Teacher’s Meeting – Prayer in the Age of Elijah, Elisha, Obadiah, and King Ahab

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Teacher’s Meeting – Prayer in the Age of Elijah, Elisha, Obadiah, and King Ahab

Teacher’s meeting

God we thank You.   We desire for this to be a month where we have a precious forum with the remnants.  Please give us the grace to have forum with Your Word.  May this be the time where the accurate Word of God is being relayed. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

We received the Remnant Day message, and many remnants are curious about what prayer is, or they’re confused about it.



Why do we use the word, “imprint”? Because you will pray according to what’s imprinted within you.  An imprint is not something that came from out of nowhere but it’s a longstanding stream.  The Israelites were imprinted for a long time with the stream of legalism, and that’s why they had no choice but to do things like worship angels. 


Before the remnants talk about prayer nowadays, we must know what’s imprinted in them, because that’s the standard by which they understand prayer. In other words, if they’re imprinted with “myself,” that’s how they understand prayer.   So before we ask them about their understanding of prayer, we must ask about their imprints.


The accurate Word of God, not the Word I understand, but the Word God desires is important.  God desires for us to have the Word, how can I be properly imprinted in this?  How am I properly holding onto God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit?  That’s important.  The Word of God is about Jesus Christ, is it really all finished?  Otherwise it’s a headache. If everything isn’t finished, you’ll ask incorrect questions about prayer as well. 

Christ has finished everything but what does that mean? It means He has finished all problems.  If you don’t understand what this means, you’ll ask, “Why do I still have problems? What does it mean to be finished?” It means you’re living like a nonbeliever, so just like the Pharisees, you can’t understand. You must understand this Word from the Bible the most.  Because it’s been finished, it doesn’t matter if you face a problem or circumstance, but it’s been finished.

The problem is that because it’s not finished for you, you’re afraid because Christ hasn’t been imprinted in you yet, so prior to praying, what’s been imprinted is important and you’ll see how God is guiding you through this problem.  Even if something good happens, you have to be guided, that’s the most important thing.  But if you don’t understand this, then the way you understand the Word, prayer, and evangelism, and everything will be wrong.

In other words, if you’re a child of God, everything is finished because God isn’t someone who will make a mistake or collapse. You have to have that status. If you’re shaking in this, of course you’ll shake and even if you had this properly, you’d be able to go in the stream of your Word. As you hold onto the Word, your prayers come out.

Prayer – Transcend Time and Space

Evangelism – Power, Authority

This is where God’s power and authority are revealed.  If you misunderstand the gospel, you misunderstand evangelism. Churches can’t understand evangelism without the gospel, so it’s difficult even though everything is finished, so they keep talking about other things. This is very important.  After understanding the gospel, everything will go into you, and that’s why everything is finished.  God gives you the answer through the Word, transcending time and space, and it works through the entire world.  But people don’t hold onto the Word; they hold onto something else.

But you receive the answer that transcends time and space, and God gives the power and authority to those who evangelize.  Therefore, if you don’t know the gospel, you can’t evangelize. God works through the Word so you hold onto that Word and pray, then answers are bound to come and you’ll be a witness.  We talked about evangelism, this is a true blessing.  It doesn’t matter how weak the Early Church seemed, if God follows you around with the gospel, you’ll have the answer.  But misunderstanding the gospel, you say it’s finished but it’s not, so you’ll struggle to finish it. 

“I’ve already given you the land you step on,” God promised that He would give it to you, the gospel finished everything, but you move forward continuously confirming that it is finished, but you can’t understand this, so you work diligently and incorrectly.  Evangelism becomes such a burden because you have to try to finish something.  Because you don’t understand the gospel, you don’t have the content to relay, that’s the point, but you shouldn’t relay it like that to the remnants. 

You must surely relay the gospel through the 66 books of the Bible.  Then after that point, God continuously answers with His Word through the pulpit.  It is accurate that it’s finished and will continue to be finished.  It’s accurate to say we have received salvation and this will continue.  God promised the salvation of mankind but it is not yet complete. Perfect salvation is when we go into heaven, but the gospel has finished everything.  It has already been finished and we are in the process of it being finished.

You have to understand this well, otherwise you will say foolish things. You say it’s not finished so you think you have to pray and work diligently. It is finished and you have to confirm how it’s been finished so you can solve the problems, that’s the answer that comes to us through the Word.  Of course, you have to relay this, otherwise you’re living a religious life, doing strange things.

