Summit (Genesis 37:11)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Summit (Genesis 37:11)

Youth Leaders Retreat 01/11/21

You always need to confirm where you are because God never asked, “Who are you?” Many religious organizations ask, “Who are you?” Even Socrates said you need to know who you are, and Buddha says that we have to become Buddha ourselves. If God did not exist, those are the best words; but if God does exist, those are the worst words.  The Bible never asked us who we are; it tells us that we are sinners and that we are the saved children of God.

God called Moses and Abraham, and renamed Isaac to Israel. He never asked who they were, but He asked Adam, “Where are you?” Right now, we’re gathered in this conference of really imprinting this in our next generation, the next stage in the wilderness.  Not realizing, once again a crisis came, so that’s why God called them to the Mizpah movement.  People do not love the Gospel, so once again they crumble. Once again they raised the Dothan movement.  People are unable to see the important things, that’s why they crumble but God calls us to do the watchman movement. 

We’re inside of this and we need to confirm this, even as we worship on the Lord’s day.  Even when you’re by yourself, when you ask, “Where am I?” It’s not about the location, but where are you with respect to God’s Word?  That’s why Paul staked his life to go into the synagogue because there were remnants there.  This year’s theme is talking about the 237 nations, summit, and healing, and since we’re talking to the leaders, we’ll talk about the summit first.

Genesis 37:11 is the field of the summit, and that’s what’s important.  There was one student who studied very well and did well and went crazy after graduation.  Rightfully, it happened because he tried to reach the summit by studying, but you are studying in the seat of the summit, then things become completely different.  Because of that, many people face spiritual problems.  

Introduction – Spiritual knowledge (Problems)

                      Nephilim attack

So, outstanding people in the world do not know spiritual knowledge, and that’s why spiritual problems come.  Knowing that, the nephilim attack. The three organizations have completely seized this.  People don’t know this at all, so remnants, remember that you are not young; you can be the spiritual summit, because you know, you can be the spiritual summit; if you didn’t know, you cannot be the spiritual summit.

Pharaoh did not know what the spiritual summit was, so he was ignorant and lacked all spiritual power.  The outstanding prime minister of Japan doesn’t know the great kinds of spiritual problems that come to the nation when people do idol worship, and if we’re not careful, we live our lives with the ideology that comes from the Nephilim.  I’m not saying  we shouldn’t sing worldly songs, but that’s what usually gets imprinted, and that’s made by the three organizations.  The terminology they use come from the three organizations.  It’s connected to everyone, such that even when a korean singer sings a song, the entire world hears it.  It’s very important.


What is it that we must concentrate on?  Concentration is very important.  Why is concentration important?  When a poet looks at a flower, they concentrate and write a poem about it. But they don’t just write it out of the blue, they concentrate on it, and they hear a lot of things and converse with the flower.  People ask, “What are they talking about with the flower?” But that’s what they do, that’s how they write their poems, and that’s concentration.

When we say concentration, you may be familiar with this word, but this is everything, so that’s why you need to know today.  I think about the lyrics for the remnant conference theme song all year because I already know what the theme is going to be.  This year it was the field of the answers of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd RUTC, so we talk a lot about the empty places because that’s  what God has given us.  What should I do next year? I already know that. For several months, I think about it, and when I actually write the lyrics, I concentrate for about three days, to the point where i don’t even have to look at the words. I say, “Amen,” and I just write it down. I concentrate to this extent, and is it hard? No, it’s so peaceful and it really strengthens me.  

1.True power- Organize

You have to have the concentration of truly knowing what God’s power is.  In order to do that, tis’ the same for the remnants and the believers, you have to have the concentration where you can really organize this, isn’t that so? You have to have this arranged with you. Think about it ,when you take off your clothes, you don’t start with your underclothes.  Think about it, you start with your outer clothes and take off your jacket first, you’re not going to take off your t-shirt first. I’m sure if you pull at your t-shirt for a hundred years, you can rip it off.

