Stand Before the Word of God Every Day in Prayer (Numbers 12:1-3)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Stand Before the Word of God Every Day in Prayer (Numbers 12:1-3)

Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses because of his Cushite wife, for he had married a Cushite. “Has the Lord spoken only through Moses?” they asked. “Hasn’t he also spoken through us?” And the Lord heard this. (Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.)

We desire to share the grace of God with the word Number 12. Last week in Numbers 11, the Israelites complained a lot because of food.  They missed all the things they used to do in Egypt. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, it’s possible we might think of the food we used to eat, and it’s possible you might talk about missing eating meat in the wilderness.  The Bible isn’t telling you to never talk about such things.

What is the key point that the Bible wants to tell us?  It tells you, “How do you know God from the worldly sense?”  God is saying, “Do you think I’m leading you in the wilderness without understanding your needs for food?”  So, the Israelite words were correct but they were fundamentally disbelief before God.  We say correct words, however, if those words that are correct when we speak but it’s disbelief when God hears them, then we’ll be destroyed like the Israelites we read a about last week, because they’re correct when they compare the past and present.

“We believe in God; why aren’t we able to eat properly?” in reality, they are complaining about God, they don’t really believe in the perfect completeness of God’s power.  And it’s possible we might be deceived a lot like this. From your perspective, you might say this is a problem, and no matter how logically you think of it, it really is a problem.  But if God is truly my Lord and King, don’t you think he allowed this problem?  Then, the correct posture we must have is to wait and follow after God’s work and guidance.

But because of our logic we disbelieve in God. Because of our humanistic qualities, we don’t believe in God.  The devil uses this logic and thoughts to burn into your brain and seize you.  Therefore, it’s important to have logic, but your faith must overcome that; your logic must not be the standard.  That’s honestly just common sense, the way people live.  People who are a little smarter or talk more cleverly may get stuck in this, but they’re not able to find the reason why they’re in this problem.  

Then, one day, God gets so angry that He gives them quail to eat for months, and as a result of all their complaining and grumbling, all these people die.  God may not do this in the present day  physically but spiritually, we’re dying.  If we’re spiritually dead, we don’t need our education or business, and this is what God is saying.

After this incident took place, there was a need for leadership.  Last week, God gave us the word to raise up 70 elders and leaders to help Moses.  Then, Moses’ leadership position is very important. It’s the same in your business, family, and school if you’re not able to have this properly organized in your head, it’s going to be very difficult; you’ll start arguing based on your logic, and even your logic is based on your perspective.  There’s no room for God there; you’re just going to be arguing based on what you’ve experienced and the ways you’ve lived.

Maybe you can get away with that in the church, but if you do this in the world, you’ll be fired immediately because everything you say is always correct, you criticize the people above you, saying they’re wrong, then you as an individual will be destroyed without knowing why.  You’re leaving your company, “They’re so dirty; I can’t handle it,” but it’s really because you can’t endure it.

It’s because you don’t have the fundamentals down in human organizations and relationships.  You think, “if I just do things correctly, that’s fine,” but that’s for a person who lives alone.  The reason even the family collapses is because you have no sense of organization.  When I say “collapse,” it doesn’t mean you live separated.  Even if you’re living together, your relationships themselves is not working then that means there’s only you; there’s no one else. You’re saying that only you are correct, and that’s why there’s nothing you can do with even two or three other people.

Especially in Numbers 12, Moses’ wife is Zipporah, and that’s Jethro’s daughter.  They are people who lived in Midian, I’m not sure what their actual skin color or racial background was. Because they’re between Arica and the Middle East, I feel like their skins would be a little darker. During the Exodus, Moses was about to leave his wife and sons because there was no reason for his wife to follow him into Egypt, so Moses received a mission from God to bring the Israelites out of Egypt and he went alone.  

