Spiritual Restoration “Storytelling” (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Spiritual Restoration “Storytelling” (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

I often speak about Rev. Kim Gwang Il, and the reason is because he was really interested in me, and his style is that he’s not originally interested in assistant pastors, but he was interested in me and really helped me to find my talent. Even though we weren’t working together at all, it was possible.   There is a first assignment he gave to me, “Assistant Pastor, how much experience do you have?” He said this in the session when I first came into the church. “We have this many members in our congregation. But the Sunday school doesn’t even have a hundred students, and so can you make it go over a hundred students?” Of course he was focused on the numbers but I heard his voice as the voice of God. 

So I immediately went and analyzed the church directory and there were many kids. That was a tremendous assignment for me. He sent me on these errands. He really is something. It was a situation where we didn’t have a senior pastor and needed a new pastor to come in. And so he asked me to analyze all the pastors throughout the nation. And so of those that he had recommended, I went and analyzed all of them and of the ones I gave up to him, one was chosen. More than saying that that act was important, I realized many things through that. And every once in a while, he would ask me to come and share a meal with him. And as we’re eating together, we can tell about that person’s vessel. And I too have my vessel. He was able to help me broaden my vessel.

That is forum, and there’s something that he said to me.  He said that one teacher told him this, and the assistant pastor also told this elementary school student, “Don’t stay in this town of Hapcheon.” Most teachers wouldn’t say this, but he was just an elementary school student who did very well in his studies.  I think he was at the top of his class, but he was an elementary school student, and they told him, “Don’t stay in this town,” and listening to his elementary school teacher’s words, he went to junior high school in Busan.  

The average person, think about it, there are junior high schools in that area, but he told him to go to Busan.  He was top of his class in that area, but when he went to Busan, he was 13th. There was that much of a difference. He stayed at his aunt’s house, and his aunt’s son, that is his cousin, was the same age as him. The aunt lived her walk of faith well, but her son didn’t. Even though he was a junior high student. How smart was he? He said, “Why do I have to go to church?” and he told his cousin, Elder Kim Gwang Il, if got time to go to church, might as well study. And he was number one in the entire school. There was nothing the elder could say in response to that, so he made a stronger resolution. 

The elder was the head of the youth group, of both the junior and senior high departments and had to be better than him. And he gained that sense of mission.  There are times when you have to spend all day at church on Sunday, so when he went home, he would study all night long then go to school on Monday. While he was still at Seoul National University, he passed the bar exam.  So, who tells you what when you’re young is very important.  

Right now, our children are very advanced when it comes to the media, but to say that they’re not able to communicate with their teachers means there’s something wrong. The children you’re entrusted with  must be able to have a heart to heart communication with you. If not, why are you their homeroom teacher?  That’s why I said yesterday that you can give them everything through that kind of communication.

Standing inside of your schools, your classrooms, trying to emphasize Christ will bring criticism, and if you have personal communication with these kids, you don’t have to stand up front of class and say anything to them.


What’s the last thing we must transmit to them?


You have to give them this system that has this power while they’re young. There are many people who don’t have this. 

[1, 3, 8, 14, 24, 25, 00, 237, Healing, Summit]

Now, take a look at this. There are three important things.  Almost all of our members know these numbers, 1, 3, 8, 14, but three things are important.  “You are the Christ, the son of the living God,” we all know that, but from that point on, we have 24, 25, and eternity.  But why is the first point important?  You know Christ, you know Gods’ kingdom, but it’s that person’s level, that is what determines it.  While attending seminary, there were 600 other students in my class, and they all had a greater background and were all better looking than me, but their level was that they were only interested in their position. Not having much money, they were all interested in money, so they had lots of worries regarding the future, what connections they needed to make and where they needed to go, they researched that a lot.  But I thought they couldn’t do world evangelization with that kind of thinking.  There were so many things they needed to do, but putting all that aside, they were worried about the future, their position, and their money. By doing that, if it would help world evangelization, that would be fine, but there isn’t a single one of them that are properly running their pastoral ministry right now. 

But what happens if you have 24, 25, and eternity without having the level? It’s better off not doing anything. Isn’t that so? That’s what’s important.  What we need to do is not far away from us, that’s the second mystery that people try to find things far away. That’s really foolish. not doing the things that are right in front of you, you look for things that are far away. Everything lies in the things right in front of you, and what’s right in front of you is connected to what is in the distant future.  From the Mount of Olives, He spoke about the world so if you lose hold of the covenant of the mount of olives, you lose hold of everything.  Only then can you see the 237 nations and healing and the summit. 

