Spiritual Doctor

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Spiritual Doctor

You must edit this message, only then can you focus on it 24 hours a day.  If God’s Word is not edited into your life, you cannot focus on it 24 hours a day, and if you can’t focus on it 24  a day, you cannot change the world.  God’s plan must completely become your 24 hours and 25 hours, that’s what we mean by “planning.”  But it doesn’t just end there, it goes beyond 24 hours and 25 hours to eternity, and that is “design.”  So even if you’re not a remnant, if you want to receive answers, you must keep this in mind.

So, you truly don’t have to worry about your studies.  Quickly find what God has given, and in finding that, you have to keep in mind three things.  To make sure you’ve found the correct thing, you have meet people with the same talent, and because there aren’t a lot of people who can do that, you have to go and seek them out. At least, go and look for three people, and then you can find if this is your correct talent.  That is the Coming of Age Ceremony that you enjoy on your own.

Then you’ll have to pass through the second thing.  Absolutely, you have to converse with people who are actually moving that talent and have a sense of specialty in that, and also, it has to become specialized for you.  That is the Missioning Ceremony you can enjoy on your own.  

The third thing you must do, absolutely you have to examine this in the field, it has to match with the field. It has to be something that’s absolutely necessary in the field.  As I said in our first lecture, it has to have only,, uniqueness, and re-creation in the field, and that’s the Commissioning Ceremony you seek out on your own, then absolutely, you will succeed.  Regardless of your school or academic standing, you will succeed. Regardless of your region or what you have, you will succeed.

Why did they head towards “nobody”?  Because honestly, nothing will be a help to you. You have to receive the blessing of the throne of heaven from God, and that was the start.  If that is so, there’s a very important method, and that’s “untact” or “contact-free.”  Joseph didn’t meet people, and yet, he evangelized the 237 nations.  In the wilderness and through the ten plagues, we saw Moses was able to move the entire world. He even left behind his writings.  As you well know, Samuel moved the entire world through the Mizpah Movement, and by overcoming Goliath, news about David spread all over the world.  It means they went without actually going.

So, this term is connected with your occupation, your future, and everything you must do.  If there is an organization that has the gospel, God wants us to realize. Personally, I know the reason why God is prolonging this pandemic.  Only God can block disasters, nobody else can.  So, there are many things we must realize right now.  If that is so, then what’s the second thing?

“Spiritual Doctor”

God has called you as spiritual doctors.  When you say “Spiritual Doctor,” you can easily write the words, but how can you actually do this? Absolutely, there are some important things you must know here.

– Those Who Know Transcendence of Time, Space –

What kind of person must this be?  What must you know to become a spiritual doctor?  It’s those who know this, transcending time and space.  It’s the one who knows how to transcend time and space.  It must be these people who will be able to save the age, but if you really look at it, it lies in the simple things.

[ Nephilim | Holy Spirit ]

The reason is because there’s only two things that can transcend time and space right now.  The Nephilim are transcending time and space, and that’s why the Bible always emphasizes the Holy Spirit, and before Spirit, we write “Holy,” Holy Spirit.  That’s what’s emphasized, so look carefully at the stream of the Bible.  “It’s the first time I’ve seen someone so filled with the Spirit of God.”  If you don’t believe in that, then you’ll lose to the Nephilim, and we, the church, have already lost. It’s embarrassing, it’s shameful because it’s not the Holy Spirit, and it’s losing to the Nephilim.  But each time, from among the remnants, there was one who came out who could break down this evil spirit.  

All you have to do is believe in this, isn’t that so?  What you’ve learned until now is that you have to do something, and that sounds right, but you have to believe this. That’s why, for Moses, it began on Mount Horeb.  Not one word Samuel said fell to the ground.  After this time, for David, from that day on, the Spirit of God rushed upon David in power.  That’s why all the other pastors were loving what they could see with their eyes, but Elisha asked for this, do you understand?  It might seem the most worthless, but in once sense, that’s thankful, so con artists could never be able to see this.  Thieves will never be able to see it.  The unsaved will never be able to see it.  