First, give them the gospel properly, prayer will naturally take place when they receive the proper gospel, and evangelism is simply explaining the gospel properly, it’s about giving the answer.  God doesn’t just give this to you, but He gives it with power and authority.  God doesn’t give us power to become the president, but He gives us power to become witnesses until the ends of the earth.

Root – Present Reality

Nature – Answer

Being imprinted with this, you root down into your present reality. It’s finished, but problems keep coming to your present reality. You’re rooting down in the fact that everything is finished, but the problems are in your field, and you make this into your complete nature, that’s how you give the answer to other people.

You and I have to have this answer first, but you can’t give what you don’t have. You can’t keep giving them this answer, either.  According to the environment, you might shine bright for a moment, but you can’t do this for the rest of your life, but God gave us this answer for the rest of your life, so you do it and stop and do it and stop because you don’t have the answer. Having this answer, no point in looking back, just keep going forward. 


We explained this a little with the English message.

1. Disaster? – Idol Worship, Satan

Why do disasters come? You must reveal this to the kids for the gospel to come in and they may know who Satan is.  Why do disasters come?  Idolatry, why do people worship idols? They are insecure and anxious because they don’t have God, and they live with greed and selfish desires, so Satan works through their fear. 

Proverbs 1:26 and onward talks about fear and disasters.  Why does fear come?  We are afraid because we don’t have the answer with the Word of the gospel.  Because Satan works with that fear, it results in disasters. God didn’t give us disasters; God gave us blessings and we have to hold onto that God.  Don’t hold onto the useless nothings, but hold onto the words of Jesus.  “Because you’ve departed from and haven’t listened to My Word,” because we’re so afraid, we live physical lives to escape our fear, but the more you do that, the more Satan controls you with fear.

The reason disasters come is because of idolatry, then why do we have idols? We’ve explained this, if you just say “Disasters, idols, Satan,” it’s true but the kids don’t know why. “If you worship idols, Satan works,” have you seen that?  They haven’t seen that, so you have to properly put this into the Word.  If they’re old enough, they can say it’s true because they experienced it, but the kids haven’t experienced anything.

2. Spiritual Battle (Strength)

Fighting against the Three Organizations is fighting against Satan in the background, that’s why the servants of Satan, like the 850 false prophets, fell.  For you to fight the spiritual battle, you must have strength, first.  It’s an instrument for a spiritual battle. Your studies isn’t just studies, but it’s an instrument for the spiritual battle.  Without knowing this properly, you are killing them with the studies, “You just have to work hard,” because the parents are afraid.   The parents think if they don’t work hard, they fail, so they push this onto their kids.

Where do the kids get pushed to?  Towards getting deceived by Satan. You must be able to fight. You have to see the disasters, Satan, and idols so you can fight. If you teach them all about the Bible but they don’t see this, then they still don’t know, and this is why God gives us the strength of prayer because we cannot fight the spiritual battle with our own strength. If we want to do world evangelization, we do this and God’s power has no choice but to come upon us.

It’s okay for the remnants even if they’re not good at studying, but they have talents and that will be used for world evangelization in the spiritual battle.

3. Covenant

There were 7000 prophets prepared.  Through Elijah, have the forum about what disasters, idolatry, and Satan of the age are. Don’t just talk about it with terms, if it were that, you just play the video for them. Forum with them, it becomes different.  You have to forum about this to see their reaction and understanding of the Word. In a one-dimensional way, there’s nothing else for them to do. 

Why do we talk about Elisha in the Old Testament? That’s Bible study, irrelevant to my life.  If this isn’t connected to the present-day age, we don’t have to do this, so it’s not just teaching the Bible. If this isn’t connected to the present-day age, that’s dead knowledge. It’s not that this age is devoid of disasters, we do. But we have the spiritual battle, so we must have the spiritual strength of prayer.  God promised to give it to you so you can find disciples.

As you talk about Elisha, you learn about the historical background, and the kids lack this historical viewpoint. You have to be able to talk about the present age of America and have forum over it.  Right now, the Three Organizations are all about disasters and Satan, so that’s why we have to raise up the remnants to fight the spiritual battle. 

But if you’re not able to see this, you live your life with the physical things to succeed, then that church is seized by Satan. This is very important.  It’s not important to do a lot of things, but what’s important is that you have the accurate Word, and the word of God is here so the Holy Spirit works. It doesn’t matter how diligently you work with incorrect things; you’re better off resting, because you’re diligently going the wrong way.