Things left, it’s what you must remember and transmit, it’s the mystery of concentration.  Philippians 1:9-10, choose what is exceedingly excellent  but rather than that, if you go below common sense, it’s not going to work. concentration is doing what you need to do, but if you’re not concentrating on what you need to do, but you concentrate on something else, we call that obsession.  Starting now, you teachers need to build up your strength and energy, so during worship, really concentrate on Christ, God’s kingdom, and the Holy Spirit. How do you do that/ just try it, you have to do this, verse 14.  For example, I’m someone who gives a sermon, then what did I concentrate on before yesterday’s message until today’s message? I concentrated until I was sure about what God wants.  I can’t speak about ridiculous things from my own thinking, because, what do I have that I can stand up here and teach you? But what does God for these precious teachers? That’s concentration.

Even when you go to listen to the sermon on the Lord’s day, hearing this and that is very important, but seeing the entire stream of what God wants in the future you concentrate just a little bit, and you can see that, isn’t that so?  In other words, how shall we concentrate?  Look at the book of Exodus, there are many theologians who say “That’s just an old story,” Then they really don’t know what they’re talking about. Even now church and man enslaved by Satan, isn’t that so? That stream continues even now.  Unwittingly, they are Satan’s slaves and it continues even now.  If that is so, you see the future of where you need to concentrate, and as these kinds of things stack up, it becomes tremendous, but you need to plant in these kinds of things when they are young.

The word “concentration” isn’t difficult or about putting in a lot of effort. You have to analyze this first, it must be very comfortable, and that’s the way for you to live. It’s in quietness. If you’re trying to drag the kids along in this, then it’s hard.  A lot of our teachers are very good with music. If I were good at music, I would start class by playing the piano so the kids can really concentrate. What do you think? A teacher who comes in and starts banging on the chalkboard is very different from a teacher who comes in and plays the piano. I say this because there was a teacher like this in my school may not know the kids all have nicknames for you, and there are all kinds of nicknames for the teachers. 

One teacher was called 5 centimeters because anytime a student would come in late, they would knock them in the head. And he knocked them on the head with his finger so strongly that a big bump on your forehead, so that’s why they called him Mr. 5 Centimeters.  There are some teachers who would go into the classroom but the kids are talking so they bang on the chalkboard.  But one teacher had a piano in the corner, and when he came in, he would just start playing the piano. The feeling that we felt was the feeling you get when watching a movie.   Even not going that far, being able to concentrate, that means being comfortable and at peace and in quietness and that absolutely influences the children.  Then, how can we do this?  These days, it’s trending.

“Spirituality restoration” (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

Yesterday was the restoration of our talent and intellectuality. Today is spirituality.  Because we’re spiritual beings, we need to restore spirituality.  There’s something you do together with the kids and there’s some things that you have to make them follow you.  By what method did they do this in the wilderness?  I’m sure there are many things, but the most important thing was spirituality restoration. This is what you’re planting.  

Teachers, there are so many things you need to do that are so complicated; how can you do all of this? That’s why there’s a word that is very influential these days.

“Storytelling” Concentration

It’s called storytelling.  Those who can do this well can really revive the kids. It doesn’t even take that much time, and it’s so comfortable to do .  It’s so easy and it’s a way to get close to them.  Now, how are you going to do this?  Why must you do this?


1.Hidden problems

Right now, you need to see the hidden problems throughout the world. You have to teach it to them when they are young.

1) Adjust

In  one sense you might think that it’s special. There are some kids who are not able to adjust to family life, school life, and their studies.  There are many.  

2)Mental disease

There might be some kids who are suffering from mental illness, like depression, bipolar disease, panic disorders, and schizophrenia.

3)Health- Stress

Or, they may look as if they don’t have these problems at all, they look healthy, but they’ve got so much stress .  Rather, if they’re mental patients, they’re not going to catch cancer, but if you’re having a lot of stress, you’ll have a lot of physical diseases. It’s statistically proven that fools don’t really get cancer, but it’s people who are smart and kind who catch cancer.  It means that, unesen to our eyes, there are so many cases like this.  If we don’t plant this spiritual system for power when they are young, then I think that’s a criminal act because that child will suffer for the rest of their lives, even studying is hard for them.  12 years is not enough, you have to go to college and go to graduate school and study again, and what they teach you is to do your best. I wonder, so at least, you should treat them right.  