Even the apostles, like Judas Iscariot, even though he didn’t receive salvation, he may have briefly seen this, but for him, money was better and he couldn’t acknowledge this at all, and that’s why Jesus spoke about this at the very end as well, so these are tremendous words.  Knowing about the Nephilim, knowing what can transcend time and space.  From here, we come to another great answer, what do we come to?  

[ Those Who Know Prayer ]

We come to this answer, those who know prayer.  Prayer doesn’t simply transcend time and space, but it moves time and space, why? Because you know transcending time and space.  In one sense, what I’m saying might sound very fantastical, but it’s the most realistic.  That kind of person can change the field, it’s the most scientific.  It transcends science.  So remnants, you need to know this. Each time the age changed, it wasn’t someone who had a lot, but it was the one who knew this.  Now, you need to edit and plan this in your life.  

Introduction – Nephilim X (Satan X)

If you do this, you will absolutely overcome the Nephilim, and this must take place first. From the onset, God said the offspring of the woman would crush the head of the serpent, what that means is that he will completely break down Satan.  If you know this answer, everywhere you go, the works are bound to arise.

1. Perfect Victory, 12 – personalization

Satan has had a perfect victory.  We don’t acknowledge this, we don’t actually know about this, and that’s why we have completely made Satan’s perfect victory possible.  We’ve personalized the 12 curses, we’ve had personalization and that’s it.  But still, they don’t understand.

2. Third Industrial Revolution, Fourth Industrial Revolution

That’s how they’ve taken the third industrial revolution, and 100%, they’re going to take the fourth industrial revolution. You must remember.  Because we’re so ignorant of that thing, they’ve taken everything.  Not only pastors, but all the elders’ and church officers’ concerns are all physical, not spiritual at all.  Once again, ask yourself, what’s your problem? What’s your worry?  What are the conflicts that frustrate you?  First of all, it’s worthless, secondly, you can let it pass.  What’s more fearsome? It began from the “me” you still haven’t escaped from. 

You may be offended but it began with “me,” and some people like to offend others a lot, and it’s because they’re trapped by themselves and it’s a fearsome thing.  But during that time, they’ve already taken the Third Industrial Revolution and are preparing to take the Fourth Industrial Revolution as well.

3. Method – Contents, Untact

Even their method is something unimaginable to us, they have the Nephilim content.  It’s really amazing, even beginning with their terminology.  Everyone’s taken in by that, and they use this “untact” or contact-free strategy.  The level of the churches right now is, “How come you are picking on the churches and not allowing them to gather together,” they’re saying such ridiculous things.  

For all the organizations, say you’re going into a restaurant, you don’t know what customers will come in, but the churches know who will attend, and for other organizations, you don’t have to go and gather together, but church members know they have to go to church, so other organizations don’t gather, but the churches do, and that’s why it seems more exposed.  But looking at that and saying, “You’re picking on the churches,” that’s not it. 

No matter how powerless the government may be, it’s not it, we have to realize something else.  At this time, Satan has completely used this contact-free strategy and has taken away everything, so remnants, you must quickly understand.  While we’re knocking on doors and passing out tracts, these people are simultaneously reaching tens of thousands of people.


We’re already in trouble because all these people have already prepared all the media in order to do that.  Think about it, who made it?  It was the Three Organizations, then we have no choice but to be dragged around.  We have to live with our cell phones, there’s no way we can live without it.  I don’t have a cellphone so I’m thinking at least I shouldn’t have a cell phone.  When I do open up my phone, there are a lot of past messages and it takes a long time to read through all of them. We’re all being dragged along.  

Those who know prayer.  What is prayer? You need to know this first, what is prayer?  


1. Trinity

RIght now, it is through the mystery of the Triune God who is working upon us in an unctact manner, then honestly praying contact-free and receiving answers is contact-free as well.  But all we’re talking about are the fake things, the things we can stake our lives on, the things we can see.  Looking at the fighting churches, they’re not thinking about, “what can we do to do world evangelization?” “What can we do to take that position?” They’re doing everything that Satan is doing, isn’t that so?  Even now, God, in detail, is fulfilling His Word. Even now, Christ is accomplishing His redemptive work.  Even now, the Holy Spirit is with us, transcending time and space.  

