Teacher’s Meeting

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Teacher’s Meeting

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

During the core message, we received the Word to pray in the morning, daytime, and night. We have to understand that this is our lives, right?  Chronologically speaking, this is our life.  We spend our time in the morning, day, and night, and we remain within these 24 hours.  Then what is the life that occurs in the morning?

Morning (Prayer)

We don’t meet people, but we’re alone with our thoughts. As soon as you’re up in the morning, you don’t meet people but you’re alone with your thoughts. If you let those thoughts be, you’ll be dragged around, so you have to change your thoughts into the Word of God.  That’s why you have to change everything you saw yesterday into the Word of God.

This is talking about our actual life.  It doesn’t matter how much grace you received on Sunday, you’ll move according to the thoughts you received in the morning.  When you wake up in the morning, you’ll have thoughts. For me, it was, “I’m mad,” but without God’s Word, I couldn’t change that, so I thought that was my entire life and I was dragged by it. 

Others have random thoughts, some people wake up depressed. They’re there.  Especially if the weather is rainy, people are depressed for no reason, like people in Seattle.  I lived in Seattle for a bit and it was perfect for that.  The mountains are beautiful and it’s like Switzerland, and there are all these lakes around.  Even the rain was perpetual, I was taken in by that, so I sip a warm cup of coffee. That’s why Starbucks is so popular there, because it’s necessary.

Then you’ll be influenced by the environment, so there are a lot of depressed people there because they’re dragged by it. The rain is irregular, there’s no pattern to it, and it drizzles a bit then stops. In my heart, I thought, “It must be hard to evangelize here,” but you don’t have to go to the beach.  The environment is such a good place to play, and the rain allows you to move slowly according to your emotions.  And there are many people with depression.

We’re immediately influenced by the environment in our region. When you wake up in the morning, what’s your first thought? Are you filled with worries?  Even until yesterday, I have so much grace, but today I’m filled with many worries.  Some people are filled with emptiness.  This happens a lot with other people, especially with females with money because they have nothing to do so they spend money on unnecessary things, to fill up their emptiness.

What about the remnants? The remnants have to study today, too, then that is a student dragged around by their studies, but more accurately, it’s Satan. They have to change their thoughts to God’s Word, “I’m a source of blessings,” and through me, the school will be blessed.  If your thoughts aren’t changed that way, you’ll be dragged by your studies. You receive grace on Sunday but your Mondays, you go back to the old ways. If you can’t relay this to the next generation, you have to turn them into successful people in the future.

People who aren’t able to do this in the morning will get criticized in their workplace, because they’ll drop the ball on big or important things.  As soon as you wake up in the morning, you have to organize your work. If you say, “I forgot,” you cannot succeed because no one can entrust important things to you.  Especially young adults, you do your church work and your job work, you have to look at both in the morning so you won’t be criticized. But you work without doing this, and that’s why they nag at you when you go to work. People avoid working with you because you don’t do this in the morning.

You have to write memos, you’re not a computer, if there was an AI robot following you around, then maybe.  But then what do they do? You think about the work you have to do that day.  There’s a difference between those who do this and those who do not, but you have the word and you have meetings with some people you like and some you do not.  Especially working with people, it’s hard, and you are stressed out by many of those people.  Then, you’ll just think about the people you see that day and you’ll feel so bad even though you receive so much grace on Sunday. You have to change that with the Word of God and pray for that person.

Why? Because God says through you, the gospel will be testified. But if you don’t change the thoughts to the Word of God, you’ll be dragged around.  Then later on, you’ll say, “Working life is so hard, if this person wasn’t at the church, it would be so much easier,” but then you won’t be able to succeed in the world or in faith. You have to teach these realistic things.

Daytime.  It’s when you realistically meet people and see things and hear things. Then you’ll feel things and think things according to what you see.  Then you’ll be influenced by thoughts and what you see in the environment, then you’ll say, “It’s so hard,” as your thoughts are influenced.  Change that to the words of God. Someone asked, “What do you think when you see a pretty girl?” I see her as pretty. I see ugly girls as ugly. That’s an unbeliever.  But if we stay in that state, I’ll be controlled by what I see. You have to change it into the Word of God.

How? It’s different for everyone. “I see such great young adults, I want them to be disciples of Christ.”  If you just look at them being pretty, that’s just beauty, but I want them to be disciples of Christ.” Otherwise I’ll be hooked on their appearance. Our thoughts and emotions are based on what is seen.  “I hate seeing this person,” even though that person needs salvation, but if you don’t change everything you see and hear, you’ll be influenced by all of it.