1)Thoughts- God’s thoughts

What kind of concentration must you have? Think about your situation, it’s your thoughts.  There isn’t anyone who doesn’t think, but we have our own thoughts. That’s wrong.  We have to concentrate on what God thinks.  Then, absolutely the answer will come. That’s what we’re talking about. Joseph had this dream, think about it, his brothers were trying to kill him; does that make any sense?  “How could this happen to me?”  but to ask that isn’t wrong, but he’s asking from his own thoughts; he’s concentrating on his thoughts, and that’s wrong.  “Why did God place me here?” He concentrated on that, then tremendous things happen.  As we live our lives, various problems arise and people report things to me, but it’s their own thoughts, so they cannot be the summit.  It’s to the point where I can’t even concentrate on what God wants because people keep telling me things, and  it’s only their thoughts. They cannot be the summit.  

What does God think about this?  How long must you concentrate? Until you find the answer.  That means it has been arranged in you.  Do you understand what I’m saying?   You need to know the method for spirituality training.  If you pray a lot with your own thoughts, it’s better off not praying.  You fast with your own thinking? IT’s better that you don’t fast, but that’s why the Korean churches and the world churches aren’t able to do evangelism.  

One time when I was doing the evangelism movement, my colleague said he was my disciple, but he’s just a layperson who runs his business well, and he does everything well. What kind of person is he? He always comes to the Lord’s Day and meets me because he’s close to me, “Pastor, last week I fasted.”  So, even though I know, I blurted out an incorrect question, “Is everything okay?” Because we only do this when something happens, but that’s not the case for him. “Nothing happened.”  “Then why did you fast?”  “These days, my business is doing well, so I started having a lot of physical thoughts, so I became ashamed before God and had my own thoughts, so I started to fast. Because I didn’t have much time, I only fasted for three days, and afterward, as I had a bowl of porridge, I started to cry.”  I understood.  When do we shed tears? When we’re indignant.

2)Heart- Converse with God

It’s your heart, and we converse with God from our conscience.  We’re not doing it out loud, but asking God from our heart, God answers our conscience, and we have a deep time of doing this with God.  I’m not sure how you pray, but do you pray with prayer topics?  You need to know how to do that.

3)Brain- Set 🧠

Absolutely, it will be imprinted in your brain, and from this point on, things really begin to happen.  To say that it’s imprinted in your brain, it becomes very difficult to change.  What’s imprinted in your brain gets set that way.  Some people are drug addicts who try to get a blood transfusion to get rid of all that, but that drug is imprinted int he brain, and the brain commands the heart, and the heart sends a message to the brain.  If you keep going with your thoughts, you go down a different path.  Remnants, remember this.

4)Soul- Eternity

From this point on, it goes down into your soul, and from the moment it gets imprinted in your soul, it changes to eternal things.  


This gets connected with the things of the Throne of Heaven.  Enjoying true power to be able to hear the true voice of the throne is concentration, do you understand? Not just for the remnants but for everyone. Pastors, when you prepare a sermon, you have to prepare with the assurance that this is the voice that you hear frmo heaven, so in one sense, you should be thrilled to be relaying the Word, not that you’re nervous, but you’re thrilled to be able to do this.  I get so excited when I stand before the remnants, about relaying the covneant to the remnants, and I was hoping that that time would quickly come.  


But it doesn’t end with this.  You have to enter into the concentration of meditation, isn’t that so?  The first is just talking about really meditation gon God’s Word, but this is different holy meditation is different from transcendental meditation.  

1)Today’s Gospel- Covenant——> See in advance

When something happens, you have to really meditate on what is today’s gospel, we call that the covenant.  The covenant is connected with his promise,so  when you have something in front of you, when you have to do something, when you look with the eyes of the gospel, you can see the covenant, and that’s what we mean by saying in advance. Now you’ve seen. If you just vaguely pass over it, you’ll lose hold of everything. Just the fact that you hold to this is … this itself is the summit, healing, and 237 nations because it belongs to the throne of heaven.  Do you understand?  Rather, I think you’ll understand even better.  Those who grow older without knowing this will find change difficult. 

