Spiritual Summit – The Answer that Saves the World (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Spiritual Summit – The Answer that Saves the World (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May you have the unprecedented and never-repeated answers today.  The title of today’s message is, “Spiritual Summit – The Answer that Saves the World.”  If you have spiritual strength, then you will not follow the world; you will lead the world and save the world.  The land we are living in has very advanced physical knowledge; however, we are in a stage where we have so little spiritual knowledge, that even if someone comes to us seeking help, we cannot help them.  The hospitals cannot help them, and no famous person can help them.  That is the same state the Israelites were stuck in, in the passage we read in Ezekiel 37.  

1. Israel

What we read in today’s scripture was the prophet Ezekiel, and these are the Words of God that he is prophesying, after he was taken as a captive to Babylon in the first wave of captivity.  From inside of Babylon, God is telling the prophet Ezekiel to testify of His Words to the Israelites.  It took a little bit of time for the Babylonians to finish taking the Israelites into captivity; it took them three waves of bringing captives of war.  Ezekiel had come from Israel into Babylon in the first wave of captivity, so he is giving the Word of God to the rest of the Israelites remaining in the nation so that they can return back to Israel, and for us, God is giving us the message of the spiritual state of the Israelites.  

  1) Spiritual state

The people of God, the Israelites, need to show the grace and the power of God throughout the entire world, but instead, they are being broken down and being taken as captives to the idol-worshiping nation of Babylon.  Without a doubt, God is the God of power and He is the God of creation. How is it that the Israelites, the chosen people of God, are being enslaved and taken as captives to the idol-worshiping nation of Babylon?  God has tremendous power, but why is it that the children of God are being taken captive by their thoughts, to drugs and to money?  This is a problem that cannot be solved by any person.  This is a problem that cannot be solved unless it is by God.  God called Ezekiel to give the people His Word.  So, what was the spiritual state of the Israelites at that time?  

    (1) Their idol – Heart (Ez. 13:2)

In Ezekiel 13:2, it says the Israelites were serving the idols of their own hearts.  What is an idol?  We are supposed to live with the Word of God in our hearts, following after that, but instead, these men have set up idols in their hearts and chase after that.  

    (2) Idol of jealousy (Ez. 8:3)

    (3) Adulterous hearts – Turned away from God (Ez. 6:9)

So, they have this idol that makes them jealous of others and this idol of adultery.  Spiritual adultery means we were created to only follow God and only have Him in our hearts, but instead, we have these dirty, unholy, other idols that Satan has put into our hearts, like our ideologies.  Ezekiel 8:16 says, “he brought me into the inner court of the house of the Lord. And behold, at the entrance of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men, with their backs to the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east, worshiping the sun toward the east. He brought me into the inner court of the house of the Lord. And behold, at the entrance of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men, with their backs to the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east, worshiping the sun toward the east.”  

It’s not that these people were not going to church; they do go to the temple, and it’s not that these people are not worshiping, they are worshiping, but inside of their heart, they are not worshiping God; they are worshiping whatever idol they desire.  This is not even talking about the nonbelievers, these are people who are going to church very well, but one day, their hearts collapse.  We cannot control our own hearts, we are dragged around.  I want to control my own heart, but I cannot; I continuously get dragged around.  I don’t want this mental suffering, but I’m continuously dragged in that direction.

  2) God

    (1) Driven away from sanctuary (Ez. 8:6)

Ezekiel. 8:6 says, God’s dwelling place is in the sanctuary, but God has been driven away from the sanctuary. God is everywhere, but in the Old Testament, God’s method to be with the Israelites was through the Tabernacle; inside of the Holy of Holies, there was the Ark of the Covenant which represents God’s presence. However, if our hearts do not follow only God and instead follow the things of the world that our heart desires, then even though God is there, we will be separated from Him.

    (2) Temple – Filled with the slain (Ez. 9:7)

    (3) God’s wrath (Ez. 22:31)

Then Ezekiel 9:7 warns us that this temple will completely be filled with the dead, and God’s wrath will be upon them. If you are separated from God, then first you are an object of God’s wrath, and also, Satan uses that as an opportunity to work on you.  That’s the reason Satan used the heart of King Nebuchadnezzar to attack Israel.  Then, the Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed, and for us, our heart is destroyed and we’re always taken captive by the world.  