“I’ve tried going to church and it doesn’t work,” because they didn’t receive the correct Word. Make them into spiritual people. They’re physical, but they think, “I can live physically without the church, so I don’t have to go anymore.”  If you want to repent, then truly repent about this. Don’t repent about what you said harshly to others, even if you said something harshly, it’s fine. No need to squeeze out crocodile tears, “I’m sorry for what happened last week,” but repent because you’re not holding onto Jesus Christ and you’re holding onto something else.  You’re not relaying the covenant to the next generation.  Why would you waste your tears watching a movie? Maybe your emotions are underdeveloped.

[2] Elisha

1.  Crisis (Heavenly Mandate, Calling, Mission)

Elisha was Elijah’s disciple while he was on the brink of death in the age of crisis under King Ahab. What happens if you don’t relay this crisis to them? Kids will be swept up under the crisis of the age.  Everyone wanted to kill Elijah, and it’s not just for the kids, but for me as well, “I don’t care if I’m called a heretic, I’m going all into the gospel.”  This is the time where our denomination was most persecuted for being a heresy, but that’s when I ran all into the gospel because that’s where I received my answer, and there are remnants like this.

But if you don’t teach this to them, they’ll flock in a direction they think will avoid criticism. Elisha was like this, within the crisis, he found the heavenly mandate, calling, and mission. You have to give them the answer properly in Christ.  “Calling” is what I do now, “Mission” is lifelong. It’s not something big, but it’s something I do now.  They can’t do something big anyway. As you explain these to them, you must bring up what’s deeply within them and talk about that with them.

2. Choice, Mount Carmel

Elisha didn’t pray for anything else but for a double portion of the Holy Spirit, why?  Because without that, he couldn’t block the kingdom of Aram which is the kingdom of Satan, and without that, he couldn’t raise disciples. Without teaching this to the kids, they won’t know why they need the filling of the Holy Spirit, and they’ll go to church and have an automatic response, “I need the filling of the Holy Spirit,” and “only Jesus Christ,” because it’s only on the wall and they think it will please the pastor.

Elisha didn’t ask for anything else of Elijah, “I need this and only this.”  You need to forum with the kids about how they understand this, because if you just throw this at them from one direction, they receive it but not understand what it means.  If you want to explain the filling of the Holy Spirit to them, you have to explain a few things. Without teaching this to them, they may also want a double-portion, but they don’t know why. These things will disappear after a few months if they don’t know the real reason.

When I first received salvation, Pastor Ryu said, “Pray like this,” and I couldn’t keep it up after a week because I didn’t know the reason. We can’t do this in depth during sermons.  In your regional church, you can’t just talk about this one-by-one. You can mimic the pastor’s words, but that’s not what you want. You could just play the recording if you did that. 

You have to go into detail regarding the person’s field, regardless of what the message says, if I’m just going to repeat what Pastor Ryu says, it’d be better for him to be here. Even if you think about this a little bit, that makes sense.  It’s the same from your perspective, don’t repeat it exactly to the kids, but what you can do that others cannot do is forum. You have to forum to get this word that is hard to digest and to make them understand it.

3. Solved Problem

Ultimately, they solved the problem of Aram.  Aram is an idol-worshiping nation that tried to destroy the Kingdom of God. Without knowing this, they will live their walk of faith after physical things.  They live diligently, then what will happen? They will be enslaved, so this has to be relayed very properly.  During EM, I’ll talk about the important parts of these messages because this is very important.

[3] Obadiah

Why do we need to share the Word of God about Obadiah today?  He was a skillful courtier under the wicked king Ahab. He was great at his job, otherwise he would be fired immediately.  Ahab needed Obadiah. If you go to your job and you’re really bad at it, and you’re getting fired even as you hold onto the covenant, that’s not of God. 

On the other hand, there are people who are good at their worldly job and they aren’t devoting to the church.  There are many things to forum about regarding Obadiah. What did Obadiah do?  Obadiah worked under the wicked king Ahab and couldn’t fire him, he needed Obadiah, but he was also a disciple of Elijah, a disciple of the church.

People do the opposite thing, if they succeed in the world, they look down on the church, then they’re really bad at working in the world, so they fall into one of these categories and cannot be Obadiah.  So the Word of God has to go into these kids so they began to have the image in their brain, “I want to be like Obadiah.”