It had been about two years and two months since the Exodus, and from that time, they created the Tabernacle, and they also raised up Moses’ older brother Aaron as the High Priest.  Moses’ family line is the Levite tribe, and the firstborn of Moses’ family was his sister Miriam.  After Miriam was Aaron, so Moses was born third and last.  When Moses was thrown into the Nile River when he was born, Miriam was the one who found the eyptian princess and offering to bring a nursing maid so she’s about 13 years older.  If Moses is 82 at this time, then Aaron, the older brother, is 85, and Miriam their older sister is 95

I sometimes think Miriam was one of the 70 leaders that was raised up in the previous chapter, but there were 69 other leaders who were also anointed that day.  But the issue that takes place today happened within their household.  Numbers 12:1, it is about Moses taking a Cushite wife.  Cush is a region from Ethiopia, so he took an African woman as his wife, but the Israelites weren’t allowed to marry Gentile women, but Moses married an African woman.  Where did Zipporah go?  We don’t see this in the Bible; however, theologians and historians say she might have died.  So now, Moses had to remarry, but instead of picking someone from the Israelite women, he picks a gentile women, and don’t you think that’s perfect for world evangelization?  Why do we have to marry those with the same blood?  God doesn’t say anything about that; however, Moses’ older brother and sister begin to argue about that.

Do you know about the queens of Alexander the Great?  Alexander the Great also married women from other nations even though he was from Greece, he would marry women from other nations from the countryside, at that.  So, Moses married a Cushite woman and this created an issue in the family.  So it says that “Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses” and the reason they were talking against Moses is because he married an African woman.  However, in reality, that was not the main point; that was simply one side point.  This is just a revealing of something that was boiling from within them since long ago.

I’m pretty sure the older sister is thinking, “He would have died if it hadn’t been for me.  He’s such a puny little thing and he wouldn’t have even survived if it wasn’t for me,” because his older sister knew he faced death before he was weaned.  She meets him again after 80 long years, and she only knows him as his younger brother, because he is, but God raised Moses as the leader.

He wasn’t raised up as a priest like the others, but he was raised up as a leader.  Moses was playing the middle-man where he received every word from God and relayed it to all the people playing the role of the President among the Israelites.  Numbers 12:2, because they found this one reason to complain, their inner nature escaped out of them.  This didn’t happen all of a sudden, but they always had this resentment and it burst out.  What they really meant was, “Has the LORD spoken only through Moses?”

Actually, they were always thinking about this.  They were always harboring resentment in their heart because he was the youngest one, but now they have a reason to complain, so it gets revealed, so the older sister Miriam begins to remark about this, and Aaron is the High Priest, so he listens to his older sisters word and he says “Oh, I agree,” and followed along.  “Has the LORD only spoken through Moses?  Hasn’t He also spoken through us?”  

But the LORD heard these words. How would he hear those words, imagine they were whispering to each other, how did God hear? God examines even your heart, it doesn’t matter how you present yourself to others, because God examines your thoughts and heart.  So, even before you express this externally, these people had the incorrect  thoughts and heart.  If someone battles depression, it’s because their spirit is always in a state that has no choice but to receive depression, and then one day it reveals itself where it is visible to others. It didn’t happen all of a sudden, out of nowhere; it was already in progress, invisible to everyone’s eyes, but one day it is revealed.

Cancer is the same; it doesn’t just come out of nowhere.  All the internal factors that resulted in cancer  were already in progress.  All the factors of being anxious, worried, and scared all the time were in progress, and then it results in cancer. Why is this problem happening all of a sudden?  There are some people who say it’s not a problem and others say it is a problem.  For people who say this is not a problem, they are always in a lifelong state with no problems, but if someone has always lived according to their own thoughts, however, they wanted, then they’re going to face a problem and say it’s a problem. Some people look at a problem and think “What is God’s plan and blessing within this?” That doesn’t happen all of a sudden, but it was already their state.  

Numbers 12:3, God says Moses was very humble, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.  What does “humble” mean?  Hebrews 5 talks about the one who is modest.  In fact, humility does not refer to the nonbeliever interpretation; it means humility before God.  There are some people who are humble even though they don’t believe in God, and that’s not humility from God’s perspective.  If a person doesn’t believe in God but they are humble towards others, then that is not humble from God’s eyes; that’s not humble but that’s just their personality.

What does it mean to be humble before God?  It is someone who is used to following God’s Word.  What does it mean to not be trained in following God’s Word?  It means you go according to your own thoughts; that is not humble before God. Therefore it’s very important to be trained to follow God’s Word.  If you’re trained and obedient to the Word you received during the pulpit message, you’re humble before God.  If you’re not trained to obey God’s Word from the pulpit you are living  however you want.  Even if a problem hasn’t exposed itself yet, you are going in a way that creates internal problems and then it will explode.  