The problem of America is a spiritual problem, it is the problem of our heart.  This is something that even the US President cannot control. The President cannot go into your heart and control your heart for you.  There is no therapist or psychologist who is able to do this because they cannot truly control your mental state.  God must come into our heart and our spirit as the Holy Spirit.  Not only must the Holy Spirit come into us, but my heart must be aligned with God, and the work that I’m doing must be aligned with God.  That is how the work of God will be revealed through me, my business and my studies, and everything that I do.

  3) Israel

But Israel began to separate from this.  Even though they were going to church, they were living apart from this, and so they actually became the target of mockery by nonbelievers.  So in the passage we read today, Ezekiel 37:1, God’s power came upon Ezekiel, “He brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD.”  God’s authority must be upon you, and God’s Holy Spirit must be upon you, then you will be able to see what God desires.  

    (1) Invaded by Babylon (2Ki. 24:10)

    (2) Destroyed the temple (2Ki. 24:13,25:9)

    (3) Became captives (2Ki. 24:14-16)

2. Ezekiel – Restore

  1) God’s Word

    (1) Dry bones – People of Israel (Ez. 37:11)

God brought Ezekiel to this valley and it was full of bones. These bones were very dry, but what exactly were these bones?  In Ezekiel 37:11, God says these bones are the people of Israel.  Because they are spiritually separated from God, they are spiritually dried up, their hope is gone, and they are cut off.  

    (2) Prophesied the word (Ez. 37:7)

Regarding this, God says, “Prophesy My Word.”  The Word of God must be established in you.  We are not living our walk of faith to gain the physical things of the earth. But if you’re living your walk of faith to gain the things you see with your eyes, your heart is already misaligned with God.  And, if I’m worshiping in a state where my heart is not aligned with God, then that is an idol.  God must be inside of our heart, protecting our hearts, but if our hearts separate from God’s will, then we have problems.  

Where does the problem in the state of your heart begin? It begins from your scars.  Then, why do we get those scars?  We got those scars because in our hearts, there was no God; we were separated from God and only holding onto our idol, that resulted in a scar.  If you listen to the people who talk about their scars, their words are correct; however, their spiritual state does not have God. They say, “Oh, but I go to church,” That’s just you going to church but the state of your heart does not have God.  You’re just going to church for whatever you want; it’s not for God, then if you don’t get what you want, you get a scar.  “I want that person to say nice words to me, but they’re not, so I say, ‘I got a scar,’” but you are in a spiritual state that leaves you no choice but to get a scar.  

Without a doubt, physically, your words are correct because that person did say that to you, and without a doubt, it is true that your parents did something in your family.  But the problem is that inside of your heart, in your spiritual state, there is no God.  If God is inside of you, then He will give you His answer through His Word.  So, if you have a scar, it means you received it when you were in a spiritual state that did not have God. In other words, it came from a spiritual state that is divided from God.  

Because of that state of division, it turns into a state of obsession.  If you receive a scar, then you’ll always be super obsessed with that, and even if you meet someone similar to the one who scarred you, you’ll get scared, you’re going to get obsessed with that, and that obsession goes towards addiction–addiction to drugs or alcohol or anything else; you’re bound to fall in, but the problem is, you’ve gone to church since you were young. Why is it that people who went to church since they were very young still end up like this?  The Word God is giving to us through Ezekiel is saying, “Even since you were young, your heart was committing idolatry against God.”  “Oh, but I worshiped and memorized Bible verses and prayed and everything!” The Israelites were doing the same thing in the scripture, but as soon as they were worshiping, the state of their heart was elsewhere. This is what God is telling us today.  

I hope that every single person, without exception, will have a heart that is centered on God. If that does not happen, then we will continuously have to face the same suffering that our parents faced, and your children need to suffer in the same way.  That’s not because you’re not coming to worship and not acting out the form, it is because the worship was not in your heart. 

    (3) Bones came together, became a body (Ez. 37:7-8)

So, these dry bones are in a state of complete spiritual death, and God says, “Give them My Word.”  Then when Ezekiel prophesied the Word of God to the dry bones, the bones came together, there was tendon and flesh.  If the Word of God goes into you, then your thoughts will be correctly organized.  Your thoughts that do not have the Word of God are not aligned with God.  That’s why, for those who meditate on the Word of God, their thoughts will become corrected.  “Correct thoughts” means your thoughts are aligned with God.  Even nonbelievers, some of them have very good thoughts, “Oh, that person can live a good and moral life even if there are no laws.”  However, they are not aligned with God.  So, they’re going to live diligently and ultimately fail.  If you make a little money, you can succeed, and even that, God will use in His time schedule, but the individual will be destroyed.  However, when the Word of God really begins to come into our hearts, the way we think will change; the way we see and make decisions will all change.  