Remnants, consider this well. Immediately, there will be things that frustrate you, but that’s all false, “Oh this persons a problem” then just wait for them, isn’t that so? God’s Word isn’t going to change because of that.  In this way, you’re surrounded by unbelievers, front and back and all around that’s why it is hard no matter what the problem there is an answer, more importantly, God has a plan, then what are you going to do? What is prayer?

2. Throne

It’s enjoying the blessing of the throne.  Think about it, the Triune God is the Lord of the throne, and we are the people who believe in Him, so we enjoy this power.  So, what are we doing?

3. Angels

We are enjoying the ministering angels God sends to us. So, think about it, they appeared in every important prayer.  “Pastor Ryu, why are you talking about angels?” Why don’t you read the Bible a little bit and think about this?  

4. Satan

He gave us tremendous authority, that when we pray, we can break down Satan. Satan is not someone who dies. His authority is broken and later on, he will be put in hell. In the midst of that, there’s something very important regarding prayer.  This is what our remnants must hold to.  Do you know what the Three Organizations are teaching? “You have to develop the potential inside of you, and that potential is unlimited.  That potential inside of you is your inner hero.” Because of that, all of these believers who can’t live their walk of faith properly are falling over that.  Reading those books, they’re so inspired, but that’s not it.

[Gen. 1:27]

We are reviving this, Genesis 1:27.  Unbelievers chose the word “potential,” unbelievers use that but they have no choice for a lack of a better term, they don’t know any better in they don’t have a good approach, it was an amazing approach, but it’s just that it’s being led towards Genesis 3, 6, and 11, but that’s not it.  Uniquely, only human kind was implanted with the image of God.  That was broken.  Now, through Christ, we received salvation, so we need to revive this.

Prayer.  Do you know what prayer is?  Remnants, you need to know.  So, it’s the first and the last. By the time you go out into the world, it’s too late.  You’re going to suffer a lot and receive answers.  But if you know this, you can receive answers in advance before you go out.  This was the characteristic of the seven remnants.  Let’s head into the main theme. Once this happens, important things follow, what follows?

Main – Healing

Healing follows, this is what we mean by “spiritual doctor.” Worldly doctors are important but we’re talking about spiritual doctors, we call them “healers,” so remnants, you must do this. Then, there may be a lot, but what kind of healing are we talking about?

1. Me

2. Age

3. Future

Healing myself, what’s the second? Healing this age. Remnants must do this.  Then what? Healing the future.  

1. Me

In healing yourself, there are three things you must see, then what must you see first?

1) To see me

Be able to see myself through prayer.  Then what?

2) To See Actuality 

You have to see the present reality, you have to actually see that.  This is prayer. This is the start of the prayer of healing yourself.  

3) To see the Event

The prayer of being able to see the event or incident.  Remnants, you must absolutely do this in the future.  When you go out into the world, there are many things that are going to happen, many present realities.  Being able to see that is prayer, isn’t that so? And being able to see yourself.  The second thing you must see regarding healing and reviving yourself? Let’s see what you must see.

2. Concentration

What is this, concentration?That is prayer, that heals yourself because what you concentrate on will finish everything. The reason people who play golf for a very long time are able to live long lives is because they concentrate for a long time,  and there are many people who move the world by fishing, because they can concentrate through that.  Concentrating on a good hobby becomes the key to health, but when you are concentrating on a bad habit, we call that an addiction or obsession.  But if you can find your concentration point for prayer, you can completely heal yourself.  So now you need to plan this, you need to edit and plan this.  

I’m going to speak a little bit about Aram and Assyria, if you look at 1 Samuel 3:1-3

1) 1 Samuel 3:1-3

It was young Samuel who lay  next to the Ark of the Covenant and concentrated, it ended with that. Isn’t that so? Take a look.

2) Psalm 78:70-72

If you look at Psalm 78, while David was young, while he was in the sheep pens, he concentrated on God.  While he was young, it ended with that.  