“Does Moses have the qualifications to be a leader?”  This is how his older sister must have perceived him.  “He’s such a sniveling pipsqueak and even I don’t want to see him that way, that’s how I end up seeing him.”  When Jesus Christ went to the village He was born, nobody saw him, all of the village people saw him growing up, “He’s such a small, scrawny boy,he is the son of a carpenter” so he couldn’t do his ministry in his birth village.  

When the pastor of Immanuel Busan started his church, he was just a young adult, and then when they said they would raise him up as an assistant pastor, all the church officers were fighting it“we saw him when he was a young scrawny boy. How are we going to call him ‘Assistant Pastor’ now?” 

Wouldn’t Miriam feel the same way? It’s true, “He’s just a little pipsqueak and wouldn’t have survived if it were for me, and that’s a fact,” but what is God saying?  He is talking about humility; you must be humble before God.  You need to bow your head to the work God’s doing and follow.  Moses was the youngest of his siblings, but God said, “I will raise him up.”  God didn’t raise Moses up with human qualifications; He just raised him up.  Why do you have so much to say about this?  

Moses may have been lacking from humans perspectives but he is very humble with God’s Word, in other words, when God gave Moses the Word, he was someone who could relay that Word, but if you’re not able to do that, you’ll put your own words in.  It doesn’t matter how renowned a person is; that’s not a person God desires, and I’m sure this person would say words they think are correct, these words may be correct, but there’s no working of the Holy Spirit there.  

So why is evangelism and ministry  not taking place? It’s because you think you’re great. It’s because the word that God says seems bland to you, so that’s why you say your words more.  More than God’s Word, your thoughts and your words are more. Why do you suffer because of people/ Why do you suffer when you study? It’s because your thoughts and your plans are greater than God’s Word, then how could God use you?  You are unusable, but that’s how Miriam saw Moses.  We fall into limitations like this so easily.

So, God said to bring Aaron and Miriam to the Tent of Meeting, so Aaron and Miriam gather to the Tent of Meeting together, and He talks of Moses there.  The LORD says, “I the LORD reveal myself to other people in visions or dreams but I speak to Moses face-to-face because he is the one who resigns in my house.”  The Israelite people are God’s house, and “Moses is the one who will relay my words and guide these people of Israel,” so, “I speak to Moses very clearly and directly, face-to-face.”

In Numbers 12:9, it says the anger of the LORD burned against them and He left them.  Numbers 12:10, the cloud lifted from above the tent meaning God is revealing himself visibly as the cloud, and at that moment, Miriam’s skin became leprous.  Honestly speaking, Miriam’s actions are completely understandable from a worldly stance, but especially those who are church leaders and church officers must be careful.  

It’s not even just inside the church. If you’re taking a knife to any servant of the Lord, you must be careful; if that is someone God raised up, you must accept them. If you accuse them of being Pharisees just because you don’t agree with them, you must be careful. There wasn’t a single pastor who was like that and worked out well.  They express themselves that way because they always lived that way.

When the gospel was being relayed very well, what did the leader of the Israelites, Apostle Paul’s teacher, say?  Even before this point, when Jesus Christ was doing his ministry very actively to the Israelites, what did the smart people say, “Let’s wait and see, if these are the works of people, then they will fall. It doesn’t matter how smart or bright someone is, if it doesn’t come from God, it will fall in no time; however, if it is the work of God, you must be careful,” so these are people who do not speak at will against God.

So Aaron turned towards Moses, and he says “My LORD, we have committed a sin so foolishly, and I ask that you do not hold this sin against us.”  In verse 12 it says, “Do not let her be a still born infant coming from his mother’s womb, her flesh half eaten away,” so Moses cries out to the LORD, “Please God, heal her.”  In Numbers 12:14, “ The Lord replied toMoses if her father had spit in  her face. Would she not have been disgraced for 7 day?  Confine her outside of the camp for seven days; after that, she can be brought back.”  

Hundreds of thousands of People are gathering in this community but she is kept outside of camp.  When she was cured, she had to be examined by the priest and declared clean and brought back in, so it takes about a week for them to go to the outside of the camp and return to inside the camp, so honestly speaking God answered Moses prayers immediately.  But for those seven days, millions of people looked at Miriam, and he was showing to the millions of Israelites what happened to Miriam and why it happened. 