Heb. 4:12 says that “The Word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”  No matter what state a person is in, if the Word of God truly goes into them, they will come to life.  Even among the Word of God, it must be the gospel.  The Israelites held onto the words of the law and failed.  Then, what is the Word of the Gospel and what is the Word of the Law?  In the Word of the Law, humans or people become the main figure, “I will keep God’s Word,” and that’s how they’re destroyed. We don’t have the ability to keep God’s Word. The LORD has to die for us on the cross, and by his death we are regarded as sinless, and now His spirit must live inside of us and give us the strength to fulfill God’s Word.  That is why the Word of God is so important.  

The Word of God is the Word of Creation.  In Gen. 1:1, the world was filled with emptiness, chaos, and formlessness, but when the Word of God was spoken, light entered. For the Word of the Gospel, God is the main figure, it means that God gives us His Word and then God fulfills His Word.  We cannot do it with our own strength. If you think you can do something with your own strength, then you will be seized by the Word of the Law.  God is living inside of me and He is fulfilling His Word, that is why the Word of the Gospel is so important.  

  2) God’s breath of life

And it’s not enough just to have the Word because God’s breath of life must go into you, then what exactly is God’s breath of life?  There are some people who say that God’s Holy Spirit or Qi is energy, and there is such a thing as energy or Qi, and it’s invisible.  However, the breath of life that God is talking about in today’s scripture is in Ezekiel 37:14, “I will put my Spirit in you and you will live,” it’s talking about the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.  In other words, the Spirit of God must be established from inside of us.  From that point on, our body will move. So, when we receive God’s Word and then, through prayer, receive the Holy Spirit of God, then our bodies will begin to move, and we become God’s army. They become a vast army of God to fight against the army of Satan.  

    (1) Breath entered (Ez. 37:10)

    (2) Came to life (Ez. 37:10)

    (3) Became a vast army (Ez. 37:10)

You need to accurately see the object of your attack or fight.  We do not fight a war against people.  We are fighting against the devil who is working through those people. If you were targeting people to fight against, you’ve already lost. Even if you win legally or you win a verbal argument, spiritually you’ve died because you haven’t been able to see the objective of the war or battle.  Satan is invisible and his authority has been broken down, but he is still alive.  The authority of Satan means that he has the authority to take people away from God and bring them towards death. That authority has been broken by Jesus, but the devil himself still exists.  

Eph 4:26-27 says that Satan uses the anger from your scars to make a foothold in your spirit, this is not something you can cure by going to a doctor or a mental health doctor.  These are spiritual words that cannot be solved by talking to a person.  We must diagnose the spiritual state you are in through the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit and the Word must be established inside of you. No matter how well-developed and advanced America becomes, we cannot solve the spiritual problems.  

  3) New spirit

    (1) In you (Ez. 36:26)

Then about this new spirit or the breath of life God will give to us, He says, in Ezekiel 36:26, “I will give you a new spirit and a new heart to work in you.”  “New spirit” means God will give us His spirit, and if the spirit of God is not inside of us, then humans will live like animals.  When God planned mankind, God planned them in His image. The “image of God” is not talking about how we look, like two eyes and one nose, because even animals have those; it’s talking about the spirit that we have, and inside of our hearts, God created us so that we would live with God’s Word and His Spirit.  From that point on, humans were blessed, we rule over and subdue.  We should change the kingdom of Babylon into the Kingdom of God, but instead, we are dragged as captives into the land of Satan.  

    (2) New heart, a heart of flesh (Ez. 36:26)

God says, “I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”  When we hear God’s Word, our heart is very closed off and it’s hard to accept it, but when we listen to the words of the world, our heart is wide open.  Le’ts say that there’s a soccer tournament; we’ll watch it all night long and my heart is so open for that. But going to worship, I don’t like that.  For people who are in that kind of spiritual state, God says “I will give you my Spirit and change you.”  If there are any of you who are thinking, “If I just stay still, my thoughts and my heart are continuously dragged away,” that’s normal.  God’s Spirit  must be established inside of you for God to control you.  