3) 2 Kings 2:9-11

It’s Elisha.  He broke down the nation of Aram.  “Give me a double portion of Spirit,” he concentrated on that.  That’s why he won without fighting, it’s a sure thing.  We can fully win without fighting.  When you go to your workplace, there are lots of difficulties, but without competing, you can fully win, so don’t become an unbeliever, but be someone who believes in God.  People fight so much but all they talk about is morality and ethics; how could you receive salvation through that? If you are going to focus on that you don’t have to go to church, isn’t that so? The church is not about that.  Let’s take a look at the third point. Being able to see, transcending time and space wherever you are. But more important, seeing God working in you, that is the key.

3. Transcendence

Think about it,  when you say “transcend,” you’re seeing how God is working through you, taking it that far to heal yourself.  So, his brothers laughed at him. Simply put, this is what Joseph’s brothers thought, “The sun and moon and stars are bowing down to you? You must be crazy!” but the ones who were truly crazy were his brothers.  

So it begins here, remnants just hold onto this a little bit within your prayers, and more importantly, if you believe in it, it will come. It’s not something you can find because you didn’t even have the capability of finding it.  Remnants, from the moment you believe, “That’s right, transcending time and spac is mine, the blessing of the throne belongs to me,” that’s when it begins,  that’s what I’m lecturing right now, and at that time, the healing of the age completely takes place.

2. Age

1) Samuel (1 Samuel 7:1-15)

Putting everyone else aside, let’s look at Samuel, 1 Samuel 7:1-15.  He healed the world. The greatest worry, Philistia–while Samuel lived, Philista could not invade.  We don’t have much time so let’s  pick one more person.

2) David (1 Samuel 17:1-47)

There may be a lot of references, but how did David heal the age?  There’s many.  With all these important incidents, if you look at 1 Samuel 17:1-47, it may seem as though he was overlooking Goliath but there are tremendous things inside of that.  At that time, it was the nation that fought  the best and their greatest general, but he overcame them. Goliath had two traits. He didn’t ask for a battle.  What did he say?  “Let’s not make it complicated, let’s have a one-on-one battle. If you win, I’ll surrender, but if I win, you’ll surrender.”  

What he was doing was boasting in his power, he was maximizing all his strengths.  “I’m very large and very strong, so if there is anyone who can overcome me then come and fight me, and if you can’t fight against me, then surrender your nation.”  So, from their perspective, he really was a manly warrior. “Let’s not shed a lot of blood and make it complicated; let’s make it simple.” In our eyes, it looks like Goliath, but from Philistia’s eyes, he really was something. 

But from that time when he heard the word he already knew he was going to become king, so he went out in the name of the King, and also the name of the LORD, and when he stepped forward, Goliath began to judge David in the name of his God, and that’s what’s important, and that’s why David said, “I come against you in the name of the LORD of hosts, whose name you have defied,” and he ended it.  When that Goliath was felled by one stone, not only all of Israel, but the entire world was in an uproar.

“How did he win? This guy came out in the name of the LORD God almighty, and that spread out throughout the entire world.” The healing of the age took place. Let’s take a look, and here let’s take a look at Obadiah a little bit.

3) Obadiah (1 Kings 18:1-15)

He was an official of the king and he was also Elijah’s disciple, but the key was that he hid 100 prophets, that means he staked his lives, but later on, those 100 prophets became the main figures of the Dothan movement. What is this? He won the nation of Aram without fighting and he healed the age. 

3. Future (Plan)

You are healing the future, we call that “Plan.”  Set this up. So remnants, do something where you can focus on God’s Word 24 hours a day, and that’s what we mean by “Plan.”  Don’t be deceive at all, and when you set that up, put in mind three things, what is your talent, talk to people who have that talent, then apply it to the field, and that will be right.  For example, if you want to be a pastor, ask other people, and if they say, “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be a pastor,” then don’t go down that path. 