In other words, he was saying, “Don’t go against God.”  In other words, “Moses is the servant Gid raised yo so don’t go against him.”  Then, if a leader is doing something wrong, do we just stay still? That’s not what the  Word is saying; it is not saying whether someone did right or wrong, but it’s talking about the motive with which you are speaking.  It is possible you will say something they did wrong; if Moses is going astray, of course you must tell him.  

It says in the New Testament, Matthew 18 says, “If someone does something wrong within the church, you must tell them. If they persist in their wrongdoing, then take three or two people with you and tell them together.  If that person continues to persist in their wrongdoing, then cast them out of  church,” but we don’t do that very much in the church because if we did that, then a lot of people would be kicked out of the church. 

We have this kind of principle, but even within that we are able to wait for others and pray for them to receive grace, but there are some people who don’t know they’re doing anything wrong, and they just go out shamelessly.  If someone says, “I received the gospel and salvation; no one can judge me!” Then that’s a headache, why? Because Satan won’t leave them alone.

You have freedom in sin, but the devil doesn’t leave you alone, so God allows Satan to work upon you; it’s because of this that you collapse.  Therefore, you intercede so that person is not destroyed.  There are some situations where a person keeps trying to fix something, but they can’t.  There’s a difference between someone who is very shameless about their sin and someone who tries not to sin  but can’t.  For these people, if you cast them out of the church, that’s an even bigger problem; you just wait for them, and in that situation, it’s not right for you to go to the, once, twice, and then kick them out of the church.  Nowadays, it seems like the only person who gets kicked out of the church are the pastors.  

From the perspective of the church members, they think, “If the pastor is committing sins, should we let them continue and close their mouths?”  What kind of member of the church would go and attack them immediately?  They would wait and pray, and after waiting and praying, if they can’t endure this any longer, they go up to the pastor and say, “Don’t you think this might be a sin  in the world?” If the pastor is continuing to persist, then two or three people go and reveal it again, and what happens if this continues to persist?  The pastor gets fired, or they take it to the assembly, “This pastor is committing this sin, so please say something about this.”

What do people do in the world?  There are people above you in your job, but let’s say they keep doing something wrong; then what would you do?  Would you stick out your neck and tell them? You must know the reason why you’re in the world.  God doesn’t allow you to stake your life to correct others; God is sending you there to save unbelievers.  Organizations function based on laws, and companies have laws as well, but our goal is to understand a person’s spiritual state and to pray for them and save them.  

“Oh, we’re going to gather two or three people, protest against them, and kick them out of the company.” that’s not your goal, because the evil doesn’t disappear because you do that. They may disappear from your eyes, but the evil spiritually doesn’t disappear.  What about your family life?  Is the man the head of the household and the wife the slave?  That’s not the proper sense; both of you are attached by God, so you shouldn’t look at each other this way.  

You shouldn’t say, “He’s my husband so I can do whatever I want to him,” and you can’t treat your wife however you want either; you have to make it so the family goes together, centered on God’s Word.  Otherwise it’s possible to say things  however you feel, then the family becomes very loud.

There is a certain structure in the family, it is the Word of God, and that goes down to your children as well. If that doesn’t take place, then even as you have a family, it becomes a mess.  There’s just a bunch of conflicts, people saying, “I’m right,” or “you’re right,” and if there is not a single person who is humble to God then your family becomes hell.  In your family, it is the Word of God, and if not a single one is holding onto the Word, that’s hell, so you  must think well.

You don’t marry someone so you can do whatever you want; you don’t marry your wife so you can do whatever you want with her.  If God has attached that person to you, you must stand before God.  Even the presidents and the kings of the world are raised by God.  If you say this and that against the president according to your feelings, you’re speaking out against God.  We have no choice but to pray for this land.  

The content of today’s message is saying, what does God desire for our human relationships?  It’s possible for you to think in a worldly way when you come into church, so people who have a time of meditation where you’re able to change their thoughts into the word of God will not go against God, because you’re someone who stands before God’s Word every day, and that’s a humble person. If that person faces a problem, then they can see.  The person who stood before God’s Word every single day, instead of seeing the problem, they will see God’s plan, and that’s a person who has leadership; that’s a person who is needed in the family, company and nation.  