Most people are dragged around by their thoughts and their heart; it’s a problem that is revealed through anger, but even before the anger is revealed, you’re just grinning and bearing by yourself. And humans don’t have the ability to hold it all in, so it piles up, and you hate people.  “I hate meeting people, and I’ve worked so diligently, but I don’t have any true hope,” and we begin to be filled with the fear of death.  We must receive the eternal life to escape from death.  We have the eternal life that lives, even after death.  Otherwise, you’ll always be filled with fear.  

    (3) To follow my decrees and keep my laws – I will be your God (Ez. 36:27-28)

God will give you a heart of flesh to do what? To move you to follow His decrees and to be careful to keep His laws.  So, we must have a heart of flesh, soft for God. Then, God will make it so that we live, following God’s decrees and laws, so when the Word of God comes into us, we begin to see the world. If the Word of God goes into you, then you can see your business.  If the Word of God goes into you, then you can see the future of your studies.  If the Word of God goes into you, you can diagnose other people’s spiritual state. But if the Word of God is not going into you, the Word of God is the truth, and the truth is the standard; because you like the standard, you’ll always be confused.  From that point on, God will be our God and we will be His people, so going to church is not what it takes. Inside of our heart, the Spirit of God and the Word of God must be established, and we must be aligned with that.  That is how you will acknowledge God to be the True God, and that True God will work with His power. 

Whenever you face a problem or a situation, you shouldn’t try to adjust yourself to solve that problem. You and God must become one through this problem, then you will see God’s plan in your problem.  You must not just run your business.  Me, God, and my business must all be one.  But that’s not taking place.  If that is not taking place but you are trying to live your diligent life, your heart will be destroyed. You are working so diligently for your career, but one day, you look back, and you’re not aligned with God.  Somebody needs to tell you this, but there’s no one saying it.  And even though people go to church, they don’t know why we have this problem.  Today, God is showing us through Ezekiel, He is diagnosing the people of Israel. If you’re aligned with God, then diagnosing becomes easy. If you’re aligned with God, you can even see the future.  If you’re aligned with God, you have this hope and excitement for the future.  But if that is not beginning inside of me, then you have to be dragged around by your environment. 

3. Jesus Christ’s promise

So, the correct Word of God must be established inside of us, and what is that Word?  John 1:1 says, “The Word is God,” and John 1:14 says that the Word of God came to earth in the form of flesh, and that is Jesus Christ.  

  1) It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

It means that Jesus Christ, Who is the Word, Who is God, must be in our hearts. Christ has finished everything on the cross. What has He finished?  He has finished the very beginning of all of mankind’s problems; without that, humans cannot exist.  Just according to today’s Word, their heart will be separated from God.

    (1) Authority of Sin, Satan, Hell – Liberated

From the moment we were born or made in our mother’s womb, we were born with the spiritual state that is separated from God, because of our original sin, and seized by Satan.  We were seized by the spirit of lies, the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the ruler of this world, Satan, and we had to follow those lies. Then, under the authority and the background of hell, we not only have to go to the eternal hell after we die, but we live with the hellish suffering on earth.  The source of that problem, Christ finished on the cross. The Christ Who has finished all problems on the cross, is now living inside of me. Through Christ, we are now with the Triune God.  That Word must go into you for your mental state to change.  

    (2) Christ lives in me (Gal. 2:20)

If your life has not been concluded, then how could your mental state become good?  Jesus Christ is God, and we must completely conclude the past, present, and future of our life with the cross of Christ alone. We’re living in America and our problems are not finished? Then we have no choice but to live with the heavy burdens of life. We have problems, we will continue to face more problems, and we live in constant fear of future problems; our lives are not finished. But the fact that God is with you means that no problem is a real problem.  The fact that you already make this a problem means you are separated from God.  

    (3) Triune God – With (Heb. 9:10)

What happens if that spiritual state continues? We will be seized by the devil. Yes, rationally, your words are correct, but they will be seized by Satan, because God exists and He is with you, why would that be a problem for you? God is the One Who can turn problems into blessings, so why should you live a life of problems?  If God is with me, though I am hard-pressed on all sides, I am not crushed.  If God is with me, then though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear; it doesn’t matter.  Yes, we may face things like depression, but if God is with me, it doesn’t matter because God overcomes mental illnesses.  