What I worry about the most is when our nation has sporting events like soccer.  In that important moment, there’s something the coaches always say, “Race until you fall over!”  That means your heart, mind, thinking, and muscles all tighten up. They say “Just be free and have fun out there!” even with a lot of singers and singing competitions these days, if you put a lot of strength into your voice you can’t win.  They’re so stressed, but it doesn’t just end with this.  

4)Hidden Spiritual Problem

 There are so many hidden spiritual problems. They try to regulate this because it hasn’t manifested into a serious disease, but that’s what the kids are like these days. What’s even more ridiculous? There are kids who are doing well


Elite. We see statistically they have even more spiritual problems, isn’t that so?  The sucicide rate is very high in prestigious universities.  But in colleges where the kids don’t even get good grades, they don’t even commit suicide. When I used to go into the colleges to evangelize in tehpa st, the prestigious kids who study well in the universities go around very comfortably, but if you go to the schools down in the provinces where the kids don’t get good grades, you can’t tell whether these kids are students or celebrities, they have so much makeup on.  Because no one planted this strength in them while they were young, the churches and teachers aren’t doing this, so that’s why the world is having these spiritual problems.

Honestly, they commit suicide because they think that nobody can help them, and honestly, there isn’t. But this is the gap that Satan is targeting.

2.Satan’s target (12)

It’s so good for him, and how does he attack? With 12 strategies.  Me, my things, us, these words sound so great but that’s what he plows in with, and that’s Genesis 3, 6, and 11.  Even if it’s just one thing, our schools need to teach that all music and culture are about these things. The junior high school teachers just need to say this, but nobody is doing this for them.  All religions are about “me,” isn’t that so? You have to become Buddha, you have to equip yourself with power and find yourself, you have to become like God, you have to find your true self. Those words sound so good, but what strategy are they using?  They plow in with these visible shrines and idols and temples, and what’s the result?  They reach a point where they cannot come back from. That’s the six states of the nonbeliever.  

So, you spend the most time with these kids, so even with storytelling, it’s more than enough,and you have to at least have this, only then will you live.  If pastors can’t have this kind of spiritual storytelling, it’s difficult for them to run their  pastoral ministry. You need to have this.

What kind of storytelling? That’s what you have to keep in mind today.  So, keep in mind the introduction first, and in one sense if you’re familiar with this, that’s it. If you know the path very well, it’s not difficult no matter what path you take because it’s a sure thing. But not doing anything about this, what happens? The 3 organizations target this, and that’s how they plow into our kids.

3.Organization, religious organization, Pseudo

They plow in the most this way, especially seizing America and Europe, so you see the various religious organizations, and these quasi- or pseudo-religions. They’re all wrong anyway, but these are a little more extreme. 

The key to storytelling is concentration. “Kids, things must be hard for you, then try closing your eyes. Close your eyes and don’t think about anything.” That’s the start of concentration.  


Because we don’t have much time, let’s enter into the main theme. Why must we have spiritual reality, restoration?


2. What content

With what content must you do this?

3. How

And how?  I’m sure there’s much for you to do, you can’t do all of this, but this has to be inside of you so that you can summarize it into one thing, and it can come out of you at any moment. That’s storytelling.

1. Why

1)Thoughts (Quiet)

All our thoughts are placed in our brains.  Because our kids don’t have this quiet time, if they’re not careful, those three things in the introduction will come.  As we said yesterday, because they’re not able to concentrate, they have division, these splits in their mentality as well as their hearts, and they keep doing incorrect things, that becomes an obsession.  Even if it’s not drugs, if they’re holding onto something incorrect and cannot escape from that, it’s an addiction, its’ the opposite of concentration. 

2)Heart(Thanksgiving, Peace)

Right now, everything in your heart and thoughts gets imprinted in their brains.  I’ll speak more about this in the Sunday sermon, but you must have thanksgiving in your heart and be at peace, but this isn’t taking place.  For those who already have these diseases, it’s not taking place at all. Try being quiet, they can’t. And the children lack concentration. Even if they aren’t actually diagnosed with a mental illness, they’re not able to concentrate at school right now. This is what the teacher needs to teach them.