There are so many skilled people in the world, do you think that among the Israelite people, there was not a single person that has more skill then Moses?  Do you think the Israelites or Moses knew more about Egypt?  The Israelites lived in Egypt much more longer then Moses, if anything, Moses lived in the wilderness of Midian for 40 years without any other people, then if you look from that perspective, the Israelite people are much higher than Moses, and they even have more knowledge than Moses; but why do you think God raised Moses up?  That’s God’s mind.  We didn’t raise up Moses, why do you think God raised me up as a church officer, then?  Some people say, “I don’t want to be a church officer,” and we’re in a democratic nation, it’s not a dictatorship, so if you don’t want to do it, you don’t do it.  But that simple decision isn’t a simple decision; that’s just how that person’s lived.

Maybe it’s different if they have a very humble mind and think, “How could a mere human being do the work of God?”  But if someone has lived their entire life doing whatever they felt like and not doing whatever they don’t feel like, if they get a request they don’t want to do then their future will be lived out in the same way.  We must have a very thankful heart, saying, “How could I, someone so lacking, do the work of God? But if this is the work that you’re giving me, then I will do it.”  That’s correct because you aren’t doing it with your own strength but God pours the filling of the holy spirit upon you and says He will do His work through you.

God never told you to do world evangelization, but He is saying, “I, the Lord who has the authority of heaven and earth is with you, and will do the work through you,” that’s not a simple thing.  This is a faith that can turn your life 180 degrees.  Are you going to live according to your strength and stubbornness or are you going to match to the standards of God?  This faith decides our entire life.  This is the one who is humble, trained to obey God’s word.  

There are no thoughts here, “if it is God’s will, then I will do it and of course, I don’t have the strength, so God has to give me the skill.”  It’s the same in the world, “I may not have any ability in the world but I will do things for this company,” and this is how we must be.  But if you’re always criticizing and judging and betraying others behind their back, then you’re going to fail and the entire generation will fail. Because God isn’t there, Satan is free to do what he wishes.  

But if we’re within worship and meditation every day, that’s not an ordinary blessing, so we’ll conclude the Word today.  Stand before God’s Word.  Every day, stand before God’s Word. If you dont stand before God’s word you are going to always have your thoughts; if someone has a critical nature, they will always be thinking critically If someone is always powerless and unmotivated, then they will have unmotivated thoughts, but this way or that way it’s the same, because either way, it’s irrelevant to the Word of God.  But if you’re kneeling before God’s Word, wondering what God’s Word will tell you today, then God has no choice but to use them and allow them to have the eyes of the gospel.

When you look at people, you can understand their spiritual state.  If you don’t see that, then how could you have human relationships?  You might have your common sense but you can’t overcome that. There are some people who live below common sense; then they cannot live their social life.  You need to have common sense and transcend it as well; you must be able to see and understand their spiritual state, and that’s how you can accept them.  

If you cannot accept people and contain them, it doesn’t matter how much you’ve learned or how prestigious you graduated from; your vessel is small, and God cannot use you. You must have the perspective that, “I have been saved by the righteousness of the gospel, other people are forgiven and saved by the righteousness of the Gospel” It’s with those eyes that the members of the church must live, then you yourselves will be liberated, and when you go into your job, you can see the other people; you can see spiritually why other people are like that, then of course, rightfully you have no choice but to devote for this person in the name of jesus christ.  But if you don’t see that, you’ll see them as a strange person.  Because you think they’re so weird, your professional life becomes so difficult.  

Once you see this person’s inner things that give them no choice but to be weird, then you have no choice but to feel bad for them and pray.  Therefore, if your eyes of the gospel aren’t open to see this you will go into suffering in the world. It doesn’t matter, three, four, five, six generations.  Will your eyes open if you’re a pastor?  A pastor is just someone who graduated from seminary; it’s a different thing if your spiritual eyes are open and moved by the gospel, you must have the deep grace of the cross; you have to know you have no hope unless it is by Christ.  

But if you don’t reach that point, your righteousness is always revealed.  That’s why I don’t see other people; you see other people’s righteousness, so the world is going to try to kill this person, try to criticize them.  But we have been sent to save with the eyes of the gospel.  I hope you will pray, “God, open my eyes of the gospel.”  You know the gospel, but it’s different to have your eyes of the gospel open and the economy of light to be established upon you.  If you’re always judging people with legalism, you’re the one in the darkness.

Secondly, have the eyes of the Word open.  What is the Word of God saying in the midst of problems?  You must not see people; you must see God and what is God saying?  God is working even now with his word, God is invisibly working even now. I was talking to an Assistant Pastor from another church, and even though we’re talking about the message it did not align on.  