“Pastor, this region is so spiritually wicked,” but that spiritual environment cannot overcome God.  If you have that state of faith inside of your heart, then you will have victory, no matter where you go, and success will actually follow you, because success is given by God.  However, so many people are chasing after success and enslaved to it, to the point where they can’t even go to worship.  Then, the problem has already begun in their hearts, and as time passes, this will result in mental illness, and at that point, it’s a little harder to turn around. So do it in your everyday life. In your everyday life, it seems like nothing, right? You eat every day in order to maintain your physical life, and you know that you need to eat every day.  Our spiritual state is the same, we must always be with God spiritually.

  2) God’s Kingdom

Then, if the Word and the Spirit of Jesus Christ are established within us, then God’s Kingdom is established.  I am not reigning over my life, God is reigning over my life.  

    (1) Power (1Cor. 4:20)

1 Cor. 4:20 says, “The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power,” so it’s not enough just to be well-spoken, and it’s not going to be enough to just have a lot of knowledge, because inside of God’s Kingdom, there is the power and the work of God.  God’s Kingdom must be established for the things that Satan has planted and rooted inside of me to be broken down. The ideologies made by people must be broken down.  

    (2) Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17)

Romans 14:17 says that the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, so the righteousness, peace, and joy do not come from out of nowhere, it is inside of the Holy Spirit. 

    (3) Holy Spirit – Demons – Kingdom of God has come upon you (Mt. 12:28)

In Matthew 12:28, Jesus says, “If I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.”  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ and God. The Word of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of Christ must be established within me for the Kingdom of God to be established.  The kingdom of the world is just living and struggling to just maintain their physical body, eating and drinking. However, the kingdom of Satan is controlling and dragging all people to be centered on people, not God.  In the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God is established inside of us with power, and fulfills His Work of saving people.  

Then, the Kingdom of God today is the power that comes from within the Holy Spirit, and the Kingdom of God must be established inside of us.  “Oh, I’m going to try to do something with my life,” it’s not going to work. God must control me.  How does He reign over me?  

  3) Holy Spirit

    (1) Filling – Power – Witness (Ac. 1:8)

Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, will you receive power and you will be my witnesses until the ends of the earth. The breath of life that we talked about in today’s scripture, that is the Holy Spirit of God and of the LORD, must be inside of us, then what happens? You receive power. From that point on, you overcome any mental illness; you overcome any problems of addiction. In the past, you used to be in the state of a slave, and now you’re in the state of a conqueror.  You’ll be a witness until the ends of the earth.  

    (2) To the ends of the earth – All nations, Healing all people, Future generations (Ac. 1:8, Mt. 28:18-20, Mk. 16:15-20, Jn. 21:15-18)

At this time, if your life is completely concluded in only Jesus Christ, then pray for God to completely fill you with the Holy Spirit.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to work upon my business and studies so it can be used as a tool for God’s work and kingdom.  Then, instead of being dragged as captives to Babylon, you will save Babylon. If you’re saving others, it means you were saved first, it means that your spiritual state is alive.  Then you become confident and bold; you can see the future.  It doesn’t matter what problems we face, that strength wells up inside of you, and your scars change. In the past, you would always say, “This is hard, this is difficult, this is giving me a scar,” and that is a necessary time schedule to go through your process of faith. But I’m sorry, if you stay like that, you cannot save your family line or America.  “Oh, I don’t want to save America or my family line,” then do you know what happens? Then, you’ll be a captive, there’s no neutral state, you’ll be a captive. God is with us in order to save. 

There’s no middle ground.  There might be a “moderate” in politics, but there is no “moderate” or middle ground in spirit. In politics, the wise person will be in the middle ground, but in the spiritual world, there is no middle ground. It is either, will the Kingdom of God be established, or will you be dragged around by the kingdom of Satan, centered on physical things? If the power of Creation of the Holy Spirit is established inside of me, then that will make me a witness of Christ until the ends of the earth.  You will see the future of whatever you’re studying right now, and you’ll realize your studies will be used to the ends of the earth, to save them.  But if you work and you study without that, then it feels like death.  If you’re working and studying, without the hope and future God has promised, it feels like death; it is evidence that you are already captive and dying.  