One person came to me with the mental patience saying that they want to enroll in seminary, and I honestly told that person , “I think that person needs healing first, and after receiving healing, they can study and that’s fine. Is your ogal to make this person into a pastor?” They said, “That’s right,” and I said, “Don’t do that,” but thankfully that person understood my words.  Finding other people who have the same talent, finding the specialists, and also finding the field you have to, you have to go through all three things in order for it to be truly fulfilled, and now, grabbing hold  of the Word you can focus on 24 hours a day, that is planning. Then when you plan that, you’re talking about how to take those things and make it into your 24 hour prayer, then after you plan and edit that, how are you going to do this?

1. With – Masterpiece (Affairs)

It’s not merely “with,” but we’re talking about a “with” masterpiece. It’s not just any kind of masterpiece, but it is a true Magnum Opus, so let’s look at our seven remnants.  You see, many things are taking place.  So, make them into your masterpieces.  The second masterpiece?

2. Immanuel Masterpiece (Meeting)

You have to make the masterpiece of Immanuel, that’s what we mean by planning and praying. This usually takes place as you meet many people. Joseph made masterpieces out of the people trying to kill him, isn’t that so?  David made a masterpiece with someone who tried to kill him his whole life long.  What kind of masterpiece? With, Immanuel, Oneness.

3. Oneness Masterpiece (Everybody, Everything)

What is “oneness”? There may be many things, but I’m talking about every person, everything.  We’re talking about everybody and everything. With this, you make a oneness masterpiece. Then let’s take an example of one person Obadiah. He was the king’s official, and think about it, he was promoted through the ranks.  He wasn’t just there to make some kind of living, he was saying that he was going to grab the fact that God is with him and make this oneness masterpiece.  Just do this.  As I said in the first message yesterday, you have to have your edit with the Word, Prayer, and evangelism evangelism. Plan with that until you can make your masterpiece.  That is prayer, it’s the reality of prayer.


1. Exceeding

There are some things you must surpass or pass over.  What do we mean?  Right now, we’re not able to exceed or surpass the Nephilim. We need to step over them.

1) Nephilim

Right now, Christians aren’t able to surpass the transcendental meditation movement, and that makes no sense.  

2) Meditation

3) Un-tact

They’re not able to surpass this contact-free situation. They think this is a very bad thing.  Christians really need to get rid of their thinking that is lagging behind.  This must take place, it must be a contact-free church for it to be the church that gathers. The church that scatters must be revived for the church that gathers to be revived.  Your studies must reach the 237 nations in order to save the field as well, but they’re not able to surpass that.  

2. Edit 3 Plan, 3 Design

Completely edit your life with the Word, it’s the Word.  You have to plan through prayer.  You have to design through evangelism, witness.  

3. 24 hours, 25 hours, Eternity

If this takes place 24 hours a day, then that’s right, and that’s your proper dream.  Then it stems from CV, and it will head towards this tremendously hidden I and P.  So when you say CVDIP, the “I” is not your average image, but we are reviving the image of God within us, what must be revived.  This transcends time and space, and how far must you do 24 hours?  What’s your standard?  25 hours, then what is your base?  It is eternity. That’s what you need to do, this is what I’m doing. This is the message that I do. My enjoyment is 24 hours, and my eyes and how I wait, that’s 25 hours.  The message eternity, not with my things and my standard, but with the eternal things of God. 

Then, what’s happening right now? As you well know, the Blessing of the Throne is coming upon us, and it’s this kind of blessing, if you don’t know this, you don’t know what prayer is, you’re an unbeliever.  What’s happening right now? The Blessing of the Throne is being accomplished right now, the work of transcending time and space is taking place.  We’re sitting here, listening to the WRC message, but God right now is sending His angels everywhere and is accomplishing His Word. 

If you don’t find this believable, I don’t consider you a believer. If you don’t find God’s Word believable, how can you be a believer? Then you’re an unbeliever, and that’s why you have to run errands for the Nephilim.  This age is a simple thing. No matter how smart unbelievers are, they don’t know that the age is divided into these two things, the Nephlim and the Holy Spirit. However, it’s a fact, and this is what our remnants must have.  You need to edit, plan, and design this year’s message. Let us pray.


We give thanks to God.  The remnants throughout the nation and the world are right now standing before Your Word. May You imprint them with the things of God, and may they be rooted in God’s works, and may their nature be set in God’s plan and power.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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