2)Today’s Vision- Vision——-> Have in advance

In today’s gospel, when you look at the many problems, what do you see?  The vision existed from the past, but you can see that today. That’s what we’re talking about, meditating on the vision, and that’s V. That’s what we need to have in advance. I’m explaining the method for doing this.  You’re not doing this with your own thoughts, but when you deeply meditate on God’s thoughts, you can see this. Then that’s it, you’re holding onto your covenant and vision, and you have and see in advance.

3)Today’s Dream- Dream——-> Enjoy in advance

THen you’ll have this 24 hours a day, isn’t that so?  Uncovering this in advance and meditating on this is what we mean by enjoying this in advance, and that’s what happens.

4) Today’s Word- Image——> Conquer in advance

Then in the many fields, you see the accurate word for today, and that’s image, following God’s image.  That’s what we mean by conquering in advance.  To say that the accurate word has come upon you means that you’ve conquer in advance, and from this point on, you don’t have the prayer that you make.

5)Today’s Prayer- Practice——-> Fulfilled in advance

You have the prayer that God gives, and that’s practice, then that’s it; it’s fuilflled in advance.  “I have given to you.” So remember this, it’s sfulfilled in advance. What prayer do you pray in the early morning?  Remnants, in your free time, what do you think about and pray about? There are so many blessings contained within this and there is so much in this.  When you properly concentrate, the moment you do this, you’re revived, and your thoughts, your brain are revived.  

Division, Obsession, Addiction

But never once having done this, you’ve got this confusion and division, and that’s how most people live. They don’t even know what to do. Once a problem breaks out, they shake back and forth, and if you can’t concentrate, the opposite is that you’re divided.  Think about it, everything breaks apart and there’s division in your heart, your mental state, and your relationships, but it’s okay even if you’re divided.  If you don’t know how to concentrate, you become obsessed.  Obsession means you hold onto something incorrect, then nothing is going to work, and what comes from here is addiction.  Addiction to drugs isn’t the only kind of addiction, but if you have a drug you can’t escape from, that’s addiction.  

You are team leaders, so even before becoming a leader for the world, you have to enjoy this answer for yourself.  What is the third concentration?

3. Forum

Forum. It’s the  concentration of forum.  This forum isn’t something you just do on your own; you can do it together.  Your pulpit message, headquarter message and headquarter field message are all put together.  How should you concentrate on forum?  It may seem like alot but if you see one thing properly, everything else follows.  This may seem like many different things, but when you’re placed in any given situation, you see what follow for that. You deeply arrange and organize concentrate on it ,and give forum on it, then to what extent should you give forum?

I’m sure you know, it’s to survive on your own.  That’s forum, that you’re okay no matter where you are, because God is with, immanuel, and oneness.  You know about these things. How far?  


2)Spiritual Facts

You have independence as you see the spiritual facts, and that’s how much you have to concentrate. As yo do that, all the answers come, the nagels armobilzied, and while you do that, the doors open and God takes care of everything so all you have to do is go.  We’re renovating our 237 center, and it’s not just that we want to reach the 237 nations, but God gave it to us as an answer as we do concentrated prayer, so now we want to have concentrated training. Don’t even bring in your cell phones when we have this training so I can fully talk about it. We have to actually teach them.  If we have a remnant, how should we pray for this remnant and do forum with this remnant ? 


But our members don’t understand, even briefly I spoke about breathing exercises, and they recorded everything and sent it everywhere, so that’s why I really restrain myself at the average conference because people immediately take my message and spread it everywhere, so there are many things I refrain from saying.  So, once we have the 237 training, I’ll come down after the message to talk with you and have forum with you.  So, starting this year when we have the trainings, we’ll have lectures from 9-12am.  It’s the forum that we can concentrate until we see the spiritual facts, then absolutely you’ll see this.

3)Unconventional thinking

Answers lie elsewhere, and what’s even more amazing is that others can’t see it.  They can’t even go.  


Because of you, others are revived.  People don’t like me on a humanistic level because I don’t respect their thoughts, but i’m not the kind of person who even things my own thoughts are important, so what God wants is important.  Then how far must we take this? Until we see the spiritual facts and then the rest will follow.  Try doing this in the future.