3)Brain- Skill

These two things absolutely get imprinted in their brains. This is the key. Really understand the principle. When the kids close their eyes and breathe in very deeply, their brains are revived, and this is not a difficult thing to do. Tell them “let’s do it together” And if you can properly do this, tremendous healing takes place. For doctors, they might take an x-ray of the brain and say “oh there’s a problem with the brain” and that’s when they can speak about it. Because doctors can’t rashly speak about things that they can’t see. And if it hasn’t been detected, they can’t talk about it. And so what you have to realize is a cycle where the brain moves the heart and the heart also moves the brain. 

Right now, they lack the skill or the function to give strength to these things. Think about it in the long run. You’ll hold these kids for about one year so try doing it throughout the year. Then everyday when you gather together with the students, leave the students who are not following along alone, and close your eyes for one minute. What are they going to think about? Petty worries. That’s probably going to creep in. Teacher is telling me to close my eyes, so I might as well do it. I wonder why I have to close my eyes. These are petty worries. And if I tell you to close your eyes, of course you’ll be at peace but some thought will come in, isn’t that so? Getting rid of that element and making you concentrate is breathing. What I’m speaking about right now has been verified scientifically. Think about it, you’re under a lot of stress and just because you’re thinking in your heart, “Oh I’m not going to be stressed,” doesn’t mean you’re not. But to be under stress and yet not be influenced by stress is what happens during deeply inhaling. You don’t have to do it like an idol worshiper who sits in a special position but just breathe in deeply. 

And the key is that we have a peaceful heart. And that is why at times when you can do this one on one with kids with spiritual problems, that would be even better. Then the Buddhists say that when you enter into a state of ecstasy or a trance, works will arise. But you can’t even reach that state. Because if you want to reach that state, you have to do something else. You’ll have to confine yourself, abstain from things, but that too becomes a problem. But not going through the process of going into a trance and yet reaching that point is what we can do through breathing. It’s very important. Then this (the points) are revived. And so the function that is not able to supply enough oxygen and energy into our brains and into our hearts, that doesn’t show up??  And so the brain says that they can’t take it anymore and that’s what they relay to the heart. Then what does the heart do? Things are not working the way you want. That’s the heart. 

And the kids with spiritual problems in your classrooms who are screaming and not being able to control themselves, they’re not able to do what they want. What is the heart? The heart is something you cannot control. What’s your heart? It does whatever it wants. Think about it, the heart does what it wants and you can’t control it. What do I mean? Even though you know what is right, you can’t do that. But the things that are wrong, the heart does what it does. That’s what happens. And with this root reason for catching disease they come to the school and now the schools pour in lots of stuff on top of them. Then while studying for 16 years, no one has ever guided them in this. That’s why the Three Organizations are plowing in with their transcendental meditation. It’s frustrating. It doesn’t just end here.


Then when we talk about concentration, what enters into our brain now plows into our soul. And by this time, it’s a different story. Then it gets connected to either two places.

5)Throne of heaven – Hell

Either the throne of heaven or hell. It gets connected to these eternal things. Because they are connected to hell, life is not worth living so people commit suicide. Living is a living hell. It’s better off if I die. That’s what happens. And they want to kill others. 

Know these reasons, and with this, really begin to pray, and as you pray for yourself and your revival, you’ll have storytelling. And so think about it, that’s how you have this and then you equip yourself and have the storytelling. A soccer player needs to practice and build up their strength and then they go out with their talents. They don’t try to go out with every single skill they know. And think about it, a fighter, as he is practicing and learning different skills, he’s going to go and when he sees his chance, that’s when he utilizes a move. But he’s not going to use every single move in that certain moment. You are an important person and God will bless you. If you really hold onto the covenant, it will take place 24 hours and all your answer will come from there. You don’t even have to ask anyone.

2.Content- 3 concentration

What content then? The 3 concentrations. What is the first? It is time concentration. And it’s just not time. We can’t do what we want with time but we’ve got actual concentration. And then it’s concentration on the future. We’re talking about these three kinds of concentration. 

1)Time concentration- Summit

What do we mean by this time-wise concentration? In our words, there’s only one thing that kids need to do. Just one. They’re not adults so they don’t need to do adult things. And young children can’t succeed in their business because they’re not running their businesses. Our students are on their way, it’s a process, they haven’t reached the completion yet. And so they have to study. What is it that you must teach them here? Remnants, there’s one thing you can do better than adults. Being the spiritual summit. The Summit in your thoughts. The Summit in your hearts. Isn’t that so? It’s this time. No matter how young you are, of course you can’t be an adult. But in your home you can become the greatest summit spiritually and through prayer. So that’s what you have to help them hold onto. All 7 remnants held on to that. There’s no reason why we’re excluded from that. And oftentimes you see young children who are mature for their age, but they’re the ones who succeed. Look carefully at them. And here the cultural and skill summit follow. 