1. 100 People

Then with one command from Elijah, he raised 100 prophets, and that’s God’s command for the age.  You do things for the world but you look down on church work.  He had both, but there are some kids who dream about this, so relay the message properly to them. Some kids receive the message and dream about Obadiah.  But if you change the message of Obadiah, they may look down on the church and do well in the world, or look down on the world and look up to the church. 

2. 850 False Prophets

He set the stage for the confrontation against 850 false prophets.  This meant King Ahab knew Obadiah was Elijah’s disciple as Obadiah facilitated this.  For example, Obadiah would say, “I’m setting up this confrontation,” then King Ahab would say, “You know Elijah?” and could have killed Obadiah, but he didn’t.  We need people who can do both, and they dream about this when they listen to it ever since they’re young. A long time ago, I heard the message of Elisha and really liked it and I wanted to go into the gospel movement.

3. 7000 Disciples

You have to be able to handle the work that God wants you to do in the church.  When you talk about this, don’t be so up in the clouds, “100 million disciples,” something that doesn’t fit, but do the evangelism the church is carrying out.  But there isn’t a single pastor with a disciple in the church.  People float around in the clouds with their physical problems. A disciple is someone like Obadiah, a helper to King Ahab and Elijah, the church and the world.

Some people overlook the church entirely and talk about world evangelization, they’re crazy, they’re just sitting here, their mind is somewhere on the top of a cliff, but their body sits here for no good reason, and they have no choice but to be like this for their spirit to be healed.  They talk about foolish things, so it must be Obadiah.  The kids don’t understand the words thrown at them, but if they have forum, the Holy Spirit works within them and they form an image and become disciples.

(Age, Pulpit Message, Me)

You stand with this as the disciple to save the age.  “The church, the church,” but if you make everyone at your level, it will stay at this level. It’s not right for world evangelization, so help them to enter into this king.

[4] King Ahab

He was a Jew, he was not an unbeliever, it’s possible for Israelites to become this wicked. Of course it’s true for Gentiles, but why did King Ahab become like this?  Simply put, he went into Satan’s strategy.

1. Satan’s Strategy – Jezebel

That’s what happens when you say, “A little bit higher, a little bit more modern, more worldly,” it ends like this.  That’s why he had these thoughts like Genesis 6 where he brought in a Gentile wife and gifted and talented individuals from other places.  The Jews in this age would have the law that said, “Do not intermarry with the Canaanites,” but King Ahab had power and strength, “To expand our power, we have to have cultural exchange with other nations,” and he fell into Satan’s strategy as he brought in intelligent individuals from other nations.

2. Incorrect

He went into the incorrect things. People don’t start like this, so what you must be careful of in the church, “Shouldn’t we try to be advanced and developed like places in the world?” People emphasize this.  A young adult in the previous building used to do Tae Kwon Do, and he wanted to use the church as a Tae Kwon Do dojo.  I said, the church is for worship, “But I could create revival for people and no one is using this anyway.  On Saturday, if we allow people to bring dogs, we would attract many young adults, because everyone has to take their dogs on walks.”

Why would he say things like that?  If a person says, “We have to expand and advance in the world,” church becomes a dog kennel.   You must always, always be vigilant to begin with the covenant and go from there. Starting with another method, you’ll go astray like King Ahab.  People said the same thing to Rev. Ryu, “We need more gifted individuals and famous people in the movement,” but if you do that, that’s what will destroy the organization.  You must begin with the covenant and follow the answer God gives you. Then if gifted individuals rise up and come, that’s great, but by nitpicking and strategizing like this, such churches are destroyed later.

You must see that through King Ahab, it’s possible for people of God to be like this.  Make it so the kids can work and study while they worship.  If your studies and work are so important that they do this work in the world, then you’ll be sucked into the world and there’s no end to the work.

3. Failure

Ultimately they fail.  The world doesn’t change because of presidents.  Two elders became presidents in Korea and destroyed it, and in fact, there were many nonbeliever presidents who did a better job.  The nation of Israel was like a big church, you can’t compare the leaders.  There were wars during President Bush’s reign, and he’s a Republican, not a Democrat, so the Left doesn’t create wars, but they follow the flow, and during Obama’s administration, they got into a war with North Korea.  Bush started the Afghanistan war.

All of these people were Christian, but that’s not what’s important.  Those leaders are moving the physical hardware of America. You shouldn’t compare them to Israel.  What about President Park Geun-Hye?  She’s not Christian.  Another elder was a Christian and didn’t do anything as president, they didn’t do anything for the Lord. That’s not what I’m talking about.