6)No competition




Go to Every person, every meeting, every field, every crisis.  This time I met with a moderator, and when I usually meet politicians, I’m not moved by them, but I was moved by this one.  This pastor was finding people facing hardships and really sought them out. First, it’s about having no competition.  We don’t have to fight or compete; we win everything.  That’s why God grants us the blessing of re-creation, then wherever you go, God raises you as the summit.  Concentrate to this extent, then where do we go?  Why is it the wilderness, the wasteland and the desert? That is your field, so have the forum of concentrating until you find the answer there.


What’s the last answer? You find absoluteness.  The concentration that goes that far is very important for you. No reason for you to memorize all this stuff, but once you understand and a problem arises, you can quickly enter into all this. Then as you do that, 24 hours has no choice but to take place.  24 hours is not just about praying all the time and not eating, but having true power arise in all areas.

True happiness-

You’re not suffering; you have true happiness, isn’t that so?

True Success-

True success. This is the summit, this is the spiritual summit.  When a problem comes, it’s even better because you can gain so many things from there. That’s the characteristic of the seven remnants, and it was the characteristic of Joseph. You have to enjoy this blessing. It’ sno tabut how long or short your prayers are, but as you’re doing this, your problems will be solved.

Accurately speaking, what shall we call our introduction? This is summit time, isn’t that so?  God called you out of the summit, so as you enjoy the summit time, it will come to you.


(Summit Time, Summit Attitude)

Now because you must receive answers, you need the summit attitude, and it’s those three things.  What is the summit attitude?  


The king who gives answers to kings.  I’m not saying you should become the king ,but I’m talking about the True King Who gives answers to kings.  This king is Christ, but Christ raised us as ambassadors and as His representatives.  You are the king who can give answers to kings.

1) 7 Remnants

They all gave answers to kings, why is that? You are here, then that answer will come to you. You just ran an errand but that becomes an answer.  


In the midst of that, especially Joseph who gave the answer to Pharaoh, but what’s the important thing?

3) 1 Peter 2:9

You have received the same answer, you’re a royal priesthood, and that’s right. So you have this blessing and equip yourself with this attitude, then it’s bound to come as you’re in this place.  What do I mean by “attitude?”  if you’re in that position, it will come. So, in living your walk of faith well, you’ll see completely differently. What’s the second?

2.Priest who saves people

You are the priest who saves people.  There are separate priests who give sacrifices, but you are the priests who save people. This is the summit . 


The seven remnants did life-saving work.

2) Joseph

We’re looking at Joseph today, but what did he do especially? He saved Poitphar’s wife, the generals, the Pharaoh’s officials and the kings and his brothers. He saved the entire world, and that’s what happened. If you’re in this position, enjoying these answers, that’s what will come to you, then what’s the very important thing here?

3)Answers that Transcends Time and Space

It’s the answer that transcends time and space. It comes this way.  What’s the first?

(Position that transcends time and space)

You are in the position that transcends time and space, and that’s what happens.  The very important thing is concentration, but you know the rest already.  Because the first isn’t taking place, then of course, the next doesn’t take place, and because you don’t know what this isi, you don’t know what the word is.  You only have your own thoughts, and that itself is wrong. It doesn’t matter what hardships you face because there is an answer and reason for that.  What else?

3.Prophet to transmit the Covenant

Summit. You are the prophet to transmit the covenant.  Not just any prophet, but a prophet who relays God’s covenant.  What did the seven remnants do?

1)Transmitted Future

They transmitted in advance, and that answer must come.  

2) Joseph

So, even among the seven remnants, but especially Joseph, he spoke about the future

(1)World evangelization. Even before the king, he spoke about this, world evangelization.

(2) Work of saving the world

And the work of saving the world. You are this kind of prophet.  So, doors open. Holding onto this covenant, he could share the Gospel to all the world.