2)Actual concentration- Transcendental meditation 

                                      Holy meditation 


Then what about actual concentration? You must tell them. Don’t just criticize them. Transcendental meditation. It’s a good thing. Isn’t that so? But holy meditation. That’s a good thing. And the words may seem similar but they’re not. It’s a concentration regarding that image. For example, you can hold onto the children and explain to them and help them concentrate. And Satan didn’t come from some factory. Isn’t that so? And no one produced him. He just happened to be. And think about it, when you take your hand and put it out in the sun for an hour, it will tan. And this apple gets sunlight all day long. And that’s how it’s made to live. In this apple, there’s much life, a lot of energy. What am I doing right now? I’m helping them concentrate. A person needs to look at the flower and be able to converse with that flower in order to write a poem about it. And looking at some phenomenon, some happening and being able to concentrate on that or converse with that, that’s when they can write about it or write music about it. Depending on this situation, you’re doing this storytelling. It may not seem like much but those words can determine that child’s life. Actually doing it. 

And tell them, the transcendental meditation the three organizations are doing, don’t unconditionally say that it’s bad because they are people who are doing it. Just tell them I don’t do transcendental meditation; I do holy meditation. Transcendental meditation is looking at everything from a self-centered point of view. Holy meditation is to be able to reflect upon yourself with the perspective of other things, that you are transcending yourself and seeing yourself from the word. In our terminology, we are viewing ourselves centered on God. We’re not looking at other things from a self-centered point of view. That is transcendental meditation. That’s religion. You can’t say that it’s a bad thing. And especially teachers, you don’t have to say that it’s bad. But at least do that. But I’m going to do holy meditation. And then in whatever situation, whatever happens, in that phenomenon, you’re able to concentrate and become quiet. And think about it. You may think that you’re walking along but your body touches the ground. Right now, you’re stepping on this ground. That’s a tremendous thing. Helping them to concentrate on that really supplies their brain with energy. For example, I stand this chalk on one end, that is concentration. Even with just that, your brain is revived. There are so many kids who got split [personalities] and [mental] divisions, but that’s why you have to help them concentrate just a little bit.

3)Future concentration- CVDIP 

In the midst of these important things, what is concentration on the future?  It’s from here we concentrate on the CVDIP.  In our words, it’s being able to see in advance, to have in advance, to enjoy in advance, to conquer in advance, and to fulfil in advance.  But whether they believe in Jesus or not, if you look at kids from very good families who succeed, they have these very good conditions. They really recognize their talents from an early age, and the reason why many doctors come from families of doctors is because they look at their father and think they want to be like that as well.  There are many lawyers who come from a family of lawyers, why? Because it’s very easy for them to see that. It’s hard for us because we’ve never seen that. Ultimately concentration was easy for them. That’s what it means, concentration was easy.


Then, how must you do this?  


The Jewish people are doing this in an amazing way.  You know this, so what you can do very well is to give them assignments and send them on errands.  

2)3 organizations 

Do forum with them. The three organizations do this very well, then there’s no reason why we can’t, so just make up your own words.  

3)5 minute meditation 

Five minute meditation, you can call it that. You have to have your own words. “Ten minute meditation.”  You don’t have to use meditation. “Five minute conversation,” “five minute forum,” “five minute camp.” there is a need for you to use these things depending on the situation. I use “five minute conversation.” I just talk to you for five minutes.  

“Last week, a popular celebrity committed suicide, why do you think she did that?” The kids know what they heard on the news, and we’ll talk about it, “That’s not it. That’s what the reporters saw, that was the present reality.  If someone commits suicide beacuse they endure a lot of criticism, does everyone commit suicide?  If someone commits suicide because they’re finanically strapped, then if we have financial problems, will we commit suicide? No, that’s wrong. This person was really oppressed, they had something that nobody knows about, so it doesn’t just end like that.  The invisible forces of darkness darken their eyes and heart, and if you really understand that, that’s what we call Satan. If they’re not careful, it will continue to pass down their family. So if any kid whose parent commits suicide, they’ll really be alarmed.  