Do you think the Pharisees didn’t hold onto the pulpit message?  The Pharisees held onto the pulpit message so well, but the important thing is that you must go into the word that comes from the gospel. If you don’t hold onto the word that comes from the Gospel you will judge others, and that’s why you’re not able to save others, so the only thing that comes out of your mouth is judgment.  The Pharisees were blameless in following the law and the Word, but it must be the Word that comes from the abundance of the gospel and the grace from the pulpit: that’s the word that will save myself and the field.

People always think about methods, but that’s a legalistic standard.  Then I can’t even say anything to this person; it seems like they’re looking down on me, and she said something about me and the pulpit message and I lost sleep for three days.  She’s from another church, but the pulpit message I’m talking about is different from the pulpit message this person is talking about.  If you don’t have the gospel but you’re holding onto the pulpit message, then you have no choice but fall into legalism.  

The gospel must be testified from the pulpit, it must be the word of God that is aligned in the time schedule for this church in the gospel, so if you’re weak in the gospel but you’re strong in the Word of God, what is the point of your church?  All churches talk about the Word of God but you’re not able to distinguish between the two, so I felt really bad about this person because they couldn’t understand at all.  I thought, life must have been very difficult and I couldn’t express it but it was very frustrating. If anything, I was becoming the heretic.  

That person looked at me as if I was doing something wrong with my pulpit.  What else would I say from the pulpit?  Only Christ, I shouldn’t talk about anything else, because “only Christ” doesn’t happen for the members of the church overnight; it  happens according to God’s time schedule over time, but if this person hasn’t held onto “only Christ” and talks about something else. What do you think will happen?  That’s why according to God’s time schedule for the field and church, it goes out from the church into the field, flowing through the people.

This person said, “Pastor, the remnants aren’t able to hold onto the pulpit message,” and I replied, “It’s not because they don’t know what it means, and it’s not because they’re not able to remember  ‘oh, this is what he said and this is what I’m holding onto,’ kids who are really studious can hold onto all of it, just like they do in lectures; they listen to the words of the teachers and hold onto it.” The Pharisees were the representative example, but they weren’t able to hold onto the Word.

I couldn’t say anything out loud, but inside I was so frustrated, so I said, “Okay, okay.”  You must escape from your legalism and methods.  Evangelism isn’t a method; only once you’re raised in the Word of God, “ Saying I must stake my life on this,” God will move.  It took Moses 80 years. When he was 79 years old, he never thought, “I have to stake my life to bring the Israelites out of Egypt.”  Anyone can say, “You have to evangelize like this or like that,” but you have to understand this abundantly and you must not judge people easily, wait for them because everyone has a time schedule because God does it.

You don’t know how people will change, and I’m a representative example. If God can change people like me, so look at me and have hope.  You have to think, “oh, God even changed someone like that? I’ll change easily, then,” and the reason why I’m speaking so factually is because I want this to get across to you.  Really, it’s true, so the one who stands before the Word of God every single day is the one Whom God is listening to and looks at.

The church is not a place where you can get by with showmanship. If you do things well or quickly, we won’t acknowledge you because that’s not how life works; I’ve tried and it doesn’t work.  You will be able to testify of the fact that, every single day, having a time before God is how God works, and that’s what God has called you for.  If you ever say, “I can’t do this; it’s difficult for me,” I hope you will stand before God’s word today. “I am a child of God and there is a work that God is doing through me.”  

Let us not fall into the deception of Satan and destruction like Miriam did.  Even if you do fall into that deception, quickly realize it, repent and come back, and God will forgive you and that is the message of the New Testament.  Because God has called you to save the 237 of the world and church. He will work according to His Word.


Let us pray together holding onto the Word God has given us.

Let us pray one last time together for missions and evangelism.  God has prepared world evangelization from the beginning of time.  Thousands of years ago, God promised world evangelization to Abraham, and again, when Jesus came to this world, He promised this again, and this must be your prayer topic.  Your business, your family, and everything must be this prayer topic, and though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, hold onto this as your prayer topic. 

Let us pray together for 237 nations. There are nations all over Latin America, Africa, Mongolia, and the Karen, let us pray for the gospel to be testified and disciples to be raised up. 

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, upon the people who desire to save the church and the nations of the world, being humble and obedient to God’s Word, be upon the remnants and the multiethnic people, upon all their businesses and academics, be with us now until forevermore, always, amen.

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