but they knew this.  They resolved in their heart, “If I perish, I perish; I will not hold onto idols.”  Worship must become your first priority.

In other words, church must become your first priority.  If this ideology and atmosphere is not relayed to the remnants, they will be stolen away by the world, and the money they make will be stolen by the world, because their center itself is not the church, it is the world, so they lose it all. They think they are spending, but it’s nothing. They keep buying unnecessary things and never give offering, then they spend all their money on the world, then what happens?

You’re not centered on the church. We must save the world so we must be centered on the church.  My daughter broke the neck of the fan while she was young, so we tied it back with a jump rope, we used it for a couple years and threw it away.  Then, my wife said, “Let’s give it to the church.” She thinks it’s a waste to throw it away, but I said, “That’s not what the church is for,” it’s not a place where you put all the things you don’t want anymore, is that correct?  You can’t relate with that, so you’ll suffer your entire life because you’re centered on the world and yourself.  Then, God has no reason to work on that.

The reason God gives you the economy of light is for the church, so until then, we continue to suffer. You worship but you’re centered on the world or on yourself, and honestly, your center is being stolen away by Satan.  So, no matter what you want to give to the remnants or the future generations, the message isn’t what gets implanted in them. They see you as the message.  If that doesn’t happen, then they will move towards the world; they know all the message in their brain but they will be stolen by the world.

I realized this later on because I didn’t grow up in the church; I received the gospel in the field and loved it so much that I didn’t know the church.  So, as time passed, I recognized the importance of this from God, and I realized that in America, it’s an extra headache.  If we don’t teach generation to generation the importance of the church, the next generation will go church hopping.  The culture of immigrants is that they hop from place to place with all their belongings, so I told this to Senior Deaconess Ahn, even though she loves the gospel, she doesn’t have anything connected to the church, so I told her, “Lois must come to church,” so she came back to church every weekend.  Pastor Heo realized this and told his son to come to church every weekend.

If you don’t change your way of thinking and have an immigrant mentality, you can’t raise the church. How would you raise a church like that?  The churches that exist only exist because the first generation stayed there, but the children don’t know the church; they only know freedom.  So I said, “This isn’t right, and it might be difficult, but she must come to the church,” and all the answers were within that.

From my perspective, it may be that the answers are outside, but she was translating.  “You don’t have to go to Chicago, stay here because you must translate,” so you must be centered on the church and focused on what God says.  I’m sure she was upset in her heart, but she had a good personality, “There’s no one else who can do this,” so she went to a college in downtown. 

God raises the church and desires for us to do world evangelization, and according to these answers, we do world evangelization.  Resolve in your heart, that’s what I’ve seen at least, when I know the church, and I thought, “This is what we need.”  Later, Rev. Ryu talks about saving the adult generation, and this is something I saw years ago. “Teach the church,” but I couldn’t see this in the field.

God says, “I will raise My Church,” and if you’re centered on Christ, you’re centered on the church.  If you’re centered on Christ and the church, then you receive answers in the family and the world. When I look at the young adults, I’m a bit apologetic because I overwork them so much. In the past, I didn’t have this, so I tell this to the other pastors, “You have to raise up disciples, don’t waste your efforts.”

Can you raise disciples because you want to? God must raise them up. She’s not normally like this; at first, she didn’t even want to come to church and all the pastors saw the transformation and when I talked about her, all the pastors received grace, because they didn’t know this was possible; God did it. But it’s not just her, God will continue to work in the future. 

A few years ago, she wanted to run away to San Francisco for work, and she received the grace of God to work in Torrance. People say the answers come elsewhere but there are no answers there.  There could be things in San Francisco, but she must go where God givers answers.  Ultimately she went to Torrance because she had to interpret.  No reason for me to hold onto her; someone must interpret.  I said, “Multiethnic people must receive the message and we need an interpreter, so this is the priority.”

The world says different things, “Go to San Francisco for your career,” and people have different ideas, but wherever you go, it’s the same.  You must go and receive the answers from God.  So, she went into a place where all her coworkers are old so she’s been getting promotions.  During this time, many young adults can’t stay, but she stays until the field is overturned.  If this doesn’t go in, you’ll move according to your convenience because it depends on your center.  Resolve in your heart.

4. Esther 2:20, 1:13 Mission.

You must have a reason.  Why am I living in America?  Why am I attending this church?  Why am I going to this job?  Not the reasons that come from your scars, but it is the reason God gave you.  You must find that reason.  They tried to kill all the Jews, and they were taken captive by Persia, and they wanted to stay in Persia. They had assimilated into the culture and language of Persia and intermarried. You must have the reason why you must be the queen.  She had a reason and Mordecai said, “Don’t tell them you’re a Jew,” because if she mentioned it, they would say, “How could we allow a Jew to be queen?”

But finally the time came to kill the Jews. Historically, they were archenemies.  Haman became the Prime Minister and Mordecai refused to bow down.  The ancestry of Haman and the Jews were archenemies.  “Who is that?” Haman asked, “That’s Mordecai, a Jew.”  “Great, they are enemies anyway so let’s kill them,” so the king signed it without thinking. This was a crisis, and it was impossible unless it was Esther.

Even though you’re pretty, you must know why you’re pretty.  If you don’t know why you’re pretty, you’re stupid.  If you don’t know the reason why you go to your job, you go irrelevant to God, but within that reason is your mission to save Israel.  What’s your mission? To save. Why are you here? To save.  Why are you in this church? To save it.  Everyone has their role.  If you look at Senior Deaconess Oh, she brings her kids and goes to second service, everyone has their reason.  But people go back and forth from worship without the reason. Without the reason, you will receive answers without knowing why.


In conclusion, it’s about your talent, you must have talents in advance in the age of spiritual confusion. You must have spiritual summit time in advance to gain spiritual strength.  Resolve in your heart, looking at the field of America, why is the field like this? You have no choice but to do only evangelism and missions.  Know the reason you’re here, and it’s your talents.  During the fourth industrial revolution, if you cannot keep up, you’ll be cast aside. Even though you may come to life, you will be cast aside.  So, we’re going into the fourth and fifth industrial revolution, then without that talent, you’ll be cast aside.

  1. 10%.  First, you must go into the top 10%.  It’s not about doing what you want, because that will make you jobless.
  2. 1%.  Then go into the 1%
  3. 0.1%. Raise your talent to this level, and you must be spiritually prepared for this.  If you don’t prepare this, what will happen to the future generations?  Spiritually and physically, they’re lost. They barely come to church, and if there’s any difficulty, they can’t come to church at all.  As an education department, we must see this in advance and prepare in advance.  What will you do at Big Bear?  Do this, do you understand?  There are four teachers and among you, tell them the field and tell them this.  Remain centered on this, and if you have time leftover, you can play, but 50% this and 50% play, that’s nothing; it means you have nothing to give them.  If you have this to relay to them, according to the time schedule, then to do this, you can have them play more or less, but it doesn’t matter. This is the purpose.

Teachers must relay this and confirm this, not as a theory.  Then, you relay this to the kids.  I believe this will be a blessed time. Don’t think about it so complicatedly.


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