This is a five minute forum. Putting it all together, it’s storytelling.  Yesterday we spoke about talent, and that’s honestly given by God, but we’re just running the errands to help them realize what it is.  

Conclusion – Disciples

Let’s come to the conclusion.  As you do this, you find disciples, and of course, they’re all disciples and you’re their teacher, but I’m not talking about that. We’re talking about disciples who know the Gospel . In one sense, your goal and standard of measurement is that there must be disciples among these kids who can enjoy the gospel. If not, you’re just transmitting knowledge to them; anyone can do that. This is a very important point.  Wherever I go, God has prepared disciples for me.”

To those going to the army, I always tell them, “Raise one disciple before you come out.” Whether it happens or not, it doesn’t matter.  I haven’t told them that, but in the future, I’ll tell them it doesn’t matter; already the spiritual state will be different, then once you have this kind of disciple, you teach them.  Teach them what?

1.Throne (Prayer) Me

The first thing you teach them is the eternal blessing of the throne of heaven,and between these two things is prayer.  What’s the second thing?

2.Throne (World) Me

In between the throne of heaven and you is the world, that’s an amazing thing. The last thing you must teach them? 

3.Throne (Studies) Me

In between the throne and you is your studies, that’s an amazing thing. Let me explain easily through one remnant, David.  While as a shepherd, between him and the throne of heaven was prayer.  Because that prayer transcends time and space, between David and the Throne was the world, and it might not seem like much, but his studies were in between a swell.  David’s studies were tending his sheep and that’s what broke down Goliath. These are the results we come to. 

Even though we don’t have any contact with each other, it’s okay; we can hold to the message well. There may be various things in the future, but it’s okay; holding properly to the covenant is what God wants.  Your precious life, as you hold onto the incorrect covenant, will be very regrettable.  It’s difficult for anyone to teach the accurate talent to the children, perhaps a skilled person may be able to teach the children, but they have nothing to do with the Gospel. 

What’s more important is the second lecture.  There isn’t any teacher in the world who knows they have to raise the spiritual power of the children before they go out into the world, but you can easily do this.  So, when we say “storytelling,” you have to see who your audience is.  I was in charge of giving a message to preschoolers, then how could I do storytelling to these kids?  I brought things I could easily access, like pumpkin seeds, and I said, “what is this?” They said, “It’s a seed,” but smart kids would say, “It’s a pumpkin seed,” so the kids give various answers.  Sometimes kids would give completely different answers, “It’s an apple seed,” but it doesn’t matter. But the seed falls onto the ground and someone steps on it. Will it live or die?  The kids say it will die.  The seed falls here, a rock falls on top of it. Is it going to live or die? It’s going to die.  I’m helping them concentrate on this.  “In this thorny place, will it live or die?”  But when a seed of life falls onto good soil, it will bera tremendous fruit, and that’s what happens when the Word of life goes into you.

As the kids listen, imprinting takes place. When you’re in a place of being scolded, you can’t be imprinted.  I remember saying this before, I was asked to be in charge of the preschool, and that means you have to dance around, but I couldn’t do that, so I went out with my content. My son was a preschooler, and his eyes were glued to the TV.  He was watching the TV as he was eating, and especially the children’s programs, so I told him, “You have to finish eating before watching TV,” so he ate so quickly.  I found my idea, we would do preschool Vacation Bible School, so I made a television, and I went inside and gave a sermon. The kids completely concentrated on that, and I stood before them and sang.  These days, televisions are common places, but back then when I was an assistant pastor, not everyone had a television, so they were very curious.  These days, everyone has a cell phone.

But because of your small storytelling with the gospel, you can eternally change a child.  There were people who influenced my life, and 90% of those people were teachers, whether they were believers or not.  The other 10% were my parents and other adults, and I’m sure the most important fundamentals were laid down by my parents, but the  moment-by-moment turning points in my life were done by teachers.

The conclusion is to be teachers who tell stories well, so have a lot of stories. It’s very important for the kids. I believe this world teachers’ conference is very important.  I bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you may truly have that strength to begin to spread the covenant through you to the world. Let us pray.


May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the solution to all things and the great love of God and the working of the Holy Spirit, upon all the teachers who are scattered throughout the nation and the world, upon all of God’s children listening to the Word today, be both now and always forever, amen.

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