When people come to church, it would be better if people didn’t talk about this or that, they wouldn’t say things. But you have to make it so that it doesn’t matter what you see.  Change everything. “That person is so strange, but that person is sick.” It doesn’t matter whether they’re old or young. If they’re strange, it’s because something strange went into them, but if you wonder why they’re so strange in the church, you’ll die first.

“This strange person needs grace, healing, and my prayers.” There’s so much you see in the daytime, it’s the same with music.  When my daughter was really young, she watched a movie and started crying even though she didn’t know what the movie was about.  It means it influences her.  If you can’t change that, you’ll be dragged around by it. You have to change it all to God.  It means you’re not influenced by  it.

Night.  Originally, we talked about the early morning, but the remnants can’t do this, so either way, they’ll spend all night on the internet, so change it with the Word of God, thinking deeply on it at night. Nighttime means everything you saw and heard in the daytime is confirmed within the Word of God.  If you go to sleep without doing this, everything you saw and heard in the previous day will become your baseline, your everyday life.

That’s why when you remain within one region or land, you become assimilated.  It doesn’t matter how much you try to evangelize, you cannot.  Because you’re already imprinted and rooted in that, your thoughts and emotions are already assimilated. Other people see it better, but if they stay too long?  When you go out and evangelize, it works well because you see that, but people living there cannot see it.  But that evangelism doesn’t work out as they evangelize everywhere instead of their own region.  That’s okay because you can still taste evangelism.

But if you can’t do this, all the things you see and hear in American culture will influence these kids.  Our teachers and ministers have to do this, too. This is the way to actually change.  This is the way for the covenant of God to actually change and to have an actual action. It doesn’t matter how much I received the Word of God, but what I realistically feel and think is what will come out.  So you have to know this, and as you talk to the kids, you relay this stream to them.

If you don’t do this, then you’ll talk about something else and in the morning, you’ll talk about something else, so you have to give them the Word with the field in mind.  But I’m not with these kids morning, day, and night, so make it so the kids can do it on their own or that their parents can help.  Otherwise they’ll think, “My kids go to church but why is this happening?”  It doesn’t matter whether they come to church or not; the words of Christ must be within their soul for this to change.  That’s why when kids go to college, they’ll move according to their imprint, root, and nature.

That’s why I said, they’re just going to work according their imprint, root, and nature. They don’t act like that for no reason; they act like this because they don’t have strength to change.  The kids don’t have the strength to change their depression.  I do what I can for my daughter, if I force her to read the Word, it’s hard, so we do the prayer journal at night and after we worship, we have forum, and I just help her pray.  I do the 9 settings for her, and I tell her, “Pray about it, for the filling of the Holy Spirit to work upon your thoughts and heart. Pray for the working of the Holy Spirit to be upon your school and studies.” 

I taught deep breathing. I think she’s impatient, she’s the type to make herself fall.  Nobody said anything to her but she destroys herself.  She’s having a second world war inside herself even though it’s calm outside.  In the past, I told her to count to three, otherwise she’ll fight these world wars by herself.  I said, “Right now, it has to be God’s word. If you don’t receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, you can’t even be human, so receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.” I taught her deep breathing when she got home, she does it 15 times. 

If they don’t do this while young, she can’t do it when she gets older.  Now she prays for her school but not enough so she doesn’t get any presents.  Either way, I drive her back and forth and have to put something real into her.  I can’t do anything with her when she’s older.  Do this yourself and teach it to your kids, why wouldn’t you?

Deep breathing, just do it for your health.  When I did this, my skin got better. I did it while exercising and while walking. I can do deep breathing while I walk.  As I keep walking, I keep holding it and exhale.  I exercise like that a lot.  Because I do it outdoors when the air is good, my skin gets better. 

Brain. My brain gets more power. There’s biological data backing this, you have mental problems because your brain lacks oxygen.  People can’t focus on their studies because they don’t have the brainpower, and it’s because there’s not enough oxygen in their brain. They have to have plenty of oxygen for their brain to go, and that’s why you take long, deep breaths.  Because there must be an abundance of oxygen in the brain for your brain to function.

Rev. Ryu also gave these examples, Hemingway and Tolstoy and Edison would go to the beach. Do the kids have quiet times anymore?  Are you just going to let them stay like that?  If you just let them stay like that, they’ll be dragged around by the environment and that’s not right. You have to do something that changes the environment. If you don’t care, your kids will go in the direction of your indifference. 

Do this at home. If you do this at home, the kids can do it. If you don’t do this for the most precious children in your home, how could you do this for the kids at church? Right now, the kids use their brains so much, they’ll face limitations. They use their overstimulated brains and imagine how bad it’s going to be for their kids as they do this in their rooms? 

We’ll talk about everything with this as the basis.

Father God, we thank You.  May the stream of the Word be relayed to the remnants this month, and may the remnants be raised to save the 237 nations. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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