What would happen if tuna only stayed in the Pacific Ocean on the California coast? That tuna would get so stressed it would die.  There are these fish that were created to roam around all the Oceans, but if there is a tuna that thinks, “I need to stay near Santa Monica,” it is going to get stressed and die.  If this spirit and the Word of Jesus Christ is established within us, then it’s right for our business and studies to be connected with the ends of the world, the 237 nations and the 5000 tribes to save them.  But instead, if you’re so stuck in, “I’m going to get a house, maybe two houses in a quiet area,” you’re going to die. You need to be aligned with God. God said to go to the ends of the earth, but instead, you think, “I don’t want to go to the ends of the earth, I just want to stay right here in this region,” you’re not aligned, and if you’re not aligned with God, what could possibly go well? You have a vessel the size of a soda bottle cap, maybe a little bit bigger would be like a Gatorade bottle cap.  God is guiding us and giving us the answer to save the entire world and a vessel for that size, but you have a bottlecap vessel; what are you going to do?  

    (3) Only prayer (Ac. 1:14) – Temple construction (3 Courtyards)

Whether you are studying or working or running ministry, you need to pray for the Holy Spirit to work there, that’s aligned with God.  This choir should be praying for Jesus Christ to be spread to the ends of the earth, that’s aligned with God. That’s why God developed the internet to spread the message to the ends of the earth, and the Temple construction to do this work, that’s God’s will.  There are some people who say, “Oh, but I really like smaller buildings,” but that’s just your thinking. God wants a Temple that can receive people of all nations, a Temple that can heal the people. Already, right now, we have six different rooms for the kids to study in on Sundays. Do we only need six rooms? Right now, we’re running out of rooms, so even if you think a little bit, you’ll realize what God’s will is.  We can’t just do it little by little; many kids have to come and receive life. We need to pray for that location and that temple.  

    (4) Evangelism (Ac. 2:9-11), Missions (Ac. 13:1-4), World (Ac. 19:21)

So, I hope you will pray for that because we must come to life.  What are we going to do when we come to life?  We must spread the gospel to the entire world. Right now, the message is translated to English, Spanish, and Mongolian. Is that enough?  What about the Chinese translations? We have a Chinese person here, but instead of being able to listen, they have to look at the translation that comes on the app. Most people would just leave that church, but the one whom God has sent to this church will worship. Then we are the ones that must change. We need the translator from God, and the machine to translate, and the people, and that blessing.  Is that enough?  What about Africa?  Every Thursday, we have multiple countries from Africa joining a regional church, and soon, we have to go to Moldova near Russia, too.  Without ending, God is opening the doors to the ends of the earth.  

Your business and studies must be aligned and match with that. Then, it’s aligned with God so God will work. That’s how it is going to be fun to run your business. If you’re just trying to hold onto and protect what is yours, you’ll die like that, your spirit will die because your spirit is not aligned with God.  Again, it’s not that you don’t go to church, but your spirit is not aligned with God.  From the moment you are aligned, God will guide you towards missions, evangelism, and world evangelization. That is why you and I need a time to concentrate and pray, holding onto the words of Christ’s promise.

There are some people who are very physically fit; they focus on exercise, and we need a spiritual time to concentrate on God as well.  Without a doubt, if you concentrate, you will receive God’s power. If you receive God’s power, then life work will take place. So the first, most important thing is the spiritual strength to be the spiritual summit.  May you restore and enjoy this blessing, and have the answer to save America.  


1. Covenant – Concentrate

2. Answer

3. Witness

Message Prayer

Let us pray together, holding onto the Word we have received. 

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  We pray that the Triune God Who has finished everything on the cross will be completely filling us.  We pray that You will work at this time so that the gospel and the Kingdom of Christ will be proclaimed to the ends of the earth.  We pray that everywhere we go, the kingdom of Satan will be broken down, and may all of the fields change so that God’s peace may be established there.  Allow our studies and our job to be within Your peace.  Please allow our hearts to be completely filled with Your peace. 

We have returned Your materials as tithes for ourselves, and we have given this offering as the temple construction offering for the church, as the missions offering for world evangelization, and the future generations for the remnants. We pray that You will bless all the hands that have given all the different offerings and that You will give them the economy of light to save the 237 nations and do the work of healing.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Remnant day and Remnant leader training is on 2/24(Sat.).

3. 3/12 (Tues.) – 13 (Wed.) RU Doctorate, Dallas

3. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit and the Word of Christ to save themselves, their family lines, their fields, and the church, and America and the world, be upon all their businesses, studies, and ministries, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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