God raises the president and moves the physical world with them. What’s important is the church leader.  If the leaders of the church are corrupt against God’s covenant, it will be like the leaders of the church of Israel.  That’s why it’s important for you to spread the covenant.  A humanistic church will end up like Ahab and the entire nation is destroyed, but a proper church will live.

Trump didn’t do anything, he just brought back, “Merry Christmas,” but is that evangelism?  You’re just under a misconception.  It’s just placating our emotions.  Does that mean the Early Church couldn’t evangelize even though everyone persecuted them as heretics?  Stop tuning your attention to presidents, because kings are raised by God for the work God is doing. It’s a message for the leaders and teachers and pastors of the church to not be like Ahab. Even if the entire world is destroyed, it is the church that is important to save. 

Many people say that presidents have to be Christian, but the more I think about it, it’s unnecessary.  The church needs to evangelize, not the president, it’s not a problem that can be solved by presidents, politicians, or doctors. The remnant leaders are so important.

Conclusion – Pray


We talked about this earlier, but it’s the pulpit message of the church, the headquarters, and the field message.  Going into the stream of this is your scheduled prayer, but if you think you have to do it, the kids can’t do that. Diligent kids can do it a little but they’ll be burnt out.  Most of them think, “I’m doing prayer,” and you reflect upon yourself as you enter into the stream of the God-given Word. The important thing is entering into the stream, but Genesis 3 is our nature, so instead of God, we think we have to do something. 

Even when we come to church, we feel we have to do something for God because we’re so religious, but if that’s how you understand prayer, that’s labor and it’s difficult. You set a time in the morning and you did it or not, that’s how you understand it.  That’s the life you live, separated from God, and what’s important is you reveal this stream.  You have to reflect upon yourself with the stream God has given you, but without that, you set a time and force yourself to pray? What will you do with that?

You hold onto the Word of God and reflect upon your life with God’s Word, and this is Holy Meditation.  Holy Meditation is reflecting upon yourself with the Word,  it doesn’t mean you’re mindlessly praying. To do this, we must have leisure because if you want to reflect upon yourself with the word of God, you need leisure and peace and quiet. 

The Word of God keeps telling me I’m a child of God, but I think I have to do something, but I’m thankful. My nature is to live a busy life, but I look at my life and recognize I’m a child of God and that restores my thanksgiving.  Taking this out into the field is considered continuous prayer.   If you think prayer is difficult, you can’t relay this to the kids.  I tell someone to try this, and they are diligent, but if you teach prayer like this, they can’t teach it to others.

– Continuous

Whatever time you wake up, just take the first moment to reflect upon the Word God gave you, anyone can do that, because the Word talks about Christ but I’ve gone astray from that.  If I’m not within Christ, I’m naturally within the stream of Satan, sin, and hell without even realizing it. I’ve been freed from that, but my spirit and heart are there, so today, I have to live diligently like an unbeliever. 

Why do we think about Jesus Christ?  The reason I study and work today is for world evangelization and God’s plan, so give me the filling of the Holy Spirit.   You need this quiet time to reflect upon yourself with the Word of God, then when you go to school, “Am I not a child of God? Why am I here? Did God not send me here? Whom must I save?” then you ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit.

We talk like that, but we get sucked into the students’ studies when we go into the field.  Even though they’re children of God, they think they have to follow the unbelievers in a crazy way, so without having this at home, this flow will be broken in the field.  But if you have that sense from home, then even when you go into your school, you’ll have a sense of who you are. If you tell them to do something, they won’t like it because they have to do something and add something else?  I’m not telling you to do something, but just hold onto Jesus Christ.

Our nature is physical, we have to do something for God, but prayer isn’t something you can do.  God is God, what more is there for me to do?  Just remain within the work God is already doing.  God said He would do everything with power, so just have a moment where you confirm that stream, then let’s say you face a real problem.  The people who are used to this, they pray and look for God’s plan, but people aren’t like that.  Some kids face divorce or a big problem in the school, then even if you say it’s not a problem, they say it is, so you teach them how to enter into this with prayer.

We’ve shared the message in a forum style and this will continue in EM, but make sure the kids are listening and applying the Word properly. If you can’t do this with their kids, do it with their parents indirectly so it is relayed to them.  Either way, it must be relayed to them.  I hope you will do that and be led.


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