4)CVDIP that transcends time and space 

From here, we find our  CVDIP that transcends time and space, and this is the  answer you will absolutely receive, but from the beginning, we’re wrong.  There’s no reason to have your own own thoughts; even if your own thoughts are right, they’re not exactly right. What’s more important than my thoughts are God’s thoughts.  That’s the difference between the saved and unsaved.  The unsaved think their thoughts are everything, and that’s the principle of the unsaved, but that’s not for us.  You’ll be in trouble if you can’t discern between these two.  The Triune God is with you accurately, so that’s why His thinking is everything.  You need to concentrate on that.  As you concentrate on that, the answers that come from here are something else.  A problem has come, but as you deeply concentrate on it, not with your own thoughts but with God’s thoughts, when you find the answer to that, you’re strengthened.  That’s how Joseph won.  When he spoke about his brothers and situation, he wasn’t just grinning and bearing it, “He endured all his hardship,” no, he didn’t, because if he did, he would have made himself sick and died already.

Conclusion – Summit Vessel

Because you must place many things of God inside, you must prepare your summit vessel, and there is something you must be cautious of here.

Small things

You will have small things, small meetings, and small incidents. You have to really concentrate on them as being important.  Think about it, throughout the ages, you and I meet at the same time today, so this is very important.  Even the little things are very important things.  It’s not about being shy.  


We find the 62 points.  Christ, God’s Kingdom, and the Holy Spirit. That’s it.  We’re talking about the concentration of making that vessel, then it will come.  That’s why we have Calvary, Mount of Olives, and Mark’s Upper Room.  What happens when you concentrate? You have your heavenly mandate, calling, and mission. Then what happens?  Your start may have been small, but it becomes rightful, inevitable, and absolute but it’s bound to be that way, adn you prepare your vessel that oway.  1 heart, whole heart, and continuation, 24 hours, 25 hours, and eternity, and ultimately, you can change your imprint root and nature, and you find your 98 things and find your talents and form that point on, you realize the 20 evangelism strategies, and putting that all together, you have the 62 points, so you don’t have to worry about anything.  

Today you are team leaders, so from the moment you understand, God will work.  You don’t have to research God’s word; I didn’t do that either.  After curly realizing the Gospel, one by one, I realized it, I didn’t just study it and it came out of the blue, and that’s what will happen to you. Once that happens, some thing tremendous will come, adn thast healing and the 237 nations. I believe this will become a very important conference.  Because you are team leaders, I spoke about the summit.  Tomorrow’s first lecture will be about healing and the second lecture will be about hte 237 nations. How can we actually concentrate on and enjoy this? 

Let’s come to the close of our words.  Even if it’s just for a brief moment, just think that God has brought you to this age, to this point, then what does God really want from you?  God has called you as a team leader, so what does God want from you? Concentrate on that until you find you answer  Most of the time, people pass over this lightly but do it until you find your answer.  So, I concentrate on this so much that I have three copies of the first page.  I’m always running around so computers slow me down, and I need to be able to carry it around to look at it. It’s difficult to do it on a computer.  So, computers are good for filing things away and taking large quantities of things, but I made this by hand, so i have three copies. One is in my hand, one in my pocket, and one where I can always look at it ,and that’s my concentration. 

I have all my lectures here, and all week long, I concentrate on this.  My first concentration is, why did God give us these words?  What is it that God really wants?   Once I finish with those questions, I examine one last thing, and if an unbeliever were to hear these words, how would they react?  When a new believer listens to this sermon, considering that, my introduction changes, and I think one more thing before I close.  There are those facing problems because they don’t know this, then I address that problem.  These days I talk a lot from the book of Numbers so we’re talking about worship and those facing mental problems, so last week I said, “Don’t be afraid; see what God has prepared and all you have to do is hold to that.”  

In that way, I’m working really hard to run the errand of transmitting the Word that God wants me to transmit. Concentrate to be able to see the blessing of the Throne of Heaven, and it ends with that, isn’t that so? Nobody will be able to block that, so it must be the blessing of the throne of heaven to transcend time and space, to overcome darkness and the world. It won’t work with your own things, then what do you think? You’re holding onto something very tremendous, to receive lifelong answers from it.  Our team leaders enjoying this will transmit this even if you don’t go. May this mystery begin today. Let us pray.


Father God we thank You.  We thank You for calling the remnants to save this age.  May they remain inside the covenant as the true summit.  May you utilize them as the summits to save the field and the 237 nations. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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